# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. # Copyright (c) 2011, Nexenta Systems Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import boto import os import sys import textwrap from boto.s3.deletemarker import DeleteMarker from boto.exception import BotoClientError from boto.exception import InvalidUriError class StorageUri(object): """ Base class for representing storage provider-independent bucket and object name with a shorthand URI-like syntax. This is an abstract class: the constructor cannot be called (throws an exception if you try). """ connection = None # Optional args that can be set from one of the concrete subclass # constructors, to change connection behavior (e.g., to override # https_connection_factory). connection_args = None # Map of provider scheme ('s3' or 'gs') to AWSAuthConnection object. We # maintain a pool here in addition to the connection pool implemented # in AWSAuthConnection because the latter re-creates its connection pool # every time that class is instantiated (so the current pool is used to # avoid re-instantiating AWSAuthConnection). provider_pool = {} def __init__(self): """Uncallable constructor on abstract base StorageUri class. """ raise BotoClientError('Attempt to instantiate abstract StorageUri ' 'class') def __repr__(self): """Returns string representation of URI.""" return self.uri def equals(self, uri): """Returns true if two URIs are equal.""" return self.uri == uri.uri def check_response(self, resp, level, uri): if resp is None: raise InvalidUriError('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( 'Attempt to get %s for "%s" failed. This can happen if ' 'the URI refers to a non-existent object or if you meant to ' 'operate on a directory (e.g., leaving off -R option on gsutil ' 'cp, mv, or ls of a bucket)' % (level, uri), 80))) def _check_bucket_uri(self, function_name): if issubclass(type(self), BucketStorageUri) and not self.bucket_name: raise InvalidUriError( '%s on bucket-less URI (%s)' % (function_name, self.uri)) def _check_object_uri(self, function_name): if issubclass(type(self), BucketStorageUri) and not self.object_name: raise InvalidUriError('%s on object-less URI (%s)' % (function_name, self.uri)) def _warn_about_args(self, function_name, **args): for arg in args: if args[arg]: sys.stderr.write( 'Warning: %s ignores argument: %s=%s\n' % (function_name, arg, str(args[arg]))) def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs): """ Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see boto/pyami/config.py). @type storage_uri: StorageUri @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection} @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI. """ connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ()) if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and 'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args): connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = ( self.suppress_consec_slashes) connection_args.update(kwargs) if not self.connection: if self.scheme in self.provider_pool: self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme] elif self.scheme == 's3': from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id, secret_access_key, **connection_args) self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection elif self.scheme == 'gs': from boto.gs.connection import GSConnection # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections, # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is # enabled). # # The same is not true for S3's HTTPS certificates. In fact, # we don't want to do this for S3 because S3 requires the # subdomain to match the location of the bucket. If the proper # subdomain is not used, the server will return a 301 redirect # with no Location header. # # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the # start of this file else it causes a config import failure when # run from the resumable upload/download tests. from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat() self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id, secret_access_key, **connection_args) self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection elif self.scheme == 'file': from boto.file.connection import FileConnection self.connection = FileConnection(self) else: raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' % self.scheme) self.connection.debug = self.debug return self.connection def has_version(self): return (issubclass(type(self), BucketStorageUri) and ((self.version_id is not None) or (self.generation is not None))) def delete_key(self, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None, mfa_token=None): self._check_object_uri('delete_key') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.delete_key(self.object_name, headers, version_id, mfa_token) def list_bucket(self, prefix='', delimiter='', headers=None, all_versions=False): self._check_bucket_uri('list_bucket') bucket = self.get_bucket(headers=headers) if all_versions: return (v for v in bucket.list_versions( prefix=prefix, delimiter=delimiter, headers=headers) if not isinstance(v, DeleteMarker)) else: return bucket.list(prefix=prefix, delimiter=delimiter, headers=headers) def get_all_keys(self, validate=False, headers=None, prefix=None): bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.get_all_keys(headers) def get_bucket(self, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_bucket') conn = self.connect() bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.bucket_name, validate, headers) self.check_response(bucket, 'bucket', self.uri) return bucket def get_key(self, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_object_uri('get_key') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) key = bucket.get_key(self.object_name, headers, version_id) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) return key def new_key(self, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_object_uri('new_key') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.new_key(self.object_name) def get_contents_to_stream(self, fp, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_object_uri('get_key') self._warn_about_args('get_key', validate=False) key = self.get_key(None, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) return key.get_contents_to_file(fp, headers, version_id=version_id) def get_contents_to_file(self, fp, headers=None, cb=None, num_cb=10, torrent=False, version_id=None, res_download_handler=None, response_headers=None, hash_algs=None): self._check_object_uri('get_contents_to_file') key = self.get_key(None, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) if hash_algs: key.get_contents_to_file(fp, headers, cb, num_cb, torrent, version_id, res_download_handler, response_headers, hash_algs=hash_algs) else: key.get_contents_to_file(fp, headers, cb, num_cb, torrent, version_id, res_download_handler, response_headers) def get_contents_as_string(self, validate=False, headers=None, cb=None, num_cb=10, torrent=False, version_id=None): self._check_object_uri('get_contents_as_string') key = self.get_key(validate, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) return key.get_contents_as_string(headers, cb, num_cb, torrent, version_id) def acl_class(self): conn = self.connect() acl_class = conn.provider.acl_class self.check_response(acl_class, 'acl_class', self.uri) return acl_class def canned_acls(self): conn = self.connect() canned_acls = conn.provider.canned_acls self.check_response(canned_acls, 'canned_acls', self.uri) return canned_acls class BucketStorageUri(StorageUri): """ StorageUri subclass that handles bucket storage providers. Callers should instantiate this class by calling boto.storage_uri(). """ delim = '/' capabilities = set([]) # A set of additional capabilities. def __init__(self, scheme, bucket_name=None, object_name=None, debug=0, connection_args=None, suppress_consec_slashes=True, version_id=None, generation=None, is_latest=False): """Instantiate a BucketStorageUri from scheme,bucket,object tuple. @type scheme: string @param scheme: URI scheme naming the storage provider (gs, s3, etc.) @type bucket_name: string @param bucket_name: bucket name @type object_name: string @param object_name: object name, excluding generation/version. @type debug: int @param debug: debug level to pass in to connection (range 0..2) @type connection_args: map @param connection_args: optional map containing args to be passed to {S3,GS}Connection constructor (e.g., to override https_connection_factory). @param suppress_consec_slashes: If provided, controls whether consecutive slashes will be suppressed in key paths. @param version_id: Object version id (S3-specific). @param generation: Object generation number (GCS-specific). @param is_latest: boolean indicating that a versioned object is the current version After instantiation the components are available in the following fields: scheme, bucket_name, object_name, version_id, generation, is_latest, versionless_uri, version_specific_uri, uri. Note: If instantiated without version info, the string representation for a URI stays versionless; similarly, if instantiated with version info, the string representation for a URI stays version-specific. If you call one of the uri.set_contents_from_xyz() methods, a specific object version will be created, and its version-specific URI string can be retrieved from version_specific_uri even if the URI was instantiated without version info. """ self.scheme = scheme self.bucket_name = bucket_name self.object_name = object_name self.debug = debug if connection_args: self.connection_args = connection_args self.suppress_consec_slashes = suppress_consec_slashes self.version_id = version_id self.generation = generation and int(generation) self.is_latest = is_latest self.is_version_specific = bool(self.generation) or bool(version_id) self._build_uri_strings() def _build_uri_strings(self): if self.bucket_name and self.object_name: self.versionless_uri = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.scheme, self.bucket_name, self.object_name) if self.generation: self.version_specific_uri = '%s#%s' % (self.versionless_uri, self.generation) elif self.version_id: self.version_specific_uri = '%s#%s' % ( self.versionless_uri, self.version_id) if self.is_version_specific: self.uri = self.version_specific_uri else: self.uri = self.versionless_uri elif self.bucket_name: self.uri = ('%s://%s/' % (self.scheme, self.bucket_name)) else: self.uri = ('%s://' % self.scheme) def _update_from_key(self, key): self._update_from_values( getattr(key, 'version_id', None), getattr(key, 'generation', None), getattr(key, 'is_latest', None), getattr(key, 'md5', None)) def _update_from_values(self, version_id, generation, is_latest, md5): self.version_id = version_id self.generation = generation self.is_latest = is_latest self._build_uri_strings() self.md5 = md5 def get_key(self, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_object_uri('get_key') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) if self.get_provider().name == 'aws': key = bucket.get_key(self.object_name, headers, version_id=(version_id or self.version_id)) elif self.get_provider().name == 'google': key = bucket.get_key(self.object_name, headers, generation=self.generation) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) return key def delete_key(self, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None, mfa_token=None): self._check_object_uri('delete_key') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) if self.get_provider().name == 'aws': version_id = version_id or self.version_id return bucket.delete_key(self.object_name, headers, version_id, mfa_token) elif self.get_provider().name == 'google': return bucket.delete_key(self.object_name, headers, generation=self.generation) def clone_replace_name(self, new_name): """Instantiate a BucketStorageUri from the current BucketStorageUri, but replacing the object_name. @type new_name: string @param new_name: new object name """ self._check_bucket_uri('clone_replace_name') return BucketStorageUri( self.scheme, bucket_name=self.bucket_name, object_name=new_name, debug=self.debug, suppress_consec_slashes=self.suppress_consec_slashes) def clone_replace_key(self, key): """Instantiate a BucketStorageUri from the current BucketStorageUri, by replacing the object name with the object name and other metadata found in the given Key object (including generation). @type key: Key @param key: key for the new StorageUri to represent """ self._check_bucket_uri('clone_replace_key') version_id = None generation = None is_latest = False if hasattr(key, 'version_id'): version_id = key.version_id if hasattr(key, 'generation'): generation = key.generation if hasattr(key, 'is_latest'): is_latest = key.is_latest return BucketStorageUri( key.provider.get_provider_name(), bucket_name=key.bucket.name, object_name=key.name, debug=self.debug, suppress_consec_slashes=self.suppress_consec_slashes, version_id=version_id, generation=generation, is_latest=is_latest) def get_acl(self, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): """returns a bucket's acl""" self._check_bucket_uri('get_acl') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) # This works for both bucket- and object- level ACLs (former passes # key_name=None): key_name = self.object_name or '' if self.get_provider().name == 'aws': version_id = version_id or self.version_id acl = bucket.get_acl(key_name, headers, version_id) else: acl = bucket.get_acl(key_name, headers, generation=self.generation) self.check_response(acl, 'acl', self.uri) return acl def get_def_acl(self, validate=False, headers=None): """returns a bucket's default object acl""" self._check_bucket_uri('get_def_acl') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) acl = bucket.get_def_acl(headers) self.check_response(acl, 'acl', self.uri) return acl def get_cors(self, validate=False, headers=None): """returns a bucket's CORS XML""" self._check_bucket_uri('get_cors') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) cors = bucket.get_cors(headers) self.check_response(cors, 'cors', self.uri) return cors def set_cors(self, cors, validate=False, headers=None): """sets or updates a bucket's CORS XML""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_cors ') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) if self.scheme == 's3': bucket.set_cors(cors, headers) else: bucket.set_cors(cors.to_xml(), headers) def get_location(self, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_location') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.get_location(headers) def get_storage_class(self, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_storage_class') # StorageClass is defined as a bucket and object param for GCS, but # only as a key param for S3. if self.scheme != 'gs': raise ValueError('get_storage_class() not supported for %s ' 'URIs.' % self.scheme) bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.get_storage_class(headers) def set_storage_class(self, storage_class, validate=False, headers=None): """Updates a bucket's storage class.""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_storage_class') # StorageClass is defined as a bucket and object param for GCS, but # only as a key param for S3. if self.scheme != 'gs': raise ValueError('set_storage_class() not supported for %s ' 'URIs.' % self.scheme) bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.set_storage_class(storage_class, headers) def get_subresource(self, subresource, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_subresource') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.get_subresource(subresource, self.object_name, headers, version_id) def add_group_email_grant(self, permission, email_address, recursive=False, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('add_group_email_grant') if self.scheme != 'gs': raise ValueError('add_group_email_grant() not supported for %s ' 'URIs.' % self.scheme) if self.object_name: if recursive: raise ValueError('add_group_email_grant() on key-ful URI cannot ' 'specify recursive=True') key = self.get_key(validate, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) key.add_group_email_grant(permission, email_address, headers) elif self.bucket_name: bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.add_group_email_grant(permission, email_address, recursive, headers) else: raise InvalidUriError('add_group_email_grant() on bucket-less URI ' '%s' % self.uri) def add_email_grant(self, permission, email_address, recursive=False, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('add_email_grant') if not self.object_name: bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.add_email_grant(permission, email_address, recursive, headers) else: key = self.get_key(validate, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) key.add_email_grant(permission, email_address) def add_user_grant(self, permission, user_id, recursive=False, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('add_user_grant') if not self.object_name: bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.add_user_grant(permission, user_id, recursive, headers) else: key = self.get_key(validate, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) key.add_user_grant(permission, user_id) def list_grants(self, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('list_grants ') bucket = self.get_bucket(headers) return bucket.list_grants(headers) def is_file_uri(self): """Returns True if this URI names a file or directory.""" return False def is_cloud_uri(self): """Returns True if this URI names a bucket or object.""" return True def names_container(self): """ Returns True if this URI names a directory or bucket. Will return False for bucket subdirs; providing bucket subdir semantics needs to be done by the caller (like gsutil does). """ return bool(not self.object_name) def names_singleton(self): """Returns True if this URI names a file or object.""" return bool(self.object_name) def names_directory(self): """Returns True if this URI names a directory.""" return False def names_provider(self): """Returns True if this URI names a provider.""" return bool(not self.bucket_name) def names_bucket(self): """Returns True if this URI names a bucket.""" return bool(self.bucket_name) and bool(not self.object_name) def names_file(self): """Returns True if this URI names a file.""" return False def names_object(self): """Returns True if this URI names an object.""" return self.names_singleton() def is_stream(self): """Returns True if this URI represents input/output stream.""" return False def create_bucket(self, headers=None, location='', policy=None, storage_class=None): self._check_bucket_uri('create_bucket ') conn = self.connect() # Pass storage_class param only if this is a GCS bucket. (In S3 the # storage class is specified on the key object.) if self.scheme == 'gs': return conn.create_bucket(self.bucket_name, headers, location, policy, storage_class) else: return conn.create_bucket(self.bucket_name, headers, location, policy) def delete_bucket(self, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('delete_bucket') conn = self.connect() return conn.delete_bucket(self.bucket_name, headers) def get_all_buckets(self, headers=None): conn = self.connect() return conn.get_all_buckets(headers) def get_provider(self): conn = self.connect() provider = conn.provider self.check_response(provider, 'provider', self.uri) return provider def set_acl(self, acl_or_str, key_name='', validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None, if_generation=None, if_metageneration=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's ACL.""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_acl') key_name = key_name or self.object_name or '' bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) if self.generation: bucket.set_acl( acl_or_str, key_name, headers, generation=self.generation, if_generation=if_generation, if_metageneration=if_metageneration) else: version_id = version_id or self.version_id bucket.set_acl(acl_or_str, key_name, headers, version_id) def set_xml_acl(self, xmlstring, key_name='', validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None, if_generation=None, if_metageneration=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's ACL with an XML string.""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_xml_acl') key_name = key_name or self.object_name or '' bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) if self.generation: bucket.set_xml_acl( xmlstring, key_name, headers, generation=self.generation, if_generation=if_generation, if_metageneration=if_metageneration) else: version_id = version_id or self.version_id bucket.set_xml_acl(xmlstring, key_name, headers, version_id=version_id) def set_def_xml_acl(self, xmlstring, validate=False, headers=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's default object ACL with an XML string.""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_def_xml_acl') self.get_bucket(validate, headers).set_def_xml_acl(xmlstring, headers) def set_def_acl(self, acl_or_str, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's default object ACL.""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_def_acl') self.get_bucket(validate, headers).set_def_acl(acl_or_str, headers) def set_canned_acl(self, acl_str, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's acl to a predefined (canned) value.""" self._check_object_uri('set_canned_acl') self._warn_about_args('set_canned_acl', version_id=version_id) key = self.get_key(validate, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) key.set_canned_acl(acl_str, headers) def set_def_canned_acl(self, acl_str, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's default object acl to a predefined (canned) value.""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_def_canned_acl ') key = self.get_key(validate, headers) self.check_response(key, 'key', self.uri) key.set_def_canned_acl(acl_str, headers, version_id) def set_subresource(self, subresource, value, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_bucket_uri('set_subresource') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.set_subresource(subresource, value, self.object_name, headers, version_id) def set_contents_from_string(self, s, headers=None, replace=True, cb=None, num_cb=10, policy=None, md5=None, reduced_redundancy=False): self._check_object_uri('set_contents_from_string') key = self.new_key(headers=headers) if self.scheme == 'gs': if reduced_redundancy: sys.stderr.write('Warning: GCS does not support ' 'reduced_redundancy; argument ignored by ' 'set_contents_from_string') result = key.set_contents_from_string( s, headers, replace, cb, num_cb, policy, md5) else: result = key.set_contents_from_string( s, headers, replace, cb, num_cb, policy, md5, reduced_redundancy) self._update_from_key(key) return result def set_contents_from_file(self, fp, headers=None, replace=True, cb=None, num_cb=10, policy=None, md5=None, size=None, rewind=False, res_upload_handler=None): self._check_object_uri('set_contents_from_file') key = self.new_key(headers=headers) if self.scheme == 'gs': result = key.set_contents_from_file( fp, headers, replace, cb, num_cb, policy, md5, size=size, rewind=rewind, res_upload_handler=res_upload_handler) if res_upload_handler: self._update_from_values(None, res_upload_handler.generation, None, md5) else: self._warn_about_args('set_contents_from_file', res_upload_handler=res_upload_handler) result = key.set_contents_from_file( fp, headers, replace, cb, num_cb, policy, md5, size=size, rewind=rewind) self._update_from_key(key) return result def set_contents_from_stream(self, fp, headers=None, replace=True, cb=None, policy=None, reduced_redundancy=False): self._check_object_uri('set_contents_from_stream') dst_key = self.new_key(False, headers) result = dst_key.set_contents_from_stream( fp, headers, replace, cb, policy=policy, reduced_redundancy=reduced_redundancy) self._update_from_key(dst_key) return result def copy_key(self, src_bucket_name, src_key_name, metadata=None, src_version_id=None, storage_class='STANDARD', preserve_acl=False, encrypt_key=False, headers=None, query_args=None, src_generation=None): """Returns newly created key.""" self._check_object_uri('copy_key') dst_bucket = self.get_bucket(validate=False, headers=headers) if src_generation: return dst_bucket.copy_key( new_key_name=self.object_name, src_bucket_name=src_bucket_name, src_key_name=src_key_name, metadata=metadata, storage_class=storage_class, preserve_acl=preserve_acl, encrypt_key=encrypt_key, headers=headers, query_args=query_args, src_generation=src_generation) else: return dst_bucket.copy_key( new_key_name=self.object_name, src_bucket_name=src_bucket_name, src_key_name=src_key_name, metadata=metadata, src_version_id=src_version_id, storage_class=storage_class, preserve_acl=preserve_acl, encrypt_key=encrypt_key, headers=headers, query_args=query_args) def enable_logging(self, target_bucket, target_prefix=None, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_bucket_uri('enable_logging') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.enable_logging(target_bucket, target_prefix, headers=headers) def disable_logging(self, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_bucket_uri('disable_logging') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.disable_logging(headers=headers) def get_logging_config(self, validate=False, headers=None, version_id=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_logging_config') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.get_logging_config(headers=headers) def set_website_config(self, main_page_suffix=None, error_key=None, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('set_website_config') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) if not (main_page_suffix or error_key): bucket.delete_website_configuration(headers) else: bucket.configure_website(main_page_suffix, error_key, headers) def get_website_config(self, validate=False, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_website_config') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.get_website_configuration(headers) def get_versioning_config(self, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_versioning_config') bucket = self.get_bucket(False, headers) return bucket.get_versioning_status(headers) def configure_versioning(self, enabled, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('configure_versioning') bucket = self.get_bucket(False, headers) return bucket.configure_versioning(enabled, headers) def set_metadata(self, metadata_plus, metadata_minus, preserve_acl, headers=None): return self.get_key(False).set_remote_metadata(metadata_plus, metadata_minus, preserve_acl, headers=headers) def compose(self, components, content_type=None, headers=None): self._check_object_uri('compose') component_keys = [] for suri in components: component_keys.append(suri.new_key()) component_keys[-1].generation = suri.generation self.generation = self.new_key().compose( component_keys, content_type=content_type, headers=headers) self._build_uri_strings() return self def get_lifecycle_config(self, validate=False, headers=None): """Returns a bucket's lifecycle configuration.""" self._check_bucket_uri('get_lifecycle_config') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) lifecycle_config = bucket.get_lifecycle_config(headers) self.check_response(lifecycle_config, 'lifecycle', self.uri) return lifecycle_config def configure_lifecycle(self, lifecycle_config, validate=False, headers=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's lifecycle configuration.""" self._check_bucket_uri('configure_lifecycle') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.configure_lifecycle(lifecycle_config, headers) def get_billing_config(self, headers=None): self._check_bucket_uri('get_billing_config') # billing is defined as a bucket param for GCS, but not for S3. if self.scheme != 'gs': raise ValueError('get_billing_config() not supported for %s ' 'URIs.' % self.scheme) bucket = self.get_bucket(False, headers) return bucket.get_billing_config(headers) def configure_billing(self, requester_pays=False, validate=False, headers=None): """Sets or updates a bucket's billing configuration.""" self._check_bucket_uri('configure_billing') # billing is defined as a bucket param for GCS, but not for S3. if self.scheme != 'gs': raise ValueError('configure_billing() not supported for %s ' 'URIs.' % self.scheme) bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.configure_billing(requester_pays=requester_pays, headers=headers) def get_encryption_config(self, validate=False, headers=None): """Returns a GCS bucket's encryption configuration.""" self._check_bucket_uri('get_encryption_config') # EncryptionConfiguration is defined as a bucket param for GCS, but not # for S3. if self.scheme != 'gs': raise ValueError('get_encryption_config() not supported for %s ' 'URIs.' % self.scheme) bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) return bucket.get_encryption_config(headers=headers) def set_encryption_config(self, default_kms_key_name=None, validate=False, headers=None): """Sets a GCS bucket's encryption configuration.""" self._check_bucket_uri('set_encryption_config') bucket = self.get_bucket(validate, headers) bucket.set_encryption_config(default_kms_key_name=default_kms_key_name, headers=headers) def exists(self, headers=None): """Returns True if the object exists or False if it doesn't""" if not self.object_name: raise InvalidUriError('exists on object-less URI (%s)' % self.uri) bucket = self.get_bucket(headers) key = bucket.get_key(self.object_name, headers=headers) return bool(key) class FileStorageUri(StorageUri): """ StorageUri subclass that handles files in the local file system. Callers should instantiate this class by calling boto.storage_uri(). See file/README about how we map StorageUri operations onto a file system. """ delim = os.sep def __init__(self, object_name, debug, is_stream=False): """Instantiate a FileStorageUri from a path name. @type object_name: string @param object_name: object name @type debug: boolean @param debug: whether to enable debugging on this StorageUri After instantiation the components are available in the following fields: uri, scheme, bucket_name (always blank for this "anonymous" bucket), object_name. """ self.scheme = 'file' self.bucket_name = '' self.object_name = object_name self.uri = 'file://' + object_name self.debug = debug self.stream = is_stream def clone_replace_name(self, new_name): """Instantiate a FileStorageUri from the current FileStorageUri, but replacing the object_name. @type new_name: string @param new_name: new object name """ return FileStorageUri(new_name, self.debug, self.stream) def is_file_uri(self): """Returns True if this URI names a file or directory.""" return True def is_cloud_uri(self): """Returns True if this URI names a bucket or object.""" return False def names_container(self): """Returns True if this URI names a directory or bucket.""" return self.names_directory() def names_singleton(self): """Returns True if this URI names a file (or stream) or object.""" return not self.names_container() def names_directory(self): """Returns True if this URI names a directory.""" if self.stream: return False return os.path.isdir(self.object_name) def names_provider(self): """Returns True if this URI names a provider.""" return False def names_bucket(self): """Returns True if this URI names a bucket.""" return False def names_file(self): """Returns True if this URI names a file.""" return self.names_singleton() def names_object(self): """Returns True if this URI names an object.""" return False def is_stream(self): """Returns True if this URI represents input/output stream. """ return bool(self.stream) def close(self): """Closes the underlying file. """ self.get_key().close() def exists(self, _headers_not_used=None): """Returns True if the file exists or False if it doesn't""" # The _headers_not_used parameter is ignored. It is only there to ensure # that this method's signature is identical to the exists method on the # BucketStorageUri class. return os.path.exists(self.object_name)