More detail...
Episodes airing in a different time zone to the users own can be missing on the Coming Episodes Page. For today, the current day next week, and the last day in the missing episode range; these 3 days (+/- 1 day) can be missing episodes from the display if they air on a different day in their time zone compared to the users current day.
All episodes in the banner layout for today may display as red or green background even if not aired/missing yet because of their airing time. The background colour of the first episode of today in banner view would be shown for all episodes today in this view, since the variable for the episode ending which determines the background colour was only set for the first episode after the today's day header.
Technical detail...
Fix banner view: cur_ep_enddate wasn't set for every episode.
Remove duplicates from SQL result.
Change Config/Search Providers texts and descriptions.
Fix display when no providers are visible on Config/Search Providers.
Fix failing "Search Settings" link that is shown on Config/Search Providers when Torrents Search is not enabled under that Config/Search Settings/Torrent Search tab.
Fix failing "Providers" link on Config/Search Settings/Episode Search tab.
Change case of labels in General Config/Interface/Timezone.
Split enabled from not enabled providers in the Configure Provider drop down on the Providers Options tab.
Show failed to be added from TVRage API with "show contains no season/episode data" error.
Change TVRage "Canceled/Ended" to "Ended" status to correct the sort on Simple Layout of Show List page.
Change texts and descriptions throughout.
Fix info icons in "Naming Legends".
Change naming sample lines to be more available.
Add failed downloads Sabnzbd setup guide.
Fix "Anime name pattern" custom javascript validation.
Change overhaul Config Post Processing to be in line with General Configuration.
Change rearrange post processing items into sections for easier use.
Fix CSS overriding link colors on config pages.
Move local/network setting datetime convert into it's own function.
Function parse_date_time() now returns when possible a correct timezone aware datetime.
Change webapi to use new converter.
Fix Daily Searcher.
Fix saving old DateTime setting.
Add safety check if network_dict is already loaded.
Add anonymous redirect to external links on pages... Add Trending Show, Add Existing Shows, Add New Shows, Coming Episodes, Display Show, Config Notifications, Config Anime, Subtitle Providers, ASCII chart on General Config Advanced, links of newly created Usenet and Torrent providers.
Update xbmc link to Kodi at Config Notifications.
Fix irc protocol link to not use http protocol linkage on Config/Help and align lower right side column to the upper right side text.
Fix white screen of death when trying to add a show that is already in library by replacing "Add Show" button with "In library".
Add show sorting options.
Add handler for when Trakt returns no results.
Fix image links when anchor child images are not found at Trakt.
Add image to be used when Trakt posters are void.
Add send2trash, a small package that sends files to the Trash (or Recycle Bin) natively and on all platforms. If send2trash is found not compatible, the user can use the default delete and manually delete failed send2trash files.
Add General Config/Misc/Send to trash for actions that involve removing shows and log rotation.
Add handling for the exception raised while deleting a show and show folder no longer exists.