Add Plex notifications secure connect where available (PMS and newer with username and password).

This commit is contained in:
JackDandy 2016-10-18 22:55:17 +01:00
parent ade7ebb367
commit 8e8e5602b5
5 changed files with 133 additions and 84 deletions

View file

@ -184,6 +184,7 @@
* Change avi metadata extraction is more fault tolerant and the chance of hanging due to corrupt avi files is reduced
* Change fuzzyMoment to handle air dates before ~1970 on display show page
* Change limit availability of fuzzy date functions on General Config/Interface to English locale systems
* Add Plex notifications secure connect where available (PMS and newer with username and password)
[develop changelog]
* Change send nzb data to NZBGet for Anizb instead of url

View file

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<h1 class="title">$title</h1>
#end if
<img src="$sbRoot/images/loading16#echo ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sickbeard.THEME_NAME]#.gif" height="16" width="16" style="display:none" />
<div id="config">
<div id="config-content">
<form id="configForm" action="saveNotifications" method="post">

View file

@ -1107,9 +1107,11 @@ def getURL(url, post_data=None, params=None, headers=None, timeout=30, session=N
mute_connect_err = kwargs.get('mute_connect_err')
if mute_connect_err:
mute = []
for muted in filter(
lambda x: kwargs.get(x, False), ['mute_connect_err', 'mute_read_timeout', 'mute_connect_timeout']):
mute += [muted]
del kwargs[muted]
# request session ssl verify
session.verify = False
@ -1176,15 +1178,17 @@ def getURL(url, post_data=None, params=None, headers=None, timeout=30, session=N
e.errno, _maybe_request_url(e)), logger.WARNING)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
if not mute_connect_err:
if 'mute_connect_err' not in mute:
logger.log(u'Connection error msg:%s while loading URL%s' % (
e.message, _maybe_request_url(e)), logger.WARNING)
except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e:
if 'mute_read_timeout' not in mute:
logger.log(u'Read timed out msg:%s while loading URL%s' % (
e.message, _maybe_request_url(e)), logger.WARNING)
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, socket.timeout) as e:
if 'mute_connect_timeout' not in mute:
logger.log(u'Connection timed out msg:%s while loading URL %s' % (
e.message, _maybe_request_url(e, url)), logger.WARNING)

View file

@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ import re
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard import common
from sickbeard import common, logger
from sickbeard.exceptions import ex
from sickbeard.encodingKludge import fixStupidEncodings
@ -36,6 +35,14 @@ except ImportError:
class PLEXNotifier:
def __init__(self): = 'PLEX'
def log(self, msg, level=logger.MESSAGE):
logger.log(u'%s: %s' % (, msg), level)
def _send_to_plex(self, command, host, username=None, password=None):
"""Handles communication to Plex hosts via HTTP API
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
password = sickbeard.PLEX_PASSWORD
if not host:
logger.log(u'PLEX: No host specified, check your settings', logger.ERROR)
self.log(u'No host specified, check your settings', logger.ERROR)
return False
for key in command:
@ -65,7 +72,7 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
command[key] = command[key].encode('utf-8')
enc_command = urllib.urlencode(command)
logger.log(u'PLEX: Encoded API command: ' + enc_command, logger.DEBUG)
self.log(u'Encoded API command: ' + enc_command, logger.DEBUG)
url = 'http://%s/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp/?%s' % (host, enc_command)
@ -75,21 +82,21 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1]
authheader = 'Basic %s' % base64string
req.add_header('Authorization', authheader)
logger.log(u'PLEX: Contacting (with auth header) via url: ' + url, logger.DEBUG)
self.log(u'Contacting (with auth header) via url: ' + url, logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u'PLEX: Contacting via url: ' + url, logger.DEBUG)
self.log(u'Contacting via url: ' + url, logger.DEBUG)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
result =
logger.log(u'PLEX: HTTP response: ' + result.replace('\n', ''), logger.DEBUG)
self.log(u'HTTP response: ' + result.replace('\n', ''), logger.DEBUG)
# could return result response = re.compile('<html><li>(.+\w)</html>').findall(result)
return 'OK'
except (urllib2.URLError, IOError) as e:
logger.log(u'PLEX: Warning: Couldn\'t contact Plex at ' + fixStupidEncodings(url) + ' ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
self.log(u'Couldn\'t contact Plex at ' + fixStupidEncodings(url) + ' ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
return False
def _notify_pmc(self, message, title='SickGear', host=None, username=None, password=None, force=False):
@ -123,9 +130,10 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
result = ''
for curHost in [x.strip() for x in host.split(',')]:
logger.log(u'PLEX: Sending notification to \'%s\' - %s' % (curHost, message), logger.MESSAGE)
self.log(u'Sending notification to \'%s\' - %s' % (curHost, message))
command = {'command': 'ExecBuiltIn', 'parameter': 'Notification(%s,%s)' % (title.encode('utf-8'), message.encode('utf-8'))}
command = {'command': 'ExecBuiltIn',
'parameter': 'Notification(%s,%s)' % (title.encode('utf-8'), message.encode('utf-8'))}
notify_result = self._send_to_plex(command, curHost, username, password)
if notify_result:
result += '%s:%s' % (curHost, str(notify_result))
@ -154,13 +162,29 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
title = common.notifyStrings[common.NOTIFY_GIT_UPDATE]
self._notify_pmc(update_text + new_version, title)
def test_notify_pmc(self, host, username, password):
return self._notify_pmc('This is a test notification from SickGear', 'Test', host, username, password, force=True)
def test_notify(self, host, username, password, server=False):
if server:
return self.update_library(host=host, username=username, password=password, force=False, test=True)
return self._notify_pmc(
'This is a test notification from SickGear', 'Test', host, username, password, force=True)
def test_notify_pms(self, host, username, password):
return self.update_library(host=host, username=username, password=password, force=False)
def _get_host_list(host='', enable_secure=False):
Return a list of hosts from a host CSV string
host_list = []
def update_library(self, ep_obj=None, host=None, username=None, password=None, force=True):
user_list = [x.strip().lower() for x in host.split(',')]
for cur_host in user_list:
if cur_host.startswith('https://'):
host_list += ([], [cur_host])[enable_secure]
host_list += ([], ['https://%s' % cur_host])[enable_secure] + ['http://%s' % cur_host]
return host_list
def update_library(self, ep_obj=None, host=None, username=None, password=None, force=True, test=False):
"""Handles updating the Plex Media Server host via HTTP API
Plex Media Server currently only supports updating the whole video library and not a specific path.
@ -170,11 +194,12 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
if sickbeard.USE_PLEX and sickbeard.PLEX_UPDATE_LIBRARY:
if sickbeard.USE_PLEX and sickbeard.PLEX_UPDATE_LIBRARY or test:
if not sickbeard.PLEX_SERVER_HOST:
logger.log(u'PLEX: No Plex Media Server host specified, check your settings', logger.DEBUG)
return False
if not sickbeard.PLEX_SERVER_HOST and not any([host]):
msg = u'No Plex Media Server host specified, check your settings'
self.log(msg, logger.DEBUG)
return '%sFail: %s' % (('', '<br />')[test], msg)
if not host:
host = sickbeard.PLEX_SERVER_HOST
@ -184,10 +209,10 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
password = sickbeard.PLEX_PASSWORD
# if username and password were provided, fetch the auth token from
token_arg = ''
token_arg = None
if username and password:
logger.log(u'PLEX: fetching credentials for user: ' + username, logger.DEBUG)
self.log(u'fetching credentials for user: ' + username, logger.DEBUG)
req = urllib2.Request('', data='')
authheader = 'Basic %s' % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1]
req.add_header('Authorization', authheader)
@ -195,6 +220,7 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
req.add_header('X-Plex-Product', 'SickGear Notifier')
req.add_header('X-Plex-Client-Identifier', '5f48c063eaf379a565ff56c9bb2b401e')
req.add_header('X-Plex-Version', '1.0')
token_arg = False
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
@ -203,36 +229,35 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
token_arg = '?X-Plex-Token=' + token
except urllib2.URLError as e:
logger.log(u'PLEX: Error fetching credentials from from for user %s: %s' % (username, ex(e)), logger.MESSAGE)
self.log(u'Error fetching credentials from for user %s: %s' % (username, ex(e)))
except (ValueError, IndexError) as e:
logger.log(u'PLEX: Error parsing response: ' + ex(e), logger.MESSAGE)
self.log(u'Error parsing response: ' + ex(e))
file_location = '' if None is ep_obj else ep_obj.location
host_list = [x.strip() for x in host.split(',')]
host_validate = self._get_host_list(host, all([token_arg]))
hosts_all = {}
hosts_match = {}
hosts_failed = []
for cur_host in host_list:
url = 'http://%s/library/sections%s' % (cur_host, token_arg)
xml_tree = etree.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
media_container = xml_tree.getroot()
except IOError as e:
logger.log(u'PLEX: Error while trying to contact Plex Media Server: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
for cur_host in host_validate:
response = sickbeard.helpers.getURL(
'%s/library/sections%s' % (cur_host, token_arg or ''), timeout=10,
mute_connect_err=True, mute_read_timeout=True, mute_connect_timeout=True)
if response:
response = sickbeard.helpers.parse_xml(response)
if not response:
sections = media_container.findall('.//Directory')
sections = response.findall('.//Directory')
if not sections:
logger.log(u'PLEX: Plex Media Server not running on: ' + cur_host, logger.MESSAGE)
self.log(u'Plex Media Server not running on: ' + cur_host)
for section in sections:
if 'show' == section.attrib['type']:
for section in filter(lambda x: 'show' == x.attrib['type'], sections):
if str(section.attrib['key']) in hosts_all:
keyed_host = [(str(section.attrib['key']), cur_host)]
if not file_location:
@ -246,24 +271,47 @@ class PLEXNotifier:
if section_path in location_path:
if not test:
hosts_try = (hosts_all.copy(), hosts_match.copy())[any(hosts_match)]
host_list = []
for section_key, cur_host in hosts_try.items():
url = 'http://%s/library/sections/%s/refresh%s' % (cur_host, section_key, token_arg)
force and urllib.urlopen(url)
refresh_result = None
if force:
refresh_result = sickbeard.helpers.getURL(
'%s/library/sections/%s/refresh%s' % (cur_host, section_key, token_arg or ''))
if (force and '' == refresh_result) or not force:
except Exception as e:
logger.log(u'PLEX: Error updating library section for Plex Media Server: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
if len(hosts_match):
logger.log(u'PLEX: Updating hosts where TV section paths match the downloaded show: ' + ', '.join(set(host_list)), logger.MESSAGE)
logger.log(u'PLEX: Updating all hosts with TV sections: ' + ', '.join(set(host_list)), logger.MESSAGE)
self.log(u'Error updating library section for Plex Media Server: %s' % cur_host, logger.ERROR)
return (', '.join(set(hosts_failed)), None)[not len(hosts_failed)]
if len(hosts_failed) == len(host_validate):
self.log(u'No successful Plex host updated')
return 'Fail no successful Plex host updated: %s' % ', '.join(host for host in hosts_failed)
hosts = ', '.join(set(host_list))
if len(hosts_match):
self.log(u'Hosts updating where TV section paths match the downloaded show: %s' % hosts)
self.log(u'Updating all hosts with TV sections: %s' % hosts)
return ''
hosts = [
host.replace('http://', '') for host in filter(lambda x: x.startswith('http:'), hosts_all.values())]
secured = [
host.replace('https://', '') for host in filter(lambda x: x.startswith('https:'), hosts_all.values())]
failed = [
host.replace('http://', '') for host in filter(lambda x: x.startswith('http:'), hosts_failed)]
failed_secured = ', '.join(filter(
lambda x: x not in hosts,
[host.replace('https://', '') for host in filter(lambda x: x.startswith('https:'), hosts_failed)]))
return '<br />' + '<br />'.join(result for result in [
('', 'Fail: username/password when fetching credentials from')[False is token_arg],
('', 'OK (secure connect): %s' % ', '.join(secured))[any(secured)],
('', 'OK%s: %s' % ((' (legacy connect)', '')[None is token_arg], ', '.join(hosts)))[any(hosts)],
('', 'Fail (secure connect): %s' % failed_secured)[any(failed_secured)],
('', 'Fail%s: %s' % ((' (legacy connect)', '')[None is token_arg], failed))[any(failed)]] if result)
notifier = PLEXNotifier

View file

@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ class Home(MainHandler):
finalResult = ''
for curHost in [x.strip() for x in host.split(',')]:
curResult = notifiers.plex_notifier.test_notify_pmc(urllib.unquote_plus(curHost), username, password)
curResult = notifiers.plex_notifier.test_notify(urllib.unquote_plus(curHost), username, password)
if len(curResult.split(':')) > 2 and 'OK' in curResult.split(':')[2]:
finalResult += 'Successful test notice sent to Plex client ... ' + urllib.unquote_plus(curHost)
@ -863,18 +863,13 @@ class Home(MainHandler):
if None is not password and set('*') == set(password):
password = sickbeard.PLEX_PASSWORD
finalResult = ''
curResult = notifiers.plex_notifier.test_notify_pms(urllib.unquote_plus(host), username, password)
if None is curResult:
finalResult += 'Successful test of Plex server(s) ... ' + urllib.unquote_plus(host.replace(',', ', '))
finalResult += 'Test failed for Plex server(s) ... ' + urllib.unquote_plus(curResult.replace(',', ', '))
finalResult += '<br />' + '\n'
cur_result = notifiers.plex_notifier.test_notify(urllib.unquote_plus(host), username, password, server=True)
final_result = (('Test result for', 'Successful test of')['Fail' not in cur_result]
+ ' Plex server(s) ... %s<br />\n' % cur_result)
ui.notifications.message('Tested Plex Media Server host(s): ', urllib.unquote_plus(host.replace(',', ', ')))
return finalResult
return final_result
def testLibnotify(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.set_header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0,no-cache,no-store')
@ -1815,11 +1810,11 @@ class Home(MainHandler):
def updatePLEX(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = notifiers.plex_notifier.update_library()
if None is result:
if 'Fail' not in result:
'Library update command sent to', 'Plex Media Server host(s): ' + sickbeard.PLEX_SERVER_HOST.replace(',', ', '))
ui.notifications.error('Unable to contact', 'Plex Media Server host(s): ' + result.replace(',', ', '))
ui.notifications.error('Unable to contact', 'Plex Media Server host(s): ' + result)
def setStatus(self, show=None, eps=None, status=None, direct=False):