# encoding:utf-8 # author:Prinz23 # project:tvdb_api_v4 __author__ = 'Prinz23' __version__ = '1.0' __api_version__ = '1.0.0' import base64 import datetime import logging import re from bs4_parser import BS4Parser import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util.retry import Retry from .tvdb_exceptions import TvdbError, TvdbTokenFailure from exceptions_helper import ex from lib.dateutil.parser import parser # noinspection PyProtectedMember from lib.exceptions_helper import ConnectionSkipException from lib.tvinfo_base import ( CastList, CrewList, PersonGenders, RoleTypes, TVInfoBase, TVInfoCharacter, TVInfoEpisode, TVInfoIDs, TVInfoImage, TVInfoImageSize, TVInfoImageType, TVInfoNetwork, TVInfoPerson, TVInfoSeason, TVInfoSeasonTypes, TVInfoShow, TVInfoSocialIDs, TVINFO_FACEBOOK, TVINFO_FANSITE, TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_INSTAGRAM, TVINFO_LINKEDIN, TVINFO_OFFICIALSITE, TVINFO_REDDIT, TVINFO_MID_SEASON_FINALE, TVINFO_SEASON_FINALE, TVINFO_SERIES_FINALE, TVINFO_TIKTOK, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG, TVINFO_TVMAZE, TVINFO_TWITTER, TVINFO_WIKIDATA, TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA, TVINFO_YOUTUBE) from sg_helpers import clean_data, clean_str, enforce_type, get_url, try_date, try_int from sickgear import ENV from six import integer_types, iteritems, PY3, string_types # noinspection PyUnreachableCode if False: from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union log = logging.getLogger('tvdb_v4.api') log.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) TVDB_API_CONFIG = {} NoneType = type(None) # always use https in cases of redirects # noinspection PyUnusedLocal,HttpUrlsUsage def _record_hook(r, *args, **kwargs): r.hook_called = True if r.status_code in (301, 302, 303, 307, 308) and \ isinstance(r.headers.get('Location'), string_types) and r.headers.get('Location').startswith('http://'): r.headers['Location'] = r.headers['Location'].replace('http://', 'https://') return r # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences class RequestsAuthBase(requests.auth.AuthBase): # inherit the Requests dynamic packaging here in order to isolate a pyc non-inspection directive pass class TvdbAuth(RequestsAuthBase): _token = None def __init__(self): pass def reset_token(self): self._token = None @staticmethod def apikey(): string = TVDB_API_CONFIG['api_params']['apikey_v4'] key = TVDB_API_CONFIG['api_params']['apikey'] string = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(string + b'===') string = string.decode('latin') if PY3 else string encoded_chars = [] for i in range(len(string)): key_c = key[i % len(key)] encoded_c = chr((ord(string[i]) - ord(key_c) + 256) % 256) encoded_chars.append(encoded_c) encoded_string = ''.join(encoded_chars) return encoded_string def get_token(self): url = f'{TvdbAPIv4.base_url}{"login"}' params = {'apikey': self.apikey()} resp = get_url(url, post_json=params, parse_json=True, raise_skip_exception=True) if resp and isinstance(resp, dict): if 'status' in resp: if 'failure' == resp['status']: raise TvdbTokenFailure(f'Failed to Authenticate. {resp.get("message", "")}') if 'success' == resp['status'] and 'data' in resp and isinstance(resp['data'], dict) \ and 'token' in resp['data']: self._token = resp['data']['token'] return True else: raise TvdbTokenFailure('Failed to get Tvdb Token') @property def token(self): if not self._token: self.get_token() return self._token def handle_401(self, r, **kwargs): if 401 == r.status_code and not any(401 == _or.status_code for _or in r.history): self.reset_token() self.get_token() if self._token: prep = r.request.copy() prep.headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {self._token}' _r = r.connection.send(prep, **kwargs) _r.history.append(r) _r.request = prep return _r return r def __call__(self, r): r.headers["Authorization"] = f'Bearer {self.token}' r.register_hook('response', self.handle_401) return r DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30 # seconds class TimeoutHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if "timeout" in kwargs: self.timeout = kwargs["timeout"] del kwargs["timeout"] super(TimeoutHTTPAdapter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def send(self, request, **kwargs): timeout = kwargs.get("timeout") if timeout is None: kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout return super(TimeoutHTTPAdapter, self).send(request, **kwargs) s = requests.Session() retries = Retry(total=3, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], method_whitelist=['HEAD', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'POST']) # noinspection HttpUrlsUsage s.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(TimeoutHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))) base_request_para = dict(session=s, hooks={'response': _record_hook}, raise_skip_exception=True, auth=TvdbAuth()) # Query TVdb endpoints def tvdb_endpoint_fetch(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(base_request_para) return get_url(*args, **kwargs) img_type_map = { 1: TVInfoImageType.banner, # series 2: TVInfoImageType.poster, # series 3: TVInfoImageType.fanart, # series 6: TVInfoImageType.season_banner, # season 7: TVInfoImageType.season_poster, # season 8: TVInfoImageType.season_fanart, # season 13: TVInfoImageType.person_poster, # person } people_types = { 1: RoleTypes.CrewDirector, # 'Director', 2: RoleTypes.CrewWriter, # 'Writer' 3: RoleTypes.ActorMain, # 'Actor' 4: RoleTypes.ActorGuest, # 'Guest Star', 5: RoleTypes.CrewOther, # 'Crew', 6: RoleTypes.CrewCreator, # 'Creator', 7: RoleTypes.CrewProducer, # 'Producer', 8: RoleTypes.CrewShowrunner, # 'Showrunner', 9: RoleTypes.MusicalGuest, # 'Musical Guest', 10: RoleTypes.Host, # 'Host', 11: RoleTypes.CrewExecutiveProducer, # 'Executive Producer', } source_types = { 2: TVINFO_IMDB, # title # 3: TVINFO_ZAP2IT, 4: TVINFO_OFFICIALSITE, 5: TVINFO_FACEBOOK, 6: TVINFO_TWITTER, 7: TVINFO_REDDIT, 8: TVINFO_FANSITE, 9: TVINFO_INSTAGRAM, 10: TVINFO_TMDB, # movie 11: TVINFO_YOUTUBE, 12: TVINFO_TMDB, # tv # 13: TVINFO_EIDR, # content # 14: TVINFO_EIDR, # party 15: TVINFO_TMDB, # person 16: TVINFO_IMDB, # person 17: TVINFO_IMDB, # company 18: TVINFO_WIKIDATA, 19: TVINFO_TVMAZE, # title 20: TVINFO_LINKEDIN, 21: TVINFO_TVMAZE, # person 22: TVINFO_TVMAZE, # season 23: TVINFO_TVMAZE, # episode 24: TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA, 25: TVINFO_TIKTOK, 26: TVINFO_LINKEDIN, # company 27: TVINFO_TVMAZE, # company 28: TVINFO_TMDB, # collection 29: TVINFO_TMDB, # collection } people_types_reverse = {_v: _k for _k, _v in iteritems(people_types)} empty_ep = TVInfoEpisode() tz_p = parser() status_ids = { 1: {'name': 'Continuing', 'recordType': 'series', 'keepUpdated': False}, 2: {'name': 'Ended', 'recordType': 'series', 'keepUpdated': False}, 3: {'name': 'Upcoming', 'recordType': 'series', 'keepUpdated': False} } status_names = { 'Continuing': {'id': 1, 'recordType': 'series', 'keepUpdated': False}, 'Ended': {'id': 2, 'recordType': 'series', 'keepUpdated': False}, 'Upcoming': {'id': 3, 'recordType': 'series', 'keepUpdated': False} } tvdb_final_types = { 'series': TVINFO_SERIES_FINALE, 'season': TVINFO_SEASON_FINALE, 'midseason': TVINFO_MID_SEASON_FINALE } class TvdbAPIv4(TVInfoBase): supported_id_searches = [TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG, TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVMAZE] supported_person_id_searches = [TVINFO_TVDB, TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVMAZE] base_url = 'https://api4.thetvdb.com/v4/' art_url = 'https://artworks.thetvdb.com/' season_types = {1: 'official', 2: 'dvd', 3: 'absolute', 4: 'alternate', 5: 'regional', 6: 'altdvd'} season_type_map = {season_types[1]: TVInfoSeasonTypes.official, season_types[2]: TVInfoSeasonTypes.dvd} def __init__(self, banners=False, posters=False, seasons=False, seasonwides=False, fanart=False, actors=False, dvdorder=False, *args, **kwargs): super(TvdbAPIv4, self).__init__(banners, posters, seasons, seasonwides, fanart, actors, dvdorder, *args, **kwargs) def _fetch_data(self, endpoint, **kwargs): # type: (string_types, Any) -> Any if is_series_info := endpoint.startswith('/series/'): self.show_not_found = False try: return tvdb_endpoint_fetch(url=f'{self.base_url}{endpoint}', params=kwargs, parse_json=True, raise_status_code=True, raise_exceptions=True) except ConnectionSkipException as e: raise e except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if 401 == e.response.status_code: raise TvdbTokenFailure('Failed to get new Token') elif 404 == e.response.status_code: if is_series_info: self.show_not_found = True self.not_found = True elif 404 != e.response.status_code: raise TvdbError(ex(e)) except (BaseException, Exception) as e: raise TvdbError(ex(e)) @staticmethod def _check_resp(type_chk=list, data=None): return isinstance(data, dict) and all(_k in data for _k in ('data', 'status')) \ and 'success' == data['status'] and isinstance(data['data'], type_chk) @staticmethod def _next_page(resp, page): page += 1 if f'?page={page}' in ((resp.get('links') or {}).get('next') or ''): return page def _convert_person(self, p, ids=None): # type: (Dict, Dict) -> List[TVInfoPerson] ch, ids = [], ids or {} for cur_c in sorted(filter( lambda a: (3 == a['type'] or 'Actor' == a['peopleType']) and a['name'] and a['seriesId'] and not a.get('episodeId'), p.get('characters') or []), key=lambda a: (not a['isFeatured'], a['sort'])): ti_show = TVInfoShow() ti_show.id = clean_data(cur_c['seriesId']) ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVDB: ti_show.id}) ti_show.seriesname = clean_data(('series' in cur_c and cur_c['series'] and cur_c['series']['name'])) ti_show.poster = self._sanitise_image_uri(('series' in cur_c and cur_c['series'] and cur_c['series']['image'])) ti_show.firstaired = self._get_first_aired(('series' in cur_c and cur_c['series'])) ch.append(TVInfoCharacter( id=cur_c['id'], ids=TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVDB: cur_c['id']}), name=clean_data(cur_c['name'] or ''), image=self._sanitise_image_uri(cur_c.get('image')), regular=cur_c['isFeatured'], ti_show=ti_show )) try: b_date = clean_data(p.get('birth')) birthdate = (b_date and '0000-00-00' != b_date and tz_p.parse(b_date).date()) or None except (BaseException, Exception): birthdate = None try: d_date = clean_data(p.get('death')) deathdate = (d_date and '0000-00-00' != d_date and tz_p.parse(d_date).date()) or None except (BaseException, Exception): deathdate = None p_tvdb_id = self._get_tvdb_id(p) ids.update({TVINFO_TVDB: p_tvdb_id}) social_ids, official_site = {}, None if 'remoteIds' in p and isinstance(p['remoteIds'], list): for cur_rid in p['remoteIds']: if not (src_value := clean_data(cur_rid['id'])): continue src_name = cur_rid['sourceName'].lower() src_type = source_types.get(cur_rid['type']) if TVINFO_IMDB == src_type or 'imdb' in src_name: try: imdb_id = try_int(f'{src_value}'.replace('nm', ''), None) ids[TVINFO_IMDB] = imdb_id except (BaseException, Exception): pass elif TVINFO_TMDB == src_type or 'themoviedb' in src_name: ids[TVINFO_TMDB] = try_int(src_value, None) elif TVINFO_TVMAZE == src_type or 'tv maze' in src_name: ids[TVINFO_TVMAZE] = try_int(src_value, None) elif TVINFO_OFFICIALSITE == src_type or 'official website' in src_name: official_site = src_value elif TVINFO_FACEBOOK == src_type or 'facebook' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_FACEBOOK] = src_value elif TVINFO_TWITTER == src_type or 'twitter' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_TWITTER] = src_value elif TVINFO_INSTAGRAM == src_type or 'instagram' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_INSTAGRAM] = src_value elif TVINFO_REDDIT == src_type or 'reddit' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_REDDIT] = src_value elif TVINFO_YOUTUBE == src_type or 'youtube' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_YOUTUBE] = src_value elif TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA == src_type or 'wikipedia' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA] = src_value elif TVINFO_WIKIDATA == src_type or 'wikidata' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_WIKIDATA] = src_value elif TVINFO_TIKTOK == src_type or 'tiktok' in src_name: social_ids[TVINFO_TIKTOK] = src_value elif TVINFO_LINKEDIN == src_type: social_ids[TVINFO_LINKEDIN] = src_value elif TVINFO_FANSITE == src_type: social_ids[TVINFO_FANSITE] = src_value bio = clean_data( next((_cp.get('biography') for _cp in p.get('biographies') or [] if 'eng' == _cp.get('language')), None)) \ or None return [TVInfoPerson( p_id=p_tvdb_id, name=clean_data(p['name'] or ''), image=self._sanitise_image_uri(p.get('image') or p.get('image_url')), gender=PersonGenders.tvdb_map.get(p.get('gender'), PersonGenders.unknown), birthdate=birthdate, deathdate=deathdate, birthplace=clean_data(p.get('birthPlace')), akas=set(clean_data((isinstance(_a, dict) and _a['name']) or _a) for _a in p.get('aliases') or []), bio=bio, ids=TVInfoIDs(ids=ids), social_ids=TVInfoSocialIDs(ids=social_ids), homepage=official_site, characters=ch )] def get_person(self, p_id, get_show_credits=False, get_images=False, **kwargs): # type: (integer_types, bool, bool, Any) -> Optional[TVInfoPerson] """ get person's data for id or list of matching persons for name :param p_id: persons id :param get_show_credits: get show credits :param get_images: get person images :return: person object """ if not p_id: return is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name := f'p-v4-{p_id}') if None is resp and not is_none: resp = self._fetch_data(f'/people/{p_id}/extended') self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp) if self._check_resp(dict, resp): return self._convert_person(resp['data'])[0] def _search_person(self, name=None, ids=None): # type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[TVInfoPerson] """ search for person by name :param name: text to search for :param ids: dict of ids to search :return: list of found person's """ urls, result, ids = [], [], ids or {} for cur_tvinfo in self.supported_person_id_searches: if cur_tvinfo in ids: if TVINFO_TVDB == cur_tvinfo and (resp := self.get_person(ids[cur_tvinfo])): result.append(resp) if cur_tvinfo in (TVINFO_IMDB, TVINFO_TMDB, TVINFO_TVMAZE): is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key := f'p-v4-id-{cur_tvinfo}-{ids[cur_tvinfo]}') if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is resp and not is_none): try: if TVINFO_IMDB == cur_tvinfo: resp = self._fetch_data(f'search/remoteid/nm{ids.get(TVINFO_IMDB):07d}') elif TVINFO_TMDB == cur_tvinfo: resp = self._fetch_data(f'search/remoteid/{ids.get(TVINFO_TMDB)}') elif TVINFO_TVMAZE == cur_tvinfo: resp = self._fetch_data(f'search/remoteid/{ids.get(TVINFO_TVMAZE)}') self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, resp, expire=self.search_cache_expire) except (BaseException, Exception): resp = None if self._check_resp(list, resp): for cur_resp in resp['data']: if isinstance(cur_resp, dict) and 'people' in cur_resp: if p_d := None if 1 != len(cur_resp) else self.get_person(cur_resp['people']['id']): result.append(p_d) else: result.extend(self._convert_person(cur_resp['people'], ids)) break if name: is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_key_name := f'p-v4-src-text-{name}') if None is resp and not is_none: resp = self._fetch_data('/search', query=name, type='people') self._set_cache_entry(cache_key_name, resp) if self._check_resp(list, resp): for cur_resp in resp['data']: result.extend(self._convert_person(cur_resp)) seen = set() result = [seen.add(_r.id) or _r for _r in result if _r.id not in seen] return result def search_tvs(self, terms, language=None): # type: (Union[int, AnyStr], Optional[AnyStr]) -> Optional[dict] from random import choice sg_lang = next(filter(lambda x: language == x['id'], self.get_languages()), {}).get('sg_lang') headers = {'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate'} if None is not sg_lang: # and sg_lang in self.config['valid_languages']: headers.update({'Accept-Language': sg_lang}) try: src = get_url( 'https://tvshow''time-%s.algo''lia.net/1/' 'indexes/*/queries' % choice([1, 2, 3, 'dsn']), params={'x-algo''lia-agent': 'Alg''olia for vani''lla JavaScript (lite) 3.3''2.0;' 'instant''search.js (3.5''.3);JS Helper (2.2''8.0)', 'x-algo''lia''-app''lication-id': 'tvshow''time', 'x-algo''lia''-ap''i-key': '3d''978dd96c457390f21cec6131ce5d''9c'[::-1]}, post_json={'requests': [ {'indexName': 'TVDB', 'params': '&'.join( [f'query={terms}', 'maxValuesPerFacet=10', 'page=0', 'facetFilters=[["type:series", "type:person"]]', 'tagFilters=', 'analytics=false', 'advancedSyntax=true', 'highlightPreTag=__ais-highlight__', 'highlightPostTag=__/ais-highlight__' ]) }]}, session=requests.session(), headers=headers, parse_json=True, failure_monitor=False) return src except (KeyError, IndexError, Exception): pass @staticmethod def _get_overview(show_data, language='eng'): # type: (Dict, AnyStr) -> AnyStr """ internal helper to get english overview :param show_data: :param language: """ result = '' if isinstance(show_data.get('translations'), dict) and 'overviewTranslations' in show_data['translations']: try: if trans := next(filter( lambda _s: language == _s['language'], show_data['translations']['overviewTranslations']), next(filter( lambda _s: 'eng' == _s['language'], show_data['translations']['overviewTranslations']), None)): result = trans['overview'] except (BaseException, Exception): pass elif isinstance(show_data, dict) and 'overviews' in show_data: result = show_data['overviews'].get(language, show_data.get('overview')) return clean_str(result) def _get_series_name(self, show_data, language=None): # type: (Dict, AnyStr) -> Tuple[Optional[AnyStr], List] if 'nameTranslations' in show_data.get('translations', {}): series_name = clean_data( next(filter(lambda l: language and language == l['language'], show_data.get('translations', {}).get('nameTranslations', [])), {'name': show_data['name']})['name']) else: series_name = clean_data(show_data.get('translations', {}).get(language, show_data['name'])) series_aliases = self._get_aliases(show_data) if not series_name and isinstance(series_aliases, list) and 0 < len(series_aliases): series_name = series_aliases.pop(0) return series_name, series_aliases def _get_show_data( self, sid, # type: integer_types language, # type: AnyStr get_ep_info=False, # type: bool banners=False, # type: bool posters=False, # type: bool seasons=False, # type: bool seasonwides=False, # type: bool fanart=False, # type: bool actors=False, # type: bool direct_data=False, # type: bool **kwargs # type: Optional[Any] ): # type: (...) -> Optional[bool, dict] """ internal function that should be overwritten in class to get data for given show id :param sid: show id :param language: language :param get_ep_info: get episodes :param banners: load banners :param posters: load posters :param seasons: load seasons :param seasonwides: load seasonwides :param fanart: load fanard :param actors: load actors :param direct_data: return pure data """ if not sid: return False resp = self._fetch_data(f'/series/{sid}/extended?meta=translations') if direct_data: return resp if self._check_resp(dict, resp): show_data = resp['data'] series_name, series_aliases = self._get_series_name(show_data, language) if not series_name: return False ti_show = self.ti_shows[sid] # type: TVInfoShow ti_show.banner_loaded = ti_show.poster_loaded = ti_show.fanart_loaded = True ti_show.id = show_data['id'] ti_show.seriesname = series_name ti_show.slug = clean_data(show_data.get('slug')) ti_show.poster = clean_data(show_data.get('image')) ti_show.firstaired = clean_data(show_data.get('firstAired')) ti_show.rating = show_data.get('score') ti_show.contentrating = ('contentRatings' in show_data and show_data['contentRatings'] and next((_r['name'] for _r in show_data['contentRatings'] or [] if 'usa' == _r['country']), None)) or None ti_show.aliases = series_aliases ti_show.status = clean_data(show_data['status']['name']) ti_show.network_country = clean_data(show_data.get('originalCountry')) ti_show.lastupdated = clean_data(show_data.get('lastUpdated')) existing_networks = [] if 'latestNetwork' in show_data \ and isinstance(show_data['latestNetwork'].get('primaryCompanyType'), integer_types) \ and 1 == show_data['latestNetwork']['primaryCompanyType'] \ and show_data['latestNetwork']['country']: ti_show.networks = [TVInfoNetwork( name=clean_data(show_data['latestNetwork']['name']), country=clean_data(show_data['latestNetwork']['country']), active_date=clean_data(show_data['latestNetwork']['activeDate']), inactive_date=clean_data(show_data['latestNetwork']['inactiveDate']))] ti_show.network = clean_data(show_data['latestNetwork']['name']) existing_networks.extend([ti_show.network]) ti_show.network_country = clean_data(show_data['latestNetwork']['country']) if 'companies' in show_data and isinstance(show_data['companies'], list): # filter networks networks = sorted([_n for _n in show_data['companies'] if 1 == _n['companyType']['companyTypeId'] and _n['country']], key=lambda a: a['activeDate'] or '0000-00-00') if networks: ti_show.networks.extend([TVInfoNetwork( name=clean_data(_n['name']), country=clean_data(_n['country']), active_date=clean_data(_n['activeDate']), inactive_date=clean_data(_n['inactiveDate'])) for _n in networks if clean_data(_n['name']) not in existing_networks]) if not ti_show.network: ti_show.network = clean_data(networks[-1]['name']) ti_show.network_country = clean_data(networks[-1]['country']) ti_show.language = clean_data(show_data.get('originalLanguage')) ti_show.runtime = show_data.get('averageRuntime') ti_show.airs_time = clean_data(show_data.get('airsTime')) ti_show.airs_dayofweek = ', '.join([_k.capitalize() for _k, _v in iteritems(show_data.get('airsDays')) if _v]) ti_show.genre_list = ('genres' in show_data and show_data['genres'] and [clean_data(_g['name']) for _g in show_data['genres']]) or [] ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list) ids, social_ids = {}, {} if 'remoteIds' in show_data and isinstance(show_data['remoteIds'], list): for cur_rid in show_data['remoteIds']: src_name = cur_rid['sourceName'].lower() src_value = clean_data(cur_rid['id']) src_type = source_types.get(cur_rid['type']) if TVINFO_IMDB == src_type or 'imdb' in src_name: try: imdb_id = try_int(src_value.replace('tt', ''), None) ids['imdb'] = imdb_id except (BaseException, Exception): pass ti_show.imdb_id = src_value elif TVINFO_TMDB == src_type or 'themoviedb' in src_name: ids['tmdb'] = try_int(src_value, None) elif TVINFO_TVMAZE == src_type or 'tv maze' in src_name: ids['tvmaze'] = try_int(src_value, None) elif TVINFO_OFFICIALSITE == src_type or 'official website' in src_name: ti_show.official_site = src_value elif TVINFO_FACEBOOK == src_type or 'facebook' in src_name: social_ids['facebook'] = src_value elif TVINFO_TWITTER == src_type or 'twitter' in src_name: social_ids['twitter'] = src_value elif TVINFO_INSTAGRAM == src_type or 'instagram' in src_name: social_ids['instagram'] = src_value elif TVINFO_REDDIT == src_type or 'reddit' in src_name: social_ids['reddit'] = src_value elif TVINFO_YOUTUBE == src_type or 'youtube' in src_name: social_ids['youtube'] = src_value elif TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA == src_type or 'wikipedia' in src_name: social_ids['wikipedia'] = src_value elif TVINFO_WIKIDATA == src_type or 'wikidata' in src_name: social_ids['wikidata'] = src_value elif TVINFO_TIKTOK == src_type or 'tiktok' in src_name: social_ids['tiktok'] = src_value elif TVINFO_LINKEDIN == src_type: social_ids['linkedin'] = src_value elif TVINFO_FANSITE == src_type: social_ids['fansite'] = src_value ti_show.ids = TVInfoIDs(tvdb=show_data['id'], **ids) if social_ids: ti_show.social_ids = TVInfoSocialIDs(**social_ids) ti_show.overview = self._get_overview(show_data, language=language) if 'artworks' in show_data and isinstance(show_data['artworks'], list): poster = banner = fanart_url = False for cur_art in sorted(show_data['artworks'], key=lambda a: a['score'], reverse=True): img_type = img_type_map.get(cur_art['type'], TVInfoImageType.other) if False is poster and img_type == TVInfoImageType.poster: ti_show.poster, ti_show.poster_thumb, poster = cur_art['image'], cur_art['thumbnail'], True elif False is banner and img_type == TVInfoImageType.banner: ti_show.banner, ti_show.banner_thumb, banner = cur_art['image'], cur_art['thumbnail'], True elif False is fanart_url and img_type == TVInfoImageType.fanart: ti_show.fanart, fanart_url = cur_art['image'], True ti_show['images'].setdefault(img_type, []).append(TVInfoImage( image_type=img_type, sizes={ TVInfoImageSize.original: cur_art['image'], TVInfoImageSize.small: cur_art['thumbnail'] }, img_id=cur_art['id'], has_text=enforce_type(cur_art.get('includesText'), (bool, NoneType), None), lang=cur_art['language'], rating=cur_art['score'], updated_at=cur_art['updatedAt'] or None )) if (actors or self.config['actors_enabled']) \ and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'actors_loaded', False): cast, crew, ti_show.actors_loaded = CastList(), CrewList(), True if isinstance(show_data.get('characters'), list): for cur_char in sorted(show_data.get('characters') or [], key=lambda c: (not c['isFeatured'], c['sort'])): people_type = people_types.get(cur_char['type']) if people_type not in (RoleTypes.ActorMain, RoleTypes.ActorGuest, RoleTypes.ActorSpecialGuest, RoleTypes.ActorRecurring) \ and isinstance(cur_char['name'], string_types): low_name = cur_char['name'].lower() if 'presenter' in low_name: people_type = RoleTypes.Presenter elif 'interviewer' in low_name: people_type = RoleTypes.Interviewer elif 'host' in low_name: people_type = RoleTypes.Host if cur_char['episodeId']: if RoleTypes.ActorMain == people_type: people_type = RoleTypes.ActorGuest elif RoleTypes.Presenter == people_type: people_type = RoleTypes.PresenterGuest elif RoleTypes.Interviewer == people_type: people_type = RoleTypes.InterviewerGuest elif RoleTypes.Host == people_type: people_type = RoleTypes.HostGuest if people_type in (RoleTypes.Presenter, RoleTypes.Interviewer, RoleTypes.Host) \ and not cur_char['name']: cur_char['name'] = {RoleTypes.Presenter: 'Presenter', RoleTypes.Interviewer: 'Interviewer', RoleTypes.Host: 'Host'}.get(people_type) or cur_char['name'] if None is people_type: continue if RoleTypes.crew_limit > people_type: cast[people_type].append(TVInfoCharacter( p_id=cur_char['id'], name=clean_data(cur_char['name'] or ''), ids=TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVDB: cur_char['id']}), image=self._sanitise_image_uri(cur_char['image']), regular=cur_char['isFeatured'], person=[TVInfoPerson( p_id=cur_char['peopleId'], name=clean_data(cur_char['personName'] or ''), image=self._sanitise_image_uri(cur_char.get('personImgURL')), ids=TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVDB: cur_char['peopleId']}) )] )) else: crew[people_type].append(TVInfoPerson( p_id=cur_char['peopleId'], name=clean_data(cur_char['personName'] or ''), ids=TVInfoIDs(ids={TVINFO_TVDB: cur_char['peopleId']}), image=self._sanitise_image_uri(cur_char.get('personImgURL')) )) if not cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain]: html = get_url(f'https://www.thetvdb.com/series/{ti_show.slug}/people') if html: try: with BS4Parser(html) as soup: rc_role = re.compile(r'/series/(?P[^/]+)/people/(?P\d+)/?$') rc_img = re.compile(r'/(?Pperson/(?P\d+)/(?P[^/]+)\..*)') rc_img_v3 = re.compile(r'/(?Pactors/(?P[^/]+)\..*)') max_people = 5 rc_clean = re.compile(r'[^a-z\d]') for cur_role in soup.find_all('a', href=rc_role) or []: try: image, person_id = 2 * [None] for cur_rc in (rc_img, rc_img_v3): img_tag = cur_role.find('img', src=cur_rc) if img_tag: img_parsed = cur_rc.search(img_tag.get('src')) image, person_id = [ _x in img_parsed.groupdict() and img_parsed.group(_x) for _x in ('url', 'person_id')] break lines = [_x.strip() for _x in cur_role.get_text().split('\n') if _x.strip()][0:2] name = role = '' if len(lines): name = lines[0] for cur_line in lines[1:]: if cur_line.lower().startswith('as '): role = cur_line[3:] break if not person_id and max_people: max_people -= 1 results = self.search_tvs(name) try: for cur_result in ( isinstance(results, dict) and results.get('results') or []): # sorts 'banners/images/missing/' to last before filter people_filter = ( lambda r: 'person' == r['type'] and rc_clean.sub(name, '') == rc_clean.sub(r['name'], ''), cur_result.get('nbHits') and sorted(cur_result.get('hits'), key=lambda x: len(x['image']), reverse=True) or []) if ENV.get('SG_DEV_MODE'): for cur_person in filter(*people_filter): new_keys = set(list(cur_person)).difference({ '_highlightResult', 'banner', 'id', 'image', 'is_tvdb_searchable', 'is_tvt_searchable', 'name', 'objectID', 'people_birthdate', 'people_died', 'poster', 'type', 'url' }) if new_keys: log.warning( f'DEV_MODE: New _parse_actors tvdb attrs for' f' {cur_person["id"]} {new_keys!r}') person_ok = False for cur_person in filter(*people_filter): if image: people_data = get_url(cur_person['url']) person_ok = re.search(re.escape(image), people_data) if not image or person_ok: person_id = cur_person['id'] raise ValueError('value okay, id found') except (BaseException, Exception): pass rid = int(rc_role.search(cur_role.get('href')).group('role_id')) person_id = try_int(person_id, None) image = image and f'https://artworks.thetvdb.com/banners/{image}' or None # noinspection PyTypeChecker cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain].append(TVInfoCharacter( p_id=rid, name=clean_data(role), ids={TVINFO_TVDB: rid}, image=image, person=[TVInfoPerson( p_id=person_id, name=clean_data(name), ids={TVINFO_TVDB: person_id} )] )) except(BaseException, Exception): pass except(BaseException, Exception): pass ti_show.cast = cast ti_show.crew = crew ti_show.actors = [dict( character=dict( id=_ch.id, name=_ch.name, url=f'https://www.thetvdb.com/series/{show_data["slug"]}/people/{_ch.id}', image=_ch.image ), person=dict( id=_ch.person and _ch.person[0].id, name=_ch.person and _ch.person[0].name, url=_ch.person and f'https://www.thetvdb.com/people/{_ch.person[0].id}', image=_ch.person and _ch.person[0].image, birthday=try_date(_ch.birthdate), deathday=try_date(_ch.deathdate), gender=None, country=None ) ) for _ch in cast[RoleTypes.ActorMain]] if get_ep_info and not getattr(self.ti_shows.get(sid), 'ep_loaded', False): # fetch absolute numbers abs_ep_nums = {} if any(1 for _s in show_data.get('seasons', []) or [] if 'absolute' == _s.get('type', {}).get('type')): page = 0 while 100 >= page: resp = self._fetch_data(f'/series/{sid}/episodes/absolute?page={page:d}') if isinstance(resp, dict) and isinstance((resp.get('data') or {}).get('episodes'), list): abs_ep_nums.update({_e['id']: _e['number'] for _e in resp['data']['episodes'] if None is _e['seasons'] and _e['number']}) if None is not (page := self._next_page(resp, page)): continue break # fetch alt numbers alt_ep_nums, alt_ep_types, default_season_type = \ {}, {}, self.season_types.get(show_data.get('defaultSeasonType')) for cur_alt_type in {_a.get('type', {}).get('type') for _a in show_data.get('seasons', []) or [] if _a.get('type', {}).get('type') not in ('absolute', default_season_type)}: if any(1 for _s in show_data.get('seasons', []) or [] if cur_alt_type == _s.get('type', {}).get('type')): page = 0 while 100 >= page: resp = self._fetch_data(f'/series/{sid}/episodes/{cur_alt_type}?page={page:d}') if isinstance(resp, dict) and isinstance((resp.get('data') or {}).get('episodes'), list): for cur_ep in resp['data']['episodes']: alt_ep_types.setdefault( self.season_types.get(cur_alt_type, cur_alt_type), {}).setdefault(cur_ep['id'], {}).update({ 'season': cur_ep['seasonNumber'], 'episode': cur_ep['number'], 'name': cur_ep['name']}) alt_ep_nums.setdefault(cur_ep['id'], {}).update({ self.season_type_map.get(cur_alt_type, cur_alt_type): {'season': cur_ep['seasonNumber'], 'episode': cur_ep['number']}}) if None is not (page := self._next_page(resp, page)): continue break ep_lang = (language in (show_data.get('overviewTranslations') or []) and language) or 'eng' page, ti_show.ep_loaded, eps_count = 0, True, 0 while 100 >= page: resp = self._fetch_data(f'/series/{sid}/episodes/default/{ep_lang}?page={page:d}') if isinstance(resp, dict) and isinstance((resp.get('data') or {}).get('episodes'), list): links = 'next' in (resp.get('links') or '') total_items = (links and resp.get('links', {}).get('total_items')) or None page_size = (links and resp.get('links', {}).get('page_size')) or 500 eps_count += (len(resp['data']['episodes'])) or 0 full_page = page_size <= len(resp['data']['episodes']) more = (links and None is not (page := self._next_page(resp, page))) or ( links and isinstance(total_items, integer_types) and eps_count < total_items) alt_page = (full_page and not links) if not alt_page: self._set_episodes(ti_show, resp, abs_ep_nums, alt_ep_nums, alt_ep_types) if not alt_page and more: continue if alt_page: html = get_url(f'https://www.thetvdb.com/series/{ti_show.slug}/' f'allseasons/{default_season_type}') if not html: raise TvdbError('Failed to get episodes for show') api_sxe = [f's{_e["seasonNumber"]}e{_e["number"]}' for _e in resp['data']['episodes']] template_ep = resp['data']['episodes'][-1].copy() try: with BS4Parser(html) as soup: for cur_ep in soup.find_all('li', class_='list-group-item'): try: heading = cur_ep.h4 sxe = [try_int(_n, None) for _n in re.findall(r'(?i)s(?:pecial\s+)?(\d+)[ex](\d+)', clean_data( heading.find('span', class_='episode-label').get_text()))[0]] if None in sxe or 's{}e{}'.format(*sxe) in api_sxe: continue ep_season, ep_number = sxe except(BaseException, Exception): continue try: ep_name = clean_data(heading.a.get_text()) ep_link = heading.a['href'] # check link contains 'series' ep_id = try_int(re.findall(r'episodes/(\d+$)', ep_link)[0], None) except(BaseException, Exception): ep_id = None if None is ep_id: continue list_items = cur_ep.find('ul', class_='list-inline') aired = try_date(list_items.find_all('li')[0].get_text()) row_items = cur_ep.find('div', class_='row') try: overview = clean_str(row_items.p.get_text()) except(BaseException, Exception): overview = '' try: image = row_items.find('div', class_='col-xs-3').img['src'] except(BaseException, Exception): image = None new_ep = template_ep.copy() new_ep.update(dict( id=ep_id, name=ep_name, aired=aired, overview=overview, image=image, imageType=11 if image and '/banner' in image else None, number=ep_number, seasonNumber=ep_season )) resp['data']['episodes'] += [new_ep] except (BaseException, Exception): pass self._set_episodes(ti_show, resp, abs_ep_nums, alt_ep_nums, alt_ep_types) break return True return False def _sanitise_image_uri(self, image): return isinstance(image, string_types) and 'http' != image[0:4] and \ f'{self.art_url}{image.lstrip("/")}' or image def _set_episodes(self, ti_show, ep_data, abs_ep_nums, alt_ep_nums, alt_ep_types): # type: (TVInfoShow, Dict, Dict, Dict, Dict) -> None """ populate a show with episode objects """ for cur_ep_data in ep_data['data']['episodes']: for cur_key, cur_data in ( ('seasonnumber', 'seasonNumber'), ('episodenumber', 'number'), ('episodename', 'name'), ('firstaired', 'aired'), ('runtime', 'runtime'), ('seriesid', 'seriesId'), ('id', 'id'), ('filename', 'image'), ('overview', 'overview'), ('absolute_number', 'abs'), ('finale_type', 'finaleType')): season_num, ep_num = cur_ep_data['seasonNumber'], cur_ep_data['number'] if 'absolute_number' == cur_key: value = abs_ep_nums.get(cur_ep_data['id']) else: value = clean_data(cur_ep_data.get(cur_data, getattr(empty_ep, cur_key))) if 'finale_type' == cur_key: value = tvdb_final_types.get(cur_ep_data.get(cur_data), None) if 'image' == cur_data: value = self._sanitise_image_uri(value) if season_num not in ti_show: ti_show[season_num] = TVInfoSeason(show=ti_show) ti_show[season_num].number = season_num if ep_num not in ti_show[season_num]: ti_show[season_num][ep_num] = TVInfoEpisode(season=ti_show[season_num]) ti_show[season_num][ep_num][cur_key] = value ti_show[season_num][ep_num].__dict__[cur_key] = value ti_show[season_num][ep_num].alt_num = alt_ep_nums.get(cur_ep_data['id'], {}) for cur_et in alt_ep_types: try: ep = alt_ep_types[cur_et][cur_ep_data['id']] if ep: ti_show.alt_ep_numbering.setdefault(cur_et, {}).setdefault(ep['season'], {})[ep['episode']] = \ ti_show[season_num][ep_num] except (BaseException, Exception): continue @staticmethod def _get_network(show_data): # type: (Dict) -> Optional[AnyStr] if 'network' in show_data: return clean_data(show_data['network']) if show_data.get('companies'): if isinstance(show_data['companies'][0], dict): return clean_data(next( filter(lambda a: 1 == a['companyType']['companyTypeId'], show_data['companies']), {}).get('name')) return clean_data(show_data['companies'][0]) @staticmethod def _get_aliases(show_data): if show_data.get('aliases') and isinstance(show_data['aliases'][0], dict): return [clean_data(_a['name']) for _a in show_data['aliases']] return clean_data(show_data.get('aliases', [])) @staticmethod def _get_tvdb_id(dct): try: return try_int(dct.get('tvdb_id'), None) or try_int(re.sub(r'^.+-(\d+)$', r'\1', f'{dct["id"]}'), None) except (BaseException, Exception): return @staticmethod def _get_first_aired(show_data): if isinstance(show_data, dict): first_aired = clean_data(show_data.get('first_air_time') or show_data.get('firstAired') or ('0000' != show_data.get('year') and show_data.get('year')) or None) if isinstance(first_aired, string_types) and re.search(r'(19|20)\d\d', first_aired): return first_aired @staticmethod def _get_remote_ids(show_data, tvdb_id): ids = {} if 'remote_ids' in show_data and isinstance(show_data['remote_ids'], list): for cur_rid in show_data['remote_ids']: src_name = cur_rid['sourceName'].lower() src_value = clean_data(cur_rid['id']) if 'imdb' in src_name: try: imdb_id = try_int(src_value.replace('tt', ''), None) ids['imdb'] = imdb_id except (BaseException, Exception): pass elif 'themoviedb' in src_name: ids['tmdb'] = try_int(src_value, None) elif 'tv maze' in src_name: ids['tvmaze'] = try_int(src_value, None) return TVInfoIDs(tvdb=tvdb_id, **ids) def _search_show( self, name=None, # type: Union[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]] ids=None, # type: Dict[integer_types, integer_types] lang=None, # type: Optional[string_types] **kwargs): # type: (...) -> List[Dict] """ internal search function to find shows, should be overwritten in class :param name: name to search for :param ids: dict of ids {tvid: prodid} to search for """ def _make_result_dict(show_data): tvdb_id = self._get_tvdb_id(show_data) series_name, series_aliases = self._get_series_name(show_data, language=lang) if not series_name: return [] ti_show = TVInfoShow() if country := clean_data(show_data.get('country')) or []: country = [country] ti_show.seriesname, ti_show.id, ti_show.ids, \ ti_show.firstaired, ti_show.network, \ ti_show.overview, \ ti_show.poster, \ ti_show.status, \ ti_show.language, ti_show.origin_countries, \ ti_show.aliases, ti_show.slug, \ ti_show.genre_list \ = series_name, tvdb_id, self._get_remote_ids(show_data, tvdb_id), \ self._get_first_aired(show_data), self._get_network(show_data), \ self._get_overview(show_data, language=lang) or clean_str(show_data.get('overview')), \ show_data.get('image_url') or show_data.get('image'), \ clean_data(isinstance(show_data.get('status'), dict) and show_data.get('status', {}).get('name') or show_data['status']), \ clean_data(show_data.get('primary_language')), country, \ series_aliases, clean_data(show_data.get('slug')), \ [clean_data(_g.get('name')) for _g in (show_data.get('genres') or [])] ti_show.genre = '|'.join(ti_show.genre_list or []) return [ti_show] results = [] if ids: for cur_tvinfo, cur_arg, cur_name in ((TVINFO_TVDB, lang, None), (TVINFO_IMDB, 'tt%07d', 'imdb'), (TVINFO_TMDB, '%s', 'themoviedb'), (TVINFO_TVMAZE, '%s', 'tv maze')): if not ids.get(cur_tvinfo): continue query = None is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key := f's-v4-id-{cur_tvinfo}-{ids[cur_tvinfo]}') type_chk = list if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is resp and not is_none): try: if TVINFO_TVDB == cur_tvinfo: resp = self._get_show_data(ids[cur_tvinfo], cur_arg, direct_data=True) type_chk = dict else: query = cur_arg % ids[cur_tvinfo] resp = self._fetch_data('search?meta=translations', remote_id=query, query=query, type='series') self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, resp, expire=self.search_cache_expire) except (BaseException, Exception): continue if self._check_resp(type_chk, resp): if TVINFO_TVDB == cur_tvinfo: results.extend(_make_result_dict(resp['data'])) continue for cur_item in resp['data']: try: if query == next(filter(lambda b: cur_name in b['sourceName'].lower(), cur_item.get('remote_ids', []) or []), {}).get('id'): results.extend(_make_result_dict(cur_item)) break except (BaseException, Exception): pass if ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG) and isinstance(ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG), string_types): is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_id_key := f's-id-{TVINFO_TVDB}-{ids[TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG]}') if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is resp and not is_none): try: resp = self._fetch_data(f'/series/slug/{ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG)}?meta=translations') self._set_cache_entry(cache_id_key, resp, expire=self.search_cache_expire) except (BaseException, Exception): resp = None if resp and self._check_resp(dict, resp) \ and ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG).lower() == resp['data']['slug'].lower(): results.extend(_make_result_dict(resp['data'])) if name: for cur_name in ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]: is_none, resp = self._get_cache_entry(cache_name_key := f's-v4-name-{cur_name}') if not self.config.get('cache_search') or (None is resp and not is_none): resp = self._fetch_data('search?meta=translations', query=cur_name, type='series') self._set_cache_entry(cache_name_key, resp, expire=self.search_cache_expire) if resp and self._check_resp(list, resp): for cur_item in resp['data']: results.extend(_make_result_dict(cur_item)) seen = set() results = [seen.add(_r['id']) or _r for _r in results if _r['id'] not in seen] return results def _get_languages(self): # type: (...) -> None if self._check_resp(list, resp := self._fetch_data('/languages')): TvdbAPIv4._supported_languages = [{ 'id': clean_data(_r['id']), 'name': clean_data(_r['name']), 'nativeName': clean_data(_r['nativeName']), 'shortCode': clean_data(_r['shortCode']), 'sg_lang': self.reverse_map_languages.get(_r['id'], _r['id'])} for _r in resp['data']] else: TvdbAPIv4._supported_languages = [] def _get_filtered_series(self, result_count=100, **kwargs): # type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow] result = [] page, cc = 0, 0 while 100 > page and cc < result_count: if self._check_resp(list, resp := self._fetch_data('/series/filter', page=page, **kwargs)) \ and len(resp['data']): for cur_item in resp['data']: cc += 1 if cc > result_count: break _ti = TVInfoShow() _ti.id, _ti.seriesname, _ti.firstaired, \ _ti.overview, _ti.ids, \ _ti.poster, _ti.language, \ _ti.origin_countries, _ti.rating, _ti.slug \ = cur_item['id'], clean_data(cur_item['name']), self._get_first_aired(cur_item), \ clean_str(cur_item['overview']), TVInfoIDs(tvdb=cur_item['id']), \ self._sanitise_image_uri(cur_item['image']), clean_data(cur_item['originalLanguage']), \ clean_data([cur_item['originalCountry']]), cur_item['score'], clean_data(cur_item['slug']) result.append(_ti) if None is not (page := self._next_page(resp, page)): continue break return result def discover(self, result_count=100, get_extra_images=False, **kwargs): # type: (integer_types, bool, Optional[Any]) -> List[TVInfoShow] return self._get_filtered_series(result_count=result_count, status=status_names['Upcoming']['id'], sort='firstAired', sortType='asc', lang='eng') def get_top_rated(self, result_count=100, year=None, in_last_year=False, **kwargs): # type: (integer_types, integer_types, bool, Optional[Any]) -> List[TVInfoShow] kw = dict(sort='score', sortType='desc', lang='eng') if in_last_year: t = datetime.date.today() y = t.year ly = (t - datetime.timedelta(days=365)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') this_year = self._get_filtered_series(result_count=result_count, year=y, **kw) last_year = [_l for _l in self._get_filtered_series(result_count=result_count, year=y-1, **kw) if 10 == len(_l.firstaired or '') and _l.firstaired > ly] return sorted(this_year + last_year, key=lambda a: a.rating, reverse=True)[:result_count] elif isinstance(year, int): kw['year'] = year return self._get_filtered_series(result_count=result_count, **kw)