Add "Maximum fanart image files per show to cache" to config General/Interface.
Add populate images when the daily show updater is run with a default maximum 3 images per show.
Change force full update in a show will replace existing images with new.
Add fanart livepanel to lower right of Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add highlight panel red until button is clicked a few times.
Add flick through multiple background images on Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add persistent move poster image to right hand side or hide on Display Show page (multi-click the eye).
Add persistent translucency of background images on Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add persistent fanart rating to avoid art completely, random display, random from a group, or display fave always.
Add persistent views of the show detail on Display Show page.
Add persistent views on Episodes View.
Add persistent button to collapse and expand card images on Episode View/Layout daybyday.
Add non persistent "Open gear" and "Full fanart" image views to Episodes View and Display Show page.
Add "smart" selection of fanart image to display on Episode view.
Change insert [!] and change text shade of ended shows in drop down show list on Display Show page.
Change button graphic for next and previous show of show list on Display Show page.
Add logic to hide some livepanel buttons until artwork becomes available or in other circumstances.
Add "(Ended)" where appropriate to show title on Display Show page.
Add links to where appropriate on Display Show page.
Change use tense for label "Airs" or "Aired" depending on if show ended.
Change display "No files" instead of "0 files" and "Upgrade once" instead of "End upgrade on first match".
Add persistent button to newest season to "Show all" episodes.
Add persistent button to all shown seasons to "Hide most" episodes.
Add button to older seasons to toggle "Show Season n" or "Show Specials" with "Hide..." episodes.
Add season level status counts next to each season header on display show page
Add sorting to season table headers on display show page
Add filename and size to quality badge on display show page, removed its redundant "downloaded" text
Remove redundant "Add show" buttons
Change combine the NFO and TBN columns into a single Meta column
Change reduce screen estate used by episode numbers columns
Change improve clarity of text on Add Show page.
Add "Reset fanart ratings" to show Edit/Other tab.
Add fanart usage to show Edit/Other tab.
Add fanart keys guide to show Edit/Other tab.
Change add placeholder tip to "Alternative release name(s)" on show Edit.
Change add placeholder tip to search box on shows Search.
Change hide Anime tips on show Edit when selecting its mutually exclusive options.
Change label "End upgrade on first match" to "Upgrade once" on show Edit.
Change improve performance rendering displayShow.
Add total episodes to start of show description (excludes specials if those are hidden).
Add "Add show" actions i.e. "Search", "Trakt cards", "IMDb cards", and "Anime" to Shows menu.
Add "Import (existing)" action to Tools menu.
Change SD quality from red to dark green, 2160p UHD 4K is red.
Change relocate the functions of Logs & Errors to the right side Tools menu -> View Log File.
Add warning indicator to the Tools menu in different colour depending on error count (green through red).
Change View Log error item output from reversed to natural order.
Change View Log add a typeface and some colour to improve readability.
Change View Log/Errors only display "Clear Errors" button when there are errors to clear.
Change improve performance of View Log File.
Change ensure sbdatetime functions return formatted string instead of tuple.
Change limit availability of fuzzy date functions on General Config/Interface to English locale systems.
Update moment.js 2.6 to 2.15.1
Fix ensure downloaded eps are not shown on episode view.
Fix allow propers to pp when show marked upgrade once.
Fix never set episodes without airdate to wanted.
Various other fixes.
Change display show page, can mark unaired items with a date to "Wanted" to trigger a manual active backlog search provided search setting "Unaired episodes" is enabled.
Change improve shows with more episodes gain largest reductions in time spent processing.
Change when using "Add new show" reduce search time outs.
Change always allow incomplete show data.
Remove redundant config/general/"Allow incomplete show data".
Add newznab smart logic to avoid missing releases when there are a great many recent releases.
Change improve performance by using newznab server advertised capabilities.
Change config/providers newznab to display only non-default categories.
Change use scene season for wanted segment in backlog if show is scene numbering.
Change combine Manage Searches / Backlog Search / Limited and Full to Force.
Change consolidate limited and full backlog.
Change config / Search / Backlog search frequency to instead spread backlog searches over a number of days.
Change migrate minimum used value for search frequency into new minimum 7 for search spread.
Change restrict nzb providers to 1 backlog batch run per day.
Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Allow episodes that are released early.
Add to Config/Search/Unaired episodes/Use specific api requests to search for early episode releases.
Add use related ids for newznab searches to increase search efficiency.
Add periodic update of related show ids.
Change terminology Edit Show/"Post processing" tab name to "Other".
Add advanced feature "Related show IDs" to Edit Show/Other used for finding episodes and TV info.
Add search info source image links to those that have zero id under Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs".
Add "set master" button to Edit Show/Other/"Related show IDs" for info source that can be changed.
Change terminology displayShow "Indexers" to "Links" to cover internal and web links.
Change add related show info sources on displayShow page.
Change don't display "temporarily" defunct TVRage image link on displayShow pages unless it is master info source.
Change if a defunct info source is the master of a show then present a link on displayShow to edit related show IDs.
Change simplify the next backlog search run time display in the page footer.
Change try ssl when fetching data thetvdb, imdb, trakt, scene exception.
Change improve reliability to Trakt notifier by using show related id support.
Change improve config/providers newznab categories layout.
Change show loaded log message at start up and include info source.
Change if episode has no airdate then set status to unaired (was skipped).
Change move scene_exceptions table from cache.db to sickbeard.db.
Add related ids to show obj.
Add use of mapped indexer ids for newznab.
Add indexer to sql in wanted_eps.
Add aired in (scene) season for wanted episodes.
Add need_anime, need_sports, need_sd, need_hd, need_uhd to wanted episodes and added as parameter to update_providers.
Add fix for lib lockfile/mkdirlockfile.
Add set master TV info source logic.
Change harden ui input validation.
Add per action dialog confirmation.
Change to reload page under more events.
Change implement "Mark all added episodes Wanted to search for releases" when setting new info source.
Change post process to cleanup filenames with config/Post Processing/'Unpack downloads' enabled.
Change post process to join incrementally named (i.e. file.001 to file.nnn) split files.
Change replace unrar2 lib with rarfile 3.0 and UnRAR.exe 5.40 beta 4 freeware.
Change post process "Copy" to delete redundant files after use.
Change add show genre, network, and overview to "Add New Show" results.
Change improve highlight of shows found in database in "Add New Show" results.
Change use full first aired date where available in "Add New Show" results.
Change prevent duplicate results in "Add New Show".
Add number of items shown to Manage Failed Downloads table footer and indicate if number of shown items is limited.
Add sorting to "Provider" column and fix sorting of "Remove" column on Manage Failed Downloads.
Fix "Limit" drop down on Manage Failed Downloads.
To initialise,
1) At General config page, press 'Save' then 'Shutdown' SG
2) Open config.ini in a text editor, find and edit remove_filename_chars = "" e.g. remove_filename_chars = "'"
3) Save config.ini and start SG. With the example given, the ' character will not appear in file names.
Change refactor cache for torrent providers to reduce code.
Change improve search category selection BMTV, FSH, FF, TB.
Change identify more SD release qualities.
Change update SpeedCD, MoreThan, TVChaosuk.
Add torrent provider HD4Free.
Remove torrent provider BitSoup.
Change only create threads for providers needing a recent search instead of for all enabled.
Add 4489 as experimental value to "Recent search frequency" to use provider freqs instead of fixed width for all.
Fix searching nzb season packs.
Change remove some logging cruft.
Add 5 decades of 'IMDb Popular' selections to 'View' drop down on 'Add from... Browse Shows'.
Add 'Other Services' to 'View' drop down on 'Add from... Browse Shows'.
Add enable, disable and delete public IMDb watchlists to Config/General/Interface with a default 'SickGear' list.
Change prevent duplicate show ids from presenting items on 'Add from... Browse Shows'.
Change add 'nocache' kwarg to helpers.getURL to facilitate non-cached requests.
Use timezones to check unaired status during show update/adding.
Allow parse_date_time to accept timezone objects and parsed time tuples.
Add country code fallback for network name (timezone).
Change indicate when not sorting with article by dimming ("The", "A", "An") on Show List, Episode, History, Mass Update, Add with Browse and from Existing views.
Add setting to Trakt notification to update collection with downloaded episode info.
Add Most Watched, Collected during the last month on Trakt.
Change Add from Trakt/"Shows:" with Anticipated, Popular views.
Change improve robustness of Trakt communications.
Change Trakt notifier logo.
Change pep8 and cleanup.
Change TVDB to be the default indexer if selected indexer is not configured active.
Change add dummyIndexer for inactive Indexers.
Change don't update show for indexer that are marked inactive.
Add BitMeTV torrent provider.
Add TVChaosUK torrent provider.
Add HD-Space torrent provider.
Add Shazbat torrent provider.
Remove Animenzb provider.
Change use tvdbid for searching usenet providers.
Change consolidate global and per show ignore and require words functions.
Change "Require word" title and notes on Config Search page to properly describe its functional logic.
Add "Reject Blu-ray M2TS releases" to BTN provider.
Add regular expression capability to ignore and require words by starting wordlist with "regex:".
Add list shows with custom ignore and require words under the global counterparts on the Search Settings page.
Fix failure to search for more than one selected wanted episode.
Change Trakt view drop down "Show" to reveal Brand-new Shows, Season Premieres, Recommendations and Trending views.
Change increase number of displayed Trakt shows to 100.
Add genres and rating to all Trakt shows.
Fix handling of an erroneous PIN input/authentication flow and clean-up the ui and results output.
Remove all other Trakt deprecated API V1 service features pending reconsideration.
Change set "Scene numbering" checkbox and add text to the label tip in third step of add "New Show" if scene numbers are found for the selected show in the search results of the first step.
Change label text on edit show page to highlight when manual numbering and scene numbers are available.
Fix disabling "Scene numbering" of step three in add "New Show" was ignored when scene episode number mappings exist.
Fix don't use scene episode number mappings everywhere when "Scene numbering" is disabled for a show.
Fix width of legend underlining on the third step used to bring other display elements into alignment.
Change when downloading magnet or nzb files, verify the file in cache dir and then move to blackhole.
Change to consistent use of properties is_anime and is_sports in providers.
Change name_parser pep8 and code conventions.
Change to only show option "End upgrade on first match" on edit show page if quality custom is selected.
Change label "Show is grouped in" in edit show page to "Show is in group" and move the section higher.
Change provider TPB to use mediaExtensions from common instead of hard-coded private list.
Add new tld variants to provider TPB.
Add test for authenticity to provider TPB to notify of 3rd party block.
Note: The merging of all qualities into one category in API v2 mean more results likely to be cropped. The vendor switched to this method from their (imho, better) original of listing category numbers. It was suggested that clients add and maintain all possible search strings that signify as quality. However, this would still trigger misses, introduce other issues, plus add needless non-standard API complexity. Conclusion; as designed, SG will utilise other configured providers when this one fails to hit targets, this provider should not be configured as a sole provider.
Change don't create a backup from an initial zero byte main database file, PEP8 and code tidy up.
Change move the previous InitialSchema into migration_tests to preserve migration development.
This fix correctly places the local libraries at the start of the sys.path such that they are loaded instead of any libraries that may already exist on the users system. This prevents the issue where a system library that isn't supported by SickGear is loaded and causes errors during operation.
Fix searching propers.
Fix stop snatching releases for episodes already completed.
Fix handle null server responses.
Change remove 1 of 3 requests per search to save 30% time.
Namely this fixes snatching with the IPtorrents provider. This issue is masked in develop as the requests library has been updated and fixes the error that is generated
* Add expandable search queue details on the Manage Searches page
* Fix failed status episodes not included in next_episode search function
* Change prevent another show update from running if one is already running
* Change split Force backlog button on the Manage Searches page into: Force Limited, Force Full
* Change refactor properFinder to be part of the search
* Change improve threading of generic_queue, show_queue and search_queue
* Change disable the Force buttons on the Manage Searches page while a search is running
* Change disable the Pause buttons on the Manage Searches page if a search is not running
* Change scheduler forceRun
* Change staggered periods of testing and updating of all shows "ended" status up to 460 days
Add "then trash subdirs and files" to the Process method "Move" on the manual post process page.
Add using show scene exceptions with post processing.
Change overhaul processTV into a thread safe class.
Change postProcessor and processTV to PEP8 standards.
Change overhaul Manual Post-Processing page in line with layout style and improve texts.
Change Force Processes enabled, only the largest video file of many will be processed instead of all files.
Change visual ui of Postprocessing results to match the logs and errors view.
Change remove ugly printing of episode object during PP seen in external apps like sabnzbd.
Change to streamline output toward actual work done instead of showing all vars.
Change pp report items from describing actions about to happen to instead detail the actual outcome of actions.
Add clarity to the output of a successful post process but with some issues rather than "there were problems".
Add a conclusive bottom line to the pp result report.
Simplify request responses within torrent clients. There is no need to
pass the response through the parent class when dealing with requests.
In many places this makes the code more readable and simplifies logic.
The bug resulted in the db containing stale group names but worse, orphaned shows disappeared from the Show List page entirely.
PEP8 and code cleanup to SG conventions.
Changed texts to describe this feature more clearly from tag to group names.
Repositioned this feature on the add show, edit show, and config pages.
Change the drop down select to dynamically hide/show the list of group names and change the respectively selected help texts.
Change insert space between items in the list of group names for readability.
Notify user if an attempt to remove an in use group name is prevented.
Change Show List progress bar code, smaller page load, efficient use of js render engine.
Removed fixed column widths, this means multiple groups have different column widths, but the original approach is preferred because fixed widths look bad with long show titles.
* Change reduce time to search recent result list by searching only once for a best result
* Fix replacing episodes that have a lower quality than what is selected in the initial and archive quality list
* Fix to include episodes marked Failed in the recent and backlog search processes
* Fix display of search status for an alternative release after episode is manually set to "Failed" on the Display Show page
* Change handle more varieties of media quality
* Change to prevent another scheduled search when one of the same type is already running
Fix the limited backlog to execute as and when expected and in line with SickBeard.
The backlog scheduled frequency is the higher of either 12 hours or 2 x the "Recent search frequency" + 7 minutes.
On application startup and every backlog scheduled frequency the backlog will either ...
a) do a full run if the number of days passed since the full backlog has reached the setting(1)...
b) do a limited run if the number of days passed since the full backlog is less than setting(1)...
... (1) "Backlog search frequency" in Search Settings.
Change the default full "Backlog search frequency" to 21 days within a range of 2 - 35 (see Search Settings).
(Credit and thanks to Prinz23 for his initiating efforts)
Fix display indexer provided start year on the displayShow page when no IMDb data exists.
Fix display indexer provided genres on the displayShow page when no IMDb data exists.
Fix display IMDb indexer with correct IMDb id on the displayShow page only when IMDb data exists.
Fix to correctly display show runtime when available on the displayShow page.
Fix to correctly initialise IMDb id loaded from db.
Other misc IMDb related db fixes.
Fix saving of Sort By/Next Episode in Layout Poster on Show List page.