Add warn icon indicator of abandoned IDs to "Manage" menu bar and "Manage/Show Processes" menu item.
Add shows that have no replacement ID can be ignored at "Manage/Show Processes", the menu bar warn icon hides if all are ignored.
Add guiding links to assist user to change TV Info Source ID.
Change Edit Show/Other to expose editing of master ID field *when* required.
Change add feature to search for a replacement master ID *when* required.
Change add warning message to Display Show and Edit Show page if show no longer found at TV info source due to an ID change, the last successful date of show update with current ID is also displayed.
Add "Shows not found previously" to Manage/Show Processes Page to highlight which shows can adjust their show IDs in order to sustain TV info updates.
Add "Shows from defunct indexers" to Manage/Show Processes page to highlight which shows can be switched to a different default TV info source.
Shows not found on an indexer for over 7 days will only be retried once a week.
Change improve show not found detection in Tvdb_Api lib.
Change add tv_shows_not_found db table.
Change add cleanup of orphaned not found shows during startup.
Change add UI Notification when MasterID is not changed because a show with that ID already exists in DB.