# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from time import sleep import platform import re try: import urllib.request as urllib2 except ImportError: import urllib2 from sickgear import logger from sickgear.helpers import get_url, try_int, parse_xml from _23 import unquote, urlencode from six import iteritems class Plex(object): def __init__(self, settings=None): settings = settings or {} self._plex_host = settings.get('plex_host') or '' self.plex_port = settings.get('plex_port') or '32400' self.username = settings.get('username', '') self.password = settings.get('password', '') self.token = settings.get('token', '') self.device_name = settings.get('device_name', '') self.client_id = settings.get('client_id') or '5369636B47656172' self.machine_client_identifier = '' self.default_home_users = settings.get('default_home_users', '') # Progress percentage to consider video as watched # if set to anything > 0, videos with watch progress greater than this will be considered watched self.default_progress_as_watched = settings.get('default_progress_as_watched', 0) # Sections to scan. If empty all sections will be looked at, # the section id should be used which is the number found be in the url on PlexWeb after /section/[ID] self.section_list = settings.get('section_list', []) # Sections to skip scanning, for use when Settings['section_list'] is not specified, # the same as section_list, the section id should be used self.ignore_sections = settings.get('ignore_sections', []) # Filter sections by paths that are in this array self.section_filter_path = settings.get('section_filter_path', []) # Results self.show_states = {} self.file_count = 0 # Conf self.config_version = 2.0 self.use_logger = False self.test = None self.home_user_tokens = {} if self.username and '' == self.token: self.token = self.get_token(self.username, self.password) @property def plex_host(self): host = self._plex_host if not host.startswith('http'): host = 'http://%s' % host return host @plex_host.setter def plex_host(self, value): self._plex_host = value def log(self, msg, debug=True): try: if self.use_logger: msg = 'Plex:: ' + msg if debug: logger.log(msg, logger.DEBUG) else: logger.log(msg) # else: # print(msg.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode()) except (BaseException, Exception): pass def get_token(self, user, passw): auth = '' try: auth = get_url('https://plex.tv/users/sign_in.json', headers={'X-Plex-Device-Name': 'SickGear', 'X-Plex-Platform': platform.system(), 'X-Plex-Device': platform.system(), 'X-Plex-Platform-Version': platform.release(), 'X-Plex-Provides': 'Python', 'X-Plex-Product': 'Python', 'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.client_id, 'X-Plex-Version': str(self.config_version), 'X-Plex-Username': user }, parse_json=True, failure_monitor=False, post_data=urlencode({b'user[login]': user, b'user[password]': passw}).encode('utf-8') )['user']['authentication_token'] except TypeError: self.log('Error in response from plex.tv auth server') except IndexError: self.log('Error getting Plex Token') return auth def get_access_token(self, token): resources = self.get_url_x('https://plex.tv/api/resources?includeHttps=1', token=token) if None is resources: return '' devices = resources.findall('Device') for device in devices: if 1 == len(devices) \ or self.machine_client_identifier == device.get('clientIdentifier') \ or (self.device_name and (self.device_name.lower() in device.get('name').lower() or self.device_name.lower() in device.get('clientIdentifier').lower())): access_token = device.get('accessToken') if not access_token: return '' return access_token connections = device.findall('Connection') for connection in connections: if self.plex_host == connection.get('address'): access_token = device.get('accessToken') if not access_token: return '' uri = connection.get('uri') match = re.compile(r'(http[s]?://.*?):(\d*)').match(uri) if match: self.plex_host = match.group(1) self.plex_port = match.group(2) return access_token return '' def get_plex_home_user_tokens(self): user_tokens = {} # check Plex is contactable home_users = self.get_url_x('https://plex.tv/api/home/users') if None is not home_users: for user in home_users.findall('User'): user_id = user.get('id') switch_page = self.get_url_x('https://plex.tv/api/home/users/%s/switch' % user_id, post_data=True) if None is not switch_page: home_token = 'user' == switch_page.tag and switch_page.get('authenticationToken') if home_token: username = switch_page.get('title') user_tokens[username] = self.get_access_token(home_token) return user_tokens def get_url_x(self, url, token=None, **kwargs): if not token: token = self.token if not url.startswith('http'): url = 'http://' + url for x in range(0, 3): if 0 < x: sleep(0.5) try: headers = {'X-Plex-Device-Name': 'SickGear', 'X-Plex-Platform': platform.system(), 'X-Plex-Device': platform.system(), 'X-Plex-Platform-Version': platform.release(), 'X-Plex-Provides': 'controller', 'X-Plex-Product': 'Python', 'X-Plex-Client-Identifier': self.client_id, 'X-Plex-Version': str(self.config_version), 'X-Plex-Token': token, 'Accept': 'application/xml' } if self.username: headers.update({'X-Plex-Username': self.username}) page = get_url(url, headers=headers, failure_monitor=False, **kwargs) if page: parsed = parse_xml(page) if None is not parsed and len(parsed): return parsed return None except Exception as e: self.log('Error requesting page: %s' % e) continue return None # uses the Plex API to delete files instead of system functions, useful for remote installations def delete_file(self, media_id=0): try: endpoint = ('/library/metadata/%s' % str(media_id)) req = urllib2.Request('%s:%s%s' % (self.plex_host, self.plex_port, endpoint), None, {'X-Plex-Token': self.token}) req.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE' urllib2.urlopen(req) except (BaseException, Exception): return False return True @staticmethod def get_media_info(video_node): progress = 0 if None is not video_node.get('viewOffset') and None is not video_node.get('duration'): progress = try_int(video_node.get('viewOffset')) * 100 / try_int(video_node.get('duration')) for media in video_node.findall('Media'): for part in media.findall('Part'): file_name = part.get('file') # if '3' > sys.version: # remove HTML quoted characters, only works in python < 3 # file_name = urllib2.unquote(file_name.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')) # else: file_name = unquote(file_name) return {'path_file': file_name, 'media_id': video_node.get('ratingKey'), 'played': int(video_node.get('viewCount') or 0), 'progress': progress} def check_users_watched(self, users, media_id): if not self.home_user_tokens: self.home_user_tokens = self.get_plex_home_user_tokens() result = {} if 'all' in users: users = self.home_user_tokens.keys() for user in users: user_media_page = self.get_url_pms('/library/metadata/%s' % media_id, token=self.home_user_tokens[user]) if None is not user_media_page: video_node = user_media_page.find('Video') progress = 0 if None is not video_node.get('viewOffset') and None is not video_node.get('duration'): progress = try_int(video_node.get('viewOffset')) * 100 / try_int(video_node.get('duration')) played = int(video_node.get('viewCount') or 0) if not progress and not played: continue date_watched = 0 if (0 < try_int(video_node.get('viewCount'))) or (0 < self.default_progress_as_watched < progress): last_viewed_at = video_node.get('lastViewedAt') if last_viewed_at and last_viewed_at not in ('', '0'): date_watched = last_viewed_at if date_watched: result[user] = dict(played=played, progress=progress, date_watched=date_watched) else: self.log('Do not have the token for %s.' % user) return result def get_url_pms(self, endpoint=None, **kwargs): return endpoint and self.get_url_x( '%s:%s%s' % (self.plex_host, self.plex_port, endpoint), **kwargs) # parse episode information from season pages def stat_show(self, node): ep_nodes = [] if 'directory' == node.tag.lower() and 'show' == node.get('type'): show = self.get_url_pms(node.get('key')) if None is show: # Check if show page is None or empty self.log('Failed to load show page. Skipping...') return None for season_node in show.findall('Directory'): # Each directory is a season if 'season' != season_node.get('type'): # skips Specials continue season_node_key = season_node.get('key') season_node = self.get_url_pms(season_node_key) if None is not season_node: ep_nodes += [season_node] elif 'mediacontainer' == node.tag.lower() and 'episode' == node.get('viewGroup'): ep_nodes = [node] check_users = [] if self.default_home_users: check_users = self.default_home_users.strip(' ,').lower().split(',') for k in range(0, len(check_users)): # Remove extra spaces and commas check_users[k] = check_users[k].strip(', ') for episode_node in ep_nodes: for video_node in episode_node.findall('Video'): media_info = self.get_media_info(video_node) if check_users: user_info = self.check_users_watched(check_users, media_info['media_id']) for user_name, user_media_info in user_info.items(): self.show_states.update({len(self.show_states): dict( path_file=media_info['path_file'], media_id=media_info['media_id'], played=(100 * user_media_info['played']) or user_media_info['progress'] or 0, label=user_name, date_watched=user_media_info['date_watched'])}) else: self.show_states.update({len(self.show_states): dict( path_file=media_info['path_file'], media_id=media_info['media_id'], played=(100 * media_info['played']) or media_info['progress'] or 0, label=self.username, date_watched=video_node.get('lastViewedAt'))}) self.file_count += 1 return True def fetch_show_states(self, fetch_all=False): error_log = [] self.show_states = {} server_check = self.get_url_pms('/') if None is server_check or 'MediaContainer' != server_check.tag: error_log.append('Cannot reach server!') else: if not self.device_name: self.device_name = server_check.get('friendlyName') if not self.machine_client_identifier: self.machine_client_identifier = server_check.get('machineIdentifier') access_token = None if self.token: access_token = self.get_access_token(self.token) if access_token: self.token = access_token if not self.home_user_tokens: self.home_user_tokens = self.get_plex_home_user_tokens() else: error_log.append('Access Token not found') resp_sections = None if None is access_token or len(access_token): resp_sections = self.get_url_pms('/library/sections/') if None is not resp_sections: unpather = [] for loc in self.section_filter_path: loc = re.sub(r'[/\\]+', '/', loc.lower()) loc = re.sub(r'^(.{,2})[/\\]', '', loc) unpather.append(loc) self.section_filter_path = unpather for section in resp_sections.findall('Directory'): if 'show' != section.get('type') or not section.findall('Location'): continue section_path = re.sub(r'[/\\]+', '/', section.find('Location').get('path').lower()) section_path = re.sub(r'^(.{,2})[/\\]', '', section_path) if not any([section_path in path for path in self.section_filter_path]): continue if section.get('key') not in self.ignore_sections \ and section.get('title') not in self.ignore_sections: section_key = section.get('key') for (user, token) in iteritems(self.home_user_tokens or {'': None}): self.username = user resp_section = self.get_url_pms('/library/sections/%s/%s' % ( section_key, ('recentlyViewed', 'all')[fetch_all]), token=token) if None is not resp_section: view_group = 'MediaContainer' == resp_section.tag and \ resp_section.get('viewGroup') or '' if 'show' == view_group and fetch_all: for DirectoryNode in resp_section.findall('Directory'): self.stat_show(DirectoryNode) elif 'episode' == view_group and not fetch_all: self.stat_show(resp_section) if 0 < len(error_log): self.log('Library errors...') for item in error_log: self.log(item) return 0 < len(error_log)