# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca> # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of Sick Beard. # # Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Sick Beard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import time import datetime import sqlite3 import sickbeard from sickbeard import db from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard.common import Quality from sickbeard import helpers, show_name_helpers from sickbeard import name_cache from sickbeard.exceptions import MultipleShowObjectsException, ex from sickbeard.exceptions import ex, AuthException try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree except ImportError: import elementtree.ElementTree as etree from name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException class CacheDBConnection(db.DBConnection): def __init__(self, providerName): db.DBConnection.__init__(self, "cache.db") # Create the table if it's not already there try: sql = "CREATE TABLE [" + providerName + "] (name TEXT, season NUMERIC, episodes TEXT, indexerid NUMERIC, url TEXT, time NUMERIC, quality TEXT);" self.connection.execute(sql) self.connection.commit() except sqlite3.OperationalError, e: if str(e) != "table [" + providerName + "] already exists": raise # Create the table if it's not already there try: sql = "CREATE TABLE lastUpdate (provider TEXT, time NUMERIC);" self.connection.execute(sql) self.connection.commit() except sqlite3.OperationalError, e: if str(e) != "table lastUpdate already exists": raise class TVCache(): def __init__(self, provider): self.provider = provider self.providerID = self.provider.getID() self.minTime = 10 def _getDB(self): return CacheDBConnection(self.providerID) def _clearCache(self): myDB = self._getDB() myDB.action("DELETE FROM [" + self.providerID + "] WHERE 1") def _getRSSData(self): data = None return data def _checkAuth(self, parsedXML): return True def _checkItemAuth(self, title, url): return True def updateCache(self): if not self.shouldUpdate(): return if self._checkAuth(None): data = self._getRSSData() # as long as the http request worked we count this as an update if data: self.setLastUpdate() else: return [] # now that we've loaded the current RSS feed lets delete the old cache logger.log(u"Clearing " + self.provider.name + " cache and updating with new information") self._clearCache() parsedXML = helpers.parse_xml(data) if parsedXML is None: logger.log(u"Error trying to load " + self.provider.name + " RSS feed", logger.ERROR) return [] if self._checkAuth(parsedXML): if parsedXML.tag == 'rss': items = parsedXML.findall('.//item') else: logger.log(u"Resulting XML from " + self.provider.name + " isn't RSS, not parsing it", logger.ERROR) return [] cl = [] for item in items: ci = self._parseItem(item) if ci is not None: cl.append(ci) if len(cl) > 0: myDB = self._getDB() myDB.mass_action(cl) else: raise AuthException( u"Your authentication credentials for " + self.provider.name + " are incorrect, check your config") return [] def _translateTitle(self, title): return title.replace(' ', '.') def _translateLinkURL(self, url): return url.replace('&', '&') def _parseItem(self, item): title = helpers.get_xml_text(item.find('title')) url = helpers.get_xml_text(item.find('link')) self._checkItemAuth(title, url) if title and url: title = self._translateTitle(title) url = self._translateLinkURL(url) logger.log(u"Adding item from RSS to cache: " + title, logger.DEBUG) return self._addCacheEntry(title, url) else: logger.log( u"The XML returned from the " + self.provider.name + " feed is incomplete, this result is unusable", logger.DEBUG) return None def _getLastUpdate(self): myDB = self._getDB() sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT time FROM lastUpdate WHERE provider = ?", [self.providerID]) if sqlResults: lastTime = int(sqlResults[0]["time"]) if lastTime > int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple())): lastTime = 0 else: lastTime = 0 return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(lastTime) def setLastUpdate(self, toDate=None): if not toDate: toDate = datetime.datetime.today() myDB = self._getDB() myDB.upsert("lastUpdate", {'time': int(time.mktime(toDate.timetuple()))}, {'provider': self.providerID}) lastUpdate = property(_getLastUpdate) def shouldUpdate(self): # if we've updated recently then skip the update if datetime.datetime.today() - self.lastUpdate < datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.minTime): logger.log(u"Last update was too soon, using old cache: today()-" + str(self.lastUpdate) + "<" + str( datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.minTime)), logger.DEBUG) return False return True def _addCacheEntry(self, name, url, season=None, episodes=None, indexer_id=0, quality=None, extraNames=[]): myDB = self._getDB() parse_result = None # if we don't have complete info then parse the filename to get it for curName in [name] + extraNames: try: myParser = NameParser() parse_result = myParser.parse(curName, True) except InvalidNameException: logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + curName + " into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG) continue if not parse_result: logger.log(u"Giving up because I'm unable to parse this name: " + name, logger.DEBUG) return None if not parse_result.series_name: logger.log(u"No series name retrieved from " + name + ", unable to cache it", logger.DEBUG) return None indexer_lang = None # if we need indexer_id then search the DB for them if not indexer_id: # if we have only the indexer_id, use the database if indexer_id: try: showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id) except (MultipleShowObjectsException): showObj = None if showObj: indexer_lang = showObj.lang # if they're both empty then fill out as much info as possible by searching the show name else: # check the name cache and see if we already know what show this is logger.log( u"Checking the cache to see if we already know the indexer id of " + parse_result.series_name, logger.DEBUG) indexer_id = name_cache.retrieveNameFromCache(parse_result.series_name) # remember if the cache lookup worked or not so we know whether we should bother updating it later if indexer_id == None: logger.log(u"No cache results returned, continuing on with the search", logger.DEBUG) from_cache = False else: logger.log(u"Cache lookup found " + repr(indexer_id) + ", using that", logger.DEBUG) from_cache = True # if the cache failed, try looking up the show name in the database if indexer_id == None: logger.log(u"Trying to look the show up in the show database", logger.DEBUG) showResult = helpers.searchDBForShow(parse_result.series_name) if showResult: logger.log( u"" + parse_result.series_name + " was found to be show " + showResult[2] + " (" + str( showResult[1]) + ") in our DB.", logger.DEBUG) indexer_id = showResult[1] # if the DB lookup fails then do a comprehensive regex search if indexer_id == None: logger.log(u"Couldn't figure out a show name straight from the DB, trying a regex search instead", logger.DEBUG) for curShow in sickbeard.showList: if show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(name, curShow, False): logger.log(u"Successfully matched " + name + " to " + curShow.name + " with regex", logger.DEBUG) indexer_id = curShow.indexerid indexer_lang = curShow.lang break # if indexer_id was anything but None (0 or a number) then if not from_cache: name_cache.addNameToCache(parse_result.series_name, indexer_id) # if we came out with indexer_id = None it means we couldn't figure it out at all, just use 0 for that if indexer_id == None: indexer_id = 0 # if we found the show then retrieve the show object if indexer_id: try: showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id) except (MultipleShowObjectsException): showObj = None if showObj: self.indexer = showObj.indexer indexer_lang = showObj.lang # if we weren't provided with season/episode information then get it from the name that we parsed if not season: season = parse_result.season_number if parse_result.season_number != None else 1 if not episodes: episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers # if we have an air-by-date show then get the real season/episode numbers if parse_result.air_by_date and indexer_id: try: lINDEXER_API_PARMS = {'indexer': self.indexer} if not (indexer_lang == "" or indexer_lang == "en" or indexer_lang == None): lINDEXER_API_PARMS['language'] = indexer_lang t = sickbeard.indexerApi(**lINDEXER_API_PARMS) epObj = t[indexer_id].airedOn(parse_result.air_date)[0] season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"]) episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])] except sickbeard.indexer_episodenotfound: logger.log(u"Unable to find episode with date " + str( parse_result.air_date) + " for show " + parse_result.series_name + ", skipping", logger.WARNING) return None except sickbeard.indexer_error, e: logger.log(u"Unable to contact " + sickbeard.indexerApi(self.indexer).name + ": " + ex(e), logger.WARNING) return None episodeText = "|" + "|".join(map(str, episodes)) + "|" # get the current timestamp curTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple())) if not quality: quality = Quality.sceneQuality(name) if not isinstance(name, unicode): name = unicode(name, 'utf-8') myDB.action( "INSERT INTO [" + self.providerID + "] (name, season, episodes, indexerid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [name, season, episodeText, indexer_id, url, curTimestamp, quality]) def searchCache(self, episode, manualSearch=False): neededEps = self.findNeededEpisodes(episode, manualSearch) return neededEps[episode] def listPropers(self, date=None, delimiter="."): myDB = self._getDB() sql = "SELECT * FROM [" + self.providerID + "] WHERE name LIKE '%.PROPER.%' OR name LIKE '%.REPACK.%'" if date != None: sql += " AND time >= " + str(int(time.mktime(date.timetuple()))) #return filter(lambda x: x['indexerid'] != 0, myDB.select(sql)) return myDB.select(sql) def findNeededEpisodes(self, episode=None, manualSearch=False): neededEps = {} if episode: neededEps[episode] = [] myDB = self._getDB() if not episode: sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM [" + self.providerID + "]") else: sqlResults = myDB.select( "SELECT * FROM [" + self.providerID + "] WHERE indexerid = ? AND season = ? AND episodes LIKE ?", [episode.show.indexerid, episode.season, "%|" + str(episode.episode) + "|%"]) # for each cache entry for curResult in sqlResults: # skip non-tv crap (but allow them for Newzbin cause we assume it's filtered well) if self.providerID != 'newzbin' and not show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(curResult["name"]): continue # get the show object, or if it's not one of our shows then ignore it try: showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(curResult["indexerid"])) except (MultipleShowObjectsException): showObj = None if not showObj: continue # get season and ep data (ignoring multi-eps for now) curSeason = int(curResult["season"]) if curSeason == -1: continue curEp = curResult["episodes"].split("|")[1] if not curEp: continue curEp = int(curEp) curQuality = int(curResult["quality"]) # if the show says we want that episode then add it to the list if not showObj.wantEpisode(curSeason, curEp, curQuality, manualSearch): logger.log(u"Skipping " + curResult["name"] + " because we don't want an episode that's " + Quality.qualityStrings[curQuality], logger.DEBUG) else: if episode: epObj = episode else: epObj = showObj.getEpisode(curSeason, curEp) # build a result object title = curResult["name"] url = curResult["url"] logger.log(u"Found result " + title + " at " + url) result = self.provider.getResult([epObj]) result.url = url result.name = title result.quality = curQuality result.content = self.provider.getURL(url) \ if self.provider.providerType == sickbeard.providers.generic.GenericProvider.TORRENT \ and not url.startswith('magnet') else None # add it to the list if epObj not in neededEps: neededEps[epObj] = [result] else: neededEps[epObj].append(result) return neededEps