""" Utilities used to convert a field to human classic reprentation of data. """ from hachoir_core.tools import ( humanDuration, humanFilesize, alignValue, durationWin64 as doDurationWin64, deprecated) from types import FunctionType, MethodType from hachoir_core.field import Field def textHandler(field, handler): assert isinstance(handler, (FunctionType, MethodType)) assert issubclass(field.__class__, Field) field.createDisplay = lambda: handler(field) return field def displayHandler(field, handler): assert isinstance(handler, (FunctionType, MethodType)) assert issubclass(field.__class__, Field) field.createDisplay = lambda: handler(field.value) return field @deprecated("Use TimedeltaWin64 field type") def durationWin64(field): """ Convert Windows 64-bit duration to string. The timestamp format is a 64-bit number: number of 100ns. See also timestampWin64(). >>> durationWin64(type("", (), dict(value=2146280000, size=64))) u'3 min 34 sec 628 ms' >>> durationWin64(type("", (), dict(value=(1 << 64)-1, size=64))) u'58494 years 88 days 5 hours' """ assert hasattr(field, "value") and hasattr(field, "size") assert field.size == 64 delta = doDurationWin64(field.value) return humanDuration(delta) def filesizeHandler(field): """ Format field value using humanFilesize() """ return displayHandler(field, humanFilesize) def hexadecimal(field): """ Convert an integer to hexadecimal in lower case. Returns unicode string. >>> hexadecimal(type("", (), dict(value=412, size=16))) u'0x019c' >>> hexadecimal(type("", (), dict(value=0, size=32))) u'0x00000000' """ assert hasattr(field, "value") and hasattr(field, "size") size = field.size padding = alignValue(size, 4) // 4 pattern = u"0x%%0%ux" % padding return pattern % field.value