Change add p2p 720HD tag to file name quality parse.
Change add month name support to uk date parse.
Change add short year support to uk date parse.
Change add part/pt number pairing with episode name from tv info source.
Fix fetch db history item in check_name.
Change improve provider title processing.
Change improve handling erroneous JSON responses.
Change improve find show with unicode characters.
Change improve result for providers Omgwtf, SpeedCD, Transmithenet, Zoogle.
Change validate .torrent files that contain optional header data.
Fix case where an episode status was not restored on failure.
Add raise log error if no wanted qualities are found.
Change add un/pw to Config/Media providers/Options for BTN API graceful fallback (can remove Api key for security).
Change only download torrent once when using blackhole.
Add Cloudflare module 1.6.8 (be0a536) to mitigate CloudFlare (IUAM) access validator.
Add Js2Py 0.43 (c1442f1) Cloudflare dependency.
Add pyjsparser 2.4.5 (cd5b829) Js2Py dependency.