-#if not $show.imdbid
- #if $show.genre:
- #for $genre in $show.genre[1:-1].replace('Science-Fiction','Sci-Fi').split('|')
- $genre
+#if not $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO or not $show.imdbid
+## Disabling these trackt tags as they 404 on trakt2.0, remove False to re-enable
+ #if False and $show.genre:
+ #for $genre in $show.genre[1:-1].split('|')
+ $genre
#end for
#end if
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'genres' in $show.imdb_info and '' != $show.imdb_info['genres']:
#for $imdbgenre in $show.imdb_info['genres'].split('|')
- $imdbgenre
+ $imdbgenre.replace('Sci-Fi','Science-Fiction')
#end for
#end if
+ Indexers
+#set $_show = $show
+#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and $show.imdbid
+#end if
+#if $xem_numbering or $xem_absolute_numbering:
+#end if
+#if not $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO or not $show.imdbid
#set $runtime = $show.runtime
#set $startyear = $show.startyear
- #if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'countries' in $show.imdb_info:
+#elif $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO
+ #if 'countries' in $show.imdb_info:
#set $country = $show.imdb_info['countries']
#end if
- #if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'year' in $show.imdb_info:
+ #if 'year' in $show.imdb_info:
#set $runtime = $show.imdb_info['runtimes']
#set $startyear = $show.imdb_info['year']
#end if
#end if
-#set $_show = $show
-#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and $show.imdbid
-#end if
-#if $xem_numbering or $xem_absolute_numbering:
-#end if
Premiered: $startyear
+ Premiered
+ $startyear
#if $sickbeard.USE_IMDB_INFO and 'country_codes' in $show.imdb_info and '' != $show.imdb_info['country_codes']:
#for $country in $show.imdb_info['country_codes'].split('|')
#end for
#end if
-#if $show.network and $show.airs:
Airs: $show.airs.replace('y','y,') #if not $network_timezones.test_timeformat($show.airs) then " (invalid Timeformat) " else ""#
Network: $show.network
-#else if $show.network:
Network: $show.network
-#else if $show.airs:
Airs: $show.airs.replace('y','y,') #if not $network_timezones.test_timeformat($show.airs) then " (invalid Timeformat) " else ""#
-#if $showLoc[1]:
- $showLoc[0]
- $showLoc[0]
+ $showLoc[0]
+ $sickbeard.helpers.human(sickbeard.helpers.get_size($showLoc[0]))
+#set $filecount = sum([$c for $k, $c in $epCounts['videos'].items()])
+ $filecount file$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural($filecount)
+#if $show.paused
+ Paused
+#end if
+#if ($anyQualities + $bestQualities) and int($show.archive_firstmatch)
+ Archive first match
#end if
- $sickbeard.helpers.human(sickbeard.helpers.get_size($showLoc[0]))
-#set $filecount = $epCounts[$Overview.QUAL] + $epCounts[$Overview.GOOD]
- $filecount Files
#if $show.exceptions:
- Scene Names
-#end if
-#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES
- #if int($show.subtitles) == 1:
- Subtitles
- #end if
-#end if
-#if $show.flatten_folders == 1 or $sickbeard.NAMING_FORCE_FOLDERS:
- Flat Folders
-#end if
-#if int($show.air_by_date) == 1:
- Air-by-Date
-#end if
-#if int($show.is_sports) == 1:
- Sports
-#end if
-#if int($show.is_anime) == 1:
- Anime
-#end if
-#if int($show.dvdorder) == 1:
- DVD Order
-#end if
-#if int($show.scene) == 1:
- Scene Numbering
-#end if
-#if $anyQualities + $bestQualities
- #if int($show.archive_firstmatch) == 1
- Archive First Match
- #end if
-#end if
-#if $show.rls_require_words:
- Required Words
+ Scene names
#end if
#if $show.rls_ignore_words:
- Ignored Words
+ Ignored words
+#end if
+#if $show.rls_require_words:
+ Required words
+#end if
+#if $show.flatten_folders or $sickbeard.NAMING_FORCE_FOLDERS:
+ Flat folders
+#end if
+#if int($show.air_by_date):
+ Air by date
+#end if
+#if int($show.dvdorder):
+ DVD order
+#end if
+#if int($show.scene):
+ Scene numbering
+#end if
+#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and int($show.subtitles):
+ Subtitles
+#end if
+#if int($show.is_sports):
+ Sports
+#end if
+#if int($show.is_anime):
+ Anime
#end if
#if $bwl and $bwl.whitelist:
- Wanted Group#if len($bwl.whitelist)>1 then "s" else ""#
+ Wanted group$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural(len($bwl.whitelist))
#end if
#if $bwl and $bwl.blacklist:
- Unwanted Group#if len($bwl.blacklist)>1 then "s" else ""#
+ Unwanted group$sickbeard.helpers.maybe_plural(len($bwl.blacklist))
#end if
#set $curSeason = -1
-#set $seasonCount = 0
#set $odd = 0
+#set $scene, $scene_anime = (False, False)
+#if not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and not $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene:
+ #set $scene = True
+#elif not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene:
+ #set $scene_anime = True
+#end if
+#if 0 == len($sqlResults)
Episodes no longer exist for this show at the associated indexer
#for $epResult in $sqlResults:
- #set $epStr = str($epResult['season']) + 'x' + str($epResult['episode'])
- #if not $epStr in $epCats:
+ #set $epStr = '%sx%s' % ($epResult['season'], $epResult['episode'])
+ #if not $epStr in $epCats or (0 == int($epResult['season']) and not $sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS):
#end if
+ #slurp
+ #if $curSeason != int($epResult['season']):
+ #if 0 <= $curSeason:
- #if not $sickbeard.DISPLAY_SHOW_SPECIALS and 0 == int($epResult['season']):
- #continue
- #end if
- #set $scene = False
- #set $scene_anime = False
- #if not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and not $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene:
- #set $scene = True
- #elif not $show.air_by_date and not $show.is_sports and $show.is_anime and $show.is_scene:
- #set $scene_anime = True
- #end if
- #set ($dfltSeas, $dfltEpis, $dfltAbsolute) = (0, 0, 0)
- #if (epResult['season'], epResult['episode']) in $xem_numbering:
- #set ($dfltSeas, $dfltEpis) = $xem_numbering[(epResult['season'], epResult['episode'])]
- #end if
- #if epResult['absolute_number'] in $xem_absolute_numbering:
- #set $dfltAbsolute = $xem_absolute_numbering[epResult['absolute_number']]
- #end if
- #if epResult['absolute_number'] in $scene_absolute_numbering:
- #set $scAbsolute = $scene_absolute_numbering[epResult['absolute_number']]
- #set $dfltAbsNumbering = False
- #else
- #set $scAbsolute = $dfltAbsolute
- #set $dfltAbsNumbering = True
- #end if
- #if (epResult['season'], epResult['episode']) in $scene_numbering:
- #set ($scSeas, $scEpis) = $scene_numbering[(epResult['season'], epResult['episode'])]
- #set $dfltEpNumbering = False
- #else
- #set ($scSeas, $scEpis) = ($dfltSeas, $dfltEpis)
- #set $dfltEpNumbering = True
- #end if
- #if int($epResult['season']) != $curSeason:
- #if $sickbeard.DISPLAY_ALL_SEASONS == False and $seasonCount >= 1:
#end if
+ #set $videos = 'none' if $epResult['season'] not in $epCounts['videos'] else $epCounts['videos'][$epResult['season']]
+ #set $archived = False if $epResult['season'] not in $epCounts['archived'] else $epCounts['archived'][$epResult['season']]
#elif $scene_anime:
+ #set $dfltAbsolute = 0 if $epResult['absolute_number'] not in $xem_absolute_numbering else $xem_absolute_numbering[$epResult['absolute_number']]
#if 0 != int($epResult['season']):
#if (int($epResult['status']) in $Quality.SNATCHED or int($epResult['status']) in $Quality.DOWNLOADED) and $sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS:
#end if
#end if
#if $sickbeard.USE_SUBTITLES and $show.subtitles and len(set(str($epResult['subtitles']).split(',')).intersection(set($subtitles.wantedLanguages()))) < len($subtitles.wantedLanguages()) and $epResult['location']
#end if
#end for
-#if $sickbeard.DISPLAY_ALL_SEASONS == False and $seasonCount > 1:
-#end if