function initHeader() { //settings var header = $("#header"); var fadeSpeed = 100, fadeTo = 0.8, topDistance = 20; var topbarME = function() { $(header).fadeTo(fadeSpeed,1); }, topbarML = function() { $(header).fadeTo(fadeSpeed,fadeTo); }; var inside = false; //do $(window).scroll(function() { position = $(window).scrollTop(); if(position > topDistance && !inside) { //add events topbarML(); $(header).bind('mouseenter',topbarME); $(header).bind('mouseleave',topbarML); inside = true; } else if (position < topDistance){ topbarME(); $(header).unbind('mouseenter',topbarME); $(header).unbind('mouseleave',topbarML); inside = false; } }); } function showMsg(msg,loader,timeout,ms) { var feedback = $("#ajaxMsg"); update = $("#updatebar"); if (":visible") ) { var height = update.height() + 35; feedback.css("bottom",height + "px"); } else { feedback.removeAttr("style"); } feedback.fadeIn(); var message = $("
" + msg + "
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loading" + msg + "
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