Add option to sort search results by 'A to Z' or 'First aired'.
Add option to sort search results by 'Relevancy' using Fuzzywuzzy lib.
Change search result anchor text uses SORT_ARTICLE setting for display.
Change add server side search result ordering.
Change use iteritems instead of items to improve performance.
Change existing shows in DB are no longer selectable in result list.
Change add image to search result item hover over.
Change improve image load speed on browse Trakt/IMDb/AniDB pages.
Change PEP8.
Change add optional "stack_size" setting as integer to config.ini under "General" stanza.
Change prevent too many retries when loading network timezones, conversions, and zoneinfo in a short time.
Update to UnRar 5.50 beta 6.
Change add BoxSD and BoxHD categories.
Change improve category exclude logic for newznab.
Change add WEB-DL category to autoselect categories for newznab.
Change comment out HEVC category parsing since it's not auto selected.
This batch file copies select files to an isolated location for SickGear to post process with the 'Move' episode method so that seeding files are no longer post processed over and over, using this greatly improves overall performance.
Change show update, don't delete any ep in DB if eps are not returned from indexer.
Change prevent unneeded error message during show update.
Change improve performance, don't fetch episode list when retrieving a show image.
Change add additional episode removal protections for TVDb_api v2.
Change filter SKIPPED items from episode view.
Change improve clarity of various error message by including relevant show name.
Change extend WEB PROPER release group check to ignore SD releases.
Add try to match .nzb or .torrent name in history for pp, fallback to dirname.
Add showObj lookup to scheduled pp.
Add a debug log message for snatched shows found in history during post processing.
Add use filename of largest video file for history lookups.
Add handling of None type for actors, fanart, and banners.
Change handle exception with no data due to connection error.
Fix check for number in show obj in tvdb_api.
Add complete actor parsing into _actors.
Make returned _banners compatible with old v1 api lib.
Add all poster + fanart loading (optional) into poster, fanart subdicts of _banners subdict.
Depending on requested image_type set fanart or banners to true.
Readd banners parameter to tvdb lib.
Add new parameter fanart to tvdb lib.
If no firstaired for an episode return None.
Remove old imports.