mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 09:07:43 +00:00
Add IMDb Popular to Add Show page.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 108 additions and 2 deletions
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
* Change increase number of displayed Trakt shows to 100
* Change increase number of displayed Trakt shows to 100
* Add genres and rating to all Trakt shows
* Add genres and rating to all Trakt shows
* Add AniDb Random and Hot to Add Show page
* Add AniDb Random and Hot to Add Show page
* Add IMDb Popular to Add Show page
[develop changelog]
[develop changelog]
Enable Alpha Ratio again now that the secure login page over https is fixed
Enable Alpha Ratio again now that the secure login page over https is fixed
@ -43,6 +43,16 @@
<a class="btn btn-large" href="$sbRoot/home/addShows/popular_imdb/">
<div class="button"><div class="icon-addtrendingshow"></div></div>
<div class="buttontext">
<h3>Add From IMDb</h3>
<p>Browse popular for a show to add.</p>
<div style="clear:both;font-size:2px"> </div>
#if $sickbeard.USE_ANIDB
#if $sickbeard.USE_ANIDB
<a class="btn btn-large" href="$sbRoot/home/addShows/randomhot_anidb/" style="float:right">
<a class="btn btn-large" href="$sbRoot/home/addShows/randomhot_anidb/" style="float:right">
<div class="button"><div class="icon-addtrendingshow"></div></div>
<div class="button"><div class="icon-addtrendingshow"></div></div>
@ -58,8 +68,6 @@
#end if
#end if
<div style="clear:both;font-size:2px"> </div>
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ from lib.dateutil import tz
from lib.unrar2 import RarFile
from lib.unrar2 import RarFile
from lib.libtrakt import TraktAPI
from lib.libtrakt import TraktAPI
from lib.libtrakt.exceptions import traktException, traktAuthException
from lib.libtrakt.exceptions import traktException, traktAuthException
from sickbeard.bs4_parser import BS4Parser
@ -2372,6 +2373,99 @@ class NewHomeAddShows(Home):
return self.newShow('|'.join(['', '', '', indexer_id or showName]), use_show_name=True, is_anime=True)
return self.newShow('|'.join(['', '', '', indexer_id or showName]), use_show_name=True, is_anime=True)
def popular_imdb(self, *args, **kwargs):
browse_type = 'IMDb'
filtered = []
footnote = None
start_year, end_year = (datetime.date.today().year - 10, datetime.date.today().year)
url = 'http://www.imdb.com/search/title?at=0&sort=moviemeter&title_type=tv_series&year=%s,%s' % (start_year, end_year)
html = helpers.getURL(url)
if html:
img_size = re.compile(r'(?im)(V1[^XY]+([XY]))(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)(.*?)$')
vote_value = re.compile(r'(?i).*\((\d*).?(\d*)\svotes\).*')
imdb_id = re.compile(r'(?i).*(tt\d+)$')
with BS4Parser(html, features=['html5lib', 'permissive']) as soup:
torrent_table = soup.find('table', {'class': 'results'})
torrent_rows = [] if not torrent_table else torrent_table.find_all('tr')
oldest, newest, oldest_dt, newest_dt = None, None, 9999999, 0
for tr in torrent_rows[1:]:
url_path = tr.select('td.title a[href*=title]')[0]['href'].strip('/')
ids = dict(imdb=imdb_id.sub(r'\1', url_path))
first_aired = tr.select('td.title span.year_type')
year = None if not len(first_aired) else re.sub(r'.*(\d{4}).*', r'\1', first_aired[0].get_text())
dt_ordinal = 0
if year:
dt = dateutil.parser.parse('01-01-%s' % year)
dt_ordinal = dt.toordinal()
if dt_ordinal < oldest_dt:
oldest_dt = dt_ordinal
oldest = year
if dt_ordinal > newest_dt:
newest_dt = dt_ordinal
newest = year
genres = tr.select('td.title span.genre')
images = tr.select('td.image img')
overview = tr.select('td.title span.outline')
rating = tr.select('td.title span.rating-rating span.value')
voting = tr.select('td.title div.rating-list')
if len(images) and 'tv_series.gif' not in images[0].get('src'):
img_uri = images[0].get('src')
images = {}
match = img_size.search(img_uri)
if match:
scale = lambda low1, high1: int((float(450) / high1) * low1)
high = int(max([match.group(9), match.group(11)]))
scaled = [scale(x, high) for x in [(int(match.group(n)), high)[high == int(match.group(n))] for n in 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]]
parts = [match.group(1), match.group(4), match.group(6), match.group(8), match.group(10), match.group(12)]
img_uri = img_uri.replace(match.group(), ''.join([str(y) for x in map(None, parts, scaled) for y in x if y is not None]))
path = ek.ek(os.path.abspath, ek.ek(os.path.join, sickbeard.CACHE_DIR, 'images', 'imdb'))
file_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, img_uri)
cached_name = ek.ek(os.path.join, path, file_name)
if not ek.ek(os.path.isfile, cached_name):
helpers.download_file(img_uri, cached_name)
images = dict(poster=dict(thumb='cache/images/imdb/%s' % file_name))
images = {}
premiered_str=year or 'No year',
genres='No genre yet' if not len(genres) else genres[0].get_text().lower().replace(' |', ','),
overview='No overview yet' if not len(overview) else re.sub(r'[\"\']+', r'', overview[0].get_text()[:250:].strip()),
rating=0 if not len(rating) else int(float(rating[0].get_text()) * 10),
title=tr.select('td.title a')[0].get_text().strip(),
url_src_db='http://www.imdb.com/%s/' % url_path,
votes=0 if not len(voting) else vote_value.sub(r'\1\2', voting[0].get('title'))))
tvshow = filter(lambda x: x.imdbid == ids['imdb'], sickbeard.showList)[0]
src = ((None, 'tvrage')[INDEXER_TVRAGE == tvshow.indexer], 'tvdb')[INDEXER_TVDB == tvshow.indexer]
if src:
filtered[-1]['ids'][src] = tvshow.indexerid
filtered[-1]['url_' + src] = '%s%s' % (sickbeard.indexerApi(tvshow.indexer).config['show_url'], tvshow.indexerid)
except (AttributeError, TypeError, KeyError, IndexError):
kwargs.update(dict(oldest=oldest, newest=newest))
if len(filtered):
footnote = 'Note; Some images on this page may be cropped at source: <a target="_blank" href="%s">IMDb</a>' % helpers.anon_url(url)
return self.browse_shows(browse_type, 'Most Popular IMDb TV', filtered, **kwargs)
def addIMDbShow(self, indexer_id, showName):
return self.newShow('|'.join(['', '', '', re.search('(?i)tt\d+$', indexer_id) and indexer_id or showName]),
def traktTrending(self, *args, **kwargs):
def traktTrending(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.browse_trakt('shows/trending?limit=%s&' % 100, 'Trending at Trakt', mode='trending')
return self.browse_trakt('shows/trending?limit=%s&' % 100, 'Trending at Trakt', mode='trending')
@ -2496,6 +2590,9 @@ class NewHomeAddShows(Home):
if None is not config.to_int(item['show_id'], None):
if None is not config.to_int(item['show_id'], None):
if not item['show_id'] and 'tt' in item['ids'].get('imdb', ''):
item['show_id'] = item['ids']['imdb']
return t.respond()
return t.respond()
def existingShows(self, *args, **kwargs):
def existingShows(self, *args, **kwargs):
Reference in a new issue