mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 20:23:37 +00:00
new logic use multi episode results as fallback if it's better quality or has a episode that has not a single episode result
fix multiple episode releases apply filters
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 82 additions and 86 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
* Update urllib3 2.0.5 (d9f85a7) to 2.0.7 (56f01e0)
* Add support for Brotli compression
* Add ignore Plex extras
* Fix apply filters to multiple episode releases
* Add use multi episode result as fallback if it's better quality or has an episode that does not have a single ep result
[develop changelog]
@ -27,20 +27,21 @@ from sg_helpers import write_file
import sickgear
from . import clients, common, db, failed_history, helpers, history, logger, \
notifiers, nzbget, nzbSplitter, show_name_helpers, sab, ui
from .classes import NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult, TorrentSearchResult
from .providers.generic import GenericProvider
from .tv import TVEpisode, TVShow
from six import iteritems, itervalues, string_types
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode, PyStatementEffect
if False:
from typing import AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from .classes import NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult, SearchResult, TorrentSearchResult
search_result_type = Union[NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult, SearchResult, TorrentSearchResult]
def _download_result(result):
# type: (Union[NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult, TorrentSearchResult]) -> bool
# type: (search_result_type) -> bool
Downloads a result to the appropriate black hole folder.
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ def _download_result(result):
def snatch_episode(result, end_status=SNATCHED):
# type: (Union[NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult, TorrentSearchResult], int) -> bool
# type: (search_result_type, int) -> bool
Contains the internal logic necessary to actually "snatch" a result that
has been found.
@ -208,12 +209,12 @@ def pass_show_wordlist_checks(name, show_obj):
def pick_best_result(
results, # type: List[Union[NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult, TorrentSearchResult]]
results, # type: List[search_result_type]
show_obj, # type: TVShow
quality_list=None, # type: List[int]
filter_rls='' # type: AnyStr
# type: (...) -> sickgear.classes.SearchResult
# type: (...) -> search_result_type
picks best result from given search result list for given show object
@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ def pick_best_result(
def best_candidate(best_result, cur_result):
# type: (sickgear.classes.SearchResult, sickgear.classes.SearchResult) -> sickgear.classes.SearchResult
# type: (search_result_type, search_result_type) -> search_result_type
compare 2 search results and return best
@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ def best_candidate(best_result, cur_result):
def is_final_result(result):
# type: (sickgear.classes.SearchResult) -> bool
# type: (search_result_type) -> bool
Checks if the given result is good enough quality that we can stop searching for other ones.
@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ def is_final_result(result):
def is_first_best_match(ep_status, result):
# type: (int, sickgear.classes.SearchResult) -> bool
# type: (int, search_result_type) -> bool
Checks if the given result is the best quality match and if we want to archive the episode on first match.
@ -571,7 +572,7 @@ def wanted_episodes(show_obj, # type: TVShow
def search_for_needed_episodes(ep_obj_list):
# type: (List[TVEpisode]) -> List[Union[NZBDataSearchResult, NZBSearchResult, TorrentSearchResult]]
# type: (List[TVEpisode]) -> List[search_result_type]
search for episodes in list
@ -796,7 +797,7 @@ def cache_torrent_file(
if search_result.provider.get_id() in ['tvchaosuk'] \
and hasattr(search_result.provider, 'regulate_cache_torrent_file'):
torrent_name = search_result.provider.regulate_cache_torrent_file(torrent_name)
if not pick_best_result([search_result], show_obj, **kwargs) or \
if not _pick_best_result_helper([search_result], **kwargs) or \
not show_name_helpers.pass_wordlist_checks(torrent_name, indexer_lookup=False, show_obj=show_obj):
logger.log(f'Ignored {result_name} that contains {torrent_name} (debug log has detail)')
@ -804,6 +805,40 @@ def cache_torrent_file(
return search_result
def _pick_best_result_helper(
results, # type: List[search_result_type]
show_obj, # type: TVShow
old_status=None, # type: int
use_quality_list=None, # type: List[int]
best_qualities=None, # type: List[int]
orig_thread_name='' # type: AnyStr
# type: (...) -> search_result_type
helper to apply pick_best_result with filters
:param results: SearchResults
:param show_obj: show object
:param old_status: old status of checked episode
:param use_quality_list: default quality list
:param best_qualities: best qualites for the episode
:param orig_thread_name: original thread name
:return: best matching result
internal_quality_list = None
if None is not use_quality_list and any([results[0].ep_obj_list]):
old_status = old_status or \
failed_history.find_old_status(results[0].ep_obj_list[0]) or results[0].ep_obj_list[0].status
if old_status:
status, quality = Quality.split_composite_status(old_status)
internal_quality_list = (status not in (
common.WANTED, common.FAILED, common.UNAIRED, common.SKIPPED, common.IGNORED, common.UNKNOWN))
quality_list = use_quality_list or (internal_quality_list and (None, best_qualities)[any(best_qualities)] or None)
return pick_best_result(results=results, show_obj=show_obj, quality_list=quality_list, filter_rls=orig_thread_name)
def search_providers(
show_obj, # type: TVShow
ep_obj_list, # type: List[TVEpisode]
@ -813,7 +848,7 @@ def search_providers(
old_status=None, # type: int
scheduled=False # type: bool
# type: (...) -> List[sickgear.classes.SearchResult]
# type: (...) -> List[search_result_type]
search provider for given episode objects from given show object
@ -827,7 +862,7 @@ def search_providers(
:return: list of search result objects
found_results = {}
final_results = []
final_results = [] # type: List[search_result_type]
search_done = False
search_threads = []
@ -864,6 +899,10 @@ def search_providers(
for s_t in search_threads:
any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.split_quality(show_obj.quality)
params = dict(show_obj=show_obj, old_status=old_status, best_qualities=best_qualities,
# now look in all the results
for cur_provider in provider_list:
provider_id = cur_provider.get_id()
@ -872,13 +911,12 @@ def search_providers(
if provider_id not in found_results or not len(found_results[provider_id]):
any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.split_quality(show_obj.quality)
# pick the best season NZB
best_season_result = None
if SEASON_RESULT in found_results[provider_id]:
best_season_result = pick_best_result(found_results[provider_id][SEASON_RESULT], show_obj,
any_qualities + best_qualities)
best_season_result = _pick_best_result_helper(
found_results[provider_id][SEASON_RESULT], show_obj=show_obj,
use_quality_list=any_qualities + best_qualities, orig_thread_name=orig_thread_name)
highest_quality_overall = 0
for cur_episode in found_results[provider_id]:
@ -972,7 +1010,7 @@ def search_providers(
found_results[provider_id][ep_num] = [best_season_result]
# go through multi-ep results and see if we really want them or not, get rid of the rest
multi_results = {}
multi_result_groups = {} # type: Dict[AnyStr, Union[List, search_result_type]]
if MULTI_EP_RESULT in found_results[provider_id]:
for multi_result in found_results[provider_id][MULTI_EP_RESULT]:
@ -983,58 +1021,18 @@ def search_providers(
logger.log(f'Rejecting previously failed multi episode result [{multi_result.name}]')
# see how many of the eps that this result covers aren't covered by single results
needed_eps = []
not_needed_eps = []
for ep_obj in multi_result.ep_obj_list:
ep_num = ep_obj.episode
# if we have results for the episode
if ep_num in found_results[provider_id] and 0 < len(found_results[provider_id][ep_num]):
group_name = '-'.join(f'{_num}' for _num in sorted(_ep.episode for _ep in multi_result.ep_obj_list))
multi_result_groups.setdefault(group_name, []).append(multi_result)
logger.debug(f'Single episode check result is... needed episodes: {needed_eps},'
f' not needed episodes: {not_needed_eps}')
if not not_needed_eps:
logger.debug('All of these episodes were covered by single episode results,'
' ignoring this multi episode result')
# check if these eps are already covered by another multi-result
multi_needed_eps = []
multi_not_needed_eps = []
for ep_obj in multi_result.ep_obj_list:
ep_num = ep_obj.episode
if ep_num in multi_results:
logger.debug(f'Multi episode check result is...'
f' multi needed episodes: {multi_needed_eps},'
f' multi not needed episodes: {multi_not_needed_eps}')
if not multi_needed_eps:
logger.debug('All of these episodes were covered by another multi episode nzb,'
' ignoring this multi episode result')
# if we're keeping this multi-result then remember it
for ep_obj in multi_result.ep_obj_list:
multi_results[ep_obj.episode] = multi_result
# don't bother with the single result if we're going to get it with a multi result
for ep_obj in multi_result.ep_obj_list:
ep_num = ep_obj.episode
if ep_num in found_results[provider_id]:
logger.debug(f'A needed multi episode result overlaps with a single episode result'
f' for episode #{ep_num}, removing the single episode results from the list')
del found_results[provider_id][ep_num]
# of all the single ep results narrow it down to the best one for each episode
final_results += set(itervalues(multi_results))
remove_list = []
for multi_group_name, multi_group_result in multi_result_groups.items():
best_result = _pick_best_result_helper(multi_group_result, **params)
if best_result:
multi_result_groups[multi_group_name] = best_result
if remove_list:
multi_result_groups = {k: v for k, v in multi_result_groups.items() if k not in remove_list}
for cur_search_result in found_results[provider_id]: # type: int
if cur_search_result in (MULTI_EP_RESULT, SEASON_RESULT):
@ -1043,23 +1041,7 @@ def search_providers(
if 0 == len(found_results[provider_id][cur_search_result]):
use_quality_list = None
if 0 < len(found_results[provider_id][cur_search_result]) and \
old_status = old_status or \
found_results[provider_id][cur_search_result][0].ep_obj_list[0]) or \
if old_status:
status, quality = Quality.split_composite_status(old_status)
use_quality_list = (status not in (
common.WANTED, common.FAILED, common.UNAIRED, common.SKIPPED, common.IGNORED, common.UNKNOWN))
quality_list = use_quality_list and (None, best_qualities)[any(best_qualities)] or None
params = dict(show_obj=show_obj, quality_list=quality_list, filter_rls=orig_thread_name)
best_result = pick_best_result(found_results[provider_id][cur_search_result], **params)
best_result = _pick_best_result_helper(results=found_results[provider_id][cur_search_result], **params)
# if all results were rejected move on to the next episode
if not best_result:
@ -1099,6 +1081,18 @@ def search_providers(
if not found:
final_results += [best_result]
# check if we have multi episode results that should be taken
if len(multi_result_groups):
found_eps = {_ep: _res.quality for _res in final_results for _ep in _res.ep_obj_list}
for multi_group_name, multi_group_result in multi_result_groups.items(): # type: AnyStr, search_result_type
# if a episode result is only available in multi result or is better quality then single
if (any(_ep not in found_eps for _ep in multi_group_result.ep_obj_list) or
any(multi_group_result.quality > found_eps[_ep]
for _ep in multi_group_result.ep_obj_list if _ep in found_eps)):
final_results = [_res for _res in final_results
if not any(_ep in _res.ep_obj_list for _ep in multi_group_result.ep_obj_list)]
final_results += [multi_group_result]
# check that we got all the episodes we wanted first before doing a match and snatch
wanted_ep_count = 0
for wanted_ep in ep_obj_list:
Reference in a new issue