2014-03-10 05:18:05 +00:00
#import os . path
#import datetime
#import locale
#import sickbeard
#from sickbeard . common import *
#from sickbeard . sbdatetime import *
#from sickbeard import config
#from sickbeard import metadata
#from sickbeard . metadata . generic import GenericMetadata
#set global $ title = " Config - General "
#set global $ header = " General Configuration "
#set global $ sbPath = " ../.. "
#set global $ topmenu = " config " #
#include $ os . path . join ( $ sickbeard . PROG_DIR , " gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_top.tmpl " )
#if $ varExists ( ' header ' )
<h1 class="header"> $ header </h1>
<h1 class="title"> $ title </h1>
#end if
<script type="text/javascript" src=" $ sbRoot /js/config.js? $ sbPID "></script>
<div id="config">
<div id="config-content">
<form id="configForm" action="saveGeneral" method="post">
<div id="config-components">
<li><a href=" #core - component - group1 " >Misc</a></li>
<li><a href=" #core - component - group2 " >Web Interface</a></li>
<li><a href=" #core - component - group3 " >Date and Time</a></li>
<li><a href=" #core - component - group4 " >Advanced Setting</a></li>
<div id="core-component-group1" class="component-group clearfix">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<p>Startup options.</p>
<p><b>Some options may require a manual restart to take effect.</b></p>
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="launch_browser" id="launch_browser" #if $ sickbeard . LAUNCH_BROWSER then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="launch_browser">
<span class="component-title">Launch Browser</span>
<span class="component-desc">Should Sick Beard open its home page when started?</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="update_shows_on_start" id="update_shows_on_start" #if $ sickbeard . UPDATE_SHOWS_ON_START then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="update_shows_on_start">
<span class="component-title">Update Shows on Start</span>
<span class="component-desc">Should Sick Beard update shows info when started?</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="version_notify" id="version_notify" #if $ sickbeard . VERSION_NOTIFY then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="version_notify">
<span class="component-title">Check for Update</span>
<span class="component-desc">Show notification about updates for Sick Beard if available.</span>
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Checking for updates runs on startup and every 12 hours.</span>
<div class="field-pair">
2014-04-23 07:12:51 +00:00
<input type="checkbox" name="auto_update" id="auto_update" #if $ sickbeard . AUTO_UPDATE then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="auto_update">
<span class="component-title">Automatic Updates</span>
<span class="component-desc">Automatically get and install updates for Sick Beard when available.</span>
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Automatic Updates runs on startup and in the background.</span>
<div class="field-pair">
2014-03-10 05:18:05 +00:00
<input type="checkbox" name="sort_article" id="sort_article" #if $ sickbeard . SORT_ARTICLE then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="sort_article">
<span class="component-title">Sort articles</span>
<span class="component-desc">Include articles (The, A, An) when sorting show lists.</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix" for="log_dir">
<span class="component-title">Logging Directory</span>
<input type="text" name="log_dir" id="log_dir" value=" $ sickbeard . ACTUAL_LOG_DIR " size="40" />
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes" />
</div><!-- /component-group1 //-->
<div id="core-component-group2" class="component-group clearfix">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Web Interface</h3>
<p>It is recommended that you enable a username and password to secure Sick Beard from being tampered with remotely.</p>
<p><b>These options require a manual restart to take effect.</b></p>
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="web_ipv6" id="web_ipv6" #if $ sickbeard . WEB_IPV6 then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="web_ipv6">
<span class="component-title">Listen on IPv6</span>
<span class="component-desc">Allow Sick Beard to bind to any available IPv6 address?</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="web_log" id="web_log" #if $ sickbeard . WEB_LOG then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="web_log">
<span class="component-title">HTTP Logs</span>
<span class="component-desc">Have Sick Beard's web server (cherrypy) generate logs?</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title">HTTP Port</span>
<input type="text" name="web_port" value=" $ sickbeard . WEB_PORT " size="10" />
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Web port that Sick Beard should listen on (eg. 8081)</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title">HTTP Username</span>
<input type="text" name="web_username" value=" $ sickbeard . WEB_USERNAME " size="35" />
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Username for authentication (blank for none)</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title">HTTP Password</span>
<input type="password" name="web_password" value=" $ sickbeard . WEB_PASSWORD " size="35" />
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Password for authentication (blank for none)</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="clearfix">
<input type="checkbox" name="enable_https" class="enabler" id="enable_https" #if $ sickbeard . ENABLE_HTTPS then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<span class="component-title">Enable HTTPS</span>
<span class="component-desc">Enable accessing the interface from a HTTPS address.</span>
<div id="content_enable_https">
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title">HTTPS Certificate</span>
<input type="text" name="https_cert" value=" $ sickbeard . HTTPS_CERT " size="35" />
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">File name or path to HTTPS Certificate.</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title">HTTPS Key</span>
<input type="text" name="https_key" value=" $ sickbeard . HTTPS_KEY " size="35" />
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">File name or path to HTTPS Key.</span>
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes" />
</div><!-- /component-group2 //-->
<div id="core-component-group4" class="component-group clearfix">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Advanced setting</h3>
2014-03-30 05:45:36 +00:00
<p>You need to know what you are doing here!!!</p>
2014-03-10 05:18:05 +00:00
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title">Anonymous Redirect</span>
<input type="text" name="anon_redirect" value=" $ sickbeard . ANON_REDIRECT " size="40" />
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Backlink protection via anonymizer service, must end in <b>?</b></span>
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title">Git Path</span>
<input type="text" name="git_path" value=" $ sickbeard . GIT_PATH " size="40" />
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Specify path to Git binary, only use if OS is unable to find the path.</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="use_api" class="enabler" id="use_api" #if $ sickbeard . USE_API then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="use_api">
<span class="component-title">Enable API</span>
<span class="component-desc">Allow the use of the Sick-Beard API.</span>
<div id="content_use_api">
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix" for="api_key">
<span class="component-title">API Key</span>
<input type="text" name="api_key" id="api_key" value=" $ sickbeard . API_KEY " size="35" readonly="readonly" />
<input class="btn" class="btn" type="button" id="generate_new_apikey" value="Generate">
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Used to give 3rd party programs limited access to Sick-Beard.</span>
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="encryption_version" id="encryption_version" #if $ sickbeard . ENCRYPTION_VERSION then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="encryption_version">
<span class="component-title">Encrypt Passwords</span>
<span class="component-desc">Should Sick Beard encrypt the passwords in <code>config.ini</code> file?</span>
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc"><b>Warning</b>: Password must be only with <a style="color: blue;" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII #ASCII _printable_characters " >ASCII characters</a></span>
<div class="field-pair">
<input type="checkbox" name="calendar_unprotected" id="calendar_unprotected" #if $ sickbeard . CALENDAR_UNPROTECTED then " checked= \" checked \" " else " " # />
<label class="clearfix" for="calendar_unprotected">
<span class="component-title">Unprotected Calendar</span>
<span class="component-desc">This allows to subscribe to the calendar without user and password.</span>
<label class="nocheck clearfix">
<span class="component-title"> </span>
<span class="component-desc">Some services like Google Calendar only work this way.</span>
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes" />
</div><!-- /component-group4 //-->
<div id="core-component-group3" class="component-group clearfix">
<div class="component-group-desc">
<h3>Date and Time</h3>
<fieldset class="component-group-list">
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix" for="date_presets">
<span class="component-title">Date Format:</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<select id="date_presets" name="date_preset">
<option value="%x" #if " %x " == $ sickbeard . DATE_PRESET then " selected= \" selected \" " else " " # >Use System Default</option>
#for $ cur_preset in $ date_presets :
<option value=" $ cur_preset " #if $ cur_preset == $ sickbeard . DATE_PRESET then " selected= \" selected \" " else " " # > $ datetime . datetime . now ().strftime( $ cur_preset )</option>
#end for
<div class="field-pair">
<label class="nocheck clearfix" for="time_presets">
<span class="component-title">Time Format:</span>
<span class="component-desc">
<select id="time_presets" name="time_preset">
#for $ cur_preset in $ time_presets :
<option value=" $ cur_preset " #if $ cur_preset == $ sickbeard . TIME_PRESET_W_SECONDS then " selected= \" selected \" " else " " # > $ sbdatetime . now ().sbftime(show_seconds=True,t_preset= $ cur_preset )</option>
#end for
<b>Note:</b> Seconds are only shown on the History Page.
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter" value="Save Changes" />
</div><!-- /component-group3 //-->
<small class="float-right"><b>All non-absolute folder locations are relative to <span class="path"> $ sickbeard . DATA_DIR </span></b> </small>
<input type="submit" class="btn config_submitter button" value="Save Changes" />
</div><!-- /config-components -->
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
jQuery(' #log _dir ' ).fileBrowser( { title: ' Select Log Directory ' });
jQuery(' #config - components ' ).tabs();
#include $ os . path . join ( $ sickbeard . PROG_DIR , " gui/slick/interfaces/default/inc_bottom.tmpl " )