# Author: Nic Wolfe # URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/ # # This file is part of SickGear. # # SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SickGear. If not, see . from lib.dateutil import tz import lib.dateutil.zoneinfo from sickbeard import db from sickbeard import helpers from sickbeard import logger from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek from os.path import basename, join, isfile import os import re import datetime from six import iteritems # regex to parse time (12/24 hour format) time_regex = re.compile(r'(\d{1,2})(([:.](\d{2,2}))? ?([PA][. ]? ?M)|[:.](\d{2,2}))\b', flags=re.IGNORECASE) am_regex = re.compile(r'(A[. ]? ?M)', flags=re.IGNORECASE) pm_regex = re.compile(r'(P[. ]? ?M)', flags=re.IGNORECASE) network_dict = None sb_timezone = tz.tzlocal() # helper to remove failed temp download def _remove_zoneinfo_failed(filename): try: ek.ek(os.remove, filename) except: pass # helper to remove old unneeded zoneinfo files def _remove_old_zoneinfo(): zonefilename = lib.dateutil.zoneinfo._ZONEFILENAME if None is zonefilename: return cur_zoneinfo = ek.ek(basename, zonefilename) cur_file = helpers.real_path(ek.ek(join, ek.ek(os.path.dirname, lib.dateutil.zoneinfo.__file__), cur_zoneinfo)) for (path, dirs, files) in ek.ek(os.walk, helpers.real_path(ek.ek(os.path.dirname, lib.dateutil.zoneinfo.__file__))): for filename in files: if filename.endswith('.tar.gz'): file_w_path = ek.ek(join, path, filename) if file_w_path != cur_file and ek.ek(isfile, file_w_path): try: ek.ek(os.remove, file_w_path) logger.log(u'Delete unneeded old zoneinfo File: %s' % file_w_path) except: logger.log(u'Unable to delete: %s' % file_w_path, logger.ERROR) # update the dateutil zoneinfo def _update_zoneinfo(): global sb_timezone sb_timezone = tz.tzlocal() # now check if the zoneinfo needs update url_zv = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Prinz23/sb_network_timezones/master/zoneinfo.txt' url_data = helpers.getURL(url_zv) if url_data is None: # When urlData is None, trouble connecting to github logger.log(u'Loading zoneinfo.txt failed, this can happen from time to time. Unable to get URL: %s' % url_zv, logger.WARNING) return zonefilename = lib.dateutil.zoneinfo._ZONEFILENAME cur_zoneinfo = zonefilename if None is not cur_zoneinfo: cur_zoneinfo = ek.ek(basename, zonefilename) (new_zoneinfo, zoneinfo_md5) = url_data.decode('utf-8').strip().rsplit(u' ') if (cur_zoneinfo is not None) and (new_zoneinfo == cur_zoneinfo): return # now load the new zoneinfo url_tar = u'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Prinz23/sb_network_timezones/master/%s' % new_zoneinfo zonefile = helpers.real_path(ek.ek(join, ek.ek(os.path.dirname, lib.dateutil.zoneinfo.__file__), new_zoneinfo)) zonefile_tmp = re.sub(r'\.tar\.gz$', '.tmp', zonefile) if ek.ek(os.path.exists, zonefile_tmp): try: ek.ek(os.remove, zonefile_tmp) except: logger.log(u'Unable to delete: %s' % zonefile_tmp, logger.ERROR) return if not helpers.download_file(url_tar, zonefile_tmp): return if not ek.ek(os.path.exists, zonefile_tmp): logger.log(u'Download of %s failed.' % zonefile_tmp, logger.ERROR) return new_hash = str(helpers.md5_for_file(zonefile_tmp)) if zoneinfo_md5.upper() == new_hash.upper(): logger.log(u'Updating timezone info with new one: %s' % new_zoneinfo, logger.MESSAGE) try: # remove the old zoneinfo file if cur_zoneinfo is not None: old_file = helpers.real_path( ek.ek(join, ek.ek(os.path.dirname, lib.dateutil.zoneinfo.__file__), cur_zoneinfo)) if ek.ek(os.path.exists, old_file): ek.ek(os.remove, old_file) # rename downloaded file ek.ek(os.rename, zonefile_tmp, zonefile) # load the new zoneinfo reload(lib.dateutil.zoneinfo) sb_timezone = tz.tzlocal() except: _remove_zoneinfo_failed(zonefile_tmp) return else: _remove_zoneinfo_failed(zonefile_tmp) logger.log(u'MD5 hash does not match: %s File: %s' % (zoneinfo_md5.upper(), new_hash.upper()), logger.ERROR) return # update the network timezone table def update_network_dict(): _remove_old_zoneinfo() _update_zoneinfo() load_network_conversions() d = {} # network timezones are stored on github pages url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Prinz23/sb_network_timezones/master/network_timezones.txt' url_data = helpers.getURL(url) if url_data is None: # When urlData is None, trouble connecting to github logger.log(u'Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: %s' % url, logger.WARNING) load_network_dict() return try: for line in url_data.splitlines(): (key, val) = line.decode('utf-8').strip().rsplit(u':', 1) if key is None or val is None: continue d[key] = val except (IOError, OSError): pass my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db') # load current network timezones old_d = dict(my_db.select('SELECT * FROM network_timezones')) # list of sql commands to update the network_timezones table cl = [] for cur_d, cur_t in iteritems(d): h_k = old_d.has_key(cur_d) if h_k and cur_t != old_d[cur_d]: # update old record cl.append( ['UPDATE network_timezones SET network_name=?, timezone=? WHERE network_name=?', [cur_d, cur_t, cur_d]]) elif not h_k: # add new record cl.append(['INSERT INTO network_timezones (network_name, timezone) VALUES (?,?)', [cur_d, cur_t]]) if h_k: del old_d[cur_d] # remove deleted records if len(old_d) > 0: old_items = list(va for va in old_d) cl.append(['DELETE FROM network_timezones WHERE network_name IN (%s)' % ','.join(['?'] * len(old_items)), old_items]) # change all network timezone infos at once (much faster) if len(cl) > 0: my_db.mass_action(cl) load_network_dict() # load network timezones from db into dict def load_network_dict(): try: my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db') cur_network_list = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM network_timezones') if cur_network_list is None or len(cur_network_list) < 1: update_network_dict() cur_network_list = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM network_timezones') d = dict(cur_network_list) except: d = {} global network_dict network_dict = d # get timezone of a network or return default timezone def get_network_timezone(network, network_dict): if network is None: return sb_timezone try: if lib.dateutil.zoneinfo._ZONEFILENAME is not None: try: n_t = tz.gettz(network_dict[network]) except: return sb_timezone if n_t is not None: return n_t else: return sb_timezone else: return sb_timezone except: return sb_timezone # parse date and time string into local time def parse_date_time(d, t, network): if network_dict is None: load_network_dict() mo = time_regex.search(t) if mo is not None and len(mo.groups()) >= 5: if mo.group(5) is not None: try: hr = helpers.tryInt(mo.group(1)) m = helpers.tryInt(mo.group(4)) ap = mo.group(5) # convert am/pm to 24 hour clock if ap is not None: if pm_regex.search(ap) is not None and hr != 12: hr += 12 elif am_regex.search(ap) is not None and hr == 12: hr -= 12 except: hr = 0 m = 0 else: try: hr = helpers.tryInt(mo.group(1)) m = helpers.tryInt(mo.group(6)) except: hr = 0 m = 0 else: hr = 0 m = 0 if hr < 0 or hr > 23 or m < 0 or m > 59: hr = 0 m = 0 te = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(helpers.tryInt(d)) try: foreign_timezone = get_network_timezone(network, network_dict) foreign_naive = datetime.datetime(te.year, te.month, te.day, hr, m, tzinfo=foreign_timezone) return foreign_naive except: return datetime.datetime(te.year, te.month, te.day, hr, m, tzinfo=sb_timezone) def test_timeformat(t): mo = time_regex.search(t) if mo is None or len(mo.groups()) < 2: return False else: return True def standardize_network(network, country): myDB = db.DBConnection('cache.db') sqlResults = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM network_conversions WHERE tvrage_network = ? and tvrage_country = ?', [network, country]) if len(sqlResults) == 1: return sqlResults[0]['tvdb_network'] else: return network def load_network_conversions(): conversions = [] # network conversions are stored on github pages url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prinz23/sg_network_conversions/master/conversions.txt' url_data = helpers.getURL(url) if url_data is None: # When urlData is None, trouble connecting to github logger.log(u'Updating network conversions failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: %s' % url, logger.WARNING) return try: for line in url_data.splitlines(): (tvdb_network, tvrage_network, tvrage_country) = line.decode('utf-8').strip().rsplit(u'::', 2) if not (tvdb_network and tvrage_network and tvrage_country): continue conversions.append({'tvdb_network': tvdb_network, 'tvrage_network': tvrage_network, 'tvrage_country': tvrage_country}) except (IOError, OSError): pass my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db') old_d = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM network_conversions') old_d = helpers.build_dict(old_d, 'tvdb_network') # list of sql commands to update the network_conversions table cl = [] for n_w in conversions: cl.append(['INSERT OR REPLACE INTO network_conversions (tvdb_network, tvrage_network, tvrage_country)' 'VALUES (?,?,?)', [n_w['tvdb_network'], n_w['tvrage_network'], n_w['tvrage_country']]]) try: del old_d[n_w['tvdb_network']] except: pass # remove deleted records if len(old_d) > 0: old_items = list(va for va in old_d) cl.append(['DELETE FROM network_conversions WHERE tvdb_network' ' IN (%s)' % ','.join(['?'] * len(old_items)), old_items]) # change all network conversion info at once (much faster) if len(cl) > 0: my_db.mass_action(cl)