Add failure handling, skip provider for x hour(s) depending on count of failures.
Add detection of api hit limit reached.
Add failure count to omgwtfnzbs.
Change improve categories selection (manual search for example).
* Add expandable search queue details on the Manage Searches page
* Fix failed status episodes not included in next_episode search function
* Change prevent another show update from running if one is already running
* Change split Force backlog button on the Manage Searches page into: Force Limited, Force Full
* Change refactor properFinder to be part of the search
* Change improve threading of generic_queue, show_queue and search_queue
* Change disable the Force buttons on the Manage Searches page while a search is running
* Change disable the Pause buttons on the Manage Searches page if a search is not running
* Change scheduler forceRun
* Change staggered periods of testing and updating of all shows "ended" status up to 460 days