#import sickgear #import lib.adba as adba #from sickgear import (anime, common, helpers, scene_exceptions) #from sickgear.helpers import anon_url, generate_word_str #from lib import exceptions_helper as exceptions #from sickgear.tv import TVidProdid <% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %>#slurp# <% def sg_str(varname, default=''): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %>#slurp# ## #set global $title = 'Edit ' + getattr($show_obj, 'unique_name', $show_obj.name) #set global $header = $show_obj.name #set global $sbPath = '..' #set global $topmenu = 'home' #set $css = $getVar('css', 'reg') #set $has_art = $getVar('has_art', None) #set $restart = 'Restart SickGear for new features on this page' #set $show_message = ($show_message, $restart)[None is $has_art] #set global $page_body_attr = 'edit-show" class="' + $css ## #import os.path #from _23 import quote_plus #from six import iteritems #include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl') #if $varExists('header')

Edit $header



#end if ## #set $html_checked = ' checked="checked"' #set $html_disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'
#if $has_art #end if
#if $show_message
#end if
Alternative release name(s)

Enter one.. e.g. Show, Show (2016), or The Show (US)

searching and post-processing require the alternatives if "Show not found" errors are in the logs

alternative names and/or numbers

#if $sickgear.IGNORE_WORDS:
#end if
#if $sickgear.REQUIRE_WORDS:
#end if
#set $qualities = $common.Quality.splitQuality(int($show_obj.quality)) #set global $any_qualities = $qualities[0] #set global $best_qualities = $qualities[1] #include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_qualityChooser.tmpl')
#if $show_obj.is_anime #import sickgear.anime #include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_anigrouplists.tmpl') #end if
#set $dev = True #set $dev = None
#set $is_main_settable = False | $unlock_main_id #for $tvid, $src_name in iteritems($sickgear.TVInfoAPI().all_sources) #set $is_main_settable |= ($dev or ($tvid != $show_obj.tvid and $show_obj.ids[$tvid].get('id', 0) > 0 and $tvid in $sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources and not $sickgear.TVInfoAPI($tvid).config.get('defunct') and $sickgear.TVInfoAPI($tvid).config.get('active'))) #if $is_main_settable #break #end if #end for #set $search_name = quote_plus($sickgear.indexermapper.clean_show_name($show_obj.name)) #for $tvid, $src_name in iteritems($sickgear.TVInfoAPI().all_sources) #set $ok_tvid = $show_obj.ids[$tvid].get('id', 0) > 0 #set $maybe_main = ($tvid != $show_obj.tvid and $tvid in $sickgear.TVInfoAPI().sources and not $sickgear.TVInfoAPI($tvid).config.get('defunct') and $sickgear.TVInfoAPI($tvid).config.get('active')) #set $settable_main = ($dev or ($ok_tvid and $maybe_main))
#if $tvid in $show_obj.ids #set $src_search_url = sickgear.TVInfoAPI($tvid).config.get('finder') #set $use_search_url = $src_search_url #set $data_link = 'data-' #if $ok_tvid and $sickgear.indexermapper.MapStatus.NOT_FOUND != $show_obj.ids[$tvid]['status'] #set $data_link = '' #set $use_search_url = False #end if $src_name #end if $src_name #set $current_showid = $show_obj.ids.get($tvid, {'id': 0}).get('id') #if $tvid == $show_obj.tvid #else #if $settable_main #end if #end if
#end for

invalid values can break finding episode and TV info


for unlocked IDs

Cancel Edit
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')