Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases.
Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities.
Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories.
Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering.
Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force.
Change consolidate limited and full backlog.
Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days.
Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread.
Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day.
Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early.
Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases.
Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency.
Add periodic update of related show ids.
Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other".
Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info.
Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs".
Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed.
Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links.
Change add related show info sources on displayShow page.
Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source.
Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs.
Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer.
Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception.
Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support.
Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout.
Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source.
Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped).
Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db.
Add related ids to show obj.
Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab.
Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps.
Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes.
Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers.
Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile.
Add set master TV info source logic.
Change harden ui input validation.
Add per action dialog confirmation.
Change to reload page under more events.
Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
Use timezones to check unaired status during show update/adding.
Allow parse_date_time to accept timezone objects and parsed time tuples.
Add country code fallback for network name (timezone).
(Credit and thanks to Prinz23 for his initiating efforts)
Fix display indexer provided start year on the displayShow page when no IMDb data exists.
Fix display indexer provided genres on the displayShow page when no IMDb data exists.
Fix display IMDb indexer with correct IMDb id on the displayShow page only when IMDb data exists.
Fix to correctly display show runtime when available on the displayShow page.
Fix to correctly initialise IMDb id loaded from db.
Other misc IMDb related db fixes.
Fix saving of Sort By/Next Episode in Layout Poster on Show List page.
Change display genres sourced from indexers in labels underneath the show title on displayShow, remove the tag image.
Change IMDb genre links to have the tag image applied to the link making it an easier target to click and also visually different from indexer genres.
Fix scene anime html id construction in line with plot_info.
Fix disabling IMDb broke page.
Fix counting of files.
Add some tooltips to bottom show details for clarity.
Change glyph to right side of "Show/Hide episodes" button text to improve visual when toggling button.
Change red text on blue tag to white text on red tag to improve readability of invalid locations.
Change some label tags to fit with edit show page.
Fix handle when a show in db has all episodes removed from indexer.
Add the name of show that will be displayed to the hover of the Prev/Next show buttons.
Add hover tooltips for nfo and tbn columns for browsers that use the title attr.
Change Special link moved from "Season" line to "Specials" line on displayShow.
Change code re-factored in readiness for live option switching, clean up and add closures of html tables.
* Change overhaul displayShow to ready for new features
* Add section for show plot to displayShow
* Add option to view show background on displayShow (transparent and
opaque) for when background downloading is added (disabled)
* Add option to collapse seasons and leave current season open on
displayShow (disabled)
* Add filesize to episode location qtip on displayShow
* Change selected options from editShow will only show when enabled now
on displayShow
Hide year, runtime, genre tags, country flag, or status if lacking valid data to display.
Remove redundant CSS color use (all browsers treat 3 identical digits as 6, except for possibly in gradients).
Add "Enable IMDb info" option to config/General/Interface.
Change to not display IMDb info on UI when "Enable IMDb info" is disabled.
Change genre tags on displayShow page to link to IMDb instead of Trakt.
Change to reduce the time taken to "Update shows" with show data.
Change when IMDb info is updated...
a) stop updating the IMDb info during the scheduled daily update for every show.
b) update the IMDb info for a show after snatching an episode for it.
Develop changes...
Fix being able to actually turn IMDb off when it has been turned on.
Remove IMDb option from General Settings.
Change IMDb option to enable by default now the slow operation has been eliminated from process flows.
Change list order of option on the right of the displayShow page to be mostly inline with the order of options on editShow.
Change legend wording and text colour on the displayShow page.
Add output message if no release group results are available.
Add cleansing of text used in the processes to a add a show.
Add sorting of AniDB available group results.
Add error handling and related UI feedback to reflect result of AniDB communications.
Change description of config/search ignore and require words.
Fix restore scene exceptions tip over title on displayShow page.
Change ajax for a deferred ajax call used for plots tips and scene exception tips.
Tweak some tip positions and cleanup calls to be more uniform.
Move local/network setting datetime convert into it's own function.
Function parse_date_time() now returns when possible a correct timezone aware datetime.
Change webapi to use new converter.
Fix Daily Searcher.
Fix saving old DateTime setting.
Add safety check if network_dict is already loaded.
Add anonymous redirect to external links on pages... Add Trending Show, Add Existing Shows, Add New Shows, Coming Episodes, Display Show, Config Notifications, Config Anime, Subtitle Providers, ASCII chart on General Config Advanced, links of newly created Usenet and Torrent providers.
Update xbmc link to Kodi at Config Notifications.
Fix irc protocol link to not use http protocol linkage on Config/Help and align lower right side column to the upper right side text.
Fix and repositioned show_message on display show to use bootstrap
Remove commented out html from display show accidently left in during UI
Fixes the issue where top menu items would disappear on smaller screens.
Add Bootstrap v3.2.0 with Normalize v3.0.1 from
Add a modified jquery pnotify stylesheet.
Various UI tweaks.
Update and TODO.txt
Add a parameter to FuzzyMoments to output dates inline.
Add fuzzy dates to compact view of History page.
add fuzzy dates to poster view cards of Home page.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to span the date displayed across the first line.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to display download stats on left and network logo on right.
Tweak the two columns of Show Summary on the displayShow page to hold content.
Add title "Filters" and tweak the layout of filters sections on the displayShow page.
Move display value for show air date from Next Episode to the Airs field on the comingEpisodes page.
Add fuzzy dates to the Airs field in banner and poster views on the comingEpisodes page.
Tweak CSS for showSummary.
Tweak CSS for poster view cards line-height.
Added queued.png image.. for manual searching
Fixed issue where consecutive manual searches where not queued properly
Added first backend processing for retrieving all queued searches. This should fix the frondend blocking when doing manual searches for episodes, because the backend is free sooner. It now only queues the search.
Created a returning ajax call for getting a list of all searches in queue en running on the displayShow page.
For the getManualSearchStatus() function, only use curItem from the ManualSearchQueueItem or FailedQueueItem threads.
Fixed charmap issues for anime show names.
Fixed issues with display show page and epCat key errors.
Fixed duplicate log messages for clearing provider caches.
Fixed issues with email notifier ep names not properly being encoded to UTF-8.
TVDB<->TVRAGE Indexer ID mapping is now performed on demand to be used when needed such as newznab providers can be searched with tvrage_id's and some will return tvrage_id's that later can be used to create show objects from for faster and more accurate name parsing, mapping is done via Trakt API calls.
Added stop event signals to schedualed tasks, SR now waits indefinate till task has been fully stopped before completing a restart or shutdown event.
NameParserCache is now persistent and stores 200 parsed results at any given time for quicker lookups and better performance, this helps maintain results between updates or shutdown/startup events.
Black and White lists for anime now only get used for anime shows as intended, performance gain for non-anime shows that dont need to load these lists.
Internal name cache now builds it self on demand when needed per show request plus checks if show is already in cache and if true exits routine to save time.
Schedualer and QueueItems classes are now a sub-class of threading.Thread and a stop threading event signal has been added to each.
If I forgot to list something it doesn't mean its not fixed so please test and report back if anything is wrong or has been corrected by this new release.
Scene numbers and scene absolute numbers now only display if prooper show options are selected.
Scene absolute numbers are now able to be set by user.
Fixed issues with user set scene numbers not correctly applying to episode objects.