- URL to your torrent client (e.g. http://localhost:8000/)
- Note:rTorrent client URLs use e.g. scgi://localhost:5000/
- URL to your Deluge WebUI (e.g. http://localhost:8112/)
+ URL to your torrent client (e.g. http://localhost:8000/)
+ URL to your Deluge WebUI (e.g. http://localhost:8112/)
+ Note:rTorrent client URLs use e.g. scgi://localhost:5000/
Verify certificate
@@ -451,9 +457,9 @@
- Client username
+ Client username
(blank for none)
@@ -463,7 +469,7 @@
- Client password
+ Client password
(blank for none)
@@ -471,31 +477,36 @@
- Add label to torrent
+ Set torrent label/category
(blank spaces are not allowed)
(blank spaces are not allowed)
note: label plugin must be enabled in Deluge clients
where the torrent client will save downloaded files (blank for client default)
- note: the destination has to be a shared folder for Synology DS
- (v2.92 and newer should not be blank)
+ where the torrent client will save files
+ (blank otherwise set will ignore label/category)
+ (blank for client default)
+ note: the destination has to be a shared folder for Synology DS
+ (v2.92 and newer should not be blank)
Seed time (minimum default)
@@ -503,7 +514,7 @@
Start torrent paused
@@ -513,7 +524,7 @@
Allow high bandwidth
@@ -523,8 +534,8 @@
Click below to test
Click below to test
diff --git a/gui/slick/js/configSearch.js b/gui/slick/js/configSearch.js
index 037606c5..6109d89b 100644
--- a/gui/slick/js/configSearch.js
+++ b/gui/slick/js/configSearch.js
@@ -1,158 +1,154 @@
+/** @namespace config.defaultHost */
- var loading = '';
- function toggle_torrent_title(){
- if ($('#use_torrents').prop('checked'))
- $('#no_torrents').show();
- else
- $('#no_torrents').hide();
- }
+ var loading = '';
- $.fn.nzb_method_handler = function() {
+ function toggleTorrentTitle() {
+ var noTorrent$ = $('#no_torrents');
+ if ($('#use_torrents').prop('checked'))
+ noTorrent$.show();
+ else
+ noTorrent$.hide();
+ }
- var selectedProvider = $('#nzb_method :selected').val(),
- blackhole_settings = '#blackhole_settings',
- sabnzbd_settings = '#sabnzbd_settings',
- testSABnzbd = '#testSABnzbd',
- testSABnzbd_result = '#testSABnzbd_result',
- nzbget_settings = '#nzbget_settings';
+ $.fn.nzbMethodHandler = function() {
- $(blackhole_settings).hide();
- $(sabnzbd_settings).hide();
- $(testSABnzbd).hide();
- $(testSABnzbd_result).hide();
- $(nzbget_settings).hide();
+ var selectedProvider = $('#nzb_method').find(':selected').val(),
+ blackholeSettings = '#blackhole-settings',
+ nzbgetSettings = '#nzbget-settings, #test-nzb-result, .nzbget',
+ sabnzbdSettings = '#sabnzbd-settings, #test-nzb-result, .sabnzbd';
- if ('blackhole' == selectedProvider) {
- $(blackhole_settings).show();
- } else if ('nzbget' == selectedProvider) {
- $(nzbget_settings).show();
- } else {
- $(sabnzbd_settings).show();
- $(testSABnzbd).show();
- $(testSABnzbd_result).show();
- }
- }
+ $('#test-sabnzbd-result').html('Click below to test');
+ $([blackholeSettings, nzbgetSettings, sabnzbdSettings].join(',')).hide();
- $.fn.torrent_method_handler = function() {
+ if ('blackhole' == selectedProvider) {
+ $(blackholeSettings).show();
+ } else if ('nzbget' == selectedProvider) {
+ $(nzbgetSettings).show();
+ } else {
+ $(sabnzbdSettings).show();
+ }
+ };
+ $('#nzb_method').change($(this).nzbMethodHandler);
+ $(this).nzbMethodHandler();
- $('#options_torrent_clients').hide();
- $('#options_torrent_blackhole').hide();
+ $.fn.torrentMethodHandler = function() {
- var selectedProvider = $('#torrent_method :selected').val(),
- host = ' host:port',
- username = ' username',
- password = ' password',
- label = ' label',
- directory = ' directory',
- client = '',
- option_panel = '#options_torrent_blackhole';
+ var selectedProvider = $('#torrent_method').find(':selected').val(),
+ host = ' host:port', username = ' username', password = ' password',
+ label = ' label',
+ directory = ' directory',
+ client = '',
+ hideHostDesc = !1, hidePausedOption = !1, hideLabelOption = !1, hidePathBlank = !1,
+ optionsBlackhole = '#options-torrent-blackhole',
+ optionsClients = '#options-torrent-clients',
+ optionsPanel = optionsBlackhole;
- if ('blackhole' != selectedProvider) {
- var label_warning_deluge = '#label_warning_deluge',
- host_desc_rtorrent = '#host_desc_rtorrent',
- host_desc_torrent = '#host_desc_torrent',
- torrent_verify_cert_option = '#torrent_verify_cert_option',
- torrent_path_option = '#torrent_path_option',
- torrent_seed_time_option = '#torrent_seed_time_option',
- torrent_high_bandwidth_option = '#torrent_high_bandwidth_option',
- torrent_label_option = '#torrent_label_option',
- path_blank = '#path_blank',
- path_transmission = '#path_transmission',
- path_synology = '#path_synology',
- torrent_paused_option = '#torrent_paused_option';
+ $(optionsBlackhole).hide();
+ $(optionsClients).hide();
- $(label_warning_deluge).hide();
- $(host_desc_rtorrent).hide();
- $(host_desc_deluge).hide();
- $(host_desc_torrent).show();
- $(torrent_username_option).show();
- $(torrent_verify_cert_option).hide();
- $(torrent_path_option).show();
- $(torrent_path_option).find('.fileBrowser').show();
- $(torrent_seed_time_option).hide();
- $(torrent_high_bandwidth_option).hide();
- $(torrent_label_option).show();
- $(path_blank).show();
- $(path_transmission).hide();
- $(path_synology).hide();
- $(torrent_paused_option).show();
+ $('#test-torrent-result').html('Click below to test');
+ $('.default-host').html(config.defaultHost[selectedProvider]);
- if ('utorrent' == selectedProvider) {
- client = 'uTorrent';
- $(torrent_path_option).hide();
- $(torrent_seed_time_option).show();
- } else if ('transmission' == selectedProvider){
- client = 'Transmission';
- $(torrent_high_bandwidth_option).show();
- $(torrent_label_option).hide();
- //$('#directory_title').text(client + directory);
- $(path_blank).hide();
- $(path_transmission).show();
- } else if ('deluge' == selectedProvider){
- client = 'Deluge';
- $(torrent_verify_cert_option).show();
- $(label_warning_deluge).show();
- $(host_desc_torrent).hide();
- $(host_desc_deluge).show();
- $(torrent_username_option).hide();
- //$('#directory_title').text(client + directory);
- } else if ('download_station' == selectedProvider){
- client = 'Synology DS';
- $(torrent_label_option).hide();
- $('#torrent_paused_option').hide();
- $(torrent_path_option).find('.fileBrowser').hide();
- //$('#directory_title').text(client + directory);
- $(path_synology).show();
- } else if ('rtorrent' == selectedProvider){
- client = 'rTorrent';
- $(host_desc_torrent).hide();
- $(host_desc_rtorrent).show();
- $(torrent_paused_option).hide();
- //$('#directory_title').text(client + directory);
- }
- $('#host_title').text(client + host);
- $('#username_title').text(client + username);
- $('#password_title').text(client + password);
- $('#torrent_client').text(client);
- option_panel = '#options_torrent_clients';
- }
- $(option_panel).show();
- }
+ if ('blackhole' != selectedProvider) {
+ var labelWarningDeluge = '#label-warning-deluge',
+ hostDesc = '#host-desc-torrent',
+ hostDescDeluge = '#host-desc-deluge',
+ hostDescRtorrent = '#host-desc-rtorrent',
+ usernameOption = '#torrent-username-option',
+ verifyCertOption = '#torrent-verify-cert-option',
+ labelOption = '#torrent-label-option',
+ qBitTorrent = '.qbittorrent',
+ synology = '.synology',
+ transmission = '.transmission',
+ pathOption = '#torrent-path-option',
+ pathBlank = '#path-blank',
+ seedTimeOption = '#torrent-seed-time-option',
+ pausedOption = '#torrent-paused-option',
+ highBandwidthOption = '#torrent-high-bandwidth-option';
- $('#nzb_method').change($(this).nzb_method_handler);
+ $([labelWarningDeluge, hostDescDeluge, hostDescRtorrent, verifyCertOption, seedTimeOption,
+ highBandwidthOption, qBitTorrent, synology, transmission].join(',')).hide();
- $(this).nzb_method_handler();
+ $([hostDesc, usernameOption, pathOption, labelOption, pathBlank, pausedOption].join(',')).show();
+ $(pathOption).find('.fileBrowser').show();
- $('#testSABnzbd').click(function(){
- $('#testSABnzbd_result').html(loading);
- var sab_host = $('#sab_host').val();
- var sab_username = $('#sab_username').val();
- var sab_password = $('#sab_password').val();
- var sab_apiKey = $('#sab_apikey').val();
+ switch (selectedProvider) {
+ case 'utorrent':
+ client = 'uTorrent';
+ $(pathOption).hide();
+ $(seedTimeOption).show();
+ break;
+ case 'deluge':
+ client = 'Deluge'; hideHostDesc = !0;
+ $(usernameOption).hide();
+ $([hostDescDeluge, verifyCertOption, labelWarningDeluge].join(',')).show();
+ break;
+ case 'transmission':
+ client = 'Transmission'; hideLabelOption = !0; hidePathBlank = !0;
+ $([transmission, highBandwidthOption].join(',')).show();
+ break;
+ case 'qbittorrent':
+ // Setting Paused is buggy on qB, remove from use
+ client = 'qBittorrent'; hidePausedOption = !0; hidePathBlank = !0;
+ $(qBitTorrent).show();
+ break;
+ case 'download_station':
+ client = 'Synology DS'; hideLabelOption = !0; hidePausedOption = !0;
+ $(pathOption).find('.fileBrowser').hide();
+ $(synology).show();
+ break;
+ case 'rtorrent':
+ client = 'rTorrent'; hideHostDesc = !0; hidePausedOption = !0;
+ $(hostDescRtorrent).show();
+ break;
+ }
+ hideHostDesc && $(hostDesc).hide();
+ hideLabelOption && $(labelOption).hide();
+ hidePausedOption && $(pausedOption).hide();
+ hidePathBlank && $(pathBlank).hide();
+ $('#host-title').text(client + host);
+ $('#username-title').text(client + username);
+ $('#password-title').text(client + password);
+ $('#torrent-client').text(client);
+ optionsPanel = optionsClients;
+ }
+ $(optionsPanel).show();
+ };
+ $('#torrent_method').change($(this).torrentMethodHandler);
+ $(this).torrentMethodHandler();
- $.get(sbRoot + '/home/testSABnzbd', {'host': sab_host, 'username': sab_username, 'password': sab_password, 'apikey': sab_apiKey},
- function (data){ $('#testSABnzbd_result').html(data); });
- });
+ $('#use_torrents').click(function() {
+ toggleTorrentTitle();
+ });
+ $.fn.testResult = function(data, test$) {
+ // endpoint changed so gracefully handle 404s until restarted
+ $(test$).html(/404/.test(data) ? 'Test not found, a restart should fix' : data);
+ };
- $('#torrent_method').change($(this).torrent_method_handler);
+ $('#test_torrent').click(function() {
+ $('#test-torrent-result').html(loading);
+ $.get(sbRoot + '/home/test_torrent',
+ {'torrent_method': $('#torrent_method').find(':selected').val(), 'host': $('#torrent_host').val(),
+ 'username': $('#torrent_username').val(), 'password': $('#torrent_password').val()},
+ function(data) { $(this).testResult(data, '#test-torrent-result'); });
+ });
- $(this).torrent_method_handler();
+ $('#test_nzbget').click(function() {
+ $('#test-nzb-result').html(loading);
+ $.get(sbRoot + '/home/test_nzbget',
+ {'host': $('#nzbget_host').val(), 'use_https': $('#nzbget_use_https').prop('checked'),
+ 'username': $('#nzbget_username').val(), 'password': $('#nzbget_password').val()},
+ function(data) { $(this).testResult(data, '#test-nzb-result'); });
+ });
- $('#use_torrents').click(function(){
- toggle_torrent_title();
- });
- $('#test_torrent').click(function(){
- $('#test_torrent_result').html(loading);
- var torrent_method = $('#torrent_method :selected').val();
- var torrent_host = $('#torrent_host').val();
- var torrent_username = $('#torrent_username').val();
- var torrent_password = $('#torrent_password').val();
- $.get(sbRoot + '/home/testTorrent', {'torrent_method': torrent_method, 'host': torrent_host, 'username': torrent_username, 'password': torrent_password},
- function (data){ $('#test_torrent_result').html(data); });
- });
+ $('#test_sabnzbd').click(function() {
+ $('#test-nzb-result').html(loading);
+ $.get(sbRoot + '/home/test_sabnzbd',
+ {'host': $('#sab_host').val(), 'username': $('#sab_username').val(),
+ 'password': $('#sab_password').val(), 'apikey': $('#sab_apikey').val()},
+ function(data) { $(this).testResult(data, '#test-nzb-result'); });
+ });
diff --git a/sickbeard/__init__.py b/sickbeard/__init__.py
index 5cbea635..ea48dd77 100755
--- a/sickbeard/__init__.py
+++ b/sickbeard/__init__.py
@@ -721,7 +721,8 @@ def initialize(consoleLogging=True):
NZB_METHOD = 'blackhole'
TORRENT_METHOD = check_setting_str(CFG, 'General', 'torrent_method', 'blackhole')
- if TORRENT_METHOD not in ('blackhole', 'utorrent', 'transmission', 'deluge', 'download_station', 'rtorrent'):
+ if TORRENT_METHOD not in ('blackhole', 'deluge', 'download_station', 'qbittorrent',
+ 'rtorrent', 'transmission', 'utorrent'):
TORRENT_METHOD = 'blackhole'
DOWNLOAD_PROPERS = bool(check_setting_int(CFG, 'General', 'download_propers', 1))
diff --git a/sickbeard/clients/__init__.py b/sickbeard/clients/__init__.py
index d0fe9aa5..5e6b113c 100644
--- a/sickbeard/clients/__init__.py
+++ b/sickbeard/clients/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
# Author: Nic Wolfe
-# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickGear.
@@ -11,22 +10,31 @@
# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see .
-__all__ = ['utorrent',
- 'transmission',
- 'deluge',
- 'download_station',
- 'rtorrent'
import sickbeard
from os import sys
+__all__ = ['deluge', 'download_station', 'qbittorrent', 'rtorrent', 'transmission', 'utorrent']
+default_host = {
+ 'deluge': 'http://localhost:8112',
+ 'download_station': 'http://localhost:5000',
+ 'rtorrent': 'scgi://localhost:5000',
+ 'qbittorrent': 'http://localhost:8080',
+ 'transmission': 'http://localhost:9091',
+ 'utorrent': 'http://localhost:8000'}
+def get_client_instance(name):
+ module = __import__('sickbeard.clients.%s' % name.lower(), fromlist=__all__)
+ return getattr(module, module.api.__class__.__name__)
# Mapping error status codes to official W3C names
http_error_code = {
300: 'Multiple Choices',
@@ -65,26 +73,4 @@ http_error_code = {
503: 'Service Unavailable',
504: 'Gateway Timeout',
505: 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
- 511: 'Network Authentication Required',
-default_host = {'utorrent': 'http://localhost:8000',
- 'transmission': 'http://localhost:9091',
- 'deluge': 'http://localhost:8112',
- 'download_station': 'http://localhost:5000',
- 'rtorrent': 'scgi://localhost:5000',
-def getClientModule(name):
- name = name.lower()
- prefix = "sickbeard.clients."
- return __import__(prefix + name, fromlist=__all__)
-def getClientIstance(name):
- module = getClientModule(name)
- className = module.api.__class__.__name__
- return getattr(module, className)
\ No newline at end of file
+ 511: 'Network Authentication Required'}
diff --git a/sickbeard/clients/qbittorrent.py b/sickbeard/clients/qbittorrent.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51fef677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sickbeard/clients/qbittorrent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This file is part of SickGear.
+# SickGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# SickGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with SickGear. If not, see .
+from sickbeard import helpers, TORRENT_LABEL, TORRENT_PATH
+from sickbeard.clients.generic import GenericClient
+class QbittorrentAPI(GenericClient):
+ def __init__(self, host=None, username=None, password=None):
+ super(QbittorrentAPI, self).__init__('qBittorrent', host, username, password)
+ self.url = self.host
+ def _get_auth(self):
+ self.auth = (6 < self.api_version() and
+ 'Ok' in helpers.getURL('%slogin' % self.host, session=self.session,
+ post_data={'username': self.username, 'password': self.password}))
+ return self.auth
+ def api_version(self):
+ return helpers.tryInt(helpers.getURL('%sversion/api' % self.host, session=self.session))
+ def _post_api(self, cmd='', **kwargs):
+ return '' == helpers.getURL('%scommand/%s' % (self.host, cmd), session=self.session, **kwargs)
+ def _add_torrent(self, cmd, **kwargs):
+ label = TORRENT_LABEL.replace(' ', '_')
+ label_dict = {'label': label, 'category': label, 'savepath': TORRENT_PATH}
+ if 'post_data' in kwargs:
+ kwargs['post_data'].update(label_dict)
+ else:
+ kwargs.update({'post_data': label_dict})
+ return self._post_api(cmd, **kwargs)
+ def _add_torrent_uri(self, result):
+ return self._add_torrent('download', post_data={'urls': result.url})
+ def _add_torrent_file(self, result):
+ return self._add_torrent('upload', files={'torrents': ('%s.torrent' % result.name, result.content)})
+ ###
+ # An issue in qB can lead to actions being ignored during the initial period after a file is added.
+ # Therefore, actions that need to be applied to existing items will be disabled unless fixed.
+ ###
+ # def _set_torrent_priority(self, result):
+ #
+ # return self._post_api('%screasePrio' % ('de', 'in')[1 == result.priority], post_data={'hashes': result.hash})
+ # def _set_torrent_pause(self, result):
+ #
+ # return self._post_api(('resume', 'pause')[sickbeard.TORRENT_PAUSED], post_data={'hash': result.hash})
+api = QbittorrentAPI()
diff --git a/sickbeard/nzbget.py b/sickbeard/nzbget.py
index 73e04c76..8f2f9a69 100644
--- a/sickbeard/nzbget.py
+++ b/sickbeard/nzbget.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# Author: Nic Wolfe
-# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of SickGear.
@@ -16,133 +14,148 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SickGear. If not, see .
-from lib.six import moves
import datetime
+import re
import sickbeard
+import config
+from lib.six import moves
from base64 import standard_b64encode
+from common import Quality
+from sickbeard import logger
+from sickbeard.helpers import tryInt
from sickbeard.providers.generic import GenericProvider
-from sickbeard import logger, helpers
-from common import Quality
+def test_nzbget(host, use_https, username, password):
+ result = False
+ if not host:
+ msg = 'No NZBget host found. Please configure it'
+ logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
+ return result, msg, None
-def sendNZB(nzb, proper=False):
- addToTop = False
- nzbgetprio = 0
- if sickbeard.NZBGET_USE_HTTPS:
- nzbgetXMLrpc = "https://%(username)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/xmlrpc"
- else:
- nzbgetXMLrpc = "http://%(username)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/xmlrpc"
- if sickbeard.NZBGET_HOST == None:
- logger.log(u"No NZBget host found in configuration. Please configure it.", logger.ERROR)
- return False
- url = nzbgetXMLrpc % {"host": sickbeard.NZBGET_HOST, "username": sickbeard.NZBGET_USERNAME,
- "password": sickbeard.NZBGET_PASSWORD}
- nzbGetRPC = moves.xmlrpc_client.ServerProxy(url)
+ url = 'http%(scheme)s://%(username)s:%(password)s@%(host)s/xmlrpc' % {
+ 'scheme': ('', 's')[use_https], 'host': re.sub('(?:https?://)?(.*?)/?$', r'\1', host),
+ 'username': username, 'password': password}
+ rpc_client = moves.xmlrpc_client.ServerProxy(url)
- if nzbGetRPC.writelog("INFO", "SickGear connected to drop off %s any moment now." % (nzb.name + ".nzb")):
- logger.log(u"Successfully connected to NZBget", logger.DEBUG)
+ msg = 'Success. Connected'
+ if rpc_client.writelog('INFO', 'SickGear connected as a test'):
+ logger.log(msg, logger.DEBUG)
- logger.log(u"Successfully connected to NZBget, but unable to send a message", logger.ERROR)
+ msg += ', but unable to send a message'
+ logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
+ result = True
+ logger.log(u'NZBGet URL: %s' % url, logger.DEBUG)
except moves.http_client.socket.error:
- logger.log(
- u"Please check your NZBget host and port (if it is running). NZBget is not responding to this combination",
- logger.ERROR)
- return False
+ msg = 'Please check NZBget host and port (if it is running). NZBget is not responding to these values'
+ logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
except moves.xmlrpc_client.ProtocolError as e:
- if (e.errmsg == "Unauthorized"):
- logger.log(u"NZBget username or password is incorrect.", logger.ERROR)
+ if 'Unauthorized' == e.errmsg:
+ msg = 'NZBget username or password is incorrect'
+ logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
- logger.log(u"Protocol Error: " + e.errmsg, logger.ERROR)
- return False
+ msg = 'Protocol Error: %s' % e.errmsg
+ logger.log(msg, logger.ERROR)
- dupekey = ""
+ return result, msg, rpc_client
+def send_nzb(nzb, proper=False):
+ result = False
+ add_to_top = False
+ nzbget_prio = 0
+ authed, auth_msg, rpc_client = test_nzbget(
+ sickbeard.NZBGET_HOST, sickbeard.NZBGET_USE_HTTPS, sickbeard.NZBGET_USERNAME, sickbeard.NZBGET_PASSWORD)
+ if not authed:
+ return authed
+ dupekey = ''
dupescore = 0
# if it aired recently make it high priority and generate DupeKey/Score
for curEp in nzb.episodes:
- if dupekey == "":
- if curEp.show.indexer == 1:
- dupekey = "SickGear-" + str(curEp.show.indexerid)
- elif curEp.show.indexer == 2:
- dupekey = "SickGear-tvr" + str(curEp.show.indexerid)
- dupekey += "-" + str(curEp.season) + "." + str(curEp.episode)
- if datetime.date.today() - curEp.airdate <= datetime.timedelta(days=7):
- addToTop = True
- nzbgetprio = sickbeard.NZBGET_PRIORITY
+ if '' == dupekey:
+ if 1 == curEp.show.indexer:
+ dupekey = 'SickGear-%s' % curEp.show.indexerid
+ elif 2 == curEp.show.indexer:
+ dupekey = 'SickGear-tvr%s' % curEp.show.indexerid
+ dupekey += '-%s.%s' % (curEp.season, curEp.episode)
- if nzb.quality != Quality.UNKNOWN:
+ if datetime.date.today() - curEp.airdate <= datetime.timedelta(days=7):
+ add_to_top = True
+ nzbget_prio = sickbeard.NZBGET_PRIORITY
+ if Quality.UNKNOWN != nzb.quality:
dupescore = nzb.quality * 100
if proper:
dupescore += 10
nzbcontent64 = None
- if nzb.resultType == "nzbdata":
+ if 'nzbdata' == nzb.resultType:
data = nzb.extraInfo[0]
nzbcontent64 = standard_b64encode(data)
elif 'Anizb' == nzb.provider.name and 'nzb' == nzb.resultType:
gen_provider = GenericProvider('')
data = gen_provider.get_url(nzb.url)
if None is data:
- return False
+ return result
nzbcontent64 = standard_b64encode(data)
- logger.log(u"Sending NZB to NZBGet: %s" % nzb.name)
- logger.log(u"NZBGet URL: " + url, logger.DEBUG)
+ logger.log(u'Sending NZB to NZBGet: %s' % nzb.name)
- # Find out if nzbget supports priority (Version 9.0+), old versions beginning with a 0.x will use the old command
- nzbget_version_str = nzbGetRPC.version()
- nzbget_version = helpers.tryInt(nzbget_version_str[:nzbget_version_str.find(".")])
- if nzbget_version == 0:
- if nzbcontent64 is not None:
- nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, addToTop, nzbcontent64)
- else:
- if nzb.resultType == "nzb":
- genProvider = GenericProvider("")
- data = genProvider.get_url(nzb.url)
- if (data == None):
- return False
- nzbcontent64 = standard_b64encode(data)
- nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, addToTop, nzbcontent64)
- elif nzbget_version == 12:
- if nzbcontent64 is not None:
- nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False,
- nzbcontent64, False, dupekey, dupescore, "score")
- else:
- nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.appendurl(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False,
- nzb.url, False, dupekey, dupescore, "score")
- # v13+ has a new combined append method that accepts both (url and content)
- # also the return value has changed from boolean to integer
+ # Find out if nzbget supports priority (Version 9.0+), old versions beginning with a 0.x will use the old cmd
+ nzbget_version_str = rpc_client.version()
+ nzbget_version = tryInt(nzbget_version_str[:nzbget_version_str.find('.')])
+ # v13+ has a combined append method that accepts both (url and content)
+ # also the return value has changed from boolean to integer
# (Positive number representing NZBID of the queue item. 0 and negative numbers represent error codes.)
- elif nzbget_version >= 13:
- nzbget_result = True if nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", nzbcontent64 if nzbcontent64 is not None else nzb.url,
- sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False, False, dupekey, dupescore,
- "score") > 0 else False
+ if 13 <= nzbget_version:
+ nzbget_result = rpc_client.append(
+ '%s.nzb' % nzb.name, (nzbcontent64, nzb.url)[None is nzbcontent64], sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
+ nzbget_prio, False, False, dupekey, dupescore, 'score') > 0
+ elif 12 == nzbget_version:
+ if nzbcontent64 is not None:
+ nzbget_result = rpc_client.append('%s.nzb' % nzb.name, sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
+ nzbget_prio, False, nzbcontent64, False, dupekey, dupescore, 'score')
+ else:
+ nzbget_result = rpc_client.appendurl('%s.nzb' % nzb.name, sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
+ nzbget_prio, False, nzb.url, False, dupekey, dupescore, 'score')
+ elif 0 == nzbget_version:
+ if nzbcontent64 is not None:
+ nzbget_result = rpc_client.append('%s.nzb' % nzb.name, sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
+ add_to_top, nzbcontent64)
+ else:
+ if 'nzb' == nzb.resultType:
+ gen_provider = GenericProvider('')
+ data = gen_provider.get_url(nzb.url)
+ if None is data:
+ return result
+ nzbcontent64 = standard_b64encode(data)
+ nzbget_result = rpc_client.append('%s.nzb' % nzb.name, sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
+ add_to_top, nzbcontent64)
if nzbcontent64 is not None:
- nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.append(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False,
- nzbcontent64)
+ nzbget_result = rpc_client.append('%s.nzb' % nzb.name, sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
+ nzbget_prio, False, nzbcontent64)
- nzbget_result = nzbGetRPC.appendurl(nzb.name + ".nzb", sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY, nzbgetprio, False,
- nzb.url)
+ nzbget_result = rpc_client.appendurl('%s.nzb' % nzb.name, sickbeard.NZBGET_CATEGORY,
+ nzbget_prio, False, nzb.url)
if nzbget_result:
- logger.log(u"NZB sent to NZBget successfully", logger.DEBUG)
- return True
+ logger.log(u'NZB sent to NZBget successfully', logger.DEBUG)
+ result = True
- logger.log(u"NZBget could not add %s to the queue" % (nzb.name + ".nzb"), logger.ERROR)
- return False
+ logger.log(u'NZBget could not add %s to the queue' % ('%s.nzb' % nzb.name), logger.ERROR)
- logger.log(u"Connect Error to NZBget: could not add %s to the queue" % (nzb.name + ".nzb"), logger.ERROR)
- return False
+ logger.log(u'Connect Error to NZBget: could not add %s to the queue' % ('%s.nzb' % nzb.name), logger.ERROR)
+ return result
diff --git a/sickbeard/properFinder.py b/sickbeard/properFinder.py
index 286871db..2d14d147 100644
--- a/sickbeard/properFinder.py
+++ b/sickbeard/properFinder.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from sickbeard import history
from sickbeard.common import DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED, SNATCHED_PROPER, Quality
-from name_parser.parser import NameParser
+from name_parser.parser import NameParser, InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException
def search_propers():
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ def _get_proper_list(aired_since_shows, recent_shows, recent_anime):
x.provider = cur_provider
propers[name] = x
count += 1
+ except (InvalidNameException, InvalidShowException):
+ continue
except Exception:
diff --git a/sickbeard/providers/generic.py b/sickbeard/providers/generic.py
index c7d8577c..0ad3b1f3 100644
--- a/sickbeard/providers/generic.py
+++ b/sickbeard/providers/generic.py
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ class TorrentProvider(object, GenericProvider):
def url(self):
- if None is self._url:
+ if None is self._url or (hasattr(self, 'url_tmpl') and not self.urls):
self._url = self._valid_home()
return self._url
diff --git a/sickbeard/search.py b/sickbeard/search.py
index 22e86af6..74b13e2b 100644
--- a/sickbeard/search.py
+++ b/sickbeard/search.py
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def snatch_episode(result, end_status=SNATCHED):
dl_result = sab.send_nzb(result)
elif 'nzbget' == sickbeard.NZB_METHOD:
is_proper = True if SNATCHED_PROPER == end_status else False
- dl_result = nzbget.sendNZB(result, is_proper)
+ dl_result = nzbget.send_nzb(result, is_proper)
logger.log(u'Unknown NZB action specified in config: %s' % sickbeard.NZB_METHOD, logger.ERROR)
dl_result = False
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ def snatch_episode(result, end_status=SNATCHED):
logger.log(u'Torrent content failed to download from %s' % result.url, logger.ERROR)
return False
# Snatches torrent with client
- client = clients.getClientIstance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)()
+ client = clients.get_client_instance(sickbeard.TORRENT_METHOD)()
dl_result = client.send_torrent(result)
logger.log(u'Unknown result type, unable to download it', logger.ERROR)
diff --git a/sickbeard/webserve.py b/sickbeard/webserve.py
index 4572769f..78447a76 100644
--- a/sickbeard/webserve.py
+++ b/sickbeard/webserve.py
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ from Cheetah.Template import Template
from six import iteritems
import sickbeard
-from sickbeard import config, sab, clients, history, notifiers, processTV, ui, logger, helpers, exceptions, classes, \
- db, search_queue, image_cache, naming, scene_exceptions, search_propers, subtitles, network_timezones, sbdatetime
+from sickbeard import config, sab, nzbget, clients, history, notifiers, processTV, ui, logger, helpers, exceptions,\
+ classes, db, search_queue, image_cache, naming, scene_exceptions, search_propers, subtitles, network_timezones,\
+ sbdatetime
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard.providers import newznab, rsstorrent
from sickbeard.common import Quality, Overview, statusStrings, qualityPresetStrings
@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ class Home(MainHandler):
return t.respond()
- def testSABnzbd(self, host=None, username=None, password=None, apikey=None):
+ def test_sabnzbd(self, host=None, username=None, password=None, apikey=None):
self.set_header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0,no-cache,no-store')
host = config.clean_url(host)
@@ -667,14 +668,24 @@ class Home(MainHandler):
return u'Authentication failed. %s' % auth_msg
return u'Unable to connect to host'
- def testTorrent(self, torrent_method=None, host=None, username=None, password=None):
+ def test_nzbget(self, host=None, use_https=None, username=None, password=None):
+ self.set_header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0,no-cache,no-store')
+ host = config.clean_url(host)
+ if None is not password and set('*') == set(password):
+ password = sickbeard.NZBGET_PASSWORD
+ authed, auth_msg, void = nzbget.test_nzbget(host, bool(config.checkbox_to_value(use_https)), username, password)
+ return auth_msg
+ def test_torrent(self, torrent_method=None, host=None, username=None, password=None):
self.set_header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0,no-cache,no-store')
host = config.clean_url(host)
if None is not password and set('*') == set(password):
password = sickbeard.TORRENT_PASSWORD
- client = clients.getClientIstance(torrent_method)
+ client = clients.get_client_instance(torrent_method)
connection, accesMsg = client(host, username, password).test_authentication()