# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import codecs

    from collections import UserList
except ImportError:
    from UserList import UserList

from itertools import chain
from copy import copy

from pysrt.srtexc import Error
from pysrt.srtitem import SubRipItem
from pysrt.compat import str

BOMS = ((codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE, 'utf_32_le'),
        (codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE, 'utf_32_be'),
        (codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE, 'utf_16_le'),
        (codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE, 'utf_16_be'),
        (codecs.BOM_UTF8, 'utf_8'))
CODECS_BOMS = dict((codec, str(bom, codec)) for bom, codec in BOMS)
BIGGER_BOM = max(len(bom) for bom, encoding in BOMS)

class SubRipFile(UserList, object):
    SubRip file descriptor.

    Provide a pure Python mapping on all metadata.

    SubRipFile(items, eol, path, encoding)

    items -> list of SubRipItem. Default to [].
    eol -> str: end of line character. Default to linesep used in opened file
        if any else to os.linesep.
    path -> str: path where file will be saved. To open an existant file see
    encoding -> str: encoding used at file save. Default to utf-8.
    ERROR_PASS = 0
    ERROR_LOG = 1

    DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'utf_8'

    def __init__(self, items=None, eol=None, path=None, encoding='utf-8'):
        UserList.__init__(self, items or [])
        self._eol = eol
        self.path = path
        self.encoding = encoding

    def _get_eol(self):
        return self._eol or os.linesep

    def _set_eol(self, eol):
        self._eol = self._eol or eol

    eol = property(_get_eol, _set_eol)

    def slice(self, starts_before=None, starts_after=None, ends_before=None,
        slice([starts_before][, starts_after][, ends_before][, ends_after]) \
-> SubRipFile clone

        All arguments are optional, and should be coercible to SubRipTime

        It reduce the set of subtitles to those that match match given time

        The returned set is a clone, but still contains references to original
        subtitles. So if you shift this returned set, subs contained in the
        original SubRipFile instance will be altered too.

            >>> subs.slice(ends_after={'seconds': 20}).shift(seconds=2)
        clone = copy(self)

        if starts_before:
            clone.data = (i for i in clone.data if i.start < starts_before)
        if starts_after:
            clone.data = (i for i in clone.data if i.start > starts_after)
        if ends_before:
            clone.data = (i for i in clone.data if i.end < ends_before)
        if ends_after:
            clone.data = (i for i in clone.data if i.end > ends_after)

        clone.data = list(clone.data)
        return clone

    def at(self, timestamp=None, **kwargs):
        at(timestamp) -> SubRipFile clone

        timestamp argument should be coercible to SubRipFile object.

        A specialization of slice. Return all subtiles visible at the
        timestamp mark.

            >>> subs.at((0, 0, 20, 0)).shift(seconds=2)
            >>> subs.at(seconds=20).shift(seconds=2)
        time = timestamp or kwargs
        return self.slice(starts_before=time, ends_after=time)

    def shift(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """shift(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, ratio)

        Shift `start` and `end` attributes of each items of file either by
        applying a ratio or by adding an offset.

        `ratio` should be either an int or a float.
        Example to convert subtitles from 23.9 fps to 25 fps:
        >>> subs.shift(ratio=25/23.9)

        All "time" arguments are optional and have a default value of 0.
        Example to delay all subs from 2 seconds and half
        >>> subs.shift(seconds=2, milliseconds=500)
        for item in self:
            item.shift(*args, **kwargs)

    def clean_indexes(self):

        Sort subs and reset their index attribute. Should be called after
        destructive operations like split or such.
        for index, item in enumerate(self):
            item.index = index + 1

    def text(self):
        return '\n'.join(i.text for i in self)

    def open(cls, path='', encoding=None, error_handling=ERROR_PASS):
        open([path, [encoding]])

        If you do not provide any encoding, it can be detected if the file
        contain a bit order mark, unless it is set to utf-8 as default.
        new_file = cls(path=path, encoding=encoding)
        source_file = cls._open_unicode_file(path, claimed_encoding=encoding)
        new_file.read(source_file, error_handling=error_handling)
        return new_file

    def from_string(cls, source, **kwargs):
        from_string(source, **kwargs) -> SubRipFile

        `source` -> a unicode instance or at least a str instance encoded with
        error_handling = kwargs.pop('error_handling', None)
        new_file = cls(**kwargs)
        new_file.read(source.splitlines(True), error_handling=error_handling)
        return new_file

    def read(self, source_file, error_handling=ERROR_PASS):
        read(source_file, [error_handling])

        This method parse subtitles contained in `source_file` and append them
        to the current instance.

        `source_file` -> Any iterable that yield unicode strings, like a file
            opened with `codecs.open()` or an array of unicode.
        self.eol = self._guess_eol(source_file)
        self.extend(self.stream(source_file, error_handling=error_handling))
        return self

    def stream(cls, source_file, error_handling=ERROR_PASS):
        stream(source_file, [error_handling])

        This method yield SubRipItem instances a soon as they have been parsed
        without storing them. It is a kind of SAX parser for .srt files.

        `source_file` -> Any iterable that yield unicode strings, like a file
            opened with `codecs.open()` or an array of unicode.

            >>> import pysrt
            >>> import codecs
            >>> file = codecs.open('movie.srt', encoding='utf-8')
            >>> for sub in pysrt.stream(file):
            ...     sub.text += "\nHello !"
            ...     print unicode(sub)
        string_buffer = []
        for index, line in enumerate(chain(source_file, '\n')):
            if line.strip():
                source = string_buffer
                string_buffer = []
                if source and all(source):
                        yield SubRipItem.from_lines(source)
                    except Error as error:
                        error.args += (''.join(source), )
                        cls._handle_error(error, error_handling, index)

    def save(self, path=None, encoding=None, eol=None):
        save([path][, encoding][, eol])

        Use initial path if no other provided.
        Use initial encoding if no other provided.
        Use initial eol if no other provided.
        path = path or self.path
        encoding = encoding or self.encoding

        save_file = codecs.open(path, 'w+', encoding=encoding)
        self.write_into(save_file, eol=eol)

    def write_into(self, output_file, eol=None):
        write_into(output_file [, eol])

        Serialize current state into `output_file`.

        `output_file` -> Any instance that respond to `write()`, typically a
        file object
        output_eol = eol or self.eol

        for item in self:
            string_repr = str(item)
            if output_eol != '\n':
                string_repr = string_repr.replace('\n', output_eol)
            # Only add trailing eol if it's not already present.
            # It was kept in the SubRipItem's text before but it really
            # belongs here. Existing applications might give us subtitles
            # which already contain a trailing eol though.
            if not string_repr.endswith(2 * output_eol):

    def _guess_eol(cls, string_iterable):
        first_line = cls._get_first_line(string_iterable)
        for eol in ('\r\n', '\r', '\n'):
            if first_line.endswith(eol):
                return eol
        return os.linesep

    def _get_first_line(cls, string_iterable):
        if hasattr(string_iterable, 'tell'):
            previous_position = string_iterable.tell()

            first_line = next(iter(string_iterable))
        except StopIteration:
            return ''
        if hasattr(string_iterable, 'seek'):

        return first_line

    def _detect_encoding(cls, path):
        file_descriptor = open(path, 'rb')
        first_chars = file_descriptor.read(BIGGER_BOM)

        for bom, encoding in BOMS:
            if first_chars.startswith(bom):
                return encoding

        # TODO: maybe a chardet integration
        return cls.DEFAULT_ENCODING

    def _open_unicode_file(cls, path, claimed_encoding=None):
        encoding = claimed_encoding or cls._detect_encoding(path)
        source_file = codecs.open(path, 'rU', encoding=encoding)

        # get rid of BOM if any
        possible_bom = CODECS_BOMS.get(encoding, None)
        if possible_bom:
            file_bom = source_file.read(len(possible_bom))
            if not file_bom == possible_bom:
                source_file.seek(0)  # if not rewind
        return source_file

    def _handle_error(cls, error, error_handling, index):
        if error_handling == cls.ERROR_RAISE:
            error.args = (index, ) + error.args
            raise error
        if error_handling == cls.ERROR_LOG:
            name = type(error).__name__
            sys.stderr.write('PySRT-%s(line %s): \n' % (name, index))
            sys.stderr.write(error.args[0].encode('ascii', 'replace'))