Fixed issues with manual searches not working.
Moved misc routine tasks to a proper schedualed thread that runs every 1 hour for updating network timezones, scene exceptions, and trimming failed history.
Forced misc routine tasks at startup to complete first before anything else runs, critical since this does our scene exception updates and internal scene cache loading which is needed before searches begin.
Fixed issue with priority post-processing, bug would allow 2nd attempt to go through even if priority settings were not selected.
Fixed issues with cache retrieval and storing of provider results, properly stored now with season and ep info converted to indexer numbering.
Fixed a bug that was caching unconverted scene numbered files for post-processing causing us to skip converting them when needed.
Removed multi-threading as it was more problems then usefull for now.
Added in match & snatch, any quality from initial quality settings gets downloaded first and does not continue searching, if archive qualities exist it'll stop once it hits max quality from said list.
Fixed issues with snatching air-by-date shows.
Fixed issues with naming patterns.
Fixed issues with invalid literals.
Fixed issues with country codes missing and causing web errors.
Fixed so many issues I can't write them all done ... :)
Fixes season pack and single/multi episode searches.
Fixes multi-threading issues.
Fixes incorrect status being reported for manual searches.
Fixes quality being returned as N/A all the time for torrents.
Fixes issues with unhashable dict types.
Fixes issues with 100% CPU usage.
Fixes issues with RSS feed cache.
Fixes issues with scene numbering and converting back to indexer numbering.
Fixes issues with backlog searches.
Fixes issues with season pack searches.
Fixes issues with BTN.
Manual and Backlog searches now gather all the search results FIRST then loop through them filtering the bad ones out, this should improve overall speed of searching for downloads.
Fixed issues with local SB cache.
Fixed issues with sports naming patterns, we no longer treat sports as a airdate show and have created custom regex's to aid in finding sports related shows.
Fixed more code relating to scene converting and sports event episodes/shows.
Post-processing now checks for indexer id in the cache as well as the other normal ways it did before.