Fix restore scene exceptions tip over title on displayShow page.
Change ajax for a deferred ajax call used for plots tips and scene exception tips.
Tweak some tip positions and cleanup calls to be more uniform.
Add a parameter to FuzzyMoments to output dates inline.
Add fuzzy dates to compact view of History page.
add fuzzy dates to poster view cards of Home page.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to span the date displayed across the first line.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to display download stats on left and network logo on right.
Tweak the two columns of Show Summary on the displayShow page to hold content.
Add title "Filters" and tweak the layout of filters sections on the displayShow page.
Move display value for show air date from Next Episode to the Airs field on the comingEpisodes page.
Add fuzzy dates to the Airs field in banner and poster views on the comingEpisodes page.
Tweak CSS for showSummary.
Tweak CSS for poster view cards line-height.
If the Date Style "Use System Default" is selected and FuzzyMoments is clicked on, then an appropriate Date Style is chosen from explicit defaults. This change prevents issues where moments() cannot interpret or guess locale date formats.
Affects UI dates on the Coming Episodes, Display Show, Manage > Backlog Overview, Home and History pages.
Widen the General Config tab widths and tweak, format and align some texts.
The many 'test date' variations in the General Config -> "Date and Time" drop down are useless during the month of May as both short and long styles are the same. Change the 'test date' to January 1 of the next year so short and long month styles are distinguishable.