# Author: Frank Fenton # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickRage. # # SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickRage. If not, see . import time import os import traceback import sickbeard from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard import helpers from sickbeard import search_queue from sickbeard import db from sickbeard.common import SNATCHED, SNATCHED_PROPER, DOWNLOADED, SKIPPED, UNAIRED, IGNORED, ARCHIVED, WANTED, UNKNOWN from lib.trakt import * class TraktChecker(): def __init__(self): self.todoWanted = [] self.todoBacklog = [] def run(self, force=False): if not sickbeard.USE_TRAKT: return try: # add shows from trakt.tv watchlist if sickbeard.TRAKT_USE_WATCHLIST: self.todoWanted = [] # its about to all get re-added if len(sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS.split('|')) < 2: logger.log(u"No default root directory", logger.ERROR) return self.updateShows() self.updateEpisodes() # sync trakt.tv library with sickrage library if sickbeard.TRAKT_SYNC: self.syncLibrary() except Exception: logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG) def findShow(self, indexer, indexerid): library = TraktCall("user/library/shows/all.json/%API%/" + sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_API, sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_PASSWORD) if not library: logger.log(u"Could not connect to trakt service, aborting library check", logger.ERROR) return for show in library: if int(indexer) == 1 and int(show['tvdb_id']) == int(indexerid): return show elif int(indexer) == 2 and int(show['tvrage_id']) == int(indexerid): return show def syncLibrary(self): logger.log(u"Syncing library to trakt.tv show library", logger.DEBUG) if sickbeard.showList: for myShow in sickbeard.showList: self.addShowToTraktLibrary(myShow) def removeShowFromTraktLibrary(self, show_obj): if self.findShow(show_obj.indexer, show_obj.indexerid): # URL parameters data = {} if show_obj.indexer == 1: data['tvdb_id'] = show_obj.indexerid data['title'] = show_obj.name data['year'] = show_obj.startyear elif show_obj.indexer == 2: data['tvrage_id'] = show_obj.indexerid data['title'] = show_obj.name data['year'] = show_obj.startyear if data is not None: logger.log(u"Removing " + show_obj.name + " from trakt.tv library", logger.DEBUG) TraktCall("show/unlibrary/%API%", sickbeard.TRAKT_API, sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_PASSWORD, data) def addShowToTraktLibrary(self, show_obj): """ Sends a request to trakt indicating that the given show and all its episodes is part of our library. show_obj: The TVShow object to add to trakt """ if not self.findShow(show_obj.indexer, show_obj.indexerid): # URL parameters data = {} if show_obj.indexer == 1: data['tvdb_id'] = show_obj.indexerid data['title'] = show_obj.name data['year'] = show_obj.startyear elif show_obj.indexer == 2: data['tvrage_id'] = show_obj.indexerid data['title'] = show_obj.name data['year'] = show_obj.startyear if data is not None: logger.log(u"Adding " + show_obj.name + " to trakt.tv library", logger.DEBUG) TraktCall("show/library/%API%", sickbeard.TRAKT_API, sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_PASSWORD, data) def updateShows(self): logger.log(u"Starting trakt show watchlist check", logger.DEBUG) watchlist = TraktCall("user/watchlist/shows.json/%API%/" + sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_API, sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_PASSWORD) if not watchlist: logger.log(u"Could not connect to trakt service, aborting watchlist update", logger.ERROR) return for show in watchlist: indexer = int(sickbeard.TRAKT_DEFAULT_INDEXER) if indexer == 2: indexer_id = int(show["tvrage_id"]) else: indexer_id = int(show["tvdb_id"]) if int(sickbeard.TRAKT_METHOD_ADD) != 2: self.addDefaultShow(indexer, indexer_id, show["title"], SKIPPED) else: self.addDefaultShow(indexer, indexer_id, show["title"], WANTED) if int(sickbeard.TRAKT_METHOD_ADD) == 1: newShow = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id) if newShow is not None: self.setEpisodeToWanted(newShow, 1, 1) self.startBacklog(newShow) else: self.todoWanted.append((indexer_id, 1, 1)) self.todoWanted.append((indexer_id, -1, -1)) # used to pause new shows if the settings say to def updateEpisodes(self): """ Sets episodes to wanted that are in trakt watchlist """ logger.log(u"Starting trakt episode watchlist check", logger.DEBUG) watchlist = TraktCall("user/watchlist/episodes.json/%API%/" + sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_API, sickbeard.TRAKT_USERNAME, sickbeard.TRAKT_PASSWORD) if not watchlist: logger.log(u"Could not connect to trakt service, aborting watchlist update", logger.ERROR) return for show in watchlist: indexer = int(sickbeard.TRAKT_DEFAULT_INDEXER) if indexer == 2: indexer_id = int(show["tvrage_id"]) else: indexer_id = int(show["tvdb_id"]) self.addDefaultShow(indexer, indexer_id, show["title"], SKIPPED) newShow = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, indexer_id) if newShow and int(newShow['indexer']) == indexer: for episode in show["episodes"]: if newShow is not None: self.setEpisodeToWanted(newShow, episode["season"], episode["number"]) else: self.todoWanted.append((indexer_id, episode["season"], episode["number"])) self.startBacklog(newShow) def addDefaultShow(self, indexer, indexer_id, name, status): """ Adds a new show with the default settings """ if not helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(indexer_id)): logger.log(u"Adding show " + str(indexer_id)) root_dirs = sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS.split('|') try: location = root_dirs[int(root_dirs[0]) + 1] except: location = None if location: showPath = ek.ek(os.path.join, location, helpers.sanitizeFileName(name)) dir_exists = helpers.makeDir(showPath) if not dir_exists: logger.log(u"Unable to create the folder " + showPath + ", can't add the show", logger.ERROR) return else: helpers.chmodAsParent(showPath) sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.addShow(int(indexer), int(indexer_id), showPath, status, int(sickbeard.QUALITY_DEFAULT), int(sickbeard.FLATTEN_FOLDERS_DEFAULT)) else: logger.log(u"There was an error creating the show, no root directory setting found", logger.ERROR) return def setEpisodeToWanted(self, show, s, e): """ Sets an episode to wanted, only is it is currently skipped """ epObj = show.getEpisode(int(s), int(e)) if epObj: ep_segment = {} with epObj.lock: if epObj.status != SKIPPED: return logger.log(u"Setting episode s" + str(s) + "e" + str(e) + " of show " + show.name + " to wanted") # figure out what segment the episode is in and remember it so we can backlog it if epObj.season in ep_segment: ep_segment[epObj.season].append(epObj) else: ep_segment[epObj.season] = [epObj] epObj.status = WANTED epObj.saveToDB() backlog = (show, ep_segment) if self.todoBacklog.count(backlog) == 0: self.todoBacklog.append(backlog) def manageNewShow(self, show): episodes = [i for i in self.todoWanted if i[0] == show.indexerid] for episode in episodes: self.todoWanted.remove(episode) if episode[1] == -1 and sickbeard.TRAKT_START_PAUSED: show.paused = 1 continue self.setEpisodeToWanted(show, episode[1], episode[2]) self.startBacklog(show) def startBacklog(self, show): segments = [i for i in self.todoBacklog if i[0] == show] for segment in segments: cur_backlog_queue_item = search_queue.BacklogQueueItem(show, segment[1]) sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.add_item(cur_backlog_queue_item) for season in segment[1]: logger.log(u"Starting backlog for " + show.name + " season " + str( season) + " because some eps were set to wanted") self.todoBacklog.remove(segment)