Switched out sqlite3 libs in favour of SQLAlchemy v0.9, will gradually migrate dialects and scheme to be fully SQLAlchemy compliant for using there ORM with sessions instead of direct.
Fixed getEpisode function to stop making unrequired scene number conversions on already converted data thats available now from cache.
If the Date Style "Use System Default" is selected and FuzzyMoments is clicked on, then an appropriate Date Style is chosen from explicit defaults. This change prevents issues where moments() cannot interpret or guess locale date formats.
Name parser now score's all its possible matches and stores them to a list then once finished performing its matches it'll pick the highest scoring match and return it.
Scene numbers and scene absolute numbers now only display if prooper show options are selected.
Scene absolute numbers are now able to be set by user.
Fixed issues with user set scene numbers not correctly applying to episode objects.
Fixed unicode issues with Indexer API's
Fixed issues with scene numbering.
Fixed issues with black and white lists for anime shows when editing a show.
Fixed invalid indexer id issues for TVRage shows.
Fixed issues for getting posters and backdrops for TVRage shows.
We now convert XML straight to a dict object for Indexer APIs, improved overall performance api's
Fixed issues with TVRage shows and displaying genre's properly.
General cleanups in notifiers.
* Cleaned up notifier ui page wording so they follow similar pattern.
* Better exception handling for pyTivo and NMJ
* Cleaned up logging entries, trying to standardize on what level we report and verbiage (not using contractions, prune out duplicate/excessive entries)
Adding functions to lookup scene season and ep info via scene absolute numbers.
We now try and create a show object from parsed release info before we consider it a valid parsed result to insure we even have the show in our show list, also used to validate anime releases.
Misc bug fixes here and there.