* Add expandable search queue details on the Manage Searches page
* Fix failed status episodes not included in next_episode search function
* Change prevent another show update from running if one is already running
* Change split Force backlog button on the Manage Searches page into: Force Limited, Force Full
* Change refactor properFinder to be part of the search
* Change improve threading of generic_queue, show_queue and search_queue
* Change disable the Force buttons on the Manage Searches page while a search is running
* Change disable the Pause buttons on the Manage Searches page if a search is not running
* Change scheduler forceRun
* Change staggered periods of testing and updating of all shows "ended" status up to 460 days
Added call to cache folder cleanup during SickRage main init.
Changed a error message in rss feed class to a debug message for when url returns no data.
Moved indexer api cache files to be placed under cache folder subfolder indexers.
Moved rss feed cache files to be placed under cache folder subfolder rss.
Move start time check from properFinder and showUpdater into scheduler.
Add show how long to next propers search at end of each run.
Change proper finder and show updater to silent thread logging.
Change Scheduler runImmediately to run_delay.
Fixed issues with manual searches not working.
Moved misc routine tasks to a proper schedualed thread that runs every 1 hour for updating network timezones, scene exceptions, and trimming failed history.
Forced misc routine tasks at startup to complete first before anything else runs, critical since this does our scene exception updates and internal scene cache loading which is needed before searches begin.
Re-write of New Show seearch function
Re-write of Existing show search helper function for determining indexer/indexerid
Massive code cleanup and more bugs found and fixed
Indexer code fully modualized for future proofing
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.
Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.
Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!