$(document).ready(function() { function make_row(tvid_prodid, season, episode, name, checked, airdateNever, qualityCss, qualityStr, sxe, recomend) { var checkedbox = (checked ? ' checked' : ''), rowClass = $('#row-class').val(), ep_id = season + 'x' + episode; return ' ' + ' ' + '' + ' ' + sxe + '' + ' ' + ' ' + qualityStr + '' + ('' === recomend ? '' : '' + recomend[0] + '') + name + (airdateNever ? ' (airdate is never, this should change in time)' : '') + '' + ' '; } function selectRecommended(){ var setStatus$ = $('#set-status'); setStatus$.val('recommended').change(); setStatus$.find('option[value="recommended"]').prop('selected', !0); } function onGo(that){ if($(that).hasClass('change-status')){ $(that).closest('tr[id^="ep-"]').find('input[class*="-epcheck"]').prop('checked', !0); $(that).prop('disabled', !0); selectRecommended(); } if ($('input[class*="-epcheck"]:checked').length === 0 && $('input[id*="allCheck-"]:checked').length === 0) { alert('Please select at least one Show or Episode'); return false } } $('.go').on('click', function(){ return onGo(this); }); $('.allCheck').on('click', function(){ var indexer_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1]; $('input[class*="' + indexer_id + '-epcheck"').prop('checked', $(this).prop('checked')); }); $('.get_more_eps').show(); function show_episodes(btnElement) { var match = btnElement.attr('id').match(/(.*)[-](.*)/); if (null == match) return false; var tvid_prodid = match[1], expand = 'more' === match[2], btnExpand$ = $('input[id="' + match[0] + '"]'), checked = $(document.getElementById('allCheck-' + tvid_prodid)).prop('checked'), showHeader = $('tr[id="' + tvid_prodid + '"]'), episodeRows = $('tr[id*="ep-' + tvid_prodid + '"]'), void_var = episodeRows.css({'visibility': expand ? 'visible' : 'collapse'}); btnExpand$.val(expand ? 'Expanding...' : 'Collapsing...'); if (0 === episodeRows.length) { $.getJSON(sbRoot + '/manage/get-status-episodes', { tvid_prodid: tvid_prodid, which_status: $('#old-status').val() }, function (data) { var recommend = '', recommendations=0, newGo$; $.each(data, function(season, eps){ $.each(eps, function(episode, meta) { recommend = /undefined/i.test(meta.recommend) ? '' : meta.recommend; recommendations += ('' === recommend) ? 0 : 1; showHeader.after(make_row(tvid_prodid, season, episode, meta.name, checked, meta.airdateNever, meta.qualityCss, meta.qualityStr, meta.sxe, recommend)); newGo$ = showHeader.next().find('.go'); if (newGo$.length){ newGo$.on('click', function(){return onGo(this);}); } }); }); var setStatus$ = $('#set-status'); if (recommendations && 0 === setStatus$.find('.recommended').length) { setStatus$.find('option').last().after(''); selectRecommended(); } btnExpand$.val(expand ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse'); btnElement.hide(); $('input[id="' + tvid_prodid + '-' + (expand ? 'less' : 'more') + '"]').show(); }); } else { btnExpand$.val(expand ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse'); btnElement.hide(); $('input[id="' + tvid_prodid + '-' + (expand ? 'less' : 'more') + '"]').show(); } } $('.get_more_eps,.get_less_eps').on('click', function(){ show_episodes($(this)); var btnExpandAll$ = $('.expand-all'); (0 === $('.get_more_eps:visible').length ? btnExpandAll$.hide() : btnExpandAll$.show()); }); $('.expand-all').on('click', function(){ $(this).hide(); $('.collapse-all').show(); $('.get_more_eps').each(function() { show_episodes($(this)); }); }); $('.collapse-all').on('click', function(){ $(this).hide(); $('.expand-all').show(); $('.get_less_eps').each(function() { show_episodes($(this)); }); }); // selects all visible episode checkboxes. $('.selectAllShows').on('click', function(){ $('.sickbeardTable input').each(function() { this.checked = true; }); }); // clears all visible episode checkboxes and the season selectors $('.unselectAllShows').on('click', function(){ $('.sickbeardTable input').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); }); });