""" Microsoft Document summaries structures. Documents --------- - Apache POI (HPSF Internals): http://poi.apache.org/hpsf/internals.html """ from hachoir_core.endian import BIG_ENDIAN,LITTLE_ENDIAN from hachoir_parser import HachoirParser from hachoir_core.field import (FieldSet, ParserError, SeekableFieldSet, Bit, Bits, NullBits, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, TimestampWin64, TimedeltaWin64, Enum, Bytes, RawBytes, NullBytes, PaddingBits, String, Int8, Int32, Float32, Float64, PascalString32) from hachoir_core.text_handler import textHandler, hexadecimal, filesizeHandler from hachoir_core.tools import createDict, paddingSize from hachoir_parser.common.win32 import GUID, PascalStringWin32, CODEPAGE_CHARSET from hachoir_parser.image.bmp import BmpHeader, parseImageData from hachoir_parser.misc.ole2_util import OLE2FragmentParser MAX_SECTION_COUNT = 100 OS_MAC = 1 OS_NAME = { 0: "Windows 16-bit", 1: "Macintosh", 2: "Windows 32-bit", } class OSConfig: def __init__(self, big_endian): if big_endian: self.charset = "MacRoman" self.utf16 = "UTF-16-BE" else: # FIXME: Don't guess the charset, use ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 #self.charset = "ISO-8859-1" self.charset = None self.utf16 = "UTF-16-LE" class PropertyIndex(FieldSet): TAG_CODEPAGE = 1 COMMON_PROPERTY = { 0: "Dictionary", 1: "CodePage", 0x80000000: "LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT", 0x80000003: "CASE_SENSITIVE", } DOCUMENT_PROPERTY = { 2: "Category", 3: "PresentationFormat", 4: "NumBytes", 5: "NumLines", 6: "NumParagraphs", 7: "NumSlides", 8: "NumNotes", 9: "NumHiddenSlides", 10: "NumMMClips", 11: "Scale", 12: "HeadingPairs", 13: "DocumentParts", 14: "Manager", 15: "Company", 16: "LinksDirty", 17: "DocSumInfo_17", 18: "DocSumInfo_18", 19: "DocSumInfo_19", 20: "DocSumInfo_20", 21: "DocSumInfo_21", 22: "DocSumInfo_22", 23: "DocSumInfo_23", } DOCUMENT_PROPERTY.update(COMMON_PROPERTY) COMPONENT_PROPERTY = { 2: "Title", 3: "Subject", 4: "Author", 5: "Keywords", 6: "Comments", 7: "Template", 8: "LastSavedBy", 9: "RevisionNumber", 10: "TotalEditingTime", 11: "LastPrinted", 12: "CreateTime", 13: "LastSavedTime", 14: "NumPages", 15: "NumWords", 16: "NumCharacters", 17: "Thumbnail", 18: "AppName", 19: "Security", } COMPONENT_PROPERTY.update(COMMON_PROPERTY) def createFields(self): if self["../.."].name.startswith("doc_summary"): enum = self.DOCUMENT_PROPERTY else: enum = self.COMPONENT_PROPERTY yield Enum(UInt32(self, "id"), enum) yield UInt32(self, "offset") def createDescription(self): return "Property: %s" % self["id"].display class Bool(Int8): def createValue(self): value = Int8.createValue(self) return (value == -1) class Thumbnail(FieldSet): """ Thumbnail. Documents: - See Jakarta POI http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/hpsf/thumbnails.html http://www.penguin-soft.com/penguin/developer/poi/ org/apache/poi/hpsf/Thumbnail.html#CF_BITMAP - How To Extract Thumbnail Images http://sparks.discreet.com/knowledgebase/public/ solutions/ExtractThumbnailImg.htm """ FORMAT_CLIPBOARD = -1 FORMAT_NAME = { -1: "Windows clipboard", -2: "Macintosh clipboard", -3: "GUID that contains format identifier", 0: "No data", 2: "Bitmap", 3: "Windows metafile format", 8: "Device Independent Bitmap (DIB)", 14: "Enhanced Windows metafile", } DIB_BMP = 8 DIB_FORMAT = { 2: "Bitmap Obsolete (old BMP)", 3: "Windows metafile format (WMF)", 8: "Device Independent Bitmap (BMP)", 14: "Enhanced Windows metafile (EMF)", } def __init__(self, *args): FieldSet.__init__(self, *args) self._size = self["size"].value * 8 def createFields(self): yield filesizeHandler(UInt32(self, "size")) yield Enum(Int32(self, "format"), self.FORMAT_NAME) if self["format"].value == self.FORMAT_CLIPBOARD: yield Enum(UInt32(self, "dib_format"), self.DIB_FORMAT) if self["dib_format"].value == self.DIB_BMP: yield BmpHeader(self, "bmp_header") size = (self.size - self.current_size) // 8 yield parseImageData(self, "pixels", size, self["bmp_header"]) return size = (self.size - self.current_size) // 8 if size: yield RawBytes(self, "data", size) class PropertyContent(FieldSet): class NullHandler(FieldSet): def createFields(self): yield UInt32(self, "unknown[]") yield PascalString32(self, "data") def createValue(self): return self["data"].value class BlobHandler(FieldSet): def createFields(self): self.osconfig = self.parent.osconfig yield UInt32(self, "size") yield UInt32(self, "count") for i in range(self["count"].value): yield PropertyContent(self, "item[]") n=paddingSize(self.current_size,32) if n: yield PaddingBits(self, "padding[]", n) class WidePascalString32(FieldSet): ''' uses number of characters instead of number of bytes ''' def __init__(self,parent,name,charset='ASCII'): FieldSet.__init__(self,parent,name) self.charset=charset def createFields(self): yield UInt32(self, "length", "Length of this string") yield String(self, "data", self["length"].value*2, charset=self.charset) def createValue(self): return self["data"].value def createDisplay(self): return 'u'+self["data"].display TYPE_LPSTR = 30 TYPE_INFO = { 0: ("EMPTY", None), 1: ("NULL", NullHandler), 2: ("UInt16", UInt16), 3: ("UInt32", UInt32), 4: ("Float32", Float32), 5: ("Float64", Float64), 6: ("CY", None), 7: ("DATE", None), 8: ("BSTR", None), 9: ("DISPATCH", None), 10: ("ERROR", None), 11: ("BOOL", Bool), 12: ("VARIANT", None), 13: ("UNKNOWN", None), 14: ("DECIMAL", None), 16: ("I1", None), 17: ("UI1", None), 18: ("UI2", None), 19: ("UI4", None), 20: ("I8", None), 21: ("UI8", None), 22: ("INT", None), 23: ("UINT", None), 24: ("VOID", None), 25: ("HRESULT", None), 26: ("PTR", None), 27: ("SAFEARRAY", None), 28: ("CARRAY", None), 29: ("USERDEFINED", None), 30: ("LPSTR", PascalString32), 31: ("LPWSTR", WidePascalString32), 64: ("FILETIME", TimestampWin64), 65: ("BLOB", BlobHandler), 66: ("STREAM", None), 67: ("STORAGE", None), 68: ("STREAMED_OBJECT", None), 69: ("STORED_OBJECT", None), 70: ("BLOB_OBJECT", None), 71: ("THUMBNAIL", Thumbnail), 72: ("CLSID", None), 0x1000: ("Vector", None), } TYPE_NAME = createDict(TYPE_INFO, 0) def createFields(self): self.osconfig = self.parent.osconfig if True: yield Enum(Bits(self, "type", 12), self.TYPE_NAME) yield Bit(self, "is_vector") yield NullBits(self, "padding", 32-12-1) else: yield Enum(Bits(self, "type", 32), self.TYPE_NAME) tag = self["type"].value kw = {} try: handler = self.TYPE_INFO[tag][1] if handler in (self.WidePascalString32,PascalString32): cur = self while not hasattr(cur,'osconfig'): cur=cur.parent if cur is None: raise LookupError('Cannot find osconfig') osconfig = cur.osconfig if tag == self.TYPE_LPSTR: kw["charset"] = osconfig.charset else: kw["charset"] = osconfig.utf16 elif handler == TimestampWin64: if self.description == "TotalEditingTime": handler = TimedeltaWin64 except LookupError: handler = None if not handler: self.warning("OLE2: Unable to parse property of type %s" \ % self["type"].display) # raise ParserError( elif self["is_vector"].value: yield UInt32(self, "count") for index in xrange(self["count"].value): yield handler(self, "item[]", **kw) else: yield handler(self, "value", **kw) self.createValue = lambda: self["value"].value PropertyContent.TYPE_INFO[12] = ("VARIANT", PropertyContent) class SummarySection(SeekableFieldSet): def __init__(self, *args): SeekableFieldSet.__init__(self, *args) self._size = self["size"].value * 8 def createFields(self): self.osconfig = self.parent.osconfig yield UInt32(self, "size") yield UInt32(self, "property_count") for index in xrange(self["property_count"].value): yield PropertyIndex(self, "property_index[]") for index in xrange(self["property_count"].value): findex = self["property_index[%u]" % index] self.seekByte(findex["offset"].value) field = PropertyContent(self, "property[]", findex["id"].display) yield field if not self.osconfig.charset \ and findex['id'].value == PropertyIndex.TAG_CODEPAGE: codepage = field['value'].value if codepage in CODEPAGE_CHARSET: self.osconfig.charset = CODEPAGE_CHARSET[codepage] else: self.warning("Unknown codepage: %r" % codepage) class SummaryIndex(FieldSet): static_size = 20*8 def createFields(self): yield String(self, "name", 16) yield UInt32(self, "offset") class Summary(OLE2FragmentParser): ENDIAN_CHECK=True def __init__(self, stream, **args): OLE2FragmentParser.__init__(self, stream, **args) #self.osconfig = OSConfig(self["os_type"].value == OS_MAC) self.osconfig = OSConfig(self.endian == BIG_ENDIAN) def createFields(self): yield Bytes(self, "endian", 2, "Endian (\\xfe\\xff for little endian)") yield UInt16(self, "format", "Format (0)") yield UInt8(self, "os_version") yield UInt8(self, "os_revision") yield Enum(UInt16(self, "os_type"), OS_NAME) yield GUID(self, "format_id") yield UInt32(self, "section_count") if MAX_SECTION_COUNT < self["section_count"].value: raise ParserError("OLE2: Too much sections (%s)" % self["section_count"].value) section_indexes = [] for index in xrange(self["section_count"].value): section_index = SummaryIndex(self, "section_index[]") yield section_index section_indexes.append(section_index) for section_index in section_indexes: self.seekByte(section_index["offset"].value) yield SummarySection(self, "section[]") size = (self.size - self.current_size) // 8 if 0 < size: yield NullBytes(self, "end_padding", size) class CompObj(OLE2FragmentParser): ENDIAN_CHECK=True def __init__(self, stream, **args): OLE2FragmentParser.__init__(self, stream, **args) self.osconfig = OSConfig(self["os"].value == OS_MAC) def createFields(self): # Header yield UInt16(self, "version", "Version (=1)") yield Bytes(self, "endian", 2, "Endian (\\xfe\\xff for little endian)") yield UInt8(self, "os_version") yield UInt8(self, "os_revision") yield Enum(UInt16(self, "os"), OS_NAME) yield Int32(self, "unused", "(=-1)") yield GUID(self, "clsid") # User type yield PascalString32(self, "user_type", strip="\0") # Clipboard format if self["os"].value == OS_MAC: yield Int32(self, "unused[]", "(=-2)") yield String(self, "clipboard_format", 4) else: yield PascalString32(self, "clipboard_format", strip="\0") if self._current_size // 8 == self.datasize: return #-- OLE 2.01 --- # Program ID yield PascalString32(self, "prog_id", strip="\0") if self["os"].value != OS_MAC: # Magic number yield textHandler(UInt32(self, "magic", "Magic number (0x71B239F4)"), hexadecimal) # Unicode version yield PascalStringWin32(self, "user_type_unicode", strip="\0") yield PascalStringWin32(self, "clipboard_format_unicode", strip="\0") yield PascalStringWin32(self, "prog_id_unicode", strip="\0") size = self.datasize - (self._current_size // 8) # _current_size because current_size returns _current_max_size if size: yield NullBytes(self, "end_padding", size) if self.datasize