Fix white screen of death when trying to add a show that is already in library by replacing "Add Show" button with "In library".
Add show sorting options.
Add handler for when Trakt returns no results.
Fix image links when anchor child images are not found at Trakt.
Add image to be used when Trakt posters are void.
Fixes the issue where top menu items would disappear on smaller screens.
Add Bootstrap v3.2.0 with Normalize v3.0.1 from
Add a modified jquery pnotify stylesheet.
Various UI tweaks.
Update and TODO.txt
The trending page shows approx. 500 images and typically, the size of fetched images were 1000 x 1500 pixels. The browser was relied on to reduce the images while rendering to 186 x 273 pixels. The result used a *lot* of memory, bandwidth, time, render processing, and server resources to populate the page so those issues have been eased by fetching smaller 300 x 450 pixel images instead.