mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 01:43:43 +00:00
Change refactor IMDb.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 126 additions and 151 deletions
@ -243,7 +243,8 @@
<a class="browse-image" href="<%= anon_url(this_show['url_src_db']) %>" target="_blank"
<a class="browse-image" href="<%= anon_url(this_show['url_src_db']) %>" target="_blank"
title="<span style='color: rgb(66, 139, 202)'>$re.sub(r'(?m)\s+\((?:19|20)\d\d\)\s*$', '', $title_html)</span>#if $this_show['genres']#<br /><div style='font-weight:bold'>(<em>$this_show['genres']</em>)</div>#end if#
title="<span style='color: rgb(66, 139, 202)'>$re.sub(r'(?m)\s+\((?:19|20)\d\d\)\s*$', '', $title_html)</span>#if $this_show['genres']#<br /><div style='font-weight:bold'>(<em>$this_show['genres']</em>)</div>#end if#
<p style='margin:0 0 2px'>#echo re.sub(r'([,\.!][^,\.!]*?)$', '...', re.sub(r'([!\?\.])(?=\w)', r'\1 ', $overview))#</p>
<p style='margin:0 0 2px'>#echo re.sub(r'([,\.!][^,\.!]*?)$', '...', re.sub(r'([!\?\.])(?=\w)', r'\1 ', $overview))#</p>
<p><span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888'><em>#if $kwargs and 'newseasons' == $mode#Air#else#First air#end if##echo ('s', 'ed')[$this_show['when_past']]#: $this_show['premiered_str']</em></span></p>
<p><span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888'><em>#if $kwargs and 'newseasons' == $mode#Air#else#First air#end if##echo ('s', 'ed')[$this_show['when_past']]#: $this_show['premiered_str']</em></span>
#if $this_show['ended_str']# - <span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em;color:#888'><em>Ended: $this_show['ended_str']</em></span>#end if#</p>
<span style='float:right'>Click for more at <span class='boldest'>$browse_type</span></span>">
<span style='float:right'>Click for more at <span class='boldest'>$browse_type</span></span>">
#if 'poster' in $this_show['images']:
#if 'poster' in $this_show['images']:
#set $image = $this_show['images']['poster']['thumb']
#set $image = $this_show['images']['poster']['thumb']
@ -2615,6 +2615,118 @@ class NewHomeAddShows(Home):
return json.dumps({'result': 'Success', 'accounts': sickbeard.IMDB_ACCOUNTS})
return json.dumps({'result': 'Success', 'accounts': sickbeard.IMDB_ACCOUNTS})
def parse_imdb_overview(tag):
paragraphs = tag.select('.lister-item-content p')
filtered = []
for item in paragraphs:
if not (item.select('span.certificate') or item.select('span.genre') or
item.select('span.runtime') or item.select('span.ghost')):
split_lines = [element.split('\n') for element in filtered]
filtered = []
least_lines = 10
for item_lines in split_lines:
if len(item_lines) < least_lines:
least_lines = len(item_lines)
filtered = [item_lines]
elif len(item_lines) == least_lines:
overview = None
for item_lines in filtered:
text = ' '.join([item_lines.strip() for item_lines in item_lines]).strip()
if len(text) and (not overview or (len(text) > len(overview))):
overview = text
return overview
def parse_imdb_html(self, html, filtered, kwargs):
img_size = re.compile(r'(?im)(V1[^XY]+([XY]))(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)(.*?)$')
imdb_id = re.compile(r'(?i).*(tt\d+).*')
with BS4Parser(html, features=['html5lib', 'permissive']) as soup:
show_list = soup.select('.lister-list')
shows = [] if not show_list else show_list[0].select('.lister-item')
oldest, newest, oldest_dt, newest_dt = None, None, 9999999, 0
for row in shows:
title = row.select('.lister-item-header a[href*=title]')[0]
url_path = title['href'].strip('/')
ids = dict(imdb=imdb_id.sub(r'\1', url_path))
year, ended = 2*[None]
first_aired = row.select('.lister-item-header .lister-item-year')
if len(first_aired):
years = re.findall(r'.*?(\d{4})(?:.*?(\d{4}))?.*', first_aired[0].get_text())
year, ended = years and years[0] or 2*[None]
dt_ordinal = 0
if year:
dt = dateutil.parser.parse('01-01-%s' % year)
dt_ordinal = dt.toordinal()
if dt_ordinal < oldest_dt:
oldest_dt = dt_ordinal
oldest = year
if dt_ordinal > newest_dt:
newest_dt = dt_ordinal
newest = year
genres = row.select('.genre')
images = {}
img = row.select('.lister-item-image img')
overview = self.parse_imdb_overview(row)
rating = row.find('meta', attrs={'itemprop': 'ratingValue'})
rating = None is not rating and rating.get('content') or ''
voting = row.find('meta', attrs={'itemprop': 'ratingCount'})
voting = None is not voting and voting.get('content') or ''
if len(img):
img_uri = img[0].get('loadlate')
match = img_size.search(img_uri)
if match and 'tv_series.gif' not in img_uri and 'nopicture' not in img_uri:
scale = lambda low1, high1: int((float(450) / high1) * low1)
high = int(max([match.group(9), match.group(11)]))
scaled = [scale(x, high) for x in
[(int(match.group(n)), high)[high == int(match.group(n))] for n in
3, 5, 7, 9, 11]]
parts = [match.group(1), match.group(4), match.group(6), match.group(8), match.group(10),
img_uri = img_uri.replace(match.group(), ''.join(
[str(y) for x in map(None, parts, scaled) for y in x if y is not None]))
path = ek.ek(os.path.abspath, ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR, 'images', 'imdb'))
file_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, img_uri)
cached_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, path, file_name)
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cached_name):
helpers.download_file(img_uri, cached_name)
images = dict(poster=dict(thumb='cache/images/imdb/%s' % file_name))
premiered_str=year or 'No year',
ended_str=ended or '',
when_past=dt_ordinal < datetime.datetime.now().toordinal(), # air time not poss. 16.11.2015
genres=('No genre yet' if not len(genres) else
genres[0].get_text().strip().lower().replace(' |', ',')),
overview='No overview yet' if not overview else self.encode_html(overview[:250:]),
rating=0 if not len(rating) else int(helpers.tryFloat(rating) * 10),
url_src_db='http://www.imdb.com/%s/' % url_path.strip('/'),
votes=0 if not len(voting) else helpers.tryInt(voting, 'TBA')))
show = filter(lambda x: x.imdbid == ids['imdb'], sickbeard.showList)[0]
src = ((None, 'tvrage')[INDEXER_TVRAGE == show.indexer], 'tvdb')[INDEXER_TVDB == show.indexer]
if src:
filtered[-1]['ids'][src] = show.indexerid
filtered[-1]['url_' + src] = '%s%s' % (
sickbeard.indexerApi(show.indexer).config['show_url'], show.indexerid)
except (AttributeError, TypeError, KeyError, IndexError):
kwargs.update(dict(oldest=oldest, newest=newest))
return show_list and True or None
def watchlist_imdb(self, *args, **kwargs):
def watchlist_imdb(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'add' == kwargs.get('action'):
if 'add' == kwargs.get('action'):
@ -2645,84 +2757,17 @@ class NewHomeAddShows(Home):
html = helpers.getURL(url + url_data)
html = helpers.getURL(url + url_data)
if html:
if html:
img_size = re.compile(r'(?im)(V1[^XY]+([XY]))(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)(.*?)$')
show_list_found = self.parse_imdb_html(html, filtered, kwargs)
imdb_id = re.compile(r'(?i).*(tt\d+).*')
with BS4Parser(html, features=['html5lib', 'permissive']) as soup:
show_list = soup.find('div', {'class': 'lister-list'})
shows = [] if not show_list else show_list.find_all('div', {'class': 'mode-detail'})
oldest, newest, oldest_dt, newest_dt = None, None, 9999999, 0
for show in shows:
url_path = show.select('h3.lister-item-header a[href*=title]')[0]['href'].strip('/')
ids = dict(imdb=imdb_id.sub(r'\1', url_path))
first_aired = show.select('h3.lister-item-header span.lister-item-year')
year = None if not len(first_aired) else re.sub(r'.*(\d{4}).*', r'\1', first_aired[0].get_text())
dt_ordinal = 0
if year:
dt = dateutil.parser.parse('01-01-%s' % year)
dt_ordinal = dt.toordinal()
if dt_ordinal < oldest_dt:
oldest_dt = dt_ordinal
oldest = year
if dt_ordinal > newest_dt:
newest_dt = dt_ordinal
newest = year
genres = show.select('span.genre')
images = {}
img = show.select('div.lister-item-image img')
overview = '' if not show.find('p', '') else show.find('p', '').get_text().strip()
rating = show.find('meta', attrs={'itemprop': 'ratingValue'})
rating = None is not rating and rating.get('content') or ''
voting = show.find('meta', attrs={'itemprop': 'ratingCount'})
voting = None is not voting and voting.get('content') or ''
if len(img):
img_uri = img[0].get('loadlate')
match = img_size.search(img_uri)
if match and 'tv_series.gif' not in img_uri and 'nopicture' not in img_uri:
scale = lambda low1, high1: int((float(450) / high1) * low1)
high = int(max([match.group(9), match.group(11)]))
scaled = [scale(x, high) for x in [(int(match.group(n)), high)[high == int(match.group(n))] for n in 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]]
parts = [match.group(1), match.group(4), match.group(6), match.group(8), match.group(10), match.group(12)]
img_uri = img_uri.replace(match.group(), ''.join([str(y) for x in map(None, parts, scaled) for y in x if y is not None]))
path = ek.ek(os.path.abspath, ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR, 'images', 'imdb'))
file_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, img_uri)
cached_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, path, file_name)
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cached_name):
helpers.download_file(img_uri, cached_name)
images = dict(poster=dict(thumb='cache/images/imdb/%s' % file_name))
premiered_str=year or 'No year',
when_past=dt_ordinal < datetime.datetime.now().toordinal(), # air time not poss. 16.11.2015
genres='No genre yet' if not len(genres) else genres[0].get_text().strip().lower().replace(' |', ','),
overview='No overview yet' if not len(overview) else self.encode_html(overview[:250:].strip()),
rating=0 if not len(rating) else int(helpers.tryFloat(rating) * 10),
title=show.select('h3.lister-item-header a[href*=title]')[0].get_text().strip(),
url_src_db='http://www.imdb.com/%s/' % url_path,
votes=0 if not len(voting) else helpers.tryInt(voting)))
tvshow = filter(lambda x: x.imdbid == ids['imdb'], sickbeard.showList)[0]
src = ((None, 'tvrage')[INDEXER_TVRAGE == tvshow.indexer], 'tvdb')[INDEXER_TVDB == tvshow.indexer]
if src:
filtered[-1]['ids'][src] = tvshow.indexerid
filtered[-1]['url_' + src] = '%s%s' % (sickbeard.indexerApi(tvshow.indexer).config['show_url'], tvshow.indexerid)
except (AttributeError, TypeError, KeyError, IndexError):
kwargs.update(dict(oldest=oldest, newest=newest, start_year=start_year))
if len(filtered):
if len(filtered):
footnote = 'Note; Some images on this page may be cropped at source: <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s watchlist at IMDb</a>' % (helpers.anon_url(url + url_ui), list_name)
footnote = ('Note; Some images on this page may be cropped at source: ' +
elif None is not show_list:
'<a target="_blank" href="%s">%s watchlist at IMDb</a>' % (
helpers.anon_url(url + url_ui), list_name))
elif None is not show_list_found:
kwargs['show_header'] = True
kwargs['show_header'] = True
kwargs['error_msg'] = 'No TV titles in the <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s watchlist at IMDb</a>' % (helpers.anon_url(url + url_ui), list_name)
kwargs['error_msg'] = 'No TV titles in the <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s watchlist at IMDb</a>' % (
helpers.anon_url(url + url_ui), list_name)
kwargs.update(dict(footnote=footnote, mode='watchlist-%s' % acc_id, periods=periods))
kwargs.update(dict(footnote=footnote, mode='watchlist-%s' % acc_id, periods=periods))
return self.browse_shows(browse_type, '%s IMDb Watchlist' % list_name, filtered, **kwargs)
return self.browse_shows(browse_type, '%s IMDb Watchlist' % list_name, filtered, **kwargs)
@ -2746,83 +2791,12 @@ class NewHomeAddShows(Home):
url = 'http://www.imdb.com/search/title?at=0&sort=moviemeter&title_type=tv_series&year=%s,%s' % (start_year, end_year)
url = 'http://www.imdb.com/search/title?at=0&sort=moviemeter&title_type=tv_series&year=%s,%s' % (start_year, end_year)
html = helpers.getURL(url)
html = helpers.getURL(url)
if html:
if html:
img_size = re.compile(r'(?im)(V1[^XY]+([XY]))(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)(.*?)$')
self.parse_imdb_html(html, filtered, kwargs)
vote_value = re.compile(r'(?i).*\((\d*).?(\d*)\svotes\).*')
kwargs.update(dict(mode=mode, periods=periods))
imdb_id = re.compile(r'(?i).*(tt\d+)$')
with BS4Parser(html, features=['html5lib', 'permissive']) as soup:
show_list = soup.find('table', {'class': 'results'})
shows = [] if not show_list else show_list.find_all('tr')
oldest, newest, oldest_dt, newest_dt = None, None, 9999999, 0
for tr in shows[1:]:
url_path = tr.select('td.title a[href*=title]')[0]['href'].strip('/')
ids = dict(imdb=imdb_id.sub(r'\1', url_path))
first_aired = tr.select('td.title span.year_type')
year = None if not len(first_aired) else re.sub(r'.*(\d{4}).*', r'\1', first_aired[0].get_text())
dt_ordinal = 0
if year:
dt = dateutil.parser.parse('01-01-%s' % year)
dt_ordinal = dt.toordinal()
if dt_ordinal < oldest_dt:
oldest_dt = dt_ordinal
oldest = year
if dt_ordinal > newest_dt:
newest_dt = dt_ordinal
newest = year
genres = tr.select('td.title span.genre')
images = {}
img = tr.select('td.image img')
overview = tr.select('td.title span.outline')
rating = tr.select('td.title span.rating-rating span.value')
voting = tr.select('td.title div.rating-list')
if len(img):
img_uri = img[0].get('src')
match = img_size.search(img_uri)
if match and 'tv_series.gif' not in img_uri:
scale = lambda low1, high1: int((float(450) / high1) * low1)
high = int(max([match.group(9), match.group(11)]))
scaled = [scale(x, high) for x in [(int(match.group(n)), high)[high == int(match.group(n))] for n in 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]]
parts = [match.group(1), match.group(4), match.group(6), match.group(8), match.group(10), match.group(12)]
img_uri = img_uri.replace(match.group(), ''.join([str(y) for x in map(None, parts, scaled) for y in x if y is not None]))
path = ek.ek(os.path.abspath, ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR, 'images', 'imdb'))
file_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, img_uri)
cached_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, path, file_name)
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cached_name):
helpers.download_file(img_uri, cached_name)
images = dict(poster=dict(thumb='cache/images/imdb/%s' % file_name))
premiered_str=year or 'No year',
when_past=dt_ordinal < datetime.datetime.now().toordinal(), # air time not poss. 16.11.2015
genres=('No genre yet' if not len(genres) else
genres[0].get_text().lower().replace(' |', ',')),
overview=('No overview yet' if not len(overview) else
rating=0 if not len(rating) else int(helpers.tryFloat(rating[0].get_text()) * 10),
title=tr.select('td.title a')[0].get_text().strip(),
url_src_db='http://www.imdb.com/%s/' % url_path,
votes=0 if not len(voting) else helpers.tryInt(
vote_value.sub(r'\1\2', voting[0].get('title')), 'TBA')))
tvshow = filter(lambda x: x.imdbid == ids['imdb'], sickbeard.showList)[0]
src = ((None, 'tvrage')[INDEXER_TVRAGE == tvshow.indexer], 'tvdb')[INDEXER_TVDB == tvshow.indexer]
if src:
filtered[-1]['ids'][src] = tvshow.indexerid
filtered[-1]['url_' + src] = '%s%s' % (sickbeard.indexerApi(tvshow.indexer).config['show_url'], tvshow.indexerid)
except (AttributeError, TypeError, KeyError, IndexError):
kwargs.update(dict(oldest=oldest, newest=newest, mode=mode, periods=periods))
if len(filtered):
if len(filtered):
footnote = 'Note; Some images on this page may be cropped at source: <a target="_blank" href="%s">IMDb</a>' % helpers.anon_url(url)
footnote = ('Note; Some images on this page may be cropped at source: ' +
'<a target="_blank" href="%s">IMDb</a>' % helpers.anon_url(url))
return self.browse_shows(browse_type, 'Most Popular IMDb TV', filtered, **kwargs)
return self.browse_shows(browse_type, 'Most Popular IMDb TV', filtered, **kwargs)
Reference in a new issue