Update TvDB API library 1.09 with changes up to (35732c9) and some pep8 and code cleanups.

This commit is contained in:
JackDandy 2015-10-17 21:40:55 +01:00
parent fb484efba0
commit 9540ff3b52
10 changed files with 197 additions and 2726 deletions

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
* Update Tornado Web Server 4.2 to 4.3.dev1 (1b6157d)
* Update change to suppress reporting of Tornado exception error 1 to updated package (ref:hacks.txt)
* Update fix for API response header for JSON content type and the return of JSONP data to updated package (ref:hacks.txt)
* Update TvDB API library 1.09 with changes up to (35732c9) and some pep8 and code cleanups
* Fix post processing season pack folders
* Fix saving torrent provider option "Seed until ratio" after recent refactor
* Change white text in light theme on Manage / Episode Status Management page to black for better readability

View file

@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ Libs with customisations...

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
include readme.md
include tests/*.py
include Rakefile

View file

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
require 'fileutils'
task :default => [:clean]
task :clean do
[".", "tests"].each do |cd|
puts "Cleaning directory #{cd}"
Dir.new(cd).each do |t|
if t =~ /.*\.pyc$/
puts "Removing #{File.join(cd, t)}"
File.delete(File.join(cd, t))
desc "Upversion files"
task :upversion do
puts "Upversioning"
Dir.glob("*.py").each do |filename|
f = File.new(filename, File::RDWR)
contents = f.read()
contents.gsub!(/__version__ = ".+?"/){|m|
cur_version = m.scan(/\d+\.\d+/)[0].to_f
new_version = cur_version + 0.1
puts "Current version: #{cur_version}"
puts "New version: #{new_version}"
new_line = "__version__ = \"#{new_version}\""
puts "Old line: #{m}"
puts "New line: #{new_line}"
m = new_line
puts contents[0]
f.truncate(0) # empty the existing file
f.write(contents.to_s) # write modified file
desc "Upload current version to PyPi"
task :topypi => :test do
cur_file = File.open("tvdb_api.py").read()
tvdb_api_version = cur_file.scan(/__version__ = "(.*)"/)
tvdb_api_version = tvdb_api_version[0][0].to_f
puts "Build sdist and send tvdb_api v#{tvdb_api_version} to PyPi?"
if $stdin.gets.chomp == "y"
puts "Sending source-dist (sdist) to PyPi"
if system("python setup.py sdist register upload")
puts "tvdb_api uploaded!"
puts "Cancelled"
desc "Profile by running unittests"
task :profile do
cd "tests"
puts "Profiling.."
`python -m cProfile -o prof_runtest.prof runtests.py`
puts "Converting prof to dot"
`python gprof2dot.py -o prof_runtest.dot -f pstats prof_runtest.prof`
puts "Generating graph"
`~/Applications/dev/graphviz.app/Contents/macOS/dot -Tpng -o profile.png prof_runtest.dot -Gbgcolor=black`
puts "Cleanup"
rm "prof_runtest.dot"
rm "prof_runtest.prof"
task :test do
puts "Nosetest'ing"
if not system("nosetests -v --with-doctest")
raise "Test failed!"
puts "Doctesting *.py (excluding setup.py)"
Dir.glob("*.py").select{|e| ! e.match(/setup.py/)}.each do |filename|
if filename =~ /^setup\.py/
puts "Doctesting #{filename}"
if not system("python", "-m", "doctest", filename)
raise "Failed doctest"
puts "Doctesting readme.md"
if not system("python", "-m", "doctest", "readme.md")
raise "Doctest"

View file

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
# `tvdb_api`
`tvdb_api` is an easy to use interface to [thetvdb.com][tvdb]
`tvnamer` has moved to a separate repository: [github.com/dbr/tvnamer][tvnamer] - it is a utility which uses `tvdb_api` to rename files from `some.show.s01e03.blah.abc.avi` to `Some Show - [01x03] - The Episode Name.avi` (which works by getting the episode name from `tvdb_api`)
[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/dbr/tvdb_api.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/dbr/tvdb_api)
## To install
You can easily install `tvdb_api` via `easy_install`
easy_install tvdb_api
You may need to use sudo, depending on your setup:
sudo easy_install tvdb_api
The [`tvnamer`][tvnamer] command-line tool can also be installed via `easy_install`, this installs `tvdb_api` as a dependancy:
easy_install tvnamer
## Basic usage
import tvdb_api
t = indexerApi()
episode = t['My Name Is Earl'][1][3] # get season 1, episode 3 of show
print episode['episodename'] # Print episode name
## Advanced usage
Most of the documentation is in docstrings. The examples are tested (using doctest) so will always be up to date and working.
The docstring for `Tvdb.__init__` lists all initialisation arguments, including support for non-English searches, custom "Select Series" interfaces and enabling the retrieval of banners and extended actor information. You can also override the default API key using `apikey`, recommended if you're using `tvdb_api` in a larger script or application
### Exceptions
There are several exceptions you may catch, these can be imported from `tvdb_api`:
- `tvdb_error` - this is raised when there is an error communicating with [thetvdb.com][tvdb] (a network error most commonly)
- `tvdb_userabort` - raised when a user aborts the Select Series dialog (by `ctrl+c`, or entering `q`)
- `tvdb_shownotfound` - raised when `t['show name']` cannot find anything
- `tvdb_seasonnotfound` - raised when the requested series (`t['show name][99]`) does not exist
- `tvdb_episodenotfound` - raised when the requested episode (`t['show name][1][99]`) does not exist.
- `tvdb_attributenotfound` - raised when the requested attribute is not found (`t['show name']['an attribute']`, `t['show name'][1]['an attribute']`, or ``t['show name'][1][1]['an attribute']``)
### Series data
All data exposed by [thetvdb.com][tvdb] is accessible via the `Show` class. A Show is retrieved by doing..
>>> import tvdb_api
>>> t = indexerApi()
>>> show = t['scrubs']
>>> type(show)
<class 'tvdb_api.Show'>
For example, to find out what network Scrubs is aired:
>>> t['scrubs']['network']
The data is stored in an attribute named `data`, within the Show instance:
>>> t['scrubs'].data.keys()
['networkid', 'rating', 'airs_dayofweek', 'contentrating', 'seriesname', 'id', 'airs_time', 'network', 'fanart', 'lastupdated', 'actors', 'ratingcount', 'status', 'added', 'poster', 'imdb_id', 'genre', 'banner', 'seriesid', 'language', 'zap2it_id', 'addedby', 'tms_wanted', 'firstaired', 'runtime', 'overview']
Although each element is also accessible via `t['scrubs']` for ease-of-use:
>>> t['scrubs']['rating']
This is the recommended way of retrieving "one-off" data (for example, if you are only interested in "seriesname"). If you wish to iterate over all data, or check if a particular show has a specific piece of data, use the `data` attribute,
>>> 'rating' in t['scrubs'].data
### Banners and actors
Since banners and actors are separate XML files, retrieving them by default is undesirable. If you wish to retrieve banners (and other fanart), use the `banners` Tvdb initialisation argument:
>>> from tvdb_api import Tvdb
>>> t = Tvdb(banners = True)
Then access the data using a `Show`'s `_banner` key:
>>> t['scrubs']['_banners'].keys()
['fanart', 'poster', 'series', 'season']
The banner data structure will be improved in future versions.
Extended actor data is accessible similarly:
>>> t = Tvdb(actors = True)
>>> actors = t['scrubs']['_actors']
>>> actors[0]
<Actor "Zach Braff">
>>> actors[0].keys()
['sortorder', 'image', 'role', 'id', 'name']
>>> actors[0]['role']
u'Dr. John Michael "J.D." Dorian'
Remember a simple list of actors is accessible via the default Show data:
>>> t['scrubs']['actors']
u'|Zach Braff|Donald Faison|Sarah Chalke|Christa Miller|Aloma Wright|Robert Maschio|Sam Lloyd|Neil Flynn|Ken Jenkins|Judy Reyes|John C. McGinley|Travis Schuldt|Johnny Kastl|Heather Graham|Michael Mosley|Kerry Bish\xe9|Dave Franco|Eliza Coupe|'
[tvdb]: http://thetvdb.com
[tvnamer]: http://github.com/dbr/tvnamer

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
from setuptools import setup
name = 'tvdb_api',
description='Interface to thetvdb.com',
An easy to use API interface to TheTVDB.com
Basic usage is:
>>> import tvdb_api
>>> t = tvdb_api.Tvdb()
>>> ep = t['My Name Is Earl'][1][22]
>>> ep
<Episode 01x22 - Stole a Badge>
>>> ep['episodename']
u'Stole a Badge'
py_modules = ['tvdb_api', 'tvdb_ui', 'tvdb_exceptions', 'tvdb_cache'],
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"Natural Language :: English",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Topic :: Multimedia",
"Topic :: Utilities",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
#license:unlicense (http://unlicense.org/)
import sys
import unittest
import test_tvdb_api
def main():
suite = unittest.TestSuite([
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
result = runner.run(suite)
if result.wasSuccessful():
return 0
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':

View file

@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
#license:unlicense (http://unlicense.org/)
"""Unittests for tvdb_api
import os,os.path
import sys
print sys.path
import datetime
import unittest
# Force parent directory onto path
#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath('../../tests'))
import sickbeard
from tvdb_api import Tvdb
import tvdb_ui
from tvdb_api import (tvdb_shownotfound, tvdb_seasonnotfound,
tvdb_episodenotfound, tvdb_attributenotfound)
from lib import xmltodict
import lib
class test_tvdb_basic(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, banners = False)
def test_different_case(self):
"""Checks the auto-correction of show names is working.
It should correct the weirdly capitalised 'sCruBs' to 'Scrubs'
self.assertEquals(self.t['scrubs'][1][4]['episodename'], 'My Old Lady')
self.assertEquals(self.t['sCruBs']['seriesname'], 'Scrubs')
def test_spaces(self):
"""Checks shownames with spaces
self.assertEquals(self.t['My Name Is Earl']['seriesname'], 'My Name Is Earl')
self.assertEquals(self.t['My Name Is Earl'][1][4]['episodename'], 'Faked His Own Death')
def test_numeric(self):
"""Checks numeric show names
self.assertEquals(self.t['24'][2][20]['episodename'], 'Day 2: 3:00 A.M.-4:00 A.M.')
self.assertEquals(self.t['24']['seriesname'], '24')
def test_show_iter(self):
"""Iterating over a show returns each seasons
[season for season in self.t['Life on Mars']]
def test_season_iter(self):
"""Iterating over a show returns episodes
[episode for episode in self.t['Life on Mars'][1]]
def test_get_episode_overview(self):
"""Checks episode overview is retrieved correctly.
self.t['Battlestar Galactica (2003)'][1][6]['overview'].startswith(
'When a new copy of Doral, a Cylon who had been previously'),
def test_get_parent(self):
"""Check accessing series from episode instance
show = self.t['Battlestar Galactica (2003)']
season = show[1]
episode = show[1][1]
def test_no_season(self):
show = self.t['Katekyo Hitman Reborn']
print tvdb_api
print show[1][1]
class test_tvdb_errors(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, banners = False)
def test_seasonnotfound(self):
"""Checks exception is thrown when season doesn't exist.
self.assertRaises(tvdb_seasonnotfound, lambda:self.t['CNNNN'][10][1])
def test_shownotfound(self):
"""Checks exception is thrown when episode doesn't exist.
self.assertRaises(tvdb_shownotfound, lambda:self.t['the fake show thingy'])
def test_episodenotfound(self):
"""Checks exception is raised for non-existent episode
self.assertRaises(tvdb_episodenotfound, lambda:self.t['Scrubs'][1][30])
def test_attributenamenotfound(self):
"""Checks exception is thrown for if an attribute isn't found.
self.assertRaises(tvdb_attributenotfound, lambda:self.t['CNNNN'][1][6]['afakeattributething'])
self.assertRaises(tvdb_attributenotfound, lambda:self.t['CNNNN']['afakeattributething'])
class test_tvdb_search(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, banners = False)
def test_search_len(self):
"""There should be only one result matching
self.assertEquals(len(self.t['My Name Is Earl'].search('Faked His Own Death')), 1)
def test_search_checkname(self):
"""Checks you can get the episode name of a search result
self.assertEquals(self.t['Scrubs'].search('my first')[0]['episodename'], 'My First Day')
self.assertEquals(self.t['My Name Is Earl'].search('Faked His Own Death')[0]['episodename'], 'Faked His Own Death')
def test_search_multiresults(self):
"""Checks search can return multiple results
self.assertEquals(len(self.t['Scrubs'].search('my first')) >= 3, True)
def test_search_no_params_error(self):
"""Checks not supplying search info raises TypeError"""
lambda: self.t['Scrubs'].search()
def test_search_season(self):
"""Checks the searching of a single season"""
def test_search_show(self):
"""Checks the searching of an entire show"""
len(self.t['CNNNN'].search('CNNNN', key='episodename')),
def test_aired_on(self):
"""Tests airedOn show method"""
sr = self.t['Scrubs'].airedOn(datetime.date(2001, 10, 2))
self.assertEquals(len(sr), 1)
self.assertEquals(sr[0]['episodename'], u'My First Day')
class test_tvdb_data(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, banners = False)
def test_episode_data(self):
"""Check the firstaired value is retrieved
class test_tvdb_misc(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, banners = False)
def test_repr_show(self):
"""Check repr() of Season
"<Show Chaser Non-Stop News Network (CNNNN) (containing 3 seasons)>"
def test_repr_season(self):
"""Check repr() of Season
"<Season instance (containing 9 episodes)>"
def test_repr_episode(self):
"""Check repr() of Episode
"<Episode 01x01 - Terror Alert>"
def test_have_all_languages(self):
"""Check valid_languages is up-to-date (compared to languages.xml)
et = self.t._getetsrc(
"http://thetvdb.com/api/%s/languages.xml" % (
languages = [x.find("abbreviation").text for x in et.findall("Language")]
class test_tvdb_languages(unittest.TestCase):
def test_episode_name_french(self):
"""Check episode data is in French (language="fr")
t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, language = "fr")
"Mon premier jour"
u"J.D. est un jeune m\xe9decin qui d\xe9bute"
def test_episode_name_spanish(self):
"""Check episode data is in Spanish (language="es")
t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, language = "es")
"Mi Primer Dia"
u'Scrubs es una divertida comedia'
def test_multilanguage_selection(self):
"""Check selected language is used
class SelectEnglishUI(tvdb_ui.BaseUI):
def selectSeries(self, allSeries):
return [x for x in allSeries if x['language'] == "en"][0]
class SelectItalianUI(tvdb_ui.BaseUI):
def selectSeries(self, allSeries):
return [x for x in allSeries if x['language'] == "it"][0]
t_en = tvdb_api.Tvdb(
custom_ui = SelectEnglishUI,
language = "en")
t_it = tvdb_api.Tvdb(
custom_ui = SelectItalianUI,
language = "it")
t_en['dexter'][1][2]['episodename'], "Crocodile"
t_it['dexter'][1][2]['episodename'], "Lacrime di coccodrillo"
class test_tvdb_unicode(unittest.TestCase):
def test_search_in_chinese(self):
"""Check searching for show with language=zh returns Chinese seriesname
t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, language = "zh")
show = t[u'T\xecnh Ng\u01b0\u1eddi Hi\u1ec7n \u0110\u1ea1i']
u'T\xecnh Ng\u01b0\u1eddi Hi\u1ec7n \u0110\u1ea1i'
def test_search_in_all_languages(self):
"""Check search_all_languages returns Chinese show, with language=en
t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, search_all_languages = True, language="en")
show = t[u'T\xecnh Ng\u01b0\u1eddi Hi\u1ec7n \u0110\u1ea1i']
u'Virtues Of Harmony II'
class test_tvdb_banners(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, banners = True)
def test_have_banners(self):
"""Check banners at least one banner is found
len(self.t['scrubs']['_banners']) > 0,
def test_banner_url(self):
"""Checks banner URLs start with http://
for banner_type, banner_data in self.t['scrubs']['_banners'].items():
for res, res_data in banner_data.items():
for bid, banner_info in res_data.items():
def test_episode_image(self):
"""Checks episode 'filename' image is fully qualified URL
def test_show_artwork(self):
"""Checks various image URLs within season data are fully qualified
for key in ['banner', 'fanart', 'poster']:
class test_tvdb_actors(unittest.TestCase):
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, actors = True)
def test_actors_is_correct_datatype(self):
"""Check show/_actors key exists and is correct type"""
def test_actors_has_actor(self):
"""Check show has at least one Actor
def test_actor_has_name(self):
"""Check first actor has a name"""
"Zach Braff"
def test_actor_image_corrected(self):
"""Check image URL is fully qualified
for actor in self.t['scrubs']['_actors']:
if actor['image'] is not None:
# Actor's image can be None, it displays as the placeholder
# image on thetvdb.com
class test_tvdb_doctest(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, banners = False)
def test_doctest(self):
"""Check docstring examples works"""
import doctest
class test_tvdb_custom_caching(unittest.TestCase):
def test_true_false_string(self):
"""Tests setting cache to True/False/string
Basic tests, only checking for errors
tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True)
tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = False)
tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = "/tmp")
def test_invalid_cache_option(self):
"""Tests setting cache to invalid value
tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = 2.3)
except ValueError:
self.fail("Expected ValueError from setting cache to float")
def test_custom_urlopener(self):
class UsedCustomOpener(Exception):
import urllib2
class TestOpener(urllib2.BaseHandler):
def default_open(self, request):
print request.get_method()
raise UsedCustomOpener("Something")
custom_opener = urllib2.build_opener(TestOpener())
t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = custom_opener)
except UsedCustomOpener:
self.fail("Did not use custom opener")
class test_tvdb_by_id(unittest.TestCase):
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, actors = True)
def test_actors_is_correct_datatype(self):
"""Check show/_actors key exists and is correct type"""
class test_tvdb_zip(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, useZip = True)
def test_get_series_from_zip(self):
self.assertEquals(self.t['scrubs'][1][4]['episodename'], 'My Old Lady')
self.assertEquals(self.t['sCruBs']['seriesname'], 'Scrubs')
def test_spaces_from_zip(self):
"""Checks shownames with spaces
self.assertEquals(self.t['My Name Is Earl']['seriesname'], 'My Name Is Earl')
self.assertEquals(self.t['My Name Is Earl'][1][4]['episodename'], 'Faked His Own Death')
class test_tvdb_show_ordering(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t_dvd = None
t_air = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t_dvd is None:
self.t_dvd = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, useZip = True, dvdorder=True)
if self.t_air is None:
self.t_air = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, useZip = True)
def test_ordering(self):
"""Test Tvdb.search method
self.assertEquals(u'The Train Job', self.t_air['Firefly'][1][1]['episodename'])
self.assertEquals(u'Serenity', self.t_dvd['Firefly'][1][1]['episodename'])
self.assertEquals(u'The Cat & the Claw (Part 1)', self.t_air['Batman The Animated Series'][1][1]['episodename'])
self.assertEquals(u'On Leather Wings', self.t_dvd['Batman The Animated Series'][1][1]['episodename'])
class test_tvdb_show_search(unittest.TestCase):
# Used to store the cached instance of Tvdb()
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, useZip = True)
def test_search(self):
"""Test Tvdb.search method
results = self.t.search("my name is earl")
all_ids = [x['seriesid'] for x in results]
self.assertTrue('75397' in all_ids)
class test_tvdb_alt_names(unittest.TestCase):
t = None
def setUp(self):
if self.t is None:
self.__class__.t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(cache = True, actors = True)
def test_1(self):
"""Tests basic access of series name alias
results = self.t.search("Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23")
series = results[0]
'Apartment 23' in series['aliasnames']
if __name__ == '__main__':
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2)
unittest.main(testRunner = runner)

View file

@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
from functools import wraps
import traceback
__author__ = "dbr/Ben"
__version__ = "1.9"
__author__ = 'dbr/Ben'
__version__ = '1.9'
import os
import re
import time
import getpass
import StringIO
@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ import tempfile
import warnings
import logging
import zipfile
import datetime as dt
import requests
import requests.exceptions
import xmltodict
@ -39,12 +37,12 @@ from lib.dateutil.parser import parse
from lib.cachecontrol import CacheControl, caches
from tvdb_ui import BaseUI, ConsoleUI
from tvdb_exceptions import (tvdb_error, tvdb_userabort, tvdb_shownotfound,
from tvdb_exceptions import (tvdb_error, tvdb_shownotfound,
tvdb_seasonnotfound, tvdb_episodenotfound, tvdb_attributenotfound)
def log():
return logging.getLogger("tvdb_api")
return logging.getLogger('tvdb_api')
def retry(ExceptionToCheck, tries=4, delay=3, backoff=2, logger=None):
@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ def retry(ExceptionToCheck, tries=4, delay=3, backoff=2, logger=None):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except ExceptionToCheck, e:
msg = "%s, Retrying in %d seconds..." % (str(e), mdelay)
msg = '%s, Retrying in %d seconds...' % (str(e), mdelay)
if logger:
@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ class ShowContainer(dict):
self._stack = []
self._lastgc = time.time()
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
def __set_item__(self, key, value):
# keep only the 100th latest results
@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ class ShowContainer(dict):
self._lastgc = time.time()
super(ShowContainer, self).__setitem__(key, value)
super(ShowContainer, self).__set_item__(key, value)
class Show(dict):
@ -123,10 +121,7 @@ class Show(dict):
self.data = {}
def __repr__(self):
return "<Show %s (containing %s seasons)>" % (
self.data.get(u'seriesname', 'instance'),
return '<Show %r (containing %s seasons)>' % (self.data.get(u'seriesname', 'instance'), len(self))
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self:
@ -151,16 +146,16 @@ class Show(dict):
# Data wasn't found, raise appropriate error
if isinstance(key, int) or key.isdigit():
# Episode number x was not found
raise tvdb_seasonnotfound("Could not find season %s" % (repr(key)))
raise tvdb_seasonnotfound('Could not find season %s' % (repr(key)))
# If it's not numeric, it must be an attribute name, which
# doesn't exist, so attribute error.
raise tvdb_attributenotfound("Cannot find attribute %s" % (repr(key)))
raise tvdb_attributenotfound('Cannot find attribute %s' % (repr(key)))
def airedOn(self, date):
ret = self.search(str(date), 'firstaired')
if len(ret) == 0:
raise tvdb_episodenotfound("Could not find any episodes that aired on %s" % date)
if 0 == len(ret):
raise tvdb_episodenotfound('Could not find any episodes that aired on %s' % date)
return ret
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
@ -181,43 +176,43 @@ class Show(dict):
These examples assume t is an instance of Tvdb():
>>> t = Tvdb()
>> t = Tvdb()
To search for all episodes of Scrubs with a bit of data
containing "my first day":
>>> t['Scrubs'].search("my first day")
>> t['Scrubs'].search("my first day")
[<Episode 01x01 - My First Day>]
Search for "My Name Is Earl" episode named "Faked His Own Death":
>>> t['My Name Is Earl'].search('Faked His Own Death', key = 'episodename')
>> t['My Name Is Earl'].search('Faked His Own Death', key = 'episodename')
[<Episode 01x04 - Faked His Own Death>]
To search Scrubs for all episodes with "mentor" in the episode name:
>>> t['scrubs'].search('mentor', key = 'episodename')
>> t['scrubs'].search('mentor', key = 'episodename')
[<Episode 01x02 - My Mentor>, <Episode 03x15 - My Tormented Mentor>]
# Using search results
>>> results = t['Scrubs'].search("my first")
>>> print results[0]['episodename']
>> results = t['Scrubs'].search("my first")
>> print results[0]['episodename']
My First Day
>>> for x in results: print x['episodename']
>> for x in results: print x['episodename']
My First Day
My First Step
My First Kill
results = []
for cur_season in self.values():
searchresult = cur_season.search(term=term, key=key)
if len(searchresult) != 0:
if 0 != len(searchresult):
return results
@ -230,9 +225,7 @@ class Season(dict):
self.show = show
def __repr__(self):
return "<Season instance (containing %s episodes)>" % (
return '<Season instance (containing %s episodes)>' % (len(self.keys()))
def __getattr__(self, episode_number):
if episode_number in self:
@ -241,7 +234,7 @@ class Season(dict):
def __getitem__(self, episode_number):
if episode_number not in self:
raise tvdb_episodenotfound("Could not find episode %s" % (repr(episode_number)))
raise tvdb_episodenotfound('Could not find episode %s' % (repr(episode_number)))
return dict.__getitem__(self, episode_number)
@ -249,20 +242,18 @@ class Season(dict):
"""Search all episodes in season, returns a list of matching Episode
>>> t = Tvdb()
>>> t['scrubs'][1].search('first day')
>> t = Tvdb()
>> t['scrubs'][1].search('first day')
[<Episode 01x01 - My First Day>]
See Show.search documentation for further information on search
results = []
for ep in self.values():
searchresult = ep.search(term=term, key=key)
if searchresult is not None:
if None is not searchresult:
return results
@ -273,13 +264,12 @@ class Episode(dict):
self.season = season
def __repr__(self):
seasno = int(self.get(u'seasonnumber', 0))
epno = int(self.get(u'episodenumber', 0))
seasno, epno = int(self.get(u'seasonnumber', 0)), int(self.get(u'episodenumber', 0))
epname = self.get(u'episodename')
if epname is not None:
return "<Episode %02dx%02d - %s>" % (seasno, epno, epname)
if None is not epname:
return '<Episode %02dx%02d - %r>' % (seasno, epno, epname)
return "<Episode %02dx%02d>" % (seasno, epno)
return '<Episode %02dx%02d>' % (seasno, epno)
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self:
@ -290,7 +280,7 @@ class Episode(dict):
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
except KeyError:
raise tvdb_attributenotfound("Cannot find attribute %s" % (repr(key)))
raise tvdb_attributenotfound('Cannot find attribute %s' % (repr(key)))
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
"""Search episode data for term, if it matches, return the Episode (self).
@ -302,25 +292,25 @@ class Episode(dict):
Simple example:
>>> e = Episode()
>>> e['episodename'] = "An Example"
>>> e.search("examp")
>> e = Episode()
>> e['episodename'] = "An Example"
>> e.search("examp")
<Episode 00x00 - An Example>
Limiting by key:
>>> e.search("examp", key = "episodename")
>> e.search("examp", key = "episodename")
<Episode 00x00 - An Example>
if term == None:
raise TypeError("must supply string to search for (contents)")
if None is term:
raise TypeError('must supply string to search for (contents)')
term = unicode(term).lower()
for cur_key, cur_value in self.items():
cur_key, cur_value = unicode(cur_key).lower(), unicode(cur_value).lower()
if key is not None and cur_key != key:
if None is not key and cur_key != key:
# Do not search this key
if cur_value.find(unicode(term).lower()) > -1:
@ -344,13 +334,13 @@ class Actor(dict):
def __repr__(self):
return "<Actor \"%s\">" % (self.get("name"))
return '<Actor "%r">' % self.get('name')
class Tvdb:
"""Create easy-to-use interface to name of season/episode name
>>> t = Tvdb()
>>> t['Scrubs'][1][24]['episodename']
>> t = Tvdb()
>> t['Scrubs'][1][24]['episodename']
u'My Last Day'
@ -382,8 +372,8 @@ class Tvdb:
debug (True/False) DEPRECATED:
Replaced with proper use of logging module. To show debug messages:
>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
>> import logging
>> logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
cache (True/False/str/unicode/urllib2 opener):
Retrieved XML are persisted to to disc. If true, stores in
@ -397,15 +387,15 @@ class Tvdb:
Retrieves the banners for a show. These are accessed
via the _banners key of a Show(), for example:
>>> Tvdb(banners=True)['scrubs']['_banners'].keys()
>> Tvdb(banners=True)['scrubs']['_banners'].keys()
['fanart', 'poster', 'series', 'season']
actors (True/False):
Retrieves a list of the actors for a show. These are accessed
via the _actors key of a Show(), for example:
>>> t = Tvdb(actors=True)
>>> t['scrubs']['_actors'][0]['name']
>> t = Tvdb(actors=True)
>> t['scrubs']['_actors'][0]['name']
u'Zach Braff'
custom_ui (tvdb_ui.BaseUI subclass):
@ -415,7 +405,7 @@ class Tvdb:
The language of the returned data. Is also the language search
uses. Default is "en" (English). For full list, run..
>>> Tvdb().config['valid_languages'] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>> Tvdb().config['valid_languages'] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
['da', 'fi', 'nl', ...]
search_all_languages (True/False):
@ -447,10 +437,10 @@ class Tvdb:
self.config = {}
if apikey is not None:
if None is not apikey:
self.config['apikey'] = apikey
self.config['apikey'] = "0629B785CE550C8D" # tvdb_api's API key
self.config['apikey'] = '0629B785CE550C8D' # tvdb_api's API key
self.config['debug_enabled'] = debug # show debugging messages
@ -470,31 +460,30 @@ class Tvdb:
if cache is True:
self.config['cache_enabled'] = True
self.config['cache_location'] = self._getTempDir()
self.config['cache_location'] = self._get_temp_dir()
elif cache is False:
self.config['cache_enabled'] = False
elif isinstance(cache, basestring):
self.config['cache_enabled'] = True
self.config['cache_location'] = cache
raise ValueError("Invalid value for Cache %r (type was %s)" % (cache, type(cache)))
raise ValueError('Invalid value for Cache %r (type was %s)' % (cache, type(cache)))
self.config['banners_enabled'] = banners
self.config['actors_enabled'] = actors
if self.config['debug_enabled']:
warnings.warn("The debug argument to tvdb_api.__init__ will be removed in the next version. "
"To enable debug messages, use the following code before importing: "
"import logging; logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)")
warnings.warn('The debug argument to tvdb_api.__init__ will be removed in the next version. ' +
'To enable debug messages, use the following code before importing: ' +
'import logging; logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)')
# List of language from http://thetvdb.com/api/0629B785CE550C8D/languages.xml
# Hard-coded here as it is realtively static, and saves another HTTP request, as
# recommended on http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:languages.xml
self.config['valid_languages'] = [
"da", "fi", "nl", "de", "it", "es", "fr", "pl", "hu", "el", "tr",
"ru", "he", "ja", "pt", "zh", "cs", "sl", "hr", "ko", "en", "sv", "no"
'da', 'fi', 'nl', 'de', 'it', 'es', 'fr', 'pl', 'hu', 'el', 'tr',
'ru', 'he', 'ja', 'pt', 'zh', 'cs', 'sl', 'hr', 'ko', 'en', 'sv', 'no'
# thetvdb.com should be based around numeric language codes,
@ -506,58 +495,52 @@ class Tvdb:
'tr': 21, 'pl': 18, 'fr': 17, 'hr': 31, 'de': 14, 'da': 10, 'fi': 11,
'hu': 19, 'ja': 25, 'he': 24, 'ko': 32, 'sv': 8, 'sl': 30}
if language is None:
if None is language:
self.config['language'] = 'en'
if language not in self.config['valid_languages']:
raise ValueError("Invalid language %s, options are: %s" % (
language, self.config['valid_languages']
raise ValueError('Invalid language %s, options are: %s' % (language, self.config['valid_languages']))
self.config['language'] = language
# The following url_ configs are based of the
# http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/Programmers_API
self.config['base_url'] = "http://thetvdb.com"
self.config['base_url'] = 'http://thetvdb.com'
if self.config['search_all_languages']:
self.config['url_getSeries'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/GetSeries.php" % self.config
self.config['params_getSeries'] = {"seriesname": "", "language": "all"}
self.config['url_get_series'] = u'%(base_url)s/api/GetSeries.php' % self.config
self.config['params_get_series'] = {'seriesname': '', 'language': 'all'}
self.config['url_getSeries'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/GetSeries.php" % self.config
self.config['params_getSeries'] = {"seriesname": "", "language": self.config['language']}
self.config['url_get_series'] = u'%(base_url)s/api/GetSeries.php' % self.config
self.config['params_get_series'] = {'seriesname': '', 'language': self.config['language']}
self.config['url_epInfo'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/all/%%s.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_epInfo_zip'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/all/%%s.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_epInfo'] = u'%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/all/%%s.xml' % self.config
self.config['url_epInfo_zip'] = u'%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/all/%%s.zip' % self.config
self.config['url_seriesInfo'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/%%s.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_actorsInfo'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/actors.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_seriesInfo'] = u'%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/%%s.xml' % self.config
self.config['url_actorsInfo'] = u'%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/actors.xml' % self.config
self.config['url_seriesBanner'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/banners.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] = u"%(base_url)s/banners/%%s" % self.config
self.config['url_seriesBanner'] = u'%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/banners.xml' % self.config
self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] = u'%(base_url)s/banners/%%s' % self.config
self.config['url_updates_all'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_all.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_updates_month'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_month.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_updates_week'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_week.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_updates_day'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_day.zip" % self.config
def _getTempDir(self):
def _get_temp_dir():
"""Returns the [system temp dir]/tvdb_api-u501 (or
if hasattr(os, 'getuid'):
uid = "u%d" % (os.getuid())
uid = 'u%d' % (os.getuid())
# For Windows
uid = getpass.getuser()
except ImportError:
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "tvdb_api")
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tvdb_api')
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "tvdb_api-%s" % (uid))
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tvdb_api-%s' % uid)
def _loadUrl(self, url, params=None, language=None):
def _load_url(self, url, params=None, language=None):
log().debug('Retrieving URL %s' % url)
session = requests.session()
@ -587,21 +570,11 @@ class Tvdb:
# clean up value and do type changes
if value:
if 'firstaired' == key:
if key == 'firstaired' and value in '0000-00-00':
new_value = str(dt.date.fromordinal(1))
new_value = re.sub('([-]0{2})+', '', new_value)
fix_date = parse(new_value, fuzzy=True).date()
value = fix_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
elif key == 'firstaired':
value = parse(value, fuzzy=True).date()
value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
#if key == 'airs_time':
# value = parse(value).time()
# value = value.strftime('%I:%M %p')
value = parse(value, fuzzy=True).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
value = None
return key, value
@ -626,14 +599,14 @@ class Tvdb:
"""Loads a URL using caching, returns an ElementTree of the source
src = self._loadUrl(url, params=params, language=language).values()[0]
src = self._load_url(url, params=params, language=language).values()[0]
return src
return []
def _setItem(self, sid, seas, ep, attrib, value):
def _set_item(self, sid, seas, ep, attrib, value):
"""Creates a new episode, creating Show(), Season() and
Episode()s as required. Called by _getShowData to populate show
Episode()s as required. Called by _get_show_data to populate show
Since the nice-to-use tvdb[1][24]['name] interface
makes it impossible to do tvdb[1][24]['name] = "name"
@ -654,59 +627,57 @@ class Tvdb:
self.shows[sid][seas][ep] = Episode(season=self.shows[sid][seas])
self.shows[sid][seas][ep][attrib] = value
def _setShowData(self, sid, key, value):
def _set_show_data(self, sid, key, value):
"""Sets self.shows[sid] to a new Show instance, or sets the data
if sid not in self.shows:
self.shows[sid] = Show()
self.shows[sid].data[key] = value
def _cleanData(self, data):
def _clean_data(self, data):
"""Cleans up strings returned by TheTVDB.com
Issues corrected:
- Replaces &amp; with &
- Trailing whitespace
data = data.replace(u"&amp;", u"&")
data = data.strip()
return data
return data if data is None else data.strip().replace(u'&amp;', u'&')
def search(self, series):
"""This searches TheTVDB.com for the series name
and returns the result list
series = series.encode("utf-8")
log().debug("Searching for show %s" % series)
self.config['params_getSeries']['seriesname'] = series
series = series.encode('utf-8')
log().debug('Searching for show %s' % series)
self.config['params_get_series']['seriesname'] = series
seriesFound = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_getSeries'], self.config['params_getSeries'])
if seriesFound:
return seriesFound.values()[0]
series_found = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_get_series'], self.config['params_get_series'])
if series_found:
return series_found.values()[0]
return []
def _getSeries(self, series):
def _get_series(self, series):
"""This searches TheTVDB.com for the series name,
If a custom_ui UI is configured, it uses this to select the correct
series. If not, and interactive == True, ConsoleUI is used, if not
BaseUI is used to select the first result.
allSeries = self.search(series)
if not isinstance(allSeries, list):
allSeries = [allSeries]
all_series = self.search(series)
if not isinstance(all_series, list):
all_series = [all_series]
if len(allSeries) == 0:
if 0 == len(all_series):
log().debug('Series result returned zero')
raise tvdb_shownotfound("Show-name search returned zero results (cannot find show on TVDB)")
raise tvdb_shownotfound('Show-name search returned zero results (cannot find show on TVDB)')
if self.config['custom_ui'] is not None:
log().debug("Using custom UI %s" % (repr(self.config['custom_ui'])))
CustomUI = self.config['custom_ui']
ui = CustomUI(config=self.config)
if None is not self.config['custom_ui']:
log().debug('Using custom UI %s' % (repr(self.config['custom_ui'])))
custom_ui = self.config['custom_ui']
ui = custom_ui(config=self.config)
if not self.config['interactive']:
log().debug('Auto-selecting first search result using BaseUI')
@ -715,156 +686,151 @@ class Tvdb:
log().debug('Interactively selecting show using ConsoleUI')
ui = ConsoleUI(config=self.config)
return ui.selectSeries(allSeries)
return ui.selectSeries(all_series)
def _parseBanners(self, sid):
def _parse_banners(self, sid):
"""Parses banners XML, from
http://thetvdb.com/api/[APIKEY]/series/[SERIES ID]/banners.xml
Banners are retrieved using t['show name]['_banners'], for example:
>>> t = Tvdb(banners = True)
>>> t['scrubs']['_banners'].keys()
>> t = Tvdb(banners = True)
>> t['scrubs']['_banners'].keys()
['fanart', 'poster', 'series', 'season']
>>> t['scrubs']['_banners']['poster']['680x1000']['35308']['_bannerpath']
>> t['scrubs']['_banners']['poster']['680x1000']['35308']['_bannerpath']
Any key starting with an underscore has been processed (not the raw
data from the XML)
This interface will be improved in future versions.
log().debug('Getting season banners for %s' % (sid))
bannersEt = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_seriesBanner'] % (sid))
log().debug('Getting season banners for %s' % sid)
banners_et = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_seriesBanner'] % sid)
banners = {}
for cur_banner in bannersEt['banner']:
for cur_banner in banners_et['banner']:
bid = cur_banner['id']
btype = cur_banner['bannertype']
btype2 = cur_banner['bannertype2']
if btype is None or btype2 is None:
if None is btype or None is btype2:
if not btype in banners:
if btype not in banners:
banners[btype] = {}
if not btype2 in banners[btype]:
if btype2 not in banners[btype]:
banners[btype][btype2] = {}
if not bid in banners[btype][btype2]:
if bid not in banners[btype][btype2]:
banners[btype][btype2][bid] = {}
for k, v in cur_banner.items():
if k is None or v is None:
if None is k or None is v:
k, v = k.lower(), v.lower()
banners[btype][btype2][bid][k] = v
for k, v in banners[btype][btype2][bid].items():
if k.endswith("path"):
new_key = "_%s" % (k)
log().debug("Transforming %s to %s" % (k, new_key))
new_url = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
if k.endswith('path'):
new_key = '_%s' % k
log().debug('Transforming %s to %s' % (k, new_key))
new_url = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % v
banners[btype][btype2][bid][new_key] = new_url
self._setShowData(sid, "_banners", banners)
self._set_show_data(sid, '_banners', banners)
def _parseActors(self, sid):
def _parse_actors(self, sid):
"""Parsers actors XML, from
http://thetvdb.com/api/[APIKEY]/series/[SERIES ID]/actors.xml
Actors are retrieved using t['show name]['_actors'], for example:
>>> t = Tvdb(actors = True)
>>> actors = t['scrubs']['_actors']
>>> type(actors)
>> t = Tvdb(actors = True)
>> actors = t['scrubs']['_actors']
>> type(actors)
<class 'tvdb_api.Actors'>
>>> type(actors[0])
>> type(actors[0])
<class 'tvdb_api.Actor'>
>>> actors[0]
>> actors[0]
<Actor "Zach Braff">
>>> sorted(actors[0].keys())
>> sorted(actors[0].keys())
['id', 'image', 'name', 'role', 'sortorder']
>>> actors[0]['name']
>> actors[0]['name']
u'Zach Braff'
>>> actors[0]['image']
>> actors[0]['image']
Any key starting with an underscore has been processed (not the raw
data from the XML)
log().debug("Getting actors for %s" % (sid))
actorsEt = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_actorsInfo'] % (sid))
log().debug('Getting actors for %s' % sid)
actors_et = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_actorsInfo'] % sid)
cur_actors = Actors()
for curActorItem in actorsEt["actor"]:
curActor = Actor()
for curActorItem in actors_et['actor']:
cur_actor = Actor()
for k, v in curActorItem.items():
k = k.lower()
if v is not None:
if k == "image":
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
if None is not v:
if 'image' == k:
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % v
v = self._cleanData(v)
curActor[k] = v
v = self._clean_data(v)
cur_actor[k] = v
self._setShowData(sid, '_actors', cur_actors)
self._set_show_data(sid, '_actors', cur_actors)
def _getShowData(self, sid, language, getEpInfo=False):
def _get_show_data(self, sid, language, get_ep_info=False):
"""Takes a series ID, gets the epInfo URL and parses the TVDB
XML file into the shows dict in layout:
if self.config['language'] is None:
if None is self.config['language']:
log().debug('Config language is none, using show language')
if language is None:
raise tvdb_error("config['language'] was None, this should not happen")
getShowInLanguage = language
if None is language:
raise tvdb_error('config[\'language\'] was None, this should not happen')
get_show_in_language = language
'Configured language %s override show language of %s' % (
getShowInLanguage = self.config['language']
log().debug('Configured language %s override show language of %s' % (self.config['language'], language))
get_show_in_language = self.config['language']
# Parse show information
log().debug('Getting all series data for %s' % (sid))
log().debug('Getting all series data for %s' % sid)
url = self.config['url_epInfo%s' % ('', '_zip')[self.config['useZip']]] % (sid, language)
show_data = self._getetsrc(url, language=getShowInLanguage)
show_data = self._getetsrc(url, language=get_show_in_language)
# check and make sure we have data to process and that it contains a series name
if not len(show_data) or (isinstance(show_data, dict) and 'seriesname' not in show_data['series']):
return False
for k, v in show_data['series'].items():
if v is not None:
if None is not v:
if k in ['banner', 'fanart', 'poster']:
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % v
v = self._cleanData(v)
v = self._clean_data(v)
self._setShowData(sid, k, v)
self._set_show_data(sid, k, v)
if getEpInfo:
if get_ep_info:
# Parse banners
if self.config['banners_enabled']:
# Parse actors
if self.config['actors_enabled']:
# Parse episode data
log().debug('Getting all episodes of %s' % (sid))
log().debug('Getting all episodes of %s' % sid)
if 'episode' not in show_data:
return False
@ -876,38 +842,38 @@ class Tvdb:
for cur_ep in episodes:
if self.config['dvdorder']:
log().debug('Using DVD ordering.')
use_dvd = cur_ep['dvd_season'] != None and cur_ep['dvd_episodenumber'] != None
use_dvd = None is not cur_ep['dvd_season'] and None is not cur_ep['dvd_episodenumber']
use_dvd = False
if use_dvd:
seasnum, epno = cur_ep['dvd_season'], cur_ep['dvd_episodenumber']
elem_seasnum, elem_epno = cur_ep['dvd_season'], cur_ep['dvd_episodenumber']
seasnum, epno = cur_ep['seasonnumber'], cur_ep['episodenumber']
elem_seasnum, elem_epno = cur_ep['seasonnumber'], cur_ep['episodenumber']
if seasnum is None or epno is None:
log().warning("An episode has incomplete season/episode number (season: %r, episode: %r)" % (
seasnum, epno))
if None is elem_seasnum or None is elem_epno:
log().warning('An episode has incomplete season/episode number (season: %r, episode: %r)' % (
elem_seasnum, elem_epno))
continue # Skip to next episode
# float() is because https://github.com/dbr/tvnamer/issues/95 - should probably be fixed in TVDB data
seas_no = int(float(seasnum))
ep_no = int(float(epno))
seas_no = int(float(elem_seasnum))
ep_no = int(float(elem_epno))
for k, v in cur_ep.items():
k = k.lower()
if v is not None:
if k == 'filename':
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
if None is not v:
if 'filename' == k:
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % v
v = self._cleanData(v)
v = self._clean_data(v)
self._setItem(sid, seas_no, ep_no, k, v)
self._set_item(sid, seas_no, ep_no, k, v)
return True
def _nameToSid(self, name):
def _name_to_sid(self, name):
"""Takes show name, returns the correct series ID (if the show has
already been grabbed), or grabs all episodes and returns
the correct SID.
@ -916,12 +882,12 @@ class Tvdb:
log().debug('Correcting %s to %s' % (name, self.corrections[name]))
return self.corrections[name]
log().debug('Getting show %s' % (name))
selected_series = self._getSeries(name)
log().debug('Getting show %s' % name)
selected_series = self._get_series(name)
if isinstance(selected_series, dict):
selected_series = [selected_series]
sids = list(int(x['id']) for x in selected_series if
self._getShowData(int(x['id']), self.config['language']))
self._get_show_data(int(x['id']), self.config['language']))
self.corrections.update(dict((x['seriesname'], int(x['id'])) for x in selected_series))
return sids
@ -932,19 +898,16 @@ class Tvdb:
if isinstance(key, (int, long)):
# Item is integer, treat as show id
if key not in self.shows:
self._getShowData(key, self.config['language'], True)
self._get_show_data(key, self.config['language'], True)
return None if key not in self.shows else self.shows[key]
key = str(key).lower()
self.config['searchterm'] = key
selected_series = self._getSeries(key)
selected_series = self._get_series(key)
if isinstance(selected_series, dict):
selected_series = [selected_series]
[[self._setShowData(show['id'], k, v) for k, v in show.items()] for show in selected_series]
[[self._set_show_data(show['id'], k, v) for k, v in show.items()] for show in selected_series]
return selected_series
#test = self._getSeries(key)
#sids = self._nameToSid(key)
#return list(self.shows[sid] for sid in sids)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.shows)
@ -963,5 +926,5 @@ def main():
print tvdb_instance['Lost'][1][4]['episodename']
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '__main__' == __name__: