# # IMDbPY configuration file. # # This file can be placed in many locations; the first file found is # used, _ignoring_ the content of the others. # # Place it in one of the following directories (in order of precedence): # # - imdbpy.cfg in the current directory. # - .imdbpy.cfg in the current directory. # - imdbpy.cfg in the user's home directory. # - .imdbpy.cfg in the user's home directory. # - /etc/imdbpy.cfg Unix-like systems only. # - /etc/conf.d/imdbpy.cfg Unix-like systems only. # - sys.prefix + imdbpy.cfg for non-Unix (e.g.: C:\Python\etc\imdbpy.cfg) # # If this file is not found, 'http' access system is used by default. # # Lines starting with #, ; and // are considered comments and ignored. # # Some special values are replaced with Python equivalents (case insensitive): # # 0, off, false, no -> False # 1, on, true, yes -> True # none -> None # # Other options, like defaultModFunct, must be passed by the code. # [imdbpy] ## Default. #accessSystem = http ## Optional (options common to every data access system): # Activate adult searches (on, by default). #adultSearch = on # Number of results for searches (20 by default). #results = 20 # Re-raise all caught exceptions (off, by default). #reraiseExceptions = off ## Optional (options common to http and mobile data access systems): # Proxy used to access the network. If it requires authentication, # try with: http://username:password@server_address:port/ #proxy = http://localhost:8080/ # Cookies of the IMDb.com account #cookie_id = string_representing_the_cookie_id #cookie_uu = string_representing_the_cookie_uu ## Timeout for the connection to IMDb (30 seconds, by default). #timeout = 30 # Base url to access pages on the IMDb.com web server. #imdbURL_base = http://akas.imdb.com/ ## Parameters for the 'http' data access system. # Parser to use; can be a single value or a list of value separated by # a comma, to express order preference. Valid values: "lxml", "beautifulsoup" #useModule = lxml,beautifulsoup ## Parameters for the 'mobile' data access system. #accessSystem = mobile ## Parameters for the 'sql' data access system. #accessSystem = sql #uri = mysql://user:password@localhost/imdb # ORM to use; can be a single value or a list of value separated by # a comma, to express order preference. Valid values: "sqlobject", "sqlalchemy" #useORM = sqlobject,sqlalchemy ## Set the threshold for logging messages. # Can be one of "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical" (default: # "warning"). #loggingLevel = debug ## Path to a configuration file for the logging facility; # see: http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#configuring-logging #loggingConfig = ~/.imdbpy-logger.cfg