Commit graph

350 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
6c28013586 small typo that prevented the absolute "scene absolute" numbering to update in the displayShow page. scene exceptions were not saved. the exceptionCache variable used to cache the scene exceptions. The list with exceptions is updated in db, but when reopening your series edit page, the scene exception list is retrieved from the cache instead the db. I've created a small patch that updates the cache after updating the scene exceptions in db. After each manual search the showName was added to the scene exceptions list. This was only added to the cache, but was anoying because up until a restart the list with scene exception names kept growing. Fixed this by refering to the function by value instead of by reference.
2014-08-17 21:17:20 +02:00
27ac36cde9 Merge pull request #713 from piejanssens/dev
Add priority option for daily snatches (inc force)
2014-08-12 18:33:53 -07:00
e4282df953 Add priority option for daily snatches (inc force)
This adds a priority option that allows the user to specify the
priority to be used for daily/recent snatches instead of the default
high value ‘100’.

This also includes the use of priority ‘force’ which will let nzbget
download the task even if the queue is paused.
2014-08-11 22:07:02 +02:00
f4c0893d32 Fixes for trakt settings not saving 2014-08-11 19:29:35 +08:00
18da621016 Trakt method, error checking, remove series 2014-08-09 00:07:17 +01:00
3592e559d0 Fixed unbound method editShow() error 2014-08-08 00:18:03 -07:00
a15258c784 Fixed massEdit issues. 2014-07-30 19:41:02 -07:00
cdd190e1e7 Fixed trakt library update issues. 2014-07-28 21:46:20 -07:00
534104b8b0 Changed how SickRage determins its branch version which will resolve issues with app switching back to master branch by mistke on startup. 2014-07-28 21:43:28 -07:00
d916958abc Fixes for editshow functions. 2014-07-27 18:46:15 -07:00
0f2941435f Testing checkout feature 2014-07-27 17:21:55 -07:00
e9eca837a8 More fixes for webui branch checkout feature. 2014-07-27 16:22:57 -07:00
f4b24bd85d Added a checkout branch button to the advanced config settings tab to tie things in better and make them easier. 2014-07-27 15:21:52 -07:00
ef8b4e587d Fixed code that was preventing branch checkouts from working. 2014-07-27 14:23:40 -07:00
7dc89c084f Added ability to switch branches from general settings/advanced, will perform a forced checkout of whatever branch you choose and restart automatically.
Git updates are now forced to overwrite locale changes to avoid needing to manually stash uncommited changes before being able to proceed with a update.

Fixed indexer mapping when unable to locate show on indexer that we are trying to map to.
2014-07-27 11:39:02 -07:00
91ee2c9ef5 More fixes for connection issues. 2014-07-27 07:49:13 -07:00
4094e2ed3c Fix for trakt connection issues. 2014-07-27 07:39:33 -07:00
b5e0282942 Fixed scene exceptions issue when editing shows. 2014-07-27 07:14:41 -07:00
f67fa660be Tornado WebUI now asynchronous, huge performance increase. 2014-07-27 05:51:22 -07:00
f404f6f3ee Merge pull request #660 from Prinz23/ical_fix
Remove old Code that caused an exception in the iCal Feed
2014-07-27 04:59:38 -07:00
14c354b551 Added proxy support to Indexer APIs.
Provider getURL and downloadResult functions now removed and replaced with ones from to help slim the code down plus allow more better control over request sessions.

Removed TVTumbler code.

Fixed HDBits provider.

Fixed config settings that were ment to be booleans but instead where set as str or int, should help resolve random html errors.

XEM Refresh check re-coded.

NameParser code for creating show object has been changed to only attempt at the very end once its found the bestMatch result, helps on resources and performance.
2014-07-27 03:59:21 -07:00
bb437299d5 Added in missing redirects for config pages, should also resolve subtitle uncaught exception issues. 2014-07-24 12:43:01 -07:00
b16ff81478 Fixes for thread naming issues where provider names are getting stacked on top each other per loop iteration.
Fix for speedcd no json data issue.

Fix for DB upgrade syntax errors caused by previous commit.
2014-07-24 09:12:29 -07:00
de5db9be64 Added ability to set a default indexer for trakt notifier used for adding shows from watch list so that SickRage knows what indexer to set the show as.
Indexer mapping now uses indexer api calls to gather its information and then stores it to a new table called indexer_mapping for instant lookups later on.

Fixed trakt related issues for adding new shows and syncing.

Centered items at bottom of pages to just look a little nicer and fit properly.
2014-07-23 22:07:01 -07:00
8313e12267 The RegEx is also not needed anymore 2014-07-23 16:42:11 +02:00
b54724c058 Remove old Code that caused an exception in the iCal Feed 2014-07-23 16:32:41 +02:00
f6d662ca6b Fixed TypeError: processEpisode() got an unexpected keyword argument issues when using nzbToMedia scripts. 2014-07-20 00:14:05 -07:00
0cdd1cf813 Fix for threading schedualers and subtitles. 2014-07-19 17:03:23 -07:00
1b84c6d281 Fix for subtitle processing. 2014-07-19 15:32:28 -07:00
cf99eb9625 Fix for rls words 2014-07-19 06:27:53 -07:00
5bc775dfb9 Fix for threading issues with backlogs and whitelist/blacklist issues for anime shows. 2014-07-17 22:57:35 -07:00
7f20f5e27f Fixed whitelist error when editing shows, needs more code changes to fully function correctly.
Possible fix for threading exceptions.
2014-07-17 17:43:36 -07:00
c0cf45830c Fix for processEpisode to accept both "on" and "1" as True conditions when passing in options for post-processing from scripts such as nzbToMedia. 2014-07-15 10:26:01 -07:00
d02c0bd6eb Fixed issues with editing/saving custom scene exceptions.
Fixed charmap issues for anime show names.

Fixed issues with display show page and epCat key errors.

Fixed duplicate log messages for clearing provider caches.

Fixed issues with email notifier ep names not properly being encoded to UTF-8.

TVDB<->TVRAGE Indexer ID mapping is now performed on demand to be used when needed such as newznab providers can be searched with tvrage_id's and some will return tvrage_id's that later can be used to create show objects from for faster and more accurate name parsing, mapping is done via Trakt API calls.

Added stop event signals to schedualed tasks, SR now waits indefinate till task has been fully stopped before completing a restart or shutdown event.

NameParserCache is now persistent and stores 200 parsed results at any given time for quicker lookups and better performance, this helps maintain results between updates or shutdown/startup events.

Black and White lists for anime now only get used for anime shows as intended, performance gain for non-anime shows that dont need to load these lists.

Internal name cache now builds it self on demand when needed per show request plus checks if show is already in cache and if true exits routine to save time.

Schedualer and QueueItems classes are now a sub-class of threading.Thread and a stop threading event signal has been added to each.

If I forgot to list something it doesn't mean its not fixed so please test and report back if anything is wrong or has been corrected by this new release.
2014-07-14 19:00:53 -07:00
9e365310b6 Fixed redirect issues which should now resolve reverse proxy web_root issues as well. 2014-07-11 12:33:49 -07:00
424674464f Playing videos from display show page has now been made opt-in, you can enable/disable via general config menu.
Swapped out video-js player for jwplayer to support mkv video codec.

Fixed issue with videos not playing.
2014-07-11 04:05:33 -07:00
172dec1017 Startup/Restart issues resolved. 2014-07-10 17:20:31 -07:00
52f65ca735 Testing yet another possible fix for web_root 2014-07-09 13:50:46 -07:00
2d0c31510e Fixed issues with trakt and root dirs.
Fixed web root issues.
2014-07-09 11:41:04 -07:00
74f73bcc34 New event queue system in place, currently handles shutdown and restart calls.
Fixed ctrl-c issues with new event queue system.
Added a sleep timer to the NameParser class to help lower cpu usage spikes.
2014-07-08 15:26:26 -07:00
79a1b1c31e Fix for root dir location not being saved or set correctly for shows.
Fix for mass update edits of shows, bwlist no longer gets updated during this process as its not required. You can not change your root dir even if location does not exist so long as you have create_missing_show_dirs=1 in your config set so that there be auto-created during the next post-processing of a episode.
2014-07-07 20:27:24 -07:00
ab69e52615 Fixed cheetah's template subclass to properly return correct line numbers in tracebacks so that we may properly debug errors. 2014-07-06 07:45:01 -07:00
a3a3777d33 Fixed blackAndWhitelist for anime release groups. 2014-07-06 04:12:16 -07:00
f7502294c5 Added in better error handling for tornado web server.
Fixed HTTPS issues, web root issues should now be corrected as well.
2014-07-05 17:57:43 -07:00
93e2e93b63 Fix for edit shows and add shows. 2014-07-05 16:47:20 -07:00
04f6b8fc8b Fixed web_root issues, Play videos directly from browser when displaying show via HTML5/JS ** WORK IN PROGRESS ** 2014-07-03 16:51:39 -07:00
Mark Rawson
8f19e84a80 Add global option to disable SickRage update notifications via notifiers. 2014-07-03 08:16:15 +01:00
1fc909299d Fixed start/restart/shutdown issues including any issues with daemonizing. 2014-07-01 06:08:10 -07:00
130daf7d0a Added trending shows feature, this allows you to choose from a wide selection of popular/trending shows with rating stats and easily add the show into SR by simply clicking the plus sign. 2014-07-01 01:49:12 -07:00
75f69396d4 Reverted some changes. 2014-06-30 08:57:32 -07:00
5e507b3849 More memory reductions and cleanups 2014-06-30 04:44:36 -07:00
e7b5a2c6c0 Test fix for webroot issues. 2014-06-30 01:15:10 -07:00
508c094f48 Fixed robots.txt method. 2014-06-30 01:12:41 -07:00
96fa0953e3 Fixed issues with popup notifications. 2014-06-29 20:58:34 -07:00
eece317c75 Fix for tornado write issues on GET and POST methods. 2014-06-29 19:52:04 -07:00
1145f90208 Disabled caching for notification tests. 2014-06-29 19:39:29 -07:00
06e99ce4a7 Fix for uncaught exception error for 404 errors 2014-06-29 19:17:15 -07:00
145433e19a Corrected self.finish to self.write 2014-06-29 18:57:02 -07:00
6ce68e3d97 Fixed redirects and blank pages ... FINALY! 2014-06-29 18:54:41 -07:00
b3d46f77e9 Fix for TypeError: write() 2014-06-29 03:07:25 -07:00
0c57676aed Updated tornado source code.
Created custom class for rss feed parser.
2014-06-29 03:05:33 -07:00
feabf20c8c Test fix #5 for blank pages 2014-06-28 23:19:04 -07:00
cafdc57b2c Testing fix for redirect issues and blank pages.
Fix for create pid issues.
Fix for creating index on tv provider cache tables.
2014-06-28 22:54:29 -07:00
ca60203e9e Test #3 for blank pages.
Syncs show library with show library on startup.
Adds/Removes shows individually to/from library.
Added use_recommended feature to notifier config page.
2014-06-28 20:28:00 -07:00
77a659c17f Test #2 for blank pages, turned cache on and removed all cache disabling entries. 2014-06-28 18:11:35 -07:00
84da4147fb Testing fix for cache issues causing blank pages, caching has been turned off. 2014-06-28 14:40:33 -07:00
cbda4d424d Small fix for new trakt feature 2014-06-27 04:04:54 -07:00
df7aa364aa Added feature that gets all recommended shows from your account and lets you add the show like you would if adding a new show and searching. 2014-06-27 04:00:16 -07:00
12ee35a5e6 Fix for manual updates when auto-upate option is enabled. 2014-06-25 21:48:21 -07:00
696a1a9f4a Fixed issue with backup/resotre config file variable 2014-06-24 16:47:52 -07:00
10bea520a7 Fixed backup/restore issues, uses correct data directory variable now. 2014-06-24 16:40:13 -07:00
386355e130 Updates/Restarts now use the same process instead of spawning a new one so the PID remains the same.
Fixed issue for restarts/updates on windows.
2014-06-23 08:18:01 -07:00
3c370fc5c9 Fix for tornado redirect function, was not properly returning. 2014-06-22 19:51:00 -07:00
f6c40d4b25 Fixed DB issues related to displaying plot details for show episodes. 2014-06-22 18:52:46 -07:00
3e78004d36 Fix for KeyError: None in displayShows 2014-06-21 22:03:59 -07:00
bbbc7469fb fix for tornado error handler 2014-06-21 15:52:10 -07:00
7e0bb651b2 Database now closes connection after each query and reconnects if closed to ensure no more connection and locked database problems.
Fixed more internal 500 errors.
2014-06-21 15:46:59 -07:00
2f73ab1e41 Removed tornado async features, testing to see if this resolves blank page and other related possible issues.
Removed double call to get_scene_exceptions when displaying shows.
2014-06-20 16:49:57 -07:00
4443a5a649 Fix for mass edit 2014-06-19 10:28:07 -07:00
6e3f52c6f4 Merge pull request #609 from JackDandy/refactor_scheduler_and_ports
Refactor scheduler and upstream ports.
2014-06-19 09:46:46 -07:00
d5550288fc Merge pull request #608 from lennyk/nfo_rename_option
Option to NOT rename .nfo to .nfo-orig
2014-06-19 09:45:34 -07:00
495a1a4fb3 Merge pull request #604 from rawsonm88/pushover-custom_api_key
Add UI option for users to enter their own Pushover API key
2014-06-19 08:58:20 -07:00
07685f4295 Fixed issues with webroot settings and reverse proxies.
Fixed issues with WebAPI and WebAPI builder.
2014-06-19 08:47:28 -07:00
bf99164978 Refactor scheduler and upstream ports.
Move start time check from properFinder and showUpdater into scheduler.
Add show how long to next propers search at end of each run.
Change proper finder and show updater to silent thread logging.
Change Scheduler runImmediately to run_delay.
2014-06-19 16:38:15 +01:00
2b7df8e67d Added backup and restore feature, this allows you to backup your config.ini and sickbeard.db files into a zipfile and save it to a destination of your choice and as well you can restore the same zip file later on then perform a restart to have the changes take affect automatically. Backups are saved date/time stamped. 2014-06-19 07:31:44 -07:00
acadce4d96 Fix for setting status via episode status manager 2014-06-19 01:37:44 -07:00
Mark Rawson
03c9b303e0 Merge branch 'dev' of into pushover-custom_api_key 2014-06-18 21:38:44 +01:00
cefbe3859a Test fix #3 for freenas 2014-06-18 13:12:19 -07:00
37c3354325 cherry-pick a Sickbeard pull request add an option to NOT rename .nfo to .nfo-orig
from oldskool:nfo_orig
credit to oldskool

Fixing issue 2404: Option to NOT rename .nfo to .nfo-orig

2014-06-18 12:52:10 -07:00
0ae8b5429b WebAPI showPosters fixed! 2014-06-18 10:06:06 -07:00
e202cbc0ac Fixed basic auth realm issue, needed to be quoted. 2014-06-18 08:38:43 -07:00
878ef9acf6 Added return to self.redirect to conform to proper way of handling redirects when using tornado 2014-06-18 08:14:30 -07:00
0e962f83cb Fix for feedcache logging.
Fix for adding new and existing shows.
Fix for static content.
2014-06-18 08:06:50 -07:00
fd88c77d26 Fix for 401/404 errors now just redirect back to home page.
Fix for static mapping issues.
2014-06-18 05:56:26 -07:00
d01a1eed26 Turned caching off, testing for blank page issues. 2014-06-18 04:08:45 -07:00
29c5c4de4d Fixed issue of forbidden error 2014-06-18 02:13:22 -07:00
c9f800128e Fix for force update. 2014-06-18 02:04:02 -07:00
032ddf2425 Fixed issues with web root settings not working.
Fixed more NoneType iterable errors.
2014-06-17 23:55:45 -07:00
b47b2e1f58 Fix for NoneType issues related to redirects 2014-06-17 14:25:35 -07:00
Mark Rawson
764be940ac Add UI option to input users own Pushover API key 2014-06-17 21:37:09 +01:00