mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 10:43:38 +00:00
Merge branch 'feature/ChangeUnicodePy3' into dev
This commit is contained in:
133 changed files with 1799 additions and 1930 deletions
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ for cleaned_path, test_path, dir_list in cleanups:
with io.open(cleaned_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
fp.write(u'This file exists to prevent a rerun delete of *.pyc, *.pyo files')
fp.write('This file exists to prevent a rerun delete of *.pyc, *.pyo files')
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ if not os.path.isfile(cleaned_file) or os.path.exists(test):
swap_name = cleaned_file
cleaned_file = danger_output
danger_output = swap_name
msg = u'Failed (permissions?) to delete file(s). You must manually delete:\r\n%s' % '\r\n'.join(bad_files)
msg = 'Failed (permissions?) to delete file(s). You must manually delete:\r\n%s' % '\r\n'.join(bad_files)
msg = u'This file exists to prevent a rerun delete of dead lib/html5lib files'
msg = 'This file exists to prevent a rerun delete of dead lib/html5lib files'
with io.open(cleaned_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class TraktAPI(object):
code = getattr(e.response, 'status_code', None)
if not code:
if 'timed out' in ex(e):
log.warning(u'Timeout connecting to Trakt')
log.warning('Timeout connecting to Trakt')
if count >= self.max_retrys:
raise TraktTimeout()
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
@ -285,12 +285,12 @@ class TraktAPI(object):
# This is pretty much a fatal error if there is no status_code
# It means there basically was no response at all
log.warning(u'Could not connect to Trakt. Error: %s' % ex(e))
log.warning('Could not connect to Trakt. Error: %s' % ex(e))
raise TraktException('Could not connect to Trakt. Error: %s' % ex(e))
elif 502 == code:
# Retry the request, Cloudflare had a proxying issue
log.warning(u'Retrying Trakt api request: %s' % path)
log.warning(f'Retrying Trakt api request: {path}')
if count >= self.max_retrys:
raise TraktCloudFlareException()
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class TraktAPI(object):
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
log.warning(u'Unauthorized. Please check your Trakt settings')
log.warning('Unauthorized. Please check your Trakt settings')
raise TraktAuthException()
@ -318,18 +318,18 @@ class TraktAPI(object):
raise TraktAuthException()
elif code in (500, 501, 503, 504, 520, 521, 522):
if count >= self.max_retrys:
log.warning(u'Trakt may have some issues and it\'s unavailable. Code: %s' % code)
log.warning(f'Trakt may have some issues and it\'s unavailable. Code: {code}')
raise TraktServerError(error_code=code)
# http://docs.trakt.apiary.io/#introduction/status-codes
log.warning(u'Trakt may have some issues and it\'s unavailable. Trying again')
log.warning('Trakt may have some issues and it\'s unavailable. Trying again')
return self.trakt_request(path, data, headers, url, count=count, sleep_retry=sleep_retry,
send_oauth=send_oauth, method=method)
elif 404 == code:
log.warning(u'Trakt error (404) the resource does not exist: %s%s' % (url, path))
log.warning(f'Trakt error (404) the resource does not exist: {url}{path}')
raise TraktMethodNotExisting('Trakt error (404) the resource does not exist: %s%s' % (url, path))
elif 429 == code:
if count >= self.max_retrys:
log.warning(u'Trakt replied with Rate-Limiting, maximum retries exceeded.')
log.warning('Trakt replied with Rate-Limiting, maximum retries exceeded.')
raise TraktServerError(error_code=code)
r_headers = getattr(e.response, 'headers', None)
if None is not r_headers:
@ -356,14 +356,14 @@ class TraktAPI(object):
'revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request,'
' or was issued to another client.')
log.error(u'Could not connect to Trakt. Code error: {0}'.format(code))
log.error('Could not connect to Trakt. Code error: {0}'.format(code))
raise TraktException('Could not connect to Trakt. Code error: %s' % code)
except ConnectionSkipException as e:
log.warning('Connection is skipped')
raise e
except ValueError as e:
log.error(u'Value Error: %s' % ex(e))
raise TraktValueError(u'Value Error: %s' % ex(e))
log.error(f'Value Error: {ex(e)}')
raise TraktValueError(f'Value Error: {ex(e)}')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.error('Exception: %s' % ex(e))
raise TraktException('Could not connect to Trakt. Code error: %s' % ex(e))
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class Tvdb(TVInfoBase):
"""Create easy-to-use interface to name of season/episode name
>> t = Tvdb()
>> t['Scrubs'][1][24]['episodename']
u'My Last Day'
'My Last Day'
map_languages = {}
reverse_map_languages = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(map_languages)}
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class Tvdb(TVInfoBase):
>> t = Tvdb(actors=True)
>> t['scrubs']['actors'][0]['name']
u'Zach Braff'
'Zach Braff'
custom_ui (tvdb_ui.BaseUI subclass):
A callable subclass of tvdb_ui.BaseUI (overrides interactive option)
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ class Tvdb(TVInfoBase):
resp['data'] = data_list
return resp
return dict([(u'data', (None, resp)[isinstance(resp, string_types)])])
return dict([('data', (None, resp)[isinstance(resp, string_types)])])
def _getetsrc(self, url, params=None, language=None, parse_json=False):
"""Loads a URL using caching
@ -1015,14 +1015,14 @@ class Tvdb(TVInfoBase):
url_image = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], image_data['data'][0]['filename'])
url_thumb = self._make_image(self.config['url_artworks'], image_data['data'][0]['thumbnail'])
self._set_show_data(sid, image_type, url_image)
self._set_show_data(sid, u'%s_thumb' % image_type, url_thumb)
self._set_show_data(sid, f'{image_type}_thumb', url_thumb)
excluded_main_data = True # artwork found so prevent fallback
self._parse_banners(sid, image_data['data'])
self.shows[sid].__dict__[loaded_name] = True
# fallback image thumbnail for none excluded_main_data if artwork is not found
if not excluded_main_data and show_data['data'].get(image_type):
self._set_show_data(sid, u'%s_thumb' % image_type,
self._set_show_data(sid, f'{image_type}_thumb',
re.sub(r'\.jpg$', '_t.jpg', show_data['data'][image_type], flags=re.I))
def _get_show_data(self,
@ -1067,11 +1067,11 @@ class Tvdb(TVInfoBase):
show_data = {'data': {}}
for img_type, en_type, p_type in [(u'poster', 'posters_enabled', posters),
(u'banner', 'banners_enabled', banners),
(u'fanart', 'fanart_enabled', fanart),
(u'season', 'seasons_enabled', seasons),
(u'seasonwide', 'seasonwides_enabled', seasonwides)]:
for img_type, en_type, p_type in [('poster', 'posters_enabled', posters),
('banner', 'banners_enabled', banners),
('fanart', 'fanart_enabled', fanart),
('season', 'seasons_enabled', seasons),
('seasonwide', 'seasonwides_enabled', seasonwides)]:
self._parse_images(sid, language, show_data, img_type, en_type, p_type)
if (actors or self.config['actors_enabled']) and not getattr(self.shows.get(sid), 'actors_loaded', False):
@ -1175,9 +1175,9 @@ class Tvdb(TVInfoBase):
page += 1
ep_map_keys = {'absolutenumber': u'absolute_number', 'airedepisodenumber': u'episodenumber',
'airedseason': u'seasonnumber', 'airedseasonid': u'seasonid',
'dvdepisodenumber': u'dvd_episodenumber', 'dvdseason': u'dvd_season'}
ep_map_keys = {'absolutenumber': 'absolute_number', 'airedepisodenumber': 'episodenumber',
'airedseason': 'seasonnumber', 'airedseasonid': 'seasonid',
'dvdepisodenumber': 'dvd_episodenumber', 'dvdseason': 'dvd_season'}
for cur_ep in episodes:
if self.config['dvdorder']:
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ It must have a method "select_series", this is passed a list of dicts, each dict
contains the the keys "name" (human readable show name), and "sid" (the shows
ID as on thetvdb.com). For example:
[{'name': u'Lost', 'sid': u'73739'},
{'name': u'Lost Universe', 'sid': u'73181'}]
[{'name': 'Lost', 'sid': '73739'},
{'name': 'Lost Universe', 'sid': '73181'}]
The "select_series" method must return the appropriate dict, or it can raise
tvdb_userabort (if the selection is aborted), tvdb_shownotfound (if the show
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def generate_key(key_size=4096, output_file='server.key'):
# Ported from cryptography docs/x509/tutorial.rst
def generate_local_cert(private_key, days_valid=3650, output_file='server.crt', loc_name=None, org_name=None):
def_name = u'SickGear'
def_name = 'SickGear'
# Various details about who we are. For a self-signed certificate the
# subject and issuer are always the same.
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def generate_local_cert(private_key, days_valid=3650, output_file='server.crt',
# build Subject Alternate Names (aka SAN) list
# First the host names, add with x509.DNSName():
san_list = [x509.DNSName(u'localhost')]
san_list = [x509.DNSName('localhost')]
thishostname = text_type(socket.gethostname())
@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ def generate_local_cert(private_key, days_valid=3650, output_file='server.crt',
# noinspection PyCompatibility
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address
# append local v4 ip
mylocalipv4 = localipv4()
if mylocalipv4:
san_list.append(x509.IPAddress(IPv4Address(u'' + mylocalipv4)))
san_list.append(x509.IPAddress(IPv4Address('' + mylocalipv4)))
except (ImportError, Exception):
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class Plex(object):
if self.use_logger:
msg = 'Plex:: ' + msg
if debug:
logger.log(msg, logger.DEBUG)
# else:
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ def clean_data(data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
return {k: clean_data(v) for k, v in iteritems(data)}
if isinstance(data, string_types):
return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', html_unescape(data).strip().replace(u'&', u'&'))
return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', html_unescape(data).strip().replace('&', '&'))
return data
@ -938,8 +938,8 @@ def get_url(url, # type: AnyStr
http_err_text = 'Custom HTTP error code'
if 'mute_http_error' not in mute:
logger.debug(u'Response not ok. %s: %s from requested url %s'
% (response.status_code, http_err_text, url))
logger.debug(f'Response not ok. {response.status_code}: {http_err_text} from requested url'
f' {url}')
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
raised = e
@ -948,29 +948,29 @@ def get_url(url, # type: AnyStr
not (exclude_client_http_codes and is_client_error):
connection_fail_params = dict(fail_type=ConnectionFailTypes.http, code=e.response.status_code)
if not raise_status_code:
logger.warning(u'HTTP error %s while loading URL%s' % (e.errno, _maybe_request_url(e)))
logger.warning(f'HTTP error {e.errno} while loading URL{_maybe_request_url(e)}')
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
raised = e
if 'mute_connect_err' not in mute:
logger.warning(u'Connection error msg:%s while loading URL%s' % (ex(e), _maybe_request_url(e)))
logger.warning(f"Connection error msg:{ex(e)} while loading URL{_maybe_request_url(e)}")
if failure_monitor:
connection_fail_params = dict(fail_type=ConnectionFailTypes.connection)
except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e:
raised = e
if 'mute_read_timeout' not in mute:
logger.warning(u'Read timed out msg:%s while loading URL%s' % (ex(e), _maybe_request_url(e)))
logger.warning(f'Read timed out msg:{ex(e)} while loading URL{_maybe_request_url(e)}')
if failure_monitor:
connection_fail_params = dict(fail_type=ConnectionFailTypes.timeout)
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, socket.timeout) as e:
raised = e
if 'mute_connect_timeout' not in mute:
logger.warning(u'Connection timed out msg:%s while loading URL %s' % (ex(e), _maybe_request_url(e, url)))
logger.warning(f'Connection timed out msg:{ex(e)} while loading URL {_maybe_request_url(e, url)}')
if failure_monitor:
connection_fail_params = dict(fail_type=ConnectionFailTypes.connection_timeout)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
raised = e
logger.warning((u'Exception caught while loading URL {0}\r\nDetail... %s\r\n{1}' % ex(e),
u'Unknown exception while loading URL {0}\r\nDetail... {1}')[not ex(e)]
logger.warning(('Exception caught while loading URL {0}\r\nDetail... %s\r\n{1}' % ex(e),
'Unknown exception while loading URL {0}\r\nDetail... {1}')[not ex(e)]
.format(url, traceback.format_exc()))
if failure_monitor:
connection_fail_params = dict(fail_type=ConnectionFailTypes.other)
@ -1009,8 +1009,8 @@ def get_url(url, # type: AnyStr
result = result, session
except (TypeError, Exception) as e:
raised = e
logger.warning(u'%s data issue from URL %s\r\nDetail... %s' % (
('Proxy browser', 'JSON')[parse_json], url, ex(e)))
logger.warning(f'{("Proxy browser", "JSON")[parse_json]} data issue from URL {url}\r\n'
f'Detail... {ex(e)}')
elif savename:
@ -1135,15 +1135,15 @@ def fix_set_group_id(child_path):
user_id = os.geteuid() # only available on UNIX
if 0 != user_id and user_id != child_path_owner:
logger.debug(u'Not running as root or owner of %s, not trying to set the set-group-id' % child_path)
logger.debug(f'Not running as root or owner of {child_path}, not trying to set the set-group-id')
os.chown(child_path, -1, parent_gid) # only available on UNIX
logger.debug(u'Respecting the set-group-ID bit on the parent directory for %s' % child_path)
logger.debug(f'Respecting the set-group-ID bit on the parent directory for {child_path}')
except OSError:
logger.error(u'Failed to respect the set-group-id bit on the parent directory for %s (setting group id %i)'
% (child_path, parent_gid))
logger.error(f'Failed to respect the set-group-id bit on the parent directory for {child_path}'
f' (setting group id {parent_gid:d})')
def remove_file_perm(filepath, log_err=True):
@ -1203,9 +1203,9 @@ def remove_file(filepath, tree=False, prefix_failure='', log_level=logging.INFO)
except OSError as e:
if getattr(e, 'winerror', 0) not in (5, 32): # 5=access denied (e.g. av), 32=another process has lock
logger.log(level=log_level, msg=u'%sUnable to %s %s %s: %s' %
(prefix_failure, ('delete', 'trash')[TRASH_REMOVE_SHOW],
('file', 'dir')[tree], filepath, ex(e)))
msg=f'{prefix_failure}Unable to {("delete", "trash")[TRASH_REMOVE_SHOW]}'
f' {("file", "dir")[tree]} {filepath}: {ex(e)}')
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
@ -1258,10 +1258,10 @@ def make_path(name, syno=False):
# Windows, create all missing folders
if os.name in ('nt', 'ce'):
logger.debug(u'Path %s doesn\'t exist, creating it' % name)
logger.debug(f"Path {name} doesn't exist, creating it")
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
logger.error(u'Failed creating %s : %s' % (name, ex(e)))
logger.error(f'Failed creating {name} : {ex(e)}')
return False
# not Windows, create all missing folders and set permissions
@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@ def make_path(name, syno=False):
logger.debug(u'Path %s doesn\'t exist, creating it' % sofar)
logger.debug(f"Path {sofar} doesn't exist, creating it")
# use normpath to remove end separator, otherwise checks permissions against itself
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ def make_path(name, syno=False):
# do the library update for synoindex
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
logger.error(u'Failed creating %s : %s' % (sofar, ex(e)))
logger.error(f'Failed creating {sofar} : {ex(e)}')
return False
return True
@ -1306,7 +1306,7 @@ def chmod_as_parent(child_path):
parent_path = os.path.dirname(child_path)
if not parent_path:
logger.debug(u'No parent path provided in %s, unable to get permissions from it' % child_path)
logger.debug(f'No parent path provided in {child_path}, unable to get permissions from it')
parent_path_stat = os.stat(parent_path)
@ -1327,15 +1327,14 @@ def chmod_as_parent(child_path):
user_id = os.geteuid() # only available on UNIX
if 0 != user_id and user_id != child_path_owner:
logger.debug(u'Not running as root or owner of %s, not trying to set permissions' % child_path)
logger.debug(f'Not running as root or owner of {child_path}, not trying to set permissions')
os.chmod(child_path, child_mode)
logger.debug(u'Setting permissions for %s to %o as parent directory has %o'
% (child_path, child_mode, parent_mode))
logger.debug(f'Setting permissions for {child_path} to {child_mode:o} as parent directory has {parent_mode:o}')
except OSError:
logger.error(u'Failed to set permission for %s to %o' % (child_path, child_mode))
logger.error(f'Failed to set permission for {child_path} to {child_mode:o}')
def file_bit_filter(mode):
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class SickGear(object):
rc.load_msg = load_msg
print(u'ERROR: Could not download Rollback Module.')
print('ERROR: Could not download Rollback Module.')
except (BaseException, Exception):
@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ class SickGear(object):
if self.run_as_daemon:
pid_dir = os.path.dirname(self.pid_file)
if not os.access(pid_dir, os.F_OK):
sys.exit(u"PID dir: %s doesn't exist. Exiting." % pid_dir)
sys.exit(f"PID dir: {pid_dir} doesn't exist. Exiting.")
if not os.access(pid_dir, os.W_OK):
sys.exit(u'PID dir: %s must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.' % pid_dir)
sys.exit(f'PID dir: {pid_dir} must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.')
if self.console_logging:
print(u'Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled')
print('Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled')
self.create_pid = False
@ -309,27 +309,27 @@ class SickGear(object):
os.makedirs(sickgear.DATA_DIR, 0o744)
except os.error:
sys.exit(u'Unable to create data directory: %s Exiting.' % sickgear.DATA_DIR)
sys.exit(f'Unable to create data directory: {sickgear.DATA_DIR} Exiting.')
# Make sure we can write to the data dir
if not os.access(sickgear.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK):
sys.exit(u'Data directory: %s must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.' % sickgear.DATA_DIR)
sys.exit(f'Data directory: {sickgear.DATA_DIR} must be writable (write permissions). Exiting.')
# Make sure we can write to the config file
if not os.access(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK):
if os.path.isfile(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE):
sys.exit(u'Config file: %s must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting.' % sickgear.CONFIG_FILE)
sys.exit(f'Config file: {sickgear.CONFIG_FILE} must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting.')
elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE), os.W_OK):
sys.exit(u'Config file directory: %s must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting'
% os.path.dirname(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE))
sys.exit(f'Config file directory: {os.path.dirname(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE)}'
f' must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting')
if self.console_logging:
print(u'Starting up SickGear from %s' % sickgear.CONFIG_FILE)
print(f'Starting up SickGear from {sickgear.CONFIG_FILE}')
# Load the config and publish it to the sickgear package
if not os.path.isfile(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE):
print(u'Unable to find "%s", all settings will be default!' % sickgear.CONFIG_FILE)
print(f'Unable to find "{sickgear.CONFIG_FILE}", all settings will be default!')
sickgear.CFG = ConfigObj(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE)
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class SickGear(object):
if self.forced_port:
logger.log(u'Forcing web server to port %s' % self.forced_port)
logger.log(f'Forcing web server to port {self.forced_port}')
self.start_port = self.forced_port
self.start_port = sickgear.WEB_PORT
@ -403,12 +403,11 @@ class SickGear(object):
sickgear.started = True
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Unable to start web server, is something else running on port %d?' % self.start_port,
logger.error(f'Unable to start web server, is something else running on port {self.start_port:d}?')
if self.run_as_systemd:
if sickgear.LAUNCH_BROWSER and not self.no_launch:
logger.log(u'Launching browser and exiting', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Launching browser and exiting')
@ -439,11 +438,11 @@ class SickGear(object):
self.execute_rollback(mo, max_v, load_msg)
cur_db_version = db.DBConnection(d).check_db_version()
if 100000 <= cur_db_version:
print(u'Rollback to production failed.')
sys.exit(u'If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes')
print('Rollback to production failed.')
sys.exit('If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes')
if 100000 <= max_v and None is not base_v:
max_v = base_v # set max_v to the needed base production db for test_db
print(u'Rollback to production of [%s] successful.' % d)
print(f'Rollback to production of [{d}] successful.')
sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Finished')
# handling of production version higher than current base of test db
@ -454,30 +453,29 @@ class SickGear(object):
self.execute_rollback(mo, base_v, load_msg)
cur_db_version = db.DBConnection(d).check_db_version()
if 100000 <= cur_db_version:
print(u'Rollback to production base failed.')
sys.exit(u'If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes')
print('Rollback to production base failed.')
sys.exit('If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes')
if 100000 <= max_v and None is not base_v:
max_v = base_v # set max_v to the needed base production db for test_db
print(u'Rollback to production base of [%s] successful.' % d)
print(f'Rollback to production base of [{d}] successful.')
sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Finished')
# handling of production db versions
if 0 < cur_db_version < 100000:
if cur_db_version < min_v:
print(u'Your [%s] database version (%s) is too old to migrate from with this version of SickGear'
% (d, cur_db_version))
sys.exit(u'Upgrade using a previous version of SG first,'
+ u' or start with no database file to begin fresh')
print(f'Your [{d}] database version ({cur_db_version})'
f' is too old to migrate from with this version of SickGear')
sys.exit('Upgrade using a previous version of SG first,'
' or start with no database file to begin fresh')
if cur_db_version > max_v:
sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Rollback')
print(u'Your [%s] database version (%s) has been incremented past'
u' what this version of SickGear supports. Trying to rollback now. Please wait...' %
(d, cur_db_version))
print(f'Your [{d}] database version ({cur_db_version}) has been incremented past what this'
f' version of SickGear supports. Trying to rollback now. Please wait...')
self.execute_rollback(mo, max_v, load_msg)
if db.DBConnection(d).check_db_version() > max_v:
print(u'Rollback failed.')
sys.exit(u'If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes')
print(u'Rollback of [%s] successful.' % d)
print('Rollback failed.')
sys.exit('If you have used other forks, your database may be unusable due to their changes')
print(f'Rollback of [{d}] successful.')
sickgear.classes.loading_msg.set_msg_progress(load_msg, 'Finished')
# migrate the config if it needs it
@ -501,9 +499,9 @@ class SickGear(object):
if os.path.exists(restore_dir):
sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Restoring files'
if self.restore(restore_dir, sickgear.DATA_DIR):
logger.log(u'Restore successful...')
logger.log('Restore successful...')
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Restore FAILED!')
logger.log_error_and_exit('Restore FAILED!')
# refresh network timezones
sickgear.classes.loading_msg.message = 'Checking network timezones'
@ -669,7 +667,7 @@ class SickGear(object):
# Write pid
if self.create_pid:
pid = str(os.getpid())
logger.log(u'Writing PID: %s to %s' % (pid, self.pid_file))
logger.log(f'Writing PID: {pid} to {self.pid_file}')
os.fdopen(os.open(self.pid_file, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o644), 'w').write('%s\n' % pid)
except (BaseException, Exception) as er:
@ -705,7 +703,7 @@ class SickGear(object):
Populates the showList with shows from the database
logger.log(u'Loading initial show list')
logger.log('Loading initial show list')
my_db = db.DBConnection(row_type='dict')
sql_result = my_db.select(
@ -749,8 +747,7 @@ class SickGear(object):
sickgear.showDict[show_obj.sid_int] = show_obj
_ = show_obj.ids
except (BaseException, Exception) as err:
logger.log('There was an error creating the show in %s: %s' % (
cur_result['location'], ex(err)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('There was an error creating the show in %s: %s' % (cur_result['location'], ex(err)))
@ -801,13 +798,13 @@ class SickGear(object):
popen_list += sickgear.MY_ARGS
if self.run_as_systemd:
logger.log(u'Restarting SickGear with exit(1) handler and %s' % popen_list)
logger.log(f'Restarting SickGear with exit(1) handler and {popen_list}')
if '--nolaunch' not in popen_list:
popen_list += ['--nolaunch']
logger.log(u'Restarting SickGear with %s' % popen_list)
logger.log(f'Restarting SickGear with {popen_list}')
from _23 import Popen
with Popen(popen_list, cwd=os.getcwd()):
@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ def init_stage_1(console_logging):
if not helpers.make_dir(CACHE_DIR):
logger.log(u'!!! Creating local cache dir failed, using system default', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('!!! creating local cache dir failed, using system default')
# clean cache folders
@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ def init_stage_1(console_logging):
ZONEINFO_DIR = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'zoneinfo')
if not os.path.isdir(ZONEINFO_DIR) and not helpers.make_path(ZONEINFO_DIR):
logger.log(u'!!! Creating local zoneinfo dir failed', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('!!! creating local zoneinfo dir failed')
sg_helpers.CACHE_DIR = CACHE_DIR
sg_helpers.DATA_DIR = DATA_DIR
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ def init_stage_1(console_logging):
TRIM_ZERO = bool(check_setting_int(CFG, 'GUI', 'trim_zero', 0))
DATE_PRESET = check_setting_str(CFG, 'GUI', 'date_preset', '%x')
TIME_PRESET_W_SECONDS = check_setting_str(CFG, 'GUI', 'time_preset', '%I:%M:%S %p')
TIMEZONE_DISPLAY = check_setting_str(CFG, 'GUI', 'timezone_display', 'network')
SHOW_TAGS = check_setting_str(CFG, 'GUI', 'show_tags', 'Show List').split(',')
SHOW_TAG_DEFAULT = check_setting_str(CFG, 'GUI', 'show_tag_default',
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ def init_stage_1(console_logging):
LOG_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, ACTUAL_LOG_DIR))
if not helpers.make_dir(LOG_DIR):
logger.log(u'!!! No log folder, logging to screen only!', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('!!! no log folder, logging to screen only!')
FILE_LOGGING_PRESET = check_setting_str(CFG, 'General', 'file_logging_preset', 'DEBUG')
if bool(check_setting_int(CFG, 'General', 'file_logging_db', 0)):
@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ def init_stage_1(console_logging):
('docker/other', 'snap')['snap' in CUR_COMMIT_HASH]
if not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE):
logger.log(u'Unable to find \'%s\', all settings will be default!' % CONFIG_FILE, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to find \'{CONFIG_FILE}\', all settings will be default!')
update_config = True
# Get expected config version
@ -1747,20 +1747,20 @@ def restart(soft=True, update_pkg=None):
if update_pkg:
logger.log(u'Trigger event restart')
logger.log('Trigger event restart')
logger.log(u'Re-initializing all data')
logger.log('Re-initializing all data')
def sig_handler(signum=None, _=None):
is_ctrlbreak = 'win32' == sys.platform and signal.SIGBREAK == signum
msg = u'Signal "%s" found' % (signal.SIGINT == signum and 'CTRL-C' or is_ctrlbreak and 'CTRL+BREAK' or
signal.SIGTERM == signum and 'Termination' or signum)
msg = 'Signal "%s" found' % (signal.SIGINT == signum and 'CTRL-C' or is_ctrlbreak and 'CTRL+BREAK' or
signal.SIGTERM == signum and 'Termination' or signum)
if None is signum or signum in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM) or is_ctrlbreak:
logger.log('%s, saving and exiting...' % msg)
@ -1831,12 +1831,12 @@ def save_all():
global showList
# write all shows
logger.log(u'Saving all shows to the database')
logger.log('Saving all shows to the database')
for show_obj in showList: # type: tv.TVShow
# save config
logger.log(u'Saving config file to disk')
logger.log('Saving config file to disk')
@ -2400,4 +2400,4 @@ def launch_browser(start_port=None):
webbrowser.open(browser_url, 1, True)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Unable to launch a browser', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Unable to launch a browser')
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class AniGroupList(object):
def load(self):
logger.log(u'Building allow amd block list for %s' % self.tvid_prodid, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Building allow amd block list for {self.tvid_prodid}')
self.allowlist = self._load_list('allowlist')
self.blocklist = self._load_list('blocklist')
@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ class AniGroupList(object):
for cur_result in sql_result:
logger.log('AniPermsList: %s loaded keywords from %s: %s' % (self.tvid_prodid, table, groups),
logger.debug('AniPermsList: %s loaded keywords from %s: %s' % (self.tvid_prodid, table, groups))
return groups
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ class AniGroupList(object):
self._add_keywords('allowlist', values)
self.allowlist = values
logger.log('Allowlist set to: %s' % self.allowlist, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Allowlist set to: %s' % self.allowlist)
def set_block_keywords(self, values):
# type: (List[AnyStr]) -> None
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ class AniGroupList(object):
self._add_keywords('blocklist', values)
self.blocklist = values
logger.log('Blocklist set to: %s' % self.blocklist, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Blocklist set to: %s' % self.blocklist)
def _del_all_keywords(self, table):
# type: (AnyStr) -> None
@ -133,15 +132,14 @@ class AniGroupList(object):
:return: True or False
if not result.release_group:
logger.log('Failed to detect release group, invalid result', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Failed to detect release group, invalid result')
return False
allowed = result.release_group.lower() in [x.lower() for x in self.allowlist] or not self.allowlist
blocked = result.release_group.lower() in [x.lower() for x in self.blocklist]
logger.log('Result %sallowed%s in block list. Parsed group name: "%s" from result "%s"' %
(('not ', '')[allowed], (', but', ' and not')[not blocked], result.release_group, result.name),
logger.debug(f'Result {("not ", "")[allowed]}allowed{(", but", " and not")[not blocked]} in block list.'
f' Parsed group name: "{result.release_group}" from result "{result.name}"')
return allowed and not blocked
@ -193,29 +191,29 @@ def create_anidb_obj(**kwargs):
def set_up_anidb_connection():
if not sickgear.USE_ANIDB:
logger.log(u'Usage of anidb disabled. Skipping', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Usage of anidb disabled. Skipping')
return False
if not sickgear.ANIDB_USERNAME and not sickgear.ANIDB_PASSWORD:
logger.log(u'anidb username and/or password are not set. Aborting anidb lookup.', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('anidb username and/or password are not set. Aborting anidb lookup.')
return False
if not sickgear.ADBA_CONNECTION:
# anidb_logger = (lambda x: logger.log('ANIDB: ' + str(x)), logger.DEBUG)
# anidb_logger = (lambda x: logger.debug('ANIDB: ' + str(x)))
sickgear.ADBA_CONNECTION = adba.Connection(keepAlive=True) # , log=anidb_logger)
auth = False
auth = sickgear.ADBA_CONNECTION.authed()
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'exception msg: ' + ex(e))
logger.log(f'exception msg: {ex(e)}')
if not auth:
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'exception msg: ' + ex(e))
logger.log(f'exception msg: {ex(e)}')
return False
return True
@ -230,7 +228,7 @@ def pull_anidb_groups(show_name):
anime = create_anidb_obj(name=show_name)
return anime.get_groups()
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Anidb exception: %s' % ex(e), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Anidb exception: {ex(e)}')
return False
@ -258,7 +256,7 @@ def push_anidb_mylist(filepath, anidb_episode):
log = ('Adding the file to the anidb mylist', logger.DEBUG)
result = True
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log = (u'exception msg: %s' % ex(e), logger.MESSAGE)
log = (f'exception msg: {ex(e)}', logger.MESSAGE)
result = False
return result, log
@ -38,13 +38,12 @@ class PostProcesser(object):
def _main():
if not os.path.isdir(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR):
logger.log(u"Automatic post-processing attempted but dir %s doesn't exist" % sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR,
logger.error('Automatic post-processing attempted but dir %s doesn\'t exist' % sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)
if not os.path.isabs(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR):
logger.log(u'Automatic post-processing attempted but dir %s is relative '
'(and probably not what you really want to process)' % sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Automatic post-processing attempted but dir %s is relative '
'(and probably not what you really want to process)' % sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)
processTV.processDir(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, is_basedir=True)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def folders_at_path(path, include_parent=False, include_files=False):
file_list = get_file_list(path, include_files)
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Unable to open %s: %r / %s' % (path, e, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to open %s: %r / %s' % (path, e, ex(e)))
file_list = get_file_list(parent_path, include_files)
file_list = sorted(file_list, key=lambda x: os.path.basename(x['name']).lower())
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class DelugeAPI(GenericClient):
if not connected:
hosts = self._post_json({'method': 'web.get_hosts', 'params': [], 'id': 11})
if 0 == len(hosts):
logger.log('%s: WebUI does not contain daemons' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: WebUI does not contain daemons' % self.name)
return None
self._post_json({'method': 'web.connect', 'params': [hosts[0][0]], 'id': 11}, False)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class DelugeAPI(GenericClient):
connected = self._post_json({'method': 'web.connected', 'params': [], 'id': 10})
if not connected:
logger.log('%s: WebUI could not connect to daemon' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: WebUI could not connect to daemon' % self.name)
return None
except RequestException:
return None
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class DelugeAPI(GenericClient):
label = sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL
if ' ' in label:
logger.log('%s: Invalid label. Label must not contain a space' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Invalid label. Label must not contain a space' % self.name)
return False
if label:
@ -106,22 +106,21 @@ class DelugeAPI(GenericClient):
if None is not labels:
if label not in labels:
logger.log('%s: %s label does not exist in Deluge we must add it' % (self.name, label),
logger.debug('%s: %s label does not exist in Deluge we must add it' % (self.name, label))
'method': 'label.add',
'params': [label],
'id': 4})
logger.log('%s: %s label added to Deluge' % (self.name, label), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: %s label added to Deluge' % (self.name, label))
# add label to torrent
'method': 'label.set_torrent',
'params': [result.hash, label],
'id': 5})
logger.log('%s: %s label added to torrent' % (self.name, label), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: %s label added to torrent' % (self.name, label))
logger.log('%s: label plugin not detected' % self.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: label plugin not detected' % self.name)
return False
return True
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class DownloadStationAPI(GenericClient):
# type: (AnyStr) -> None
out = '%s%s: %s' % (self.name, (' replied with', '')['Could not' in msg], msg)
self._errmsg = '<br>%s.' % out
logger.log(out, logger.ERROR)
def _error_task(self, response):
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class DownloadStationAPI(GenericClient):
i = 0
while retry_ids:
for i in tries:
logger.log('%s: retry %s %s item(s) in %ss' % (self.name, act, len(item['fail']), i), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: retry %s %s item(s) in %ss' % (self.name, act, len(item['fail']), i))
item['fail'] = []
for task in filter(filter_func, self._tinf(retry_ids, err=True)):
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ class DownloadStationAPI(GenericClient):
retry_ids = item['fail']
if max(tries) == i:
logger.log('%s: failed to %s %s item(s) after %s tries over %s mins, aborted' %
(self.name, act, len(item['fail']), len(tries), sum(tries) / 60), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: failed to %s %s item(s) after %s tries over %s mins, aborted' %
(self.name, act, len(item['fail']), len(tries), sum(tries) / 60))
return (item['fail'] + item['ignore']) or True
@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ class DownloadStationAPI(GenericClient):
if 3 <= self._task_version:
return self._add_torrent(uri={'uri': search_result.url})
logger.log('%s: the API at %s doesn\'t support torrent magnet, download skipped' %
(self.name, self.host), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('%s: the API at %s doesn\'t support torrent magnet, download skipped' %
(self.name, self.host))
def _add_torrent_file(self, search_result):
# type: (TorrentSearchResult) -> Union[AnyStr, bool]
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class GenericClient(object):
seg = seg[0:c - (len(sample) - 2)] + sample
output += ['%s: request %s= %s%s%s' % (self.name, arg, ('', '..')[bool(i)], seg, ('', '..')[i != nch])]
logger.log(output, logger.DEBUG)
def _request(self, method='get', params=None, data=None, files=None, **kwargs):
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class GenericClient(object):
self.last_time = time.time()
if not self._get_auth():
logger.log('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name)
return False
# self._log_request_details(method, params, data, files, **kwargs)
@ -70,31 +70,30 @@ class GenericClient(object):
response = self.session.__getattribute__(method)(self.url, params=params, data=data, files=files,
timeout=kwargs.pop('timeout', 120), verify=False, **kwargs)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
logger.log('%s: Unable to connect %s' % (self.name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to connect %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return False
except (requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, requests.exceptions.InvalidURL):
logger.log('%s: Invalid host' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Invalid host' % self.name)
return False
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
logger.log('%s: Invalid HTTP request %s' % (self.name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Invalid HTTP request %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return False
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
logger.log('%s: Connection timeout %s' % (self.name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Connection timeout %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return False
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('%s: Unknown exception raised when sending torrent to %s: %s' % (self.name, self.name, ex(e)),
logger.error('%s: Unknown exception raised when sending torrent to %s: %s' % (self.name, self.name, ex(e)))
return False
if 401 == response.status_code:
logger.log('%s: Invalid username or password, check your config' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Invalid username or password, check your config' % self.name)
return False
if response.status_code in http_error_code:
logger.log('%s: %s' % (self.name, http_error_code[response.status_code]), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: %s' % (self.name, http_error_code[response.status_code]))
return False
logger.log('%s: Response to %s request is %s' % (self.name, method.upper(), response.text), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: Response to %s request is %s' % (self.name, method.upper(), response.text))
return response
@ -213,10 +212,10 @@ class GenericClient(object):
r_code = False
logger.log('Calling %s client' % self.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Calling %s client' % self.name)
if not self._get_auth():
logger.log('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name)
return r_code
@ -225,8 +224,8 @@ class GenericClient(object):
result = self._get_torrent_hash(result)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Bad torrent data: hash is %s for [%s]' % (result.hash, result.name), logger.ERROR)
logger.log('Exception raised when checking torrent data: %s' % (ex(e)), logger.DEBUG)
logger.error('Bad torrent data: hash is %s for [%s]' % (result.hash, result.name))
logger.debug('Exception raised when checking torrent data: %s' % (ex(e)))
return r_code
@ -237,30 +236,30 @@ class GenericClient(object):
self.created_id = isinstance(r_code, string_types) and r_code or None
if not r_code:
logger.log('%s: Unable to send torrent to client' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to send torrent to client' % self.name)
return False
if not self._set_torrent_pause(result):
logger.log('%s: Unable to set the pause for torrent' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the pause for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_label(result):
logger.log('%s: Unable to set the label for torrent' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the label for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_ratio(result):
logger.log('%s: Unable to set the ratio for torrent' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the ratio for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_seed_time(result):
logger.log('%s: Unable to set the seed time for torrent' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the seed time for torrent' % self.name)
if not self._set_torrent_path(result):
logger.log('%s: Unable to set the path for torrent' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to set the path for torrent' % self.name)
if 0 != result.priority and not self._set_torrent_priority(result):
logger.log('%s: Unable to set priority for torrent' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Unable to set priority for torrent' % self.name)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('%s: Failed sending torrent: %s - %s' % (self.name, result.name, result.hash), logger.ERROR)
logger.log('%s: Exception raised when sending torrent: %s' % (self.name, ex(e)), logger.DEBUG)
logger.error('%s: Failed sending torrent: %s - %s' % (self.name, result.name, result.hash))
logger.debug('%s: Exception raised when sending torrent: %s' % (self.name, ex(e)))
return r_code
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
task = self._tinf(t.get('hash'), use_props=False, err=True)[0]
return 1 < task.get('priority') or self._ignore_state(task) # then mark fail
elif isinstance(response, string_types) and 'queueing' in response.lower():
logger.log('%s: %s' % (self.name, response), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: %s' % (self.name, response))
return not mark_fail
return mark_fail
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
task = self._tinf(t.get('hash'), use_props=False, err=True)[0]
return label not in task.get('category') or self._ignore_state(task) # then mark fail
elif isinstance(response, string_types) and 'incorrect' in response.lower():
logger.log('%s: %s. "%s" isn\'t known to qB' % (self.name, response, label), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: %s. "%s" isn\'t known to qB' % (self.name, response, label))
return not mark_fail
return mark_fail
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
i = 0
while retry_ids:
for i in tries:
logger.log('%s: retry %s %s item(s) in %ss' % (self.name, act, len(item['fail']), i), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: retry %s %s item(s) in %ss' % (self.name, act, len(item['fail']), i))
item['fail'] = []
for task in filter(filter_func, self._tinf(retry_ids, use_props=False, err=True)):
@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
retry_ids = item['fail']
if max(tries) == i:
logger.log('%s: failed to %s %s item(s) after %s tries over %s mins, aborted' %
(self.name, act, len(item['fail']), len(tries), sum(tries) / 60), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: failed to %s %s item(s) after %s tries over %s mins, aborted' %
(self.name, act, len(item['fail']), len(tries), sum(tries) / 60))
return (item['fail'] + item['ignore']) or True
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
:return: True if created, else Falsy if nothing created
if self._tinf(data.hash):
logger.log('Could not create task, the hash is already in use', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Could not create task, the hash is already in use')
label = sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL.replace(' ', '_')
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
authless = bool(re.search('(?i)login|version', cmd))
if authless or self.auth:
if not authless and not self._get_auth():
logger.log('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name)
# self._log_request_details('%s%s' % (self.api_ns, cmd.strip('/')), **kwargs)
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
self.api_ns = 'api/v2/'
response = self._client_request('auth/login', post_data=post_data, raise_status_code=True)
if isinstance(response, string_types) and 'banned' in response.lower():
logger.log('%s: %s' % (self.name, response), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: %s' % (self.name, response))
response = False
elif not response:
self.api_ns = ''
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class RtorrentAPI(GenericClient):
if self.auth:
if self.auth.has_local_id(data.hash):
logger.log('%s: Item already exists %s' % (self.name, data.name), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('%s: Item already exists %s' % (self.name, data.name))
custom_var = (1, sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL_VAR or '')[0 <= sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL_VAR <= 5]
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ class RtorrentAPI(GenericClient):
if torrent and sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL:
label = torrent.get_custom(custom_var)
if sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL != label:
logger.log('%s: could not change custom%s label value \'%s\' to \'%s\' for %s' % (
self.name, custom_var, label, sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL, torrent.name), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('%s: could not change custom%s label value \'%s\' to \'%s\' for %s' % (
self.name, custom_var, label, sickgear.TORRENT_LABEL, torrent.name))
except (BaseException, Exception):
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class TransmissionAPI(GenericClient):
# populate blanked and download_dir
if not self._get_auth():
logger.log('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s: Authentication failed' % self.name)
return False
download_dir = None
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class TransmissionAPI(GenericClient):
elif self.download_dir:
download_dir = self.download_dir
logger.log('Path required for Transmission Downloaded files location', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Path required for Transmission Downloaded files location')
if not download_dir and not self.blankable:
return False
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class Quality(object):
if not hd_options and full_hd:
return Quality.FULLHDBLURAY
if sickgear.ANIME_TREAT_AS_HDTV:
logger.log(u'Treating file: %s with "unknown" quality as HDTV per user settings' % name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Treating file: {name} with "unknown" quality as HDTV per user settings')
return Quality.HDTV
return Quality.UNKNOWN
@ -371,10 +371,10 @@ class Quality(object):
parser = createParser(filename)
except InputStreamError as e:
logger.log(msg % (filename, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(msg % (filename, ex(e)))
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(msg % (filename, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(msg % (filename, ex(e)))
if parser:
extract = None
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class Quality(object):
parser.parse_comments = False
extract = extractMetadata(parser, **args)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(msg % (filename, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(msg % (filename, ex(e)))
if extract:
height = extract.get('height')
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def change_https_cert(https_cert):
if os.path.normpath(sickgear.HTTPS_CERT) != os.path.normpath(https_cert):
if helpers.make_dir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(https_cert))):
sickgear.HTTPS_CERT = os.path.normpath(https_cert)
logger.log(u'Changed https cert path to %s' % https_cert)
logger.log(f'Changed https cert path to {https_cert}')
return False
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def change_https_key(https_key):
if os.path.normpath(sickgear.HTTPS_KEY) != os.path.normpath(https_key):
if helpers.make_dir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(https_key))):
sickgear.HTTPS_KEY = os.path.normpath(https_key)
logger.log(u'Changed https key path to %s' % https_key)
logger.log(f'Changed https key path to {https_key}')
return False
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def change_log_dir(log_dir, web_log):
sickgear.LOG_DIR = abs_log_dir
logger.log(u'Initialized new log file in %s' % sickgear.LOG_DIR)
logger.log(f'Initialized new log file in {sickgear.LOG_DIR}')
log_dir_changed = True
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def change_nzb_dir(nzb_dir):
if os.path.normpath(sickgear.NZB_DIR) != os.path.normpath(nzb_dir):
if helpers.make_dir(nzb_dir):
sickgear.NZB_DIR = os.path.normpath(nzb_dir)
logger.log(u'Changed NZB folder to %s' % nzb_dir)
logger.log(f'Changed NZB folder to {nzb_dir}')
return False
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def change_torrent_dir(torrent_dir):
if os.path.normpath(sickgear.TORRENT_DIR) != os.path.normpath(torrent_dir):
if helpers.make_dir(torrent_dir):
sickgear.TORRENT_DIR = os.path.normpath(torrent_dir)
logger.log(u'Changed torrent folder to %s' % torrent_dir)
logger.log(f'Changed torrent folder to {torrent_dir}')
return False
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def change_tv_download_dir(tv_download_dir):
if os.path.normpath(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR) != os.path.normpath(tv_download_dir):
if helpers.make_dir(tv_download_dir):
sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR = os.path.normpath(tv_download_dir)
logger.log(u'Changed TV download folder to %s' % tv_download_dir)
logger.log(f'Changed TV download folder to {tv_download_dir}')
return False
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ def check_setting_int(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val):
except (BaseException, Exception):
config[cfg_name] = {}
config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val
logger.log('%s -> %s' % (item_name, my_val), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s -> %s' % (item_name, my_val))
return my_val
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ def check_setting_float(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val):
config[cfg_name] = {}
config[cfg_name][item_name] = my_val
logger.log('%s -> %s' % (item_name, my_val), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s -> %s' % (item_name, my_val))
return my_val
@ -449,9 +449,9 @@ def check_setting_str(config, cfg_name, item_name, def_val, log=True):
config[cfg_name][item_name] = helpers.encrypt(my_val, encryption_version)
if log:
logger.log('%s -> %s' % (item_name, my_val), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s -> %s' % (item_name, my_val))
logger.log('%s -> ******' % item_name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s -> ******' % item_name)
return (my_val, def_val)['None' == my_val]
@ -497,9 +497,10 @@ class ConfigMigrator(object):
if self.config_version > self.expected_config_version:
u'Your config version (%s) has been incremented past what this version of SickGear supports (%s).\n'
'If you have used other forks or a newer version of SickGear, your config file may be unusable due to '
'their modifications.' % (self.config_version, self.expected_config_version))
f'Your config version ({self.config_version})'
f' has been incremented past what this version of SickGear supports ({self.expected_config_version}).\n'
f'If you have used other forks or a newer version of SickGear,'
f' your config file may be unusable due to their modifications.')
sickgear.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version
@ -511,20 +512,20 @@ class ConfigMigrator(object):
migration_name = ''
logger.log(u'Backing up config before upgrade')
logger.log('Backing up config before upgrade')
if not helpers.backup_versioned_file(sickgear.CONFIG_FILE, self.config_version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Config backup failed, abort upgrading config')
logger.log_error_and_exit('Config backup failed, abort upgrading config')
logger.log(u'Proceeding with upgrade')
logger.log('Proceeding with upgrade')
# do the migration, expect a method named _migrate_v<num>
logger.log(u'Migrating config up to version %s %s' % (next_version, migration_name))
logger.log(f'Migrating config up to version {next_version} {migration_name}')
getattr(self, '_migrate_v%s' % next_version)()
self.config_version = next_version
# save new config after migration
sickgear.CONFIG_VERSION = self.config_version
logger.log(u'Saving config file to disk')
logger.log('Saving config file to disk')
@ -569,17 +570,17 @@ class ConfigMigrator(object):
new_season_format = str(new_season_format).replace('09', '%0S')
new_season_format = new_season_format.replace('9', '%S')
logger.log(u'Changed season folder format from %s to %s, prepending it to your naming config' %
(old_season_format, new_season_format))
logger.log(f'Changed season folder format from {old_season_format} to {new_season_format},'
f' prepending it to your naming config')
sickgear.NAMING_PATTERN = new_season_format + os.sep + sickgear.NAMING_PATTERN
except (TypeError, ValueError):
logger.log(u'Can not change %s to new season format' % old_season_format, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Can not change {old_season_format} to new season format')
# if no shows had it on then don't flatten any shows and don't put season folders in the config
logger.log(u'No shows were using season folders before so I am disabling flattening on all shows')
logger.log('No shows were using season folders before so I am disabling flattening on all shows')
# don't flatten any shows at all
my_db.action('UPDATE tv_shows SET flatten_folders = 0 WHERE 1=1')
@ -672,8 +673,7 @@ class ConfigMigrator(object):
name, url, key, enabled = cur_provider_data.split('|')
except ValueError:
logger.log(u'Skipping Newznab provider string: "%s", incorrect format' % cur_provider_data,
logger.error(f'Skipping Newznab provider string: "{cur_provider_data}", incorrect format')
cat_ids = '5030,5040,5060'
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ class ConfigMigrator(object):
cur_metadata = metadata.split('|')
# if target has the old number of values, do upgrade
if 6 == len(cur_metadata):
logger.log(u'Upgrading ' + metadata_name + ' metadata, old value: ' + metadata)
logger.log('Upgrading ' + metadata_name + ' metadata, old value: ' + metadata)
cur_metadata.insert(4, '0')
@ -740,15 +740,15 @@ class ConfigMigrator(object):
cur_metadata[4], cur_metadata[3] = cur_metadata[3], '0'
# write new format
metadata = '|'.join(cur_metadata)
logger.log(u'Upgrading %s metadata, new value: %s' % (metadata_name, metadata))
logger.log(f'Upgrading {metadata_name} metadata, new value: {metadata}')
elif 10 == len(cur_metadata):
metadata = '|'.join(cur_metadata)
logger.log(u'Keeping %s metadata, value: %s' % (metadata_name, metadata))
logger.log(f'Keeping {metadata_name} metadata, value: {metadata}')
logger.log(u'Skipping %s: "%s", incorrect format' % (metadata_name, metadata), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Skipping {metadata_name}: "{metadata}", incorrect format')
metadata = '0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0'
logger.log(u'Setting %s metadata, new value: %s' % (metadata_name, metadata))
logger.log(f'Setting {metadata_name} metadata, new value: {metadata}')
return metadata
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
if 0 < len(cl):
logger.log(u'Performing a vacuum on the database.', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Performing a vacuum on the database.')
self.connection.upgrade_log(fix_msg % 'VACUUM')
self.connection.upgrade_log(fix_msg % 'finished')
@ -111,8 +111,7 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
for cur_result in sql_result:
logger.log(u'Duplicate show detected! %s: %s count: %s' % (
column, cur_result[column], cur_result['count']), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Duplicate show detected! {column}: {cur_result[column]} count: {cur_result["count"]}')
cur_dupe_results = self.connection.select(
'SELECT show_id, ' + column + ' FROM tv_shows WHERE ' + column + ' = ? LIMIT ?',
@ -121,15 +120,15 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
cl = []
for cur_dupe_id in cur_dupe_results:
logger.log(u'Deleting duplicate show with %s: %s show_id: %s' % (
column, cur_dupe_id[column], cur_dupe_id['show_id']))
logger.log(f'Deleting duplicate show with {column}: {cur_dupe_id[column]}'
f' show_id: {cur_dupe_id["show_id"]}')
cl.append(['DELETE FROM tv_shows WHERE show_id = ?', [cur_dupe_id['show_id']]])
if 0 < len(cl):
logger.log(u'No duplicate show, check passed')
logger.log('No duplicate show, check passed')
def fix_duplicate_episodes(self):
@ -146,9 +145,9 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
for cur_result in sql_result:
logger.log(u'Duplicate episode detected! prod_id: %s season: %s episode: %s count: %s' %
(cur_result['prod_id'], cur_result['season'], cur_result['episode'],
cur_result['count']), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Duplicate episode detected! prod_id: {cur_result["prod_id"]}'
f' season: {cur_result["season"]} episode: {cur_result["episode"]}'
f' count: {cur_result["count"]}')
cur_dupe_results = self.connection.select(
'SELECT episode_id'
@ -163,14 +162,14 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
cl = []
for cur_dupe_id in cur_dupe_results:
logger.log(u'Deleting duplicate episode with episode_id: %s' % cur_dupe_id['episode_id'])
cl.append(['DELETE FROM tv_episodes WHERE episode_id = ?', [cur_dupe_id['episode_id']]])
logger.log(f'Deleting duplicate episode with episode_id: {cur_dupe_id["episode_id"]}')
cl.append(['DELETE FROM tv_episodes WHERE episode_id = ?', [cur_dupe_id["episode_id"]]])
if 0 < len(cl):
logger.log(u'No duplicate episode, check passed')
logger.log('No duplicate episode, check passed')
def fix_orphan_episodes(self):
@ -182,16 +181,16 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
cl = []
for cur_result in sql_result:
logger.log(u'Orphan episode detected! episode_id: %s showid: %s' % (
cur_result['episode_id'], cur_result['showid']), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u'Deleting orphan episode with episode_id: %s' % cur_result['episode_id'])
logger.debug(f'Orphan episode detected! episode_id: {cur_result["episode_id"]}'
f' showid: {cur_result["showid"]}')
logger.log(f'Deleting orphan episode with episode_id: {cur_result["episode_id"]}')
cl.append(['DELETE FROM tv_episodes WHERE episode_id = ?', [cur_result['episode_id']]])
if 0 < len(cl):
logger.log(u'No orphan episodes, check passed')
logger.log('No orphan episodes, check passed')
def fix_missing_table_indexes(self):
if not self.connection.select('PRAGMA index_info("idx_indexer_id")'):
@ -240,9 +239,9 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
cl = []
for cur_result in sql_result:
logger.log(u'UNAIRED episode detected! episode_id: %s showid: %s' % (
cur_result['episode_id'], cur_result['showid']), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u'Fixing unaired episode status with episode_id: %s' % cur_result['episode_id'])
logger.debug(f'UNAIRED episode detected! episode_id: {cur_result["episode_id"]}'
f' showid: {cur_result["showid"]}')
logger.log(f'Fixing unaired episode status with episode_id: {cur_result["episode_id"]}')
cl.append(['UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ? WHERE episode_id = ?',
[common.UNAIRED, cur_result['episode_id']]])
@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ class MainSanityCheck(db.DBSanityCheck):
logger.log(u'No UNAIRED episodes, check passed')
logger.log('No UNAIRED episodes, check passed')
def fix_scene_exceptions(self):
@ -387,21 +386,17 @@ class InitialSchema(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if cur_db_version < MIN_DB_VERSION:
u'Your database version (' + str(cur_db_version)
+ ') is too old to migrate from what this version of SickGear supports ('
+ str(MIN_DB_VERSION) + ').' + "\n"
f'Your database version ({cur_db_version}) is too old to migrate from'
f' what this version of SickGear supports ({MIN_DB_VERSION}).\n'
+ 'Upgrade using a previous version (tag) build 496 to build 501 of SickGear'
' first or remove database file to begin fresh.'
' first or remove database file to begin fresh.')
if cur_db_version > MAX_DB_VERSION:
u'Your database version (' + str(cur_db_version)
+ ') has been incremented past what this version of SickGear supports ('
+ str(MAX_DB_VERSION) + ').\n'
f'Your database version ({cur_db_version}) has been incremented past'
f' what this version of SickGear supports ({MAX_DB_VERSION}).\n'
+ 'If you have used other forks of SickGear,'
' your database may be unusable due to their modifications.'
' your database may be unusable due to their modifications.')
return self.call_check_db_version()
@ -423,7 +418,7 @@ class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(db.SchemaUpgrade):
sql_result = self.connection.select('SELECT episode_id, location, file_size FROM tv_episodes')
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding file size to all episodes in DB, please be patient')
self.upgrade_log('Adding file size to all episodes in DB, please be patient')
for cur_result in sql_result:
if not cur_result['location']:
@ -439,7 +434,7 @@ class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(db.SchemaUpgrade):
# noinspection SqlRedundantOrderingDirection
history_sql_result = self.connection.select('SELECT * FROM history WHERE provider != -1 ORDER BY date ASC')
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding release name to all episodes still in history')
self.upgrade_log('Adding release name to all episodes still in history')
for cur_result in history_sql_result:
# find the associated download, if there isn't one then ignore it
# noinspection SqlResolve
@ -449,8 +444,8 @@ class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(db.SchemaUpgrade):
' WHERE provider = -1 AND showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND date > ?',
[cur_result['showid'], cur_result['season'], cur_result['episode'], cur_result['date']])
if not download_sql_result:
self.upgrade_log(u'Found a snatch in the history for ' + cur_result['resource']
+ ' but couldn\'t find the associated download, skipping it', logger.DEBUG)
self.upgrade_log(f'Found a snatch in the history for {cur_result["resource"]}'
f' but couldn\'t find the associated download, skipping it', logger.DEBUG)
nzb_name = cur_result['resource']
@ -468,9 +463,8 @@ class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(db.SchemaUpgrade):
' WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ? AND location != ""',
[cur_result['showid'], cur_result['season'], cur_result['episode']])
if not sql_result:
u'The episode ' + nzb_name + ' was found in history but doesn\'t exist on disk anymore, skipping',
logger.debug(f'The episode {nzb_name} was found in history but doesn\'t exist on disk anymore,'
f' skipping')
# get the status/quality of the existing ep and make sure it's what we expect
@ -483,7 +477,7 @@ class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(db.SchemaUpgrade):
# make sure this is actually a real release name and not a season pack or something
for cur_name in (nzb_name, file_name):
logger.log(u'Checking if ' + cur_name + ' is actually a good release name', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {cur_name} is actually a good release name')
np = NameParser(False)
parse_result = np.parse(cur_name)
@ -503,7 +497,7 @@ class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(db.SchemaUpgrade):
' FROM tv_episodes'
' WHERE release_name = ""')
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding release name to all episodes with obvious scene filenames')
self.upgrade_log('Adding release name to all episodes with obvious scene filenames')
for cur_result in empty_sql_result:
ep_file_name = os.path.basename(cur_result['location'])
@ -522,9 +516,7 @@ class AddSizeAndSceneNameFields(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if not parse_result.release_group:
u'Name ' + ep_file_name + ' gave release group of ' + parse_result.release_group + ', seems valid',
logger.debug(f'Name {ep_file_name} gave release group of {parse_result.release_group}, seems valid')
self.connection.action('UPDATE tv_episodes SET release_name = ? WHERE episode_id = ?',
[ep_file_name, cur_result['episode_id']])
@ -651,7 +643,7 @@ class Add1080pAndRawHDQualities(db.SchemaUpgrade):
common.Quality.UNKNOWN], [])
# update qualities (including templates)
self.upgrade_log(u'[1/4] Updating pre-defined templates and the quality for each show...')
self.upgrade_log('[1/4] Updating pre-defined templates and the quality for each show...')
cl = []
shows = self.connection.select('SELECT * FROM tv_shows')
for cur_show in shows:
@ -666,7 +658,7 @@ class Add1080pAndRawHDQualities(db.SchemaUpgrade):
# update status that are are within the old hdwebdl
# (1<<3 which is 8) and better -- exclude unknown (1<<15 which is 32768)
self.upgrade_log(u'[2/4] Updating the status for the episodes within each show...')
self.upgrade_log('[2/4] Updating the status for the episodes within each show...')
cl = []
sql_result = self.connection.select('SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE status < 3276800 AND status >= 800')
for cur_result in sql_result:
@ -678,7 +670,7 @@ class Add1080pAndRawHDQualities(db.SchemaUpgrade):
# may not always coordinate together
# update previous history so it shows the correct action
self.upgrade_log(u'[3/4] Updating history to reflect the correct action...')
self.upgrade_log('[3/4] Updating history to reflect the correct action...')
cl = []
# noinspection SqlResolve
history_action = self.connection.select('SELECT * FROM history WHERE action < 3276800 AND action >= 800')
@ -688,7 +680,7 @@ class Add1080pAndRawHDQualities(db.SchemaUpgrade):
# update previous history so it shows the correct quality
self.upgrade_log(u'[4/4] Updating history to reflect the correct quality...')
self.upgrade_log('[4/4] Updating history to reflect the correct quality...')
cl = []
# noinspection SqlResolve
history_quality = self.connection.select('SELECT * FROM history WHERE quality < 32768 AND quality >= 8')
@ -700,7 +692,7 @@ class Add1080pAndRawHDQualities(db.SchemaUpgrade):
# cleanup and reduce db if any previous data was removed
self.upgrade_log(u'Performing a vacuum on the database.', logger.DEBUG)
self.upgrade_log('Performing a vacuum on the database.', logger.DEBUG)
return self.call_check_db_version()
@ -712,10 +704,10 @@ class AddShowidTvdbidIndex(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Checking for duplicate shows before adding unique index.')
self.upgrade_log('Checking for duplicate shows before adding unique index.')
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding index on tvdb_id (tv_shows) and showid (tv_episodes) to speed up searches/queries.')
self.upgrade_log('Adding index on tvdb_id (tv_shows) and showid (tv_episodes) to speed up searches/queries.')
if not self.has_table('idx_showid'):
self.connection.action('CREATE INDEX idx_showid ON tv_episodes (showid);')
if not self.has_table('idx_tvdb_id'):
@ -732,7 +724,7 @@ class AddLastUpdateTVDB(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'last_update_tvdb'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column last_update_tvdb to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column last_update_tvdb to tv_shows')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'last_update_tvdb', default=1)
@ -745,7 +737,7 @@ class AddDBIncreaseTo15(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version to v%s' % self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(f'Bumping database version to v{self.call_check_db_version()}')
return self.call_check_db_version()
@ -756,7 +748,7 @@ class AddIMDbInfo(db.SchemaUpgrade):
db_backed_up = False
if not self.has_table('imdb_info'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Creating IMDb table imdb_info')
self.upgrade_log('Creating IMDb table imdb_info')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
db_backed_up = True
@ -766,7 +758,7 @@ class AddIMDbInfo(db.SchemaUpgrade):
' rating TEXT, votes INTEGER, last_update NUMERIC)')
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'imdb_id'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding IMDb column imdb_id to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding IMDb column imdb_id to tv_shows')
if not db_backed_up:
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
@ -786,7 +778,7 @@ class AddProperNamingSupport(db.SchemaUpgrade):
return self.set_db_version(5816)
if not self.has_column('tv_episodes', 'is_proper'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column is_proper to tv_episodes')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column is_proper to tv_episodes')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'is_proper')
@ -805,7 +797,7 @@ class AddEmailSubscriptionTable(db.SchemaUpgrade):
return self.set_db_version(5817)
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'notify_list'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column notify_list to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column notify_list to tv_shows')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'notify_list', 'TEXT', None)
@ -827,7 +819,7 @@ class AddProperSearch(db.SchemaUpgrade):
return self.set_db_version(5818)
if not self.has_column('info', 'last_proper_search'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column last_proper_search to info')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column last_proper_search to info')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('info', 'last_proper_search', default=1)
@ -839,7 +831,7 @@ class AddProperSearch(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class AddDvdOrderOption(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'dvdorder'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column dvdorder to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column dvdorder to tv_shows')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'dvdorder', 'NUMERIC', '0')
@ -851,7 +843,7 @@ class AddDvdOrderOption(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class AddSubtitlesSupport(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'subtitles'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding subtitles to tv_shows and tv_episodes')
self.upgrade_log('Adding subtitles to tv_shows and tv_episodes')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'subtitles')
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'subtitles', 'TEXT', '')
@ -867,10 +859,10 @@ class ConvertTVShowsToIndexerScheme(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Converting TV Shows table to Indexer Scheme...')
self.upgrade_log('Converting TV Shows table to Indexer Scheme...')
if self.has_table('tmp_tv_shows'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Removing temp tv show tables left behind from previous updates...')
self.upgrade_log('Removing temp tv show tables left behind from previous updates...')
# noinspection SqlResolve
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE tmp_tv_shows')
@ -908,10 +900,10 @@ class ConvertTVEpisodesToIndexerScheme(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Converting TV Episodes table to Indexer Scheme...')
self.upgrade_log('Converting TV Episodes table to Indexer Scheme...')
if self.has_table('tmp_tv_episodes'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Removing temp tv episode tables left behind from previous updates...')
self.upgrade_log('Removing temp tv episode tables left behind from previous updates...')
# noinspection SqlResolve
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE tmp_tv_episodes')
@ -949,10 +941,10 @@ class ConvertIMDBInfoToIndexerScheme(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Converting IMDb Info table to Indexer Scheme...')
self.upgrade_log('Converting IMDb Info table to Indexer Scheme...')
if self.has_table('tmp_imdb_info'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Removing temp imdb info tables left behind from previous updates...')
self.upgrade_log('Removing temp imdb info tables left behind from previous updates...')
# noinspection SqlResolve
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE tmp_imdb_info')
@ -978,10 +970,10 @@ class ConvertInfoToIndexerScheme(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Converting Info table to Indexer Scheme...')
self.upgrade_log('Converting Info table to Indexer Scheme...')
if self.has_table('tmp_info'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Removing temp info tables left behind from previous updates...')
self.upgrade_log('Removing temp info tables left behind from previous updates...')
# noinspection SqlResolve
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE tmp_info')
@ -1005,7 +997,7 @@ class AddArchiveFirstMatchOption(db.SchemaUpgrade):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'archive_firstmatch'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column archive_firstmatch to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column archive_firstmatch to tv_shows')
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'archive_firstmatch', 'NUMERIC', '0')
@ -1020,7 +1012,7 @@ class AddSceneNumbering(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if self.has_table('scene_numbering'):
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE scene_numbering')
self.upgrade_log(u'Upgrading table scene_numbering ...')
self.upgrade_log('Upgrading table scene_numbering ...')
'CREATE TABLE scene_numbering (indexer TEXT, indexer_id INTEGER, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER,'
' scene_season INTEGER, scene_episode INTEGER,'
@ -1036,7 +1028,7 @@ class ConvertIndexerToInteger(db.SchemaUpgrade):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
cl = []
self.upgrade_log(u'Converting Indexer to Integer ...')
self.upgrade_log('Converting Indexer to Integer ...')
cl.append(['UPDATE tv_shows SET indexer = ? WHERE LOWER(indexer) = ?', ['1', 'tvdb']])
cl.append(['UPDATE tv_shows SET indexer = ? WHERE LOWER(indexer) = ?', ['2', 'tvrage']])
cl.append(['UPDATE tv_episodes SET indexer = ? WHERE LOWER(indexer) = ?', ['1', 'tvdb']])
@ -1060,13 +1052,13 @@ class AddRequireAndIgnoreWords(db.SchemaUpgrade):
db_backed_up = False
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'rls_require_words'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column rls_require_words to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column rls_require_words to tv_shows')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
db_backed_up = True
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'rls_require_words', 'TEXT', '')
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'rls_ignore_words'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column rls_ignore_words to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column rls_ignore_words to tv_shows')
if not db_backed_up:
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'rls_ignore_words', 'TEXT', '')
@ -1080,14 +1072,14 @@ class AddSportsOption(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db_backed_up = False
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'sports'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column sports to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column sports to tv_shows')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
db_backed_up = True
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'sports', 'NUMERIC', '0')
if self.has_column('tv_shows', 'air_by_date') and self.has_column('tv_shows', 'sports'):
# update sports column
self.upgrade_log(u'[4/4] Updating tv_shows to reflect the correct sports value...')
self.upgrade_log('[4/4] Updating tv_shows to reflect the correct sports value...')
if not db_backed_up:
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
cl = []
@ -1108,7 +1100,7 @@ class AddSceneNumberingToTvEpisodes(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding columns scene_season and scene_episode to tvepisodes')
self.upgrade_log('Adding columns scene_season and scene_episode to tvepisodes')
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'scene_season', 'NUMERIC', 'NULL')
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'scene_episode', 'NUMERIC', 'NULL')
@ -1121,7 +1113,7 @@ class AddAnimeTVShow(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column anime to tv_episodes')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column anime to tv_episodes')
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'anime', 'NUMERIC', '0')
@ -1133,7 +1125,7 @@ class AddAbsoluteNumbering(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column absolute_number to tv_episodes')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column absolute_number to tv_episodes')
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'absolute_number', 'NUMERIC', '0')
@ -1145,7 +1137,7 @@ class AddSceneAbsoluteNumbering(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding columns absolute_number and scene_absolute_number to scene_numbering')
self.upgrade_log('Adding columns absolute_number and scene_absolute_number to scene_numbering')
self.add_column('scene_numbering', 'absolute_number', 'NUMERIC', '0')
self.add_column('scene_numbering', 'scene_absolute_number', 'NUMERIC', '0')
@ -1160,7 +1152,7 @@ class AddAnimeAllowlistBlocklist(db.SchemaUpgrade):
cl = [['CREATE TABLE allowlist (show_id INTEGER, range TEXT, keyword TEXT, indexer NUMERIC)'],
['CREATE TABLE blocklist (show_id INTEGER, range TEXT, keyword TEXT, indexer NUMERIC)']]
self.upgrade_log(u'Creating tables for anime allow and block lists')
self.upgrade_log('Creating tables for anime allow and block lists')
@ -1172,7 +1164,7 @@ class AddSceneAbsoluteNumbering2(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column scene_absolute_number to tv_episodes')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column scene_absolute_number to tv_episodes')
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'scene_absolute_number', 'NUMERIC', '0')
@ -1184,7 +1176,7 @@ class AddXemRefresh(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Creating table xem_refresh')
self.upgrade_log('Creating table xem_refresh')
'CREATE TABLE xem_refresh (indexer TEXT, indexer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, last_refreshed INTEGER)')
@ -1197,7 +1189,7 @@ class AddSceneToTvShows(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column scene to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column scene to tv_shows')
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'scene', 'NUMERIC', '0')
@ -1212,7 +1204,7 @@ class AddIndexerMapping(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if self.has_table('indexer_mapping'):
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE indexer_mapping')
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding table indexer_mapping')
self.upgrade_log('Adding table indexer_mapping')
'CREATE TABLE indexer_mapping (indexer_id INTEGER, indexer NUMERIC, mindexer_id INTEGER, mindexer NUMERIC,'
' PRIMARY KEY (indexer_id, indexer))')
@ -1226,11 +1218,11 @@ class AddVersionToTvEpisodes(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding columns release_group and version to tv_episodes')
self.upgrade_log('Adding columns release_group and version to tv_episodes')
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'release_group', 'TEXT', '')
self.add_column('tv_episodes', 'version', 'NUMERIC', '-1')
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column version to history')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column version to history')
self.add_column('history', 'version', 'NUMERIC', '-1')
@ -1242,7 +1234,7 @@ class BumpDatabaseVersion(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version')
return self.set_db_version(10000)
@ -1252,7 +1244,7 @@ class Migrate41(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version')
return self.set_db_version(10001)
@ -1267,7 +1259,7 @@ class Migrate43(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if self.has_table(table):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
db_backed_up = True
self.upgrade_log(u'Dropping redundant table tmdb_info')
self.upgrade_log('Dropping redundant table tmdb_info')
# noinspection SqlResolve
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE [%s]' % table)
db_chg = True
@ -1276,7 +1268,7 @@ class Migrate43(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if not db_backed_up:
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
db_backed_up = True
self.upgrade_log(u'Dropping redundant tmdb_info refs')
self.upgrade_log('Dropping redundant tmdb_info refs')
self.drop_columns('tv_shows', 'tmdb_id')
db_chg = True
@ -1288,7 +1280,7 @@ class Migrate43(db.SchemaUpgrade):
self.connection.action('INSERT INTO db_version (db_version) VALUES (0);')
if not db_chg:
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version')
return self.set_db_version(10001)
@ -1298,7 +1290,7 @@ class Migrate4301(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version')
return self.set_db_version(10002)
@ -1308,7 +1300,7 @@ class Migrate4302(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version')
return self.set_db_version(10003)
@ -1318,7 +1310,7 @@ class MigrateUpstream(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Migrate SickBeard db v%s into v15' % str(self.call_check_db_version()).replace('58', ''))
self.upgrade_log(f'Migrate SickBeard db v{self.call_check_db_version().replace("58", "")} into v15')
return self.set_db_version(15)
@ -1328,7 +1320,7 @@ class SickGearDatabaseVersion(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version to new SickGear standards')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version to new SickGear standards')
return self.set_db_version(20000)
@ -1338,7 +1330,7 @@ class RemoveDefaultEpStatusFromTvShows(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Dropping redundant column default_ep_status from tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Dropping redundant column default_ep_status from tv_shows')
self.drop_columns('tv_shows', 'default_ep_status')
return self.set_db_version(10000)
@ -1349,7 +1341,7 @@ class RemoveMinorDBVersion(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Dropping redundant column db_minor_version from db_version')
self.upgrade_log('Dropping redundant column db_minor_version from db_version')
self.drop_columns('db_version', 'db_minor_version')
return self.set_db_version(10001)
@ -1359,7 +1351,7 @@ class RemoveMinorDBVersion(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class RemoveMetadataSub(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if self.has_column('tv_shows', 'sub_use_sr_metadata'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Dropping redundant column metadata sub')
self.upgrade_log('Dropping redundant column metadata sub')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.drop_columns('tv_shows', 'sub_use_sr_metadata')
@ -1371,10 +1363,10 @@ class DBIncreaseTo20001(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version to force a backup before new database code')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version to force a backup before new database code')
self.upgrade_log(u'Performed a vacuum on the database', logger.DEBUG)
self.upgrade_log('Performed a vacuum on the database', logger.DEBUG)
return self.set_db_version(20001)
@ -1383,7 +1375,7 @@ class DBIncreaseTo20001(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class AddTvShowOverview(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'overview'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding column overview to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding column overview to tv_shows')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'overview', 'TEXT', '')
@ -1394,7 +1386,7 @@ class AddTvShowOverview(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class AddTvShowTags(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if not self.has_column('tv_shows', 'tag'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding tag to tv_shows')
self.upgrade_log('Adding tag to tv_shows')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.add_column('tv_shows', 'tag', 'TEXT', 'Show List')
@ -1410,7 +1402,7 @@ class ChangeMapIndexer(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if self.has_table('indexer_mapping'):
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE indexer_mapping')
self.upgrade_log(u'Changing table indexer_mapping')
self.upgrade_log('Changing table indexer_mapping')
'CREATE TABLE indexer_mapping (indexer_id INTEGER, indexer NUMERIC, mindexer_id INTEGER NOT NULL,'
@ -1422,7 +1414,7 @@ class ChangeMapIndexer(db.SchemaUpgrade):
self.upgrade_log('Adding last_run_backlog to info')
self.add_column('info', 'last_run_backlog', 'NUMERIC', 1)
self.upgrade_log(u'Moving table scene_exceptions from cache.db to sickbeard.db')
self.upgrade_log('Moving table scene_exceptions from cache.db to sickbeard.db')
if self.has_table('scene_exceptions_refresh'):
self.connection.action('DROP TABLE scene_exceptions_refresh')
self.connection.action('CREATE TABLE scene_exceptions_refresh (list TEXT PRIMARY KEY, last_refreshed INTEGER)')
@ -1467,7 +1459,7 @@ class ChangeMapIndexer(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class AddShowNotFoundCounter(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if not self.has_table('tv_shows_not_found'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding table tv_shows_not_found')
self.upgrade_log('Adding table tv_shows_not_found')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
@ -1482,7 +1474,7 @@ class AddShowNotFoundCounter(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class AddFlagTable(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
if not self.has_table('flags'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding table flags')
self.upgrade_log('Adding table flags')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
self.connection.action('CREATE TABLE flags (flag PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL )')
@ -1494,7 +1486,7 @@ class AddFlagTable(db.SchemaUpgrade):
class DBIncreaseTo20007(db.SchemaUpgrade):
def execute(self):
self.upgrade_log(u'Bumping database version')
self.upgrade_log('Bumping database version')
return self.set_db_version(20007)
@ -1517,7 +1509,7 @@ class AddWatched(db.SchemaUpgrade):
if not self.has_table('tv_episodes_watched'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding table tv_episodes_watched')
self.upgrade_log('Adding table tv_episodes_watched')
db.backup_database(self.connection, 'sickbeard.db', self.call_check_db_version())
@ -1561,7 +1553,7 @@ class AddIndexerToTables(db.SchemaUpgrade):
for t in [(allowtbl, 'show_id'), (blocktbl, 'show_id'),
('history', 'showid'), ('scene_exceptions', 'indexer_id')]:
if not self.has_column(t[0], 'indexer'):
self.upgrade_log(u'Adding TV info support to %s table' % t[0])
self.upgrade_log(f'Adding TV info support to {t[0]} table')
self.add_column(t[0], 'indexer')
cl = []
for s_id, i in iteritems(show_ids):
@ -132,21 +132,21 @@ class DBConnection(object):
:return: success, message
if not db_supports_backup:
logger.log('this python sqlite3 version doesn\'t support backups', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('this python sqlite3 version doesn\'t support backups')
return False, 'this python sqlite3 version doesn\'t support backups'
if not os.path.isdir(target):
logger.log('Backup target invalid', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Backup target invalid')
return False, 'Backup target invalid'
target_db = os.path.join(target, (backup_filename, self.filename)[None is backup_filename])
if os.path.exists(target_db):
logger.log('Backup target file already exists', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Backup target file already exists')
return False, 'Backup target file already exists'
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def progress(status, remaining, total):
logger.log('Copied %s of %s pages...' % (total - remaining, total), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Copied %s of %s pages...' % (total - remaining, total))
backup_con = None
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ class DBConnection(object):
with backup_con:
with db_lock:
self.connection.backup(backup_con, progress=progress)
logger.log('%s backup successful' % self.filename, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s backup successful' % self.filename)
except sqlite3.Error as error:
logger.log("Error while taking backup: %s" % ex(error), logger.ERROR)
logger.error("Error while taking backup: %s" % ex(error))
return False, 'Backup failed'
if backup_con:
@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ class DBConnection(object):
if 0 < affected:
logger.debug(u'Transaction with %s queries executed affected at least %i row%s' % (
len(queries), affected, helpers.maybe_plural(affected)))
logger.debug(f'Transaction with {len(queries)} queries executed affected at least {affected:d}'
f' row{helpers.maybe_plural(affected)}')
return sql_result
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
sql_result = []
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ class DBConnection(object):
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
if self.connection:
logger.error(u'Fatal error executing query: ' + ex(e))
logger.error(f'Fatal error executing query: {ex(e)}')
return sql_result
@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ class DBConnection(object):
def action_error(e):
if 'unable to open database file' in e.args[0] or 'database is locked' in e.args[0]:
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'DB error: {ex(e)}')
return True
logger.log(u'DB error: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'DB error: {ex(e)}')
def action(self, query, args=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Optional[List, Tuple]) -> Optional[Union[List, sqlite3.Cursor]]
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class DBConnection(object):
attempt += 1
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
logger.log(u'Fatal error executing query: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Fatal error executing query: {ex(e)}')
return sql_result
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ class DBSanityCheck(object):
def upgrade_database(connection, schema):
logger.log(u'Checking database structure...', logger.MESSAGE)
logger.log('Checking database structure...', logger.MESSAGE)
connection.is_upgrading = False
connection.new_db = 0 == connection.check_db_version()
_process_upgrade(connection, schema)
@ -438,16 +438,16 @@ def _pretty_name(class_name):
def _restore_database(filename, version):
logger.log(u'Restoring database before trying upgrade again')
logger.log('Restoring database before trying upgrade again')
if not sickgear.helpers.restore_versioned_file(db_filename(filename=filename, suffix='v%s' % version), version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Database restore failed, abort upgrading database')
logger.log_error_and_exit('Database restore failed, abort upgrading database')
return False
return True
def _process_upgrade(connection, upgrade_class):
instance = upgrade_class(connection)
logger.log('Checking %s database upgrade' % _pretty_name(upgrade_class.__name__), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Checking %s database upgrade' % _pretty_name(upgrade_class.__name__))
if not instance.test():
connection.is_upgrading = True
connection.upgrade_log(getattr(upgrade_class, 'pretty_name', None) or _pretty_name(upgrade_class.__name__))
@ -471,9 +471,9 @@ def _process_upgrade(connection, upgrade_class):
logger.log_error_and_exit('Database upgrade failed, can\'t determine old db version, not restoring.')
logger.log('%s upgrade completed' % upgrade_class.__name__, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s upgrade completed' % upgrade_class.__name__)
logger.log('%s upgrade not required' % upgrade_class.__name__, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s upgrade not required' % upgrade_class.__name__)
for upgradeSubClass in upgrade_class.__subclasses__():
_process_upgrade(connection, upgradeSubClass)
@ -710,15 +710,15 @@ def migration_code(my_db):
db_version = my_db.check_db_version()
my_db.new_db = 0 == db_version
logger.log(u'Detected database version: v%s' % db_version, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Detected database version: v{db_version}')
if not (db_version in schema):
if db_version == sickgear.mainDB.MAX_DB_VERSION:
logger.log(u'Database schema is up-to-date, no upgrade required')
logger.log('Database schema is up-to-date, no upgrade required')
elif 10000 > db_version:
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'SickGear does not currently support upgrading from this database version')
logger.log_error_and_exit('SickGear does not currently support upgrading from this database version')
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Invalid database version')
logger.log_error_and_exit('Invalid database version')
@ -733,13 +733,13 @@ def migration_code(my_db):
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Failed to update database with error: %s attempting recovery...' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to update database with error: {ex(e)} attempting recovery...')
if _restore_database(my_db.filename, db_version):
# initialize the main SB database
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Successfully restored database version: %s' % db_version)
logger.log_error_and_exit(f'Successfully restored database version: {db_version}')
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Failed to restore database version: %s' % db_version)
logger.log_error_and_exit(f'Failed to restore database version: {db_version}')
@ -765,11 +765,11 @@ def backup_database(db_connection, filename, version):
logger.debug('new db, no backup required')
logger.log(u'Backing up database before upgrade')
logger.log('Backing up database before upgrade')
if not sickgear.helpers.backup_versioned_file(db_filename(filename), version):
logger.log_error_and_exit(u'Database backup failed, abort upgrading database')
logger.log_error_and_exit('Database backup failed, abort upgrading database')
logger.log(u'Proceeding with upgrade')
logger.log('Proceeding with upgrade')
def get_rollback_module():
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ def backup_all_dbs(target, compress=True, prefer_7z=True):
:return: success, message
if not make_path(target):
logger.log('Failed to create db backup dir', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Failed to create db backup dir')
return False, 'Failed to create db backup dir'
my_db = DBConnection('cache.db')
last_backup = my_db.select('SELECT time FROM lastUpdate WHERE provider = ?', ['sickgear_db_backup'])
@ -67,30 +67,33 @@ class FailedProcessor(LegacyFailedProcessor):
:return: success
:type: bool or None
self._log(u'Failed download detected: (%s, %s)' % (self.nzb_name, self.dir_name))
self._log(f'Failed download detected: ({self.nzb_name}, {self.dir_name})')
release_name = show_name_helpers.determine_release_name(self.dir_name, self.nzb_name)
if None is release_name:
self._log(u'Warning: unable to find a valid release name.', logger.WARNING)
self._log('Warning: unable to find a valid release name.', logger.WARNING)
raise exceptions_helper.FailedProcessingFailed()
parser = NameParser(False, show_obj=self.show_obj, convert=True)
parsed = parser.parse(release_name)
except InvalidNameException:
self._log(u'Error: release name is invalid: ' + release_name, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Error: release name is invalid: {release_name}', logger.DEBUG)
raise exceptions_helper.FailedProcessingFailed()
except InvalidShowException:
self._log(u'Error: unable to parse release name %s into a valid show' % release_name, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Error: unable to parse release name {release_name} into a valid show', logger.DEBUG)
raise exceptions_helper.FailedProcessingFailed()
logger.log(u"name_parser info: ", logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u" - " + str(parsed.series_name), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u" - " + str(parsed.season_number), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u" - " + str(parsed.episode_numbers), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u" - " + str(parsed.extra_info), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u" - " + str(parsed.release_group), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u" - " + str(parsed.air_date), logger.DEBUG)
for cur_msg in (
'name_parser info: ',
f' - {parsed.series_name}',
f' - {parsed.season_number}',
f' - {parsed.episode_numbers}',
f' - {parsed.extra_info}',
f' - {parsed.release_group}',
f' - {parsed.air_date}'
for episode in parsed.episode_numbers:
segment = parsed.show_obj.get_episode(parsed.season_number, episode)
@ -99,21 +99,20 @@ def add_failed(release):
sql_result = db_select('SELECT * FROM history t WHERE t.release=?', [release])
if not any(sql_result):
logger.log('Release not found in failed.db snatch history', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Release not found in failed.db snatch history')
elif 1 < len(sql_result):
logger.log('Multiple logged snatches found for release in failed.db', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Multiple logged snatches found for release in failed.db')
sizes = len(set([x['size'] for x in sql_result]))
providers = len(set([x['provider'] for x in sql_result]))
if 1 == sizes:
logger.log('However, they\'re all the same size. Continuing with found size', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('However, they\'re all the same size. Continuing with found size')
size = sql_result[0]['size']
'They also vary in size. Deleting logged snatches and recording this release with no size/provider',
'They also vary in size. Deleting logged snatches and recording this release with no size/provider')
for cur_result in sql_result:
remove_snatched(cur_result['release'], cur_result['size'], cur_result['provider'])
@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ def set_episode_failed(ep_obj):
except EpisodeNotFoundException as e:
logger.log('Unable to get episode, please set its status manually: %s' % ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to get episode, please set its status manually: %s' % ex(e))
def remove_failed(release):
@ -237,13 +236,13 @@ def revert_episode(ep_obj):
status_revert = WANTED
logger.log('Episode not found in failed.db history. Setting it to WANTED', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Episode not found in failed.db history. Setting it to WANTED')
ep_obj.status = status_revert
except EpisodeNotFoundException as e:
logger.log('Unable to create episode, please set its status manually: %s' % ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to create episode, please set its status manually: %s' % ex(e))
def find_old_status(ep_obj):
@ -289,8 +288,7 @@ def find_release(ep_obj):
db_action('DELETE FROM history WHERE %s=? AND %s!=?' % ('`release`', '`date`'), [release, r['date']])
# Found a previously failed release
logger.log('Found failed.db history release %sx%s: [%s]' % (
ep_obj.season, ep_obj.episode, release), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Found failed.db history release {ep_obj.season}x{ep_obj.episode}: [{release}]')
release = None
provider = None
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class GenericQueue(object):
my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Exception saving queue %s to db: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Exception saving queue %s to db: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, ex(e)))
def _clear_sql(self):
# type: (...) -> List[List]
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class GenericQueue(object):
my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Exception saving item %s to db: %s' % (item, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Exception saving item %s to db: %s' % (item, ex(e)))
def delete_item(self, item, finished_run=False):
# type: (Union[QueueItem, CastQueueItem], bool) -> None
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class GenericQueue(object):
my_db = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Exception deleting item %s from db: %s' % (item, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Exception deleting item %s from db: %s' % (item, ex(e)))
def _get_item_sql(self, item):
# type: (Union[QueueItem, CastQueueItem]) -> List[List]
@ -211,12 +211,12 @@ class GenericQueue(object):
def pause(self):
logger.log(u'Pausing queue')
logger.log('Pausing queue')
if self.lock:
self.min_priority = 999999999999
def unpause(self):
logger.log(u'Unpausing queue')
logger.log('Unpausing queue')
with self.lock:
self.min_priority = 0
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ class GenericQueue(object):
if 0 == len(self.events[event_type]):
del self.events[event_type]
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Error removing event method from queue: %s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Error removing event method from queue: %s' % ex(e))
def execute_events(self, event_type, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (int, Tuple, Dict) -> None
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class GenericQueue(object):
event(*args, **kwargs)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Error executing Event: %s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Error executing Event: %s' % ex(e))
def run(self):
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ def list_media_files(path):
result = []
if path:
if [direntry for direntry in scantree(path, include=[r'\.sickgearignore'], filter_kind=False, recurse=False)]:
logger.log('Skipping folder "%s" because it contains ".sickgearignore"' % path, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Skipping folder "%s" because it contains ".sickgearignore"' % path)
result = [direntry.path for direntry in scantree(path, exclude=['Extras'], filter_kind=False)
if has_media_ext(direntry.name)]
@ -405,8 +405,7 @@ def hardlink_file(src_file, dest_file):
link(src_file, dest_file)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u"Failed to create hardlink of %s at %s: %s. Copying instead." % (src_file, dest_file, ex(e)),
logger.error(f'Failed to create hardlink of {src_file} at {dest_file}: {ex(e)}. Copying instead.')
copy_file(src_file, dest_file)
@ -441,7 +440,7 @@ def move_and_symlink_file(src_file, dest_file):
symlink(dest_file, src_file)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u"Failed to create symlink of %s at %s. Copying instead" % (src_file, dest_file), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to create symlink of {src_file} at {dest_file}. Copying instead')
copy_file(src_file, dest_file)
@ -488,10 +487,10 @@ def rename_ep_file(cur_path, new_path, old_path_length=0):
# move the file
logger.log(u'Renaming file from %s to %s' % (cur_path, new_path))
logger.log(f'Renaming file from {cur_path} to {new_path}')
shutil.move(cur_path, new_path)
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
logger.log(u"Failed renaming " + cur_path + " to " + new_path + ": " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed renaming {cur_path} to {new_path}: {ex(e)}')
return False
# clean up any old folders that are empty
@ -513,7 +512,7 @@ def delete_empty_folders(check_empty_dir, keep_dir=None):
# treat check_empty_dir as empty when it only contains these items
ignore_items = []
logger.log(u"Trying to clean any empty folders under " + check_empty_dir)
logger.log(f'Trying to clean any empty folders under {check_empty_dir}')
# as long as the folder exists and doesn't contain any files, delete it
while os.path.isdir(check_empty_dir) and check_empty_dir != keep_dir:
@ -523,13 +522,13 @@ def delete_empty_folders(check_empty_dir, keep_dir=None):
[check_file in ignore_items for check_file in check_files])):
# directory is empty or contains only ignore_items
logger.log(u"Deleting empty folder: " + check_empty_dir)
logger.log(f"Deleting empty folder: {check_empty_dir}")
# need shutil.rmtree when ignore_items is really implemented
# do a Synology library update
except OSError as e:
logger.log(u"Unable to delete " + check_empty_dir + ": " + repr(e) + " / " + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to delete {check_empty_dir}: {repr(e)} / {ex(e)}')
check_empty_dir = os.path.dirname(check_empty_dir)
@ -559,9 +558,7 @@ def get_absolute_number_from_season_and_episode(show_obj, season, episode):
if 1 == len(sql_result):
absolute_number = int(sql_result[0]["absolute_number"])
"Found absolute_number:" + str(absolute_number) + " by " + str(season) + "x" + str(episode),
logger.debug(f'Found absolute_number:{absolute_number} by {season}x{episode}')
logger.debug('No entries for absolute number in show: %s found using %sx%s' %
(show_obj.unique_name, str(season), str(episode)))
@ -600,7 +597,7 @@ def sanitize_scene_name(name):
:rtype: AnyStr
if name:
bad_chars = u',:()£\'!?\u2019'
bad_chars = ',:()£\'!?\u2019'
# strip out any bad chars
name = re.sub(r'[%s]' % bad_chars, '', name, flags=re.U)
@ -654,7 +651,7 @@ def parse_xml(data, del_xmlns=False):
parsed_xml = etree.fromstring(data)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u"Error trying to parse xml data. Error: " + ex(e), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f"Error trying to parse xml data. Error: {ex(e)}")
parsed_xml = None
return parsed_xml
@ -686,28 +683,28 @@ def backup_versioned_file(old_file, version):
except (BaseException, Exception):
if os.path.isfile(new_file):
logger.log('could not rename old backup db file', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('could not rename old backup db file')
if not changed_old_db:
raise Exception('can\'t create a backup of db')
while not os.path.isfile(new_file):
if not os.path.isfile(old_file) or 0 == get_size(old_file):
logger.log(u'No need to create backup', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No need to create backup')
logger.log(u'Trying to back up %s to %s' % (old_file, new_file), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Trying to back up {old_file} to {new_file}')
shutil.copy(old_file, new_file)
logger.log(u'Backup done', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Backup done')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Error while trying to back up %s to %s : %s' % (old_file, new_file, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Error while trying to back up {old_file} to {new_file} : {ex(e)}')
num_tries += 1
logger.log(u'Trying again.', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Trying again.')
if 3 <= num_tries:
logger.log(u'Unable to back up %s to %s please do it manually.' % (old_file, new_file), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to back up {old_file} to {new_file} please do it manually.')
return False
return True
@ -729,39 +726,34 @@ def restore_versioned_file(backup_file, version):
restore_file = new_file + '.' + 'v' + str(version)
if not os.path.isfile(new_file):
logger.log(u"Not restoring, " + new_file + " doesn't exist", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Not restoring, {new_file} doesn\'t exist')
return False
u"Trying to backup " + new_file + " to " + new_file + "." + "r" + str(version) + " before restoring backup",
logger.debug(f'Trying to backup {new_file} to {new_file}.r{version} before restoring backup')
shutil.move(new_file, new_file + '.' + 'r' + str(version))
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
u"Error while trying to backup DB file " + restore_file + " before proceeding with restore: " + ex(e),
logger.warning(f'Error while trying to backup DB file {restore_file} before proceeding with restore: {ex(e)}')
return False
while not os.path.isfile(new_file):
if not os.path.isfile(restore_file):
logger.log(u"Not restoring, " + restore_file + " doesn't exist", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Not restoring, {restore_file} doesn\'t exist')
logger.log(u"Trying to restore " + restore_file + " to " + new_file, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Trying to restore {restore_file} to {new_file}')
shutil.copy(restore_file, new_file)
logger.log(u"Restore done", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Restore done')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u"Error while trying to restore " + restore_file + ": " + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Error while trying to restore {restore_file}: {ex(e)}')
num_tries += 1
logger.log(u"Trying again.", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Trying again.')
if 10 <= num_tries:
logger.log(u"Unable to restore " + restore_file + " to " + new_file + " please do it manually.",
logger.error(f'Unable to restore {restore_file} to {new_file} please do it manually.')
return False
return True
@ -963,7 +955,7 @@ def get_show(name, try_scene_exceptions=False):
if tvid and prodid:
show_obj = find_show_by_id({tvid: prodid})
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log(u'Error when attempting to find show: ' + name + ' in SickGear: ' + ex(e), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Error when attempting to find show: {name} in SickGear: {ex(e)}')
return show_obj
@ -1051,8 +1043,9 @@ def clear_cache(force=False):
except OSError:
dirty = True
logger.log(u'%s from cache folder %s' % ((('Found items not removed', 'Found items removed')[not dirty],
'No items found to remove')[None is dirty], sickgear.CACHE_DIR))
f'{(("Found items not removed", "Found items removed")[not dirty], "No items found to remove")[None is dirty]}'
f' from cache folder {sickgear.CACHE_DIR}')
def human(size):
@ -1298,7 +1291,7 @@ def make_search_segment_html_string(segment, max_eps=5):
segment = [segment]
if segment and len(segment) > max_eps:
seasons = [x for x in set([x.season for x in segment])]
seg_str = u'Season%s: ' % maybe_plural(len(seasons))
seg_str = f'Season{maybe_plural(len(seasons))}: '
divider = ''
for x in seasons:
eps = [str(s.episode) for s in segment if x == s.season]
@ -1308,7 +1301,7 @@ def make_search_segment_html_string(segment, max_eps=5):
divider = ', '
elif segment:
episode_numbers = ['S%sE%s' % (str(x.season).zfill(2), str(x.episode).zfill(2)) for x in segment]
seg_str = u'Episode%s: %s' % (maybe_plural(len(episode_numbers)), ', '.join(episode_numbers))
seg_str = f'Episode{maybe_plural(len(episode_numbers))}: {", ".join(episode_numbers)}'
return seg_str
@ -1394,7 +1387,7 @@ def should_delete_episode(status):
s = Quality.split_composite_status(status)[0]
return True
logger.log('not safe to delete episode from db because of status: %s' % statusStrings[s], logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('not safe to delete episode from db because of status: %s' % statusStrings[s])
return False
@ -1573,7 +1566,7 @@ def count_files_dirs(base_dir):
files = scandir(base_dir)
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Unable to count files %s / %s' % (repr(e), ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to count files %s / %s' % (repr(e), ex(e)))
for e in files:
if e.is_file():
@ -1643,8 +1636,8 @@ def upgrade_new_naming():
move_file(entry.path, new_name)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Unable to rename %s to %s: %s / %s'
% (entry.path, new_name, repr(e), ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to rename %s to %s: %s / %s'
% (entry.path, new_name, repr(e), ex(e)))
# clean up files without reference in db
@ -1664,7 +1657,7 @@ def upgrade_new_naming():
entries = scandir(entry.path)
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Unable to stat dirs %s / %s' % (repr(e), ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to stat dirs %s / %s' % (repr(e), ex(e)))
for d_entry in entries:
if d_entry.is_dir():
@ -1679,14 +1672,13 @@ def upgrade_new_naming():
move_file(d_entry.path, new_dir_name)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Unable to rename %s to %s: %s / %s' %
(d_entry.path, new_dir_name, repr(e), ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to rename {d_entry.path} to {new_dir_name}:'
f' {repr(e)} / {ex(e)}')
if os.path.isdir(new_dir_name):
f_n = filter(lambda fn: fn.is_file(), scandir(new_dir_name))
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Unable to rename %s / %s' % (repr(e), ex(e)),
logger.warning('Unable to rename %s / %s' % (repr(e), ex(e)))
rename_args = []
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
@ -1697,8 +1689,8 @@ def upgrade_new_naming():
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Unable to rename %s to %s: %s / %s' %
(args[0], args[1], repr(e), ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to rename {args[0]} to {args[1]}:'
f' {repr(e)} / {ex(e)}')
@ -1754,11 +1746,11 @@ def normalise_chars(text):
:return: Text with entities replaced
:rtype: AnyStr
result = text.replace(u'\u2010', u'-').replace(u'\u2011', u'-').replace(u'\u2012', u'-') \
.replace(u'\u2013', u'-').replace(u'\u2014', u'-').replace(u'\u2015', u'-') \
.replace(u'\u2018', u"'").replace(u'\u2019', u"'") \
.replace(u'\u201c', u'\"').replace(u'\u201d', u'\"') \
.replace(u'\u0020', u' ').replace(u'\u00a0', u' ')
result = text.replace('\u2010', '-').replace('\u2011', '-').replace('\u2012', '-') \
.replace('\u2013', '-').replace('\u2014', '-').replace('\u2015', '-') \
.replace('\u2018', "'").replace('\u2019', "'") \
.replace('\u201c', '\"').replace('\u201d', '\"') \
.replace('\u0020', ' ').replace('\u00a0', ' ')
return result
@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ class ImageCache(object):
result = []
for filename in glob.glob(image_file):
result.append(os.path.isfile(filename) and filename)
logger.log(u'Found cached %s' % filename, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Found cached {filename}')
not any(result) and logger.log(u'No cache for %s' % image_file, logger.DEBUG)
not any(result) and logger.debug(f'No cache for {image_file}')
return any(result)
def has_poster(self, tvid, prodid):
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
:param is_binary: is data instead of path
if not is_binary and not os.path.isfile(image):
logger.warning(u'File not found to determine image type of %s' % image)
logger.warning(f'File not found to determine image type of {image}')
if not image:
logger.warning('No Image Data to determinate image type')
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
img_parser.parse_photoshop_content = False
img_metadata = extractMetadata(img_parser)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.debug(u'Unable to extract metadata from %s, not using file. Error: %s' % (image, ex(e)))
logger.debug(f'Unable to extract metadata from {image}, not using file. Error: {ex(e)}')
if not img_metadata:
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
msg = 'Image Data'
msg = image
logger.debug(u'Unable to extract metadata from %s, not using file' % msg)
logger.debug(f'Unable to extract metadata from {msg}, not using file')
width = img_metadata.get('width')
@ -441,9 +441,9 @@ class ImageCache(object):
logger.debug(msg_success % 'fanart')
return self.FANART
logger.warning(u'Skipped image with fanart aspect ratio but less than 500 pixels wide')
logger.warning('Skipped image with fanart aspect ratio but less than 500 pixels wide')
logger.warning(u'Skipped image with useless ratio %s' % img_ratio)
logger.warning(f'Skipped image with useless ratio {img_ratio}')
def should_refresh(self, image_type=None, provider='local'):
# type: (int, Optional[AnyStr]) -> bool
@ -522,13 +522,13 @@ class ImageCache(object):
dest_path = self.fanart_path(*id_args + (prefix,)).replace('.fanart.jpg', '.%s.fanart.jpg' % crc)
fanart_dir = [self._fanart_dir(*id_args)]
logger.log(u'Invalid cache image type: ' + str(img_type), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Invalid cache image type: {img_type}')
return False
for cache_dir in [self.shows_dir, self._thumbnails_dir(*id_args)] + fanart_dir:
logger.log(u'%sing from %s to %s' % (('Copy', 'Mov')[move_file], image_path, dest_path))
logger.log(f'{("Copy", "Mov")[move_file]}ing from {image_path} to {dest_path}')
# copy poster, banner as thumb, even if moved we need to duplicate the images
if img_type in (self.POSTER, self.BANNER) and dest_thumb_path:
sg_helpers.copy_file(image_path, dest_thumb_path)
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
img_type_name = 'banner_thumb'
dest_path = self.banner_thumb_path(*arg_tvid_prodid)
logger.log(u'Invalid cache image type: ' + str(img_type), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Invalid cache image type: {img_type}')
return False
# retrieve the image from TV info source using the generic metadata class
@ -625,10 +625,9 @@ class ImageCache(object):
if num_files > max_files:
total = len(glob.glob(dest_path))
logger.log(u'Saved %s fanart images%s. Cached %s of max %s fanart file%s'
% (success,
('', ' from ' + ', '.join([x for x in list(set(sources))]))[0 < len(sources)],
total, sickgear.FANART_LIMIT, sg_helpers.maybe_plural(total)))
logger.log(f'Saved {success} fanart images'
f'{("", " from " + ", ".join([x for x in list(set(sources))]))[0 < len(sources)]}.'
f' Cached {total} of max {sickgear.FANART_LIMIT} fanart file{sg_helpers.maybe_plural(total)}')
return bool(success)
image_urls = metadata_generator.retrieve_show_image(img_type_name, show_obj, return_links=True,
@ -656,7 +655,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
if result:
logger.log(u'Saved image type %s' % img_type_name)
logger.log(f'Saved image type {img_type_name}')
return result
def fill_cache(self, show_obj, force=False):
@ -683,7 +682,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
self.BANNER_THUMB: not self.has_banner_thumbnail(*arg_tvid_prodid) or force}
if not any(itervalues(need_images)):
logger.log(u'%s: No new cache images needed. Done.' % show_obj.tvid_prodid)
logger.log(f'{show_obj.tvid_prodid}: No new cache images needed. Done.')
show_infos = GenericMetadata.gen_show_infos_dict(show_obj)
@ -698,7 +697,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
del (sickgear.FANART_RATINGS[show_obj.tvid_prodid])
result = sg_helpers.remove_file(cache_dir, tree=True)
if result:
logger.log(u'%s cache file %s' % (result, cache_dir), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'{result} cache file {cache_dir}')
checked_files = []
@ -718,7 +717,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
if 0 == len(needed):
logger.log(u'Checking for images from optional %s metadata' % cur_provider.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking for images from optional {cur_provider.name} metadata')
for all_meta_provs, path_file in needed:
checked_files += [path_file]
@ -735,9 +734,10 @@ class ImageCache(object):
if None is cur_file_type:
logger.log(u'Checking if image %s (type %s needs metadata: %s)'
% (cache_file_name, str(cur_file_type),
('No', 'Yes')[True is need_images[cur_file_type]]), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if image {cache_file_name} '
f'(type {str(cur_file_type)}'
f' needs metadata: {("No", "Yes")[True is need_images[cur_file_type]]}'
if need_images.get(cur_file_type):
need_images[cur_file_type] = (
@ -746,8 +746,8 @@ class ImageCache(object):
if self.FANART == cur_file_type and \
(not sickgear.FANART_LIMIT or sickgear.FANART_LIMIT < need_images[cur_file_type]):
logger.log(u'Caching image found in the show directory to the image cache: %s, type %s'
% (cache_file_name, cur_file_type), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Caching image found in the show directory to the image cache: {cache_file_name},'
f' type {cur_file_type}')
cache_file_name, cur_file_type,
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ class ImageCache(object):
isinstance(need_images[cur_file_type], bool)],))
except exceptions_helper.ShowDirNotFoundException:
logger.log(u'Unable to search for images in show directory because it doesn\'t exist', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to search for images in show directory because it doesn\'t exist')
# download images from TV info sources
for image_type, name_type in [[self.POSTER, 'Poster'], [self.BANNER, 'Banner'], [self.FANART, 'Fanart']]:
@ -763,12 +763,12 @@ class ImageCache(object):
if not max_files or max_files < need_images[image_type]:
logger.log(u'Seeing if we still need an image of type %s: %s'
% (name_type, ('No', 'Yes')[True is need_images[image_type]]), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Seeing if we still need an image of type {name_type}:'
f' {("No", "Yes")[True is need_images[image_type]]}')
if need_images[image_type]:
file_num = (need_images[image_type] + 1, 1)[isinstance(need_images[image_type], bool)]
if file_num <= max_files:
self._cache_info_source_images(show_obj, image_type, file_num, max_files, force=force,
logger.log(u'Done cache check')
logger.log('Done cache check')
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ def load_mapped_ids(**kwargs):
cur_show_obj.ids = sickgear.indexermapper.map_indexers_to_show(cur_show_obj, **n_kargs)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.debug('Error loading mapped id\'s for show: %s' % cur_show_obj.unique_name)
logger.log('Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
logger.log('TV info mappings loaded')
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ MESSAGE = logging.INFO
DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
DB = 5
# suppress output with this handler
@ -150,31 +150,31 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
def _has_show_metadata(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
result = os.path.isfile(self.get_show_file_path(show_obj))
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.get_show_file_path(show_obj) + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {self.get_show_file_path(show_obj)} exists: {result}')
return result
def has_episode_metadata(self, ep_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVEpisode) -> bool
result = os.path.isfile(self.get_episode_file_path(ep_obj))
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.get_episode_file_path(ep_obj) + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {self.get_episode_file_path(ep_obj)} exists: {result}')
return result
def _has_fanart(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
result = os.path.isfile(self.get_fanart_path(show_obj))
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.get_fanart_path(show_obj) + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {self.get_fanart_path(show_obj)} exists: {result}')
return result
def _has_poster(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
result = os.path.isfile(self.get_poster_path(show_obj))
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.get_poster_path(show_obj) + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {self.get_poster_path(show_obj)} exists: {result}')
return result
def _has_banner(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
result = os.path.isfile(self.get_banner_path(show_obj))
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.get_banner_path(show_obj) + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {self.get_banner_path(show_obj)} exists: {result}')
return result
def has_episode_thumb(self, ep_obj):
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
location = self.get_episode_thumb_path(ep_obj)
result = None is not location and os.path.isfile(location)
if location:
logger.log(u"Checking if " + location + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {location} exists: {result}')
return result
def _has_season_poster(self, show_obj, season):
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
location = self.get_season_poster_path(show_obj, season)
result = None is not location and os.path.isfile(location)
if location:
logger.log(u"Checking if " + location + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {location} exists: {result}')
return result
def _has_season_banner(self, show_obj, season):
@ -198,21 +198,19 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
location = self.get_season_banner_path(show_obj, season)
result = None is not location and os.path.isfile(location)
if location:
logger.log(u"Checking if " + location + " exists: " + str(result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking if {location} exists: {result}')
return result
def _has_season_all_poster(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
result = os.path.isfile(self.get_season_all_poster_path(show_obj))
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.get_season_all_poster_path(show_obj) + " exists: " + str(result),
logger.debug(f'Checking if {self.get_season_all_poster_path(show_obj)} exists: {result}')
return result
def _has_season_all_banner(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
result = os.path.isfile(self.get_season_all_banner_path(show_obj))
logger.log(u"Checking if " + self.get_season_all_banner_path(show_obj) + " exists: " + str(result),
logger.debug(f'Checking if {self.get_season_all_banner_path(show_obj)} exists: {result}')
return result
@ -343,8 +341,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
isinstance(getattr(fetched_show_info, 'data', None), (list, dict)) and
'seriesname' in getattr(fetched_show_info, 'data', [])) and \
not hasattr(fetched_show_info, 'seriesname'):
logger.log(u'Show %s not found on %s ' %
(show_obj.name, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Show {show_obj.name} not found on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name} ')
return False
return True
@ -364,8 +361,8 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
result = self.write_show_file(show_obj)
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log('Unable to find useful show metadata for %s on %s: %s' % (
self.name, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to find useful show metadata for {self.name}'
f' on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name}: {ex(e)}')
return result
@ -373,21 +370,20 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVEpisode, bool) -> bool
result = False
if self.episode_metadata and ep_obj and (not self.has_episode_metadata(ep_obj) or force):
logger.log('Metadata provider %s creating episode metadata for %s' % (self.name, ep_obj.pretty_name()),
logger.debug('Metadata provider %s creating episode metadata for %s' % (self.name, ep_obj.pretty_name()))
result = self.write_ep_file(ep_obj)
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log('Unable to find useful episode metadata for %s on %s: %s' % (
self.name, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to find useful episode metadata for {self.name}'
f' on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name}: {ex(e)}')
return result
def update_show_indexer_metadata(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
if self.show_metadata and show_obj and self._has_show_metadata(show_obj):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s updating show indexer metadata file for %s' % (
self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name}'
f' updating show indexer metadata file for {show_obj.unique_name}')
nfo_file_path = self.get_show_file_path(show_obj)
with io.open(nfo_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as xmlFileObj:
@ -419,29 +415,28 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
def create_fanart(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
if self.fanart and show_obj and not self._has_fanart(show_obj):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s creating fanart for %s' % (self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating fanart for {show_obj.unique_name}')
return self.save_fanart(show_obj)
return False
def create_poster(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
if self.poster and show_obj and not self._has_poster(show_obj):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s creating poster for %s' % (self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating poster for {show_obj.unique_name}')
return self.save_poster(show_obj)
return False
def create_banner(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
if self.banner and show_obj and not self._has_banner(show_obj):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s creating banner for %s' % (self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating banner for {show_obj.unique_name}')
return self.save_banner(show_obj)
return False
def create_episode_thumb(self, ep_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVEpisode) -> bool
if self.episode_thumbnails and ep_obj and not self.has_episode_thumb(ep_obj):
logger.log(u"Metadata provider " + self.name + " creating episode thumbnail for " + ep_obj.pretty_name(),
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating episode thumbnail for {ep_obj.pretty_name()}')
return self.save_thumbnail(ep_obj)
return False
@ -451,8 +446,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
result = []
for season, _ in iteritems(show_obj.sxe_ep_obj):
if not self._has_season_poster(show_obj, season):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s creating season posters for %s' % (
self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating season posters for {show_obj.unique_name}')
result = result + [self.save_season_posters(show_obj, season)]
return all(result)
return False
@ -463,8 +457,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
result = []
for season, _ in iteritems(show_obj.sxe_ep_obj):
if not self._has_season_banner(show_obj, season):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s creating season banners for %s' % (
self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating season banners for {show_obj.unique_name}')
result = result + [self.save_season_banners(show_obj, season)]
return all(result)
return False
@ -472,16 +465,14 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
def create_season_all_poster(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
if self.season_all_poster and show_obj and not self._has_season_all_poster(show_obj):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s creating season all posters for %s' % (
self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating season all posters for {show_obj.unique_name}')
return self.save_season_all_poster(show_obj)
return False
def create_season_all_banner(self, show_obj):
# type: (sickgear.tv.TVShow) -> bool
if self.season_all_banner and show_obj and not self._has_season_all_banner(show_obj):
logger.debug(u'Metadata provider %s creating season all banner for %s' % (
self.name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Metadata provider {self.name} creating season all banner for {show_obj.unique_name}')
return self.save_season_all_banner(show_obj)
return False
@ -557,7 +548,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
nfo_file_path = self.get_show_file_path(show_obj)
logger.log(u'Writing show metadata file: %s' % nfo_file_path, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Writing show metadata file: {nfo_file_path}')
return sg_helpers.write_file(nfo_file_path, data, xmltree=True, utf8=True)
@ -586,7 +577,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
nfo_file_path = self.get_episode_file_path(ep_obj)
logger.log(u'Writing episode metadata file: %s' % nfo_file_path, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Writing episode metadata file: {nfo_file_path}')
return sg_helpers.write_file(nfo_file_path, data, xmltree=True, utf8=True)
@ -603,14 +594,14 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
file_path = self.get_episode_thumb_path(ep_obj)
if not file_path:
logger.log(u"Unable to find a file path to use for this thumbnail, not generating it", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Unable to find a file path to use for this thumbnail, not generating it')
return False
thumb_url = self._get_episode_thumb_url(ep_obj)
# if we can't find one then give up
if not thumb_url:
logger.log(u"No thumb is available for this episode, not creating a thumb", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No thumb is available for this episode, not creating a thumb')
return False
thumb_data = metadata_helpers.get_show_image(thumb_url, show_name=ep_obj.show_obj.name)
@ -641,7 +632,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
if not fanart_data:
logger.log(u"No fanart image was retrieved, unable to write fanart", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No fanart image was retrieved, unable to write fanart')
return False
return self._write_image(fanart_data, fanart_path)
@ -662,7 +653,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
if not poster_data:
logger.log(u"No show poster image was retrieved, unable to write poster", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No show poster image was retrieved, unable to write poster')
return False
return self._write_image(poster_data, poster_path)
@ -683,7 +674,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
if not banner_data:
logger.log(u"No show banner image was retrieved, unable to write banner", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No show banner image was retrieved, unable to write banner')
return False
return self._write_image(banner_data, banner_path)
@ -717,14 +708,13 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
season_poster_file_path = self.get_season_poster_path(show_obj, cur_season)
if not season_poster_file_path:
logger.log(u'Path for season ' + str(cur_season) + ' came back blank, skipping this season',
logger.debug(f'Path for season {cur_season} came back blank, skipping this season')
season_data = metadata_helpers.get_show_image(season_url, show_name=show_obj.name)
if not season_data:
logger.log(u'No season poster data available, skipping this season', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No season poster data available, skipping this season')
result = result + [self._write_image(season_data, season_poster_file_path)]
@ -762,14 +752,13 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
season_banner_file_path = self.get_season_banner_path(show_obj, cur_season)
if not season_banner_file_path:
logger.log(u'Path for season ' + str(cur_season) + ' came back blank, skipping this season',
logger.debug(f'Path for season {cur_season} came back blank, skipping this season')
season_data = metadata_helpers.get_show_image(season_url, show_name=show_obj.name)
if not season_data:
logger.log(u'No season banner data available, skipping this season', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No season banner data available, skipping this season')
result = result + [self._write_image(season_data, season_banner_file_path)]
@ -787,7 +776,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
if not poster_data:
logger.log(u"No show poster image was retrieved, unable to write season all poster", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No show poster image was retrieved, unable to write season all poster')
return False
return self._write_image(poster_data, poster_path)
@ -801,7 +790,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
if not banner_data:
logger.log(u"No show banner image was retrieved, unable to write season all banner", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('No show banner image was retrieved, unable to write season all banner')
return False
return self._write_image(banner_data, banner_path)
@ -819,18 +808,18 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
# don't bother overwriting it
if not force and os.path.isfile(image_path):
logger.log(u"Image already exists, not downloading", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Image already exists, not downloading')
return False
if not image_data:
logger.log(u"Unable to retrieve image, skipping", logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to retrieve image, skipping')
return False
image_dir = os.path.dirname(image_path)
if not os.path.isdir(image_dir):
logger.log(u"Metadata dir didn't exist, creating it at " + image_dir, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Metadata dir didn"t exist, creating it at {image_dir}')
@ -839,9 +828,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
except IOError as e:
u"Unable to write image to " + image_path + " - are you sure the show folder is writable? " + ex(e),
logger.error(f'Unable to write image to {image_path} - are you sure the show folder is writable? {ex(e)}')
return False
return True
@ -869,8 +856,8 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
return t.get_show((show_obj.ids[tv_id]['id'], show_obj.prodid)[tv_src == show_obj.tvid],
load_episodes=False, banners=True, posters=True, fanart=True, language=show_obj.lang)
except (BaseTVinfoError, IOError) as e:
logger.log(u"Unable to look up show on " + sickgear.TVInfoAPI(
tv_id).name + ", not downloading images: " + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to look up show on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(tv_id).name},'
f' not downloading images: {ex(e)}')
# todo: when tmdb is added as tv source remove the hardcoded TVINFO_TMDB
for tv_src in list(OrderedDict.fromkeys([show_obj.tvid] + list(sickgear.TVInfoAPI().search_sources) +
@ -1042,8 +1029,8 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
image_type = 'fanart'
if image_type not in ('poster', 'banner', 'fanart', 'poster_thumb', 'banner_thumb'):
logger.log(u"Invalid image type " + str(image_type) + ", couldn't find it in the " + sickgear.TVInfoAPI(
show_obj.tvid).name + " object", logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Invalid image type {image_type}, couldn\'t find it in the'
f' {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name} object')
image_urls = self._retrieve_image_urls(show_obj, image_type, show_infos)
@ -1094,8 +1081,8 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
t = sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).setup(**tvinfo_config)
tvinfo_obj_show = t[show_obj.prodid]
except (BaseTVinfoError, IOError) as e:
logger.log(u'Unable to look up show on ' + sickgear.TVInfoAPI(
show_obj.tvid).name + ', not downloading images: ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to look up show on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name},'
f' not downloading images: {ex(e)}')
return result
if not self._valid_show(tvinfo_obj_show, show_obj):
@ -1124,10 +1111,10 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
metadata_path = os.path.join(folder, self._show_metadata_filename)
if not os.path.isdir(folder) or not os.path.isfile(metadata_path):
logger.log(u"Can't load the metadata file from " + repr(metadata_path) + ", it doesn't exist", logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Can\'t load the metadata file from {repr(metadata_path)}, it doesn\'t exist')
return empty_return
logger.log(u"Loading show info from metadata file in " + folder, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Loading show info from metadata file in {folder}')
with io.open(metadata_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as xmlFileObj:
@ -1138,11 +1125,9 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
logger.log(u"Invalid info in tvshow.nfo (missing name or id):"
+ str(show_xml.findtext('title')) + ' '
+ str(show_xml.findtext('indexer')) + ' '
+ str(show_xml.findtext('tvdbid')) + ' '
+ str(show_xml.findtext('id')))
logger.log(f'Invalid info in tvshow.nfo (missing name or id):'
f'{show_xml.findtext("title")} {show_xml.findtext("indexer")} '
f'{show_xml.findtext("tvdbid")} {show_xml.findtext("id")}')
return empty_return
name = show_xml.findtext('title')
@ -1178,17 +1163,15 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u"Empty <id> or <tvdbid> field in NFO, unable to find a ID", logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Empty <id> or <tvdbid> field in NFO, unable to find a ID')
return empty_return
if None is prodid:
logger.log(u"Invalid Show ID (%s), not using metadata file" % prodid, logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Invalid Show ID (%s), not using metadata file {prodid}')
return empty_return
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
u"There was an error parsing your existing metadata file: '" + metadata_path + "' error: " + ex(e),
logger.warning(f'There was an error parsing your existing metadata file: "{metadata_path}" error: {ex(e)}')
return empty_return
return tvid, prodid, name
@ -1202,7 +1185,7 @@ class GenericMetadata(object):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Could not find any %s images on Fanart.tv for %s' % (image_type, show_obj.name), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Could not find any {image_type} images on Fanart.tv for {show_obj.name}')
def _fanart_urls(tvdb_id, image_type='banner', lang='en', thumb=False):
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def get_show_image(url, img_num=None, show_name=None, supress_log=False):
# if they provided a fanart number try to use it instead
temp_url = url if None is img_num else url.split('-')[0] + '-' + str(img_num) + '.jpg'
logger.log(u'Fetching image from ' + temp_url, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Fetching image from {temp_url}')
from sickgear import FLARESOLVERR_HOST, MEMCACHE
MEMCACHE.setdefault('cookies', {})
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ def get_show_image(url, img_num=None, show_name=None, supress_log=False):
if None is image_data:
if supress_log:
logger.log('There was an error trying to retrieve the image%s, aborting' %
('', ' for show: %s' % show_name)[None is not show_name], logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'There was an error trying to retrieve the image'
f'{("", " for show: %s" % show_name)[None is not show_name]}, aborting')
return image_data
@ -127,13 +127,11 @@ class KODIMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
show_info = t[int(show_id)]
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
logger.log('Unable to find show with id %s on %s, skipping it' % (show_id, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(
show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to find show with id {show_id} on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name},'
f' skipping it')
raise e
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
'%s is down, can\'t use its data to add this show' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name,
logger.error(f'{sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name} is down, can\'t use its data to add this show')
raise e
if not self._valid_show(show_info, show_obj):
@ -141,8 +139,8 @@ class KODIMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
# check for title and id
if None is getattr(show_info, 'seriesname', None) or None is getattr(show_info, 'id', None):
logger.log('Incomplete info for show with id %s on %s, skipping it' % (show_id, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(
show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Incomplete info for show with id {show_id} on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name},'
f' skipping it')
return False
title = etree.SubElement(tv_node, 'title')
@ -171,8 +169,8 @@ class KODIMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
uniqueid = etree.SubElement(tv_node, 'uniqueid', **kwargs)
uniqueid.text = '%s%s' % (('', 'tt')[TVINFO_IMDB == tvid], mid)
if not has_id:
logger.log('Incomplete info for show with id %s on %s, skipping it' % (show_id, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(
show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Incomplete info for show with id {show_id} on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name},'
f' skipping it')
return False
ratings = etree.SubElement(tv_node, 'ratings')
@ -235,7 +233,7 @@ class KODIMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
nfo_file_path = self.get_show_file_path(show_obj)
logger.log(u'Writing Kodi metadata file: %s' % nfo_file_path, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Writing Kodi metadata file: {nfo_file_path}')
data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n%s' % data
return sg_helpers.write_file(nfo_file_path, data, utf8=True)
@ -261,7 +259,7 @@ class KODIMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
nfo_file_path = self.get_episode_file_path(ep_obj)
logger.log(u'Writing episode metadata file: %s' % nfo_file_path, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Writing episode metadata file: {nfo_file_path}')
return sg_helpers.write_file(nfo_file_path, data, xmltree=True, xml_header=True, utf8=True)
@ -292,8 +290,8 @@ class KODIMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
raise exceptions_helper.ShowNotFoundException(ex(e))
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log('Unable to connect to %s while creating meta files - skipping - %s' % (sickgear.TVInfoAPI(
ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to connect to {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name}'
f' while creating meta files - skipping - {ex(e)}')
if not self._valid_show(show_info, ep_obj.show_obj):
@ -318,10 +316,10 @@ class KODIMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
ep_info['firstaired'] = str(datetime.date.fromordinal(1))
if None is getattr(ep_info, 'episodename', None):
logger.log(u'Not generating nfo because the episode has no title', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Not generating nfo because the episode has no title')
return None
logger.log('Creating metadata for episode %sx%s' % (ep_obj.season, ep_obj.episode), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Creating metadata for episode %sx%s' % (ep_obj.season, ep_obj.episode))
if 1 < len(ep_obj_list_to_write):
ep_node = etree.SubElement(root_node, 'episodedetails')
@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ class Mede8erMetadata(mediabrowser.MediaBrowserMetadata):
show_info = t[int(show_obj.prodid)]
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
logger.log(u'Unable to find show with id ' + str(show_obj.prodid) + ' on tvdb, skipping it', logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to find show with id {show_obj.prodid} on tvdb, skipping it')
raise e
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log(u'TVDB is down, can\'t use its data to make the NFO', logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'TVDB is down, can\'t use its data to make the NFO')
raise e
if not self._valid_show(show_info, show_obj):
@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ class Mede8erMetadata(mediabrowser.MediaBrowserMetadata):
or '' == show_info['seriesname'] \
or None is show_info['id'] \
or '' == show_info['id']:
logger.log('Incomplete info for show with id %s on %s, skipping it' %
(show_obj.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Incomplete info for show with id {show_obj.prodid}'
f' on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name}, skipping it')
return False
except BaseTVinfoAttributenotfound:
logger.log('Incomplete info for show with id %s on %s, skipping it' %
(show_obj.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Incomplete info for show with id {show_obj.prodid}'
f' on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name}, skipping it')
return False
SeriesName = etree.SubElement(tv_node, 'title')
@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ class Mede8erMetadata(mediabrowser.MediaBrowserMetadata):
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
raise exceptions_helper.ShowNotFoundException(ex(e))
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log('Unable to connect to %s while creating meta files - skipping - %s' %
(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to connect to {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name}'
f' while creating meta files - skipping - {ex(e)}')
return False
if not self._valid_show(show_info, ep_obj.show_obj):
@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ class Mede8erMetadata(mediabrowser.MediaBrowserMetadata):
ep_info = show_info[cur_ep_obj.season][cur_ep_obj.episode]
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Unable to find episode %sx%s on tvdb... has it been removed? Should I delete from db?' %
(cur_ep_obj.season, cur_ep_obj.episode))
logger.log(f'Unable to find episode {cur_ep_obj.season}x{cur_ep_obj.episode} on tvdb...'
f' has it been removed? Should it be deleted from the db?')
return None
if cur_ep_obj == ep_obj:
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class MediaBrowserMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
metadata_dir_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ep_obj.location), 'metadata')
xml_file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir_name, xml_file_name)
logger.log(u"Episode location doesn't exist: " + str(ep_obj.location), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Episode location doesn\'t exist: {ep_obj.location}')
return ''
return xml_file_path
@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ class MediaBrowserMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
if not season_dir:
logger.log(u"Unable to find a season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to find a season dir for season {season}')
return None
logger.log(u"Using " + str(season_dir) + "/folder.jpg as season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Using {season_dir}/folder.jpg as season dir for season {season}')
return os.path.join(show_obj.location, season_dir, 'folder.jpg')
@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ class MediaBrowserMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
if not season_dir:
logger.log(u"Unable to find a season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to find a season dir for season {season}')
return None
logger.log(u"Using " + str(season_dir) + "/banner.jpg as season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Using {season_dir}/banner.jpg as season dir for season {season}')
return os.path.join(show_obj.location, season_dir, 'banner.jpg')
@ -252,12 +252,11 @@ class MediaBrowserMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
show_info = t[int(show_obj.prodid)]
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
logger.log("Unable to find show with id %s on %s, skipping it" %
(show_obj.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to find show with id {show_obj.prodid} '
f'on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name}, skipping it')
raise e
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log("%s is down, can't use its data to make the NFO" % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name,
logger.error('%s is down, can\'t use its data to make the NFO' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name)
raise e
if not self._valid_show(show_info, show_obj):
@ -265,8 +264,8 @@ class MediaBrowserMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
# check for title and id
if None is getattr(show_info, 'seriesname', None) or None is getattr(show_info, 'id', None):
logger.log("Incomplete info for show with id %s on %s, skipping it" %
(show_obj.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Incomplete info for show with id {show_obj.prodid}'
f' on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name}, skipping it')
return False
prodid = etree.SubElement(tv_node, "id")
@ -415,8 +414,8 @@ class MediaBrowserMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
raise exceptions_helper.ShowNotFoundException(ex(e))
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log("Unable to connect to %s while creating meta files - skipping - %s" %
(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to connect to {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name}'
f' while creating meta files - skipping - {ex(e)}')
return False
if not self._valid_show(show_info, ep_obj.show_obj):
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class TIVOMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
metadata_dir_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ep_obj.location), '.meta')
metadata_file_path = os.path.join(metadata_dir_name, metadata_file_name)
logger.log(u"Episode location doesn't exist: " + str(ep_obj.location), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Episode location doesn\'t exist: {ep_obj.location}')
return ''
return metadata_file_path
@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ class TIVOMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
raise exceptions_helper.ShowNotFoundException(ex(e))
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log("Unable to connect to %s while creating meta files - skipping - %s" %
(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to connect to {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name}'
f' while creating meta files - skipping - {ex(e)}')
return False
if not self._valid_show(show_info, ep_obj.show_obj):
@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ class TIVOMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
# Write the synopsis of the video here
sanitizedDescription = cur_ep_obj.description
# Replace double curly quotes
sanitizedDescription = sanitizedDescription.replace(u"\u201c", "\"").replace(u"\u201d", "\"")
sanitizedDescription = sanitizedDescription.replace('\u201c', '"').replace('\u201d', '"')
# Replace single curly quotes
sanitizedDescription = sanitizedDescription.replace(u"\u2018", "'").replace(u"\u2019", "'").replace(
u"\u02BC", "'")
sanitizedDescription = sanitizedDescription.replace('\u2018', '\'').replace('\u2019', '\'').replace(
'\u02BC', '\'')
data += ("description : " + sanitizedDescription + "\n")
@ -337,11 +337,11 @@ class TIVOMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
if not os.path.isdir(nfo_file_dir):
logger.log(u"Metadata dir didn't exist, creating it at " + nfo_file_dir, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Metadata dir didn\'t exist, creating it at {nfo_file_dir}')
logger.log(u"Writing episode nfo file to " + nfo_file_path, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Writing episode nfo file to {nfo_file_path}')
with open(nfo_file_path, 'w') as nfo_file:
# Calling encode directly, b/c often descriptions have wonky characters.
@ -350,8 +350,7 @@ class TIVOMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
except EnvironmentError as e:
logger.log(u"Unable to write file to " + nfo_file_path + " - are you sure the folder is writable? " + ex(e),
logger.error(f'Unable to write file to {nfo_file_path} - are you sure the folder is writable? {ex(e)}')
return False
return True
@ -168,10 +168,10 @@ class WDTVMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
if not season_dir:
logger.log(u"Unable to find a season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to find a season dir for season {season}')
return None
logger.log(u"Using " + str(season_dir) + "/folder.jpg as season dir for season " + str(season), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Using {season_dir}/folder.jpg as season dir for season {season}')
return os.path.join(show_obj.location, season_dir, 'folder.jpg')
@ -204,8 +204,8 @@ class WDTVMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
raise exceptions_helper.ShowNotFoundException(ex(e))
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log("Unable to connect to %s while creating meta files - skipping - %s" %
(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to connect to {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name}'
f' while creating meta files - skipping - {ex(e)}')
return False
if not self._valid_show(show_info, ep_obj.show_obj):
@ -123,12 +123,11 @@ class XBMC12PlusMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
show_info = t[int(show_id)]
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
logger.log('Unable to find show with id %s on %s, skipping it' %
(show_id, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to find show with id {show_id} on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name},'
f' skipping it')
raise e
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log('%s is down, can\'t use its data to add this show' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name,
logger.error('%s is down, can\'t use its data to add this show' % sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name)
raise e
if not self._valid_show(show_info, show_obj):
@ -136,8 +135,8 @@ class XBMC12PlusMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
# check for title and id
if None is getattr(show_info, 'seriesname', None) or None is getattr(show_info, 'id', None):
logger.log('Incomplete info for show with id %s on %s, skipping it' %
(show_id, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Incomplete info for show with id {show_id} on {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name},'
f' skipping it')
return False
title = etree.SubElement(tv_node, 'title')
@ -227,8 +226,9 @@ class XBMC12PlusMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
except BaseTVinfoShownotfound as e:
raise exceptions_helper.ShowNotFoundException(ex(e))
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log('Unable to connect to %s while creating meta files - skipping - %s' %
(sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
f'Unable to connect to {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name} while creating meta files'
f' - skipping - {ex(e)}')
if not self._valid_show(show_info, ep_obj.show_obj):
@ -249,17 +249,17 @@ class XBMC12PlusMetadata(generic.GenericMetadata):
(cur_ep_obj.season, cur_ep_obj.episode, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(ep_obj.show_obj.tvid).name))
return None
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Not generating nfo because failed to fetched tv info data at this time', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Not generating nfo because failed to fetched tv info data at this time')
return None
if None is getattr(ep_info, 'firstaired', None):
ep_info['firstaired'] = str(datetime.date.fromordinal(1))
if None is getattr(ep_info, 'episodename', None):
logger.log(u'Not generating nfo because the ep has no title', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Not generating nfo because the ep has no title')
return None
logger.log(u'Creating metadata for episode ' + str(ep_obj.season) + 'x' + str(ep_obj.episode), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Creating metadata for episode {ep_obj.season}x{ep_obj.episode}')
if 1 < len(ep_obj_list_to_write):
episode = etree.SubElement(rootNode, 'episodedetails')
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class NameParser(object):
cur_pattern = strip_comment.sub('', cur_pattern)
cur_regex = re.compile('(?x)' + cur_pattern, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
except re.error as errormsg:
logger.log(u'WARNING: Invalid episode_pattern, %s. %s' % (errormsg, cur_pattern))
logger.log(f'WARNING: Invalid episode_pattern, {errormsg}. {cur_pattern}')
cls.compiled_regexes[index].append([cur_pattern_num, cur_pattern_name, cur_regex])
index += 1
@ -380,12 +380,11 @@ class NameParser(object):
season_number = int(ep_obj['seasonnumber'])
episode_numbers = [int(ep_obj['episodenumber'])]
except BaseTVinfoEpisodenotfound:
logger.warning(u'Unable to find episode with date %s for show %s, skipping' %
(best_result.air_date, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.warning(f'Unable to find episode with date {best_result.air_date}'
f' for show {show_obj.unique_name}, skipping')
episode_numbers = []
except BaseTVinfoError as e:
logger.log(u'Unable to contact ' + sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name
+ ': ' + ex(e), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Unable to contact {sickgear.TVInfoAPI(show_obj.tvid).name}: {ex(e)}')
episode_numbers = []
for epNo in episode_numbers:
@ -468,9 +467,8 @@ class NameParser(object):
best_result.season_number = new_season_numbers[0]
if self.convert and show_obj.is_scene:
logger.log(u'Converted parsed result %s into %s'
% (best_result.original_name, decode_str(str(best_result), errors='xmlcharrefreplace')),
logger.debug(f'Converted parsed result {best_result.original_name}'
f' into {decode_str(best_result, errors="xmlcharrefreplace")}')
@ -646,7 +644,7 @@ class NameParser(object):
and any('anime' in wr for wr in final_result.which_regex) == bool(final_result.show_obj.is_anime):
name_parser_cache.add(name, final_result)
logger.log(u'Parsed %s into %s' % (name, final_result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Parsed {name} into {final_result}')
return final_result
@ -752,9 +750,9 @@ class ParseResult(LegacyParseResult):
def __unicode__(self):
if None is not self.series_name:
to_return = self.series_name + u' - '
to_return = f'{self.series_name} - '
to_return = u''
to_return = ''
if None is not self.season_number:
to_return += 'S' + str(self.season_number)
if self.episode_numbers and len(self.episode_numbers):
@ -863,7 +861,7 @@ class NameParserCache(object):
key = self._previous_parsed.first_key()
del self._previous_parsed[key]
except KeyError:
logger.log('Could not remove old NameParserCache entry: %s' % key, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Could not remove old NameParserCache entry: %s' % key)
def get(self, name):
# type: (AnyStr) -> ParseResult
@ -876,7 +874,7 @@ class NameParserCache(object):
with self.lock:
if name in self._previous_parsed:
logger.log('Using cached parse result for: ' + name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Using cached parse result for: ' + name)
return self._previous_parsed[name]
@ -165,11 +165,11 @@ def check_valid_naming(pattern=None, multi=None, anime_type=None):
if None is anime_type:
anime_type = sickgear.NAMING_ANIME
logger.log(u'Checking whether the pattern %s is valid for a single episode' % pattern, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking whether the pattern {pattern} is valid for a single episode')
valid = validate_name(pattern, None, anime_type)
if None is not multi:
logger.log(u'Checking whether the pattern %s is valid for a multi episode' % pattern, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking whether the pattern {pattern} is valid for a multi episode')
valid = valid and validate_name(pattern, multi, anime_type)
return valid
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ def check_valid_abd_naming(pattern=None):
if None is pattern:
pattern = sickgear.NAMING_PATTERN
logger.log(u'Checking whether the pattern %s is valid for an air-by-date episode' % pattern, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking whether the pattern {pattern} is valid for an air-by-date episode')
valid = validate_name(pattern, abd=True)
return valid
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ def check_valid_sports_naming(pattern=None):
if None is pattern:
pattern = sickgear.NAMING_PATTERN
logger.log(u'Checking whether the pattern %s is valid for an sports episode' % pattern, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Checking whether the pattern {pattern} is valid for an sports episode')
valid = validate_name(pattern, sports=True)
return valid
@ -233,43 +233,43 @@ def validate_name(pattern, multi=None, anime_type=None, file_only=False, abd=Fal
sample_ep_obj = generate_sample_ep(multi, abd, sports, anime_type=anime_type)
new_name = u'%s.ext' % sample_ep_obj.formatted_filename(pattern, multi, anime_type)
new_name = f'{sample_ep_obj.formatted_filename(pattern, multi, anime_type)}.ext'
new_path = sample_ep_obj.formatted_dir(pattern, multi)
if not file_only:
new_name = os.path.join(new_path, new_name)
if not new_name:
logger.log(u'Unable to create a name out of %s' % pattern, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to create a name out of {pattern}')
return False
logger.log(u'Trying to parse %s' % new_name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Trying to parse {new_name}')
parser = NameParser(True, show_obj=sample_ep_obj.show_obj, naming_pattern=True)
result = parser.parse(new_name)
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Unable to parse %s, not valid' % new_name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to parse {new_name}, not valid')
return False
logger.log(u'The name %s parsed into %s' % (new_name, result), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'The name {new_name} parsed into {result}')
if abd or sports:
if result.air_date != sample_ep_obj.airdate:
logger.log(u'Air date incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Air date incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid')
return False
elif 3 == anime_type:
if result.season_number != sample_ep_obj.season:
logger.log(u'Season number incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Season number incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid')
return False
if result.episode_numbers != [x.episode for x in [sample_ep_obj] + sample_ep_obj.related_ep_obj]:
logger.log(u'Episode numbering incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Episode numbering incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid')
return False
if len(result.ab_episode_numbers) \
and result.ab_episode_numbers != [x.absolute_number
for x in [sample_ep_obj] + sample_ep_obj.related_ep_obj]:
logger.log(u'Absolute numbering incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Absolute numbering incorrect in parsed episode, pattern isn\'t valid')
return False
return True
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ def _remove_old_zoneinfo():
for _dir in (sickgear.ZONEINFO_DIR, )]): # type: DirEntry
if current_file != entry.path:
if remove_file_perm(entry.path, log_err=False):
logger.log(u'Delete unneeded old zoneinfo File: %s' % entry.path)
logger.log(f'Delete unneeded old zoneinfo File: {entry.path}')
logger.log(u'Unable to delete: %s' % entry.path, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to delete: {entry.path}')
def _update_zoneinfo():
@ -175,16 +175,15 @@ def _update_zoneinfo():
if None is url_data:
# when None is urlData, trouble connecting to GitHub
logger.log(u'Fetching zoneinfo.txt failed, this can happen from time to time. Unable to get URL: %s' % url,
logger.warning(f'Fetching zoneinfo.txt failed, this can happen from time to time. Unable to get URL: {url}')
(new_zoneinfo, zoneinfo_md5) = url_data.strip().rsplit(u' ')
(new_zoneinfo, zoneinfo_md5) = url_data.strip().rsplit(' ')
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Fetching zoneinfo.txt failed, update contains unparsable data: %s' % url_data, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Fetching zoneinfo.txt failed, update contains unparsable data: %s' % url_data)
current_file = zoneinfo.ZONEFILENAME
@ -206,25 +205,25 @@ def _update_zoneinfo():
# load the new zoneinfo
url_tar = u'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Prinz23/sb_network_timezones/master/%s' % new_zoneinfo
url_tar = f'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Prinz23/sb_network_timezones/master/{new_zoneinfo}'
zonefile_tmp = re.sub(r'\.tar\.gz$', '.tmp', zonefile)
if not remove_file_perm(zonefile_tmp, log_err=False):
logger.log(u'Unable to delete: %s' % zonefile_tmp, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to delete: {zonefile_tmp}')
if not helpers.download_file(url_tar, zonefile_tmp):
if not os.path.exists(zonefile_tmp):
logger.log(u'Download of %s failed.' % zonefile_tmp, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Download of {zonefile_tmp} failed.')
new_hash = str(helpers.md5_for_file(zonefile_tmp))
if zoneinfo_md5.upper() == new_hash.upper():
logger.log(u'Updating timezone info with new one: %s' % new_zoneinfo, logger.MESSAGE)
logger.log(f'Updating timezone info with new one: {new_zoneinfo}', logger.MESSAGE)
# remove the old zoneinfo file
if None is not current_file:
@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ def _update_zoneinfo():
remove_file_perm(zonefile_tmp, log_err=False)
logger.log(u'MD5 hash does not match: %s File: %s' % (zoneinfo_md5.upper(), new_hash.upper()), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'MD5 hash does not match: {zoneinfo_md5.upper()} File: {new_hash.upper()}')
@ -270,7 +269,7 @@ def update_network_dict():
if url_data in (None, ''):
# When None is urlData, trouble connecting to GitHub
logger.debug(u'Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: %s' % url)
logger.debug(f'Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: {url}')
@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ def update_network_dict():
for line in url_data.splitlines():
(name, tzone) = line.strip().rsplit(u':', 1)
(name, tzone) = line.strip().rsplit(':', 1)
except (BaseException, Exception):
if None is name or None is tzone:
@ -512,14 +511,14 @@ def _load_network_conversions():
if url_data in (None, ''):
# when no url_data, trouble connecting to GitHub
logger.debug(u'Updating network conversions failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: %s' % url)
logger.debug(f'Updating network conversions failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: {url}')
for line in url_data.splitlines():
(tvdb_network, tvrage_network, tvrage_country) = line.strip().rsplit(u'::', 2)
(tvdb_network, tvrage_network, tvrage_country) = line.strip().rsplit('::', 2)
if not (tvdb_network and tvrage_network and tvrage_country):
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Boxcar2Notifier(Notifier):
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
if not hasattr(e, 'code'):
self._log_error(u'Notification failed: %s' % ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Notification failed: {ex(e)}')
result = 'Notification failed. Error code: %s' % e.code
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Boxcar2Notifier(Notifier):
result = 'Wrong data sent to Boxcar'
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
self._log_error(u'Notification failed: %s' % ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Notification failed: ex(e)')
return self._choose((True, 'Failed to send notification: %s' % result)[bool(result)], not bool(result))
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class EmailNotifier(Notifier):
use_tls = 1 == sickgear.helpers.try_int(use_tls)
login = any(user) and any(pwd)
self._log_debug(u'Sendmail HOST: %s; PORT: %s; LOGIN: %s, TLS: %s, USER: %s, FROM: %s, TO: %s' % (
host, port, login, use_tls, user, smtp_from, to))
self._log_debug(f'Sendmail HOST: {host}; PORT: {port};'
f' LOGIN: {login}, TLS: {use_tls}, USER: {user}, FROM: {smtp_from}, TO: {to}')
srv = smtplib.SMTP(host, int(port))
@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ class EmailNotifier(Notifier):
if use_tls or login:
self._log_debug(u'Sent initial EHLO command')
self._log_debug('Sent initial EHLO command')
if use_tls:
self._log_debug(u'Sent STARTTLS and EHLO command')
self._log_debug('Sent STARTTLS and EHLO command')
if login:
srv.login(user, pwd)
self._log_debug(u'Sent LOGIN command')
self._log_debug('Sent LOGIN command')
srv.sendmail(smtp_from, to, msg.as_string())
@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ class EmailNotifier(Notifier):
show_name = body.split(' - ')[0]
to = self._get_recipients(show_name)
if not any(to):
self._log_warning(u'No email recipients to notify, skipping')
self._log_warning('No email recipients to notify, skipping')
self._log_debug(u'Email recipients to notify: %s' % to)
self._log_debug(f'Email recipients to notify: {to}')
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ class EmailNotifier(Notifier):
msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
if self._sendmail(sickgear.EMAIL_HOST, sickgear.EMAIL_PORT, sickgear.EMAIL_FROM, sickgear.EMAIL_TLS,
sickgear.EMAIL_USER, sickgear.EMAIL_PASSWORD, to, msg):
self._log_debug(u'%s notification sent to [%s] for "%s"' % (title, to, body))
self._log_debug(f'{title} notification sent to [{to}] for "{body}"')
self._log_error(u'%s notification ERROR: %s' % (title, self.last_err))
self._log_error(f'{title} notification ERROR: {self.last_err}')
def test_notify(self, host, port, smtp_from, use_tls, user, pwd, to):
self._testing = True
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class EmbyNotifier(Notifier):
hosts, keys, message = self._check_config()
if not hosts:
self._log_warning(u'Issue with hosts or api keys, check your settings')
self._log_warning('Issue with hosts or api keys, check your settings')
return False
from sickgear.indexers import indexer_config
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ class EmbyNotifier(Notifier):
timeout=20, hooks=dict(response=self._cb_response), **args)
# Emby will initiate a LibraryMonitor path refresh one minute after this success
if self.response and 204 == self.response.get('status_code') and self.response.get('ok'):
self._log(u'Success: update %s sent to host %s in a library updated call' % (mode_to_log, cur_host))
self._log(f'Success: update {mode_to_log} sent to host {cur_host} in a library updated call')
elif self.response and 401 == self.response.get('status_code'):
self._log_warning(u'Failed to authenticate with %s' % cur_host)
self._log_warning(f'Failed to authenticate with {cur_host}')
elif self.response and 404 == self.response.get('status_code'):
self.response = None
@ -109,16 +109,16 @@ class EmbyNotifier(Notifier):
headers={'Content-type': 'application/json', 'X-MediaBrowser-Token': keys[i]},
timeout=20, hooks=dict(response=self._cb_response), post_json={'Path': '', 'UpdateType': ''})
if self.response and 204 == self.response.get('status_code') and self.response.get('ok'):
self._log(u'Success: fallback to sending Library/Media/Updated call'
u' to scan all shows at host %s' % cur_host)
self._log(f'Success: fallback to sending Library/Media/Updated call'
f' to scan all shows at host {cur_host}')
self._log_debug(u'Warning, Library update responded 404 not found and'
u' fallback to new /Library/Media/Updated api call failed at %s' % cur_host)
self._log_debug(f'Warning, Library update responded 404 not found and'
f' fallback to new /Library/Media/Updated api call failed at {cur_host}')
elif not response and not self.response or not self.response.get('ok'):
self._log_warning(u'Warning, could not connect with server at %s' % cur_host)
self._log_warning(f'Warning, could not connect with server at {cur_host}')
self._log_debug(u'Warning, unknown response %sfrom %s, can most likely be ignored'
% (self.response and '%s ' % self.response.get('status_code') or '', cur_host))
self._log_debug(f'Warning, unknown response %sfrom {cur_host}, can most likely be ignored'
% (self.response and '%s ' % self.response.get('status_code') or ''))
total_success = False
return total_success
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class EmbyNotifier(Notifier):
if len(hosts) != len(apikeys):
message = ('Not enough Api keys for hosts', 'More Api keys than hosts')[len(apikeys) > len(hosts)]
self._log_warning(u'%s, check your settings' % message)
self._log_warning(f'{message}, check your settings')
return False, False, message
return hosts, apikeys, 'OK'
@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ class EmbyNotifier(Notifier):
if self.response and 401 == self.response.get('status_code'):
success = False
message += ['Fail: Cannot authenticate API key with %s' % cur_host]
self._log_warning(u'Failed to authenticate with %s' % cur_host)
self._log_warning(f'Failed to authenticate with {cur_host}')
elif not response and not self.response or not self.response.get('ok'):
success = False
message += ['Fail: No supported Emby server found at %s' % cur_host]
self._log_warning(u'Warning, could not connect with server at ' + cur_host)
self._log_warning(f'Warning, could not connect with server at {cur_host}')
message += ['OK: %s' % cur_host]
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ notify_strings = dict(
git_updated='SickGear updated',
git_updated_text='SickGear updated to commit#: ',
test_title='SickGear notification test',
test_body=u'Success testing %s settings from SickGear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ',
test_body='Success testing %s settings from SickGear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ',
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class BaseNotifier(object):
return 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SickGear/SickGear/main/gui/slick/images/ico/' + self.sg_logo_file
def _log(self, msg, level=logger.MESSAGE):
logger.log(u'%s: %s' % (self.name, msg), level)
logger.log(f'{self.name}: {msg}', level)
def _log_debug(self, msg):
self._log(msg, logger.DEBUG)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class BaseNotifier(object):
def _body_only(title, body):
# don't use title with updates or testing, as only one str is used
return body if 'SickGear' in title else u'%s: %s' % (title, body.replace('#: ', '# '))
return body if 'SickGear' in title else f'{title}: {body.replace("#: ", "# ")}'
class Notifier(BaseNotifier):
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class Notifier(BaseNotifier):
self._pre_notify('git_updated', notify_strings['git_updated_text'] + new_version, **kwargs)
def _pre_notify(self, notify_string, message, *args, **kwargs):
self._log_debug(u'Sending notification "%s"' % (self._body_only(notify_strings[notify_string], message)))
self._log_debug(f'Sending notification "{self._body_only(notify_strings[notify_string], message)}"')
return self._notify(notify_strings[notify_string], message, *args, **kwargs)
except (BaseException, Exception):
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class GrowlNotifier(Notifier):
success = True
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log_warning(u'Unable to send growl to %s:%s - %s' % (opts['host'], opts['port'], ex(e)))
self._log_warning(f'Unable to send growl to {opts["host"]}:{opts["port"]} - {ex(e)}')
return success
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
Returns: True if processing succeeded with no issues else False if any issues found
if not sickgear.KODI_HOST:
self._log_warning(u'No Kodi hosts specified, check your settings')
self._log_warning('No Kodi hosts specified, check your settings')
return False
# either update each host, or only attempt to update until one successful result
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
response = self._send_json(cur_host, dict(method='Profiles.GetCurrentProfile'))
if self.response and 401 == self.response.get('status_code'):
self._log_debug(u'Failed to authenticate with %s' % cur_host)
self._log_debug(f'Failed to authenticate with {cur_host}')
if not response:
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
if self._send_library_update(cur_host, show_name):
only_first.update(dict(profile=response.get('label') or 'Master', host=cur_host))
self._log('Success: profile;' +
u'"%(profile)s" at%(first)s host;%(host)s updated%(show)s%(first_note)s' % only_first)
'"%(profile)s" at%(first)s host;%(host)s updated%(show)s%(first_note)s' % only_first)
result += 1
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
failed_msg = 'Single show update failed,'
if sickgear.KODI_UPDATE_FULL:
self._log_debug(u'%s falling back to full update' % failed_msg)
self._log_debug(f'{failed_msg} falling back to full update')
return __method_update(host)
self._log_debug(u'%s consider enabling "Perform full library update" in config/notifications' % failed_msg)
self._log_debug(f'{failed_msg} consider enabling "Perform full library update" in config/notifications')
return False
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_warning(u'No host specified, aborting update')
self._log_warning('No host specified, aborting update')
return False
args = {}
@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_warning(u'No host specified, aborting update')
self._log_warning('No host specified, aborting update')
return False
self._log_debug(u'Updating library via HTTP method for host: %s' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Updating library via HTTP method for host: {host}')
# if we're doing per-show
if show_name:
self._log_debug(u'Updating library via HTTP method for show %s' % show_name)
self._log_debug(f'Updating library via HTTP method for show {show_name}')
# noinspection SqlResolve
path_sql = 'SELECT path.strPath' \
@ -223,29 +223,28 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
# sql used to grab path(s)
response = self._send(host, {'command': 'QueryVideoDatabase(%s)' % path_sql})
if not response:
self._log_debug(u'Invalid response for %s on %s' % (show_name, host))
self._log_debug(f'Invalid response for {show_name} on {host}')
return False
et = etree.fromstring(quote(response, ':\\/<>'))
except SyntaxError as e:
self._log_error(u'Unable to parse XML in response: %s' % ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unable to parse XML in response: {ex(e)}')
return False
paths = et.findall('.//field')
if not paths:
self._log_debug(u'No valid path found for %s on %s' % (show_name, host))
self._log_debug(f'No valid path found for {show_name} on {host}')
return False
for path in paths:
# we do not need it double-encoded, gawd this is dumb
un_enc_path = decode_str(unquote(path.text), sickgear.SYS_ENCODING)
self._log_debug(u'Updating %s on %s at %s' % (show_name, host, un_enc_path))
self._log_debug(f'Updating {show_name} on {host} at {un_enc_path}')
if not self._send(
host, dict(command='ExecBuiltIn', parameter='Kodi.updatelibrary(video, %s)' % un_enc_path)):
self._log_error(u'Update of show directory failed for %s on %s at %s'
% (show_name, host, un_enc_path))
self._log_error(f'Update of show directory failed for {show_name} on {host} at {un_enc_path}')
return False
# sleep for a few seconds just to be sure kodi has a chance to finish each directory
@ -253,10 +252,10 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
# do a full update if requested
self._log_debug(u'Full library update on host: %s' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Full library update on host: {host}')
if not self._send(host, dict(command='ExecBuiltIn', parameter='Kodi.updatelibrary(video)')):
self._log_error(u'Failed full library update on: %s' % host)
self._log_error(f'Failed full library update on: {host}')
return False
return True
@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
result = {}
if not host:
self._log_warning(u'No host specified, aborting update')
self._log_warning('No host specified, aborting update')
return result
if isinstance(command, dict):
@ -300,8 +299,8 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
if not response.get('error'):
return 'OK' == response.get('result') and {'OK': True} or response.get('result')
self._log_error(u'API error; %s from %s in response to command: %s'
% (json_dumps(response['error']), host, json_dumps(command)))
self._log_error(f'API error; {json_dumps(response["error"])} from {host}'
f' in response to command: {json_dumps(command)}')
return result
def _update_json(self, host=None, show_name=None):
@ -317,12 +316,12 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_warning(u'No host specified, aborting update')
self._log_warning('No host specified, aborting update')
return False
# if we're doing per-show
if show_name:
self._log_debug(u'JSON library update. Host: %s Show: %s' % (host, show_name))
self._log_debug(f'JSON library update. Host: {host} Show: {show_name}')
# try fetching tvshowid using show_name with a fallback to getting show list
show_name = unquote_plus(show_name)
@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
if not shows:
self._log_debug(u'No items in GetTVShows response')
self._log_debug('No items in GetTVShows response')
return False
tvshowid = -1
@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
# we didn't find the show (exact match), thus revert to just doing a full update if enabled
if -1 == tvshowid:
self._log_debug(u'Doesn\'t have "%s" in it\'s known shows, full library update required' % show_name)
self._log_debug(f'Doesn\'t have "{show_name}" in it\'s known shows, full library update required')
return False
# lookup tv-show path if we don't already know it
@ -365,24 +364,24 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
path = 'tvshowdetails' in response and response['tvshowdetails'].get('file', '') or ''
if not len(path):
self._log_warning(u'No valid path found for %s with ID: %s on %s' % (show_name, tvshowid, host))
self._log_warning(f'No valid path found for {show_name} with ID: {tvshowid} on {host}')
return False
self._log_debug(u'Updating %s on %s at %s' % (show_name, host, path))
self._log_debug(f'Updating {show_name} on {host} at {path}')
command = dict(method='VideoLibrary.Scan',
params={'directory': '%s' % json_dumps(path)[1:-1].replace('\\\\', '\\')})
response_scan = self._send_json(host, command)
if not response_scan.get('OK'):
self._log_error(u'Update of show directory failed for %s on %s at %s response: %s' %
(show_name, host, path, response_scan))
self._log_error(f'Update of show directory failed for {show_name} on {host} at {path}'
f' response: {response_scan}')
return False
# do a full update if requested
self._log_debug(u'Full library update on host: %s' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Full library update on host: {host}')
response_scan = self._send_json(host, dict(method='VideoLibrary.Scan'))
if not response_scan.get('OK'):
self._log_error(u'Failed full library update on: %s response: %s' % (host, response_scan))
self._log_error(f'Failed full library update on: {host} response: {response_scan}')
return False
return True
@ -400,7 +399,7 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
def _maybe_log_failed_detection(self, host, msg='connect to'):
self._maybe_log(u'Failed to %s %s, check device(s) and config' % (msg, host), logger.ERROR)
self._maybe_log(f'Failed to {msg} {host}, check device(s) and config', logger.ERROR)
def _notify(self, title, body, hosts=None, username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
""" Internal wrapper for the notify_snatch and notify_download functions
@ -429,20 +428,20 @@ class KodiNotifier(Notifier):
if self.response and 401 == self.response.get('status_code'):
success = False
message += ['Fail: Cannot authenticate with %s' % cur_host]
self._log_debug(u'Failed to authenticate with %s' % cur_host)
self._log_debug(f'Failed to authenticate with {cur_host}')
elif not api_version:
success = False
message += ['Fail: No supported Kodi found at %s' % cur_host]
self._maybe_log_failed_detection(cur_host, 'connect and detect version for')
if 4 >= api_version:
self._log_debug(u'Detected %sversion <= 11, using HTTP API'
% self.prefix and ' ' + self.prefix.capitalize())
self._log_debug(f'Detected {self.prefix and " " + self.prefix.capitalize()}version <= 11,'
f' using HTTP API')
__method_send = self._send
command = dict(command='ExecBuiltIn',
parameter='Notification(%s,%s)' % (title, body))
self._log_debug(u'Detected version >= 12, using JSON API')
self._log_debug('Detected version >= 12, using JSON API')
__method_send = self._send_json
command = dict(method='GUI.ShowNotification', params=dict(
[('title', title), ('message', body), ('image', self._sg_logo_url)]
@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ def diagnose():
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
except dbus.DBusException as e:
return (u'Error: unable to connect to D-Bus session bus: <code>%s</code>. '
u'Are you running SickGear in a desktop session?') % (cgi.escape(e),)
return (f'Error: unable to connect to D-Bus session bus: <code>{cgi.escape(e)}</code>.'
f' Are you running SickGear in a desktop session?')
except dbus.DBusException as e:
return (u'Error: there doesn\'t seem to be a notification daemon available: <code>%s</code> '
u'Try installing notification-daemon or notify-osd.') % (cgi.escape(e),)
return (f'Error: there doesn\'t seem to be a notification daemon available: <code>{cgi.escape(e)}</code>.'
f' Try installing notification-daemon or notify-osd.')
return 'Error: Unable to send notification.'
@ -71,18 +71,18 @@ class LibnotifyNotifier(Notifier):
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import pynotify
except ImportError:
self._log_error(u'Unable to import pynotify. libnotify notifications won\'t work')
self._log_error("Unable to import pynotify. libnotify notifications won't work")
return False
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from gi.repository import GObject
except ImportError:
self._log_error(u'Unable to import GObject from gi.repository. Cannot catch a GError in display')
self._log_error('Unable to import GObject from gi.repository. Cannot catch a GError in display')
return False
if not pynotify.init('SickGear'):
self._log_error(u'Initialization of pynotify failed. libnotify notifications won\'t work')
self._log_error('Initialization of pynotify failed. libnotify notifications won\'t work')
return False
self.pynotify = pynotify
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ class NMJNotifier(BaseNotifier):
terminal = telnetlib.Telnet(host)
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_warning(u'Unable to get a telnet session to %s' % host)
self._log_warning(f'Unable to get a telnet session to {host}')
if result:
# tell the terminal to output the necessary info to the screen so we can search it later
self._log_debug(u'Connected to %s via telnet' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Connected to {host} via telnet')
terminal.read_until('sh-3.00# ')
terminal.write('cat /tmp/source\n')
terminal.write('cat /tmp/netshare\n')
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ class NMJNotifier(BaseNotifier):
match = re.search(r'(.+\.db)\r\n?(.+)(?=sh-3.00# cat /tmp/netshare)', tnoutput)
# if we found the database in the terminal output then save that database to the config
if not match:
self._log_warning(u'Could not get current NMJ database on %s, NMJ is probably not running!' % host)
self._log_warning(f'Could not get current NMJ database on {host}, NMJ is probably not running!')
database = match.group(1)
device = match.group(2)
self._log_debug(u'Found NMJ database %s on device %s' % (database, device))
self._log_debug(f'Found NMJ database {database} on device {device}')
sickgear.NMJ_DATABASE = database
# if the device is a remote host then try to parse the mounting URL and save it to the config
if device.startswith('NETWORK_SHARE/'):
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class NMJNotifier(BaseNotifier):
'but could not get the mounting url')
mount = match.group().replace('', host)
self._log_debug(u'Found mounting url on the Popcorn Hour in configuration: %s' % mount)
self._log_debug(f'Found mounting url on the Popcorn Hour in configuration: {mount}')
sickgear.NMJ_MOUNT = mount
result = True
@ -96,23 +96,23 @@ class NMJNotifier(BaseNotifier):
database = self._choose(database, sickgear.NMJ_DATABASE)
mount = self._choose(mount, sickgear.NMJ_MOUNT)
self._log_debug(u'Sending scan command for NMJ ')
self._log_debug('Sending scan command for NMJ')
# if a mount URL is provided then attempt to open a handle to that URL
if mount:
req = urllib.request.Request(mount)
self._log_debug(u'Try to mount network drive via url: %s' % mount)
self._log_debug(f'Try to mount network drive via url: {mount}')
http_response_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(req) # PY2 http_response_obj has no `with` context manager
except IOError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
self._log_warning(u'Could not contact Popcorn Hour on host %s: %s' % (host, e.reason))
self._log_warning(f'Could not contact Popcorn Hour on host {host}: {e.reason}')
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
self._log_warning(u'Problem with Popcorn Hour on host %s: %s' % (host, e.code))
self._log_warning(f'Problem with Popcorn Hour on host {host}: {e.code}')
return False
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log_error(u'Unknown exception: ' + ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unknown exception: {ex(e)}')
return False
# build up the request URL and parameters
@ -123,18 +123,18 @@ class NMJNotifier(BaseNotifier):
# send the request to the server
req = urllib.request.Request(update_url)
self._log_debug(u'Sending scan update command via url: %s' % update_url)
self._log_debug(f'Sending scan update command via url: {update_url}')
http_response_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
response = http_response_obj.read()
except IOError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
self._log_warning(u'Could not contact Popcorn Hour on host %s: %s' % (host, e.reason))
self._log_warning(f'Could not contact Popcorn Hour on host {host}: {e.reason}')
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
self._log_warning(u'Problem with Popcorn Hour on host %s: %s' % (host, e.code))
self._log_warning(f'Problem with Popcorn Hour on host {host}: {e.code}')
return False
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log_error(u'Unknown exception: ' + ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unknown exception: {ex(e)}')
return False
# try to parse the resulting XML
@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ class NMJNotifier(BaseNotifier):
et = etree.fromstring(response)
result = et.findtext('returnValue')
except SyntaxError as e:
self._log_error(u'Unable to parse XML returned from the Popcorn Hour: %s' % ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unable to parse XML returned from the Popcorn Hour: {ex(e)}')
return False
# if the result was a number then consider that an error
# if the result was a number, then consider that an error
if 0 < int(result):
self._log_error(u'Popcorn Hour returned an errorcode: %s' % result)
self._log_error(f'Popcorn Hour returned an errorcode: {result}')
return False
self._log(u'NMJ started background scan')
self._log('NMJ started background scan')
return True
def _notify(self, host=None, database=None, mount=None, **kwargs):
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class NMJv2Notifier(BaseNotifier):
result = True
except IOError as e:
self._log_warning(u'Couldn\'t contact popcorn hour on host %s: %s' % (host, ex(e)))
self._log_warning(f'Couldn\'t contact popcorn hour on host {host}: {ex(e)}')
if result:
return '{"message": "Success, NMJ Database found at: %(host)s", "database": "%(database)s"}' % {
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class NMJv2Notifier(BaseNotifier):
host = self._choose(host, sickgear.NMJv2_HOST)
self._log_debug(u'Sending scan command for NMJ ')
self._log_debug('Sending scan command for NMJ ')
# if a host is provided then attempt to open a handle to that URL
@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ class NMJv2Notifier(BaseNotifier):
url_scandir = '%s%s%s' % (base_url, 'metadata_database?', urlencode(
dict(arg0='update_scandir', arg1=sickgear.NMJv2_DATABASE, arg2='', arg3='update_all')))
self._log_debug(u'Scan update command sent to host: %s' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Scan update command sent to host: {host}')
url_updatedb = '%s%s%s' % (base_url, 'metadata_database?', urlencode(
dict(arg0='scanner_start', arg1=sickgear.NMJv2_DATABASE, arg2='background', arg3='')))
self._log_debug(u'Try to mount network drive via url: %s' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Try to mount network drive via url: {host}')
prereq = urllib.request.Request(url_scandir)
req = urllib.request.Request(url_updatedb)
@ -127,24 +127,24 @@ class NMJv2Notifier(BaseNotifier):
response2 = http_response_obj2.read()
except IOError as e:
self._log_warning(u'Couldn\'t contact popcorn hour on host %s: %s' % (host, ex(e)))
self._log_warning(f'Couldn\'t contact popcorn hour on host {host}: {ex(e)}')
return False
et = etree.fromstring(response1)
result1 = et.findtext('returnValue')
except SyntaxError as e:
self._log_error(u'Unable to parse XML returned from the Popcorn Hour: update_scandir, %s' % ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unable to parse XML returned from the Popcorn Hour: update_scandir, {ex(e)}')
return False
et = etree.fromstring(response2)
result2 = et.findtext('returnValue')
except SyntaxError as e:
self._log_error(u'Unable to parse XML returned from the Popcorn Hour: scanner_start, %s' % ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unable to parse XML returned from the Popcorn Hour: scanner_start, {ex(e)}')
return False
# if the result was a number then consider that an error
# if the result was a number, then consider that an error
error_codes = ['8', '11', '22', '49', '50', '51', '60']
error_messages = ['Invalid parameter(s)/argument(s)',
'Invalid database path',
@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ class NMJv2Notifier(BaseNotifier):
'Read only file system']
if 0 < int(result1):
index = error_codes.index(result1)
self._log_error(u'Popcorn Hour returned an error: %s' % (error_messages[index]))
self._log_error(f'Popcorn Hour returned an error: {error_messages[index]}')
return False
elif 0 < int(result2):
index = error_codes.index(result2)
self._log_error(u'Popcorn Hour returned an error: %s' % (error_messages[index]))
self._log_error(f'Popcorn Hour returned an error: {error_messages[index]}')
return False
self._log(u'NMJv2 started background scan')
self._log('NMJv2 started background scan')
return True
def _notify(self, host=None, **kwargs):
@ -45,33 +45,33 @@ class PLEXNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_error(u'No host specified, check your settings')
self._log_error('No host specified, check your settings')
return False
for key in command:
command[key] = command[key].encode('utf-8')
enc_command = urlencode(command)
self._log_debug(u'Encoded API command: ' + enc_command)
self._log_debug(f'Encoded API command: {enc_command}')
url = 'http://%s/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp/?%s' % (host, enc_command)
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
if password:
req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % b64encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)))
self._log_debug(u'Contacting (with auth header) via url: ' + url)
self._log_debug(f'Contacting (with auth header) via url: {url}')
self._log_debug(u'Contacting via url: ' + url)
self._log_debug(f'Contacting via url: {url}')
http_response_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(req) # PY2 http_response_obj has no `with` context manager
result = decode_str(http_response_obj.read(), sickgear.SYS_ENCODING)
self._log_debug(u'HTTP response: ' + result.replace('\n', ''))
self._log_debug('HTTP response: ' + result.replace('\n', ''))
return True
except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError) as e:
self._log_warning(u'Couldn\'t contact Plex at ' + url + ' ' + ex(e))
self._log_warning(f'Couldn\'t contact Plex at {url} {ex(e)}')
return False
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class PLEXNotifier(Notifier):
results = []
for cur_host in [x.strip() for x in host.split(',')]:
cur_host = unquote_plus(cur_host)
self._log(u'Sending notification to \'%s\'' % cur_host)
self._log(f'Sending notification to \'{cur_host}\'')
result = self._send_to_plex(command, cur_host, username, password)
results += [self._choose(('%s Plex client ... %s' % (('Successful test notice sent to',
'Failed test for')[not result], cur_host)), result)]
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class PLEXNotifier(Notifier):
host = self._choose(host, sickgear.PLEX_SERVER_HOST)
if not host:
msg = u'No Plex Media Server host specified, check your settings'
msg = 'No Plex Media Server host specified, check your settings'
return '%sFail: %s' % (('', '<br>')[self._testing], msg)
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class PLEXNotifier(Notifier):
token_arg = None
if username and password:
self._log_debug(u'Fetching plex.tv credentials for user: ' + username)
self._log_debug('Fetching plex.tv credentials for user: ' + username)
req = urllib.request.Request('https://plex.tv/users/sign_in.xml', data=b'')
req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % b64encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)))
req.add_header('X-Plex-Device-Name', 'SickGear')
@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ class PLEXNotifier(Notifier):
token_arg = '?X-Plex-Token=' + token
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
self._log(u'Error fetching credentials from plex.tv for user %s: %s' % (username, ex(e)))
self._log(f'Error fetching credentials from plex.tv for user {username}: {ex(e)}')
except (ValueError, IndexError) as e:
self._log(u'Error parsing plex.tv response: ' + ex(e))
self._log('Error parsing plex.tv response: ' + ex(e))
file_location = location if None is not location else '' if None is ep_obj else ep_obj.location
host_validate = self._get_host_list(host, all([token_arg]))
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class PLEXNotifier(Notifier):
sections = response.findall('.//Directory')
if not sections:
self._log(u'Plex Media Server not running on: ' + cur_host)
self._log('Plex Media Server not running on: ' + cur_host)
@ -232,17 +232,17 @@ class PLEXNotifier(Notifier):
self._log_error(u'Error updating library section for Plex Media Server: %s' % cur_host)
self._log_error(f'Error updating library section for Plex Media Server: {cur_host}')
if len(hosts_failed) == len(host_validate):
self._log(u'No successful Plex host updated')
self._log('No successful Plex host updated')
return 'Fail no successful Plex host updated: %s' % ', '.join([host for host in hosts_failed])
hosts = ', '.join(set(host_list))
if len(hosts_match):
self._log(u'Hosts updating where TV section paths match the downloaded show: %s' % hosts)
self._log(f'Hosts updating where TV section paths match the downloaded show: {hosts}')
self._log(u'Updating all hosts with TV sections: %s' % hosts)
self._log(f'Updating all hosts with TV sections: {hosts}')
return ''
hosts = [
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class ProwlNotifier(Notifier):
if 200 != response.status:
if 401 == response.status:
result = u'Authentication, %s (bad API key?)' % response.reason
result = f'Authentication, {response.reason} (bad API key?)'
result = 'Http response code "%s"' % response.status
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class PushalotNotifier(Notifier):
pushalot_auth_token = self._choose(pushalot_auth_token, sickgear.PUSHALOT_AUTHORIZATIONTOKEN)
self._log_debug(u'Title: %s, Message: %s, API: %s' % (title, body, pushalot_auth_token))
self._log_debug(f'Title: {title}, Message: {body}, API: {pushalot_auth_token}')
http_handler = moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection('pushalot.com')
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class PushalotNotifier(Notifier):
if 200 != response.status:
if 410 == response.status:
result = u'Authentication, %s (bad API key?)' % response.reason
result = f'Authentication, {response.reason} (bad API key?)'
result = 'Http response code "%s"' % response.status
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class PushbulletNotifier(Notifier):
result = resp.json()['error']['message']
except (BaseException, Exception):
result = 'no response'
self._log_warning(u'%s' % result)
return self._choose((True, 'Failed to send notification: %s' % result)[bool(result)], not bool(result))
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class PyTivoNotifier(BaseNotifier):
request_url = 'http://%s/TiVoConnect?%s' % (host, urlencode(
dict(Command='Push', Container=container, File=file_path, tsn=tsn)))
self._log_debug(u'Requesting ' + request_url)
self._log_debug(f'Requesting {request_url}')
request = urllib.request.Request(request_url)
@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ class PyTivoNotifier(BaseNotifier):
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
self._log_error(u'Error, failed to reach a server - ' + e.reason)
self._log_error('Error, failed to reach a server - ' + e.reason)
return False
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
self._log_error(u'Error, the server couldn\'t fulfill the request - ' + e.code)
self._log_error('Error, the server couldn\'t fulfill the request - ' + e.code)
return False
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log_error(u'Unknown exception: ' + ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unknown exception: {ex(e)}')
return False
self._log(u'Successfully requested transfer of file')
self._log('Successfully requested transfer of file')
return True
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ class SynoIndexNotifier(BaseNotifier):
self._move_object(old_file, new_file)
def _cmdline_run(self, synoindex_cmd):
self._log_debug(u'Executing command ' + str(synoindex_cmd))
self._log_debug(u'Absolute path to command: ' + os.path.abspath(synoindex_cmd[0]))
self._log_debug(f'Executing command {str(synoindex_cmd)}')
self._log_debug(f'Absolute path to command: {os.path.abspath(synoindex_cmd[0])}')
output, err, exit_status = cmdline_runner(synoindex_cmd)
self._log_debug(u'Script result: %s' % output)
self._log_debug(f'Script result: {output}')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log_error('Unable to run synoindex: %s' % ex(e))
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ class SynologyNotifier(Notifier):
def _notify(self, title, body, **kwargs):
synodsmnotify_cmd = ['/usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify', '@administrators', title, body]
self._log(u'Executing command ' + str(synodsmnotify_cmd))
self._log_debug(u'Absolute path to command: ' + os.path.abspath(synodsmnotify_cmd[0]))
self._log(f'Executing command {synodsmnotify_cmd}')
self._log_debug(f'Absolute path to command: {os.path.abspath(synodsmnotify_cmd[0])}')
output, err, exit_status = cmdline_runner(synodsmnotify_cmd)
self._log_debug(u'Script result: %s' % output)
self._log_debug(f'Script result: {output}')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log('Unable to run synodsmnotify: %s' % ex(e))
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ class TelegramNotifier(Notifier):
access_token = self._choose(access_token, sickgear.TELEGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN)
cid = self._choose(chatid, sickgear.TELEGRAM_CHATID)
msg = self._body_only(('' if not title else u'<b>%s</b>' % title), body)
msg = msg.replace(u'<b>%s</b>: ' % title, u'<b>%s:</b>\r\n' % ('SickGear ' + title, title)[use_icon])
msg = self._body_only(('' if not title else f'<b>{title}</b>'), body)
msg = msg.replace(f'<b>{title}</b>: ', f'<b>{("SickGear " + title, title)[use_icon]}:</b>\r\n')
# HTML spaces ( ) and tabs ( ) aren't supported
# See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#html-style
msg = re.sub('(?i) ?', ' ', msg)
@ -102,26 +102,26 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
self._log(u'Sending request to update library for host: "%s"' % host)
self._log(f'Sending request to update library for host: "{host}"')
xbmcapi = self._get_xbmc_version(host, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD)
if xbmcapi:
if 4 >= xbmcapi:
# try to update for just the show, if it fails, do full update if enabled
if not self._update_library_http(host, show_name) and sickgear.XBMC_UPDATE_FULL:
self._log_warning(u'Single show update failed, falling back to full update')
self._log_warning('Single show update failed, falling back to full update')
return self._update_library_http(host)
return True
# try to update for just the show, if it fails, do full update if enabled
if not self._update_library_json(host, show_name) and sickgear.XBMC_UPDATE_FULL:
self._log_warning(u'Single show update failed, falling back to full update')
self._log_warning('Single show update failed, falling back to full update')
return self._update_library_json(host)
return True
self._log_debug(u'Failed to detect version for "%s", check configuration and try again' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Failed to detect version for "{host}", check configuration and try again')
return False
# #############################################################################
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update')
self._log_debug('No host passed, aborting update')
return False
username = self._choose(username, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
command[key] = command[key].encode('utf-8')
enc_command = urlencode(command)
self._log_debug(u'Encoded API command: ' + enc_command)
self._log_debug('Encoded API command: ' + enc_command)
url = 'http://%s/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp/?%s' % (host, enc_command)
@ -160,19 +160,19 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
# if we have a password, use authentication
if password:
req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % b64encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)))
self._log_debug(u'Contacting (with auth header) via url: ' + url)
self._log_debug(f'Contacting (with auth header) via url: {url}')
self._log_debug(u'Contacting via url: ' + url)
self._log_debug(f'Contacting via url: {url}')
http_response_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(req) # PY2 http_response_obj has no `with` context manager
result = decode_str(http_response_obj.read(), sickgear.SYS_ENCODING)
self._log_debug(u'HTTP response: ' + result.replace('\n', ''))
self._log_debug('HTTP response: ' + result.replace('\n', ''))
return result
except (urllib.error.URLError, IOError) as e:
self._log_warning(u'Couldn\'t contact HTTP at %s %s' % (url, ex(e)))
self._log_warning(f'Couldn\'t contact HTTP at {url} {ex(e)}')
return False
def _update_library_http(self, host=None, show_name=None):
@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update')
self._log_debug('No host passed, aborting update')
return False
self._log_debug(u'Updating XMBC library via HTTP method for host: ' + host)
self._log_debug('Updating XMBC library via HTTP method for host: ' + host)
# if we're doing per-show
if show_name:
self._log_debug(u'Updating library via HTTP method for show ' + show_name)
self._log_debug('Updating library via HTTP method for show ' + show_name)
# noinspection SqlResolve
path_sql = 'select path.strPath' \
@ -224,30 +224,30 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
self._send_to_xbmc(reset_command, host)
if not sql_xml:
self._log_debug(u'Invalid response for ' + show_name + ' on ' + host)
self._log_debug('Invalid response for ' + show_name + ' on ' + host)
return False
enc_sql_xml = quote(sql_xml, ':\\/<>')
et = etree.fromstring(enc_sql_xml)
except SyntaxError as e:
self._log_error(u'Unable to parse XML response: ' + ex(e))
self._log_error(f'Unable to parse XML response: {ex(e)}')
return False
paths = et.findall('.//field')
if not paths:
self._log_debug(u'No valid paths found for ' + show_name + ' on ' + host)
self._log_debug('No valid paths found for ' + show_name + ' on ' + host)
return False
for path in paths:
# we do not need it double-encoded, gawd this is dumb
un_enc_path = decode_str(unquote(path.text), sickgear.SYS_ENCODING)
self._log_debug(u'Updating ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + un_enc_path)
self._log_debug('Updating ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + un_enc_path)
update_command = dict(command='ExecBuiltIn', parameter='XBMC.updatelibrary(video, %s)' % un_enc_path)
request = self._send_to_xbmc(update_command, host)
if not request:
self._log_error(u'Update of show directory failed on ' + show_name
self._log_error('Update of show directory failed on ' + show_name
+ ' on ' + host + ' at ' + un_enc_path)
return False
# sleep for a few seconds just to be sure xbmc has a chance to finish each directory
@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
# do a full update if requested
self._log(u'Doing full library update on host: ' + host)
self._log('Doing full library update on host: ' + host)
update_command = {'command': 'ExecBuiltIn', 'parameter': 'XBMC.updatelibrary(video)'}
request = self._send_to_xbmc(update_command, host)
if not request:
self._log_error(u'Full Library update failed on: ' + host)
self._log_error('Full Library update failed on: ' + host)
return False
return True
@ -284,14 +284,14 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update')
self._log_debug('No host passed, aborting update')
return False
username = self._choose(username, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME)
password = self._choose(password, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD)
command = command.encode('utf-8')
self._log_debug(u'JSON command: ' + command)
self._log_debug('JSON command: ' + command)
url = 'http://%s/jsonrpc' % host
@ -300,28 +300,28 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
# if we have a password, use authentication
if password:
req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % b64encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)))
self._log_debug(u'Contacting (with auth header) via url: ' + url)
self._log_debug(f'Contacting (with auth header) via url: {url}')
self._log_debug(u'Contacting via url: ' + url)
self._log_debug(f'Contacting via url: {url}')
http_response_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(req) # PY2 http_response_obj has no `with` context manager
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
self._log_warning(u'Error while trying to retrieve API version for "%s": %s' % (host, ex(e)))
self._log_warning(f'Error while trying to retrieve API version for "{host}": {ex(e)}')
return False
# parse the json result
result = json_load(http_response_obj)
self._log_debug(u'JSON response: ' + str(result))
self._log_debug(f'JSON response: {result}')
return result # need to return response for parsing
except ValueError:
self._log_warning(u'Unable to decode JSON: ' + http_response_obj)
self._log_warning('Unable to decode JSON: ' + http_response_obj)
return False
except IOError as e:
self._log_warning(u'Couldn\'t contact JSON API at ' + url + ' ' + ex(e))
self._log_warning(f'Couldn\'t contact JSON API at {url} {ex(e)}')
return False
def _update_library_json(self, host=None, show_name=None):
@ -340,15 +340,15 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
if not host:
self._log_debug(u'No host passed, aborting update')
self._log_debug('No host passed, aborting update')
return False
self._log(u'Updating XMBC library via JSON method for host: ' + host)
self._log('Updating XMBC library via JSON method for host: ' + host)
# if we're doing per-show
if show_name:
tvshowid = -1
self._log_debug(u'Updating library via JSON method for show ' + show_name)
self._log_debug('Updating library via JSON method for show ' + show_name)
# get tvshowid by showName
shows_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.GetTVShows","id":1}'
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
if shows_response and 'result' in shows_response and 'tvshows' in shows_response['result']:
shows = shows_response['result']['tvshows']
self._log_debug(u'No tvshows in TV show list')
self._log_debug('No tvshows in TV show list')
return False
for show in shows:
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
# we didn't find the show (exact match), thus revert to just doing a full update if enabled
if -1 == tvshowid:
self._log_debug(u'Exact show name not matched in TV show list')
self._log_debug('Exact show name not matched in TV show list')
return False
# lookup tv-show path
@ -379,19 +379,19 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
path_response = self._send_to_xbmc_json(path_command, host)
path = path_response['result']['tvshowdetails']['file']
self._log_debug(u'Received Show: ' + show_name + ' with ID: ' + str(tvshowid) + ' Path: ' + path)
self._log_debug('Received Show: ' + show_name + ' with ID: ' + str(tvshowid) + ' Path: ' + path)
if 1 > len(path):
self._log_warning(u'No valid path found for ' + show_name + ' with ID: '
self._log_warning('No valid path found for ' + show_name + ' with ID: '
+ str(tvshowid) + ' on ' + host)
return False
self._log_debug(u'Updating ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path)
self._log_debug('Updating ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path)
update_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.Scan","params":{"directory":%s},"id":1}' % (
request = self._send_to_xbmc_json(update_command, host)
if not request:
self._log_error(u'Update of show directory failed on ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path)
self._log_error('Update of show directory failed on ' + show_name + ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path)
return False
# catch if there was an error in the returned request
@ -399,18 +399,18 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
for r in request:
if 'error' in r:
u'Error while attempting to update show directory for ' + show_name
'Error while attempting to update show directory for ' + show_name
+ ' on ' + host + ' at ' + path)
return False
# do a full update if requested
self._log(u'Doing Full Library update on host: ' + host)
self._log('Doing Full Library update on host: ' + host)
update_command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"VideoLibrary.Scan","id":1}'
request = self._send_to_xbmc_json(update_command, host, sickgear.XBMC_USERNAME, sickgear.XBMC_PASSWORD)
if not request:
self._log_error(u'Full Library update failed on: ' + host)
self._log_error('Full Library update failed on: ' + host)
return False
return True
@ -441,12 +441,12 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
for cur_host in [x.strip() for x in hosts.split(',')]:
cur_host = unquote_plus(cur_host)
self._log(u'Sending notification to "%s"' % cur_host)
self._log(f'Sending notification to "{cur_host}"')
xbmcapi = self._get_xbmc_version(cur_host, username, password)
if xbmcapi:
if 4 >= xbmcapi:
self._log_debug(u'Detected version <= 11, using HTTP API')
self._log_debug('Detected version <= 11, using HTTP API')
command = dict(command='ExecBuiltIn',
parameter='Notification(' + title.encode('utf-8') + ',' + body.encode('utf-8') + ')')
notify_result = self._send_to_xbmc(command, cur_host, username, password)
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
result += [cur_host + ':' + str(notify_result)]
success |= 'OK' in notify_result or success
self._log_debug(u'Detected version >= 12, using JSON API')
self._log_debug('Detected version >= 12, using JSON API')
command = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.ShowNotification",' \
'"params":{"title":"%s","message":"%s", "image": "%s"},"id":1}' % \
(title.encode('utf-8'), body.encode('utf-8'), self._sg_logo_url)
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
success |= 'OK' in notify_result or success
if sickgear.XBMC_ALWAYS_ON or self._testing:
self._log_error(u'Failed to detect version for "%s", check configuration and try again' % cur_host)
self._log_error(f'Failed to detect version for "{cur_host}", check configuration and try again')
result += [cur_host + ':No response']
success = False
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
if not sickgear.XBMC_HOST:
self._log_debug(u'No hosts specified, check your settings')
self._log_debug('No hosts specified, check your settings')
return False
# either update each host, or only attempt to update until one successful result
@ -496,11 +496,11 @@ class XBMCNotifier(Notifier):
for host in [x.strip() for x in sickgear.XBMC_HOST.split(',')]:
if self._send_update_library(host, show_name):
self._log_debug(u'Successfully updated "%s", stopped sending update library commands' % host)
self._log_debug(f'Successfully updated "{host}", stopped sending update library commands')
return True
if sickgear.XBMC_ALWAYS_ON:
self._log_error(u'Failed to detect version for "%s", check configuration and try again' % host)
self._log_error(f'Failed to detect version for "{host}", check configuration and try again')
result = result + 1
# needed for the 'update xbmc' submenu command
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def _get_season_nzbs(name, url_data, season):
show_xml = etree.ElementTree(etree.XML(url_data))
except SyntaxError:
logger.log(u'Unable to parse the XML of %s, not splitting it' % name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to parse the XML of {name}, not splitting it')
return {}, ''
filename = name.replace('.nzb', '')
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def _get_season_nzbs(name, url_data, season):
if scene_name_match:
show_name, quality_section = scene_name_match.groups()
logger.log('%s - Not a valid season pack scene name. If it\'s a valid one, log a bug.' % name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s - Not a valid season pack scene name. If it\'s a valid one, log a bug.' % name)
return {}, ''
regex = r'(%s[\._]S%02d(?:[E0-9]+)\.[\w\._]+)' % (re.escape(show_name), season)
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def _get_season_nzbs(name, url_data, season):
if isinstance(ext, string_types) \
and re.search(r'^\.(nzb|r\d{2}|rar|7z|zip|par2|vol\d+|nfo|srt|txt|bat|sh|mkv|mp4|avi|wmv)$', ext,
logger.log('Unable to split %s into episode nzb\'s' % name, logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Unable to split %s into episode nzb\'s' % name)
return {}, ''
if cur_ep not in ep_files:
ep_files[cur_ep] = [cur_file]
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def _save_nzb(nzb_name, nzb_string):
except EnvironmentError as e:
logger.log(u'Unable to save NZB: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to save NZB: {ex(e)}')
def _strip_ns(element, ns):
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def split_result(result):
resp = helpers.get_url(result.url, failure_monitor=False)
if None is resp:
logger.log(u'Unable to load url %s, can\'t download season NZB' % result.url, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to load url {result.url}, can\'t download season NZB')
return False
# parse the season ep name
@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ def split_result(result):
np = NameParser(False, show_obj=result.show_obj)
parse_result = np.parse(result.name)
except InvalidNameException:
logger.log(u'Unable to parse the filename %s into a valid episode' % result.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to parse the filename {result.name} into a valid episode')
return False
except InvalidShowException:
logger.log(u'Unable to parse the filename %s into a valid show' % result.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to parse the filename {result.name} into a valid show')
return False
# bust it up
@ -201,35 +201,35 @@ def split_result(result):
for new_nzb in separate_nzbs:
logger.log(u'Split out %s from %s' % (new_nzb, result.name), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Split out {new_nzb} from {result.name}')
# parse the name
np = NameParser(False, show_obj=result.show_obj)
parse_result = np.parse(new_nzb)
except InvalidNameException:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename %s into a valid episode" % new_nzb, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to parse the filename {new_nzb} into a valid episode')
return False
except InvalidShowException:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename %s into a valid show" % new_nzb, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to parse the filename {new_nzb} into a valid show')
return False
# make sure the result is sane
if (None is not parse_result.season_number and season != parse_result.season_number) \
or (None is parse_result.season_number and 1 != season):
logger.log(u'Found %s inside %s but it doesn\'t seem to belong to the same season, ignoring it'
% (new_nzb, result.name), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Found {new_nzb} inside {result.name} but it doesn\'t seem to belong to the same season,'
f' ignoring it')
elif 0 == len(parse_result.episode_numbers):
logger.log(u'Found %s inside %s but it doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode NZB, ignoring it'
% (new_nzb, result.name), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Found {new_nzb} inside {result.name} but it doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode NZB,'
f' ignoring it')
want_ep = True
for ep_no in parse_result.episode_numbers:
if not result.show_obj.want_episode(season, ep_no, result.quality):
logger.log(u'Ignoring result %s because we don\'t want an episode that is %s'
% (new_nzb, Quality.qualityStrings[result.quality]), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Ignoring result {new_nzb} because we don\'t want an episode that is'
f' {Quality.qualityStrings[result.quality]}')
want_ep = False
if not want_ep:
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def test_nzbget(host, use_https, username, password, timeout=300):
result = False
if not host:
msg = 'No NZBGet host found. Please configure it'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
return result, msg, None
url = 'http%(scheme)s://%(username)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/xmlrpc' % {
@ -44,24 +44,24 @@ def test_nzbget(host, use_https, username, password, timeout=300):
msg = 'Success. Connected'
if rpc_client.writelog('INFO', 'SickGear connected as a test'):
logger.log(msg, logger.DEBUG)
msg += ', but unable to send a message'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
result = True
logger.log(u'NZBGet URL: %s' % url, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'NZBGet URL: {url}')
except moves.http_client.socket.error:
msg = 'Please check NZBGet host and port (if it is running). NZBGet is not responding to these values'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
except moves.xmlrpc_client.ProtocolError as e:
if 'Unauthorized' == e.errmsg:
msg = 'NZBGet username or password is incorrect'
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
msg = 'Protocol Error: %s' % e.errmsg
logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
return result, msg, rpc_client
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def send_nzb(search_result):
return result
nzbcontent64 = b64encodestring(data, keep_eol=True)
logger.log(u'Sending NZB to NZBGet: %s' % search_result.name)
logger.log(f'Sending NZB to NZBGet: {search_result.name}')
# Find out if nzbget supports priority (Version 9.0+), old versions beginning with a 0.x will use the old cmd
@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ def send_nzb(search_result):
nzbget_prio, False, search_result.url)
if nzbget_result:
logger.log(u'NZB sent to NZBGet successfully', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('NZB sent to NZBGet successfully')
result = True
logger.log(u'NZBGet could not add %s.nzb to the queue' % search_result.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'NZBGet could not add {search_result.name}.nzb to the queue')
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Connect Error to NZBGet: could not add %s.nzb to the queue' % search_result.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Connect Error to NZBGet: could not add {search_result.name}.nzb to the queue')
return result
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
logger_msg = re.sub(r'(?i)<br[\s/]+>\.*', '', message)
logger_msg = re.sub('(?i)<a[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', r'\1', logger_msg)
logger.log(u'%s' % logger_msg, level)
logger.log(f'{logger_msg}', level)
self.log += message + '\n'
def _check_for_existing_file(self, existing_file):
@ -129,25 +129,24 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
if not existing_file:
self._log(u'There is no existing file', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('There is no existing file', logger.DEBUG)
return PostProcessor.DOESNT_EXIST
# if the new file exists, return the appropriate code depending on the size
if os.path.isfile(existing_file):
new_file = u'New file %s<br />.. is ' % self.file_path
new_file = f'New file {self.file_path}<br />.. is '
if os.path.getsize(self.file_path) == os.path.getsize(existing_file):
self._log(u'%sthe same size as %s' % (new_file, existing_file), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'{new_file}the same size as {existing_file}', logger.DEBUG)
return PostProcessor.EXISTS_SAME
elif os.path.getsize(self.file_path) < os.path.getsize(existing_file):
self._log(u'%ssmaller than %s' % (new_file, existing_file), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'{new_file}smaller than {existing_file}', logger.DEBUG)
return PostProcessor.EXISTS_LARGER
self._log(u'%slarger than %s' % (new_file, existing_file), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'{new_file}larger than {existing_file}', logger.DEBUG)
return PostProcessor.EXISTS_SMALLER
self._log(u'File doesn\'t exist %s' % existing_file,
self._log(f'File doesn\'t exist {existing_file}', logger.DEBUG)
return PostProcessor.DOESNT_EXIST
@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
file_list = file_list + self.list_associated_files(file_path)
if not file_list:
self._log(u'Not deleting anything because there are no files associated with %s' % file_path, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Not deleting anything because there are no files associated with {file_path}', logger.DEBUG)
# delete the file and any other files which we want to delete
@ -234,16 +233,14 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
# File is read-only, so make it writeable
os.chmod(cur_file, stat.S_IWRITE)
self._log(u'Changed read only permissions to writeable to delete file %s'
% cur_file, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Changed read only permissions to writeable to delete file {cur_file}', logger.DEBUG)
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log(u'Cannot change permissions to writeable to delete file: %s'
% cur_file, logger.WARNING)
self._log(f'Cannot change permissions to writeable to delete file: {cur_file}', logger.WARNING)
removal_type = helpers.remove_file(cur_file, log_level=logger.DEBUG)
if True is not os.path.isfile(cur_file):
self._log(u'%s file %s' % (removal_type, cur_file), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'{removal_type} file {cur_file}', logger.DEBUG)
# do the library update for synoindex
@ -271,7 +268,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
if not action:
self._log(u'Must provide an action for the combined file operation', logger.ERROR)
self._log('Must provide an action for the combined file operation', logger.ERROR)
file_list = [file_path]
@ -281,7 +278,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
file_list = file_list + self.list_associated_files(file_path, subtitles_only=True)
if not file_list:
self._log(u'Not moving anything because there are no files associated with %s' % file_path, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Not moving anything because there are no files associated with {file_path}', logger.DEBUG)
# create base name with file_path (media_file without .extension)
@ -317,7 +314,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
subs_new_path = os.path.join(new_path, sickgear.SUBTITLES_DIR)
dir_exists = helpers.make_dir(subs_new_path)
if not dir_exists:
logger.log(u'Unable to create subtitles folder ' + subs_new_path, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Unable to create subtitles folder {subs_new_path}')
new_file_path = os.path.join(subs_new_path, new_file_name)
@ -345,15 +342,16 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
:type action_tmpl:
def _int_move(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=u' %s to %s'):
def _int_move(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=' %s to %s'):
helpers.move_file(cur_file_path, new_file_path, raise_exceptions=True)
self._log(u'Moved file from' + (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Moved file from{(success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path))}',
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
self._log(u'Unable to move file %s<br />.. %s'
% (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path), ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
self._log(f'Unable to move file {success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)}<br>.. {ex(e)}',
raise e
self._combined_file_operation(file_path, new_path, new_base_name, associated_files, _int_move,
@ -375,15 +373,16 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
:type action_tmpl:
def _int_copy(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=u' %s to %s'):
def _int_copy(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=' %s to %s'):
helpers.copy_file(cur_file_path, new_file_path)
self._log(u'Copied file from' + (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Copied file from{(success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path))}',
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
self._log(u'Unable to copy %s<br />.. %s'
% (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path), ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
self._log(f'Unable to copy {success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)}<br>.. {ex(e)}',
raise e
self._combined_file_operation(file_path, new_path, new_base_name, associated_files, _int_copy,
@ -403,15 +402,16 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
:type action_tmpl:
def _int_hard_link(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=u' %s to %s'):
def _int_hard_link(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=' %s to %s'):
helpers.hardlink_file(cur_file_path, new_file_path)
self._log(u'Hard linked file from' + (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Hard linked file from{(success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path))}',
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
self._log(u'Unable to link file %s<br />.. %s'
% (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path), ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
self._log(f'Unable to link file {success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)}<br>.. {ex(e)}',
raise e
self._combined_file_operation(file_path, new_path, new_base_name, associated_files, _int_hard_link,
@ -431,16 +431,16 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
:type action_tmpl:
def _int_move_and_sym_link(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=u' %s to %s'):
def _int_move_and_sym_link(cur_file_path, new_file_path, success_tmpl=' %s to %s'):
helpers.move_and_symlink_file(cur_file_path, new_file_path)
self._log(u'Moved then symbolic linked file from' + (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)),
self._log(f'Moved then symbolic linked file from{(success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path))}',
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
self._log(u'Unable to link file %s<br />.. %s'
% (success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path), ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
self._log(f'Unable to link file {success_tmpl % (cur_file_path, new_file_path)}<br>.. {ex(e)}',
raise e
self._combined_file_operation(file_path, new_path, new_base_name, associated_files, _int_move_and_sym_link,
@ -515,9 +515,9 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
self.in_history = True
to_return = (show_obj, season_number, episode_numbers, quality)
if not show_obj:
self._log(u'Unknown show, check availability on ShowList page', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Unknown show, check availability on ShowList page', logger.DEBUG)
self._log(u'Found a match in history for %s' % show_obj.name, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Found a match in history for {show_obj.name}', logger.DEBUG)
return to_return
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
:rtype: Tuple[None, None, List, None] or Tuple[sickgear.tv.TVShow, int, List[int], int]
logger.log(u'Analyzing name ' + repr(name))
logger.log(f'Analyzing name {repr(name)}')
to_return = (None, None, [], None)
@ -556,8 +556,8 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
# parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
np = NameParser(resource, convert=True, show_obj=self.show_obj or show_obj)
parse_result = np.parse(name)
self._log(u'Parsed %s<br />.. from %s'
% (decode_str(str(parse_result), errors='xmlcharrefreplace'), name), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Parsed {decode_str(str(parse_result), errors="xmlcharrefreplace")}<br>'
f'.. from {name}', logger.DEBUG)
if parse_result.is_air_by_date and (None is parse_result.season_number or not parse_result.episode_numbers):
season_number = -1
@ -598,13 +598,16 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
self.release_name = helpers.remove_extension(os.path.basename(parse_result.original_name))
logger.log(u'Parse result not sufficient (all following have to be set). will not save release name',
logger.log(u'Parse result(series_name): ' + str(parse_result.series_name), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u'Parse result(season_number): ' + str(parse_result.season_number), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u'Parse result(episode_numbers): ' + str(parse_result.episode_numbers), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u' or Parse result(air_date): ' + str(parse_result.air_date), logger.DEBUG)
logger.log(u'Parse result(release_group): ' + str(parse_result.release_group), logger.DEBUG)
for cur_msg in (
'Parse result not sufficient (all following have to be set). will not save release name',
f'Parse result(series_name): {parse_result.series_name}',
f'Parse result(season_number): {parse_result.season_number}',
f'Parse result(episode_numbers): {parse_result.episode_numbers}',
f' or Parse result(air_date): {parse_result.air_date}',
f'Parse result(release_group): {parse_result.release_group}'
def _find_info(self, history_only=False):
@ -632,7 +635,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
lambda: self._analyze_name(self.file_path),
# try to analyze the dir + file name together as one name
lambda: self._analyze_name(self.folder_name + u' ' + self.file_name),
lambda: self._analyze_name(f'{self.folder_name} {self.file_name}'),
# try to analyze file name with previously parsed show_obj
lambda: self._analyze_name(self.file_name, show_obj=show_obj, rel_grp=rel_grp)],
@ -645,7 +648,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
(try_show_obj, try_season, try_episodes, try_quality) = cur_try()
except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException) as e:
logger.log(u'Unable to parse, skipping: ' + ex(e), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to parse, skipping: {ex(e)}')
if not try_show_obj:
@ -667,8 +670,8 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
# for air-by-date shows we need to look up the season/episode from database
if -1 == season_number and show_obj and episode_numbers:
self._log(u'Looks like this is an air-by-date or sports show,'
u' attempting to convert the date to season/episode', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Looks like this is an air-by-date or sports show,'
' attempting to convert the date to season/episode', logger.DEBUG)
airdate = episode_numbers[0].toordinal()
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select(
@ -681,8 +684,8 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
season_number = int(sql_result[0][0])
episode_numbers = [int(sql_result[0][1])]
self._log(u'Unable to find episode with date %s for show %s, skipping' %
(episode_numbers[0], show_obj.tvid_prodid), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Unable to find episode with date {episode_numbers[0]} for show {show_obj.tvid_prodid},'
f' skipping', logger.DEBUG)
# don't leave dates in the episode list if we can't convert them to real episode numbers
episode_numbers = []
@ -697,8 +700,8 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
[show_obj.tvid, show_obj.prodid])
if 1 == int(num_seasons_sql_result[0][0]) and None is season_number:
u'No season number found, but this show appears to only have 1 season,'
u' setting season number to 1...', logger.DEBUG)
'No season number found, but this show appears to only have 1 season,'
' setting season number to 1...', logger.DEBUG)
season_number = 1
if show_obj and season_number and episode_numbers:
@ -731,13 +734,13 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
for cur_episode_number in episode_numbers:
cur_episode_number = int(cur_episode_number)
self._log(u'Retrieving episode object for %sx%s' % (season_number, cur_episode_number), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Retrieving episode object for {season_number}x{cur_episode_number}', logger.DEBUG)
# now that we've figured out which episode this file is just load it manually
ep_obj = show_obj.get_episode(season_number, cur_episode_number)
except exceptions_helper.EpisodeNotFoundException as e:
self._log(u'Unable to create episode: ' + ex(e), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Unable to create episode: {ex(e)}', logger.DEBUG)
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed()
# associate all the episodes together under a single root episode
@ -764,9 +767,8 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
if ep_obj.status in common.Quality.SNATCHED_ANY:
old_status, ep_quality = common.Quality.split_composite_status(ep_obj.status)
if common.Quality.UNKNOWN != ep_quality:
u'Using "%s" quality from the old status' % common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality],
self._log(f'Using "{common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality]}" quality from the old status',
return ep_quality
# search all possible names for our new quality, in case the file or dir doesn't have it
@ -780,26 +782,25 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
ep_quality = common.Quality.name_quality(cur_name, ep_obj.show_obj.is_anime)
quality_log = u' "%s" quality parsed from the %s %s'\
% (common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality], thing, cur_name)
quality_log = f' "{common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality]}" quality parsed from the {thing} {cur_name}'
# if we find a good one then use it
if common.Quality.UNKNOWN != ep_quality:
self._log(u'Using' + quality_log, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Using{quality_log}', logger.DEBUG)
return ep_quality
self._log(u'Found' + quality_log, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Found{quality_log}', logger.DEBUG)
ep_quality = common.Quality.file_quality(self.file_path)
if common.Quality.UNKNOWN != ep_quality:
self._log(u'Using "%s" quality parsed from the metadata file content of %s'
% (common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality], self.file_name), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Using "{common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality]}" quality parsed'
f' from the metadata file content of {self.file_name}', logger.DEBUG)
return ep_quality
# Try guessing quality from the file name
ep_quality = common.Quality.assume_quality(self.file_name)
self._log(u'Using guessed "%s" quality from the file name %s'
% (common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality], self.file_name), logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Using guessed "{common.Quality.qualityStrings[ep_quality]}" quality'
f' from the file name {self.file_name}', logger.DEBUG)
return ep_quality
@ -822,7 +823,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
script_cmd = [piece for piece in re.split("( |\\\".*?\\\"|'.*?')", script_name) if piece.strip()]
script_cmd[0] = os.path.abspath(script_cmd[0])
self._log(u'Absolute path to script: ' + script_cmd[0], logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Absolute path to script: {script_cmd[0]}', logger.DEBUG)
script_cmd += [ep_obj.location, self.file_path]
@ -832,7 +833,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
self._log(u'Executing command ' + str(script_cmd))
self._log(f'Executing command {script_cmd}')
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log('Error creating extra script command: %s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
@ -843,10 +844,10 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
self._log('Script result: %s' % output, logger.DEBUG)
except OSError as e:
self._log(u'Unable to run extra_script: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
self._log(f'Unable to run extra_script: {ex(e)}', logger.ERROR)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
self._log(u'Unable to run extra_script: ' + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
self._log(f'Unable to run extra_script: {ex(e)}', logger.ERROR)
def _run_extra_scripts(self, ep_obj):
@ -881,48 +882,48 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
if not existing_show_path and not sickgear.CREATE_MISSING_SHOW_DIRS:
# Show location does not exist, and cannot be created, marking it unsafe to proceed
self._log(u'.. marking it unsafe to proceed because show location does not exist', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('.. marking it unsafe to proceed because show location does not exist', logger.DEBUG)
return False
# if SickGear snatched this then assume it's safe
if ep_obj.status in common.Quality.SNATCHED_ANY:
self._log(u'SickGear snatched this episode, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('SickGear snatched this episode, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
return True
old_ep_status, old_ep_quality = common.Quality.split_composite_status(ep_obj.status)
# if old episode is not downloaded/archived then it's safe
if common.DOWNLOADED != old_ep_status and common.ARCHIVED != old_ep_status:
self._log(u'Existing episode status is not downloaded/archived, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Existing episode status is not downloaded/archived, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
return True
if common.ARCHIVED == old_ep_status and common.Quality.NONE == old_ep_quality:
self._log(u'Marking it unsafe to replace because the existing episode status is archived', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Marking it unsafe to replace because the existing episode status is archived', logger.DEBUG)
return False
# Status downloaded. Quality/ size checks
# if manual post process option is set to force_replace then it's safe
if self.force_replace:
self._log(u'Force replace existing episode option is enabled, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Force replace existing episode option is enabled, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
return True
# if the file processed is higher quality than the existing episode then it's safe
if new_ep_quality > old_ep_quality:
if common.Quality.UNKNOWN != new_ep_quality:
self._log(u'Existing episode status is not snatched but the episode to process appears to be better'
u' quality than existing episode, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Existing episode status is not snatched but the episode to process appears to be better'
' quality than existing episode, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
return True
self._log(u'Marking it unsafe to replace because an existing episode exists in the database and'
u' the episode to process has unknown quality', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Marking it unsafe to replace because an existing episode exists in the database and'
' the episode to process has unknown quality', logger.DEBUG)
return False
existing_file_status = self._check_for_existing_file(ep_obj.location)
if PostProcessor.DOESNT_EXIST == existing_file_status \
and (existing_show_path or sickgear.CREATE_MISSING_SHOW_DIRS):
self._log(u'.. there is no file to replace, marking it safe to continue', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('.. there is no file to replace, marking it safe to continue', logger.DEBUG)
return True
# if there's an existing downloaded file with same quality, check filesize to decide
@ -946,48 +947,47 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
npr.is_anime, check_is_repack=True)
if new_proper_level > cur_proper_level and \
(not is_repack or npr.release_group == ep_obj.release_group):
self._log(u'Proper or repack with same quality, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Proper or repack with same quality, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
return True
self._log(u'An episode exists in the database with the same quality as the episode to process',
self._log('An episode exists in the database with the same quality as the episode to process', logger.DEBUG)
self._log(u'Checking size of existing file ' + ep_obj.location, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Checking size of existing file {ep_obj.location}', logger.DEBUG)
if PostProcessor.EXISTS_SMALLER == existing_file_status:
# File exists and new file is larger, marking it safe to replace
self._log(u'.. the existing smaller file will be replaced', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('.. the existing smaller file will be replaced', logger.DEBUG)
return True
elif PostProcessor.EXISTS_LARGER == existing_file_status:
# File exists and new file is smaller, marking it unsafe to replace
self._log(u'.. marking it unsafe to replace the existing larger file', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('.. marking it unsafe to replace the existing larger file', logger.DEBUG)
return False
elif PostProcessor.EXISTS_SAME == existing_file_status:
# File exists and new file is same size, marking it unsafe to replace
self._log(u'.. marking it unsafe to replace the existing same size file', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('.. marking it unsafe to replace the existing same size file', logger.DEBUG)
return False
self._log(u'Unknown file status for: %s This should never happen, please log this as a bug.'
% ep_obj.location, logger.ERROR)
self._log(f'Unknown file status for: {ep_obj.location}'
f' This should never happen, please log this as a bug.', logger.ERROR)
return False
# if there's an existing file with better quality
if old_ep_quality > new_ep_quality and old_ep_quality != common.Quality.UNKNOWN:
# Episode already exists in database and processed episode has lower quality, marking it unsafe to replace
self._log(u'Marking it unsafe to replace the episode that already exists in database with a file of lower'
u' quality', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Marking it unsafe to replace the episode that already exists in database with a file of lower'
' quality', logger.DEBUG)
return False
if self.in_history:
self._log(u'SickGear snatched this episode, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('SickGear snatched this episode, marking it safe to replace', logger.DEBUG)
return True
# None of the conditions were met, marking it unsafe to replace
self._log(u'Marking it unsafe to replace because no positive condition is met, you may force replace but it'
u' would be better to examine the files', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Marking it unsafe to replace because no positive condition is met, you may force replace but it'
' would be better to examine the files', logger.DEBUG)
return False
def _change_ep_objs(self, show_obj, season_number, episode_numbers, quality):
@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
for cur_ep_obj in [ep_obj] + ep_obj.related_ep_obj:
with cur_ep_obj.lock:
if self.release_name:
self._log(u'Found release name ' + self.release_name, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Found release name {self.release_name}', logger.DEBUG)
cur_ep_obj.release_name = self.release_name or ''
@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
self._log('Successfully processed.', logger.MESSAGE)
self._log('Can\'t figure out what show/episode to process', logger.WARNING)
self._log("Can't figure out what show/episode to process", logger.WARNING)
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed()
def process(self):
@ -1054,16 +1054,16 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
:rtype: bool
self._log(u'Processing... %s%s' % (os.path.relpath(self.file_path, self.folder_path),
(u'<br />.. from nzb %s' % self.nzb_name, u'')[None is self.nzb_name]))
self._log(f'Processing... {os.path.relpath(self.file_path, self.folder_path)}'
f'{(f"<br />.. from nzb {self.nzb_name}", "")[None is self.nzb_name]}')
if os.path.isdir(self.file_path):
self._log(u'Expecting file %s<br />.. is actually a directory, skipping' % self.file_path)
self._log(f'Expecting file {self.file_path}<br />.. is actually a directory, skipping')
return False
for ignore_file in self.IGNORED_FILESTRINGS:
if ignore_file in self.file_path:
self._log(u'File %s<br />.. is ignored type, skipping' % self.file_path)
self._log(f'File {self.file_path}<br />.. is ignored type, skipping')
return False
# reset per-file stuff
@ -1075,10 +1075,10 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
# if we don't have it then give up
if not show_obj:
self._log(u'Must add show to SickGear before trying to post process an episode', logger.WARNING)
self._log('Must add show to SickGear before trying to post process an episode', logger.WARNING)
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed()
elif None is season_number or not episode_numbers:
self._log(u'Quitting this post process, could not determine what episode this is', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Quitting this post process, could not determine what episode this is', logger.DEBUG)
return False
# retrieve/create the corresponding TVEpisode objects
@ -1089,12 +1089,12 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
new_ep_quality = self._get_quality(ep_obj)
new_ep_quality = quality
self._log(u'Using "%s" quality' % common.Quality.qualityStrings[new_ep_quality], logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Using "{common.Quality.qualityStrings[new_ep_quality]}" quality', logger.DEBUG)
# see if it's safe to replace existing episode (is download snatched, PROPER, better quality)
if not self._safe_replace(ep_obj, new_ep_quality):
# if it's not safe to replace, stop here
self._log(u'Quitting this post process', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Quitting this post process', logger.DEBUG)
return False
# delete the existing file (and company)
@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
except (OSError, IOError):
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(u'Unable to delete existing files')
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed('Unable to delete existing files')
# set the status of the episodes
# for cur_ep_obj in [ep_obj] + ep_obj.related_ep_obj:
@ -1115,14 +1115,14 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
# if the show directory doesn't exist then make it if allowed
if not os.path.isdir(ep_obj.show_obj.location) and sickgear.CREATE_MISSING_SHOW_DIRS:
self._log(u'Show directory does not exist, creating it', logger.DEBUG)
self._log('Show directory does not exist, creating it', logger.DEBUG)
# do the library update for synoindex
except (OSError, IOError):
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(u'Unable to create show directory: '
+ ep_obj.show_obj.location)
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(f'Unable to create show directory:'
f' {ep_obj.show_obj.location}')
# get metadata for the show (but not episode because it hasn't been fully processed)
@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
# Just want to keep this consistent for failed handling right now
release_name = show_name_helpers.determine_release_name(self.folder_path, self.nzb_name)
if None is release_name:
self._log(u'No snatched release found in history', logger.WARNING)
self._log('No snatched release found in history', logger.WARNING)
@ -1144,13 +1144,13 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
except exceptions_helper.ShowDirNotFoundException:
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(
u'Unable to post process an episode because the show dir does not exist, quitting')
'Unable to post process an episode because the show dir does not exist, quitting')
self._log(u'Destination folder for this episode is ' + dest_path, logger.DEBUG)
self._log(f'Destination folder for this episode is {dest_path}', logger.DEBUG)
# create any folders we need
if not helpers.make_path(dest_path, syno=True):
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(u'Unable to create destination folder: ' + dest_path)
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(f'Unable to create destination folder: {dest_path}')
# figure out the base name of the resulting episode file
if sickgear.RENAME_EPISODES:
@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
while not stop_event.is_set():
keepalive_stop = threading.Event()
keepalive = threading.Thread(target=keep_alive, args=(self.webhandler, keepalive_stop))
@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
'new_base_name': new_base_name,
'associated_files': sickgear.MOVE_ASSOCIATED_FILES}
args_cpmv = {'subtitles': sickgear.USE_SUBTITLES and ep_obj.show_obj.subtitles,
'action_tmpl': u' %s<br />.. to %s'}
'action_tmpl': ' %s<br />.. to %s'}
if self.webhandler:
self.webhandler('Processing method is "%s"' % self.process_method)
@ -1199,10 +1199,10 @@ class PostProcessor(object):
elif 'symlink' == self.process_method:
logger.log(u'Unknown process method: ' + str(self.process_method), logger.ERROR)
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(u'Unable to move the files to the new location')
logger.error(f'Unknown process method: {self.process_method}')
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed('Unable to move the files to the new location')
except (OSError, IOError):
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed(u'Unable to move the files to the new location')
raise exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed('Unable to move the files to the new location')
if self.webhandler:
# stop the keep_alive
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
def result(self, pre=True):
# type: (bool) -> AnyStr
return (('<br />', u'\n')[pre]).join(self._output)
return (('<br>', '\n')[pre]).join(self._output)
def _buffer(self, text=None):
if None is not text:
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
if self.webhandler:
logger_msg = re.sub(r'(?i)<br[\s/]+>', '\n', text)
logger_msg = re.sub('(?i)<a[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', r'\1', logger_msg)
self.webhandler('%s%s' % (logger_msg, u'\n'))
self.webhandler('%s%s' % (logger_msg, '\n'))
def _log_helper(self, message, log_level=logger.DEBUG):
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
logger_msg = re.sub(r'(?i)<br[\s/]+>\.*', '', message)
logger_msg = re.sub('(?i)<a[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', r'\1', logger_msg)
logger.log(u'%s' % logger_msg, log_level)
logger.log(f'{logger_msg}', log_level)
@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
except (OSError, IOError) as e:
logger.log(u'Warning: unable to delete folder: %s: %s' % (folder, ex(e)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Warning: unable to delete folder: {folder}: {ex(e)}')
return False
if os.path.isdir(folder):
logger.log(u'Warning: unable to delete folder: %s' % folder, logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Warning: unable to delete folder: {folder}')
return False
self._log_helper(u'Deleted folder ' + folder, logger.MESSAGE)
self._log_helper(f'Deleted folder {folder}', logger.MESSAGE)
return True
def _delete_files(self, process_path, notwanted_files, force=False):
@ -170,18 +170,18 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
file_attribute = os.stat(cur_file_path)[0]
if not file_attribute & stat.S_IWRITE:
# File is read-only, so make it writeable
self._log_helper(u'Changing ReadOnly flag for file ' + cur_file)
self._log_helper(f'Changing ReadOnly flag for file {cur_file}')
os.chmod(cur_file_path, stat.S_IWRITE)
except OSError as e:
self._log_helper(u'Cannot change permissions of %s: %s' % (cur_file_path, ex(e)))
self._log_helper(f'Cannot change permissions of {cur_file_path}: {ex(e)}')
removal_type = helpers.remove_file(cur_file_path)
if os.path.isfile(cur_file_path):
result = False
self._log_helper(u'%s file %s' % (removal_type, cur_file))
self._log_helper(f'{removal_type} file {cur_file}')
return result
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
show_obj = helpers.find_show_by_id({int(sql_result[-1]['indexer']): int(sql_result[-1]['showid'])},
if hasattr(show_obj, 'name'):
logger.log('Found Show: %s in snatch history for: %s' % (show_obj.name, name), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Found Show: %s in snatch history for: %s' % (show_obj.name, name))
except MultipleShowObjectsException:
show_obj = None
return show_obj
@ -319,19 +319,19 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
elif dir_name and sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR and os.path.isdir(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)\
and os.path.normpath(dir_name) != os.path.normpath(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR):
dir_name = os.path.join(sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR, os.path.abspath(dir_name).split(os.path.sep)[-1])
self._log_helper(u'SickGear PP Config, completed TV downloads folder: ' + sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)
self._log_helper(f'SickGear PP Config, completed TV downloads folder: {sickgear.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR}')
if dir_name:
self._log_helper(u'Checking folder... ' + dir_name)
self._log_helper(f'Checking folder... {dir_name}')
# if we didn't find a real directory then process "failed" or just quit
if not dir_name or not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
if nzb_name and failed:
self._process_failed(dir_name, nzb_name, show_obj=show_obj)
self._log_helper(u'Unable to figure out what folder to process. ' +
u'If your downloader and SickGear aren\'t on the same PC then make sure ' +
u'you fill out your completed TV download folder in the PP config.')
self._log_helper('Unable to figure out what folder to process. '
'If your downloader and SickGear aren\'t on the same PC then make sure '
'you fill out your completed TV download folder in the PP config.')
return self.result
parent = self.find_parent(dir_name)
@ -352,13 +352,13 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
path, dirs, files = self._get_path_dir_files(dir_name, nzb_name, pp_type)
if sickgear.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES and any(filter(helpers.is_sync_file, files)):
self._log_helper(u'Found temporary sync files, skipping post process', logger.ERROR)
self._log_helper('Found temporary sync files, skipping post process', logger.ERROR)
return self.result
if not process_method:
process_method = sickgear.PROCESS_METHOD
self._log_helper(u'Processing folder... %s' % path)
self._log_helper(f'Processing folder... {path}')
work_files = []
joined = self.join(path)
@ -380,13 +380,13 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
work_files += [os.path.join(path, item) for item in rar_content]
if 0 < len(files):
self._log_helper(u'Process file%s: %s' % (helpers.maybe_plural(files), str(files)))
self._log_helper(f'Process file{helpers.maybe_plural(files)}: {str(files)}')
if 0 < len(video_files):
self._log_helper(u'Process video file%s: %s' % (helpers.maybe_plural(video_files), str(video_files)))
self._log_helper(f'Process video file{helpers.maybe_plural(video_files)}: {str(video_files)}')
if 0 < len(rar_content):
self._log_helper(u'Process rar content: ' + str(rar_content))
self._log_helper(f'Process rar content: {rar_content}')
if 0 < len(video_in_rar):
self._log_helper(u'Process video%s in rar: %s' % (helpers.maybe_plural(video_in_rar), str(video_in_rar)))
self._log_helper(f'Process video{helpers.maybe_plural(video_in_rar)} in rar: {str(video_in_rar)}')
# If nzb_name is set and there's more than one videofile in the folder, files will be lost (overwritten).
nzb_name_original = nzb_name
@ -425,8 +425,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
force, force_replace, use_trash=cleanup, show_obj=show_obj)
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Batch skipped, %s%s' %
(ex(e), e.filename and (' (file %s)' % e.filename) or ''), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Batch skipped, %s%s' % (ex(e), e.filename and (' (file %s)' % e.filename) or ''))
# Process video files in TV subdirectories
for directory in [x for x in dirs if self._validate_dir(
@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
for walk_path, walk_dir, files in os.walk(os.path.join(path, directory), topdown=False):
if sickgear.POSTPONE_IF_SYNC_FILES and any(filter(helpers.is_sync_file, files)):
self._log_helper(u'Found temporary sync files, skipping post process', logger.ERROR)
self._log_helper('Found temporary sync files, skipping post process', logger.ERROR)
return self.result
parent = self.find_parent(walk_path)
@ -493,8 +492,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
self.check_video_filenames(walk_dir, video_pick)))
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Batch skipped, %s%s' %
(ex(e), e.filename and (' (file %s)' % e.filename) or ''), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Batch skipped, {ex(e)}{e.filename and (" (file %s)" % e.filename) or ""}')
if process_method in ('hardlink', 'symlink') and video_in_rar:
self._delete_files(walk_path, rar_content)
@ -526,12 +524,13 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
if self.any_vid_processed:
if not self.files_failed:
_bottom_line(u'Successfully processed.', logger.MESSAGE)
_bottom_line('Successfully processed.', logger.MESSAGE)
_bottom_line(u'Successfully processed at least one video file%s.' %
(', others were skipped', ' and skipped another')[1 == self.files_failed], logger.MESSAGE)
_bottom_line(f'Successfully processed at least one video file'
f'{(", others were skipped", " and skipped another")[1 == self.files_failed]}.',
_bottom_line(u'Failed! Did not process any files.', logger.WARNING)
_bottom_line('Failed! Did not process any files.', logger.WARNING)
return self.result
@ -599,16 +598,16 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
:return: success
:rtype: bool
self._log_helper(u'Processing sub dir: ' + dir_name)
self._log_helper(f'Processing sub dir: {dir_name}')
if os.path.basename(dir_name).startswith('_FAILED_'):
self._log_helper(u'The directory name indicates it failed to extract.')
self._log_helper('The directory name indicates it failed to extract.')
failed = True
elif os.path.basename(dir_name).startswith('_UNDERSIZED_'):
self._log_helper(u'The directory name indicates that it was previously rejected for being undersized.')
self._log_helper('The directory name indicates that it was previously rejected for being undersized.')
failed = True
elif os.path.basename(dir_name).upper().startswith('_UNPACK'):
self._log_helper(u'The directory name indicates that this release is in the process of being unpacked.')
self._log_helper('The directory name indicates that this release is in the process of being unpacked.')
return False
if failed:
@ -616,7 +615,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
return False
if helpers.is_hidden_folder(dir_name):
self._log_helper(u'Ignoring hidden folder: ' + dir_name)
self._log_helper(f'Ignoring hidden folder: {dir_name}')
return False
# make sure the directory isn't inside a show directory
@ -626,9 +625,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
for cur_result in sql_result:
if dir_name.lower().startswith(os.path.realpath(cur_result['location']).lower() + os.sep) \
or dir_name.lower() == os.path.realpath(cur_result['location']).lower():
u'Found an episode that has already been moved to its show dir, skipping',
self._log_helper('Found an episode that has already been moved to its show dir, skipping', logger.ERROR)
return False
# Get the videofile list for the next checks
@ -686,16 +683,16 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
if sickgear.UNPACK and rar_files:
self._log_helper(u'Packed releases detected: ' + str(rar_files))
self._log_helper(f'Packed releases detected: {rar_files}')
for archive in rar_files:
self._log_helper(u'Unpacking archive: ' + archive)
self._log_helper(f'Unpacking archive: {archive}')
rar_handle = rarfile.RarFile(os.path.join(path, archive))
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to open archive: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
self._log_helper(f'Failed to open archive: {archive}', logger.ERROR)
@ -704,8 +701,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
for file_in_archive in [os.path.basename(x.filename)
for x in rar_handle.infolist() if not x.is_dir()]:
if self._already_postprocessed(path, file_in_archive, force):
u'Archive file already processed, extraction skipped: ' + file_in_archive)
self._log_helper(f'Archive file already processed, extraction skipped: {file_in_archive}')
skip_file = True
@ -719,14 +715,14 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
renamed = self.cleanup_names(path, rar_content)
cur_unpacked = rar_content if not renamed else \
(list(set(rar_content) - set(iterkeys(renamed))) + list(renamed.values()))
self._log_helper(u'Unpacked content: [u\'%s\']' % '\', u\''.join(map(text_type, cur_unpacked)))
self._log_helper('Unpacked content: ["%s"]' % '", "'.join(map(text_type, cur_unpacked)))
unpacked_files += cur_unpacked
except (rarfile.PasswordRequired, rarfile.RarWrongPassword):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to unpack archive PasswordRequired: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
self._log_helper(f'Failed to unpack archive PasswordRequired: {archive}', logger.ERROR)
self.fail_detected = True
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to unpack archive: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
self._log_helper(f'Failed to unpack archive: {archive}', logger.ERROR)
@ -738,11 +734,11 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
rar_handle = rarfile.RarFile(os.path.join(path, archive))
except (BaseException, Exception):
self._log_helper(u'Failed to open archive: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
self._log_helper(f'Failed to open archive: {archive}', logger.ERROR)
if rar_handle.needs_password():
self._log_helper(u'Failed to unpack archive PasswordRequired: %s' % archive, logger.ERROR)
self._log_helper(f'Failed to unpack archive PasswordRequired: {archive}', logger.ERROR)
self.failure_detected = True
@ -813,7 +809,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
is_renamed[os.path.relpath(file_path, directory)] = \
os.path.relpath(new_filename + file_extension, directory)
except OSError as _e:
logger.log('Error unable to rename file "%s" because %s' % (cur_filename, ex(_e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Error unable to rename file "%s" because %s' % (cur_filename, ex(_e)))
elif helpers.has_media_ext(cur_filename) and \
None is not garbage_name.search(file_name) and None is not media_pattern.search(base_name):
_num_videos += 1
@ -836,7 +832,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
os.rename(old_name, new_name)
is_renamed[os.path.relpath(old_name, directory)] = os.path.relpath(new_name, directory)
except OSError as e:
logger.log('Error unable to rename file "%s" because %s' % (old_name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Error unable to rename file "%s" because %s' % (old_name, ex(e)))
return is_renamed
@ -876,7 +872,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
os.rename(base_filepath, outfile)
except OSError:
logger.log('Error unable to rename file %s' % base_filepath, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Error unable to rename file %s' % base_filepath)
return result
@ -957,8 +953,8 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE release_name = ?', [dir_name])
if sql_result:
self._log_helper(u'Found a release directory %s that has already been processed,<br />.. skipping: %s'
% (showlink, dir_name))
self._log_helper(f'Found a release directory {showlink} that has already been processed,<br>'
f'.. skipping: {dir_name}')
if ep_detail_sql:
@ -972,8 +968,8 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
sql_result = my_db.select(
'SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE release_name = ?', [videofile.rpartition('.')[0]])
if sql_result:
self._log_helper(u'Found a video, but that release %s was already processed,<br />.. skipping: %s'
% (showlink, videofile))
self._log_helper(f'Found a video, but that release {showlink} was already processed,<br>'
f'.. skipping: {videofile}')
if ep_detail_sql:
@ -991,10 +987,10 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
+ ' and tv_episodes.status IN (%s)' % ','.join([str(x) for x in common.Quality.DOWNLOADED])\
+ ' and history.resource LIKE ?'
sql_result = my_db.select(search_sql, [u'%' + videofile])
sql_result = my_db.select(search_sql, [f'%{videofile}'])
if sql_result:
self._log_helper(u'Found a video, but the episode %s is already processed,<br />.. skipping: %s'
% (showlink, videofile))
self._log_helper(f'Found a video, but the episode {showlink} is already processed,<br>'
f'.. skipping: {videofile}')
if ep_detail_sql:
@ -1051,7 +1047,7 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
process_fail_message = ''
except exceptions_helper.PostProcessingFailed:
file_success = False
process_fail_message = '<br />.. Post Processing Failed'
process_fail_message = '<br>.. Post Processing Failed'
@ -1059,13 +1055,11 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
if file_success:
self._log_helper(u'Successfully processed ' + cur_video_file, logger.MESSAGE)
self._log_helper(f'Successfully processed {cur_video_file}', logger.MESSAGE)
elif self.any_vid_processed:
self._log_helper(u'Warning fail for %s%s' % (cur_video_file_path, process_fail_message),
self._log_helper(f'Warning fail for {cur_video_file_path}{process_fail_message}', logger.WARNING)
self._log_helper(u'Did not use file %s%s' % (cur_video_file_path, process_fail_message),
self._log_helper(f'Did not use file {cur_video_file_path}{process_fail_message}', logger.WARNING)
def _get_path_dir_files(dir_name, nzb_name, pp_type):
@ -1131,13 +1125,12 @@ class ProcessTVShow(object):
if sickgear.DELETE_FAILED and self.any_vid_processed:
self._delete_folder(dir_name, check_empty=False)
task = u'Failed download processing'
task = 'Failed download processing'
if self.any_vid_processed:
self._log_helper(u'Successful %s: (%s, %s)'
% (task.lower(), str(nzb_name), dir_name), logger.MESSAGE)
self._log_helper(f'Successful {task.lower()}: ({str(nzb_name)}, {dir_name})', logger.MESSAGE)
self._log_helper(u'%s failed: (%s, %s): %s'
% (task, str(nzb_name), dir_name, process_fail_message), logger.WARNING)
self._log_helper(f'{task} failed: ({str(nzb_name)}, {dir_name}): {process_fail_message}',
def process_minimal(self, nzb_name, show_obj, failed, webhandler):
if failed:
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def load_webdl_types():
for line in url_data.splitlines():
(key, val) = line.strip().split(u'::', 1)
(key, val) = line.strip().split('::', 1)
except (BaseException, Exception):
if None is key or None is val:
@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ def _search_provider(cur_provider, provider_propers, aired_since_shows, recent_s
provider_propers.extend(cur_provider.find_propers(search_date=aired_since_shows, shows=recent_shows,
except AuthException as e:
logger.log('Authentication error: %s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Authentication error: %s' % ex(e))
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Error while searching %s, skipping: %s' % (cur_provider.name, ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Error while searching %s, skipping: %s' % (cur_provider.name, ex(e)))
if not provider_propers:
logger.log('No Proper releases found at [%s]' % cur_provider.name)
@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, # type: datetime.datetime
cur_proper.parsed_show_obj = (cur_proper.parsed_show_obj
or helpers.find_show_by_id(parse_result.show_obj.tvid_prodid))
if None is cur_proper.parsed_show_obj:
logger.log('Skip download; cannot find show with ID [%s] at %s' %
(cur_proper.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(cur_proper.tvid).name), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Skip download; cannot find show with ID [%s] at %s' %
(cur_proper.prodid, sickgear.TVInfoAPI(cur_proper.tvid).name))
cur_proper.tvid = cur_proper.parsed_show_obj.tvid
@ -319,26 +319,25 @@ def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, # type: datetime.datetime
# only get anime Proper if it has release group and version
if parse_result.is_anime and not parse_result.release_group and -1 == parse_result.version:
logger.log('Ignored Proper with no release group and version in name [%s]' % cur_proper.name,
logger.debug('Ignored Proper with no release group and version in name [%s]' % cur_proper.name)
if not show_name_helpers.pass_wordlist_checks(cur_proper.name, parse=False, indexer_lookup=False,
logger.log('Ignored unwanted Proper [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Ignored unwanted Proper [%s]' % cur_proper.name)
re_x = dict(re_prefix='.*', re_suffix='.*')
result = show_name_helpers.contains_any(cur_proper.name, cur_proper.parsed_show_obj.rls_ignore_words,
rx=cur_proper.parsed_show_obj.rls_ignore_words_regex, **re_x)
if None is not result and result:
logger.log('Ignored Proper containing ignore word [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Ignored Proper containing ignore word [%s]' % cur_proper.name)
result = show_name_helpers.contains_any(cur_proper.name, cur_proper.parsed_show_obj.rls_require_words,
rx=cur_proper.parsed_show_obj.rls_require_words_regex, **re_x)
if None is not result and not result:
logger.log('Ignored Proper for not containing any required word [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Ignored Proper for not containing any required word [%s]' % cur_proper.name)
cur_size = getattr(cur_proper, 'size', None)
@ -419,15 +418,15 @@ def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, # type: datetime.datetime
old_webdl_type = get_webdl_type(old_extra_no_name, old_name)
new_webdl_type = get_webdl_type(parse_result.extra_info_no_name(), cur_proper.name)
if old_webdl_type != new_webdl_type:
logger.log('Ignored Proper webdl source [%s], does not match existing webdl source [%s] for [%s]'
% (old_webdl_type, new_webdl_type, cur_proper.name), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Ignored Proper webdl source [{old_webdl_type}], does not match existing webdl source'
f' [{new_webdl_type}] for [{cur_proper.name}]')
# for webdls, prevent Propers from different groups
log_same_grp = 'Ignored Proper from release group [%s] does not match existing group [%s] for [%s]' \
% (parse_result.release_group, old_release_group, cur_proper.name)
if sickgear.PROPERS_WEBDL_ONEGRP and is_web and not same_release_group:
logger.log(log_same_grp, logger.DEBUG)
# check if we actually want this Proper (if it's the right release group and a higher version)
@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, # type: datetime.datetime
if not (-1 < old_version < parse_result.version):
if not same_release_group:
logger.log(log_same_grp, logger.DEBUG)
found_msg = 'Found anime Proper v%s to replace v%s' % (parse_result.version, old_version)
@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, # type: datetime.datetime
# skip if the episode has never downloaded, because a previous quality is required to match the Proper
if not len(history_results):
logger.log('Ignored Proper cannot find a recent history item for [%s]' % cur_proper.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Ignored Proper cannot find a recent history item for [%s]' % cur_proper.name)
# make sure that none of the existing history downloads are the same Proper as the download candidate
@ -471,7 +470,7 @@ def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, # type: datetime.datetime
logger.log('Ignored Proper already in history [%s]' % cur_proper.name)
logger.log(found_msg, logger.DEBUG)
# finish populating the Proper instance
# cur_proper.show_obj = cur_proper.parsed_show_obj.prodid
@ -557,16 +556,14 @@ def _download_propers(proper_list):
if reject:
if isinstance(reject, string_types):
if scene_rej_nuked and not scene_nuked_active:
logger.log('Rejecting nuked release. Nuke reason [%s] source [%s]' % (reject, url),
logger.debug('Rejecting nuked release. Nuke reason [%s] source [%s]' % (reject, url))
logger.log('Considering nuked release. Nuke reason [%s] source [%s]' % (reject, url),
logger.debug('Considering nuked release. Nuke reason [%s] source [%s]' % (reject, url))
reject = False
elif scene_contains or non_scene_fallback:
reject = False
logger.log('Rejecting as not scene release listed at any [%s]' % url, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Rejecting as not scene release listed at any [%s]' % url)
if reject:
@ -685,7 +682,7 @@ def _generic_name(name):
def _set_last_proper_search(when):
logger.log(u'Setting the last Proper search in the DB to %s' % when, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Setting the last Proper search in the DB to {when}')
my_db = db.DBConnection()
sql_result = my_db.select('SELECT * FROM info')
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def _create_newznab_source(config_string):
except IndexError:
params.update({k: d})
logger.log(u'Skipping Newznab provider string: \'%s\', incorrect format' % config_string, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Skipping Newznab provider string: \'{config_string}\', incorrect format')
return None
newznab_module = sys.modules['sickgear.providers.newznab']
@ -213,8 +213,7 @@ def _create_torrent_rss_source(config_string):
url = values[1]
enabled = values[3]
except ValueError:
logger.log(u"Skipping RSS Torrent provider string: '" + config_string + "', incorrect format",
logger.error(f'Skipping RSS Torrent provider string: \'{config_string}\', incorrect format')
return None
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class AlphaRatioProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class BitHDTVProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
[(None is y or re.search(r'(?i)rss\slink', y)),
self.has_all_cookies(['su', 'sp', 'sl'], 'h_'), 'search' in self.urls] +
[(self.session.cookies.get('h_' + x) or 'sg!no!pw') in self.digest for x in ('su', 'sp', 'sl')])),
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
def _has_signature(data=None):
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class BitHDTVProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class BlutopiaProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
def _authorised(self, **kwargs):
return super(BlutopiaProvider, self)._authorised(
logged_in=self.logged_in, failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
logged_in=self.logged_in, failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
def logged_in(self, resp=None):
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class BlutopiaProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
show_type = self.show_obj.air_by_date and 'Air By Date' \
or self.show_obj.is_sports and 'Sports' or None
if show_type:
logger.log(u'Provider does not carry shows of type: [%s], skipping' % show_type, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Provider does not carry shows of type: [{show_type}], skipping')
return results
for search_string in search_params[mode]:
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class BlutopiaProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, log + search_url)
@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ class BTNProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
self.tmr_limit_update('1', 'h', '150/hr %s' % data)
self.log_failure_url(url, post_data, post_json)
logger.log(u'Action prematurely ended. %(prov)s server error response = %(desc)s' %
{'prov': self.name, 'desc': data}, logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Action prematurely ended. {self.name} server error response = {data}')
def _search_provider(self, search_params, age=0, **kwargs):
@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ class BTNProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
self._check_response(error_text, self.url_api, post_data=json_rpc(params))
return results
except AuthException:
logger.log('API looks to be down, add un/pw config detail to be used as a fallback', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('API looks to be down, add un/pw config detail to be used as a fallback')
except (KeyError, Exception):
@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ class BTNProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(results) - cnt, search_url)
@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ class BTNProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
# If we don't have a release name we need to get creative
title = u''
title = ''
keys = ['Series', 'GroupName', 'Resolution', 'Source', 'Codec']
for key in keys:
if key in data_json:
@ -353,8 +352,8 @@ class BTNProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
# Set maximum to 24 hours (24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds) of "RSS" data search,
# older items will be done through backlog
if 86400 < seconds_since_last_update:
logger.log(u'Only trying to fetch the last 24 hours even though the last known successful update on ' +
'%s was over 24 hours' % self.name, logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Only trying to fetch the last 24 hours even though the last known successful update on'
f' {self.name} was over 24 hours')
seconds_since_last_update = 86400
return self._search_provider(dict(Cache=['']), age=seconds_since_last_update)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class EztvProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except (generic.HaltParseException, IndexError):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class FanoProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, log + search_url)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class FLProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, self.session.response.get('url'))
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class FSTProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
success, msg = self._check_cookie()
if success:
return False
logger.warning(u'%s: %s' % (msg, self.cookies))
logger.warning(f'{msg}: {self.cookies}')
self.cookies = None
return None
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class FSTProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.error(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search((mode, search_mode)['Propers' == search_mode], len(results) - cnt, search_url)
return results
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class FunFileProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except (generic.HaltParseException, AttributeError):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -166,9 +166,8 @@ class ProviderFailList(object):
with self.lock:
self.dirty = True
logger.log('Adding fail.%s for %s' % (ProviderFailTypes.names.get(
fail.fail_type, ProviderFailTypes.names[ProviderFailTypes.other]), self.provider_name()),
logger.debug('Adding fail.%s for %s' % (ProviderFailTypes.names.get(
fail.fail_type, ProviderFailTypes.names[ProviderFailTypes.other]), self.provider_name()))
def save_list(self):
@ -426,8 +425,8 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if not limit_set:
time_index = self.fail_time_index(base_limit=0)
self.tmr_limit_wait = self.wait_time(time_index)
logger.log('Request limit reached. Waiting for %s until next retry. Message: %s' %
(self.tmr_limit_wait, desc or 'none found'), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'Request limit reached. Waiting for {self.tmr_limit_wait} until next retry.'
f' Message: {desc or "none found"}')
def wait_time(self, time_index=None):
# type: (Optional[int]) -> datetime.timedelta
@ -503,8 +502,8 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
# Ensure provider name output (e.g. when displaying config/provs) instead of e.g. thread "Tornado"
prepend = ('[%s] :: ' % self.name, '')[any(x.name in threading.current_thread().name
for x in sickgear.providers.sorted_sources())]
logger.log('%sToo many requests reached at %s, waiting for %s' % (
prepend, self.fmt_delta(self.tmr_limit_time), self.fmt_delta(time_left)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'{prepend}Too many requests reached at {self.fmt_delta(self.tmr_limit_time)},'
f' waiting for {self.fmt_delta(time_left)}')
return use_tmr_limit
self.tmr_limit_time = None
@ -515,10 +514,9 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if self.is_waiting():
if log_warning:
time_left = self.wait_time() - self.fail_newest_delta()
logger.log('Failed %s times, skipping provider for %s, last failure at %s with fail type: %s' % (
logger.warning('Failed %s times, skipping provider for %s, last failure at %s with fail type: %s' % (
self.failure_count, self.fmt_delta(time_left), self.fmt_delta(self.failure_time),
self.last_fail, ProviderFailTypes.names[ProviderFailTypes.other])), logger.WARNING)
ProviderFailTypes.names.get(self.last_fail, ProviderFailTypes.names[ProviderFailTypes.other])))
return True
return False
@ -533,7 +531,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
self._last_fail_type = fail_type
self.fails.add_fail(*args, **kwargs)
logger.log('%s: Not logging same failure within 3 seconds' % self.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('%s: Not logging same failure within 3 seconds' % self.name)
def get_url(self, url, skip_auth=False, use_tmr_limit=True, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (AnyStr, bool, bool, Any, Any) -> Optional[AnyStr, Dict]
@ -580,7 +578,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if data and not isinstance(data, tuple) \
or isinstance(data, tuple) and data[0]:
if 0 != self.failure_count:
logger.log('Unblocking provider: %s' % self.get_id(), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Unblocking provider: %s' % self.get_id())
self.failure_count = 0
self.failure_time = None
@ -628,7 +626,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
post += [' .. Post params: [%s]' % '&'.join([post_data])]
if post_json:
post += [' .. Json params: [%s]' % '&'.join([post_json])]
logger.log('Failure URL: %s%s' % (url, ''.join(post)), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Failure URL: %s%s' % (url, ''.join(post)))
def get_id(self):
# type: (...) -> AnyStr
@ -812,7 +810,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if not btih or not re.search('(?i)[0-9a-f]{32,40}', btih):
assert not result.url.startswith('http')
logger.log('Unable to extract torrent hash from link: ' + ex(result.url), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Unable to extract torrent hash from link: ' + ex(result.url))
return False
urls = ['http%s://%s/torrent/%s.torrent' % (u + (btih.upper(),))
@ -846,14 +844,14 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if self._verify_download(cache_file):
logger.log(u'Downloaded %s result from %s' % (self.name, url))
logger.log(f'Downloaded {self.name} result from {url}')
helpers.move_file(cache_file, final_file)
msg = 'moved'
except (OSError, Exception):
msg = 'copied cached file'
logger.log(u'Saved .%s data and %s to %s' % (
(link_type, 'torrent cache')['magnet' == link_type], msg, final_file))
logger.log(f'Saved .{(link_type, "torrent cache")["magnet" == link_type]} data'
f' and {msg} to {final_file}')
saved = True
@ -866,7 +864,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if not saved and 'magnet' == link_type:
logger.log(u'All torrent cache servers failed to return a downloadable result', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('All torrent cache servers failed to return a downloadable result')
final_file = os.path.join(final_dir, '%s.%s' % (helpers.sanitize_filename(result.name), link_type))
with open(final_file, 'wb') as fp:
@ -874,12 +872,12 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
saved = True
logger.log(u'Saved magnet link to file as some clients (or plugins) support this, %s' % final_file)
logger.log(f'Saved magnet link to file as some clients (or plugins) support this, {final_file}')
if 'blackhole' == sickgear.TORRENT_METHOD:
logger.log('Tip: If your client fails to load magnet in files, ' +
'change blackhole to a client connection method in search settings')
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to save magnet link to file, %s' % final_file)
logger.log(f'Failed to save magnet link to file, {final_file}')
elif not saved:
if 'torrent' == link_type and result.provider.get_id() in sickgear.PROVIDER_HOMES:
t_result = result # type: TorrentSearchResult
@ -895,7 +893,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
setattr(sickgear, 'PROVIDER_EXCLUDE', ([], urls)[any([t_result.provider.url])])
logger.log(u'Server failed to return anything useful', logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Server failed to return anything useful')
return saved
@ -969,7 +967,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
except (BaseException, Exception):
title = title and re.sub(r'\s+', '.', u'%s' % title)
title = title and re.sub(r'\s+', '.', f'{title}')
if url and not re.match('(?i)magnet:', url):
url = str(url).replace('&', '&')
@ -1193,10 +1191,10 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
parse_result = parser.parse(title, release_group=self.get_id())
except InvalidNameException:
logger.log(u'Unable to parse the filename %s into a valid episode' % title, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unable to parse the filename {title} into a valid episode')
except InvalidShowException:
logger.log(u'No match for search criteria in the parsed filename ' + title, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'No match for search criteria in the parsed filename {title}')
if parse_result.show_obj.is_anime:
@ -1208,8 +1206,8 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if not (parse_result.show_obj.tvid == show_obj.tvid and parse_result.show_obj.prodid == show_obj.prodid):
logger.debug(u'Parsed show [%s] is not show [%s] we are searching for' % (
parse_result.show_obj.unique_name, show_obj.unique_name))
logger.debug(f'Parsed show [{parse_result.show_obj.unique_name}] is not show [{show_obj.unique_name}]'
f' we are searching for')
parsed_show_obj = parse_result.show_obj
@ -1223,15 +1221,15 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if not (parsed_show_obj.air_by_date or parsed_show_obj.is_sports):
if 'sponly' == search_mode:
if len(parse_result.episode_numbers):
logger.log(u'This is supposed to be a season pack search but the result ' + title +
u' is not a valid season pack, skipping it', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'This is supposed to be a season pack search but the result {title}'
f' is not a valid season pack, skipping it')
add_cache_entry = True
if len(parse_result.episode_numbers) \
and (parse_result.season_number not in set([ep_obj.season for ep_obj in ep_obj_list])
or not [ep_obj for ep_obj in ep_obj_list
if ep_obj.scene_episode in parse_result.episode_numbers]):
logger.log(u'The result ' + title + u' doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode that we are trying' +
u' to snatch, ignoring', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'The result {title} doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode that we are trying'
f' to snatch, ignoring')
add_cache_entry = True
if not len(parse_result.episode_numbers)\
@ -1239,14 +1237,14 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
and not [ep_obj for ep_obj in ep_obj_list
if ep_obj.season == parse_result.season_number and
ep_obj.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers]:
logger.log(u'The result ' + title + u' doesn\'t seem to be a valid season that we are trying' +
u' to snatch, ignoring', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'The result {title} doesn\'t seem to be a valid season that we are trying'
f' to snatch, ignoring')
add_cache_entry = True
elif len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and not [
ep_obj for ep_obj in ep_obj_list if ep_obj.season == parse_result.season_number
and ep_obj.episode in parse_result.episode_numbers]:
logger.log(u'The result ' + title + ' doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode that we are trying' +
u' to snatch, ignoring', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'The result {title} doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode that we are trying'
f' to snatch, ignoring')
add_cache_entry = True
if not add_cache_entry:
@ -1255,8 +1253,8 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
episode_numbers = parse_result.episode_numbers
if not parse_result.is_air_by_date:
logger.log(u'This is supposed to be a date search but the result ' + title +
u' didn\'t parse as one, skipping it', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'This is supposed to be a date search but the result {title}'
f' didn\'t parse as one, skipping it')
add_cache_entry = True
season_number = parse_result.season_number
@ -1265,13 +1263,13 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if not episode_numbers or \
not [ep_obj for ep_obj in ep_obj_list
if ep_obj.season == season_number and ep_obj.episode in episode_numbers]:
logger.log(u'The result ' + title + ' doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode that we are trying' +
u' to snatch, ignoring', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'The result {title} doesn\'t seem to be a valid episode that we are trying'
f' to snatch, ignoring')
add_cache_entry = True
# add parsed result to cache for usage later on
if add_cache_entry:
logger.log(u'Adding item from search to cache: ' + title, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Adding item from search to cache: {title}')
ci = self.cache.add_cache_entry(title, url, parse_result=parse_result)
if None is not ci:
@ -1288,11 +1286,11 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
multi_ep = 1 < len(episode_numbers)
if not want_ep:
logger.log(u'Ignoring result %s because we don\'t want an episode that is %s'
% (title, Quality.qualityStrings[quality]), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Ignoring result {title} because we don\'t want an episode that is'
f' {Quality.qualityStrings[quality]}')
logger.log(u'Found result %s at %s' % (title, url), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Found result {title} at {url}')
# make a result object
ep_obj_results = [] # type: List[TVEpisode]
@ -1317,14 +1315,14 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
ep_num = None
if 1 == len(ep_obj_results):
ep_num = ep_obj_results[0].episode
logger.log(u'Single episode result.', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Single episode result.')
elif 1 < len(ep_obj_results):
logger.log(u'Separating multi-episode result to check for later - result contains episodes: ' +
str(parse_result.episode_numbers), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Separating multi-episode result to check for later - result contains episodes:'
f' {parse_result.episode_numbers}')
elif 0 == len(ep_obj_results):
logger.log(u'Separating full season result to check for later', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Separating full season result to check for later')
if ep_num not in results:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
@ -1390,7 +1388,7 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
if not self.should_skip():
str1, thing, str3 = (('', '%s item' % mode.lower(), ''), (' usable', 'proper', ' found'))['Propers' == mode]
logger.log((u'%s %s in response%s from %s' % (('No' + str1, count)[0 < count], (
logger.log(('%s %s in response%s from %s' % (('No' + str1, count)[0 < count], (
'%s%s%s%s' % (('', 'freeleech ')[getattr(self, 'freeleech', False)], thing, maybe_plural(count), str3)),
('', ' (rejects: %s)' % rejects)[bool(rejects)], re.sub(r'(\s)\s+', r'\1', url))).replace('%%', '%'))
@ -1412,9 +1410,9 @@ class GenericProvider(object):
reqd = 'cf_clearance'
if reqd in ui_string_method(key) and reqd not in cookies:
return False, \
u'%(p)s Cookies setting require %(r)s. If %(r)s not found in browser, log out,' \
u' delete site cookies, refresh browser, %(r)s should be created' % \
dict(p=self.name, r='\'%s\'' % reqd)
'%(p)s Cookies setting require %(r)s. If %(r)s not found in browser, log out,' \
' delete site cookies, refresh browser, %(r)s should be created' % \
dict(p=self.name, r='\'%s\'' % reqd)
cj = requests.utils.add_dict_to_cookiejar(self.session.cookies,
dict([x.strip().split('=', 1) for x in cookies.split(';')
@ -1586,7 +1584,7 @@ class NZBProvider(GenericProvider):
if result_date:
result_date = datetime.datetime(*result_date[0:6])
logger.log(u'Unable to figure out the date for entry %s, skipping it' % title)
logger.log(f'Unable to figure out the date for entry {title}, skipping it')
if not search_date or search_date < result_date:
@ -1918,7 +1916,7 @@ class TorrentProvider(GenericProvider):
success, msg = self._check_cookie()
if not success:
self.cookies = None
logger.log(u'%s' % msg, logger.WARNING)
url_base = getattr(self, 'url_base', None)
@ -1998,12 +1996,12 @@ class TorrentProvider(GenericProvider):
r'(?i)([1-3]((<[^>]+>)|\W)*(attempts|tries|remain)[\W\w]{,40}?(remain|left|attempt)|last[^<]+?attempt)', y))
logged_in, failed_msg = [None is not a and a or b for (a, b) in (
(logged_in, (lambda y=None: self.has_all_cookies())),
(failed_msg, (lambda y='': maxed_out(y) and u'Urgent abort, running low on login attempts. ' +
u'Password flushed to prevent service disruption to %s.' or
(failed_msg, (lambda y='': maxed_out(y) and 'Urgent abort, running low on login attempts. ' +
'Password flushed to prevent service disruption to %s.' or
(re.search(r'(?i)(username|password)((<[^>]+>)|\W)*' +
r'(or|and|/|\s)((<[^>]+>)|\W)*(password|incorrect)', y) and
u'Invalid username or password for %s. Check settings' or
u'Failed to authenticate or parse a response from %s, abort provider')))
'Invalid username or password for %s. Check settings' or
'Failed to authenticate or parse a response from %s, abort provider')))
if logged_in() and (not hasattr(self, 'urls') or bool(len(getattr(self, 'urls')))):
@ -2017,7 +2015,7 @@ class TorrentProvider(GenericProvider):
if not self._check_auth():
return False
except AuthException as e:
logger.log('%s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('%s' % ex(e))
return False
if isinstance(url, type([])):
@ -2094,7 +2092,7 @@ class TorrentProvider(GenericProvider):
msg = failed_msg(response)
if msg:
logger.log(msg % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(msg % self.name)
return False
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class HDBitsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
def _check_auth_from_data(self, parsed_json):
if 'status' in parsed_json and 5 == parsed_json.get('status') and 'message' in parsed_json:
logger.log(u'Incorrect username or password for %s: %s' % (self.name, parsed_json['message']), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Incorrect username or password for {self.name}: {parsed_json["message"]}')
raise AuthException('Your username or password for %s is incorrect, check your config.' % self.name)
return True
@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ class HDBitsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
if not (json_resp and self._check_auth_from_data(json_resp) and 'data' in json_resp):
logger.log(u'Response from %s does not contain any json data, abort' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Response from {self.name} does not contain any json data, abort')
return results
except AuthException as e:
logger.log(u'Authentication error: %s' % (ex(e)), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Authentication error: {ex(e)}')
return results
cnt = len(items[mode])
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class HDSpaceProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, log + search_url)
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class HDTorrentsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, log + search_url)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class IPTorrentsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
['IPTorrents' in y, 'type="password"' not in y[0:2048], self.has_all_cookies()] +
[(self.session.cookies.get(c, domain='') or 'sg!no!pw') in self.digest
for c in ('uid', 'pass')])),
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
def _has_signature(data=None):
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class IPTorrentsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url, log_settings_hint)
if self.is_search_finished(mode, items, cnt_search, rc['id'], last_recent_search, lrs_new, lrs_found):
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class LimeTorrentsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class LimeTorrentsProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
result = re.findall('(?i)"(magnet:[^"]+?)"', html)[0]
except IndexError:
logger.log('Failed no magnet in response', logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Failed no magnet in response')
return result
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class MagnetDLProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class MoreThanProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class NcoreProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class NebulanceProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
items[mode].append((title, download_url, seeders, self._bytesizer(size)))
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
except (BaseException, Exception):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Error parsing result for [%s]' % self.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Error parsing result for [%s]' % self.name)
if not caps and self._caps and not all_cats and self._caps_all_cats and not cats and self._caps_cats:
@ -644,14 +644,14 @@ class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
if not s.show_obj.is_anime and not s.show_obj.is_sports:
if not getattr(s, 'wanted_quality', None):
# this should not happen, the creation is missing for the search in this case
logger.log('wanted_quality property was missing for search, creating it', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('wanted_quality property was missing for search, creating it')
ep_status, ep_quality = Quality.split_composite_status(ep_obj.status)
s.wanted_quality = get_wanted_qualities(ep_obj, ep_status, ep_quality, unaired=True)
if not hasattr(ep_obj, 'eps_aired_in_season'):
# this should not happen, the creation is missing for the search in this case
logger.log('eps_aired_in_season property was missing for search, creating it', logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('eps_aired_in_season property was missing for search, creating it')
ep_count, ep_count_scene = get_aired_in_season(ep_obj.show_obj)
ep_obj.eps_aired_in_season = ep_count.get(ep_obj.season, 0)
ep_obj.eps_aired_in_scene_season = ep_count_scene.get(ep_obj.scene_season, 0) if ep_obj.show_obj.is_scene \
@ -978,14 +978,14 @@ class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
parsed_xml, n_spaces = self.cache.parse_and_get_ns(data)
items = parsed_xml.findall('channel/item')
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log('Error trying to load %s RSS feed' % self.name, logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Error trying to load %s RSS feed' % self.name)
if not self._check_auth_from_data(parsed_xml, search_url):
if 'rss' != parsed_xml.tag:
logger.log('Resulting XML from %s isn\'t RSS, not parsing it' % self.name, logger.WARNING)
logger.warning('Resulting XML from %s isn\'t RSS, not parsing it' % self.name)
i and time.sleep(2.1)
@ -996,8 +996,7 @@ class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
if title and url:
logger.log('The data returned from %s is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.name,
logger.debug('The data returned from %s is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.name)
# get total and offset attributes
@ -1036,8 +1035,8 @@ class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
# there are more items available than the amount given in one call, grab some more
items = total - request_params['offset']
logger.log('%s more item%s to fetch from a batch of up to %s items.'
% (items, helpers.maybe_plural(items), request_params['limit']), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'{items} more item{helpers.maybe_plural(items)} to fetch from a batch of up to'
f' {request_params["limit"]} items.')
batch_count = self._log_result(results, mode, cnt, search_url)
exit_log = False
@ -1125,7 +1124,7 @@ class NewznabProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
result_date = self._parse_pub_date(item)
if not result_date:
logger.log(u'Unable to figure out the date for entry %s, skipping it' % title)
logger.log(f'Unable to figure out the date for entry {title}, skipping it')
result_size, result_uid = self._parse_size_uid(item, ns=n_space)
@ -1201,7 +1200,7 @@ class NewznabCache(tvcache.TVCache):
(items, n_spaces) = self.provider.cache_data(needed=needed)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
logger.log('Error updating Cache: %s' % ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Error updating Cache: %s' % ex(e))
items = None
if items:
@ -1257,5 +1256,4 @@ class NewznabCache(tvcache.TVCache):
if title and url:
return self.add_cache_entry(title, url, tvid_prodid=ids)
logger.log('Data returned from the %s feed is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.provider.name,
logger.debug('Data returned from the %s feed is incomplete, this result is unusable' % self.provider.name)
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class NyaaProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ class OmgwtfnzbsProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
if re.search('(?i)(information is incorrect|in(?:valid|correct).*?(?:username|api))',
logger.log(u'Incorrect authentication credentials for ' + self.name + ' : ' + str(description_text),
logger.debug(f'Incorrect authentication credentials for {self.name} : {description_text}')
raise AuthException(
'Your authentication credentials for ' + self.name + ' are incorrect, check your config.')
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ class OmgwtfnzbsProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
return True
logger.log(u'Unknown error given from ' + self.name + ' : ' + str(description_text), logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Unknown error given from {self.name} : {str(description_text)}')
return False
return True
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ class OmgwtfnzbsProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
self.tmr_limit_update('1', 'h', 'Your 24 hour limit of 10 NZBs has been reached')
elif '</nzb>' not in data or 'seem to be logged in' in data:
logger.log('Failed nzb data response: %s' % data, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Failed nzb data response: %s' % data)
result = data
return result
@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ class OmgwtfnzbsProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
mode = (mode, search_mode)['Propers' == search_mode]
self._log_search(mode, len(results) - cnt, search_url)
@ -400,7 +399,7 @@ class OmgwtfnzbsProvider(generic.NZBProvider):
if success and self.nn:
success, msg = None, 'pm dev in irc about this feature'
if not success:
logger.log(u'%s: %s' % (msg, self.cookies), logger.WARNING)
logger.warning(f'{msg}: {self.cookies}')
self.cookies = None
return None
return False
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class PreToMeProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.error(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class PrivateHDProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
return super(PrivateHDProvider, self)._authorised(
logged_in=(lambda y='': 'English' in y and 'auth/login' not in y and all(
[(self.session.cookies.get('privatehdx_session', domain='') or 'sg!no!pw') in self.digest])),
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
def _search_provider(self, search_params, **kwargs):
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class PrivateHDProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
show_type = self.show_obj.air_by_date and 'Air By Date' \
or self.show_obj.is_sports and 'Sports' or self.show_obj.is_anime and 'Anime' or None
if show_type:
logger.log(u'Provider does not carry shows of type: [%s], skipping' % show_type, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug(f'Provider does not carry shows of type: [{show_type}], skipping')
return results
for search_string in search_params[mode]:
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class PrivateHDProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, log + search_url)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class PTFProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
logged_in=(lambda y='': all(
['RSS Feed' in y, self.has_all_cookies('session_key')] +
[(self.session.cookies.get(x) or 'sg!no!pw') in self.digest for x in ['session_key']])),
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
def _search_provider(self, search_params, **kwargs):
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class PTFProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, log + self.session.response.get('url'))
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class RarbgProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
return True
logger.log(u'No usable API token returned from: %s' % self.urls['api_token'], logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'No usable API token returned from: {self.urls["api_token"]}')
return False
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class RevTTProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, self.session.response.get('url'))
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class TorrentRssProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
title, url = None, None
if item.title:
title = re.sub(r'\s+', '.', u'' + item.title)
title = re.sub(r'\s+', '.', '' + item.title)
attempt_list = [lambda: item.torrent_magneturi,
lambda: item.enclosures[0].href,
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class SceneHDProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
return super(SceneHDProvider, self)._authorised(
logged_in=(lambda y='': ['RSS links' in y] and all(
[(self.session.cookies.get(c, domain='') or 'sg!no!pw') in self.digest for c in ('uid', 'pass')])),
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
def _search_provider(self, search_params, **kwargs):
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class SceneHDProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class SceneTimeProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
['staff-support' in y, self.has_all_cookies()] +
[(self.session.cookies.get(x, domain='') or 'sg!no!pw') in self.digest
for x in ('uid', 'pass')])),
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid cookie details for %s. Check settings'))
def _has_signature(data=None):
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class SceneTimeProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url, log_settings_hint)
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class ShazbatProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class ShowRSSProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class SnowflProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class SpeedAppProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
return super(SpeedAppProvider, self)._authorised(
logged_in=self.logged_in, parse_json=True, headers=self.auth_header(),
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: u'Invalid token or permissions for %s. Check settings'))
failed_msg=(lambda y=None: 'Invalid token or permissions for %s. Check settings'))
def logged_in(self, resp=None):
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ class SpeedCDProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
self.digest = 'inSpeed_speedian=%s' % self.session.cookies.get('inSpeed_speedian')
result = True
logger.log('Cookie details for %s updated.' % self.name, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Cookie details for %s updated.' % self.name)
elif not self.failure_count:
logger.log('Invalid cookie details for %s and login failed. Check settings' % self.name, logger.ERROR)
logger.error('Invalid cookie details for %s and login failed. Check settings' % self.name)
return result
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class ThePirateBayProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
if not self._reject_item(seeders, leechers):
status, info_hash = [cur_item.get(k) for k in ('status', 'info_hash')]
if self.confirmed and not rc['verify'].search(status):
logger.log(u'Skipping untrusted non-verified result: ' + title, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Skipping untrusted non-verified result: ' + title)
download_magnet = info_hash if '&tr=' in info_hash \
else self._dhtless_magnet(info_hash, title)
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class ThePirateBayProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
if self.confirmed and not (
tr.find('img', title=rc['verify']) or tr.find('img', alt=rc['verify'])
or tr.find('img', src=rc['verify'])):
logger.log(u'Skipping untrusted non-verified result: ' + title, logger.DEBUG)
logger.debug('Skipping untrusted non-verified result: ' + title)
if title and download_magnet:
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class ThePirateBayProvider(generic.TorrentProvider):
except generic.HaltParseException:
except (BaseException, Exception):
logger.log(u'Failed to parse. Traceback: %s' % traceback.format_exc(), logger.ERROR)
logger.error(f'Failed to parse. Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}')
self._log_search(mode, len(items[mode]) - cnt, search_url)
results = self._sort_seeding(mode, results + items[mode])
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