Change view to a fluid layout.
Change episode layout design.
Add day and month to column headers.
Add isotope plug-in to enable sort columns by Date, Network, and Show name.
Add imagesLoaded plug-in to prevent layout breakage by calling isotope to update content after a page auto-refresh.
Deluge uses WebUI to connect to deluge daemon, lets make sure that the
user knows what to enter. Also the WebUI doesn't use a username at all,
so we can hide that field so that the user doesn't get confused
Change re-factor sbdatetime classes.
Add param "markup" to sbdatetime.sbftime() and sbdatetime.sbfdatetime() that when set True will return time dimensions HTML class wrapped.
Add HTML class wrapping to the dimension parser of fuzzy time.
Change General Config/Interface/Trim zero padding to Trim date and time, now handles 2:00 pm > 2 pm.
Fix trim zero of military time hour to not use 12 hr time.
The link to the Episode Overview page is available on all pages except on the Episode Overview page.
Change the default state for all check boxes on the Episode Overview page to not checked.
Add validation to Go button to ensure at least one item is checked on Episode Overview page.
Add highlight to current status text in header on Episode Overview page.
Cleanup manageEpisodeStatuses Javascript.
Fix restore scene exceptions tip over title on displayShow page.
Change ajax for a deferred ajax call used for plots tips and scene exception tips.
Tweak some tip positions and cleanup calls to be more uniform.
Change to allow authenticated access to Media Server.
Change Config/Notifications/Plex logo, description, and label texts.
Adapted port commit/955a48b577875ac8e94ea5efb445c28c57b7d9cb from
mmccurdy07/Sick-Beard/commits/development (by Supremicus).
Add nzbs_in and nzb_is for custom providers to use.
Add network images for Esquire and Smithsonian.
Add a tweaked 6box for dark and light themes.
Reduce size of some images.
More detail...
Episodes airing in a different time zone to the users own can be missing on the Coming Episodes Page. For today, the current day next week, and the last day in the missing episode range; these 3 days (+/- 1 day) can be missing episodes from the display if they air on a different day in their time zone compared to the users current day.
All episodes in the banner layout for today may display as red or green background even if not aired/missing yet because of their airing time. The background colour of the first episode of today in banner view would be shown for all episodes today in this view, since the variable for the episode ending which determines the background colour was only set for the first episode after the today's day header.
Technical detail...
Fix banner view: cur_ep_enddate wasn't set for every episode.
Remove duplicates from SQL result.
Change Config/Search Providers texts and descriptions.
Fix display when no providers are visible on Config/Search Providers.
Fix failing "Search Settings" link that is shown on Config/Search Providers when Torrents Search is not enabled under that Config/Search Settings/Torrent Search tab.
Fix failing "Providers" link on Config/Search Settings/Episode Search tab.
Change case of labels in General Config/Interface/Timezone.
Split enabled from not enabled providers in the Configure Provider drop down on the Providers Options tab.
Show failed to be added from TVRage API with "show contains no season/episode data" error.
Change TVRage "Canceled/Ended" to "Ended" status to correct the sort on Simple Layout of Show List page.
Change texts and descriptions throughout.
Fix info icons in "Naming Legends".
Change naming sample lines to be more available.
Add failed downloads Sabnzbd setup guide.
Fix "Anime name pattern" custom javascript validation.
Change overhaul Config Post Processing to be in line with General Configuration.
Change rearrange post processing items into sections for easier use.
Fix CSS overriding link colors on config pages.