Change API version... start with 10
Change set application response header to 'SickGear' + add API version
Change return timezone (of network) in API
Add indexer to calls
Add SickGear Command tip for old SickBeard commands
Add warning old sickbeard API calls only support tvdb shows
Add "tvdbid" fallback only for sickbeard calls
Add listcommands
Add list of all commands (old + new) in listcommand page at the beginning
Change hide 'listcommands' command from commands list, since it needs the API builder CSS + is html not json
Add missing help in webapi
Add episode info: absolute_number, scene_season, scene_episode, scene_absolute_number
Add fork to SB command
Add sg
Add sg.activatescenenumbering
Add sg.addrootdir
Add sg.checkscheduler
Add sg.deleterootdir
Add sg.episode
Add sg.episode.setstatus
Add sg.episode.subtitlesearch
Add sg.exceptions
Add sg.forcesearch
Add sg.future
Add sg.getdefaults
Add sg.getindexericon
Add sg.getindexers to list all indexers
Add sg.getmessages
Add sg.getnetworkicon
Add sg.getrootdirs
Add sg.getqualities
Add sg.getqualitystrings
Add sg.history
Add sg.history.clear
Add sg.history.trim
Add sg.listtraktaccounts
Add sg.listignorewords
Add sg.listrequiedwords
Add sg.logs
Add sg.pausebacklog
Add sg.postprocess
Add sg.restart
Add sg.searchqueue
Add sg.searchtv to search all indexers
Add sg.setexceptions
Add sg.setignorewords
Add sg.setrequiredwords
Add sg.setscenenumber
Add sg.shows
Add sg.shows.browsetrakt
Add sg.shows.forceupdate
Add sg.shows.queue
Add sg.shows.stats
Change sickbeard to sickgear
Change sickbeard_call to property
Change sg.episode.setstatus allow setting of quality
Change sg.history, history command output
Change sg.searchtv to list of indexers
Add uhd4kweb to qualities
Add upgrade_once to add existing shows
Add upgrade_once to add new show
Add upgrade_once to show quality settings (get/set)
Add 'ids' to Show + Shows
Add ids to coming eps + get tvdb id from ids
Add 'status_str' to coming eps
Add 'local_datetime' to comming eps + runtime
Add X-Filename response header to getbanner, getposter
Add X-Fanartname response header for
Add missing fields to
Add missing fields to sb.shows
Change sb.seasons
Change overview optional
Change make overview optional in shows
Add setscenenumber to API builder
Change move set_scene_numbering_helper into scnene_numbering for use in web interface and API
Change use quality_map instead of fixed list
Add eigthlevel for API/builder page
Change limit indexer param to valid values
Fix wrong parameter in existing apiBuilder.tmpl that prevents javascript from continuing + add console error message for it
Fixed: filter missed shows correctly
Add @gen.coroutine
Change ensure sbdatetime functions return formatted string instead of tuple.
Change limit availability of fuzzy date functions on General Config/Interface to English locale systems.
Update moment.js 2.6 to 2.15.1
Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases.
Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities.
Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories.
Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering.
Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force.
Change consolidate limited and full backlog.
Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days.
Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread.
Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day.
Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early.
Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases.
Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency.
Add periodic update of related show ids.
Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other".
Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info.
Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs".
Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed.
Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links.
Change add related show info sources on displayShow page.
Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source.
Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs.
Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer.
Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception.
Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support.
Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout.
Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source.
Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped).
Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db.
Add related ids to show obj.
Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab.
Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps.
Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes.
Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers.
Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile.
Add set master TV info source logic.
Change harden ui input validation.
Add per action dialog confirmation.
Change to reload page under more events.
Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
Change re-factor sbdatetime classes.
Add param "markup" to sbdatetime.sbftime() and sbdatetime.sbfdatetime() that when set True will return time dimensions HTML class wrapped.
Add HTML class wrapping to the dimension parser of fuzzy time.
Change General Config/Interface/Trim zero padding to Trim date and time, now handles 2:00 pm > 2 pm.
Fix trim zero of military time hour to not use 12 hr time.
Move local/network setting datetime convert into it's own function.
Function parse_date_time() now returns when possible a correct timezone aware datetime.
Change webapi to use new converter.
Fix Daily Searcher.
Fix saving old DateTime setting.
Add safety check if network_dict is already loaded.
Re-write of New Show seearch function
Re-write of Existing show search helper function for determining indexer/indexerid
Massive code cleanup and more bugs found and fixed
Indexer code fully modualized for future proofing
This version of SickBeard uses both TVDB and TVRage to search and gather it's series data from allowing you to now have access to and download shows that you couldn't before because of being locked into only what TheTVDB had to offer.
Also this edition is based off the code we used in our XEM editon so it does come with scene numbering support as well as all the other features our XEM edition has to offer.
Please before using this with your existing database (sickbeard.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present, we HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk!