""" EXIF metadata parser; also parses TIFF file headers. Author: Victor Stinner, Robert Xiao References: - Exif 2.2 Specification (JEITA CP-3451) http://www.exif.org/Exif2-2.PDF - TIFF 6.0 Specification http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tiff/TIFF6.pdf """ from hachoir.field import (FieldSet, SeekableFieldSet, ParserError, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, Int8, Int16, Int32, Float32, Float64, Enum, String, Bytes, SubFile, NullBits, NullBytes) from hachoir.core.endian import LITTLE_ENDIAN, BIG_ENDIAN from hachoir.core.tools import createDict def rationalFactory(class_name, size, field_class): class Rational(FieldSet): static_size = size def createFields(self): yield field_class(self, "numerator") yield field_class(self, "denominator") def createValue(self): return float(self["numerator"].value) / self["denominator"].value cls = Rational cls.__name__ = class_name return cls RationalInt32 = rationalFactory("RationalInt32", 64, Int32) RationalUInt32 = rationalFactory("RationalUInt32", 64, UInt32) class ASCIIString(String): def __init__(self, parent, name, nbytes, description=None, strip=' \0', charset='ISO-8859-1', *args, **kwargs): String.__init__(self, parent, name, nbytes, description, strip, charset, *args, **kwargs) class IFDTag(UInt16): def getTag(self): return self.parent.TAG_INFO.get(self.value, (hex(self.value), hex(self.value))) def createDisplay(self): return self.getTag()[0] class ValueArray(FieldSet): def __init__(self, parent, name, type, count, description=None): FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, size=type.static_size * count, description=description) self.array_type = type self.array_count = count def createFields(self): for i in range(self.array_count): yield self.array_type(self, "data[]") def createValue(self): return [f.value for f in self] def createDisplay(self): if self.array_count > 16: return '' % (self.array_count, self.array_type.__name__) else: return '[' + ', '.join(f.display for f in self) + ']' class BasicIFDEntry(FieldSet): TYPE_BYTE = 0 TYPE_UNDEFINED = 7 TYPE_RATIONAL = 5 TYPE_SIGNED_RATIONAL = 10 TYPE_INFO = { 1: (UInt8, "BYTE (8 bits)"), 2: (ASCIIString, "ASCII (8 bits)"), 3: (UInt16, "SHORT (16 bits)"), 4: (UInt32, "LONG (32 bits)"), 5: (RationalUInt32, "RATIONAL (2x LONG, 64 bits)"), 6: (Int8, "SBYTE (8 bits)"), 7: (Bytes, "UNDEFINED (8 bits)"), 8: (Int16, "SSHORT (16 bits)"), 9: (Int32, "SLONG (32 bits)"), 10: (RationalInt32, "SRATIONAL (2x SLONG, 64 bits)"), 11: (Float32, "FLOAT (32 bits)"), 12: (Float64, "DOUBLE (64 bits)"), } ENTRY_FORMAT = createDict(TYPE_INFO, 0) TYPE_NAME = createDict(TYPE_INFO, 1) TAG_INFO = {} def createFields(self): yield IFDTag(self, "tag", "Tag") yield Enum(UInt16(self, "type", "Type"), self.TYPE_NAME) self.value_cls = self.ENTRY_FORMAT.get(self['type'].value, Bytes) if issubclass(self.value_cls, Bytes): self.value_size = 8 else: self.value_size = self.value_cls.static_size yield UInt32(self, "count", "Count") count = self['count'].value totalsize = self.value_size * count if count == 0: yield NullBytes(self, "padding", 4) elif totalsize <= 32: name = "value" if issubclass(self.value_cls, Bytes): yield self.value_cls(self, name, count) elif count == 1: yield self.value_cls(self, name) else: yield ValueArray(self, name, self.value_cls, count) if totalsize < 32: yield NullBits(self, "padding", 32 - totalsize) else: yield UInt32(self, "offset", "Value offset") def createValue(self): if "value" in self: return self['value'].value return None def createDescription(self): return "Entry: " + self["tag"].getTag()[1] class IFDEntry(BasicIFDEntry): EXIF_IFD_POINTER = 0x8769 GPS_IFD_POINTER = 0x8825 INTEROP_IFD_POINTER = 0xA005 SUBIFD_POINTERS = 0x014A TAG_INFO = { # image data structure 0x0100: ("ImageWidth", "Image width"), 0x0101: ("ImageLength", "Image height"), 0x0102: ("BitsPerSample", "Number of bits per component"), 0x0103: ("Compression", "Compression scheme"), 0x0106: ("PhotometricInterpretation", "Pixel composition"), 0x0112: ("Orientation", "Orientation of image"), 0x0115: ("SamplesPerPixel", "Number of components"), 0x011C: ("PlanarConfiguration", "Image data arrangement"), 0x0212: ("YCbCrSubSampling", "Subsampling ratio of Y to C"), 0x0213: ("YCbCrPositioning", "Y and C positioning"), 0x011A: ("XResolution", "Image resolution in width direction"), 0x011B: ("YResolution", "Image resolution in height direction"), 0x0128: ("ResolutionUnit", "Unit of X and Y resolution"), # recording offset 0x0111: ("StripOffsets", "Image data location"), 0x0116: ("RowsPerStrip", "Number of rows per strip"), 0x0117: ("StripByteCounts", "Bytes per compressed strip"), 0x0201: ("JPEGInterchangeFormat", "Offset to JPEG SOI"), 0x0202: ("JPEGInterchangeFormatLength", "Bytes of JPEG data"), # image data characteristics 0x012D: ("TransferFunction", "Transfer function"), 0x013E: ("WhitePoint", "White point chromaticity"), 0x013F: ("PrimaryChromaticities", "Chromaticities of primaries"), 0x0211: ("YCbCrCoefficients", "Color space transformation matrix coefficients"), 0x0214: ("ReferenceBlackWhite", "Pair of black and white reference values"), # other tags 0x0132: ("DateTime", "File change date and time"), 0x010E: ("ImageDescription", "Image title"), 0x010F: ("Make", "Image input equipment manufacturer"), 0x0110: ("Model", "Image input equipment model"), 0x0131: ("Software", "Software used"), 0x013B: ("Artist", "Person who created the image"), 0x8298: ("Copyright", "Copyright holder"), 0x02bc: ("XMPPacket", "XMP Packet"), # TIFF-specific tags 0x00FE: ("NewSubfileType", "NewSubfileType"), 0x00FF: ("SubfileType", "SubfileType"), 0x0107: ("Threshholding", "Threshholding"), 0x0108: ("CellWidth", "CellWidth"), 0x0109: ("CellLength", "CellLength"), 0x010A: ("FillOrder", "FillOrder"), 0x010D: ("DocumentName", "DocumentName"), 0x0118: ("MinSampleValue", "MinSampleValue"), 0x0119: ("MaxSampleValue", "MaxSampleValue"), 0x011D: ("PageName", "PageName"), 0x011E: ("XPosition", "XPosition"), 0x011F: ("YPosition", "YPosition"), 0x0120: ("FreeOffsets", "FreeOffsets"), 0x0121: ("FreeByteCounts", "FreeByteCounts"), 0x0122: ("GrayResponseUnit", "GrayResponseUnit"), 0x0123: ("GrayResponseCurve", "GrayResponseCurve"), 0x0124: ("T4Options", "T4Options"), 0x0125: ("T6Options", "T6Options"), 0x0129: ("PageNumber", "PageNumber"), 0x013C: ("HostComputer", "HostComputer"), 0x013D: ("Predictor", "Predictor"), 0x0140: ("ColorMap", "ColorMap"), 0x0141: ("HalftoneHints", "HalftoneHints"), 0x0142: ("TileWidth", "TileWidth"), 0x0143: ("TileLength", "TileLength"), 0x0144: ("TileOffsets", "TileOffsets"), 0x0145: ("TileByteCounts", "TileByteCounts"), SUBIFD_POINTERS: ("SubIFDs", "SubIFDs"), 0x014C: ("InkSet", "InkSet"), 0x014D: ("InkNames", "InkNames"), 0x014E: ("NumberOfInks", "NumberOfInks"), 0x0150: ("DotRange", "DotRange"), 0x0151: ("TargetPrinter", "TargetPrinter"), 0x0152: ("ExtraSamples", "ExtraSamples"), 0x0153: ("SampleFormat", "SampleFormat"), 0x0154: ("SMinSampleValue", "SMinSampleValue"), 0x0155: ("SMaxSampleValue", "SMaxSampleValue"), 0x0156: ("TransferRange", "TransferRange"), 0x0200: ("JPEGProc", "JPEGProc"), 0x0203: ("JPEGRestartInterval", "JPEGRestartInterval"), 0x0205: ("JPEGLosslessPredictors", "JPEGLosslessPredictors"), 0x0206: ("JPEGPointTransforms", "JPEGPointTransforms"), 0x0207: ("JPEGQTables", "JPEGQTables"), 0x0208: ("JPEGDCTables", "JPEGDCTables"), 0x0209: ("JPEGACTables", "JPEGACTables"), # IFD pointers EXIF_IFD_POINTER: ("IFDExif", "Exif IFD Pointer"), GPS_IFD_POINTER: ("IFDGPS", "GPS IFD Pointer"), INTEROP_IFD_POINTER: ("IFDInterop", "Interoperability IFD Pointer"), } class ExifIFDEntry(BasicIFDEntry): TAG_INFO = { # version 0x9000: ("ExifVersion", "Exif version"), 0xA000: ("FlashpixVersion", "Supported Flashpix version"), # image data characteristics 0xA001: ("ColorSpace", "Color space information"), # image configuration 0x9101: ("ComponentsConfiguration", "Meaning of each component"), 0x9102: ("CompressedBitsPerPixel", "Image compression mode"), 0xA002: ("PixelXDimension", "Valid image width"), 0xA003: ("PixelYDimension", "Valid image height"), # user information 0x927C: ("MakerNote", "Manufacturer notes"), 0x9286: ("UserComment", "User comments"), # related file information 0xA004: ("RelatedSoundFile", "Related audio file"), # date and time 0x9003: ("DateTimeOriginal", "Date and time of original data generation"), 0x9004: ("DateTimeDigitized", "Date and time of digital data generation"), 0x9290: ("SubSecTime", "DateTime subseconds"), 0x9291: ("SubSecTimeOriginal", "DateTimeOriginal subseconds"), 0x9292: ("SubSecTimeDigitized", "DateTimeDigitized subseconds"), # picture-taking conditions 0x829A: ("ExposureTime", "Exposure time"), 0x829D: ("FNumber", "F number"), 0x8822: ("ExposureProgram", "Exposure program"), 0x8824: ("SpectralSensitivity", "Spectral sensitivity"), 0x8827: ("ISOSpeedRatings", "ISO speed rating"), 0x8828: ("OECF", "Optoelectric conversion factor"), 0x9201: ("ShutterSpeedValue", "Shutter speed"), 0x9202: ("ApertureValue", "Aperture"), 0x9203: ("BrightnessValue", "Brightness"), 0x9204: ("ExposureBiasValue", "Exposure bias"), 0x9205: ("MaxApertureValue", "Maximum lens aperture"), 0x9206: ("SubjectDistance", "Subject distance"), 0x9207: ("MeteringMode", "Metering mode"), 0x9208: ("LightSource", "Light source"), 0x9209: ("Flash", "Flash"), 0x920A: ("FocalLength", "Lens focal length"), 0x9214: ("SubjectArea", "Subject area"), 0xA20B: ("FlashEnergy", "Flash energy"), 0xA20C: ("SpatialFrequencyResponse", "Spatial frequency response"), 0xA20E: ("FocalPlaneXResolution", "Focal plane X resolution"), 0xA20F: ("FocalPlaneYResolution", "Focal plane Y resolution"), 0xA210: ("FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", "Focal plane resolution unit"), 0xA214: ("SubjectLocation", "Subject location"), 0xA215: ("ExposureIndex", "Exposure index"), 0xA217: ("SensingMethod", "Sensing method"), 0xA300: ("FileSource", "File source"), 0xA301: ("SceneType", "Scene type"), 0xA302: ("CFAPattern", "CFA pattern"), 0xA401: ("CustomRendered", "Custom image processing"), 0xA402: ("ExposureMode", "Exposure mode"), 0xA403: ("WhiteBalance", "White balance"), 0xA404: ("DigitalZoomRatio", "Digital zoom ratio"), 0xA405: ("FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", "Focal length in 35 mm film"), 0xA406: ("SceneCaptureType", "Scene capture type"), 0xA407: ("GainControl", "Gain control"), 0xA408: ("Contrast", "Contrast"), 0xA409: ("Saturation", "Saturation"), 0xA40A: ("Sharpness", "Sharpness"), 0xA40B: ("DeviceSettingDescription", "Device settings description"), 0xA40C: ("SubjectDistanceRange", "Subject distance range"), # other tags 0xA420: ("ImageUniqueID", "Unique image ID"), } class GPSIFDEntry(BasicIFDEntry): TAG_INFO = { 0x0000: ("GPSVersionID", "GPS tag version"), 0x0001: ("GPSLatitudeRef", "North or South Latitude"), 0x0002: ("GPSLatitude", "Latitude"), 0x0003: ("GPSLongitudeRef", "East or West Longitude"), 0x0004: ("GPSLongitude", "Longitude"), 0x0005: ("GPSAltitudeRef", "Altitude reference"), 0x0006: ("GPSAltitude", "Altitude"), 0x0007: ("GPSTimeStamp", "GPS time (atomic clock)"), 0x0008: ("GPSSatellites", "GPS satellites used for measurement"), 0x0009: ("GPSStatus", "GPS receiver status"), 0x000A: ("GPSMeasureMode", "GPS measurement mode"), 0x000B: ("GPSDOP", "Measurement precision"), 0x000C: ("GPSSpeedRef", "Speed unit"), 0x000D: ("GPSSpeed", "Speed of GPS receiver"), 0x000E: ("GPSTrackRef", "Reference for direction of movement"), 0x000F: ("GPSTrack", "Direction of movement"), 0x0010: ("GPSImgDirectionRef", "Reference for direction of image"), 0x0011: ("GPSImgDirection", "Direction of image"), 0x0012: ("GPSMapDatum", "Geodetic survey data used"), 0x0013: ("GPSDestLatitudeRef", "Reference for latitude of destination"), 0x0014: ("GPSDestLatitude", "Latitude of destination"), 0x0015: ("GPSDestLongitudeRef", "Reference for longitude of destination"), 0x0016: ("GPSDestLongitude", "Longitude of destination"), 0x0017: ("GPSDestBearingRef", "Reference for bearing of destination"), 0x0018: ("GPSDestBearing", "Bearing of destination"), 0x0019: ("GPSDestDistanceRef", "Reference for distance to destination"), 0x001A: ("GPSDestDistance", "Distance to destination"), 0x001B: ("GPSProcessingMethod", "Name of GPS processing method"), 0x001C: ("GPSAreaInformation", "Name of GPS area"), 0x001D: ("GPSDateStamp", "GPS date"), 0x001E: ("GPSDifferential", "GPS differential correction"), } class InteropIFDEntry(BasicIFDEntry): TAG_INFO = { 0x0001: ("InteroperabilityIndex", "Interoperability Identification"), } class IFD(SeekableFieldSet): EntryClass = IFDEntry def __init__(self, parent, name, base_addr): self.base_addr = base_addr SeekableFieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name) def createFields(self): yield UInt16(self, "count", "Number of entries") count = self["count"].value if count == 0: raise ParserError("IFDs cannot be empty.") for i in range(count): yield self.EntryClass(self, "entry[]") yield UInt32(self, "next", "Offset to next IFD") for i in range(count): entry = self['entry[%d]' % i] if 'offset' not in entry: continue self.seekByte(entry['offset'].value + self.base_addr // 8, relative=False) count = entry['count'].value name = "value[%s]" % i if issubclass(entry.value_cls, Bytes): yield entry.value_cls(self, name, count) elif entry['tag'].display == "XMPPacket": yield String(self, name, count) elif count == 1: yield entry.value_cls(self, name) else: yield ValueArray(self, name, entry.value_cls, count) def getEntryValues(self, entry): n = int(entry.name.rsplit('[', 1)[1].strip(']')) if 'offset' in entry: field = 'value[%d]' % n base = self else: field = 'value' base = entry if field not in base: return None elif isinstance(base[field], ValueArray): return list(base[field]) else: return [base[field]] class ExifIFD(IFD): EntryClass = ExifIFDEntry class GPSIFD(IFD): EntryClass = GPSIFDEntry class InteropIFD(IFD): EntryClass = InteropIFDEntry IFD_TAGS = { IFDEntry.EXIF_IFD_POINTER: ('exif', ExifIFD), IFDEntry.GPS_IFD_POINTER: ('exif_gps', GPSIFD), IFDEntry.INTEROP_IFD_POINTER: ('exif_interop', InteropIFD), } def TIFF(self): iff_start = self.absolute_address + self.current_size yield String(self, "endian", 2, "Endian ('II' or 'MM')", charset="ASCII") if self["endian"].value not in ("II", "MM"): raise ParserError("Invalid endian!") if self["endian"].value == "II": self.endian = LITTLE_ENDIAN else: self.endian = BIG_ENDIAN yield UInt16(self, "version", "TIFF version number") yield UInt32(self, "img_dir_ofs", "Next image directory offset") offsets = [(self['img_dir_ofs'].value, 'ifd[]', IFD)] while offsets: offset, name, klass = offsets.pop(0) self.seekByte(offset + iff_start // 8, relative=False) ifd = klass(self, name, iff_start) yield ifd for entry in ifd.array('entry'): tag = entry['tag'].value if tag in IFD_TAGS: name, klass = IFD_TAGS[tag] offsets.append((ifd.getEntryValues(entry)[ 0].value, name + '[]', klass)) elif tag == IFDEntry.SUBIFD_POINTERS: for val in ifd.getEntryValues(entry): offsets.append((val.value, ifd.name + '[]', IFD)) if ifd['next'].value != 0: offsets.append((ifd['next'].value, 'ifd[]', IFD)) class Exif(SeekableFieldSet): def createFields(self): # Headers yield String(self, "header", 6, "Header (Exif\\0\\0)", charset="ASCII") if self["header"].value != "Exif\0\0": raise ParserError("Invalid EXIF signature!") iff_start = self.absolute_address + self.current_size ifds = [] for field in TIFF(self): yield field if isinstance(field, IFD): ifds.append(field) for ifd in ifds: data = {} for i, entry in enumerate(ifd.array('entry')): data[entry['tag'].display] = entry if 'JPEGInterchangeFormat' in data and 'JPEGInterchangeFormatLength' in data: offs = ifd.getEntryValues( data['JPEGInterchangeFormat'])[0].value size = ifd.getEntryValues( data['JPEGInterchangeFormatLength'])[0].value if size == 0: continue self.seekByte(offs + iff_start // 8, relative=False) yield SubFile(self, "thumbnail[]", size, "Thumbnail (JPEG file)", mime_type="image/jpeg")