# Author: Idan Gutman # Modified by jkaberg, https://github.com/jkaberg for SceneAccess # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . import re import traceback import datetime import sickbeard import generic from sickbeard.common import Quality from sickbeard import logger,tvcache,db,classes,helpers,show_name_helpers from sickbeard.exceptions import ex, AuthException from lib import requests from lib.requests import exceptions from sickbeard.bs4_parser import BS4Parser from lib.unidecode import unidecode from sickbeard.helpers import sanitizeSceneName class HDTorrentsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider): urls = {'base_url': 'https://hdts.ru/index.php', 'login': 'https://hdts.ru/login.php', 'detail': 'https://www.hdts.ru/details.php?id=%s', 'search': 'https://hdts.ru/torrents.php?search=%s&active=1&options=0%s', 'download': 'https://www.sceneaccess.eu/%s', 'home': 'https://www.hdts.ru/%s' } def __init__(self): generic.TorrentProvider.__init__(self, 'HDTorrents', True, False) self._uid = None self._hash = None self.username = None self.password = None self.ratio = None self.minseed = None self.minleech = None self.cache = HDTorrentsCache(self) self.url = self.urls['base_url'] self.categories = "&category[]=59&category[]=60&category[]=30&category[]=38" self.cookies = None def getQuality(self, item, anime=False): quality = Quality.sceneQuality(item[0]) return quality def _checkAuth(self): if not self.username or not self.password: raise AuthException("Your authentication credentials for " + self.name + " are missing, check your config.") return True def _doLogin(self): if any(requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(self.session.cookies).values()): return True if self._uid and self._hash: requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(self.session.cookies, self.cookies) else: login_params = {'uid': self.username, 'pwd': self.password, 'submit': 'Confirm', } try: response = self.session.post(self.urls['login'], data=login_params, timeout=30, verify=False) except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError), e: logger.log(u'Unable to connect to ' + self.name + ' provider: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR) return False if re.search('You need cookies enabled to log in.', response.text) \ or response.status_code == 401: logger.log(u'Your authentication credentials for ' + self.name + ' are incorrect, check your config.', logger.ERROR) return False self._uid = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(self.session.cookies)['uid'] self._hash = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(self.session.cookies)['pass'] self.cookies = {'uid': self._uid, 'pass': self._hash } return True def _get_season_search_strings(self, ep_obj): search_string = {'Season': []} for show_name in set(show_name_helpers.allPossibleShowNames(self.show)): if ep_obj.show.air_by_date or ep_obj.show.sports: ep_string = show_name + ' ' + str(ep_obj.airdate).split('-')[0] elif ep_obj.show.anime: ep_string = show_name + ' ' + "%d" % ep_obj.scene_absolute_number else: ep_string = show_name + ' S%02d' % int(ep_obj.scene_season) #1) showName SXX search_string['Season'].append(ep_string) return [search_string] def _get_episode_search_strings(self, ep_obj, add_string=''): search_string = {'Episode': []} if not ep_obj: return [] if self.show.air_by_date: for show_name in set(show_name_helpers.allPossibleShowNames(self.show)): ep_string = sanitizeSceneName(show_name) + ' ' + \ str(ep_obj.airdate).replace('-', '|') search_string['Episode'].append(ep_string) elif self.show.sports: for show_name in set(show_name_helpers.allPossibleShowNames(self.show)): ep_string = sanitizeSceneName(show_name) + ' ' + \ str(ep_obj.airdate).replace('-', '|') + '|' + \ ep_obj.airdate.strftime('%b') search_string['Episode'].append(ep_string) elif self.show.anime: for show_name in set(show_name_helpers.allPossibleShowNames(self.show)): ep_string = sanitizeSceneName(show_name) + ' ' + \ "%i" % int(ep_obj.scene_absolute_number) search_string['Episode'].append(ep_string) else: for show_name in set(show_name_helpers.allPossibleShowNames(self.show)): ep_string = show_name_helpers.sanitizeSceneName(show_name) + ' ' + \ sickbeard.config.naming_ep_type[2] % {'seasonnumber': ep_obj.scene_season, 'episodenumber': ep_obj.scene_episode} search_string['Episode'].append(re.sub('\s+', ' ', ep_string)) return [search_string] def _doSearch(self, search_params, search_mode='eponly', epcount=0, age=0): results = [] items = {'Season': [], 'Episode': [], 'RSS': []} if not self._doLogin(): return [] for mode in search_params.keys(): for search_string in search_params[mode]: if isinstance(search_string, unicode): search_string = unidecode(search_string) if search_string == '': continue search_string = str(search_string).replace('.', ' ') searchURL = self.urls['search'] % (search_string, self.categories) logger.log(u"Search string: " + searchURL, logger.DEBUG) data = self.getURL(searchURL) if not data: continue # Remove HDTorrents NEW list split_data = data.partition('\n\n\n\n') data = split_data[2] try: with BS4Parser(data, features=["html5lib", "permissive"]) as html: #Get first entry in table entries = html.find_all('td', attrs={'align': 'center'}) if html.find(text='No torrents here...'): logger.log(u"No results found for: " + search_string + " (" + searchURL + ")", logger.DEBUG) continue if not entries: logger.log(u"The data returned from " + self.name + " does not contain any torrents", logger.DEBUG) continue try: title = entries[22].find('a')['title'].strip('History - ').replace('Blu-ray', 'bd50') url = self.urls['home'] % entries[15].find('a')['href'] download_url = self.urls['home'] % entries[15].find('a')['href'] id = entries[23].find('div')['id'] seeders = int(entries[20].get_text()) leechers = int(entries[21].get_text()) except (AttributeError, TypeError): continue if mode != 'RSS' and (seeders < self.minseed or leechers < self.minleech): continue if not title or not download_url: continue item = title, download_url, id, seeders, leechers logger.log(u"Found result: " + title + "(" + searchURL + ")", logger.DEBUG) items[mode].append(item) #Now attempt to get any others result_table = html.find('table', attrs={'class': 'mainblockcontenttt'}) if not result_table: continue entries = result_table.find_all('td', attrs={'align': 'center', 'class': 'listas'}) if not entries: continue for result in entries: block2 = result.find_parent('tr').find_next_sibling('tr') if not block2: continue cells = block2.find_all('td') try: title = cells[1].find('b').get_text().strip('\t ').replace('Blu-ray', 'bd50') url = self.urls['home'] % cells[4].find('a')['href'] download_url = self.urls['home'] % cells[4].find('a')['href'] detail = cells[1].find('a')['href'] id = detail.replace('details.php?id=', '') seeders = int(cells[9].get_text()) leechers = int(cells[10].get_text()) except (AttributeError, TypeError): continue if mode != 'RSS' and (seeders < self.minseed or leechers < self.minleech): continue if not title or not download_url: continue item = title, download_url, id, seeders, leechers logger.log(u"Found result: " + title + "(" + searchURL + ")", logger.DEBUG) items[mode].append(item) except Exception, e: logger.log(u"Failed parsing " + self.name + " Traceback: " + traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR) #For each search mode sort all the items by seeders items[mode].sort(key=lambda tup: tup[3], reverse=True) results += items[mode] return results def _get_title_and_url(self, item): title, url, id, seeders, leechers = item if title: title = u'' + title title = title.replace(' ', '.') if url: url = str(url).replace('&', '&') return (title, url) def findPropers(self, search_date=datetime.datetime.today()): results = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() sqlResults = myDB.select( 'SELECT s.show_name, e.showid, e.season, e.episode, e.status, e.airdate FROM tv_episodes AS e' + ' INNER JOIN tv_shows AS s ON (e.showid = s.indexer_id)' + ' WHERE e.airdate >= ' + str(search_date.toordinal()) + ' AND (e.status IN (' + ','.join([str(x) for x in Quality.DOWNLOADED]) + ')' + ' OR (e.status IN (' + ','.join([str(x) for x in Quality.SNATCHED]) + ')))' ) if not sqlResults: return [] for sqlshow in sqlResults: self.show = curshow = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(sqlshow["showid"])) if not self.show: continue curEp = curshow.getEpisode(int(sqlshow["season"]), int(sqlshow["episode"])) searchString = self._get_episode_search_strings(curEp, add_string='PROPER|REPACK') for item in self._doSearch(searchString[0]): title, url = self._get_title_and_url(item) results.append(classes.Proper(title, url, datetime.datetime.today(), self.show)) return results def seedRatio(self): return self.ratio class HDTorrentsCache(tvcache.TVCache): def __init__(self, provider): tvcache.TVCache.__init__(self, provider) # only poll HDTorrents every 10 minutes max self.minTime = 20 def _getRSSData(self): search_params = {'RSS': []} return self.provider._doSearch(search_params) provider = HDTorrentsProvider()