# Copyright (c) 2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/ # Copyright (c) 2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. # All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # from math import ceil from boto.compat import json, map, six import requests class SearchServiceException(Exception): pass class CommitMismatchError(Exception): pass class SearchResults(object): def __init__(self, **attrs): self.rid = attrs['info']['rid'] # self.doc_coverage_pct = attrs['info']['doc-coverage-pct'] self.cpu_time_ms = attrs['info']['cpu-time-ms'] self.time_ms = attrs['info']['time-ms'] self.hits = attrs['hits']['found'] self.docs = attrs['hits']['hit'] self.start = attrs['hits']['start'] self.rank = attrs['rank'] self.match_expression = attrs['match-expr'] self.query = attrs['query'] self.search_service = attrs['search_service'] self.facets = {} if 'facets' in attrs: for (facet, values) in attrs['facets'].items(): if 'constraints' in values: self.facets[facet] = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in map(lambda x: (x['value'], x['count']), values['constraints'])) self.num_pages_needed = ceil(self.hits / self.query.real_size) def __len__(self): return len(self.docs) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.docs) def next_page(self): """Call Cloudsearch to get the next page of search results :rtype: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.search.SearchResults` :return: the following page of search results """ if self.query.page <= self.num_pages_needed: self.query.start += self.query.real_size self.query.page += 1 return self.search_service(self.query) else: raise StopIteration class Query(object): RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 500 def __init__(self, q=None, bq=None, rank=None, return_fields=None, size=10, start=0, facet=None, facet_constraints=None, facet_sort=None, facet_top_n=None, t=None): self.q = q self.bq = bq self.rank = rank or [] self.return_fields = return_fields or [] self.start = start self.facet = facet or [] self.facet_constraints = facet_constraints or {} self.facet_sort = facet_sort or {} self.facet_top_n = facet_top_n or {} self.t = t or {} self.page = 0 self.update_size(size) def update_size(self, new_size): self.size = new_size self.real_size = Query.RESULTS_PER_PAGE if (self.size > Query.RESULTS_PER_PAGE or self.size == 0) else self.size def to_params(self): """Transform search parameters from instance properties to a dictionary :rtype: dict :return: search parameters """ params = {'start': self.start, 'size': self.real_size} if self.q: params['q'] = self.q if self.bq: params['bq'] = self.bq if self.rank: params['rank'] = ','.join(self.rank) if self.return_fields: params['return-fields'] = ','.join(self.return_fields) if self.facet: params['facet'] = ','.join(self.facet) if self.facet_constraints: for k, v in six.iteritems(self.facet_constraints): params['facet-%s-constraints' % k] = v if self.facet_sort: for k, v in six.iteritems(self.facet_sort): params['facet-%s-sort' % k] = v if self.facet_top_n: for k, v in six.iteritems(self.facet_top_n): params['facet-%s-top-n' % k] = v if self.t: for k, v in six.iteritems(self.t): params['t-%s' % k] = v return params class SearchConnection(object): def __init__(self, domain=None, endpoint=None): self.domain = domain self.endpoint = endpoint if not endpoint: self.endpoint = domain.search_service_endpoint def build_query(self, q=None, bq=None, rank=None, return_fields=None, size=10, start=0, facet=None, facet_constraints=None, facet_sort=None, facet_top_n=None, t=None): return Query(q=q, bq=bq, rank=rank, return_fields=return_fields, size=size, start=start, facet=facet, facet_constraints=facet_constraints, facet_sort=facet_sort, facet_top_n=facet_top_n, t=t) def search(self, q=None, bq=None, rank=None, return_fields=None, size=10, start=0, facet=None, facet_constraints=None, facet_sort=None, facet_top_n=None, t=None): """ Send a query to CloudSearch Each search query should use at least the q or bq argument to specify the search parameter. The other options are used to specify the criteria of the search. :type q: string :param q: A string to search the default search fields for. :type bq: string :param bq: A string to perform a Boolean search. This can be used to create advanced searches. :type rank: List of strings :param rank: A list of fields or rank expressions used to order the search results. A field can be reversed by using the - operator. ``['-year', 'author']`` :type return_fields: List of strings :param return_fields: A list of fields which should be returned by the search. If this field is not specified, only IDs will be returned. ``['headline']`` :type size: int :param size: Number of search results to specify :type start: int :param start: Offset of the first search result to return (can be used for paging) :type facet: list :param facet: List of fields for which facets should be returned ``['colour', 'size']`` :type facet_constraints: dict :param facet_constraints: Use to limit facets to specific values specified as comma-delimited strings in a Dictionary of facets ``{'colour': "'blue','white','red'", 'size': "big"}`` :type facet_sort: dict :param facet_sort: Rules used to specify the order in which facet values should be returned. Allowed values are *alpha*, *count*, *max*, *sum*. Use *alpha* to sort alphabetical, and *count* to sort the facet by number of available result. ``{'color': 'alpha', 'size': 'count'}`` :type facet_top_n: dict :param facet_top_n: Dictionary of facets and number of facets to return. ``{'colour': 2}`` :type t: dict :param t: Specify ranges for specific fields ``{'year': '2000..2005'}`` :rtype: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.search.SearchResults` :return: Returns the results of this search The following examples all assume we have indexed a set of documents with fields: *author*, *date*, *headline* A simple search will look for documents whose default text search fields will contain the search word exactly: >>> search(q='Tim') # Return documents with the word Tim in them (but not Timothy) A simple search with more keywords will return documents whose default text search fields contain the search strings together or separately. >>> search(q='Tim apple') # Will match "tim" and "apple" More complex searches require the boolean search operator. Wildcard searches can be used to search for any words that start with the search string. >>> search(bq="'Tim*'") # Return documents with words like Tim or Timothy) Search terms can also be combined. Allowed operators are "and", "or", "not", "field", "optional", "token", "phrase", or "filter" >>> search(bq="(and 'Tim' (field author 'John Smith'))") Facets allow you to show classification information about the search results. For example, you can retrieve the authors who have written about Tim: >>> search(q='Tim', facet=['Author']) With facet_constraints, facet_top_n and facet_sort more complicated constraints can be specified such as returning the top author out of John Smith and Mark Smith who have a document with the word Tim in it. >>> search(q='Tim', ... facet=['Author'], ... facet_constraints={'author': "'John Smith','Mark Smith'"}, ... facet=['author'], ... facet_top_n={'author': 1}, ... facet_sort={'author': 'count'}) """ query = self.build_query(q=q, bq=bq, rank=rank, return_fields=return_fields, size=size, start=start, facet=facet, facet_constraints=facet_constraints, facet_sort=facet_sort, facet_top_n=facet_top_n, t=t) return self(query) def __call__(self, query): """Make a call to CloudSearch :type query: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.search.Query` :param query: A group of search criteria :rtype: :class:`boto.cloudsearch.search.SearchResults` :return: search results """ url = "http://%s/2011-02-01/search" % (self.endpoint) params = query.to_params() r = requests.get(url, params=params) body = r.content.decode('utf-8') try: data = json.loads(body) except ValueError as e: if r.status_code == 403: msg = '' import re g = re.search('