Merge branch 'release/0.13.0'
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#### Branch: The name of the branch (e.g. master or develop)
#### Branch version commit hash: (See the About page)
Expectation | Result
------------ | -------------
Your expectation paragraph(s) text here. Before the bar >> | then, your result paragraph(s) text here.
**Steps to reproduce:**
*1)* Step to take
*2)* Step to take
Either a link to gist (best as they are easily deleted) or log text wrapped in "pre" tags
Additional notes:
For example, any relevant config settings that may be help us replicate the reported issue
Targeting your info so that the issue can be reproduced is the single fastest way to get it resolved
@ -1,4 +1,373 @@
### 0.12.0 (2016-12-19 03:00:00 UTC)
### 0.13.0 (2017-12-06 12:40:00 UTC)
* Change don't fetch caps for disabled nzb providers
* Change recent search to use centralised title and URL parser for newznab
* Add display unaired season 1 episodes of a new show in regular and pro I view modes
* Change improve page load time when loading images
* Update isotope library 2.2.2 to 3.0.1
* Add lazyload package 3.0.0 (2e318b1)
* Add webencodings 0.5 (3970651) to assist parsing legacy web content
* Change improve add show search results by comparing search term to an additional unidecoded result set
* Change webserver startup to correctly use xheaders in reverse proxy or load balance set-ups
* Update backports_abc 0.4 to 0.5
* Update Beautiful Soup 4.4.0 (r397) to 4.6.0 (r449)
* Update cachecontrol library 0.11.5 to 0.12.3 (db54c40)
* Update Certifi 2015.11.20.1 (385476b) to 2017.07.27 (f808089)
* Update chardet packages 2.3.0 (d7fae98) to 3.0.4 (9b8c5c2)
* Update dateutil library 2.4.2 (d4baf97) to 2.6.1 (2f3a160)
* Update feedparser library 5.2.0 (8c62940) to 5.2.1 (f1dd1bb)
* Update html5lib 0.99999999/1.0b9 (46dae3d) to (1a28d72)
* Update IMDb 5.1dev20160106 to 5.1 (r907)
* Update moment.js 2.15.1 to 2.17.1
* Update PNotify library 2.1.0 to 3.0.0 (175af26)
* Update profilehooks 1.8.2.dev0 (ee3f1a8) to 1.9.0 (de7d59b)
* Update rarfile to 3.0 (3e54b22)
* Update Requests library 2.9.1 (a1c9b84) to 2.13.0 (fc54869)
* Update SimpleJSON library 3.8.1 (6022794) to 3.10.0 (c52efea)
* Update Six compatibility library 1.10.0 (r405) to 1.10.0 (r433)
* Update socks from SocksiPy 1.0 to PySocks 1.6.5 (b4323df)
* Update Tornado Web Server 4.5.dev1 (92f29b8) to 4.5.1 (79b2683)
* Update unidecode library 0.04.18 to 0.04.21 (e99b0e3)
* Update xmltodict library 0.9.2 (eac0031) to 0.10.2 (375d3a6)
* Update Bootstrap 3.2.0 to 3.3.7
* Update Bootstrap Hover Dropdown 2.0.11 to 2.2.1
* Update imagesloaded 3.1.8 to 4.1.1
* Update jquery.cookie 1.0 (21349d9) to JS-Cookie 2.1.3 (c1aa987)
* Update jquery.cookiejar 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
* Update jQuery JSON 2.2 (c908771) to 2.6 (2339804)
* Update jquery.form plugin 3.35.0 to 3.51.0 (6bf24a5)
* Update jQuery SelectBoxes 2.2.4 to 2.2.6
* Update jquery-tokeninput 1.60 to 1.62 (9c36e19)
* Update jQuery-UI 1.10.4 to 1.12.1 - minimum supported IE is 8
* Update jQuery UI Touch Punch 0.2.2 to 0.2.3
* Update qTip 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
* Update tablesorter 2.17.7 to 2.28.5
* Update jQuery 1.8.3 to 2.2.4
* Add one time run to start up that deletes troublemaking compiled files
* Fix reload of homepage after restart in some browsers
* Add detection of '1080p Remux' releases as fullhdbluray
* Add "Perform search tasks" to Config/Media Providers/Options
* Change improve clarity of enabled providers on Config/Media Providers
* Add option to limit WebDL propers to original release group under Config/Search/Media Search
* Change add IPv4 config option when enabling IPv6.
* Add autoProcessTV/onTxComplete.bat to improve Windows clients Deluge, qBittorrent, Tranmission, and uTorrent
* Add Blutopia torrent provider
* Add MagnetDL torrent provider
* Add SceneHD torrent provider
* Add Skytorrents torrent provider
* Add TorrentVault torrent provider
* Add WorldOfP2P torrent provider
* Change do not have shows checked by default on import page. To re-enable import shows checked by default,
1) On config page 'Save' 2) Stop SG 3) Find 'import_default_checked_shows' in config.ini and set '1' 4) Start SG
* Add Nyaa (.si) torrent provider
* Add Trakt watchlist to Add show/Trakt Cards
* Change revoke application access at Trakt when account is deleted in SG
* Add persistent hide/unhide cards to Add show/Trakt and Add show/IMDb Cards
* Change simplify dropdowns at all Add show/Cards
* Change cosmetic title on shutdown
* Change use TVDb API v2
* Change improve search for PROPERS
* Change catch show update task errors
* Change simplify and update FreeBSD init script
* Change only use newznab Api key if needed
* Change editshow saving empty scene exceptions
* Change improve TVDB data handling
* Change improve post processing by using more snatch history data
* Change show update, don't delete any ep in DB if eps are not returned from indexer
* Change prevent unneeded error message during show update
* Change improve performance, don't fetch episode list when retrieving a show image
* Change add additional episode removal protections for TVDb_api v2
* Change filter SKIPPED items from episode view
* Change improve clarity of various error message by including relevant show name
* Change extend WEB PROPER release group check to ignore SD releases
* Change increase performance by reducing TVDb API requests with a global token
* Change make indexer lookup optional in NameParser, and deactivate during searches
* Change improve newnab autoselect categories
* Change add BoxSD and BoxHD categories
* Change post processor, ignore symlinks found in process_dir
* Change file modify date of episodes older than 1970 can be changed to airdate, log warning on set fail
* Add new parameter 'poster' to indexer api
* Add optional tvdb_api load season image: lINDEXER_API_PARMS['seasons'] = True
* Add optional tvdb_api load season wide image: lINDEXER_API_PARMS['seasonwides'] = True
* Add Fuzzywuzzy 0.15.1 to sort search results
* Change remove search results filtering from tv info source
* Change suppress startup warnings for Fuzzywuzzy and Cheetah libs
* Change show search, add options to choose order of search results
* Add option to sort search results by 'A to Z' or 'First aired'
* Add option to sort search results by 'Relevancy' using Fuzzywuzzy lib
* Change search result anchor text uses SORT_ARTICLE setting for display
* Change existing shows in DB are no longer selectable in result list
* Change add image to search result item hover over
* Change improve image load speed on browse Trakt/IMDb/AniDB pages
* Add a changeable master Show ID when show no longer found at TV info source due to an ID change
* Add guiding links to assist user to change TV Info Source ID
* Add "Shows with abandoned master IDs" to Manage/Show Processes Page to link shows that can have their show IDs
adjusted in order to sustain TV info updates
* Add "Shows from defunct TV info sources" to Manage/Show Processes page to link shows that can be switched to a
different default TV info source
* Add shows not found at a TV info source for over 7 days will only be retried once a week
* Change prevent showing 'Mark download as bad and retry?' dialog when status doesn't require it
* Add warn icon indicator of abandoned IDs to "Manage" menu bar and "Manage/Show Processes" menu item
* Add shows that have no replacement ID can be ignored at "Manage/Show Processes", the menu bar warn icon hides if all are ignored
* Change FreeBSD initscript to use command_interpreter
* Add Slack notifier to Notifications config/Social
* Change allow Cheetah template engine version 2 and newer
* Change improve handling of relative download links from providers
* Change enable TorrentBytes provider
* Change after SG is updated, don't attempt to send a Plex client notifications if there is no client host set
* Add file name to possible names in history lookup post processing
* Add garbage name handling to name parser
* Change overhaul Notifications, add Notifier Factory and DRY refactoring
* Notifiers are now loaded into memory on demand
* Add bubble links to Notifications config tabs
* Add Discordapp notifier to Notifications config/Social
* Add Gitter notifier to Notifications config/Social
* Change order of notifiers in Notifications config tabs
* Remove Pushalot notifier
* Remove XBMC notifier
* Change a link to include webroot for "plot overview for this ended show"
* Change Bulk Changes and Notifications save to be web_root setting aware
* Change subtitle addons no longer need to be saved before Search Subtitles is enabled as a
forbidden action to reuse an exited FindSubtitles thread is no longer attempted
* Fix tools menu not opening for some browsers
* Change overhaul handling of PROPERS/REPACKS/REAL
* Add restriction to allow only same release group for repacks
* Change try all episode names with 'real', 'repack', 'proper'
* Add tip to search settings/media search about improved matching with optional regex library
* Change use value of "Update shows during hour" in General Settings straight after it is saved instead of after restart
* Change add tips for what to use for Growl notifications on Windows
* Change if a newly added show is not found on indexer, remove already created empty folder
* Change parse 1080p Bluray AVC/VC1 to a quality instead of unknown
* Add quality tag to archived items, improve displayShow/"Change selected episodes to"
* Use to prevent "Update to" on those select episodes while preserving the downloaded quality
* Change group "Downloaded" status qualities into one section
* Add "Downloaded/with archived quality" to set shows as downloaded using quality of archived status
* Add "Archived with/downloaded quality" to set shows as archived using quality of downloaded status
* Add "Archived with/default (min. initial quality of show here)"
* Change when settings/Post Processing/File Handling/Status of removed episodes/Set Archived is enabled, set status and quality accordingly
* Add downloaded and archived statuses to Manage/Episode Status
* Add quality pills to Manage/Episode Status
* Change Manage/Episode Status season output format to be more readable
### 0.12.37 (2017-11-12 10:35:00 UTC)
* Change improve .nzb handling
### 0.12.36 (2017-11-01 11:45:00 UTC)
* Change qBittorent to handle the change to its API success/fail response
### 0.12.35 (2017-10-27 20:30:00 UTC)
* Change and add some network logos
### 0.12.34 (2017-10-25 15:20:00 UTC)
* Change improve TVChaos parser
### 0.12.33 (2017-10-12 13:00:00 UTC)
* Change improve handling of torrent auth failures
### 0.12.32 (2017-10-11 02:05:00 UTC)
* Change improve PA torrent access
### 0.12.31 (2017-10-06 22:30:00 UTC)
* Change improve handling of connection failures for metadata during media processing
### 0.12.30 (2017-09-29 00:20:00 UTC)
* Fix Media Providers/Custom Newznab tab action 'Delete' then 'Save Changes'
* Fix enforce value API expects for paused show flag
### 0.12.29 (2017-09-17 09:00:00 UTC)
* Fix provider nCore
* Change .torrent checker due to files created with qB 3.3.16 (affects nCore and NBL)
### 0.12.28 (2017-08-26 18:15:00 UTC)
* Change prevent indexer specific release name parts from fudging search logic
### 0.12.27 (2017-08-22 19:00:00 UTC)
* Update to UnRar 5.50 release
### 0.12.26 (2017-08-20 13:05:00 UTC)
* Fix infinite loop loading network_timezones
* Change add optional "stack_size" setting as integer to config.ini under "General" stanza
* Change prevent too many retries when loading network timezones, conversions, and zoneinfo in a short time
* Update to UnRar 5.50 beta 6
### 0.12.25 (2017-06-19 23:35:00 UTC)
* Remove provider SceneAccess
### 0.12.24 (2017-07-31 20:42:00 UTC)
* Fix copy post process method on posix
### 0.12.23 (2017-07-18 16:55:00 UTC)
* Remove obsolete tvrage_api lib
### 0.12.22 (2017-07-13 20:20:00 UTC)
* Fix "Server failed to return anything useful" when should be using cached .torrent file
* Fix displayShow 'Unaired' episode rows change state where appropriate
* Change displayShow to stop requiring an airdate for checkboxes
### 0.12.21 (2017-06-19 23:35:00 UTC)
* Change provider Bit-HDTV user/pass to cookie
### 0.12.20 (2017-06-14 22:00:00 UTC)
* Change send info now required by qBittorrent 3.13+ clients
### 0.12.19 (2017-05-20 10:30:00 UTC)
* Remove provider
### 0.12.18 (2017-05-15 23:00:00 UTC)
* Change thexem, remove tvrage from xem
### 0.12.17 (2017-05-15 22:10:00 UTC)
* Remove provider ExtraTorrent
* Change thexem tvrage mappings are deprecated, data fetch disabled
### 0.12.16 (2017-05-05 16:40:00 UTC)
* Fix multiple SpeedCD cookie
### 0.12.15 (2017-05-04 00:40:00 UTC)
* Remove provider Nyaa
* Change improve RSS validation (particularly for anime)
* Change improve support for legacy magnet encoding
### 0.12.14 (2017-05-02 17:10:00 UTC)
* Change provider is now Nebulance
### 0.12.13 (2017-04-23 18:50:00 UTC)
* Change add filter for thetvdb show overview
* Change remove SpeedCD 'inspeed_uid' cookie requirement
### 0.12.12 (2017-03-30 03:15:00 UTC)
* Change search of SpeedCD, TVChaos and parse of TorrentDay
### 0.12.11 (2017-03-17 02:00:00 UTC)
* Change SpeedCD to cookie auth as username/password is not reliable
* Change Usenet-Crawler media provider icon
### 0.12.10 (2017-03-12 16:00:00 UTC)
* Change refactor client for Deluge 1.3.14 compatibility
* Change ensure IPT authentication is valid before use
### 0.12.9 (2017-02-24 18:40:00 UTC)
* Fix issue saving custom NewznabProviders
### 0.12.8 (2017-02-19 13:50:00 UTC)
* Change BTN API hostname
### 0.12.7 (2017-02-17 15:00:00 UTC)
* Change accept lists in JSON responses
* Change do not log error for empty BTN un/pw in most cases
* Change BTN to only try API once when doing alternative name searches
* Change when API fails, warn users as a tip that they can configure un/pw
### 0.12.6 (2017-02-17 03:48:00 UTC)
* Change skip episodes that have no wanted qualities
* Change download picked .nzb file on demand and not before
* Change improve provider title processing
* Change improve handling erroneous JSON responses
* Change improve find show with unicode characters
* Change improve results for providers Omgwtf, SpeedCD, Transmithenet, Zoogle
* Change validate .torrent files that contain optional header data
* Fix case where an episode status was not restored on failure
* Add raise log error if no wanted qualities are found
* Change add un/pw to Config/Media providers/Options for BTN API graceful fallback (can remove Api key for security)
* Change only download torrent once when using blackhole
* Add Cloudflare module 1.6.8 (be0a536) to handle specific CF connections
* Add Js2Py 0.43 (c1442f1) Cloudflare dependency
* Add pyjsparser 2.4.5 (cd5b829) Js2Py dependency
* Remove Torrentshack
### 0.12.5 (2017-01-16 16:22:00 UTC)
* Change TD search URL
* Fix saving Media Providers when either Search NZBs/Torrents is disabled
### 0.12.4 (2016-12-31 00:50:00 UTC)
* Remove Wombles nzb provider
### 0.12.3 (2016-12-27 15:20:00 UTC)
* Add UK date format handling to name parser
### 0.12.2 (2016-12-20 16:00:00 UTC)
* Change Rarbg and IPT urls
### 0.12.1 (2016-12-19 12:00:00 UTC)
* Fix image scan log for show titles that contain "%"
### 0.12.0 (2016-12-19 03:00:00 UTC)
* Add strict Python version check (equal to, or higher than 2.7.9 and less than 3.0), **exit** if incorrect version
* Add strict Python version check (equal to, or higher than 2.7.9 and less than 3.0), **exit** if incorrect version
* Update unidecode library 0.04.11 to 0.04.18 (fd57cbf)
* Update unidecode library 0.04.11 to 0.04.18 (fd57cbf)
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
Libs with customisations...
Libs with customisations...
@ -32,16 +32,25 @@ import shutil
import subprocess
import subprocess
import time
import time
import threading
import threading
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*fuzzywuzzy.*')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=r'.*Cheetah.*')
if not (2, 7, 9) <= sys.version_info < (3, 0):
if not (2, 7, 9) <= sys.version_info < (3, 0):
print('Python %s.%s.%s detected.' % sys.version_info[:3])
print('Python %s.%s.%s detected.' % sys.version_info[:3])
print('Sorry, SickGear requires Python 2.7.9 or higher. Python 3 is not supported.')
print('Sorry, SickGear requires Python 2.7.9 or higher. Python 3 is not supported.')
import _cleaner
except (StandardError, Exception):
import Cheetah
import Cheetah
if Cheetah.Version[0] != '2':
if Cheetah.Version[0] < '2':
raise ValueError
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
except ValueError:
print('Sorry, requires Python module Cheetah 2.1.0 or newer.')
print('Sorry, requires Python module Cheetah 2.1.0 or newer.')
@ -302,6 +311,17 @@ class SickGear(object):
print(u'Unable to find "%s", all settings will be default!' % sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)
print(u'Unable to find "%s", all settings will be default!' % sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)
sickbeard.CFG = ConfigObj(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)
sickbeard.CFG = ConfigObj(sickbeard.CONFIG_FILE)
stack_size = None
stack_size = int(sickbeard.CFG['General']['stack_size'])
stack_size = None
if stack_size:
except (StandardError, Exception) as e:
print('Stack Size %s not set: %s' % (stack_size, e.message))
# check all db versions
# check all db versions
for d, min_v, max_v, mo in [
for d, min_v, max_v, mo in [
@ -359,10 +379,7 @@ class SickGear(object):
if sickbeard.WEB_HOST and sickbeard.WEB_HOST != '':
if sickbeard.WEB_HOST and sickbeard.WEB_HOST != '':
self.webhost = sickbeard.WEB_HOST
self.webhost = sickbeard.WEB_HOST
if sickbeard.WEB_IPV6:
self.webhost = (('', '::')[sickbeard.WEB_IPV6], '')[sickbeard.WEB_IPV64]
self.webhost = '::'
self.webhost = ''
# web server options
# web server options
self.web_options = {
self.web_options = {
@ -382,7 +399,8 @@ class SickGear(object):
# start web server
# start web server
# used to check if existing SG instances have been started
# used to check if existing SG instances have been started
sickbeard.helpers.wait_for_free_port(self.web_options['host'], self.web_options['port'])
sickbeard.WEB_IPV6 and '::1' or self.web_options['host'], self.web_options['port'])
self.webserver = WebServer(self.web_options)
self.webserver = WebServer(self.web_options)
@ -420,9 +438,15 @@ class SickGear(object):
startup_background_tasks = threading.Thread(name='FETCH-XEMDATA', target=sickbeard.scene_exceptions.get_xem_ids)
startup_background_tasks = threading.Thread(name='FETCH-XEMDATA', target=sickbeard.scene_exceptions.get_xem_ids)
# sure, why not?
# check history snatched_proper update
if not db.DBConnection().has_flag('history_snatch_proper'):
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
history_snatched_proper_task = threading.Thread(name='UPGRADE-HISTORY-ACTION',
# Start an update if we're supposed to
# Start an update if we're supposed to
if self.force_update or sickbeard.UPDATE_SHOWS_ON_START:
if self.force_update or sickbeard.UPDATE_SHOWS_ON_START:
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# remove this file when no longer needed
import os
import shutil
parent_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
cleaned_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parent_dir, r'.cleaned.tmp'))
if not os.path.isfile(cleaned_file):
dead_dirs = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parent_dir, *d)) for d in [
('lib', 'feedcache'),
('lib', 'jsonrpclib'),
('lib', 'shove'),
('lib', 'unrar2')
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(parent_dir):
for dead_dir in filter(lambda x: x in dead_dirs, [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, d)) for d in dirnames]):
except (StandardError, Exception):
for filename in [fn for fn in filenames if os.path.splitext(fn)[-1].lower() in ('.pyc', '.pyo')]:
os.remove(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)))
except (StandardError, Exception):
with open(cleaned_file, 'wb') as fp:
fp.write('This file exists to prevent a rerun delete of *.pyc, *.pyo files')
@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ def processEpisode(dir_to_process, org_NZB_name=None, status=None):
params = {}
params = {}
params['is_basedir'] = 0
params['quiet'] = 1
params['quiet'] = 1
params['dir'] = dir_to_process
params['dir'] = dir_to_process
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
GOTO :main
onTxComplete.bat v1.0 for Sickgear
Script to copy select files to a location for SickGear to post process.
This allows the 'Move' post process episode method to be used so that
seeding files are not post processed over and over.
Supported clients
* Deluge clients 1.3.15 and newer clients
* qBittorrent 3.3.12 and newer clients
* Transmission 2.84 and newer clients
* uTorrent 2.2.1 and newer clients
How this works
Completed downloads are copied from a seeding location to an isolated location.
SG will 'Move' processed content from isolation to the final show location.
The four parameters;
param1 = Isolation path where to copy completed downloads for SG to process.
This value *must* ..
1) be different to the path where the client saves completed downloads
2) be configured in SG (see later, step a)
This path should be created on first run, if not, create it yourself.
param2 = This filter value is compared with either a client set label, or the
tail of the path where the client downloaded seeding file is located.
Every download is skipped except those that compare successfully.
param3 = Client set downloaded item category or label (e.g. "%L")
param4 = Client set downloaded item content path (e.g. "%F", "%D\%F" etc)
The values of params 3 and 4 can be found documented in the download client or
at the client webiste. Other clients may be able to replace param3 and param4
to fit (see examples).
To set up SickGear
a) Set /config/postProcessing/Post Processing -> "Completed TV downloads"
.. to match param1
b) Set /config/postProcessing/Post Processing -> "Process episode method"
.. to 'Move'
c) Enable /config/postProcessing/Post Processing -> "Scan and post process"
d) Enable /config/postProcessing/Post Processing -> "Postpone post processing"
e) Set /config/search/Torrent Results -> "Set torrent label/category"
If using "Black hole" method or if there is no label field, then you must use
client auto labeller or a torrent completed save path that ends with param2,
for Transmission, see note(2) in that section below.
To set up the download client
For Deluge
Deluge clients call scripts with fixed params that prevent passing params,
rename onTxComplete.sample.cfg as onTxComplete.cfg and edit parameters there.
A Deluge label is used to isolate SG downloads from everything else.
1) Enable the "Label" plugin
2) Enable the "Execute" plugin
3) In the "Execute" plugin settings /Add Command/Event/Torrent Complete
set command to ... [script dir]\onTxComplete.bat
4) Add the label set in step (e) to Deluge, right click the label and select
"Label Options"/Location/Move completed to/Other/ .. choose a folder created
where its name is identical to this label e.g. [path]\[label], (F:\Files\SG)
For qBittorrent
The above four parameters are used to configure and run the script.
Use one cmd from below replacing "[script dir]" with the path to this script
Set Options/Downloads/Run an external program on torrent completion
.. to run in windowless mode (the normal run mode used)
cmd /c start "" /B [script dir]\onTxComplete.bat "F:\sg_pp" "SG" "%L" "%F"
OR ..
.. to run in console window mode (test mode to see console output)
cmd /c start "" /min [script dir]\onTxComplete.bat "F:\sg_pp" "SG" "%L" "%F"
For Transmission
Transmission clients call scripts with fixed params that prevent passing params,
rename onTxComplete.sample.cfg as onTxComplete.cfg and edit parameters there.
Transmission does not contain labels, instead, the set path(2) is compared
to the config file param2 value to isolate SG downloads from everything else.
1) Edit/Preferences/Downloading/Call script when torrent is completed
... Navigate to this script location and select it
2) Follow "To set up SickGear" instruction but at step (e),
set "Downloaded files location" to a created folder with name ending in the
config file value of param2 e.g. [path]\[param2]
For uTorrent
The above four parameters are used to configure and run the script.
Use one cmd below replacing "[script dir]" with the path to this script
1) Set Preferences/Advanced/Run program/Run this program when a torrent finishes
cmd /c start "" /B [script dir]\onTxComplete.bat "F:\sg_pp" "SG" "%L" "%D\%F"
It is advised to not use the uTorrent "Move completed downloads" feature because
it runs scripts before move actions complete, bad. Consider switching.
rem ***************************************************************************
rem Set 1 to enable test mode output (default: blank)
SET testmode=
rem ***************************************************************************
rem Get install dir stripped of trailing slash
SET "install_dir=%~dp0"
IF "" NEQ "%~4" (
rem Use the four input parameters
rem This also strips quotes used to safely pass values containing spaces
SET "sg_path=%~1"
SET "sg_label=%~2"
SET "client_label=%~3"
SET "content_path=%~4"
SET "check_label_path_tail="
) ELSE (
rem Process config file
SET "cfgfile=!install_dir!onTxComplete.cfg"
FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a IN (!cfgfile!) DO (
SET "%%a=%%b"
IF "1" == "!testmode!" (
ECHO Config ... %%a = %%b
SET "nullvar="
IF NOT DEFINED param1 SET "nullvar=1"
IF NOT DEFINED param2 SET "nullvar=1"
IF DEFINED nullvar (
ECHO Error: Issue while reading file !cfgfile!
SET "sg_path=!param1!"
SET "sg_label=!param2!"
rem Attempt to read Transmision environment variables
SET "client_name=%TR_TORRENT_NAME%"
SET "client_path=%TR_TORRENT_DIR%"
SET "nullvar="
IF "" == "!client_name!" SET "nullvar=1"
IF "" == "!client_path!" SET "nullvar=1"
IF DEFINED nullvar (
rem With no Transmission vars, attempt to read input parameters from Deluge
IF "" == "%~3" (
ECHO Error: %0 not enough input params, Deluge sends id, name, and path
GOTO :exit
rem Deluge input parameters (i.e. "TorrentID" "Torrent Name" "Torrent Path")
rem This also strips quotes used to safely pass values containing spaces
SET "client_name=%~2"
SET "client_path=%~3"
SET "content_path=!client_path!\!client_name!"
SET "check_label_path_tail=1"
rem Replace any double slashes in path with single slash
SET "sg_path=!sg_path:\\=\!"
SET "content_path=!content_path:\\=\!"
rem Remove long path switch for most compatiblity, newer OSes may omit this
IF "\?\" == "!sg_path:~0,3!" SET "sg_path=!sg_path:~3!"
IF "\?\" == "!content_path:~0,3!" SET "content_path=!content_path:~3!"
rem Remove any trailing slashes from paths
IF "\" == "!sg_path:~-1!" SET "sg_path=!sg_path:~0,-1!"
IF "\" == "!content_path:~-1!" SET "content_path=!content_path:~0,-1!"
IF DEFINED check_label_path_tail (
rem Enable the copy action if path ends with user defined label
SET "client_label=!sg_label!"
:loop -- label strlen
IF NOT "" == "!sg_label:~%len%!" SET /A len+=1 & GOTO :loop
SET /A len+=1
IF "\!sg_label!" NEQ "!client_path:~-%len%!" SET "client_label=skip copy"
rem Create ".!sync" filename
SET "syncext=^!sync"
SET "syncfile=!sg_path!\copying.!syncext!"
IF "1" == "!testmode!" (
ECHO Running in ***test mode*** - files will not be copied
ECHO param1 = !sg_path!
ECHO param2 = !sg_label!
ECHO param3 = !client_label!
ECHO param4 = !content_path!
ECHO !syncfile!
CALL:StartsWith "!client_label!" "!sg_label!" && (
IF NOT EXIST "!sg_path!" MKDIR "!sg_path!"
IF EXIST "!sg_path!" (
rem Determine file/folder as these need to be handled differently
SET attr=%~a4
IF /I "dir" == "!attr:~0,1!ir" (
rem Create a file to prevent SG premature post processing (ref: step (d)) ..
ECHO Copying folder "!content_path!" to "!sg_path!" > "!syncfile!"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a IN ('DIR "!content_path!" /S/B') DO (
IF "1" == "!testmode!" (
ECHO XCOPY "%%a" "!sg_path!\.%%~pa" /Y/I/S
) ELSE (
XCOPY "%%a" "!sg_path!\.%%~pa" /Y/I/S >NUL 2>NUL
IF EXIST "!syncfile!" DEL "!syncfile!"
) ELSE (
rem Create a file to prevent SG premature post processing (ref: step (d)) ..
ECHO Copying file "!content_path!" to "!sg_path!" > "!syncfile!"
IF "1" == "!testmode!" (
ECHO COPY "!content_path!" "!sg_path!\" /Y
) ELSE (
COPY "!content_path!" "!sg_path!\" /Y >NUL 2>NUL
IF EXIST "!syncfile!" DEL "!syncfile!"
GOTO :exit
rem ****************
rem Helper functions
rem ****************
:StartsWith text string -- Test if text starts with string
SET "txt=%~1"
SET "str=%~2"
IF DEFINED str CALL SET "s=%str%%%txt:*%str%=%%"
IF /I "%txt%" NEQ "%s%" SET=2>NUL
rem ****************
rem ****************
IF "1" == "!testmode!" PAUSE
IF "1" NEQ "!testmode!" EXIT
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
; =============================================================================
; ===================== EDIT THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS TO FIT ====================
; =============================================================================
; ====== The following settings are ONLY used by Deluge or Transmission =======
; =============================================================================
; File: onTxComplete.cfg
; Path where to copy completed downloads for SG to post process.
; This value *must* ..
; 1) be different to the path where the client saves completed downloads
; 2) be configured in SG (see section "To set up SickGear" in onTxComplete.bat)
; This path should be created on first run, if not, create it yourself.
; The Deluge label, or path tail used in Transmission (e.g. F:\Files\SG)
; This value should match that of the Label option set in SG at ..
; config/search/Torrent Results -> "Set torrent label/category"
; This script only copies files where the label begins with this value.
; However, if SG is not using labels (e.g. blackhole), then use auto label in
; the download client or a torrent completed save path ending with this value.
@ -43,15 +43,17 @@
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item{
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@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
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pre .prelight{
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pre .prelight2{
pre .prelight2{
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.navbar-default .navbar-nav .logger.errors.nnn,
.navbar-default .navbar-nav .logger.errors.nnn,
pre .prelight-num{
pre .prelight-num{
.shows-not-found.nnnn .snf .sgicon-warning,
.navbar-default .navbar-nav .logger.errors.nnnn{
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.ui-widget-content .ui-state-default,
.ui-widget-content .ui-state-default,
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.ui-state-focus .ui-icon,
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.ui-state-highlight .ui-icon,
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background:#000 url("../css/lib/images/ui-bg_flat_0_000000_40x100.png") 50% 50% repeat-x
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background-image:linear-gradient(to left, rgba(51, 51, 51, 1), rgba(51, 51, 51, 0))
td.tvShow a{
td.tvShow a{
td.tvShow a:hover span,
td.tvShow a:hover span,
td.tvShow a:hover{
td.tvShow a:hover{
@ -315,6 +339,7 @@ home_newShow.tmpl
#addRootDirTable td label .filepath,
#addRootDirTable td label .filepath,
| .tablesorter tr .grey-text{color:#555}
#newShowPortal #displayText .show-name,
#newShowPortal #displayText .show-name,
#newShowPortal #displayText .show-dest,
#newShowPortal #displayText .show-dest,
@ -619,7 +644,7 @@ config*.tmpl
border:1px dotted #ccc
border:1px dotted #ccc
@ -628,6 +653,10 @@ config*.tmpl
box-shadow:-26px 0 0 0 rgb(21, 82, 143) inset
#service_order_list li{
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background:#333 !important;
background:#333 !important;
@ -906,6 +935,7 @@ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:focus{
.component-group.typelist .bgcol,
border:1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
border:1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
@ -1264,16 +1294,20 @@ input sizing (for config pages)
========================================================================== */
========================================================================== */
.showlist-select optgroup,
.showlist-select optgroup,
#results-sortby optgroup,
#pickShow optgroup,
#pickShow optgroup,
#showfilter optgroup,
#showfilter optgroup,
#showsort optgroup,
#editAProvider optgroup{
#editAProvider optgroup{
background-color:rgb(51, 51, 51)
background-color:rgb(51, 51, 51)
.showlist-select optgroup option,
.showlist-select optgroup option,
#results-sortby optgroup option,
#pickShow optgroup option,
#pickShow optgroup option,
#showfilter optgroup option,
#showfilter optgroup option,
#showsort optgroup option,
#editAProvider optgroup option{
#editAProvider optgroup option{
@ -1450,65 +1484,18 @@ thead.tablesorter-stickyHeader{
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token-input.css Overrides
========================================================================== */
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@ -6,224 +6,283 @@
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Normal file
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bootstrap Overrides
bootstrap Overrides
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/* =======================================================================
/* =======================================================================
token-input.css Overrides
========================================================================== */
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Normal file
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gui/slick/images/network/bbc news.png
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
gui/slick/images/network/bbc parliament.png
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.3 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2 KiB |
gui/slick/images/network/byu television.png
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.8 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |
gui/slick/images/network/cbs all access.png
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
gui/slick/images/network/ion television.png
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |
gui/slick/images/network/nick jr..png
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.4 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.5 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.5 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.1 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 732 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 632 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 570 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 969 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 497 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 969 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1,011 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 770 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 681 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 287 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 174 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 861 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 485 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 982 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 818 B After Width: | Height: | Size: 381 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 213 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 785 B |
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
sbRoot = "$sbRoot";
sbRoot = "$sbRoot";
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery-1.8.3.min.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery-2.2.4.min.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/apibuilder.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/apibuilder.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<style type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
@ -541,11 +541,21 @@
<label for="web_ipv6">
<label for="web_ipv6">
<span class="component-title">Listen on IPv6</span>
<span class="component-title">Listen on IPv6</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="web_ipv6" id="web_ipv6"#echo ('', $checked)[$sg_var('WEB_IPV6')]#>
<input type="checkbox" name="web_ipv6" id="web_ipv6" class="enabler"#echo ('', $checked)[$sg_var('WEB_IPV6')]#>
<p>attempt binding to any available IPv6 address</p>
<p>attempt binding to any available IPv6 address</p>
<div id="content_web_ipv6">
<div class="field-pair" style="margin-top:-24px">
<label for="web_ipv64">
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="web_ipv64" id="web_ipv64"#echo ('', $checked)[$sg_var('WEB_IPV64')]#>
<p>also listen on IPv4</p>
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="handle_reverse_proxy">
<label for="handle_reverse_proxy">
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
<div id="config-components">
<div id="config-components">
<li><a href="#core-component-group1">Provider Priorities</a></li>
<li><a href="#core-component-group1">Priorities</a></li>
<li><a href="#core-component-group2">Provider Options</a></li>
<li><a href="#core-component-group2">Options</a></li>
#if $sickbeard.USE_NZBS
#if $sickbeard.USE_NZBS
<li><a href="#core-component-group3">Custom Newznab</a></li>
<li><a href="#core-component-group3">Custom Newznab</a></li>
@ -86,8 +86,9 @@
<div id="core-component-group1" class="component-group">
<div id="core-component-group1" class="component-group">
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Provider Priorities</h3>
<p>Check off and drag the providers into the order you want them to be used.</p>
<p>Allows searching recent and past releases.</p>
<p>Check off and drag providers into the order you want them to be used.</p>
<p>At least one provider is required, two are recommended.</p>
<p>At least one provider is required, two are recommended.</p>
#if $methods_notused
#if $methods_notused
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@
#set $tip = ($ + ('', ' (enable for link)')[not $cur_url and not cur_provider.is_enabled()],
#set $tip = ($ + ('', ' (enable for link)')[not $cur_url and not cur_provider.is_enabled()],
'Site Down')[$bad_url]
'Site Down')[$bad_url]
#set $state = ('', ' <span class="red-text">(Site Down?)</span>')[$bad_url]
#set $state = ('', ' <span class="red-text">(Site Down?)</span>')[$bad_url]
<li class="ui-state-default row-#echo ('odd', 'even')[$show_type or not $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS]#" id="$cur_name">
<li class="ui-state-default row-#echo ('odd', 'even')[$show_type or not $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS]##echo ('', ' provider-enabled')[$cur_provider.is_enabled()]#" id="$cur_name">
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_$cur_name" class="provider_enabler" <%= html_checked if cur_provider.is_enabled() else '' %>/>
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_$cur_name" class="provider_enabler" <%= html_checked if cur_provider.is_enabled() else '' %>/>
<a class="imgLink" #if $cur_url#href="<%= anon_url(cur_url) %>" onclick=",'_blank');return false;"#else#name=""#end if# rel="noreferrer"><img src="$sbRoot/images/providers/$cur_provider.image_name()" alt="$tip" title="$tip" width="16" height="16" style="vertical-align:middle" /></a>
<a class="imgLink" #if $cur_url#href="<%= anon_url(cur_url) %>" onclick=",'_blank');return false;"#else#name=""#end if# rel="noreferrer"><img src="$sbRoot/images/providers/$cur_provider.image_name()" alt="$tip" title="$tip" width="16" height="16" style="vertical-align:middle" /></a>
<span style="vertical-align:middle">$$state</span>
<span style="vertical-align:middle">$$state</span>
@ -128,8 +129,6 @@
<div id="provider_key">
<div id="provider_key">
<span style="float:left;font-size:10px;vertical-align:top;font-weight:normal">(PA)</span><p class="note">Public access, no account required</p>
<span style="float:left;font-size:10px;vertical-align:top;font-weight:normal">(PA)</span><p class="note">Public access, no account required</p>
<h4 class="note"></h4><p class="note">Searches current and past releases</p>
<h4 class="note">*</h4><p class="note">Searches current but not past releases</p>
## #if $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS
## #if $sickbeard.USE_TORRENTS
## <h4 class="note">**</h4><p class="note">Supports <b>limited</b> backlog searches, some episodes/qualities may not be available</p>
## <h4 class="note">**</h4><p class="note">Supports <b>limited</b> backlog searches, some episodes/qualities may not be available</p>
## #end if
## #end if
@ -151,8 +150,8 @@
<div id="core-component-group2" class="component-group">
<div id="core-component-group2" class="component-group">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Provider Options</h3>
<p>Configure individual provider settings here.</p>
<p>Individual provider settings.</p>
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
@ -197,8 +196,41 @@
<!-- start div for editing providers //-->
<!-- start div for editing providers //-->
#set $recentsearch_tip = 'match recent episodes from results of latest releases'
#set $backlogsearch_tip = 'allow active searching for individual episode releases'
#set $scheduled_backlog_tip = 'enable scheduled searching for backlogged episodes'
#for $cur_newznab_provider in [$cur_provider for $cur_provider in $sickbeard.newznabProviderList]
#for $cur_newznab_provider in [$cur_provider for $cur_provider in $sickbeard.newznabProviderList]
<div class="providerDiv" id="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}Div">
<div class="providerDiv" id="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}Div">
#set $can_recent = $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_recentsearch')
#set $can_backlog = $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_backlog')
#set $can_schedule_backlog = $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_scheduled_backlog')
#if $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog and ($can_recent or $can_backlog or $can_schedule_backlog)
<div class="field-pair">
<span class="component-title">Perform search tasks</span>
<span class="component-desc">
#if $can_recent
<label for="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" style="display:inline">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" id="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" <%= html_checked if cur_newznab_provider.enable_recentsearch else '' %>/>
#end if
#if $can_backlog
<label for="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" style="display:inline">
<input class="enabler" type="checkbox" name="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" id="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_newznab_provider.enable_backlog else '' %>/>
#end if
#if $can_schedule_backlog
<div id="content_${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog">
<label for="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" style="display:inline">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" id="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_newznab_provider.enable_scheduled_backlog else '' %>/>
#end if
#end if
#if $cur_newznab_provider.default and $cur_newznab_provider.needs_auth
#if $cur_newznab_provider.default and $cur_newznab_provider.needs_auth
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_url">
<label for="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_url">
@ -219,28 +251,6 @@
#end if
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_recentsearch') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch">
<span class="component-title">Enable recent searches</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" id="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" <%= html_checked if cur_newznab_provider.enable_recentsearch else '' %>/>
<p>perform recent searches at provider</p>
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'enable_backlog') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog">
<span class="component-title">Enable backlog searches</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" id="${cur_newznab_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_newznab_provider.enable_backlog else '' %>/>
<p>perform backlog searches at provider</p>
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
#if $hasattr($cur_newznab_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_newznab_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<span class="component-title">Episode search mode</span>
<span class="component-title">Episode search mode</span>
@ -274,6 +284,36 @@
#for $cur_nzb_provider in [$cur_provider for $cur_provider in $sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList()
#for $cur_nzb_provider in [$cur_provider for $cur_provider in $sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList()
if $cur_provider.providerType == $GenericProvider.NZB and $cur_provider not in $sickbeard.newznabProviderList]:
if $cur_provider.providerType == $GenericProvider.NZB and $cur_provider not in $sickbeard.newznabProviderList]:
<div class="providerDiv" id="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}Div">
<div class="providerDiv" id="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}Div">
#set $can_recent = $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_recentsearch')
#set $can_backlog = $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_backlog')
#set $can_schedule_backlog = $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_scheduled_backlog')
#if $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog and ($can_recent or $can_backlog or $can_schedule_backlog)
<div class="field-pair">
<span class="component-title">Perform search tasks</span>
<span class="component-desc">
#if $can_recent
<label for="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" style="display:inline">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" id="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" <%= html_checked if cur_nzb_provider.enable_recentsearch else '' %>/>
#end if
#if $can_backlog
<label for="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" style="display:inline">
<input class="enabler" type="checkbox" name="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" id="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_nzb_provider.enable_backlog else '' %>/>
#end if
#if $can_schedule_backlog
<div id="content_${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog">
<label for="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" style="display:inline">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" id="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_nzb_provider.enable_scheduled_backlog else '' %>/>
#end if
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'username'):
#if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'username'):
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_username">
<label for="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_username">
@ -298,28 +338,6 @@
#end if
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_recentsearch') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch">
<span class="component-title">Enable recent searches</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" id="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" <%= html_checked if cur_nzb_provider.enable_recentsearch else '' %>/>
<p>enable provider to perform recent searches</p>
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'enable_backlog') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog">
<span class="component-title">Enable backlog searches</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" id="${cur_nzb_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_nzb_provider.enable_backlog else '' %>/>
<p>enable provider to perform backlog searches</p>
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
#if $hasattr($cur_nzb_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_nzb_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<span class="component-title">Episode search mode</span>
<span class="component-title">Episode search mode</span>
@ -369,6 +387,36 @@
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
#set $can_recent = $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_recentsearch')
#set $can_backlog = $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_backlog')
#set $can_schedule_backlog = $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_scheduled_backlog')
#if $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog and ($can_recent or $can_backlog or $can_schedule_backlog)
<div class="field-pair">
<span class="component-title">Perform search tasks</span>
<span class="component-desc">
#if $can_recent
<label for="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" style="display:inline">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.enable_recentsearch else '' %>/>
#end if
#if $can_backlog
<label for="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" style="display:inline">
<input class="enabler" type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.enable_backlog else '' %>/>
#end if
#if $can_schedule_backlog
<div id="content_${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog">
<label for="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" style="display:inline">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_scheduled_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.enable_scheduled_backlog else '' %>/>
#end if
#end if
#if $getattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'url_edit', None):
#if $getattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'url_edit', None):
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="url_base">
<label for="url_base">
@ -510,7 +558,8 @@ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().nam
<span class="component-title">Confirmed download</span>
<span class="component-title">Confirmed download</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_confirmed" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_confirmed" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.confirmed else '' %>/>
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_confirmed" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_confirmed" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.confirmed else '' %>/>
<p>only download torrents from trusted or verified uploaders ?</p>
#set $confirm_label = callable(getattr(cur_torrent_provider, 'ui_string', None)) and cur_torrent_provider.ui_string(cur_torrent_provider.get_id() + '_confirm') or 'only download torrents from trusted or verified uploaders ?'
@ -554,28 +603,6 @@ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().nam
#end if
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_recentsearch') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch">
<span class="component-title">Enable recent searches</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_recentsearch" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.enable_recentsearch else '' %>/>
<p>enable provider to perform recent searches</p>
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'enable_backlog') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog">
<span class="component-title">Enable backlog searches</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_enable_backlog" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.enable_backlog else '' %>/>
<p>enable provider to perform backlog searches</p>
#end if
#if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
#if $hasattr($cur_torrent_provider, 'search_mode') and $cur_torrent_provider.supports_backlog:
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<span class="component-title">Episode search mode</span>
<span class="component-title">Episode search mode</span>
@ -596,7 +623,7 @@ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().nam
<span class="component-title">Episode search fallback</span>
<span class="component-title">Episode search fallback</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_search_fallback" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_search_fallback" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.search_fallback else '' %>/>
<input type="checkbox" name="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_search_fallback" id="${cur_torrent_provider.get_id()}_search_fallback" <%= html_checked if cur_torrent_provider.search_fallback else '' %>/>
<p>use the alternate episode search mode if no match is found -- warning; may result in duplicates or a heavy ratio hit -- best use: manually collect a season, disable after.</p>
<p>use alternate episode search mode if no match is found -- warning; may result in duplicates or a heavy ratio hit -- best use: manually collect a season, disable after</p>
@ -623,8 +650,8 @@ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().nam
<div id="core-component-group3" class="component-group">
<div id="core-component-group3" class="component-group">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Custom Newznab Providers</h3>
<h3>Custom Newznab</h3>
<p>Add, setup or remove custom newznab providers.</p>
<p>Add, setup or remove newznab providers.</p>
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
@ -677,7 +704,7 @@ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().nam
<span style="font-weight:normal">with.. (u)hd, sd, sport, anime</span>
<span style="font-weight:normal">with.. (u)hd, sd, sport, anime</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<span class="component-desc">
<div id="nn-cats">
<div id="nn-cats" class="hide">
<div class="pull-left">
<div class="pull-left">
<select class="pull-left" id="newznab_cap" multiple="multiple" style="min-width:10em;min-height:72px"></select>
<select class="pull-left" id="newznab_cap" multiple="multiple" style="min-width:10em;min-height:72px"></select>
<input class="btn" type="button" class="newznab_cat_update" id="newznab_cat_update" value=">>" style="position:relative;bottom:-15px">
<input class="btn" type="button" class="newznab_cat_update" id="newznab_cat_update" value=">>" style="position:relative;bottom:-15px">
@ -691,8 +718,11 @@ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().nam
<div id="nn-nocats" class="hide">
<div id="nn-nocats" class="hide">
<span>No extra categories found</span>
<span>No extra categories found</span>
<div id="nn-enable-for-cats" class="hide">
<span class="grey-text">Enable provider for categories</span>
<div id="nn-loadcats" class="hide">
<div id="nn-loadcats" class="hide">
<span>Loading categories...</span>
<span class="grey-text">Loading categories...</span>
@ -717,8 +747,8 @@ name = '' if not client else get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)().nam
<div id="core-component-group4" class="component-group">
<div id="core-component-group4" class="component-group">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Custom Torrent Providers</h3>
<h3>Custom Torrent</h3>
<p>Add or remove custom RSS providers.</p>
<p>Add, setup or remove torrent RSS providers.</p>
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair" style="padding-bottom:0">
<label for="download_propers">
<label for="download_propers">
<span class="component-title">Download propers</span>
<span class="component-title">Download propers</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<span class="component-desc">
@ -57,6 +57,19 @@
<div id="content_download_propers">
<div id="content_download_propers">
<span class="component-desc">
<p>Optional: to improve matching, install the OS dependent <a href="" target="_blank">regex python library</a></p>
<p>at a command line, simply enter ... <code>python -m pip install regex</code></p>
<div class="field-pair">
<span class="component-title">Limit WebDL propers</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="checkbox" name="propers_webdl_onegrp"#echo ('', $html_checked)[$sickbeard.PROPERS_WEBDL_ONEGRP]#>
<p>Only allow WebDL 'Propers' from the original release group</p>
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label for="check_propers_interval">
<label for="check_propers_interval">
<span class="component-title">Check propers every:</span>
<span class="component-title">Check propers every:</span>
@ -401,7 +414,7 @@
<div class="testNotification" id="test-nzb-result">Click below to test</div>
<div class="test-notification" id="test-nzb-result">Click below to test</div>
<input type="button" value="Test SABnzbd" id="test_sabnzbd" class="btn test-button sabnzbd">
<input type="button" value="Test SABnzbd" id="test_sabnzbd" class="btn test-button sabnzbd">
<input type="button" value="Test NZBget" id="test_nzbget" class="btn test-button nzbget">
<input type="button" value="Test NZBget" id="test_nzbget" class="btn test-button nzbget">
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes"><br />
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes"><br />
@ -564,7 +577,7 @@
<div class="testNotification" id="test-torrent-result">Click below to test</div>
<div class="test-notification" id="test-torrent-result">Click below to test</div>
<input type="button" value="Test Connection" id="test_torrent" class="btn test-button">
<input type="button" value="Test Connection" id="test_torrent" class="btn test-button">
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes"><br />
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes"><br />
@ -12,27 +12,30 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/configSubtitles.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/configSubtitles.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery.tokeninput.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery.tokeninput.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
\$(document).ready(function() {
\$(document).ready(function() {
<%=",\r\n".join("{id: \"" + lang[2] + "\", name: \"" + lang[3] + "\"}" for lang in subtitles.subtitleLanguageFilter())%>
<%=',\r\n'.join('{id: "' + lang[2] + '", name: "' + lang[3] + '"}' for lang in subtitles.subtitleLanguageFilter()) %>
method: "POST",
method: 'POST',
hintText: "Write to search a language and select it",
hintText: 'Write to search a language and select it',
preventDuplicates: true,
preventDuplicates: true,
',\r\n'.join('{id: "' + lang + '", name: "' + subtitles.getLanguageName(lang) + '"}' for lang in sickbeard.SUBTITLES_LANGUAGES) if sickbeard.SUBTITLES_LANGUAGES != '' else ''
resultsFormatter: function(item){ return '<li><img src="$sbRoot/images/flags/' + item['id'] + '.png"> ' + item[this.propertyToSearch] + '</li>' },
tokenFormatter: function(item) { return '<li><img src="$sbRoot/images/flags/' + item['id'] + '.png"> <p>' + item[this.propertyToSearch] + '</p></li>' },
flag: 'flag',
",\r\n".join("{id: \"" + lang + "\", name: \"" + subtitles.getLanguageName(lang) + "\"}" for lang in sickbeard.SUBTITLES_LANGUAGES) if sickbeard.SUBTITLES_LANGUAGES != '' else ''
@ -43,118 +46,118 @@
#end if
#end if
<div id="config">
<div id="config">
<div id="config-content">
<div id="config-content">
<form id="configForm" action="saveSubtitles" method="post">
<form id="configForm" action="saveSubtitles" method="post">
<div id="config-components">
<div id="config-components">
<li><a href="#core-component-group4">Subtitles Search</a></li>
<li><a href="#core-component-group4">Subtitles Search</a></li>
<li><a href="#core-component-group2">Subtitles Plugin</a></li>
<li><a href="#core-component-group2">Subtitles Plugin</a></li>
<div id="core-component-group4" class="component-group">
<div id="core-component-group4" class="component-group">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Subtitles Search</h3>
<h3>Subtitles Search</h3>
<p>Settings that dictate how SickGear handles subtitles search results.</p>
<p>Settings that dictate how SickGear handles subtitles search results.</p>
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" class="enabler" #if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES then " checked=\"checked\"" else ""# id="use_subtitles" name="use_subtitles">
<input type="checkbox" class="enabler" #if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES then ' checked="checked"' else ''# id="use_subtitles" name="use_subtitles">
<label for="use_subtitles" class="clearfix">
<label for="use_subtitles" class="clearfix">
<span class="component-title">Search Subtitles</span>
<span class="component-title">Search Subtitles</span>
<div id="content_use_subtitles">
<div id="content_use_subtitles">
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck">
<label class="nocheck">
<span class="component-title">Subtitle Languages</span>
<span class="component-title">Subtitle Languages</span>
<span class="component-desc"><input type="text" id="subtitles_languages" name="subtitles_languages" /></span>
<span class="component-desc"><input type="text" id="subtitles_languages" name="subtitles_languages"></span>
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck">
<label class="nocheck">
<span class="component-title">Subtitle Directory</span>
<span class="component-title">Subtitle Directory</span>
<input type="text" value="$sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DIR" id="subtitles_dir" name="subtitles_dir" class="form-control input-sm input350">
<input type="text" value="$sickbeard.SUBTITLES_DIR" id="subtitles_dir" name="subtitles_dir" class="form-control input-sm input350">
<label class="nocheck">
<label class="nocheck">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">The directory where SickGear should store your <i>Subtitles</i> files.</span>
<span class="component-desc">The directory where SickGear should store your <i>Subtitles</i> files.</span>
<label class="nocheck">
<label class="nocheck">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc"><b>NOTE:</b> Leave empty if you want store subtitle in episode path.</span>
<span class="component-desc"><b>NOTE:</b> Leave empty if you want store subtitle in episode path.</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck">
<label class="nocheck">
<span class="component-title">Subtitle Find Frequency</span>
<span class="component-title">Subtitle Find Frequency</span>
<input type="number" name="subtitles_finder_frequency" value="$sickbeard.SUBTITLES_FINDER_FREQUENCY" hours="1" class="form-control input-sm input75" />
<input type="number" name="subtitles_finder_frequency" value="$sickbeard.SUBTITLES_FINDER_FREQUENCY" hours="1" class="form-control input-sm input75">
<label class="nocheck">
<label class="nocheck">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Time in hours between scans (hours. 1)</span>
<span class="component-desc">Time in hours between scans (hours. 1)</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="subtitles_history" id="subtitles_history" #if $sickbeard.SUBTITLES_HISTORY then " checked=\"checked\"" else ""#/>
<input type="checkbox" name="subtitles_history" id="subtitles_history" #if $sickbeard.SUBTITLES_HISTORY then ' checked="checked"' else ''#>
<label class="clearfix" for="subtitles_history">
<label class="clearfix" for="subtitles_history">
<span class="component-title">Subtitles History</span>
<span class="component-title">Subtitles History</span>
<span class="component-desc">Log downloaded Subtitle on History page?</span>
<span class="component-desc">Log downloaded Subtitle on History page?</span>
<br/><input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes" /><br/>
<br /><input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes"><br />
</div><!-- /component-group1 //-->
</div><!-- /component-group1 //-->
<div id="core-component-group2" class="component-group">
<div id="core-component-group2" class="component-group">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Subtitle Plugins</h3>
<h3>Subtitle Plugins</h3>
<p>Check off and drag the plugins into the order you want them to be used.</p>
<p>Check off and drag the plugins into the order you want them to be used.</p>
<p class="note">At least one plugin is required.</p>
<p class="note">At least one plugin is required.</p>
<p class="note"><span style="font-size: 16px;">*</span> Web-scraping plugin</p>
<p class="note"><span style="font-size:16px">*</span> Web-scraping plugin</p>
<fieldset class="component-group-list" style="margin-left: 50px; margin-top:36px">
<fieldset class="component-group-list" style="margin-left:50px;margin-top:36px">
<ul id="service_order_list">
<ul id="service_order_list">
#for $curService in $sickbeard.subtitles.sortedServiceList():
#for $curService in $sickbeard.subtitles.sortedServiceList():
#set $curName = $
#set $curName = $
<li class="ui-state-default" id="$curName">
<li class="ui-state-default" id="$curName">
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_$curName" class="service_enabler" #if $curService.enabled then "checked=\"checked\"" else ""#/>
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_$curName" class="service_enabler"#if $curService.enabled# checked="checked"#end if#>
#set $provider_url = $curService.url
#set $provider_url = $curService.url
<a href="<%= anon_url(provider_url) %>" class="imgLink" target="_new">
<a href="<%= anon_url(provider_url) %>" class="imgLink" target="_new">
<img src="$sbRoot/images/subtitles/$curService.image" alt="$" title="$" width="16" height="16" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
<img src="$sbRoot/images/subtitles/$curService.image" alt="$" title="$" width="16" height="16" style="vertical-align:middle">
<span style="vertical-align:middle;">$</span>
<span style="vertical-align:middle">$</span>
#if not $curService.api_based then "*" else ""#
#if not $curService.api_based#*#end if#
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s pull-right" style="vertical-align:middle;"></span>
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s pull-right" style="vertical-align:middle"></span>
#end for
#end for
<input type="hidden" name="service_order" id="service_order" value="<%=" ".join([x.get('id')+':'+str(int(x.get('enabled'))) for x in sickbeard.subtitles.sortedServiceList()])%>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="service_order" id="service_order" value="<%=" ".join([x.get('id')+':'+str(int(x.get('enabled'))) for x in sickbeard.subtitles.sortedServiceList()])%>">
<br/><input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes" /><br/>
</div><!-- /component-group2 //-->
<br/><input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes" /><br/>
<br /><input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes"><br />
</div><!-- /component-group2 //-->
</div><!-- /config-components //-->
<br /><input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes"><br />
</div><!-- /config-components //-->
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
jQuery('#subtitles_dir').fileBrowser({title: 'Select Subtitles Download Directory'});
jQuery('#subtitles_dir').fileBrowser({title:'Select Subtitles Download Directory'});
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#set global $page_body_attr = 'display-show" class="' + $css
#set global $page_body_attr = 'display-show" class="' + $css
#set theme_suffix = ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sg_str('THEME_NAME', 'dark')]
#set theme_suffix = ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sg_str('THEME_NAME', 'dark')]
#import os.path, os
#import os.path, os, re
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
<input type="hidden" id="sbRoot" value="$sbRoot">
<input type="hidden" id="sbRoot" value="$sbRoot">
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
#echo ('', '<br /><br />')[any($ep_tally)]
#echo ('', '<br /><br />')[any($ep_tally)]
#if $show_ended
#if $show_ended
#if $varExists('force_update')
#if $varExists('force_update')
A <a href="/$force_update" title="Trigger force full update">force full update</a> may return a plot overview for this ended show
A <a href="$sbRoot/$force_update" title="Trigger force full update">force full update</a> may return a plot overview for this ended show
Restart SickGear to get a new link here for this ended show
Restart SickGear to get a new link here for this ended show
#end if
#end if
@ -389,13 +389,22 @@
<div id="change-status" class="pull-left">
<div id="change-status" class="pull-left">
<p style="margin-bottom:5px">Change selected episodes to</p>
<p style="margin-bottom:5px">Change selected episodes to</p>
<select id="statusSelect" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
<select id="statusSelect" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm showlist-select">
#for $curStatus in [$WANTED, $SKIPPED, $ARCHIVED, $IGNORED, $FAILED] + sorted($Quality.DOWNLOADED)
#for $curStatus in [$WANTED, $SKIPPED, $IGNORED, $FAILED]
#if $DOWNLOADED == $curStatus
#end if
<option value="$curStatus">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</option>
<option value="$curStatus">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</option>
#end for
#end for
<optgroup label="Downloaded">
#for $curStatus in sorted($Quality.DOWNLOADED)
#if $DOWNLOADED != $curStatus
<option value="$curStatus">$re.sub('Downloaded\s*\(([^\)]+)\)', r'\1', $statusStrings[$curStatus])</option>
#end if
#end for
<option value="$DOWNLOADED">with archived quality</option>
<optgroup label="Archived with">
<option value="$ARCHIVED">downloaded quality</option>
<option value="-$ARCHIVED">default ($min_initial)</option>
<input type="hidden" id="showID" value="$show.indexerid">
<input type="hidden" id="showID" value="$show.indexerid">
<input type="hidden" id="indexer" value="$show.indexer">
<input type="hidden" id="indexer" value="$show.indexer">
@ -462,15 +471,16 @@
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default pull-right allseasons"><span class="onshow">Show all</span><span class="onhide">Hide most</span><i class="icon-glyph"></i></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default pull-right allseasons"><span class="onshow">Show all</span><span class="onhide">Hide most</span><i class="icon-glyph"></i></button>
<span class="images pull-right hide"><i class="spinner"></i></span>
<span class="images pull-right hide"><i class="spinner"></i></span>
#end if
#end if
#set $videos = '0' if $season not in $ep_counts['videos'] else $ep_counts['videos'][$season]
#set $videos = $ep_counts['videos'].get($season, '0')
#set $season_stats = $ep_counts['status'].get($season, {})
#set $season_stats = $ep_counts['status'].get($season, {})
#set $snatched = $season_stats.get($Overview.SNATCHED, None)
#set $snatched = $season_stats.get($Overview.SNATCHED, None)
#set $wanted = $season_stats.get($Overview.WANTED, None)
#set $wanted = $season_stats.get($Overview.WANTED, None)
#set $qual = $season_stats.get($Overview.QUAL, None)
#set $qual = $season_stats.get($Overview.QUAL, None)
#set $good = $season_stats.get($Overview.GOOD, '0')
#set $archived = False if $season not in $ep_counts['archived'] else $ep_counts['archived'][$season]
#set $archived = False if $season not in $ep_counts['archived'] else $ep_counts['archived'][$season]
<h3>$human_season<a id="season-$season" name="season-$season"></a>
<h3>$human_season<a id="season-$season" name="season-$season"></a>
#if None is not $has_art
#if None is not $has_art
<span class="season-status"><span class="good status-badge"> D: <strong>$videos</strong> </span>#if snatched#<span class="snatched status-badge"> S: <strong>$snatched</strong> </span>#end if##if $wanted#<span class="wanted status-badge"> W: <strong>$wanted</strong> </span>#end if##if $qual#<span class="qual status-badge"> LQ: <strong>$qual</strong> </span>#end if# of <span class="footerhighlight">$ep_counts['totals'][$season]</span><span class="archived-count">#echo ('', ' with <span class="footerhighlight">%s</span> archived' % $archived)[0 < $archived]#</span></span>
<span class="season-status"><span class="good status-badge"> D: <strong>$good</strong> </span>#if snatched#<span class="snatched status-badge"> S: <strong>$snatched</strong> </span>#end if##if $wanted#<span class="wanted status-badge"> W: <strong>$wanted</strong> </span>#end if##if $qual#<span class="qual status-badge"> LQ: <strong>$qual</strong> </span>#end if# of <span class="footerhighlight">$ep_counts['totals'][$season]</span>#if 0 < $archived# with <span class="footerhighlight">$archived</span> archived#end if##if int($videos)# #echo ('with', 'and')[0 < $archived]# <span class="footerhighlight">$videos</span> file$maybe_plural($videos)#end if#</span>
#end if
#end if
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#set $css = $getVar('css', 'reg')
#set $css = $getVar('css', 'reg')
#set $has_art = $getVar('has_art', None)
#set $has_art = $getVar('has_art', None)
#set $restart = 'Restart SickGear for new features on this page'
#set $restart = 'Restart SickGear for new features on this page'
#set $show_message = (None, $restart)[None is $has_art]
#set $show_message = ($show_message, $restart)[None is $has_art]
#set global $page_body_attr = 'edit-show" class="' + $css
#set global $page_body_attr = 'edit-show" class="' + $css
#import os.path
#import os.path
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
var config = {showLang: '$show.lang', showIsAnime: #echo ('!1','!0')[$show.is_anime]#}
var config = {showLang: '$show.lang', showIsAnime: #echo ('!1','!0')[$show.is_anime]#, expandIds: #echo ('!1','!0')[$expand_ids]#}
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/qualityChooser.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/qualityChooser.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/editShow.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/editShow.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
#set $dev = True
#set $dev = True
#set $dev = None
#set $dev = None
<div id="idmapping-options" style="display:#if $dev#--#end if#none">
<div id="idmapping-options" style="display:#if $dev#--#end if#none">
#set $is_master_settable = False
#set $is_master_settable = False | $unlock_master_id
#for $src_id, $src_name in $sickbeard.indexerApi().all_indexers.iteritems()
#for $src_id, $src_name in $sickbeard.indexerApi().all_indexers.iteritems()
#set $is_master_settable |= ($dev or
#set $is_master_settable |= ($dev or
($src_id != $show.indexer and $show.ids[$src_id].get('id', 0) > 0 and
($src_id != $show.indexer and $show.ids[$src_id].get('id', 0) > 0 and
@ -328,13 +328,23 @@
#set $data_link = ''
#set $data_link = ''
#set $use_search_url = False
#set $use_search_url = False
#end if
#end if
<a id="src-mid-$src_id" class="service" style="margin-right:6px" data-search="#if $use_search_url#y#else#n#end if#" #if $src_search_url#data-search-href="$anon_url($src_search_url % $search_name)" data-search-onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" data-search-title="Search for show at $src_name" #end if##if $use_search_url#href="$anon_url($src_search_url % $search_name)" onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" title="Search for show at $src_name" #end if#$(data_link)href="$anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config['show_url'], $show.ids[$src_id]['id'])" $(data_link)onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" $(data_link)title="View $src_name info in new tab"><img alt="$src_name" height="16" width="16" src="$sbRoot/images/$sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config['icon']" /></a>
<a id="src-mid-$src_id" class="service" style="margin-right:6px" data-search="#if $use_search_url#y#else#n#end if#" #if $src_search_url#data-search-href="$anon_url($src_search_url % $search_name)" data-search-onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" data-search-title="Search for show at $src_name" #end if##if $use_search_url#href="$anon_url($src_search_url % $search_name)" onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" title="Search for show at $src_name" #end if#$(data_link)href="$anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config['show_url'], ($show.ids[$src_id]['id'], $srcid)[$expand_ids and ($src_id == $tvsrc)])" $(data_link)onclick=", '_blank'); return !1;" $(data_link)title="View $src_name info in new tab"><img alt="$src_name" height="16" width="16" src="$sbRoot/images/$sickbeard.indexerApi($src_id).config['icon']" /></a>
#end if
#end if
<span class="component-desc">
<span class="component-desc">
<input type="text" data-maybe-master="#echo ('0', '1')[bool($maybe_master)]#" name="mid-$src_id" id="#echo ('mid-%s' % $src_id, 'source-id')[$src_id == $show.indexer]#" value="$show.ids.get($src_id, {'id': 0}).get('id')" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" #echo ('', $html_disabled)[$src_id == $show.indexer]#>
#if $src_id != $show.indexer
#set $current_showid = $show.ids.get($src_id, {'id': 0}).get('id')
<input type="text" data-maybe-master="#echo ('0', '1')[bool($maybe_master)]#" name="mid-$src_id" id="#echo ('mid-%s' % $src_id, 'source-id')[$src_id == $show.indexer]#" value="#echo ($current_showid, $srcid)[$expand_ids and ($src_id == $tvsrc)]#" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm#if $src_id == $show.indexer and $unlock_master_id# warning" title="Abandoned master ID#end if#" #echo ('', $html_disabled)[$src_id == $show.indexer and not $unlock_master_id]#>
#if $src_id == $show.indexer
<label for="the-master">
#if $is_master_settable
<input type="radio" name="set-master" id="the-master" checked data-indexer="$src_id" data-indexerid="$show.ids[$src_id].get('id', 0)">
#end if
<p#if $is_master_settable# style="padding-left:19px"#end if#>#if $unlock_master_id#master id may have changed, <a href="$sbRoot/home/addShows/new_show?show_to_add=$show.indexer|||$showname_enc&use_show_name=True&action=Find&return_to=$sbRoot%2Fhome%2FeditShow%3Fshow%3D$current_showid%26tvsrc%3D%25s%26srcid%3D%25s%23core-component-group3">search replacement here</a>#else#locked master, can't be edited#end if#</p>
<label for="lockid-$src_id">
<label for="lockid-$src_id">
<input type="checkbox" name="lockid-$src_id" id="lockid-$src_id"#echo ('', $html_checked)[$show.ids.get($src_id, {'status': $sickbeard.indexermapper.MapStatus.NONE}).get('status') == $sickbeard.indexermapper.MapStatus.NO_AUTOMATIC_CHANGE]#>
<input type="checkbox" name="lockid-$src_id" id="lockid-$src_id"#echo ('', $html_checked)[$show.ids.get($src_id, {'status': $sickbeard.indexermapper.MapStatus.NONE}).get('status') == $sickbeard.indexermapper.MapStatus.NO_AUTOMATIC_CHANGE]#>
<p style="padding-left:19px;margin-right:24px">lock this ID</p>
<p style="padding-left:19px;margin-right:24px">lock this ID</p>
@ -344,13 +354,6 @@
<input type="radio" name="set-master" id="set-master-$src_id" data-indexer="$src_id" data-indexerid="$show.ids[$src_id].get('id', 0)">set master
<input type="radio" name="set-master" id="set-master-$src_id" data-indexer="$src_id" data-indexerid="$show.ids[$src_id].get('id', 0)">set master
#end if
#end if
<label for="the-master">
#if $is_master_settable
<input type="radio" name="set-master" id="the-master" checked>
#end if
<p#if $is_master_settable# style="padding-left:19px"#end if#>locked master, can't be edited</p>
#end if
#end if
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#import sickbeard
#import datetime
#import datetime
#import re
#import re
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard import sbdatetime
#import sickbeard
#from sickbeard import history
#from sickbeard import history, providers, sbdatetime
#from sickbeard import providers
#from sickbeard.common import Quality, statusStrings, SNATCHED_ANY, SNATCHED_PROPER, DOWNLOADED, SUBTITLED, ARCHIVED, FAILED
#from sickbeard.providers import generic
#from sickbeard.providers import generic
<% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
<% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
<% def sg_str(varname, default=''): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
<% def sg_str(varname, default=''): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
@ -58,8 +57,7 @@
url = '$sbRoot/history/?limit=' + \$(this).val()
window.location.href = '$sbRoot/history/?limit=' + \$(this).val()
window.location.href = url
#set $fuzzydate = 'airdate'
#set $fuzzydate = 'airdate'
@ -131,21 +129,21 @@
#set $curdatetime = $datetime.datetime.strptime(str($hItem['date']), $history.dateFormat)
#set $curdatetime = $datetime.datetime.strptime(str($hItem['date']), $history.dateFormat)
<td><div class="${fuzzydate}">$sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdatetime($curdatetime, show_seconds=True)</div><span class="sort-data">$time.mktime($curdatetime.timetuple())</span></td>
<td><div class="${fuzzydate}">$sbdatetime.sbdatetime.sbfdatetime($curdatetime, show_seconds=True)</div><span class="sort-data">$time.mktime($curdatetime.timetuple())</span></td>
<td class="tvShow"><a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$hItem['showid']#season-$hItem['season']">$display_name#if 'proper' in $hItem['resource'].lower or 'repack' in $hItem['resource'].lower then ' <span class="quality Proper">Proper</span>' else ''#</a></td>
<td class="tvShow"><a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$hItem['showid']#season-$hItem['season']">$display_name#if $Quality.splitCompositeStatus($hItem['action'])[0] == $SNATCHED_PROPER then ' <span class="quality Proper">Proper</span>' else ''#</a></td>
<td#echo ('', ' class="subtitles_column"')[SUBTITLED == $curStatus]#>
<td#echo ('', ' class="subtitles_column"')[$SUBTITLED == $curStatus]#>
#if SUBTITLED == $curStatus
#if $SUBTITLED == $curStatus
<img width="16" height="11" src="$sbRoot/images/flags/<%= hItem["resource"][len(hItem["resource"])-6:len(hItem["resource"])-4] + '.png' %>">
<img width="16" height="11" src="$sbRoot/images/flags/<%= hItem["resource"][len(hItem["resource"])-6:len(hItem["resource"])-4] + '.png' %>">
#end if
#end if
<span class="help" title="$os.path.basename($hItem["resource"])">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</span>
<span class="help" title="$os.path.basename($hItem["resource"])">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</span>
<td class="provider">
<td class="provider">
#if DOWNLOADED == $curStatus
#if $DOWNLOADED == $curStatus
#if '-1' != $hItem['provider']
#if '-1' != $hItem['provider']
#end if
#end if
#if 0 < $hItem['provider']
#if 0 < $hItem['provider']
#if $curStatus in [SNATCHED, FAILED]
#if $curStatus in $SNATCHED_ANY + [$FAILED]
#set $provider = $providers.getProviderClass($generic.GenericProvider.make_id($hItem['provider']))
#set $provider = $providers.getProviderClass($generic.GenericProvider.make_id($hItem['provider']))
#if None is not $provider
#if None is not $provider
<img src="$sbRoot/images/providers/<%= provider.image_name() %>" width="16" height="16" /><span>$</span>
<img src="$sbRoot/images/providers/<%= provider.image_name() %>" width="16" height="16" /><span>$</span>
@ -197,20 +195,20 @@
#for $action in reversed($hItem['actions'])
#for $action in reversed($hItem['actions'])
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($action['action']))
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($action['action']))
#set $basename = $os.path.basename($action['resource'])
#set $basename = $os.path.basename($action['resource'])
#if $curStatus in [SNATCHED, FAILED]
#if $curStatus in $SNATCHED_ANY + [$FAILED]
#set $provider = $providers.getProviderClass($generic.GenericProvider.make_id($action['provider']))
#set $provider = $providers.getProviderClass($generic.GenericProvider.make_id($action['provider']))
#if None is not $provider
#if None is not $provider
#set $prov_list += ['<span%s><img class="help" src="%s/images/providers/%s" width="16" height="16" alt="%s" title="%s.. %s: %s" /></span>'\
#set $prov_list += ['<span%s><img class="help" src="%s/images/providers/%s" width="16" height="16" alt="%s" title="%s.. %s: %s" /></span>'\
% (('', ' class="fail"')[FAILED == $curStatus], $sbRoot, $provider.image_name(), $,
% (('', ' class="fail"')[$FAILED == $curStatus], $sbRoot, $provider.image_name(), $,
('%s%s' % ($order, 'th' if $order in [11, 12, 13] or str($order)[-1] not in $ordinal_indicators else $ordinal_indicators[str($order)[-1]]), 'Snatch failed')[FAILED == $curStatus],
('%s%s' % ($order, 'th' if $order in [11, 12, 13] or str($order)[-1] not in $ordinal_indicators else $ordinal_indicators[str($order)[-1]]), 'Snatch failed')[$FAILED == $curStatus],
$, $basename)]
$, $basename)]
#set $order += (0, 1)[SNATCHED == $curStatus]
#set $order += (0, 1)[$curStatus in $SNATCHED_ANY]
#set $prov_list += ['<img src="%s/images/providers/missing.png" width="16" height="16" alt="missing provider" title="missing provider" />'\
#set $prov_list += ['<img src="%s/images/providers/missing.png" width="16" height="16" alt="missing provider" title="missing provider" />'\
% $sbRoot]
% $sbRoot]
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
#if $curStatus in [DOWNLOADED, ARCHIVED]
#if $curStatus in [$DOWNLOADED, $ARCHIVED]
#set $match = $'\-(\w+)\.\w{3}\Z', $basename)
#set $match = $'\-(\w+)\.\w{3}\Z', $basename)
#set $non_scene_note = ''
#set $non_scene_note = ''
#if not $match
#if not $match
@ -251,7 +249,7 @@
#for $action in reversed($hItem['actions'])
#for $action in reversed($hItem['actions'])
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($action['action']))
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($action['action']))
#if SUBTITLED == $curStatus
#if $SUBTITLED == $curStatus
<img src="$sbRoot/images/subtitles/<%= action['provider'] + '.png' %>" width="16" height="16" alt="$action['provider']" title="<%= action['provider'].capitalize() %>:$os.path.basename($action['resource'])" />
<img src="$sbRoot/images/subtitles/<%= action['provider'] + '.png' %>" width="16" height="16" alt="$action['provider']" title="<%= action['provider'].capitalize() %>:$os.path.basename($action['resource'])" />
<span> / </span>
<span> / </span>
<img width="16" height="11" src="$sbRoot/images/flags/<%= action['resource'][len(action['resource'])-6:len(action['resource'])-4] + '.png' %>" style="vertical-align:middle !important">
<img width="16" height="11" src="$sbRoot/images/flags/<%= action['resource'][len(action['resource'])-6:len(action['resource'])-4] + '.png' %>" style="vertical-align:middle !important">
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#import sickbeard
#import sickbeard
#import datetime
#import datetime
#from sickbeard import WEB_ROOT, THEME_NAME
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard import sbdatetime, network_timezones
#from sickbeard import sbdatetime, network_timezones
<% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
<% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
@ -11,6 +12,7 @@
#set global $topmenu = 'home'
#set global $topmenu = 'home'
#set global $page_body_attr = 'show-list'
#set global $page_body_attr = 'show-list'
#set fuzzydate = 'airdate'
#set fuzzydate = 'airdate'
#set sg_root = $getVar('sbRoot', WEB_ROOT)
#import os.path
#import os.path
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
@ -28,7 +30,13 @@
fuzzydate: ".$fuzzydate",
fuzzydate: ".$fuzzydate",
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/home.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
#set theme_suffix = ('', '-dark')['dark' == $getVar('sbThemeName', THEME_NAME)]
.bfr{position:absolute;left:-999px;top:-999px}.bfr img{width:16px;height:16px}.spinner{display:inline-block;width:16px;height:16px;background:url(${sg_root}/images/loading16${theme_suffix}.gif) no-repeat 0 0}
<div class="bfr"><img src="$sg_root/images/loading16${theme_suffix}.gif" /></div>
<h1 class="header" style="margin-bottom:0">$showlists[0][1]</h1>
<h1 class="header" style="margin-bottom:0">$showlists[0][1]</h1>
<div id="HomeLayout" class="pull-right">
<div id="HomeLayout" class="pull-right">
@ -38,18 +46,18 @@
<div id="top-row">
<div id="top-row">
<span>Sort By:
<span>Sort By:
<select id="postersort" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<select id="postersort" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<option value="name" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=name"#echo $selected if 'name' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY', 'name') else ''#>Name</option>
<option value="name" data-sort="$sg_root/setPosterSortBy/?sort=name"#echo $selected if 'name' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY', 'name') else ''#>Name</option>
<option value="date" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=date"#echo $selected if 'date' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Next Episode</option>
<option value="date" data-sort="$sg_root/setPosterSortBy/?sort=date"#echo $selected if 'date' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Next Episode</option>
<option value="network" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=network"#echo $selected if 'network' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Network</option>
<option value="network" data-sort="$sg_root/setPosterSortBy/?sort=network"#echo $selected if 'network' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Network</option>
<option value="progress" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=progress"#echo $selected if 'progress' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Progress</option>
<option value="progress" data-sort="$sg_root/setPosterSortBy/?sort=progress"#echo $selected if 'progress' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Progress</option>
<option value="quality" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortBy/?sort=quality"#echo $selected if 'quality' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Quality</option>
<option value="quality" data-sort="$sg_root/setPosterSortBy/?sort=quality"#echo $selected if 'quality' == $sg_str('POSTER_SORTBY') else ''#>Quality</option>
<span style="margin-left:5px">Sort Order:
<span style="margin-left:5px">Sort Order:
<select id="postersortdirection" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<select id="postersortdirection" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<option value="true" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortDir/?direction=1"#echo $selected if 1 == $sg_var('POSTER_SORTDIR', 1) else ''#>Asc</option>
<option value="true" data-sort="$sg_root/setPosterSortDir/?direction=1"#echo $selected if 1 == $sg_var('POSTER_SORTDIR', 1) else ''#>Asc</option>
<option value="false" data-sort="$sbRoot/setPosterSortDir/?direction=0"#echo $selected if 0 == $sg_var('POSTER_SORTDIR') else ''#>Desc</option>
<option value="false" data-sort="$sg_root/setPosterSortDir/?direction=0"#echo $selected if 0 == $sg_var('POSTER_SORTDIR') else ''#>Desc</option>
@ -58,10 +66,10 @@
<span id="top-row" class="pull-right no-marginr">Layout:
<span id="top-row" class="pull-right no-marginr">Layout:
#end if
#end if
<select style="margin-bottom:10px" name="layout" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<select style="margin-bottom:10px" name="layout" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=poster"#echo $selected if 'poster' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT', 'poster') else ''#>Poster</option>
<option value="$sg_root/setHomeLayout/?layout=poster"#echo $selected if 'poster' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT', 'poster') else ''#>Poster</option>
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=small"#echo $selected if 'small' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT') else ''#>Small Poster</option>
<option value="$sg_root/setHomeLayout/?layout=small"#echo $selected if 'small' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT') else ''#>Small Poster</option>
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=banner"#echo $selected if 'banner' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT') else ''#>Banner</option>
<option value="$sg_root/setHomeLayout/?layout=banner"#echo $selected if 'banner' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT') else ''#>Banner</option>
<option value="$sbRoot/setHomeLayout/?layout=simple"#echo $selected if 'simple' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT') else ''#>Simple</option>
<option value="$sg_root/setHomeLayout/?layout=simple"#echo $selected if 'simple' == $sg_str('HOME_LAYOUT') else ''#>Simple</option>
@ -74,6 +82,8 @@
</div><!-- /HomeLayout -->
</div><!-- /HomeLayout -->
#set $poster_id = 0
#set $load_normal = 0
#for $curShowlist in $showlists
#for $curShowlist in $showlists
#set $curListID = $curShowlist[0]
#set $curListID = $curShowlist[0]
#set $curListName = $curShowlist[1]
#set $curListName = $curShowlist[1]
@ -98,7 +108,7 @@
#if None is $
#if None is $
<div class="show-card" data-name="0" data-date="010101" data-network="0">
<div class="show-card" data-name="0" data-date="010101" data-network="0">
<img alt="" title="$curLoadingShow.show_name" class="show-image" style="border-bottom:1px solid #111" src="$sbRoot/images/poster.png" />
<img alt="" title="$curLoadingShow.show_name" class="show-image" style="border-bottom:1px solid #111" src="$sg_root/images/poster.png" />
<div class="show-details">
<div class="show-details">
<div class="show-add">Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)</div>
<div class="show-add">Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)</div>
@ -119,6 +129,7 @@
#set $download_stat_tip = ''
#set $download_stat_tip = ''
#set $display_status = $curShow.status
#set $display_status = $curShow.status
#set $display_name = (re.sub('^((?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)', r'<span class="article">\1</span> \2', $, $[$sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')]
#set $display_name = (re.sub('^((?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)', r'<span class="article">\1</span> \2', $, $[$sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')]
#set $poster_id += 1
#if None is not $display_status
#if None is not $display_status
#if'(?i)(?:new|returning)\s*series', $curShow.status)
#if'(?i)(?:new|returning)\s*series', $curShow.status)
#set $display_status = 'Continuing'
#set $display_status = 'Continuing'
@ -150,7 +161,7 @@
#set $download_stat = str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat = str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat_tip = 'Downloaded: ' + str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat_tip = 'Downloaded: ' + str($cur_downloaded)
#if $cur_snatched > 0
#if $cur_snatched > 0
#set $download_stat = '%s<a class="ui-font" href="%s/manage/episodeStatuses?whichStatus=2" title="View overview of snatched episodes">+%s</a>' % ($download_stat, $sbRoot, $cur_snatched)
#set $download_stat = '%s<a class="ui-font" href="%s/manage/episodeStatuses?whichStatus=2" title="View overview of snatched episodes">+%s</a>' % ($download_stat, $sg_root, $cur_snatched)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Snatched: ' + str($cur_snatched)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Snatched: ' + str($cur_snatched)
#end if
#end if
#set $download_stat = download_stat + ' / ' + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat = download_stat + ' / ' + str($cur_total)
@ -184,7 +195,14 @@
<div id="show$curShow.indexerid" class="show-card" data-name="$" data-date="$data_date" data-network="$">
<div id="show$curShow.indexerid" class="show-card" data-name="$" data-date="$data_date" data-network="$">
<div class="show-card-top">
<div class="show-card-top">
<div class="show-image">
<div class="show-image">
<a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid"><img alt="" class="show-image" src="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" /></a>
<a href="$sg_root/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid">
#if $load_normal > $poster_id
<img alt="" class="show-image" src="$sg_root/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" />
<img id="poster-$poster_id" alt="" class="show-image" data-original="$sg_root/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" />
<span id="loading-poster-$poster_id" class="lazy-loading-image"><i class="spinner"></i></span>
#end if
<div style="border-top:1px solid black;height:1px"></div>
<div style="border-top:1px solid black;height:1px"></div>
@ -224,7 +242,7 @@
#if 'No Network' is not $img_text and 'nonetwork' in $network_images[$curShow.indexerid]
#if 'No Network' is not $img_text and 'nonetwork' in $network_images[$curShow.indexerid]
<img class="show-network-image" src="$sbRoot/images/network/$network_images[$curShow.indexerid]" alt="$img_text" title="$img_text" />
<img class="show-network-image" src="$sg_root/images/network/$network_images[$curShow.indexerid]" alt="$img_text" title="$img_text" />
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
@ -267,7 +285,7 @@
<th><a href="$sbRoot/home/addShows/">Add Show</a></th>
<th><a href="$sg_root/home/addShows/">Add Show</a></th>
<th colspan="6"></th>
<th colspan="6"></th>
@ -284,7 +302,7 @@
#if None is $
#if None is $
Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)
Loading... ($curLoadingShow.show_name)
<a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$">$</a>
<a href="$sg_root/home/displayShow?show=$">$</a>
#end if
#end if
@ -297,6 +315,8 @@
#set void = $myShowList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(,
#set void = $myShowList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(,
#set $poster_id = 0
#set $load_normal = 0
#for $curShow in $myShowList
#for $curShow in $myShowList
#set $cur_airs_next = ''
#set $cur_airs_next = ''
@ -305,6 +325,7 @@
#set $cur_total = 0
#set $cur_total = 0
#set $download_stat_tip = ''
#set $download_stat_tip = ''
#set $display_name = (re.sub('^((?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)', r'<span class="article">\1</span> \2', $, $[$sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')]
#set $display_name = (re.sub('^((?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)', r'<span class="article">\1</span> \2', $, $[$sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')]
#set $poster_id += 1
#if $curShow.indexerid in $show_stat
#if $curShow.indexerid in $show_stat
#set $cur_airs_next = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_airs_next']
#set $cur_airs_next = $show_stat[$curShow.indexerid]['ep_airs_next']
@ -329,7 +350,7 @@
#set $download_stat = str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat = str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat_tip = 'Downloaded: ' + str($cur_downloaded)
#set $download_stat_tip = 'Downloaded: ' + str($cur_downloaded)
#if $cur_snatched > 0
#if $cur_snatched > 0
#set $download_stat = '%s<a class="ui-font" href="%s/manage/episodeStatuses?whichStatus=2" title="View overview of snatched episodes">+%s</a>' % ($download_stat, $sbRoot, $cur_snatched)
#set $download_stat = '%s<a class="ui-font" href="%s/manage/episodeStatuses?whichStatus=2" title="View overview of snatched episodes">+%s</a>' % ($download_stat, $sg_root, $cur_snatched)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Snatched: ' + str($cur_snatched)
#set $download_stat_tip = download_stat_tip + '
' + 'Snatched: ' + str($cur_snatched)
#end if
#end if
#set $download_stat = download_stat + ' / ' + str($cur_total)
#set $download_stat = download_stat + ' / ' + str($cur_total)
@ -361,25 +382,35 @@
<td class="tvShow text-left">
<td class="tvShow text-left">
<div class="imgsmallposter $layout">
<div class="imgsmallposter $layout">
<a href="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster" rel="dialog" title="$">
<a href="$sg_root/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster" rel="dialog" title="$">
<img src="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid"/>
#if $load_normal > $poster_id
<img src="$sg_root/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid" />
<img id="poster-$poster_id" data-original="$sg_root/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=poster_thumb" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid" />
<span id="loading-poster-$poster_id" class="lazy-loading-image"><i class="spinner"></i></span>
#end if
<a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid" style="vertical-align:middle">$display_name</a>
<a href="$sg_root/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid" style="vertical-align:middle">$display_name</a>
#else if 'banner' == $layout
#else if 'banner' == $layout
<td class="text-left">
<td class="text-left">
<div class="imgbanner $layout">
<div class="imgbanner $layout">
<a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid">
<a href="$sg_root/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid">
<img src="$sbRoot/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=banner" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid" title="$" />
#if $load_normal > $poster_id
<img src="$sg_root/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=banner" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid" title="$" />
<img id="poster-$poster_id" data-original="$sg_root/showPoster/?show=$curShow.indexerid&which=banner" class="$layout" alt="$curShow.indexerid" title="$" />
<span id="loading-poster-$poster_id" class="lazy-loading-image"><i class="spinner"></i></span>
#end if
<span class="sort-data">$display_name</span>
<span class="sort-data">$display_name</span>
#else if 'simple' == $layout
#else if 'simple' == $layout
<td class="tvShow text-left"><a href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid">$display_name</a></td>
<td class="tvShow text-left"><a href="$sg_root/home/displayShow?show=$curShow.indexerid">$display_name</a></td>
#end if
#end if
#if 'simple' != $layout
#if 'simple' != $layout
#set $img_text = ($, 'No Network')[None is $]
#set $img_text = ($, 'No Network')[None is $]
@ -388,7 +419,7 @@
#if 'No Network' is not $img_text and 'nonetwork' in $network_images[$curShow.indexerid]
#if 'No Network' is not $img_text and 'nonetwork' in $network_images[$curShow.indexerid]
<img width="54" height="27" src="$sbRoot/images/network/$network_images[$curShow.indexerid]" alt="#echo '%s" title="%s' % ($img_text, $img_text)#" />
<img width="54" height="27" src="$sg_root/images/network/$network_images[$curShow.indexerid]" alt="#echo '%s" title="%s' % ($img_text, $img_text)#" />
<span class="sort-data">$</span>
<span class="sort-data">$</span>
#end if
#end if
@ -438,5 +469,7 @@
#end for
#end for
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sg_root/js/lazyload/lazyload.min.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sg_root/js/inc_bottom.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sg_root/js/home.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#import datetime
#import datetime
#import re
#import re
#import urllib
#import urllib
#from sickbeard import WEB_ROOT, THEME_NAME
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard.common import *
#from sickbeard import sbdatetime
#from sickbeard import sbdatetime
#from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url
#from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url
@ -13,11 +14,12 @@
#set global $sbPath='..'
#set global $sbPath='..'
#set global $topmenu='home'
#set global $topmenu='home'
#set global $page_body_attr = 'browse-list'
#set global $page_body_attr = 'browse-list'
#set sg_root = $getVar('sbRoot', WEB_ROOT)
#import os.path
#import os.path
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl')
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/plotTooltip.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sg_root/js/plotTooltip.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
@ -29,56 +31,57 @@
position: {viewport:$(window), my:'left center', adjust:{y: -10,x: 2 }},
position: {viewport:$(window), my:'left center', adjust:{y: -10,x: 2 }},
style: {tip: {corner:true, method:'polygon'}, classes:'qtip-rounded qtip-bootstrap qtip-shadow ui-tooltip-sb'}
style: {tip: {corner:true, method:'polygon'}, classes:'qtip-rounded qtip-bootstrap qtip-shadow ui-tooltip-sb'}
llUpdate = (function(){
#end raw
// initialise combos for dirty page refreshes
// initialise combos for dirty page refreshes
var \$container = [\$('#container')];
jQuery.each(\$container, function (j) {
itemSelector: '.show-card',
sortBy: 'original-order',
itemSelector: '.show-card',
layoutMode: 'masonry',
sortBy: 'original-order',
masonry: {
layoutMode: 'masonry',
columnWidth: 188,
masonry: {
isFitWidth: !0,
columnWidth: 188,
gutter: 12
isFitWidth: !0,
gutter: 12
getSortData: {
premiered: '[data-premiered] parseInt',
getSortData: {
name: function( itemElem ) {
premiered: '[data-premiered] parseInt',
var name = $( itemElem ).attr('data-name') || '';
name: function( itemElem ) {
#end raw
var name = \$( itemElem ).attr('data-name') || '';
#if not $sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')
#if not $sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE'):
name = name.replace(/^(?:(?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)/i, '$1');
name = name.replace(/^(?:(?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)/i, '$1');
#end if
#end if
return name.toLowerCase();
return name.toLowerCase();
rating: '[data-rating] parseInt',
votes: '[data-votes] parseInt',
rating: '[data-rating] parseInt',
votes: '[data-votes] parseInt',
\$('#showsort').on( 'change', function() {
$('#showsort').on('change', function(){
var sortCriteria;
var sortCriteria, el$ = $('#container'), shuffle = !1;
switch (this.value) {
switch (this.value.replace('by_', '')) {
case 'asc':
case 'desc':
sortCriteria = 'order';
case 'original':
case 'original':
sortCriteria = 'original-order'
sortCriteria = 'original-order'
case 'rating':
case 'rating':
/* randomise, else the rating_votes can already
* have sorted leaving this with nothing to do.
\$('#container').isotope({sortBy: 'random'});
sortCriteria = 'rating';
sortCriteria = 'rating';
shuffle = !0;
case 'rating_votes':
case 'rating_votes':
sortCriteria = ['rating', 'votes'];
sortCriteria = ['rating', 'votes'];
shuffle = !0;
case 'votes':
case 'votes':
sortCriteria = 'votes';
sortCriteria = 'votes';
@ -90,29 +93,113 @@
sortCriteria = 'name'
sortCriteria = 'name'
\$('#container').isotope({sortBy: sortCriteria});
\$('#showsortdirection').on( 'change', function() {
var showSort = $('#showsort option');
\$('#container').isotope({sortAscending: ('asc' == this.value)});
if('order' === sortCriteria){
showSort.filter($('option[value="asc"], option[value="desc"]')).removeClass('selected');
showSort.filter($('option[value="' + this.value + '"]')).addClass('selected');
\$('#showfilter').on( 'change', function() {
el$.one('layoutComplete', llUpdate);
var filterValue = this.value;
el$.isotope({sortAscending: 'asc' == this.value});
if (-1 == filterValue.indexOf('trakt') && -1 == filterValue.indexOf('imdb') && -1 == filterValue.indexOf('default')) {
} else if(0 == this.value.indexOf('by_')){
\$('#container').isotope({ filter: filterValue });
showSort.filter($('option[value="' + this.value + '"]')).addClass('selected');
if (!shuffle){
el$.one('layoutComplete', llUpdate);
el$.isotope({sortBy: sortCriteria});
} else {
// shuffle rating_votes where it can already be sorted by ratings which leaves it nothing to do.
function t(sortCriteria, lastPhase){
return function(){
var el$ = $('#container');
if (!lastPhase){
lastPhase = !0;
el$.isotope({sortBy: sortCriteria});
} else {
el$.on('layoutComplete', t(sortCriteria, !1));
el$.isotope({sortBy: 'random'});
} else {
} else {
location = '$sbRoot/home/addShows/' + filterValue;
showSort.filter($('option[value^="*"], #showsort option[value^="."]')).removeClass('selected');
showSort.filter($('option[value="' + this.value + '"]')).addClass('selected');
var showCards = $('.show-card'), filter = this.value;
if('.hide' === this.value){
filter = '.to-hide';
} else {
var el$ = $('#container');
el$.one('layoutComplete', llUpdate);
el$.isotope({ filter: filter });
$('#container').on('click', '.show-toggle-hide', function(event){
$('.service, .browse-image').each(addQTip);
var that = $(this);
$.getJSON(this.href, function(data){
var showCards = $('.show-card'), thisCard = $(that).parents('div[class*="show-card "]'),
numShows = showCards.length, numHidden, showSort = $('#showsort option'), filter = 'to-hide';
title = 'Hide';
} else {
filter = 'hide';
title = 'Unhide';
numHidden = showCards.filter($('.' + filter)).length;
that.attr('title', title);
showSort.filter($('option[value=".hide"]')).text('Hidden (' + numHidden + ')');
showSort.filter($('option[value="*"]')).text('All (' + (0 == numHidden ? '' : (numShows - numHidden) + '/') + numShows + ')');
var el$ = $('#container')
el$.on('layoutComplete', llUpdate);
$('#showfilter').on('change', function(){
var filterValue = this.value;
if (-1 == filterValue.indexOf('trakt') && -1 == filterValue.indexOf('imdb') && -1 == filterValue.indexOf('default')) {
var el$ = $('#container')
el$.on('layoutComplete', llUpdate);
el$.isotope({ filter: filterValue });
} else {
#end raw
#end raw
location = '$sg_root/home/addShows/' + filterValue;
$('.service, .browse-image').each(addQTip);
#end raw
#set theme_suffix = ('', '-dark')['dark' == $getVar('sbThemeName', THEME_NAME)]
.bfr{position:absolute;left:-999px;top:-999px}.bfr img{width:16px;height:16px}.spinner{display:inline-block;width:16px;height:16px;background:url(${sg_root}/images/loading16${theme_suffix}.gif) no-repeat 0 0}
<div class="bfr"><img src="$sg_root/images/loading16${theme_suffix}.gif" /></div>
#if $varExists('header')
#if $varExists('header')
#set $heading = ('header', $header)
#set $heading = ('header', $header)
@ -123,15 +210,35 @@
#set $mode = $kwargs and $kwargs.get('mode', '')
#set $mode = $kwargs and $kwargs.get('mode', '')
#if $all_shows or ($kwargs and $kwargs.get('show_header'))
#if $all_shows or ($kwargs and $kwargs.get('show_header'))
<div class="pull-right" style="margin-top:-35px">
<div class="pull-right" style="margin-top:-35px">
<select id="showsort" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
<select id="showfilter" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
#set $num_all = len($all_shows)
#set $count_all_shows = len($all_shows)
#set $count_inlibrary = $all_shows_inlibrary
<option value="*" selected="selected">All<%= ' (%d)' % count_all_shows %></option>
<option value=".notinlibrary">Not In Library<%= ' (%d)' % (count_all_shows - count_inlibrary) %></option>
<option value=".inlibrary">In Library<%= ' (%d)' % count_inlibrary %></option>
#set $selected = ' class="selected"'
#set $selected = ' class="selected"'
#if 'Trakt' == $browse_type
<optgroup label="View">
<option value="*"#echo selected# selected="selected">All (#echo ('', '%s/' % ($num_all - $num_hidden))[0 < $num_hidden]#$num_all)</option>
<option value=".notinlibrary">Not In Library (#echo $num_all - $num_inlibrary#)</option>
<option value=".inlibrary">In Library ($num_inlibrary)</option>
#if 'Ani' not in $browse_type
<option value=".hide">Hidden ($num_hidden)</option>
#end if
<optgroup label="Sort order">
<option value="asc"#echo selected#>Asc</option>
<option value="desc">Desc</option>
<optgroup label="Sort by">
<option value="by_name">Name</option>
<option value="by_original" #echo selected#>Original</option>
<option value="by_premiered">First aired</option>
<option value="by_votes">Votes</option>
<option value="by_rating">% Rating</option>
<option value="by_rating_votes">% Rating > Votes</option>
#if 'Ani' not in $browse_type
<select id="showfilter" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
#set $selected = ' class="selected" selected="selected"'
#if 'Trakt' == $browse_type
<optgroup label="Trakt">
<optgroup label="Trakt">
<option value="trakt_anticipated"#echo ('', selected)['anticipated' == $mode]#>Anticipating</option>
<option value="trakt_anticipated"#echo ('', selected)['anticipated' == $mode]#>Anticipating</option>
<option value="trakt_newseasons"#echo ('', selected)['newseasons' == $mode]#>New Seasons</option>
<option value="trakt_newseasons"#echo ('', selected)['newseasons' == $mode]#>New Seasons</option>
@ -149,63 +256,60 @@
<option value="trakt_played?period=year"#echo ('', selected)['played-year' == $mode]#>Most Played</option>
<option value="trakt_played?period=year"#echo ('', selected)['played-year' == $mode]#>Most Played</option>
<option value="trakt_collected?period=year"#echo ('', selected)['collected-year' == $mode]#>Most Collected</option>
<option value="trakt_collected?period=year"#echo ('', selected)['collected-year' == $mode]#>Most Collected</option>
#if any($sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS', []))
#if any($sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS', []))
<optgroup label="Trakt recommended">
<optgroup label="Trakt recommended">
#for $account in $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS')
#for $account in $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS')
#if $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).active and $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).name
#if $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).active and $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).name
<option value="trakt_recommended?account=$account"#echo ('', selected)[('recommended-%s' % $account) == $mode]#>for $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).name</option>
<option value="trakt_recommended?account=$account"#echo ('', selected)[('recommended-%s' % $account) == $mode]#>for $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).name</option>
#end if
#end for
<optgroup label="To get recommended">
<option value="trakt_recommended?action=add">Enable Trakt here</option>
#end if
#elif 'IMDb' == $browse_type
#set $periods = $kwargs and $kwargs.get('periods')
#if $periods
<optgroup label="IMDb Popular">
#for $i, $p in enumerate($periods)
#set $period='%s,%s' % ($p[0], $p[1])
<option value="popular_imdb?period=$period"#echo ('', selected)[('popular-%s' % $period) == $mode]#>#echo '%s - %s' % (($p[1], 'Current')[not $i], $p[0])#</option>
#end for
#end if
#if not hasattr($sickbeard, 'IMDB_ACCOUNTS')#<optgroup label="Restart SickGear to reveal"><option>new options after restart</option></optgroup>#else#
<optgroup label="IMDb Watchlists">
#if any($sg_var('IMDB_ACCOUNTS', []))
#for $i, $v in $enumerate($sg_var('IMDB_ACCOUNTS'))
#if not $i % 2
#set $id = $v
#elif not $v.startswith('(Off) ')
<option value="watchlist_imdb?account=$id"#echo ('', selected)[('watchlist-%s' % $id) == $mode]#>#echo '%s%s' % ($v, ('\'s', '')['your' == $v.replace('(Off) ', '').lower()])# list</option>
#end if
#end if
#end for
#end for
<optgroup label="To get recommended">
<option value="trakt_recommended?action=add">Enable Trakt here</option>
#end if
#end if
#if any($sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS', []))
<optgroup label="Trakt watchlisted">
#for $account in $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS')
#if $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).active and $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).name
<option value="trakt_watchlist?account=$account"#echo ('', selected)[('watchlist-%s' % $account) == $mode]#>for $sg_var('TRAKT_ACCOUNTS').get($account).name</option>
#end if
#end for
<optgroup label="To get watchlisted">
<option value="trakt_watchlist?action=add">Enable Trakt here</option>
#end if
#elif 'IMDb' == $browse_type
#set $periods = $kwargs and $kwargs.get('periods')
#if $periods
<optgroup label="IMDb Popular">
#for $i, $p in enumerate($periods)
#set $period='%s,%s' % ($p[0], $p[1])
<option value="popular_imdb?period=$period"#echo ('', selected)[('popular-%s' % $period) == $mode]#>#echo '%s - %s' % (($p[1], 'Current')[not $i], $p[0])#</option>
#end for
#end if
#if not hasattr($sickbeard, 'IMDB_ACCOUNTS')#<optgroup label="Restart SickGear to reveal"><option>new options after restart</option></optgroup>#else#
<optgroup label="IMDb Watchlists">
#if any($sg_var('IMDB_ACCOUNTS', []))
#for $i, $v in $enumerate($sg_var('IMDB_ACCOUNTS'))
#if not $i % 2
#set $id = $v
#elif not $v.startswith('(Off) ')
<option value="watchlist_imdb?account=$id"#echo ('', selected)[('watchlist-%s' % $id) == $mode]#>#echo '%s%s' % ($v, ('\'s', '')['your' == $v.replace('(Off) ', '').lower()])# list</option>
#end if
#end for
#end if
<option value="watchlist_imdb?action=add"><< Add lists >></option>
<option value="watchlist_imdb?action=add"><< Add lists >></option>
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
<span style="margin-left:12px">Sort By:</span>
<select id="showsort" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
<option value="name">Name</option>
<option value="original" selected="selected">Original</option>
<option value="premiered">First aired</option>
<option value="votes">Votes</option>
<option value="rating">% Rating</option>
<option value="rating_votes">% Rating > Votes</option>
<span style="margin-left:12px">Sort Order:</span>
<select id="showsortdirection" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
<option value="asc" selected="selected">Asc</option>
<option value="desc">Desc</option>
<h4 style="float:left;margin:0 0 0 2px">$browse_title</h4>
<h4 style="float:left;margin:0 0 0 2px">$browse_title</h4>
#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('oldest'):
#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('oldest')
<div class="grey-text" style="clear:both;margin-left:2px;font-size:0.85em">
<div class="grey-text" style="clear:both;margin-left:2px;font-size:0.85em">
First aired from $kwargs['oldest'] until $kwargs['newest']
First aired from $kwargs['oldest'] until $kwargs['newest']
@ -214,7 +318,10 @@
<div id="container">
<div id="container">
#if $all_shows
#if $all_shows
#for $this_show in $all_shows:
#set $poster_id = 0
#for $this_show in $all_shows
#set $poster_id += 1
#set $title_html = $this_show['title'].replace('"', '"').replace("'", ''')
#set $title_html = $this_show['title'].replace('"', '"').replace("'", ''')
#if 'newseasons' == $mode
#if 'newseasons' == $mode
#set $overview = '%s: %s' % (
#set $overview = '%s: %s' % (
@ -224,7 +331,15 @@
#set $overview = $this_show['overview']
#set $overview = $this_show['overview']
#end if
#end if
<div class="show-card <%= ('notinlibrary', 'inlibrary')[':' in this_show['show_id']] %>" data-name="#echo re.sub(r'([\'\"])', r'', $this_show['title'])#" data-rating="$this_show['rating']" data-votes="$this_show['votes']" data-premiered="$this_show['premiered']">
#set $known = 'not'
#set $show_id = $this_show['show_id']
#if ':' in $show_id
#set $known = ''
#set $show_id = $show_id[2:]
#end if
#set $hide = ('', 'hide ')[$show_id in $sickbeard.BROWSELIST_HIDDEN]
<div class="show-card ${hide}${known}inlibrary" data-name="#echo re.sub(r'([\'\"])', r'', $this_show['title'])#" data_id="$show_id" data-rating="$this_show['rating']" data-votes="$this_show['votes']" data-premiered="$this_show['premiered']">
<div class="show-card-inner">
<div class="show-card-inner">
<div class="browse-image">
<div class="browse-image">
<a class="browse-image" href="<%= anon_url(this_show['url_src_db']) %>" target="_blank"
<a class="browse-image" href="<%= anon_url(this_show['url_src_db']) %>" target="_blank"
@ -233,10 +348,11 @@
<p><span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888'><em>#if $kwargs and 'newseasons' == $mode#Air#else#First air#end if##echo ('s', 'ed')[$this_show['when_past']]#: $this_show['premiered_str']</em></span>
<p><span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888'><em>#if $kwargs and 'newseasons' == $mode#Air#else#First air#end if##echo ('s', 'ed')[$this_show['when_past']]#: $this_show['premiered_str']</em></span>
#if $this_show.get('ended_str')# - <span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888'><em>Ended: $this_show['ended_str']</em></span>#end if#</p>
#if $this_show.get('ended_str')# - <span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888'><em>Ended: $this_show['ended_str']</em></span>#end if#</p>
<span style='float:right'>Click for more at <span class='boldest'>$browse_type</span></span>">
<span style='float:right'>Click for more at <span class='boldest'>$browse_type</span></span>">
#if 'poster' in $this_show['images']:
#if 'poster' in $this_show['images']
#set $image = $this_show['images']['poster']['thumb']
#set $image = $this_show['images']['poster']['thumb']
<img alt="" class="browse-image" src="#if $image and 'http' != $image[:4]#$sbRoot/#end if#$image" />
<img id="poster-$poster_id" alt="" class="browse-image" data-original="#if $image and 'http' != $image[:4]#$sg_root/#end if#$image" />
<span id="loading-poster-$poster_id" class="lazy-loading-image"><i class="spinner"></i></span>
<span> </span>
<span> </span>
#end if
#end if
@ -245,20 +361,22 @@
<div class="show-title">
<div class="show-title">
#echo ((re.sub('^((?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)', r'<span class="article">\1</span> \2', $this_show['title']), $this_show['title'])[$sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')], '<span> </span>')['' == $this_show['title']]#
#echo ((re.sub('^((?:A(?!\s+to)n?)|The)\s(\w)', r'<span class="article">\1</span> \2', $this_show['title']), $this_show['title'])[$sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')], '<span> </span>')['' == $this_show['title']]#
#if 'Ani' not in $browse_type
<a class="show-toggle-hide" href="$sg_root/home/addShows/show_toggle_hide?ids=$show_id#echo ('', ':%s' % $this_show['ids'].get('imdb', '-'))['Trakt' == $browse_type]#" title="#echo ('H', 'Unh')[any($hide)]#ide"><i class="sgicon-delete"></i></a>
#end if
<div class="clearfix">
<div class="clearfix">
<p>$this_show['rating']%<i class="heart icon-glyph"></i><i>$this_show['votes'] votes</i></p>
<p>$this_show['rating']%<i class="heart icon-glyph"></i><i>$this_show['votes'] votes</i></p>
#if 'url_tvdb' in $this_show and $this_show['url_tvdb']:
#if 'url_tvdb' in $this_show and $this_show['url_tvdb']
<a class="service" href="<%= anon_url(this_show['url_tvdb']) %>" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"
<a class="service" href="<%= anon_url(this_show['url_tvdb']) %>" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"
title="View <span class='boldest'>tvdb</span> detail for <span style='color: rgb(66, 139, 202)'>$title_html</span>">
title="View <span class='boldest'>tvdb</span> detail for <span style='color: rgb(66, 139, 202)'>$title_html</span>">
<i><img style="margin-top:5px" alt="tvdb" height="16" width="16" src="$sbRoot/images/$sickbeard.indexerApi($sickbeard.indexers.indexer_config.INDEXER_TVDB).config['icon']" /></i></a>
<i><img style="margin-top:5px" alt="tvdb" height="16" width="16" src="$sg_root/images/$sickbeard.indexerApi($sickbeard.indexers.indexer_config.INDEXER_TVDB).config['icon']" /></i></a>
#end if
#end if
<div class="browse-add-show-holder">
<div class="browse-add-show-holder">
#if ':' in $this_show['show_id']:
#if ':' in $this_show['show_id']
<p style="line-height:1.5;padding:2px 5px 3px" title="#echo '%s added' % $sickbeard.indexerApi(this_show['show_id'][:1]).config.get('name')#">In library</p>
<p style="line-height:1.5;padding:2px 5px 3px" title="#echo '%s added' % $sickbeard.indexerApi(this_show['show_id'][:1]).config.get('name')#">In library</p>
<a href="$sbRoot/home/addShows/add${browse_type}Show?indexer_id=${this_show['show_id']}&showName=${urllib.quote($this_show['title'].encode("utf-8"))}" class="btn btn-xs">Add Show</a>
<a href="$sg_root/home/addShows/add${browse_type}Show?indexer_id=${this_show['show_id']}&showName=${urllib.quote($this_show['title'].encode("utf-8"))}" class="btn btn-xs">Add Show</a>
#end if
#end if
@ -270,15 +388,15 @@
#end for
#end for
#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('footnote'):
#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('footnote')
<div style="clear:both">
#end if
#end if
<div class="show-card" style="width:100%; margin-top:20px; padding:20px">
<div class="show-card" style="width:100%; margin-top:20px; padding:20px">
<p class="red-text">
<p class="red-text">
#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('error_msg'):
#if $kwargs and $kwargs.get('error_msg')
$browse_type API did not return results, this can happen from time to time.
$browse_type API did not return results, this can happen from time to time.
@ -295,4 +413,6 @@ window.setInterval('location.reload(true)', 600000); // Refresh every 10 minutes
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sg_root/js/lazyload/lazyload.min.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sg_root/js/inc_bottom.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
#import re
#import re
#import sickbeard
#import sickbeard
#from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url
#from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url
<% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
<% def sg_str(varname, default=''): return getattr(sickbeard, varname, default) %>#slurp#
#set $state_checked = ('', ' checked=checked')[any([sg_var('IMPORT_DEFAULT_CHECKED_SHOWS')])]
<table id="addRootDirTable" class="sickbeardTable tablesorter">
<table id="addRootDirTable" class="sickbeardTable tablesorter">
<th class="col-checkbox">
<th class="col-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" checked=checked>
<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll"$state_checked>
<th>Parent\show folder</th>
<th>Parent\show folder</th>
<th width="20%">Show name<br />(tvshow.nfo)</th>
<th width="20%">Show name<br />(tvshow.nfo)</th>
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@
<td class="col-checkbox">
<td class="col-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="$show_id" class="dirCheck" checked=checked>
<input type="checkbox" id="$show_id" class="dirCheck"$state_checked>
<label for="$show_id">
<label for="$show_id">
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#import sickbeard
#import sickbeard
#from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url
#from sickbeard.helpers import anon_url
#set global $header = 'Add from TV info source'
#set global $header = ('Add from TV info source', '<span class="grey-text">%s::</span>%s' % ($kwargs.get('action'), $default_show_name))[any([$kwargs.get('action')])]
#set global $title = $header
#set global $title = ('Add from TV info source', '%s::%s' % ($kwargs.get('action'), $default_show_name))[any([$kwargs.get('action')])]
#set global $sbPath = '../..'
#set global $sbPath = '../..'
#set global $statpath = '../..'
#set global $statpath = '../..'
#set global $topmenu = 'home'
#set global $topmenu = 'home'
@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
#set indexer_count = len([$i for $i in $sickbeard.indexerApi().indexers if $sickbeard.indexerApi(i).config.get('active', False) and not $sickbeard.indexerApi(i).config.get('defunct', False)]) + 1
#set indexer_count = len([$i for $i in $sickbeard.indexerApi().indexers if $sickbeard.indexerApi(i).config.get('active', False) and not $sickbeard.indexerApi(i).config.get('defunct', False)]) + 1
var show_scene_maps = ${show_scene_maps}
var show_scene_maps = ${show_scene_maps},
config = {
sortArticle: #echo ['!1','!0'][$sg_var('SORT_ARTICLE')]#,
resultsSortby: '#echo $sg_str('RESULTS_SORTBY', 'rel')#'
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/formwizard.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/formwizard.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
@ -29,38 +33,47 @@
<h1 class="title">$title</h1>
<h1 class="title">$title</h1>
#end if
#end if
<image class="preload-image" style="position:absolute;top:-999px" src="$sbRoot/images/loading32#echo ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sg_str('THEME_NAME', 'dark')]#.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0">
<span class="preload-image" style="position:absolute;top:-999px" src="$sbRoot/images/loading32#echo ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sg_str('THEME_NAME', 'dark')]#.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0"></span>
<div id="newShowPortal">
<div id="newShowPortal">
#if not $kwargs.get('action')
<div id="displayText">aoeu</div>
<div id="displayText">aoeu</div>
<br />
#end if
<form id="addShowForm" method="post" action="$sbRoot/home/addShows/addNewShow" accept-charset="utf-8">
<form id="addShowForm"#if $kwargs.get('action')# class="fullwidth"#end if# method="post" action="$sbRoot/home/addShows/addNewShow" accept-charset="utf-8">
<fieldset class="sectionwrap step-one">
<fieldset class="sectionwrap step-one">
<legend class="legendStep"><p>#if $use_provided_info#Using known show information#else#Find show at TV info source#end if#</p></legend>
<legend class="legendStep"><p>#if $use_provided_info#Using known show information#else#Find show at TV info source#end if#</p></legend>
<div class="stepDiv">
<div class="stepDiv">
<input type="hidden" id="indexer_timeout" value="$sg_var('INDEXER_TIMEOUT', 20)" />
<input type="hidden" id="indexer_timeout" value="$sg_var('INDEXER_TIMEOUT', 20)">
<input type="hidden" id="indexer_count" value="$indexer_count" />
<input type="hidden" id="indexer_count" value="$indexer_count">
#if $kwargs.get('action')
<input type="hidden" name="providedIndexer" value="$provided_indexer">
<input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="$kwargs.get('return_to')">
<input type="hidden" name="cancel_form" value="0">
.formpaginate .next{visibility:hidden !important}
#end if
#if $use_provided_info
#if $use_provided_info
#set $provided_indexer_local = $provided_indexer
#set $provided_indexer_local = $provided_indexer
#set $provided_indexer_id_local = $provided_indexer_id
#set $provided_indexer_id_local = $provided_indexer_id
Show: <a href="<%= anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi(provided_indexer_local).config['show_url'], provided_indexer_id_local) %>">$provided_indexer_name</a>
Show: <a href="<%= anon_url(sickbeard.indexerApi(provided_indexer_local).config['show_url'], provided_indexer_id_local) %>">$provided_indexer_name</a>
<input type="hidden" name="indexerLang" value="en" />
<input type="hidden" name="indexerLang" value="en">
<input type="hidden" name="whichSeries" value="#echo '|'.join([str($provided_indexer), '', str($provided_indexer_id), $provided_indexer_name])#" />
<input type="hidden" name="whichSeries" value="#echo '|'.join([str($provided_indexer), '', str($provided_indexer_id), $provided_indexer_name])#">
<input type="hidden" id="providedName" value="$provided_indexer_name" />
<input type="hidden" id="providedName" value="$provided_indexer_name">
<input type="hidden" id="providedIndexer" value="$provided_indexer" />
<input type="hidden" id="providedIndexer" value="$provided_indexer">
#if 2 > $len($indexers)
#if 2 > $len($indexers)
#addShowForm input#nameToSearch{width:611px}
#addShowForm input#nameToSearch{width:611px}
<input type="hidden" id="providedIndexer" value="$provided_indexer" />
<input type="hidden" id="providedIndexer" value="$provided_indexer">
#end if
#end if
<input type="text" id="nameToSearch" value="$default_show_name" placeholder="Enter a show name, TVDB ID, IMDb Url, or IMDb ID" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm input350" />
<input type="text" id="nameToSearch" value="$default_show_name" placeholder="Enter a show name, TVDB ID, IMDb Url, or IMDb ID" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm input350">
<span style="float:right">
<span style="float:right">
<select name="indexerLang" id="indexerLangSelect" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
<select name="indexerLang" id="indexerLangSelect" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm">
@ -76,9 +89,9 @@
#end if
#end if
<input class="btn btn-inline" type="button" id="searchName" value="Search" />
<input class="btn btn-inline" type="button" id="searchName" value="Search">
<br />
<p style="margin:5px 0 15px"><span class="add-tip">Enter show name, TVDB ID, IMDb Url, or IMDb ID. </span><b>*</b>SickGear supports english, language is used for show/episode data</p>
<p style="margin:5px 0 15px"><span class="add-tip">Enter show name, TVDB ID, IMDb Url, or IMDb ID. </span><b>*</b>SickGear supports english, language is used for show/episode data</p>
<div id="searchResults" style="height: 100%"></div>
<div id="searchResults" style="height: 100%"></div>
@ -88,16 +101,17 @@
<div style="clear:both"> </div>
<div style="clear:both"> </div>
#if not $kwargs.get('action')
<fieldset class="sectionwrap step-two" style="visibility:hidden">
<fieldset class="sectionwrap step-two" style="visibility:hidden">
<legend class="legendStep"><p>Pick parent folder</p></legend>
<legend class="legendStep"><p>Pick parent folder</p></legend>
<div class="stepDiv parent-folder">
<div class="stepDiv parent-folder">
#if $provided_show_dir
#if $provided_show_dir
Pre-chosen Destination Folder: <b>$provided_show_dir</b> <br />
Pre-chosen Destination Folder: <b>$provided_show_dir</b> <br>
<input type="hidden" id="fullShowPath" name="fullShowPath" value="$provided_show_dir" /><br />
<input type="hidden" id="fullShowPath" name="fullShowPath" value="$provided_show_dir"><br>
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_rootDirs.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_rootDirs.tmpl')
#end if
#end if
<div style="clear:both"> </div>
<div style="clear:both"> </div>
@ -110,24 +124,30 @@
<div style="clear:both"> </div>
<div style="clear:both"> </div>
#for $curNextDir in $other_shows
#for $curNextDir in $other_shows
<input type="hidden" name="other_shows" value="$curNextDir" />
<input type="hidden" name="other_shows" value="$curNextDir">
#end for
#end for
<input type="hidden" name="skipShow" id="skipShow" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="skipShow" id="skipShow" value="">
#end if
<br />
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;">
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center;">
<input class="btn" type="button" id="addShowButton" value="Add Show" disabled="disabled" />
#if not $kwargs.get('action')
<input class="btn" type="button" id="addShowButton" value="Add Show" disabled="disabled">
<input class="btn" type="button" id="addShowButton" value="Select Show" disabled="disabled">
<input class="btn btn-danger" type="button" id="cancelShowButton" value="Cancel Select" style="margin-left:10px" disabled="disabled">
#end if
#if $provided_show_dir
#if $provided_show_dir
<input class="btn" type="button" id="skipShowButton" value="Skip Show" />
<input class="btn" type="button" id="skipShowButton" value="Skip Show">
#end if
#end if
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/rootDirs.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/rootDirs.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/blackwhite.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/blackwhite.js?v=$sbPID"></script>
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sg_str('PROG_DIR'), 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
jQuery('#episodeDir').fileBrowser({title:'Select Unprocessed Episode Folder', key:'postprocessPath'});
jQuery('#episodeDir').fileBrowser({title:'Select Unprocessed Episode Folder', key:'postprocessPath'});
$('#move-and-trash').css({'display':('move' == $(this).attr('value') ? 'block' : 'none')})
$('#move-and-trash').css({'display':('move' == $(this).val() ? 'block' : 'none')})
#end raw
#end raw
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
<div class="footer clearfix">
<div class="footer clearfix">
#set $my_db = $db.DBConnection()
#set $my_db = $db.DBConnection()
#set $today = str($
#set $today = str($
#set status_quality = '(%s)' % ','.join([str(quality) for quality in $Quality.SNATCHED + $Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER])
#set status_quality = '(%s)' % ','.join([str(quality) for quality in $Quality.SNATCHED_ANY])
#set status_download = '(%s)' % ','.join([str(quality) for quality in $Quality.DOWNLOADED + [$ARCHIVED]])
#set status_download = '(%s)' % ','.join([str(quality) for quality in $Quality.DOWNLOADED + $Quality.ARCHIVED])
#set $sql_statement = 'SELECT '\
#set $sql_statement = 'SELECT '\
+ '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE season > 0 AND episode > 0 AND airdate > 1 AND status IN %s) AS ep_snatched, '\
+ '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE season > 0 AND episode > 0 AND airdate > 1 AND status IN %s) AS ep_snatched, '\
% $status_quality\
% $status_quality\
@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
#set $ep_str = '%sx%s' % ($ep['season'], $ep['episode'])
#set $ep_str = '%sx%s' % ($ep['season'], $ep['episode'])
#set $epLoc = $ep['location']
#set $epLoc = $ep['location']
#set never_aired = 0 < int($ep['season']) and 1 == int($ep['airdate'])
#set never_aired = 0 < int($ep['season']) and 1 == int($ep['airdate'])
<tr class="#echo ($Overview.overviewStrings[$ep_cats[$ep_str]], 'airdate-never')[$never_aired]##echo ('', ' archived')[ARCHIVED == int($ep['status'])]#">
<tr class="#echo ' '.join([$Overview.overviewStrings[$ep_cats[$ep_str]], ('', 'airdate-never')[$never_aired], ('', 'archived')[$ARCHIVED == $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($ep['status']))[0]]])#">
<td class="col-checkbox">
<td class="col-checkbox">
#if $UNAIRED != int($ep['status']) and not $never_aired
#if $UNAIRED != int($ep['status'])
<input type="checkbox" class="epCheck" id="$ep_str" name="$ep_str">
<input type="checkbox" class="epCheck" id="$ep_str" name="$ep_str">
#end if
#end if
#set $nfo, $nfo_img = (('No', '-no'), ('Yes', ''))[int($ep['hasnfo'])]
#set $nfo, $nfo_img = (('No', '-no'), ('Yes', ''))[int($ep['hasnfo'])]
#set $tbn, $tbn_img = (('No', '-no'), ('Yes', ''))[int($ep['hastbn'])]
#set $tbn, $tbn_img = (('No', '-no'), ('Yes', ''))[int($ep['hastbn'])]
<td align="center" class="meta"><img src="$sbRoot/images/nfo${nfo_img}.gif" alt="$nfo" title="$nfo" width="23" height="11" /><br />
<td align="center" class="meta"><img src="$sbRoot/images/nfo${nfo_img}.gif" alt="$nfo" title="$nfo" width="23" height="11"><br />
<img src="$sbRoot/images/tbn${tbn_img}.gif" alt="$tbn" title="$tbn" width="23" height="11" /></td>
<img src="$sbRoot/images/tbn${tbn_img}.gif" alt="$tbn" title="$tbn" width="23" height="11"></td>
#if $epLoc and $show._location and $epLoc.lower().startswith($show._location.lower())
#if $epLoc and $show._location and $epLoc.lower().startswith($show._location.lower())
#set $epLoc = $epLoc[len($show._location)+1:]
#set $epLoc = $epLoc[len($show._location)+1:]
@ -76,14 +76,15 @@
#end if
#end if
style="padding:0; text-align:center; max-width:60px" />
style="padding:0; text-align:center; max-width:60px">
#end if
#end if
<td class="col-name">
<td class="col-name">
<img src="$sbRoot/images/info32.png" width="16" height="16" alt="" class="plotInfo#echo '%s" />' %\
<img src="$sbRoot/images/info32.png" width="16" height="16" alt="" class="plotInfo#echo '%s' %\
('None opacity40', ('" id="plot_info_%s_%s_%s' % ($show.indexerid, $ep['season'], $ep['episode'])))[None is not $ep['description'] and '' != $ep['description']]#
('None opacity40', ('" id="plot_info_%s_%s_%s' % ($show.indexerid, $ep['season'], $ep['episode'])))[None is not $ep['description'] and '' != $ep['description']]#">
#if not $ep['name'] or 'TBA' == $ep['name']#<em class="tba grey-text">TBA</em>#else#$ep['name']#end if#
#set $cls = (' class="tba grey-text"', '')['good' == $Overview.overviewStrings[$ep_cats[$ep_str]]]
#if not $ep['name'] or 'TBA' == $ep['name']#<em${cls}>TBA</em>#else#$ep['name']#end if#
<td class="col-airdate">
<td class="col-airdate">
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@
#if $ep['subtitles']
#if $ep['subtitles']
#for $sub_lang in subliminal.language.language_list($ep['subtitles'].split(','))
#for $sub_lang in subliminal.language.language_list($ep['subtitles'].split(','))
#if '' != sub_lang.alpha2
#if '' != sub_lang.alpha2
<img src="$sbRoot/images/flags/${sub_lang.alpha2}.png" width="16" height="11" alt="${sub_lang}" />
<img src="$sbRoot/images/flags/${sub_lang.alpha2}.png" width="16" height="11" alt="${sub_lang}">
#end if
#end if
#end for
#end for
#end if
#end if
@ -104,21 +105,21 @@
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($ep['status']))
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int($ep['status']))
#if Quality.NONE != $curQuality
#if Quality.NONE != $curQuality
<td class="col-status">#if SUBTITLED == $curStatus#<span class="addQTip" title="$statusStrings[$curStatus]"><i class="sgicon-subtitles" style="vertical-align:middle"></i></span>#else#$statusStrings[$curStatus].replace('Downloaded', '')#end if# <span class="quality $Quality.get_quality_css($curQuality)#if $downloaded# addQTip" title="$downloaded#end if#">$Quality.qualityStrings[$curQuality]</span></td>
<td class="col-status">#if $SUBTITLED == $curStatus#<span class="addQTip" title="$statusStrings[$curStatus]"><i class="sgicon-subtitles" style="vertical-align:middle"></i></span>#else#$statusStrings[$curStatus].replace('Downloaded', '')#end if# <span class="quality $Quality.get_quality_css($curQuality)#if $downloaded# addQTip" title="$downloaded#end if#">$Quality.qualityStrings[$curQuality]</span></td>
<td class="col-status">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</td>
<td class="col-status">$statusStrings[$curStatus]</td>
#end if
#end if
<td class="col-search">
<td class="col-search">
#if 0 != int($ep['season'])
#if 0 != int($ep['season'])
#if (int($ep['status']) in $Quality.SNATCHED or int($ep['status']) in $Quality.DOWNLOADED) and $sg_var('USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS')
#if (int($ep['status']) in $Quality.SNATCHED or int($ep['status']) in $Quality.DOWNLOADED) and $sg_var('USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS')
<a class="epRetry" id="$ep_str" name="$ep_str" href="$sbRoot/home/retryEpisode?show=$show.indexerid&season=$ep['season']&episode=$ep['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/search16.png" height="16" alt="retry" title="Retry download" /></a>
<a class="epRetry" id="$ep_str" name="$ep_str" href="$sbRoot/home/retryEpisode?show=$show.indexerid&season=$ep['season']&episode=$ep['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/search16.png" height="16" alt="retry" title="Retry download"></a>
<a class="epSearch" id="$ep_str" name="$ep_str" href="$sbRoot/home/searchEpisode?show=$show.indexerid&season=$ep['season']&episode=$ep['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/search16.png" width="16" height="16" alt="search" title="Manual search" /></a>
<a class="epSearch" id="$ep_str" name="$ep_str" href="$sbRoot/home/searchEpisode?show=$show.indexerid&season=$ep['season']&episode=$ep['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/search16.png" width="16" height="16" alt="search" title="Manual search"></a>
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
#if $sg_var('USE_SUBTITLES') and $show.subtitles and len(set(str($ep['subtitles']).split(',')).intersection(set($subtitles.wantedLanguages()))) < len($subtitles.wantedLanguages()) and $ep['location']
#if $sg_var('USE_SUBTITLES') and $show.subtitles and len(set(str($ep['subtitles']).split(',')).intersection(set($subtitles.wantedLanguages()))) < len($subtitles.wantedLanguages()) and $ep['location']
<a class="epSubtitlesSearch" href="$sbRoot/home/searchEpisodeSubtitles?show=$show.indexerid&season=$ep['season']&episode=$ep['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/closed_captioning.png" height="16" alt="search subtitles" title="Search subtitles" /></a>
<a class="epSubtitlesSearch" href="$sbRoot/home/searchEpisodeSubtitles?show=$show.indexerid&season=$ep['season']&episode=$ep['episode']"><img src="$sbRoot/images/closed_captioning.png" height="16" alt="search subtitles" title="Search subtitles"></a>
#end if
#end if
@ -39,28 +39,29 @@
<meta name="msapplication-config" content="$sbRoot/css/browserconfig.xml">
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@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
var sbRoot = '$sbRoot', anonURL = '$sg_str('ANON_REDIRECT')', themeSpinner = '#echo ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sg_str('THEME_NAME', 'dark')]#',
var sbRoot = '$sbRoot', anonURL = '$sg_str('ANON_REDIRECT')', themeSpinner = '#echo ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sg_str('THEME_NAME', 'dark')]#',
top_image_html = '<img src="$sbRoot/images/top.gif" width="31" height="11" alt="Jump to top" />', topmenu = '$topmenu';
top_image_html = '<img src="$sbRoot/images/top.gif" width="31" height="11" alt="Jump to top" />', topmenu = '$topmenu';
\$.SickGear = {Root: '${sbRoot}', PID: '${sbPID}'};
\$.SickGear = {Root: '${sbRoot}', PID: '${sbPID}', anonURL: '$sg_str('ANON_REDIRECT')'};
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery.scrolltopcontrol-1.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$sbRoot/js/lib/jquery.scrolltopcontrol-1.1.js"></script>
@ -93,6 +94,13 @@
#set $parts = $body_attr.split('class="')
#set $parts = $body_attr.split('class="')
#set $body_attr = ('class="%s '.join($parts), $parts[0] + ' class="%s"')[1 == len($parts)] % {0: '', 1: 'pro', 2: 'pro ii'}.get(getattr($sickbeard, 'DISPLAY_SHOW_VIEWMODE', 0))
#set $body_attr = ('class="%s '.join($parts), $parts[0] + ' class="%s"')[1 == len($parts)] % {0: '', 1: 'pro', 2: 'pro ii'}.get(getattr($sickbeard, 'DISPLAY_SHOW_VIEWMODE', 0))
#end if
#end if
#set $classes = ' '.join(([], ['shows-not-found'])[any([$getVar('log_num_not_found_shows_all', 0)])] \
+ ([], [($getVar('log_num_not_found_shows', 0) * 'n')[0:4]])[any([$getVar('log_num_not_found_shows', 0)])])
#if any($classes)
#set $body_attr = $body_attr.rstrip('"') + (' class="%s"', ' %s"')['class=' in $body_attr] % $classes
#end if
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="container-fluid">
@ -106,11 +114,11 @@
<a href="$sbRoot/home/" class="navbar-brand" tabindex="-1" title="SickGear"><img alt="SickGear" src="$sbRoot/images/sickgear.png" style="height: 50px;" class="img-responsive pull-left" /></a>
<a href="$sbRoot/home/" class="navbar-brand" tabindex="-1" title="SickGear"><img alt="SickGear" src="$sbRoot/images/sickgear.png" style="height: 50px;" class="img-responsive pull-left" /></a>
#set $hover_dropdown='data-hover="dropdown" data-hover-delay="400" data-delay="500"'
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
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<li id="NAVhome" class="dropdown">
<li id="NAVhome" class="dropdown">
<a href="$sbRoot/home/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-delay="0" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">Shows <b class="caret"></b></a>
<a href="$sbRoot/home/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">Shows <b class="caret"></b></a>
#set $showlist_home, $episode_home, $history_home = 3 * ['(<i class="sgicon-home tight"></i>)']
#set $showlist_home, $episode_home, $history_home = 3 * ['(<i class="sgicon-home tight"></i>)']
#if 'shows' == $sickbeard.DEFAULT_HOME
#if 'shows' == $sickbeard.DEFAULT_HOME
#set $episode_home, $history_home = 2 * ['']
#set $episode_home, $history_home = 2 * ['']
@ -142,27 +150,27 @@
<li id="NAVmanage" class="dropdown">
<li id="NAVmanage" class="dropdown">
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<a href="$sbRoot/manage/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">Manage <b class="caret"></b><span class="snf bar"><i class="sgicon-warning"></i></span></a>
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<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-bulk-change"></i>Bulk Change</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-bulk-change"></i>Bulk Change</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/backlogOverview/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-backlog"></i>Backlog Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/backlogOverview/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-backlog"></i>Backlog Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-search"></i>Media Search</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-search"></i>Media Search</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/showProcesses/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-showqueue"></i>Show Processes</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/showProcesses/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><span class="snf item"><i class="sgicon-warning"></i><i class="sgicon-showqueue"></i></span>Show Processes</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/episodeStatuses/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-episodestatus"></i>Episode Status</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/episodeStatuses/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-episodestatus"></i>Episode Status</a></li>
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_EMBY') and $sg_var('USE_EMBY') and $sg_str('EMBY_HOST') != '' and $sg_str('EMBY_APIKEY') != ''
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_EMBY') and $sg_var('USE_EMBY') and $sg_str('EMBY_HOST') != '' and $sg_str('EMBY_APIKEY') != ''
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/updateEMBY/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-emby"></i>Update Emby</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update_emby/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-emby"></i>Update Emby</a></li>
#end if
#end if
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_KODI') and $sg_var('USE_KODI') and $sg_str('KODI_HOST') != ''
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_KODI') and $sg_var('USE_KODI') and $sg_str('KODI_HOST') != ''
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/updateKODI/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-kodi"></i>Update Kodi</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update_kodi/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-kodi"></i>Update Kodi</a></li>
#end if
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_XBMC') and $sg_var('USE_XBMC') and $sg_str('XBMC_HOST') != ''
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/updateXBMC/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-xbmc"></i>Update XBMC</a></li>
#end if
#end if
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_PLEX') and $sg_var('USE_PLEX') and $sg_str('PLEX_SERVER_HOST') != ''
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_PLEX') and $sg_var('USE_PLEX') and $sg_str('PLEX_SERVER_HOST') != ''
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/updatePLEX/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-plex"></i>Update PLEX</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update_plex/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-plex"></i>Update PLEX</a></li>
#end if
#end if
## #if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_XBMC') and $sg_var('USE_XBMC') and $sg_str('XBMC_HOST') != ''
## <li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update_xbmc/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-xbmc"></i>Update XBMC</a></li>
## #end if
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS') and $sg_var('USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS')
#if hasattr($sickbeard, 'USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS') and $sg_var('USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/failedDownloads/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-failed"></i>Failed Downloads</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/failedDownloads/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-failed"></i>Failed Downloads</a></li>
#end if
#end if
@ -173,7 +181,7 @@
<li id="NAVconfig" class="dropdown">
<li id="NAVconfig" class="dropdown">
<a href="$sbRoot/config/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-delay="0" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><img src="$sbRoot/images/menu/system18.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">Config <b class="caret"></b></span></a>
<a href="$sbRoot/config/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><img src="$sbRoot/images/menu/system18.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">Config <b class="caret"></b></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-info"></i>About</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-info"></i>About</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
@ -188,10 +196,10 @@
<li class="dropdown">
<li id="NAVtools" class="dropdown">
#set num_errors = $getVar('$log_num_errors', None)
#set num_errors = $getVar('$log_num_errors', None)
#set $err_class = ('', ' errors ' + (len('%s' % $num_errors ) * 'n')[0:4])[any([$num_errors])]
#set $err_class = ('', ' errors ' + (len('%s' % $num_errors ) * 'n')[0:4])[any([$num_errors])]
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-delay="0" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><img src="$sbRoot/images/menu/system18-2.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">System <b class="caret"></b></span><span class="logger bar$err_class"><i class="sgicon-warning"></i></span></a>
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><img src="$sbRoot/images/menu/system18-2.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">System <b class="caret"></b></span><span class="logger bar$err_class"><i class="sgicon-warning"></i></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceVersionCheck" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-updatecheck"></i>Check for Updates</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceVersionCheck" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-updatecheck"></i>Check for Updates</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/viewchanges" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-changes"></i>View Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/viewchanges" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-changes"></i>View Changes</a></li>
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#if not $whichStatus or ($whichStatus and not $ep_counts)
#if not $whichStatus or ($whichStatus and not $ep_counts)
#if $whichStatus:
#if $whichStatus:
<h3>no episodes have status <span class="grey-text">$common.statusStrings[$int($whichStatus)].lower()</span></h3>
<h3>no episodes have status <span class="grey-text">$common.statusStrings[$whichStatus].lower()</span></h3>
#end if
#end if
<form action="$sbRoot/manage/episodeStatuses" method="get">
<form action="$sbRoot/manage/episodeStatuses" method="get">
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
Manage episodes with status
Manage episodes with status
<select name="whichStatus" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" style="margin:0 10px">
<select name="whichStatus" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" style="margin:0 10px">
#for $curStatus in [$common.SKIPPED, $common.UNKNOWN, $common.SNATCHED, $common.WANTED, $common.ARCHIVED, $common.IGNORED]:
#for $curStatus in [$common.SKIPPED, $common.UNKNOWN, $common.SNATCHED, $common.WANTED, $common.ARCHIVED, $common.IGNORED, $common.DOWNLOADED]:
<option value="$curStatus"#echo ('', ' selected="selected"')[$curStatus == $default_manage]#>$common.statusStrings[$curStatus]</option>
<option value="$curStatus"#echo ('', ' selected="selected"')[$curStatus == $default_manage]#>$common.statusStrings[$curStatus]</option>
#end for
#end for
@ -45,11 +45,16 @@
#end if
#end if
#set $statusList = [$common.SKIPPED, $common.ARCHIVED, $common.IGNORED]
#set $statusList = [$common.SKIPPED, $common.ARCHIVED, $common.IGNORED]
#if $int($whichStatus) in $statusList
#if $common.DOWNLOADED == $whichStatus:
#set $statusList = [$common.ARCHIVED]
#elif $common.ARCHIVED == $whichStatus:
#set $statusList = [$common.SKIPPED, $common.DOWNLOADED, $common.ARCHIVED, $common.IGNORED]
#end if
#if $whichStatus in $statusList
#end if
#end if
#if $int($whichStatus) in [$common.SNATCHED, $common.SNATCHED_PROPER]
#if $whichStatus in $common.SNATCHED_ANY
#end if
#end if
@ -58,7 +63,7 @@
<form action="$sbRoot/manage/changeEpisodeStatuses" method="post">
<form action="$sbRoot/manage/changeEpisodeStatuses" method="post">
<input type="hidden" id="oldStatus" name="oldStatus" value="$whichStatus">
<input type="hidden" id="oldStatus" name="oldStatus" value="$whichStatus">
<h3><span class="grey-text">$ep_count</span> episode#echo ('s', '')[1 == $ep_count]# marked <span class="grey-text">$common.statusStrings[$int($whichStatus)].lower()</span> in <span class="grey-text">${len($sorted_show_ids)}</span> show#echo ('s', '')[1 == len($sorted_show_ids)]#</h3>
<h3><span class="grey-text">$ep_count</span> episode#echo ('s', '')[1 == $ep_count]# marked <span class="grey-text">$common.statusStrings[$whichStatus].lower()</span> in <span class="grey-text">${len($sorted_show_ids)}</span> show#echo ('s', '')[1 == len($sorted_show_ids)]#</h3>
<input type="hidden" id="row_class" value="$row_class">
<input type="hidden" id="row_class" value="$row_class">
@ -71,12 +76,14 @@
<input class="btn btn-inline go" type="submit" value="Go">
<input class="btn btn-inline go" type="submit" value="Go">
#if $common.DOWNLOADED != $whichStatus:
<span class="red-text" style="margin:0 0 0 30px">Override checked status to</span>
<span class="red-text" style="margin:0 0 0 30px">Override checked status to</span>
<select name="wantedStatus" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" style="margin:0 10px 0 5px">
<select name="wantedStatus" class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" style="margin:0 10px 0 5px">
<option value="$common.UNKNOWN">nothing</option>
<option value="$common.UNKNOWN">nothing</option>
<option value="$common.WANTED">$common.statusStrings[$common.WANTED]</option>
<option value="$common.WANTED">$common.statusStrings[$common.WANTED]</option>
<input class="btn btn-inline go" type="submit" value="Go">
<input class="btn btn-inline go" type="submit" value="Go">
#end if
<div class="form-group">
<div class="form-group">
@ -19,19 +19,19 @@
<div id="summary2" class="align-left">
<div id="summary2" class="align-left">
<h3>Backlog Search:</h3>
<h3>Backlog Search:</h3>
<a id="forcebacklog" class="btn#if $standardBacklogRunning or $backlogIsActive# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceBacklog"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
<a id="forcebacklog" class="btn#if $standard_backlog_running or $backlog_is_active# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceBacklog"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
<a id="pausebacklog" class="btn" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/pauseBacklog?paused=#if $backlogPaused then "0" else "1"#"><i class="#if $backlogPaused then "sgicon-play" else "sgicon-pause"#"></i> #if $backlogPaused then "Unpause" else "Pause"#</a>
<a id="pausebacklog" class="btn" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/pauseBacklog?paused=#if $backlog_paused then "0" else "1"#"><i class="#if $backlog_paused then "sgicon-play" else "sgicon-pause"#"></i> #if $backlog_paused then "Unpause" else "Pause"#</a>
#if $backlogPaused then 'Paused: ' else ''#
#if $backlog_paused then 'Paused: ' else ''#
#if not $backlogRunning and not $backlogIsActive:
#if not $backlog_running and not $backlog_is_active:
Not in progress<br />
Not in progress<br />
Currently running#if $backlogRunningType != "None"# ($backlogRunningType)#end if#<br />
Currently running#if $backlog_running_type != "None"# ($backlog_running_type)#end if#<br />
#end if
#end if
<br />
<br />
<h3>Recent Search:</h3>
<h3>Recent Search:</h3>
<a id="recentsearch" class="btn#if $recentSearchStatus# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceSearch"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
<a id="recentsearch" class="btn#if $recent_search_status# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceSearch"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
#if not $recentSearchStatus
#if not $recent_search_status
Not in progress<br />
Not in progress<br />
In Progress<br />
In Progress<br />
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
<br />
<br />
<h3>Find Propers Search:</h3>
<h3>Find Propers Search:</h3>
<a id="propersearch" class="btn#if $findPropersStatus# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceFindPropers"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
<a id="propersearch" class="btn#if $find_propers_status# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/manageSearches/forceFindPropers"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
#if not $findPropersStatus
#if not $find_propers_status
Not in progress<br />
Not in progress<br />
In Progress<br />
In Progress<br />
@ -50,20 +50,20 @@
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<h3>Search Queue:</h3>
<h3>Search Queue:</h3>
#if $queueLength['backlog'] or $queueLength['manual'] or $queueLength['failed']
#if $queue_length['backlog'] or $queue_length['manual'] or $queue_length['failed']
<input type="button" class="show-all-more btn" id="all-btn-more" value="Expand All"><input type="button" class="show-all-less btn" id="all-btn-less" value="Collapse All"></br>
<input type="button" class="show-all-more btn" id="all-btn-more" value="Expand All"><input type="button" class="show-all-less btn" id="all-btn-less" value="Collapse All"><br>
#end if
#end if
Recent: <i>$queueLength['recent'] item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($queueLength['recent'])</i></br></br>
Recent: <i>$queue_length['recent'] item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($queue_length['recent'])</i><br><br>
Proper: <i>$queueLength['proper'] item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($queueLength['proper'])</i></br></br>
Proper: <i>$queue_length['proper'] item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($queue_length['proper'])</i><br><br>
Backlog: <i>$len($queueLength['backlog']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['backlog']))</i>
Backlog: <i>$len($queue_length['backlog']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['backlog']))</i>
#if $queueLength['backlog']
#if $queue_length['backlog']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="backlog-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['backlog']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="backlog-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="backlog-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['backlog']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="backlog-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
#set $row = 0
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_item in $queueLength['backlog']:
#for $cur_item in $queue_length['backlog']:
#set $search_type = 'On Demand'
#set $search_type = 'On Demand'
#if $cur_item['standard_backlog']:
#if $cur_item['standard_backlog']:
#if $cur_item['forced']:
#if $cur_item['forced']:
@ -90,17 +90,17 @@ Backlog: <i>$len($queueLength['backlog']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($l
#end if
#end if
Manual: <i>$len($queueLength['manual']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['manual']))</i>
Manual: <i>$len($queue_length['manual']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['manual']))</i>
#if $queueLength['manual']
#if $queue_length['manual']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="manual-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['manual']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="manual-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="manual-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['manual']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="manual-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
#set $row = 0
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_item in $queueLength['manual']:
#for $cur_item in $queue_length['manual']:
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="width:100%;text-align:left;color:white">
<td style="width:100%;text-align:left;color:white">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_item['indexerid']">$cur_item['name']</a> - $sickbeard.helpers.make_search_segment_html_string($cur_item['segment'])
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_item['indexerid']">$cur_item['name']</a> - $sickbeard.helpers.make_search_segment_html_string($cur_item['segment'])
@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ Manual: <i>$len($queueLength['manual']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len
#end if
#end if
Failed: <i>$len($queueLength['failed']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['failed']))</i>
Failed: <i>$len($queue_length['failed']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['failed']))</i>
#if $queueLength['failed']
#if $queue_length['failed']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="failed-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['failed']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="failed-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="failed-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['failed']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="failed-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
#set $row = 0
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_item in $queueLength['failed']:
#for $cur_item in $queue_length['failed']:
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="width:100%;text-align:left;color:white">
<td style="width:100%;text-align:left;color:white">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_item['indexerid']">$cur_item['name']</a> - $sickbeard.helpers.make_search_segment_html_string($cur_item['segment'])
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_item['indexerid']">$cur_item['name']</a> - $sickbeard.helpers.make_search_segment_html_string($cur_item['segment'])
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Failed: <i>$len($queueLength['failed']) item$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len
#end if
#end if
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#import sickbeard
#import sickbeard
#from sickbeard.helpers import findCertainShow
#from sickbeard.helpers import findCertainShow, maybe_plural
#set global $title = 'Show Processes'
#set global $title = 'Show Processes'
#set global $header = 'Show Processes'
#set global $header = 'Show Processes'
@ -17,135 +17,222 @@
<h1 class="title">$title</h1>
<h1 class="title">$title</h1>
#end if
#end if
<div id="summary2" class="align-left">
<div id="summary2" class="align-left">
<h3> Daily Show Update:</h3>
<h3>Daily show update:</h3>
<a id="showupdatebutton" class="btn#if $ShowUpdateRunning# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/showProcesses/forceShowUpdate"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
<a id="showupdatebutton" class="btn#if $show_update_running# disabled#end if#" href="$sbRoot/manage/showProcesses/forceShowUpdate"><i class="sgicon-play"></i> Force</a>
#if not $ShowUpdateRunning:
#if not $show_update_running:
Not in progress<br />
Not in progress<br />
Currently running<br />
Currently running<br />
#end if
#end if
<h3>Show Queue:</h3>
#if $not_found_shows
#set $num_errors = $len($not_found_shows)
#if $queueLength['add'] or $queueLength['update'] or $queueLength['refresh'] or $queueLength['rename'] or $queueLength['subtitle']
#set $err_class = ('', ' errors ' + ($num_errors * 'n')[0:4])[any([$num_errors])]
<input type="button" class="show-all-more btn" id="all-btn-more" value="Expand All"><input type="button" class="show-all-less btn" id="all-btn-less" value="Collapse All"></br>
<h3>$num_errors Show$maybe_plural($num_errors) with abandoned master ID$maybe_plural($num_errors):</h3>
#end if
<p>List of show(s) with changed ID at the TV info source. Click show name to get new ID, so that episode info updates may continue</p>
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="notfound-btn-more" value="Expand" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="notfound-btn-less" value="Collapse"><br>
Add: <i>$len($queueLength['add']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['add']))</i>
<table class="sickbeardTable tablesorter manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0">
#if $queueLength['add']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="add-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['add']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="add-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<th style="text-align:left">Show name</th>
<th style="width:20%;white-space:nowrap">Last found</th>
<th style="width:10%;white-space:nowrap">Ignore Warn</th>
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queueLength['add']:
#set $show_name = str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="width:80%;text-align:left;color:white">$show_name</td>
<td style="width:20%;text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
#end for
#end if
Update <span class="grey-text">(Forced / Forced Web)</span>: <i>$len($queueLength['update']) <span class="grey-text">($len($queueLength['forceupdate']) / $len($queueLength['forceupdateweb']))</span> show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['update']))</i>
#if $queueLength['update']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="update-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['update']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="update-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queueLength['update']:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($showList, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="width:80%;text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<td style="width:20%;text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled, #end if#$cur_show['update_type']</td>
#end for
#end if
Refresh: <i>$len($queueLength['refresh']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['refresh']))</i>
#if $queueLength['refresh']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="refresh-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['refresh']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="refresh-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queueLength['refresh']:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($showList, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="width:80%;text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<td style="width:20%;text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
#end for
#end if
Rename: <i>$len($queueLength['rename']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['rename']))</i>
#if $queueLength['rename']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="rename-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['rename']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="rename-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queueLength['rename']:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($showList, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="width:80%;text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<td style="width:20%;text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
#end for
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES
Subtitle: <i>$len($queueLength['subtitle']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queueLength['subtitle']))</i>
#if $queueLength['subtitle']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="subtitle-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queueLength['subtitle']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="subtitle-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"></br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
#set $row = 0
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queueLength['subtitle']:
#for $cur_show in $not_found_shows:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($showList, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="width:80%;text-align:left">
<td style="text-align:left">
<span style="padding-right:5px" class="logger item snf"><i class="sgicon-warning"></i></span><a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/editShow?show=$cur_show['indexer_id']&tvsrc=0&srcid=$cur_show['indexer_id']#core-component-group3">$cur_show['show_name']</a>
<td style="text-align:center;color:white">
<input class="nowarnicon" type="checkbox" #if $cur_show['ignore_warning'] then 'checked="checked"' else ''# data-indexer="$cur_show['indexer']" data-indexer-id="$cur_show['indexer_id']">
#end for
<td colspan="2" style="text-align:right"><span>Note: Ignored shows will still not get updates unless edited</span></td>
<input id="save-nowarnicon" type="button" class="btn" value="Save">
#end if
#if $defunct_indexer
<h3>Shows from defunct TV info sources:</h3>
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="defunct-btn-more" value="Expand" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="defunct-btn-less" value="Collapse"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0">
<th style="text-align:left">Show name</th>
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $defunct_indexer:
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexer_id']">$cur_show['show_name']</a>
#end for
#end if
<h3>Show queue:</h3>
#if $queue_length['add'] or $queue_length['update'] or $queue_length['refresh'] or $queue_length['rename'] or $queue_length['subtitle']
<input type="button" class="show-all-more btn" id="all-btn-more" value="Expand All"><input type="button" class="show-all-less btn" id="all-btn-less" value="Collapse All"><br>
#end if
Add: <i>$len($queue_length['add']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['add']))</i>
#if $queue_length['add']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="add-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['add']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="add-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<th style="width:80%;text-align:left">Show name</th>
<th style="width:20%"> </th>
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queue_length['add']:
#set $show_name = str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="text-align:left;color:white">$show_name</td>
<td style="text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
#end for
#end if
Update <span class="grey-text">(Forced / Forced Web)</span>: <i>$len($queue_length['update']) <span class="grey-text">($len($queue_length['forceupdate']) / $len($queue_length['forceupdateweb']))</span> show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['update']))</i>
#if $queue_length['update']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="update-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['update']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="update-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<th style="width:80%;text-align:left">Show name</th>
<th style="width:20%">Schedule type</th>
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queue_length['update']:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($show_list, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<td style="width:20%;text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
<td style="text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled, #end if#$cur_show['update_type']</td>
#end for
#end for
#end if
Refresh: <i>$len($queue_length['refresh']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['refresh']))</i>
#if $queue_length['refresh']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="refresh-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['refresh']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="refresh-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<th style="width:80%;text-align:left">Show name</th>
<th style="width:20%">Schedule type</th>
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queue_length['refresh']:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($show_list, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<td style="text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
#end for
#end if
Rename: <i>$len($queue_length['rename']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['rename']))</i>
#if $queue_length['rename']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="rename-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['rename']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="rename-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<th style="width:80%;text-align:left">Show name</th>
<th style="width:20%">Schedule type</th>
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queue_length['rename']:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($show_list, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<td style="text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
#end for
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES
Subtitle: <i>$len($queue_length['subtitle']) show$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($len($queue_length['subtitle']))</i>
#if $queue_length['subtitle']
<input type="button" class="shows-more btn" id="subtitle-btn-more" value="Expand" #if not $queue_length['subtitle']# style="display:none" #end if#><input type="button" class="shows-less btn" id="subtitle-btn-less" value="Collapse" style="display:none"><br>
<table class="sickbeardTable manageTable" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="display:none">
<th style="width:80%;text-align:left">Show name</th>
<th style="width:20%">Schedule type</th>
#set $row = 0
#for $cur_show in $queue_length['subtitle']:
#set $show = $findCertainShow($show_list, $cur_show['indexerid'])
#set $show_name = $ if $show else str($cur_show['name'])
<tr class="#echo ('odd', 'even')[$row % 2]##set $row+=1#">
<td style="text-align:left">
<a class="whitelink" href="$sbRoot/home/displayShow?show=$cur_show['indexerid']">$show_name</a>
<td style="text-align:center;color:white">#if $cur_show['scheduled_update']#Scheduled#end if#</td>
#end for
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
#include $os.path.join($sickbeard.PROG_DIR, 'gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl')
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<title>SickGear - Restarting</title>
<title>SickGear - #echo ('Restart', 'Shutdown')[$do_shutdown]#</title>
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<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$sg_root/images/ico/favicon.ico">
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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
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<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
\$.SickGear = {
\$.SickGear = {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ function updateImages(data) {
//el=$('td#' + ep.season + 'x' + ep.episode + '.search img');
//el=$('td#' + ep.season + 'x' + ep.episode + '.search img');
if (ep.retrystatus) {img.parent().attr('class','epRetry');} else {img.parent().attr('class','epSearch');}
img.attr('src',sbRoot+'/images/' + searchImage);
img.attr('src',sbRoot+'/images/' + searchImage);
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ $('#remove-white, #remove-black').click(function() {
$('#new-white, #new-black').click(function() {
$('#new-white, #new-black').click(function() {
var group = $('#addToPoolText').attr('value');
var group = $('#addToPoolText').val();
if ('' != group) {
if ('' != group) {
var option = $('<option>');
var option = $('<option>');
option.attr('value', group);
option.appendTo('#' + $(this).attr('id').replace(/new[-]/i, ''));
option.appendTo('#' + $(this).attr('id').replace(/new[-]/i, ''));
$('#addToPoolText').attr('value', '');
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
fileBrowserDialog.dialog('option', 'dialogClass', 'browserDialog busy');
fileBrowserDialog.dialog('option', 'classes.ui-dialog', 'browserDialog busy');
currentRequest = $.getJSON(endpoint, {path: path, includeFiles: includeFiles}, function(data){
currentRequest = $.getJSON(endpoint, {path: path, includeFiles: includeFiles}, function(data){
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$('a', list).wrap('<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all">');
$('a', list).wrap('<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all">');
fileBrowserDialog.dialog('option', 'dialogClass', 'browserDialog');
fileBrowserDialog.dialog('option', 'classes.ui-dialog', 'browserDialog');
@ -83,9 +83,10 @@
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docHeight = $(document).height() - 80, winHeight = $(window).height() - 80;
docHeight = $(document).height() - 80, winHeight = $(window).height() - 80;
fileBrowserDialog = $('<div id="fileBrowserDialog" style="display:none"></div>').appendTo('body').dialog({
fileBrowserDialog = $('<div id="fileBrowserDialog" style="display:none"></div>').appendTo('body').dialog({
dialogClass: 'browserDialog',
classes: {'ui-dialog': 'browserDialog'},
title: options.title,
title: options.title,
position: [(docWidth - dlgWidth)/2, 60],
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my: 'left top', at: 'left+' + (docWidth - dlgWidth)/2 + ' top+60', of: $('body'), collision: 'fit'},
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height: Math.min(docHeight, winHeight),
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@ -152,19 +153,19 @@
open: function(){
open: function(){
$('.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item a').removeClass('ui-corner-all');
$('.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item div').removeClass('ui-corner-all');
$('.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item:odd a').addClass('ui-menu-item-alternate');
$('.ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item:odd div').addClass('ui-menu-item-alternate');
}).data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item){
}).data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item){
//highlight the matched search term from the item -- note that this is global and will match anywhere
//highlight the matched search term from the item -- note that this is global and will match anywhere
var resultItem = item.label;
var resultItem = item.label;
var x = new RegExp('(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(' + query + ')(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)', 'gi');
var x = new RegExp('(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(' + query + ')(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)', 'gi');
resultItem = resultItem.replace(x, function(fullMatch){
resultItem = resultItem.replace(x, function(fullMatch){
return '<b>' + fullMatch + '</b>';
return fullMatch;
return $('<li></li>')
return $('<li></li>')
.data('ui-autocomplete-item', item)
.data('ui-autocomplete-item', item)
.append('<a class="nowrap">' + resultItem + '</a>')
.append('<div class="nowrap">' + resultItem + '</div>')
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
if (0 == updateArr.length + refreshArr.length + renameArr.length + subtitleArr.length + deleteArr.length + removeArr.length + metadataArr.length)
if (0 == updateArr.length + refreshArr.length + renameArr.length + subtitleArr.length + deleteArr.length + removeArr.length + metadataArr.length)
return !1;
return !1;
window.location.href = $.SickGear.Root + 'bulkChange?toUpdate=' + updateArr.join('|') + '&toRefresh=' + refreshArr.join('|') + '&toRename=' + renameArr.join('|') + '&toSubtitle=' + subtitleArr.join('|') + '&toDelete=' + deleteArr.join('|') + '&toRemove=' + removeArr.join('|') + '&toMetadata=' + metadataArr.join('|');
window.location.href = $.SickGear.Root + '/manage/bulkChange?toUpdate=' + updateArr.join('|') + '&toRefresh=' + refreshArr.join('|') + '&toRename=' + renameArr.join('|') + '&toSubtitle=' + subtitleArr.join('|') + '&toDelete=' + deleteArr.join('|') + '&toRemove=' + removeArr.join('|') + '&toMetadata=' + metadataArr.join('|');