mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 23:05:05 +00:00
1358 lines
51 KiB
1358 lines
51 KiB
import copy
import datetime
import diskcache
import logging
import threading
import shutil
import time
from exceptions_helper import ex
from six import integer_types, iteritems, iterkeys, string_types, text_type
from _23 import list_items, list_values
from lib.tvinfo_base.exceptions import *
from sg_helpers import calc_age, make_path
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
str_int = Union[AnyStr, integer_types]
# old tvdb api - version 1
# TVINFO_TVDB_V1 = 10001
# mapped only source
# old tmdb id
# end mapped only source
# generic stuff
TVINFO_SLUG = 100000
# social media sources
tv_src_names = {
TVINFO_TVDB: 'tvdb',
TVINFO_TVRAGE: 'tvrage',
TVINFO_TVMAZE: 'tvmaze',
10001: 'tvdb v1',
TVINFO_IMDB: 'imdb',
TVINFO_TRAKT: 'trakt',
TVINFO_TMDB: 'tmdb',
TVINFO_TVDB_SLUG : 'tvdb slug',
TVINFO_TRAKT_SLUG: 'trakt slug',
TVINFO_SLUG: 'generic slug',
TVINFO_TWITTER: 'twitter',
TVINFO_FACEBOOK: 'facebook',
TVINFO_INSTAGRAM: 'instagram',
log = logging.getLogger('TVInfo')
TVInfoShowContainer = {} # type: Dict[ShowContainer]
class ShowContainer(dict):
"""Simple dict that holds a series of Show instances
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ShowContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# limit caching of TVInfoShow objects to 15 minutes
self.max_age = 900 # type: integer_types
self.lock = threading.RLock()
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
super(ShowContainer, self).__setitem__(k, (v, time.time()))
def __getitem__(self, k):
return super(ShowContainer, self).__getitem__(k)[0]
def cleanup_old(self):
remove entries that are older then max_age
acquired_lock = self.lock.acquire(False)
if acquired_lock:
current_time = time.time()
for k, v in list_items(self):
if self.max_age < current_time - v[1]:
lock_acquired = self[k].lock.acquire(False)
if lock_acquired:
del self[k]
except (BaseException, Exception):
except RuntimeError:
def __str__(self):
nr_shows = len(self)
return '<ShowContainer (containing %s Show%s)>' % (nr_shows, ('s', '')[1 == nr_shows])
__repr__ = __str__
class TVInfoIDs(object):
def __init__(
tvdb=None, # type: integer_types
tmdb=None, # type: integer_types
tvmaze=None, # type: integer_types
imdb=None, # type: integer_types
trakt=None, # type: integer_types
rage=None, # type: integer_types
ids=None # type: Dict[int, integer_types]
): # type: (...) -> TVInfoIDs
ids = ids or {}
self.tvdb = tvdb or ids.get(TVINFO_TVDB)
self.tmdb = tmdb or ids.get(TVINFO_TMDB)
self.tvmaze = tvmaze or ids.get(TVINFO_TVMAZE)
self.imdb = imdb or ids.get(TVINFO_IMDB)
self.trakt = trakt or ids.get(TVINFO_TRAKT)
self.rage = rage or ids.get(TVINFO_TVRAGE)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return {TVINFO_TVDB: self.tvdb, TVINFO_TMDB: self.tmdb, TVINFO_TVMAZE: self.tvmaze,
TVINFO_IMDB: self.imdb, TVINFO_TRAKT: self.trakt, TVINFO_TVRAGE: self.rage}.get(key)
def get(self, key):
return self.__getitem__(key)
def __iter__(self):
for s, v in [(TVINFO_TVDB, self.tvdb), (TVINFO_TMDB, self.tmdb), (TVINFO_TVMAZE, self.tvmaze),
(TVINFO_IMDB, self.imdb), (TVINFO_TRAKT, self.trakt), (TVINFO_TVRAGE, self.rage)]:
yield s, v
def __str__(self):
return ', '.join('%s: %s' % (tv_src_names.get(k, k), v) for k, v in self.__iter__())
__repr__ = __str__
iteritems = __iter__
items = __iter__
class TVInfoSocialIDs(object):
def __init__(self, twitter=None, instagram=None, facebook=None, wikipedia=None, ids=None):
# type: (str_int, str_int, str_int, str_int, Dict[int, str_int]) -> TVInfoSocialIDs
ids = ids or {}
self.twitter = twitter or ids.get(TVINFO_TWITTER)
self.instagram = instagram or ids.get(TVINFO_INSTAGRAM)
self.facebook = facebook or ids.get(TVINFO_FACEBOOK)
self.wikipedia = wikipedia or ids.get(TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return {TVINFO_TWITTER: self.twitter, TVINFO_INSTAGRAM: self.instagram, TVINFO_FACEBOOK: self.facebook,
TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA: self.wikipedia}.get(key)
def __iter__(self):
for s, v in [(TVINFO_TWITTER, self.twitter), (TVINFO_INSTAGRAM, self.instagram),
(TVINFO_FACEBOOK, self.facebook), (TVINFO_WIKIPEDIA, self.wikipedia)]:
yield s, v
def __str__(self):
return ', '.join('%s: %s' % (tv_src_names.get(k, k), v) for k, v in self.__iter__())
__repr__ = __str__
iteritems = __iter__
items = __iter__
class TVInfoImageType(object):
poster = 1
banner = 2
# fanart/background
fanart = 3
typography = 4
other = 10
# person
person_poster = 50
# season
season_poster = 100
season_banner = 101
season_fanart = 103
# stills
still = 200
reverse_str = {
poster: 'poster',
banner: 'banner',
# fanart/background
fanart: 'fanart',
typography: 'typography',
other: 'other',
# person
person_poster: 'person poster',
# season
season_poster: 'season poster',
season_banner: 'season banner',
season_fanart: 'season fanart',
# stills
still: 'still'
class TVInfoImageSize(object):
original = 1
medium = 2
small = 3
reverse_str = {
1: 'original',
2: 'medium',
3: 'small'
class TVInfoImage(object):
def __init__(self, image_type, sizes, img_id=None, main_image=False, type_str='', rating=None, votes=None,
lang=None, height=None, width=None, aspect_ratio=None):
self.img_id = img_id # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.image_type = image_type # type: integer_types
self.sizes = sizes # type: Dict[TVInfoImageSize, AnyStr]
self.type_str = type_str # type: AnyStr
self.main_image = main_image # type: bool
self.rating = rating # type: Optional[Union[float, integer_types]]
self.votes = votes # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.lang = lang # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.height = height # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.width = width # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio # type: Optional[Union[float, integer_types]]
def __str__(self):
return '<TVInfoImage %s [%s]>' % (TVInfoImageType.reverse_str.get(self.image_type, 'unknown'),
', '.join(TVInfoImageSize.reverse_str.get(s, 'unkown') for s in self.sizes))
__repr__ = __str__
class TVInfoNetwork(object):
def __init__(self, name, n_id=None, country=None, country_code=None, timezone=None, stream=None):
self.name = name # type: AnyStr
self.id = n_id # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.country = country # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.country_code = country_code # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.timezone = timezone # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.stream = stream # type: Optional[bool]
def __str__(self):
return '<Network (%s)>' % ', '.join('%s' % s for s in [self.name, self.id, self.country, self.country_code,
self.timezone] if s)
__repr__ = __str__
class TVInfoShow(dict):
"""Holds a dict of seasons, and show data.
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.RLock()
self.data = {} # type: Dict
self.ep_loaded = False # type: bool
self.poster_loaded = False # type: bool
self.banner_loaded = False # type: bool
self.fanart_loaded = False # type: bool
self.season_images_loaded = False # type: bool
self.seasonwide_images_loaded = False # type: bool
self.actors_loaded = False # type: bool
self.show_not_found = False # type: bool
self.id = None # type: integer_types
self.ids = TVInfoIDs() # type: TVInfoIDs
self.social_ids = TVInfoSocialIDs() # type: TVInfoSocialIDs
self.slug = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.seriesid = None # type: integer_types
self.seriesname = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.aliases = [] # type: List[AnyStr]
self.season = None # type: integer_types
self.classification = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.genre = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.genre_list = [] # type: List[AnyStr]
self.actors = [] # type: List[Dict]
self.cast = CastList() # type: CastList
self.crew = CrewList() # type: CrewList
self.show_type = [] # type: List[AnyStr]
self.networks = [] # type: List[TVInfoNetwork]
self.network = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_id = None # type: integer_types
self.network_timezone = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_country = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_country_code = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_is_stream = None # type: Optional[bool]
self.runtime = None # type: integer_types
self.language = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.official_site = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.imdb_id = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.zap2itid = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.airs_dayofweek = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.airs_time = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.time = None # type: Optional[datetime.time]
self.firstaired = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.added = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.addedby = None # type: Union[integer_types, AnyStr]
self.siteratingcount = None # type: integer_types
self.lastupdated = None # type: integer_types
self.contentrating = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.rating = None # type: Union[integer_types, float]
self.status = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.overview = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.poster = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.poster_thumb = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.banner = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.banner_thumb = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.fanart = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.banners = {} # type: Dict
self.images = {} # type: Dict[TVInfoImageType, List[TVInfoImage]]
self.updated_timestamp = None # type: Optional[integer_types]
# special properties for trending, popular, ...
self.popularity = None # type: Optional[Union[integer_types, float]]
self.vote_count = None # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.vote_average = None # type: Optional[Union[integer_types, float]]
self.origin_countries = [] # type: List[AnyStr]
def __str__(self):
nr_seasons = len(self)
return '<Show %r (containing %s season%s)>' % (self.seriesname, nr_seasons, ('s', '')[1 == nr_seasons])
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self:
# Key is an episode, return it
return self[key]
if key in self.data:
# Non-numeric request is for show-data
return self.data[key]
raise AttributeError
def __getitem__(self, key, raise_error=True):
if isinstance(key, string_types) and key in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[key]
if key in self:
# Key is an episode, return it
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
if key in self.data:
# Non-numeric request is for show-data
return dict.__getitem__(self.data, key)
if raise_error:
# Data wasn't found, raise appropriate error
if isinstance(key, integer_types) or isinstance(key, string_types) and key.isdigit():
# Episode number x was not found
raise BaseTVinfoSeasonnotfound('Could not find season %s' % (repr(key)))
# If it's not numeric, it must be an attribute name, which
# doesn't exist, so attribute error.
raise BaseTVinfoAttributenotfound('Cannot find attribute %s' % (repr(key)))
def get(self, __key, __default=None):
return self.__getitem__(__key, raise_error=None is __default) or __default
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
memo[id(self)] = result
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if 'lock' == k:
setattr(result, k, threading.RLock())
setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
for k, v in self.items():
result[k] = copy.deepcopy(v, memo)
return result
def __bool__(self):
# type: (...) -> bool
return bool(self.id) or any(iterkeys(self.data))
def to_dict(self):
return self.__dict__.copy()
def aired_on(self, date):
ret = self.search(str(date), 'firstaired')
if 0 == len(ret):
raise BaseTVinfoEpisodenotfound('Could not find any episodes that aired on %s' % date)
return ret
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
Search all episodes in show. Can search all data, or a specific key (for
example, episodename)
Always returns an array (can be empty). First index contains the first
match, and so on.
results = []
for cur_season in list_values(self):
searchresult = cur_season.search(term=term, key=key)
if 0 != len(searchresult):
return results
def __getstate__(self):
d = dict(self.__dict__)
del d['lock']
except (BaseException, Exception):
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
self.lock = threading.RLock()
__repr__ = __str__
__nonzero__ = __bool__
class TVInfoSeason(dict):
def __init__(self, show=None, **kwargs):
"""The show attribute points to the parent show
super(TVInfoSeason, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.show = show # type: TVInfoShow
self.id = None # type: integer_types
self.number = None # type: integer_types
self.name = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.actors = [] # type: List[Dict]
self.cast = CastList() # type: Dict[integer_types, TVInfoCharacter]
self.network = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_id = None # type: integer_types
self.network_timezone = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_country = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_country_code = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_is_stream = None # type: Optional[bool]
self.ordered = None # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.start_date = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.end_date = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.poster = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.summery = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.episode_order = None # type: Optional[integer_types]
def __str__(self):
nr_episodes = len(self)
return '<Season %s instance (containing %s episode%s)>' % \
(self.number, nr_episodes, ('s', '')[1 == nr_episodes])
def __getattr__(self, episode_number):
if episode_number in self:
return self[episode_number]
raise AttributeError
def __getitem__(self, episode_number):
if episode_number not in self:
raise BaseTVinfoEpisodenotfound('Could not find episode %s' % (repr(episode_number)))
return dict.__getitem__(self, episode_number)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
memo[id(self)] = result
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
for k, v in self.items():
result[k] = copy.deepcopy(v, memo)
return result
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
"""Search all episodes in season, returns a list of matching Episode
results = []
for ep in list_values(self):
searchresult = ep.search(term=term, key=key)
if None is not searchresult:
return results
__repr__ = __str__
class TVInfoEpisode(dict):
def __init__(self, season=None, show=None, **kwargs):
"""The season attribute points to the parent season
super(TVInfoEpisode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.id = None # type: integer_types
self.seriesid = None # type: integer_types
self.season = season # type: TVInfoSeason
self.seasonnumber = None # type: integer_types
self.episodenumber = None # type: integer_types
self.absolute_number = None # type: integer_types
self.is_special = None # type: Optional[bool]
self.actors = [] # type: List[Dict]
self.gueststars = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.gueststars_list = [] # type: List[AnyStr]
self.cast = CastList() # type: Dict[integer_types, TVInfoCharacter]
self.directors = [] # type: List[AnyStr]
self.writer = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.writers = [] # type: List[AnyStr]
self.crew = CrewList() # type: CrewList
self.episodename = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.overview = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.language = {'episodeName': None, 'overview': None} # type: Dict[AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr]]
self.productioncode = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.showurl = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.lastupdated = None # type: integer_types
self.dvddiscid = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.dvd_season = None # type: integer_types
self.dvd_episodenumber = None # type: integer_types
self.dvdchapter = None # type: integer_types
self.firstaired = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.airtime = None # type: Optional[datetime.time]
self.runtime = 0 # type: integer_types
self.timestamp = None # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.network = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_id = None # type: integer_types
self.network_timezone = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_country = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_country_code = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.network_is_stream = None # type: Optional[bool]
self.filename = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.lastupdatedby = None # type: Union[integer_types, AnyStr]
self.airsafterseason = None # type: integer_types
self.airsbeforeseason = None # type: integer_types
self.airsbeforeepisode = None # type: integer_types
self.imdb_id = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.contentrating = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.thumbadded = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.rating = None # type: Union[integer_types, float]
self.siteratingcount = None # type: integer_types
self.show = show # type: Optional[TVInfoShow]
def __str__(self):
show_name = (self.show and self.show.seriesname and '<Show %s> - ' % self.show.seriesname) or ''
seasno, epno = int(getattr(self, 'seasonnumber', 0)), int(getattr(self, 'episodenumber', 0))
epname = getattr(self, 'episodename', '')
if None is not epname:
return '%s<Episode %02dx%02d - %r>' % (show_name, seasno, epno, epname)
return '%s<Episode %02dx%02d>' % (show_name, seasno, epno)
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self:
return self[key]
raise AttributeError
def __getitem__(self, key):
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
except KeyError:
raise BaseTVinfoAttributenotfound('Cannot find attribute %s' % (repr(key)))
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
memo[id(self)] = result
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
for k, v in self.items():
result[k] = copy.deepcopy(v, memo)
return result
def __bool__(self):
# type: (...) -> bool
return bool(self.id) or bool(self.episodename)
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
"""Search episode data for term, if it matches, return the Episode (self).
The key parameter can be used to limit the search to a specific element,
for example, episodename.
if None is term:
raise TypeError('must supply string to search for (contents)')
term = text_type(term).lower()
for cur_key, cur_value in iteritems(self):
cur_key, cur_value = text_type(cur_key).lower(), text_type(cur_value).lower()
if None is not key and cur_key != key:
# Do not search this key
if cur_value.find(text_type(term).lower()) > -1:
return self
__unicode__ = __str__
__repr__ = __str__
__nonzero__ = __bool__
class Persons(dict):
"""Holds all Persons instances for a show
def __str__(self):
persons_count = len(self)
return '<Persons (containing %s Person%s)>' % (persons_count, ('', 's')[1 != persons_count])
__repr__ = __str__
class CastList(Persons):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(CastList, self).__init__(**kwargs)
for t in iterkeys(RoleTypes.reverse):
if t < RoleTypes.crew_limit:
self[t] = [] # type: List[TVInfoCharacter]
def __str__(self):
persons_count = []
for t in iterkeys(RoleTypes.reverse):
if t < RoleTypes.crew_limit:
if len(self.get(t, [])):
persons_count.append('%s: %s' % (RoleTypes.reverse[t], len(self.get(t, []))))
persons_text = ', '.join(persons_count)
persons_text = ('0', '(%s)' % persons_text)['' != persons_text]
return '<Cast (containing %s Person%s)>' % (persons_text, ('', 's')['' != persons_text])
__repr__ = __str__
class CrewList(Persons):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(CrewList, self).__init__(**kwargs)
for t in iterkeys(RoleTypes.reverse):
if t >= RoleTypes.crew_limit:
self[t] = [] # type: List[Crew]
def __str__(self):
persons_count = []
for t in iterkeys(RoleTypes.reverse):
if t >= RoleTypes.crew_limit:
if len(self.get(t, [])):
persons_count.append('%s: %s' % (RoleTypes.reverse[t], len(self.get(t, []))))
persons_text = ', '.join(persons_count)
persons_text = ('0', '(%s)' % persons_text)['' != persons_text]
return '<Crew (containing %s Person%s)>' % (persons_text, ('', 's')['' != persons_text])
__repr__ = __str__
class PersonBase(dict):
"""Represents a single person. Should contain..
def __init__(
self, # type:
p_id=None, # type: integer_types
name=None, # type: AnyStr
image=None, # type: AnyStr
images=None, # type: List[TVInfoImage]
gender=None, # type: int
bio=None, # type: AnyStr
birthdate=None, # type: datetime.date
deathdate=None, # type: datetime.date
country=None, # type: AnyStr
country_code=None, # type: AnyStr
country_timezone=None, # type: AnyStr
ids=None, # type: Dict
thumb_url=None, # type: AnyStr
**kwargs # type: Dict
): # type: (...) -> PersonBase
super(PersonBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.id = p_id # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.name = name # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.image = image # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.images = images or [] # type: List[TVInfoImage]
self.thumb_url = thumb_url # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.gender = gender # type: Optional[int]
self.bio = bio # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.birthdate = birthdate # type: Optional[datetime.date]
self.deathdate = deathdate # type: Optional[datetime.date]
self.country = country # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.country_code = country_code # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.country_timezone = country_timezone # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.ids = ids or {} # type: Dict[int, integer_types]
def calc_age(self, date=None):
# type: (Optional[datetime.date]) -> Optional[int]
return calc_age(self.birthdate, self.deathdate, date)
def age(self):
# type: (...) -> Optional[int]
:return: age of person if birthdate is known, in case of deathdate is known return age of death
return self.calc_age()
def __bool__(self):
# type: (...) -> bool
return bool(self.name)
def __str__(self):
return '<Person "%s">' % self.name
__repr__ = __str__
__nonzero__ = __bool__
class PersonGenders(object):
unknown = 0
male = 1
female = 2
named = {'unknown': 0, 'male': 1, 'female': 2}
reverse = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(named)}
tmdb_map = {0: unknown, 1: female, 2: male}
imdb_map = {'female': female, 'male': male}
class Crew(PersonBase):
def __init__(self, crew_type_name=None, **kwargs):
super(Crew, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.crew_type_name = crew_type_name
def __str__(self):
return '<Crew%s "%s)">' % (('', ('/%s' % self.crew_type_name))[isinstance(self.crew_type_name, string_types)],
__repr__ = __str__
class TVInfoPerson(PersonBase):
def __init__(
p_id=None, # type: integer_types
name=None, # type: AnyStr
image=None, # type: Optional[AnyStr]
images=None, # type: List[TVInfoImage]
thumb_url=None, # type: AnyStr
gender=None, # type: int
bio=None, # type: AnyStr
birthdate=None, # type: datetime.date
deathdate=None, # type: datetime.date
country=None, # type: AnyStr
country_code=None, # type: AnyStr
country_timezone=None, # type: AnyStr
ids=None, # type: Dict
homepage=None, # type: AnyStr
social_ids=None, # type: Dict
birthplace=None, # type: AnyStr
url=None, # type: AnyStr
characters=None, # type: List[TVInfoCharacter]
height=None, # type: Union[integer_types, float]
deathplace=None, # type: AnyStr
nicknames=None, # type: Set[AnyStr]
real_name=None, # type: AnyStr
akas=None, # type: Set[AnyStr]
**kwargs # type: Dict
): # type: (...) -> TVInfoPerson
super(TVInfoPerson, self).__init__(
p_id=p_id, name=name, image=image, thumb_url=thumb_url, bio=bio, gender=gender,
birthdate=birthdate, deathdate=deathdate, country=country, images=images,
country_code=country_code, country_timezone=country_timezone, ids=ids, **kwargs)
self.credits = [] # type: List
self.homepage = homepage # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.social_ids = social_ids or {} # type: Dict
self.birthplace = birthplace # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.deathplace = deathplace # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.nicknames = nicknames or set() # type: Set[AnyStr]
self.real_name = real_name # type: AnyStr
self.url = url # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.height = height # type: Optional[Union[integer_types, float]]
self.akas = akas or set() # type: Set[AnyStr]
self.characters = characters or [] # type: List[TVInfoCharacter]
def __str__(self):
return '<Person "%s">' % self.name
__repr__ = __str__
class TVInfoCharacter(PersonBase):
def __init__(self, person=None, voice=None, plays_self=None, regular=None, show=None, start_year=None,
end_year=None, **kwargs):
# type: (List[TVInfoPerson], bool, bool, bool, TVInfoShow, int, int, Dict) -> TVInfoCharacter
super(TVInfoCharacter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.person = person # type: List[TVInfoPerson]
self.voice = voice # type: Optional[bool]
self.plays_self = plays_self # type: Optional[bool]
self.regular = regular # type: Optional[bool]
self.show = show # type: Optional[TVInfoShow]
self.start_year = start_year # type: Optional[integer_types]
self.end_year = end_year # type: Optional[integer_types]
def __str__(self):
pn = []
if None is not self.person:
for p in self.person:
if getattr(p, 'name', None):
return '<Character "%s%s">' % (self.name, ('', ' - (%s)' % ', '.join(pn))[bool(pn)])
__repr__ = __str__
class RoleTypes(object):
# Actor types
ActorMain = 1
ActorRecurring = 2
ActorGuest = 3
ActorSpecialGuest = 4
Host = 10
HostGuest = 11
Presenter = 12
PresenterGuest = 13
Interviewer = 14
InterviewerGuest = 15
MusicalGuest = 16
# Crew types (int's >= crew_limit)
CrewDirector = 50
CrewWriter = 51
CrewProducer = 52
CrewExecutiveProducer = 53
CrewCreator = 60
CrewEditor = 61
CrewCamera = 62
CrewMusic = 63
CrewStylist = 64
CrewMakeup = 65
CrewPhotography = 66
CrewSound = 67
CrewDesigner = 68
CrewDeveloper = 69
CrewAnimation = 70
CrewVisualEffects = 71
CrewShowrunner = 72
CrewOther = 100
reverse = {1: 'Main', 2: 'Recurring', 3: 'Guest', 4: 'Special Guest', 50: 'Director', 51: 'Writer', 52: 'Producer',
53: 'Executive Producer', 60: 'Creator', 61: 'Editor', 62: 'Camera', 63: 'Music', 64: 'Stylist',
65: 'Makeup', 66: 'Photography', 67: 'Sound', 68: 'Designer', 69: 'Developer', 70: 'Animation',
71: 'Visual Effects', 100: 'Other'}
crew_limit = 50
crew_type_names = {c.lower(): v for v, c in iteritems(RoleTypes.reverse) if v >= RoleTypes.crew_limit}
class TVInfoBase(object):
supported_id_searches = []
supported_person_id_searches = []
_supported_languages = None
map_languages = {'cs': 'ces', 'da': 'dan', 'de': 'deu', 'en': 'eng', 'es': 'spa', 'fi': 'fin', 'fr': 'fra',
'he': 'heb', 'hr': 'hrv', 'hu': 'hun', 'it': 'ita', 'ja': 'jpn', 'ko': 'kor', 'nb': 'nor',
'nl': 'nld', 'no': 'nor',
'pl': 'pol', 'pt': 'pot', 'ru': 'rus', 'sk': 'slv', 'sv': 'swe', 'zh': 'zho', '_1': 'srp'}
reverse_map_languages = {v: k for k, v in iteritems(map_languages)}
def __init__(self, banners=False, posters=False, seasons=False, seasonwides=False, fanart=False, actors=False,
*args, **kwargs):
global TVInfoShowContainer
if self.__class__.__name__ not in TVInfoShowContainer:
TVInfoShowContainer[self.__class__.__name__] = ShowContainer()
self.shows = TVInfoShowContainer[self.__class__.__name__] # type: ShowContainer[integer_types, TVInfoShow]
self.lang = None # type: Optional[AnyStr]
self.corrections = {} # type: Dict
self.show_not_found = False # type: bool
self.not_found = False # type: bool
self._old_config = None
self._cachedir = kwargs.get('diskcache_dir') # type: AnyStr
self.diskcache = diskcache.Cache(directory=self._cachedir, disk_pickle_protocol=2) # type: diskcache.Cache
self.cache_expire = 60 * 60 * 18 # type: integer_types
self.search_cache_expire = 60 * 15 # type: integer_types
self.schedule_cache_expire = 60 * 30 # type: integer_types
self.config = {
'apikey': '',
'debug_enabled': False,
'custom_ui': None,
'proxy': None,
'cache_enabled': False,
'cache_location': '',
'valid_languages': [],
'langabbv_to_id': {},
'language': 'en',
'base_url': '',
'banners_enabled': banners,
'posters_enabled': posters,
'seasons_enabled': seasons,
'seasonwides_enabled': seasonwides,
'fanart_enabled': fanart,
'actors_enabled': actors,
'cache_search': kwargs.get('cache_search'),
} # type: Dict[AnyStr, Any]
def _must_load_data(self, sid, load_episodes, banners, posters, seasons, seasonwides, fanart, actors):
# type: (integer_types, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) -> bool
returns if show data has to be fetched for (extra) data (episodes, images, ...)
or can taken from self.shows cache
:param sid: show id
:param load_episodes: should episodes be loaded
:param banners: should load banners
:param posters: should load posters
:param seasons: should load season images
:param seasonwides: should load season wide images
:param fanart: should load fanart
:param actors: should load actors
if sid not in self.shows or None is self.shows[sid].id or \
(load_episodes and not getattr(self.shows[sid], 'ep_loaded', False)):
return True
for data_type, en_type, p_type in [(u'poster', 'posters_enabled', posters),
(u'banner', 'banners_enabled', banners),
(u'fanart', 'fanart_enabled', fanart),
(u'season', 'seasons_enabled', seasons),
(u'seasonwide', 'seasonwides_enabled', seasonwides),
(u'actors', 'actors_enabled', actors)]:
if (p_type or self.config.get(en_type, False)) and \
not getattr(self.shows[sid], '%s_loaded' % data_type, False):
return True
return False
def clear_cache(self):
Clear cache.
with self.diskcache as dc:
except (BaseException, Exception):
def clean_cache(self):
Remove expired items from cache.
with self.diskcache as dc:
except (BaseException, Exception):
def check_cache(self):
checks cache
with self.diskcache as dc:
except (BaseException, Exception):
def _get_cache_entry(self, key, retry=False):
# type: (Any, bool) -> Tuple[bool, Any]
returns tuple of is_None and value
:param key:
:param retry:
with self.diskcache as dc:
v = dc.get(key)
return 'None' == v, (v, None)['None' == v]
except ValueError as e:
if not retry:
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
except (BaseException, Exception):
return self._get_cache_entry(key, retry=True)
log.error('Error getting %s from cache: %s' % (key, ex(e)))
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.error('Error getting %s from cache: %s' % (key, ex(e)))
return False, None
def _set_cache_entry(self, key, value, tag=None, expire=None):
# type: (Any, Any, AnyStr, int) -> None
with self.diskcache as dc:
dc.set(key, (value, 'None')[None is value], expire=expire or self.cache_expire, tag=tag)
except (BaseException, Exception) as e:
log.error('Error setting %s to cache: %s' % (key, ex(e)))
def get_person(self, p_id, get_show_credits=False, get_images=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, bool, bool, Any) -> Optional[TVInfoPerson]
get person's data for id or list of matching persons for name
:param p_id: persons id
:param get_show_credits: get show credits
:param get_images: get images for person
:return: person object
def _search_person(self, name=None, ids=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[TVInfoPerson]
search for person by name
:param name: name to search for
:param ids: dict of ids to search
:return: list of found person's
return []
def search_person(self, name=None, ids=None):
# type: (AnyStr, Dict[integer_types, integer_types]) -> List[TVInfoPerson]
search for person by name
:param name: name to search for
:param ids: dict of ids to search
:return: list of found person's
if not name and not ids:
log.debug('Nothing to search')
raise BaseTVinfoPersonNotFound('Nothing to search')
found_persons = []
if ids:
if not any(1 for i in ids if i in self.supported_person_id_searches) and not name:
log.debug('Id type not supported')
raise BaseTVinfoPersonNotFound('Id type not supported')
found_persons = self._search_person(name=name, ids=ids)
elif name:
found_persons = self._search_person(name=name, ids=ids)
return found_persons
def _get_show_data(self, sid, language, get_ep_info=False, banners=False, posters=False, seasons=False,
seasonwides=False, fanart=False, actors=False, **kwargs):
# type: (integer_types, AnyStr, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, Optional[Any]) -> bool
internal function that should be overwritten in class to get data for given show id
:param sid: show id
:param language: language
:param get_ep_info: get episodes
:param banners: load banners
:param posters: load posters
:param seasons: load seasons
:param seasonwides: load seasonwides
:param fanart: load fanard
:param actors: load actors
def get_show(
show_id, # type: integer_types
load_episodes=True, # type: bool
banners=False, # type: bool
posters=False, # type: bool
seasons=False, # type: bool
seasonwides=False, # type: bool
fanart=False, # type: bool
actors=False, # type: bool
old_call=False, # type: bool
language=None, # type: AnyStr
**kwargs # type: Optional[Any]
): # type: (...) -> Optional[TVInfoShow]
get data for show id
:param show_id: id of show
:param load_episodes: load episodes
:param banners: load banners
:param posters: load posters
:param seasons: load season images
:param seasonwides: load season wide images
:param fanart: load fanart
:param actors: load actors
:param old_call: load legacy call
:param language: set the request language
:return: show object
if not old_call and None is self._old_config:
self._old_config = self.config.copy()
self.config.update({'banners_enabled': banners, 'posters_enabled': posters, 'seasons_enabled': seasons,
'seasonwides_enabled': seasonwides, 'fanart_enabled': fanart, 'actors_enabled': actors,
'language': language or 'en'})
if show_id not in self.shows:
self.shows[show_id] = TVInfoShow() # type: TVInfoShow
with self.shows[show_id].lock:
if self._must_load_data(show_id, load_episodes, banners, posters, seasons, seasonwides, fanart,
self._get_show_data(show_id, self.map_languages.get(self.config['language'],
load_episodes, banners, posters, seasons, seasonwides, fanart, actors)
if None is self.shows[show_id].id:
with self.shows.lock:
del self.shows[show_id]
return None if show_id not in self.shows else copy.deepcopy(self.shows[show_id])
if None is self.shows[show_id].id:
with self.shows.lock:
del self.shows[show_id]
except (BaseException, Exception):
except RuntimeError:
if not old_call and None is not self._old_config:
self.config = self._old_config
self._old_config = None
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]], Dict[integer_types, integer_types], Optional[Any]) -> List[Dict]
internal search function to find shows, should be overwritten in class
:param name: name to search for
:param ids: dict of ids {tvid: prodid} to search for
return []
def _convert_search_names(name):
if name:
names = ([name], name)[isinstance(name, list)]
for i, n in enumerate(names):
if not isinstance(n, string_types):
names[i] = text_type(n)
names[i] = names[i].lower()
return names
return name
def search_show(self, name=None, ids=None, **kwargs):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, List[AnyStr]], Dict[integer_types, integer_types], Optional[Any]) -> List[Dict]
search for series with name(s) or ids
:param name: series name or list of names to search for
:param ids: dict of ids {tvid: prodid} to search for
:return: combined list of series results
if not name and not ids:
log.debug('Nothing to search')
raise BaseTVinfoShownotfound('Nothing to search')
name, selected_series = self._convert_search_names(name), []
if ids:
if not name and not any(1 for i in ids if i in self.supported_id_searches):
log.debug('Id type not supported')
raise BaseTVinfoShownotfound('Id type not supported')
selected_series = self._search_show(name=name, ids=ids)
elif name:
selected_series = self._search_show(name)
if isinstance(selected_series, dict):
selected_series = [selected_series]
if not isinstance(selected_series, list) or 0 == len(selected_series):
log.debug('Series result returned zero')
raise BaseTVinfoShownotfound('Show-name search returned zero results (cannot find show on TVDB)')
return selected_series
def _set_item(self, sid, seas, ep, attrib, value):
# type: (integer_types, integer_types, integer_types, integer_types, Any, Any) -> None
"""Creates a new episode, creating Show(), Season() and
Episode()s as required. Called by _get_show_data to populate show
Since the nice-to-use tvinfo[1][24]['name] interface
makes it impossible to do tvinfo[1][24]['name] = "name"
and still be capable of checking if an episode exists
so we can raise tvinfo_shownotfound, we have a slightly
less pretty method of setting items.. but since the API
is supposed to be read-only, this is the best way to
do it!
The problem is that calling tvinfo[1][24]['episodename'] = "name"
calls __getitem__ on tvinfo[1], there is no way to check if
tvinfo.__dict__ should have a key "1" before we auto-create it
# if sid not in self.shows:
# self.shows[sid] = TVInfoShow()
if seas not in self.shows[sid]:
self.shows[sid][seas] = TVInfoSeason(show=self.shows[sid])
self.shows[sid][seas].number = seas
if ep not in self.shows[sid][seas]:
self.shows[sid][seas][ep] = TVInfoEpisode(season=self.shows[sid][seas], show=self.shows[sid])
if attrib not in ('cast', 'crew'):
self.shows[sid][seas][ep][attrib] = value
self.shows[sid][seas][ep].__dict__[attrib] = value
def _set_show_data(self, sid, key, value, add=False):
# type: (integer_types, Any, Any, bool) -> None
"""Sets self.shows[sid] to a new Show instance, or sets the data
# if sid not in self.shows:
# self.shows[sid] = TVInfoShow()
if key not in ('cast', 'crew'):
if add and isinstance(self.shows[sid].data, dict) and key in self.shows[sid].data:
self.shows[sid].data[key] = value
if '_banners' == key:
p_key = 'banners'
p_key = key
if add and key in self.shows[sid].__dict__ and isinstance(self.shows[sid].__dict__[p_key], dict):
self.shows[sid].__dict__[p_key] = self.shows[sid].data[key]
if add and key in self.shows[sid].__dict__ and isinstance(self.shows[sid].__dict__[key], dict):
self.shows[sid].__dict__[key] = value
def get_updated_shows(self):
# type: (...) -> Dict[integer_types, integer_types]
gets all ids and timestamp of updated shows
returns dict of id: timestamp
return {}
def get_trending(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get trending shows
:param result_count:
return []
def get_popular(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get all popular shows
return []
def get_top_rated(self, result_count=100, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get all latest shows
return []
def discover(self, result_count=100, get_extra_images=False, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoEpisode]
return []
def get_premieres(self, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoEpisode]
get all premiering shows
return []
def get_returning(self, **kwargs):
# type: (...) -> List[TVInfoShow]
get all returning shows
return []
def __getitem__(self, item):
# type: (Union[AnyStr, integer_types, Tuple[integer_types, bool]]) -> Union[TVInfoShow, List[Dict], None]
"""Legacy handler (use get_show or search_show instead)
Handles class_instance['seriesname'] calls.
The dict index should be the show id
arg = None
if isinstance(item, tuple) and 2 == len(item):
item, arg = item
if not isinstance(arg, bool):
arg = None
if isinstance(item, integer_types):
# Item is integer, treat as show id
return self.get_show(item, (True, arg)[None is not arg], old_call=True)
# maybe adding this to make callee use showname so that i can bring in the new endpoint
if isinstance(arg, string_types) and 'Tvdb' == self.__class__.__name__:
return self.search_show(item)
return self.search_show(item)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def search(self, series):
# type: (AnyStr) -> List
"""This searches for the series name
and returns the result list
return []
def _which_type(img_width, img_ratio):
# type: (integer_types, Union[integer_types, float]) -> Optional[int]
:param img_width:
:param img_ratio:
msg_success = 'Treating image as %s with extracted aspect ratio'
# most posters are around 0.68 width/height ratio (eg. 680/1000)
if 0.55 <= img_ratio <= 0.8:
log.debug(msg_success % 'poster')
return TVInfoImageType.poster
# most banners are around 5.4 width/height ratio (eg. 758/140)
if 5 <= img_ratio <= 6:
log.debug(msg_success % 'banner')
return TVInfoImageType.banner
# most fan art are around 1.7 width/height ratio (eg. 1280/720 or 1920/1080)
if 1.7 <= img_ratio <= 1.8:
if 500 < img_width:
log.debug(msg_success % 'fanart')
return TVInfoImageType.fanart
log.warning(u'Skipped image with fanart aspect ratio but less than 500 pixels wide')
log.warning(u'Skipped image with useless ratio %s' % img_ratio)
def _get_languages(self):
# type: (...) -> None
overwrite in class to create the language lists
def get_languages(self):
# type: (...) -> List[Dict]
get all supported languages as list of dicts
[{'id': 'lang code', 'name': 'english name', 'nativeName': 'native name', 'sg_lang': 'sg lang code'}]
if None is self._supported_languages:
return self._supported_languages
def __str__(self):
return '<TVInfo(%s) (containing: %s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, text_type(self.shows))
__repr__ = __str__