Add complete actor parsing into _actors.
Make returned _banners compatible with old v1 api lib.
Add all poster + fanart loading (optional) into poster, fanart subdicts of _banners subdict.
Depending on requested image_type set fanart or banners to true.
Readd banners parameter to tvdb lib.
Add new parameter fanart to tvdb lib.
If no firstaired for an episode return None.
Remove old imports.
Add "Maximum fanart image files per show to cache" to config General/Interface.
Add populate images when the daily show updater is run with a default maximum 3 images per show.
Change force full update in a show will replace existing images with new.
Add fanart livepanel to lower right of Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add highlight panel red until button is clicked a few times.
Add flick through multiple background images on Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add persistent move poster image to right hand side or hide on Display Show page (multi-click the eye).
Add persistent translucency of background images on Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add persistent fanart rating to avoid art completely, random display, random from a group, or display fave always.
Add persistent views of the show detail on Display Show page.
Add persistent views on Episodes View.
Add persistent button to collapse and expand card images on Episode View/Layout daybyday.
Add non persistent "Open gear" and "Full fanart" image views to Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add "smart" selection of fanart image to display on Episode view.
Change insert [!] and change text shade of ended shows in drop down show list on Display Show page.
Change button graphic for next and previous show of show list on Display Show page.
Add logic to hide some livepanel buttons until artwork becomes available or in other circumstances.
Add "(Ended)" where appropriate to show title on Display Show page.
Add links to where appropriate on Display Show page.
Change use tense for label "Airs" or "Aired" depending on if show ended.
Change display "No files" instead of "0 files" and "Upgrade once" instead of "End upgrade on first match".
Add persistent button to newest season to "Show all" episodes.
Add persistent button to all shown seasons to "Hide most" episodes.
Add button to older seasons to toggle "Show Season n" or "Show Specials" with "Hide..." episodes.
Add season level status counts next to each season header on display show page
Add sorting to season table headers on display show page
Add filename and size to quality badge on display show page, removed its redundant "downloaded" text
Remove redundant "Add show" buttons
Change combine the NFO and TBN columns into a single Meta column
Change reduce screen estate used by episode numbers columns
Change improve clarity of text on Add Show page.
Add "Reset fanart ratings" to show Edit/Other tab.
Add fanart usage to show Edit/Other tab.
Add fanart keys guide to show Edit/Other tab.
Change add placeholder tip to "Alternative release name(s)" on show Edit.
Change add placeholder tip to search box on shows Search.
Change hide Anime tips on show Edit when selecting its mutually exclusive options.
Change label "End upgrade on first match" to "Upgrade once" on show Edit.
Change improve performance rendering displayShow.
Add total episodes to start of show description (excludes specials if those are hidden).
Add "Add show" actions i.e. "Search", "Trakt cards", "IMDb cards", and "Anime" to Shows menu.
Add "Import (existing)" action to Tools menu.
Change SD quality from red to dark green, 2160p UHD 4K is red.
Change relocate the functions of Logs & Errors to the right side Tools menu -> View Log File.
Add warning indicator to the Tools menu in different colour depending on error count (green through red).
Change View Log error item output from reversed to natural order.
Change View Log add a typeface and some colour to improve readability.
Change View Log/Errors only display "Clear Errors" button when there are errors to clear.
Change improve performance of View Log File.
Fixed invalid indexer id issues for TVRage shows.
Fixed issues for getting posters and backdrops for TVRage shows.
We now convert XML straight to a dict object for Indexer APIs, improved overall performance api's
Fixed issues with TVRage shows and displaying genre's properly.
Adding functions to lookup scene season and ep info via scene absolute numbers.
We now try and create a show object from parsed release info before we consider it a valid parsed result to insure we even have the show in our show list, also used to validate anime releases.
Misc bug fixes here and there.
Fixed bug in metadata function that was throwing attribute errors when checking for banner images for shows from TVRage
Converted some list comprehensions to generators to improve speed and lower memory usage of SB
Re-write of New Show seearch function
Re-write of Existing show search helper function for determining indexer/indexerid
Massive code cleanup and more bugs found and fixed
Indexer code fully modualized for future proofing
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.
Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.
Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!