Change tweaks, remove one warn, order imports.
Change tidy up of other warnings, mismatched types, typos, a strange arg issue with deepcopy, and PEP8.
Bug fix, bad key in get_item for TVInfoSocialIDs.
Fix ambiguities of `show` used in sg versus external uses.
Change add cast, crew type mappings
Change only take Main Actors, Hosts, Interviewers, Presenters.
Add new get_languages TVInfo Interface method that returns a list of dicts by the indexer supported languages and the sg_lang map code [{'id': 'lang code', 'name': 'english name', 'nativeName': 'native name', 'sg_lang': 'sg lang code'}].
Add all returned languages to webserve method.
Use new interface parameter language for get_show.