#import sickgear #from sickgear import common #from lib import exceptions_helper as exceptions ## #set global $title = 'Media Rename ' + $show_obj.name #set global $header = $show_obj.name #set global $sbPath = '..' #set global $topmenu = 'home' #set $css = $getVar('css', 'reg') #set $has_art = $getVar('has_art', None) #set global $page_body_attr = 'edit-show" class="' + $css ## #import os.path #include $os.path.join($sickgear.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl') <script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/testRename.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/livepanel.js?v=$sbPID"></script> #if $varExists('header') <h1 class="header"><span class="grey-text">Media Rename </span>$header</h1> #else <h1 class="title">$title</h1> #end if <div id="background-container"> #if $has_art <ul> #for $k, ($image, $rating) in enumerate($fanart) <li class="#echo ' '.join((x for x in ({10:'group', 20:'fave', 30:'avoid'}.get($rating, ''), ('', 'background first-load')[$start_image == $k]) if x)) #" style="background-image:url($sbRoot/show-poster/?tvid_prodid=$show_obj.tvid_prodid&which=fanart_$image)"></li> #end for </ul> #end if </div> <div id="config"> <div id="config-content" class="linefix container"> <input type="hidden" id="tvid-prodid" value="$show_obj.tvid_prodid"> <div id="config-components"> <ul> <li><a href="#core-component-group1">Preview</a></li> </ul> <div id="core-component-group1" class="component-group"> #if 1 == int($show_obj.air_by_date) and $sickgear.NAMING_CUSTOM_ABD: #set $type = 'Air-by-date' #set $pattern = $sickgear.NAMING_ABD_PATTERN #elif 1 == int($show_obj.sports) and $sickgear.NAMING_CUSTOM_SPORTS: #set $type = 'Sports' #set $pattern = $sickgear.NAMING_SPORTS_PATTERN #else #set $type = 'Single episode' #set $pattern = $sickgear.NAMING_PATTERN #end if <h3>Proposed changes of existing files</h3> <div class="component-group-desc episode-sample"> <h3>$type sample:</h3> </div> <div class="example" style="margin-bottom:30px"> <span class="jumbo">$pattern</span> <a href="$sbRoot/config/media-process/#core-component-group2">edit pattern</a> </div> <div> <button class="btn seriesCheck">Select All Episodes</button> <button class="btn clearAll">Clear All</button> </div> #set $curSeason = -1 #set $first_season = True <table id="testRenameTable" class="sickbeardTable" border="0"> ## #for $cur_ep_obj in $ep_obj_list #if $curSeason != int($cur_ep_obj.season): #set $curSeason = int($cur_ep_obj.season) #if not $first_season </tbody> #end if #set $first_season = False <thead> <tr class="seasonheader" id="season-$cur_ep_obj.season"> <td colspan="3" class="text-left"> <h2>#if 0 == int($cur_ep_obj.season) then 'Specials' else 'Season %s' % $cur_ep_obj.season#</h2> </td> </tr> <tr class="seasoncols" id="season-$cur_ep_obj.season-cols" style="line-height:26px"> <th class="col-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" class="seasonCheck" id="$cur_ep_obj.season"></th> <th class="text-nowrap">Episode</th> <th class="col-name">Old Location / New Location</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> #end if ## #set $curLoc = $cur_ep_obj.location[len($cur_ep_obj.show_obj.location) + 1:] #set $newLoc = '%s.%s' % ($cur_ep_obj.proper_path(), $curLoc.split('.')[-1]) #set $epList = sorted([cur_ep_obj.episode] + [x.episode for x in cur_ep_obj.related_ep_obj]) #if 1 < len($epList) #set $epList = [$min($epList), $max($epList)] #end if <tr class="opacity60 #if $curLoc == $newLoc#good#else#wanted#end if#"> #if $curLoc != $newLoc #set $epStr = '%sx%s' % ($cur_ep_obj.season, $cur_ep_obj.episode) <td class="col-checkbox" rowspan="2" style="line-height:30px"> <input type="checkbox" class="epCheck" id="$epStr" name="$epStr"> </td> #else <td rowspan="2"> </td> #end if <td class="col-ep text-nowrap" rowspan="2">#echo '-'.join(map(str, epList))#</td> <td style="text-align:left">now: $curLoc.replace('/', '/ ').replace('\\', ' \\ ')</td> </tr> <tr class="#if $curLoc == $newLoc#good#else#wanted#end if#"> <td style="text-align:left">new: $newLoc.replace('/', '/ ').replace('\\', ' \\ ')<br /> test: $cur_ep_obj.proper_path().replace('/', '/ ').replace('\\', ' \\ ')</td> </tr> #end for </tbody> </table> <div style="clear:both;margin-top:20px"> <input type="submit" value="Rename Selected" class="btn btn-success"> <a href="$sbRoot/home/view-show?tvid_prodid=$show_obj.tvid_prodid" class="btn btn-danger">Cancel Rename</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <input type="submit" value="Rename Selected" class="btn btn-success"> <a href="$sbRoot/home/view-show?tvid_prodid=$show_obj.tvid_prodid" class="btn btn-danger">Cancel Rename</a> #include $os.path.join($sickgear.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')