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766 lines
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Parsers for the different streams and fragments found in an OLE2 file.
- goffice source code
- Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2007 Binary File Format (.ppt) Specification
Author: Robert Xiao, Victor Stinner
Creation: 8 january 2005
from hachoir.field import (SubFile, FieldSet,
UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, Enum, String, CString,
Bits, RawBytes, CustomFragment)
from hachoir.core.text_handler import textHandler, hexadecimal
from hachoir.parser.misc.ole2_util import OLE2FragmentParser, RawParser
from hachoir.parser.misc.msoffice_summary import Summary, DocSummary, CompObj
from hachoir.parser.misc.word_doc import WordDocumentParser, WordTableParser
class RootEntry(OLE2FragmentParser):
def createFields(self):
for index, property in enumerate(self.ole2.properties):
if index == 0:
name, parser = PROPERTY_NAME[property["name"].value]
except LookupError:
name = property.name + "content"
parser = RawParser
yield from self.parseProperty(property, name, parser)
def seekSBlock(self, block):
self.seekBit(block * self.ole2.ss_size)
def parseProperty(self, property, name_prefix, parser=RawParser):
ole2 = self.ole2
if not property["size"].value:
if property["size"].value >= ole2["header/threshold"].value:
name = "%s[]" % name_prefix
first = None
previous = None
size = 0
fragment_group = None
chain = ole2.getChain(property["start"].value, ole2.ss_fat)
while True:
block = next(chain)
contiguous = False
if first is None:
first = block
contiguous = True
if previous is not None and block == (previous + 1):
contiguous = True
if contiguous:
previous = block
size += ole2.ss_size
except StopIteration:
block = None
if first is None:
desc = "Small blocks %s..%s (%s)" % (
first, previous, previous - first + 1)
desc += " of %s bytes" % (ole2.ss_size // 8)
field = CustomFragment(
self, name, size, parser, desc, fragment_group)
yield field
if not fragment_group:
fragment_group = field.group
fragment_group.args["ole2"] = field.root
fragment_group.args["datasize"] = property["size"].value
fragment_group.args["ole2name"] = property["name"].value
if block is None:
first = block
previous = block
size = ole2.ss_size
class Pictures(OLE2FragmentParser):
class Picture(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield RawBytes(self, "identifier", 4, "some kind of marker (A0461DF0)")
yield UInt32(self, "size")
yield RawBytes(self, "unknown[]", 16)
yield RawBytes(self, "unknown[]", 1)
yield SubFile(self, "image", self["size"].value - 17, "Image Data")
def createFields(self):
pos = 0
while pos // 8 < self.datasize:
newpic = Pictures.Picture(self, "picture[]")
yield newpic
pos += newpic.size
class PowerPointDocument(OLE2FragmentParser):
OBJ_TYPES = {0: "Unknown",
1000: "Document",
1001: "DocumentAtom",
1002: "EndDocument",
1003: "SlidePersist",
1004: "SlideBase",
1005: "SlideBaseAtom",
1006: "Slide",
1007: "SlideAtom",
1008: "Notes",
1009: "NotesAtom",
1010: "Environment",
1011: "SlidePersistAtom",
1012: "Scheme",
1013: "SchemeAtom",
1014: "DocViewInfo",
1015: "SSlideLayoutAtom",
1016: "MainMaster",
1017: "SSSlideInfoAtom",
1018: "SlideViewInfo",
1019: "GuideAtom",
1020: "ViewInfo",
1021: "ViewInfoAtom",
1022: "SlideViewInfoAtom",
1023: "VBAInfo",
1024: "VBAInfoAtom",
1025: "SSDocInfoAtom",
1026: "Summary",
1027: "Texture",
1028: "VBASlideInfo",
1029: "VBASlideInfoAtom",
1030: "DocRoutingSlip",
1031: "OutlineViewInfo",
1032: "SorterViewInfo",
1033: "ExObjList",
1034: "ExObjListAtom",
1035: "PPDrawingGroup", # FIXME: Office Art File Format Docu
1036: "PPDrawing", # FIXME: Office Art File Format Docu
1038: "Theme",
1039: "ColorMapping",
1040: "NamedShows", # don't know if container
1041: "NamedShow",
1042: "NamedShowSlides", # don't know if container
1052: "OriginalMainMasterId",
1053: "CompositeMasterId",
1054: "RoundTripContentMasterInfo12",
1055: "RoundTripShapeId12",
1056: "RoundTripHFPlaceholder12",
1058: "RoundTripContentMasterId12",
1059: "RoundTripOArtTextStyles12",
1060: "HeaderFooterDefaults12",
1061: "DocFlags12",
1062: "RoundTripShapeCheckSumForCustomLayouts12",
1063: "RoundTripNotesMasterTextStyles12",
1064: "RoundTripCustomTableStyles12",
2000: "List",
2005: "FontCollection",
2017: "ListPlaceholder",
2019: "BookmarkCollection",
2020: "SoundCollection",
2021: "SoundCollAtom",
2022: "Sound",
2023: "SoundData",
2025: "BookmarkSeedAtom",
2026: "GuideList",
2028: "RunArray",
2029: "RunArrayAtom",
2030: "ArrayElementAtom",
2031: "Int4ArrayAtom",
2032: "ColorSchemeAtom",
3008: "OEShape",
3009: "ExObjRefAtom",
3011: "OEPlaceholderAtom",
3020: "GrColor",
3024: "GPointAtom",
3025: "GrectAtom",
3031: "GRatioAtom",
3032: "Gscaling",
3034: "GpointAtom",
3035: "OEShapeAtom",
3037: "OEPlaceholderNewPlaceholderId12",
3998: "OutlineTextRefAtom",
3999: "TextHeaderAtom",
4000: "TextCharsAtom",
4001: "StyleTextPropAtom",
4002: "BaseTextPropAtom",
4003: "TxMasterStyleAtom",
4004: "TxCFStyleAtom",
4005: "TxPFStyleAtom",
4006: "TextRulerAtom",
4007: "TextBookmarkAtom",
4008: "TextBytesAtom",
4009: "TxSIStyleAtom",
4010: "TextSpecInfoAtom",
4011: "DefaultRulerAtom",
4023: "FontEntityAtom",
4024: "FontEmbeddedData",
4025: "TypeFace",
4026: "CString",
4027: "ExternalObject",
4033: "MetaFile",
4034: "ExOleObj",
4035: "ExOleObjAtom",
4036: "ExPlainLinkAtom",
4037: "CorePict",
4038: "CorePictAtom",
4039: "ExPlainAtom",
4040: "SrKinsoku",
4041: "HandOut",
4044: "ExEmbed",
4045: "ExEmbedAtom",
4046: "ExLink",
4047: "ExLinkAtom_old",
4048: "BookmarkEntityAtom",
4049: "ExLinkAtom",
4050: "SrKinsokuAtom",
4051: "ExHyperlinkAtom",
4053: "ExPlain",
4054: "ExPlainLink",
4055: "ExHyperlink",
4056: "SlideNumberMCAtom",
4057: "HeadersFooters",
4058: "HeadersFootersAtom",
4062: "RecolorEntryAtom",
4063: "TxInteractiveInfoAtom",
4065: "EmFormatAtom",
4066: "CharFormatAtom",
4067: "ParaFormatAtom",
4068: "MasterText",
4071: "RecolorInfoAtom",
4073: "ExQuickTime",
4074: "ExQuickTimeMovie",
4075: "ExQuickTimeMovieData",
4076: "ExSubscription",
4077: "ExSubscriptionSection",
4078: "ExControl",
4080: "SlideListWithText",
4081: "AnimationInfoAtom",
4082: "InteractiveInfo",
4083: "InteractiveInfoAtom",
4084: "SlideList",
4085: "UserEditAtom",
4086: "CurrentUserAtom",
4087: "DateTimeMCAtom",
4088: "GenericDateMCAtom",
4090: "FooterMCAtom",
4091: "ExControlAtom",
4100: "ExMediaAtom",
4101: "ExVideo",
4102: "ExAviMovie",
4103: "ExMCIMovie",
4109: "ExMIDIAudio",
4110: "ExCDAudio",
4111: "ExWAVAudioEmbedded",
4112: "ExWAVAudioLink",
4113: "ExOleObjStg",
4114: "ExCDAudioAtom",
4115: "ExWAVAudioEmbeddedAtom",
4116: "AnimationInfoAtom",
4117: "RTFDateTimeMCAtom",
5000: "ProgTags", # don't know if container
5001: "ProgStringTag",
5002: "ProgBinaryTag",
5003: "BinaryTagData",
6000: "PrintOptions",
6001: "PersistPtrFullBlock", # don't know if container
6002: "PersistPtrIncrementalBlock", # don't know if container
10000: "RulerIndentAtom",
10001: "GScalingAtom",
10002: "GRColorAtom",
10003: "GLPointAtom",
10004: "GlineAtom",
11019: "AnimationAtom12",
11021: "AnimationHashAtom12",
14100: "SlideSyncInfo12",
14101: "SlideSyncInfoAtom12",
0xf000: "EscherDggContainer", # Drawing Group Container
0xf006: "EscherDgg",
0xf016: "EscherCLSID",
0xf00b: "EscherOPT",
0xf001: "EscherBStoreContainer",
0xf007: "EscherBSE",
0xf018: "EscherBlip_START", # Blip types are between
0xf117: "EscherBlip_END", # these two values
0xf002: "EscherDgContainer", # Drawing Container
0xf008: "EscherDg",
0xf118: "EscherRegroupItems",
0xf120: "EscherColorScheme", # bug in docs
0xf003: "EscherSpgrContainer",
0xf004: "EscherSpContainer",
0xf009: "EscherSpgr",
0xf00a: "EscherSp",
0xf00c: "EscherTextbox",
0xf00d: "EscherClientTextbox",
0xf00e: "EscherAnchor",
0xf00f: "EscherChildAnchor",
0xf010: "EscherClientAnchor",
0xf011: "EscherClientData",
0xf005: "EscherSolverContainer",
0xf012: "EscherConnectorRule", # bug in docs
0xf013: "EscherAlignRule",
0xf014: "EscherArcRule",
0xf015: "EscherClientRule",
0xf017: "EscherCalloutRule",
0xf119: "EscherSelection",
0xf11a: "EscherColorMRU",
0xf11d: "EscherDeletedPspl", # bug in docs
0xf11e: "EscherSplitMenuColors",
0xf11f: "EscherOleObject",
0xf122: "EscherUserDefined"}
class CurrentUserAtom(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield UInt32(self, "size")
yield textHandler(UInt32(self, "magic", "0xe391c05f for normal PPT, 0xf3d1c4df for encrypted PPT"), hexadecimal)
yield UInt32(self, "offsetToCurrentEdit", "Offset in main stream to current edit field")
yield UInt16(self, "lenUserName", "Length of user name")
yield UInt16(self, "docFileVersion", "1012 for PP97+")
yield UInt8(self, "majorVersion", "3 for PP97+")
yield UInt8(self, "minorVersion", "0 for PP97+")
yield UInt16(self, "unknown")
yield String(self, "userName", self["lenUserName"].value, "ANSI version of the username")
yield UInt32(self, "relVersion", "Release version: 8 for regular PPT file, 9 for multiple-master PPT file")
class PowerPointObject(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield Bits(self, "version", 4)
yield Bits(self, "instance", 12)
yield Enum(UInt16(self, "type"), PowerPointDocument.OBJ_TYPES)
yield UInt32(self, "length")
self._size = self["length"].value * 8 + 64
obj_type = self["type"].display
obj_len = self["length"].value
# type 1064 (RoundTripCustomTableStyles12) may appear to be a
# container, but it is not.
if self["version"].value == 0xF and self["type"].value != 1064:
while (self.current_size) // 8 < obj_len + 8:
yield PowerPointDocument.PowerPointObject(self, "object[]")
elif obj_len:
if obj_type == "FontEntityAtom":
yield String(self, "data", obj_len, charset="UTF-16-LE", truncate="\0", strip="\0")
elif obj_type == "TextCharsAtom":
yield String(self, "data", obj_len, charset="UTF-16-LE")
elif obj_type == "TextBytesAtom":
yield String(self, "data", obj_len, charset="ASCII")
elif hasattr(PowerPointDocument, obj_type):
field = getattr(PowerPointDocument, obj_type)(self, "data")
field._size = obj_len * 8
yield field
yield RawBytes(self, "data", obj_len)
def createDescription(self):
if self["version"].value == 0xF:
return "PowerPoint Object Container; instance %s, type %s" % (self["instance"].value, self["type"].display)
return "PowerPoint Object; version %s, instance %s, type %s" % (self["version"].value, self["instance"].value, self["type"].display)
OS_CHECK = False
def createFields(self):
pos = 0
while pos // 8 < self.datasize:
newobj = PowerPointDocument.PowerPointObject(self, "object[]")
yield newobj
pos += newobj.size
class CurrentUser(OLE2FragmentParser):
def createFields(self):
yield PowerPointDocument.PowerPointObject(self, "current_user")
if self.current_size < self.size:
yield String(self, "unicode_name", self["current_user/data/lenUserName"].value * 2, charset="UTF-16-LE")
class ExcelWorkbook(OLE2FragmentParser):
0x200: "DIMENSIONS_v2",
0x001: "BLANK_v0",
0x201: "BLANK_v2",
0x002: "INTEGER",
0x003: "NUMBER_v0",
0x203: "NUMBER_v2",
0x004: "LABEL_v0",
0x204: "LABEL_v2",
0x005: "BOOLERR_v0",
0x205: "BOOLERR_v2",
0x006: "FORMULA_v0",
0x206: "FORMULA_v2",
0x406: "FORMULA_v4",
0x007: "STRING_v0",
0x207: "STRING_v2",
0x008: "ROW_v0",
0x208: "ROW_v2",
0x009: "BOF_v0",
0x209: "BOF_v2",
0x409: "BOF_v4",
0x809: "BOF_v8",
0x00a: "EOF",
0x00b: "INDEX_v0",
0x20b: "INDEX_v2",
0x00c: "CALCCOUNT",
0x00d: "CALCMODE",
0x00e: "PRECISION",
0x00f: "REFMODE",
0x010: "DELTA",
0x011: "ITERATION",
0x012: "PROTECT",
0x013: "PASSWORD",
0x014: "HEADER",
0x015: "FOOTER",
0x018: "NAME_v0",
0x218: "NAME_v2",
0x01c: "NOTE",
0x01d: "SELECTION",
0x01e: "FORMAT_v0",
0x41e: "FORMAT_v4",
0x01f: "FORMATCOUNT", # Undocumented
0x020: "COLUMNDEFAULT", # Undocumented
0x021: "ARRAY_v0",
0x221: "ARRAY_v2",
0x022: "1904",
0x023: "EXTERNNAME_v0",
0x223: "EXTERNNAME_v2",
0x024: "COLWIDTH", # Undocumented
0x026: "LEFT_MARGIN",
0x027: "RIGHT_MARGIN",
0x028: "TOP_MARGIN",
0x02f: "FILEPASS",
0x031: "FONT_v0",
0x231: "FONT_v2",
0x032: "FONTCOUNT", # Undocumented
0x033: "PRINTSIZE", # Undocumented
0x036: "TABLE_v0",
0x236: "TABLE_v2",
0x037: "TABLE2", # OOo has docs
0x038: "WNDESK", # Undocumented
0x039: "ZOOM", # Undocumented
0x03a: "BEGINPREF", # Undocumented
0x03b: "ENDPREF", # Undocumented
0x03c: "CONTINUE",
0x03d: "WINDOW1",
0x03e: "WINDOW2_v0",
0x23e: "WINDOW2_v2",
0x03f: "PANE_V2", # Undocumented
0x040: "BACKUP",
0x041: "PANE",
0x042: "CODEPAGE",
0x043: "XF_OLD_v0",
0x243: "XF_OLD_v2",
0x443: "XF_OLD_v4",
0x044: "XF_INDEX",
0x045: "FONT_COLOR",
0x04d: "PLS",
0x050: "DCON",
0x051: "DCONREF",
0x052: "DCONNAME",
0x059: "XCT",
0x05a: "CRN",
0x05d: "OBJ",
0x05e: "UNCALCED",
0x05f: "SAVERECALC",
0x060: "TEMPLATE",
0x061: "INTL", # Undocumented
0x862: "TAB_COLOR", # Undocumented, OO calls it SHEETLAYOUT
0x063: "OBJPROTECT",
0x07d: "COLINFO",
0x27e: "RK", # Odd that there is no 0x7e
0x07f: "IMDATA",
0x080: "GUTS",
0x081: "WSBOOL",
0x082: "GRIDSET",
0x083: "HCENTER",
0x084: "VCENTER",
0x085: "BOUNDSHEET",
0x086: "WRITEPROT",
0x087: "ADDIN",
0x088: "EDG",
0x089: "PUB",
0x08c: "COUNTRY",
0x08d: "HIDEOBJ",
0x08e: "BUNDLESOFFSET", # Undocumented
0x08f: "BUNDLEHEADER", # Undocumented
0x090: "SORT",
0x091: "SUB",
0x092: "PALETTE",
0x293: "STYLE", # Odd that there is no 0x93
0x094: "LHRECORD",
0x095: "LHNGRAPH",
0x096: "SOUND",
0x097: "SYNC", # Undocumented
0x098: "LPR",
0x09b: "FILTERMODE",
0x09e: "AUTOFILTER",
0x0a0: "SCL",
0x0a1: "SETUP",
0x0a4: "TOOLBARVER", # Undocumented
0x0a9: "COORDLIST",
0x0ab: "GCW",
0x0ae: "SCENMAN",
0x0af: "SCENARIO",
0x0b0: "SXVIEW",
0x0b1: "SXVD",
0x0b2: "SXVI",
0x0b3: "SXSI", # Undocumented
0x0b4: "SXIVD",
0x0b5: "SXLI",
0x0b6: "SXPI",
0x0b7: "FACENUM", # Undocumented
0x0b8: "DOCROUTE",
0x0b9: "RECIPNAME",
0x0ba: "SSLIST", # Undocumented
0x0bb: "MASKIMDATA", # Undocumented
0x4bc: "SHRFMLA",
0x0bd: "MULRK",
0x0be: "MULBLANK",
0x0bf: "TOOLBARHDR", # Undocumented
0x0c0: "TOOLBAREND", # Undocumented
0x0c1: "MMS",
0x0c2: "ADDMENU",
0x0c3: "DELMENU",
0x0c4: "TIPHISTORY", # Undocumented
0x0c5: "SXDI",
0x0c6: "SXDB",
0x0c7: "SXFDB", # guessed
0x0c8: "SXDDB", # guessed
0x0c9: "SXNUM", # guessed
0x0ca: "SXBOOL", # guessed
0x0cb: "SXERR", # guessed
0x0cc: "SXINT", # guessed
0x0cd: "SXSTRING",
0x0ce: "SXDTR", # guessed
0x0cf: "SXNIL", # guessed
0x0d0: "SXTBL",
0x0d1: "SXTBRGIITM",
0x0d2: "SXTBPG",
0x0d3: "OBPROJ",
0x0d5: "SXIDSTM",
0x0d6: "RSTRING",
0x0d7: "DBCELL",
0x0d8: "SXNUMGROUP", # from OO : numerical grouping in pivot cache field
0x0da: "BOOKBOOL",
# 0x0dc: "PARAMQRY", # DUPLICATE dc
0x0dc: "SXEXT", # DUPLICATE dc
0x0de: "OLESIZE",
0x0df: "UDDESC",
0x0e0: "XF",
0x0e3: "SXVS",
0x0e5: "MERGECELLS", # guessed
0x0e9: "BG_PIC", # Undocumented
0x0ea: "TABIDCONF",
0x0ec: "MS_O_DRAWING",
0x0ef: "PHONETIC", # semi-Undocumented
0x0f0: "SXRULE",
0x0f1: "SXEX",
0x0f2: "SXFILT",
0x0f6: "SXNAME",
0x0f7: "SXSELECT",
0x0f8: "SXPAIR",
0x0f9: "SXFMLA",
0x0fb: "SXFORMAT",
0x0fc: "SST",
0x0fd: "LABELSST",
0x0ff: "EXTSST",
0x100: "SXVDEX",
0x103: "SXFORMULA",
0x122: "SXDBEX",
0x137: "CHTRINSERT",
0x138: "CHTRINFO",
0x13d: "TABID",
0x160: "USESELFS",
0x161: "DSF",
0x162: "XL5MODIFY",
0x196: "CHTRHEADER",
0x1a5: "FILESHARING2",
0x1a9: "USERDBVIEW",
0x1ad: "QSI",
0x1ae: "SUPBOOK",
0x1af: "PROT4REV",
0x1b0: "CONDFMT",
0x1b1: "CF",
0x1b2: "DVAL",
0x1b5: "DCONBIN",
0x1b6: "TXO",
0x1b7: "REFRESHALL",
0x1b8: "HLINK",
0x1ba: "CODENAME", # TYPO in MS Docs
0x1bb: "SXFDBTYPE",
0x1bc: "PROT4REVPASS",
0x1be: "DV",
0x1c0: "XL9FILE",
0x1c1: "RECALCID",
0x800: "LINK_TIP", # follows an hlink
0x802: "UNKNOWN_802", # OO exports it but has not name or docs
0x803: "WQSETT", # OO named it and can export it, but does not include it in the docs
0x804: "WQTABLES", # OO named it and can export it, but does not include it in the docs
# No name or docs, seems related to web query see #153260 for
# sample
0x805: "UNKNOWN_805",
0x810: "PIVOT_AUTOFORMAT", # Seems to contain pivot table autoformat indicies, plus ??
0x864: "UNKNOWN_864", # seems related to pivot tables
0x867: "SHEETPROTECTION", # OO named it, and has docs
0x868: "RANGEPROTECTION", # OO named it, no docs yet
0x1001: "CHART_units",
0x1002: "CHART_chart",
0x1003: "CHART_series",
0x1006: "CHART_dataformat",
0x1007: "CHART_lineformat",
0x1009: "CHART_markerformat",
0x100a: "CHART_areaformat",
0x100b: "CHART_pieformat",
0x100c: "CHART_attachedlabel",
0x100d: "CHART_seriestext",
0x1014: "CHART_chartformat",
0x1015: "CHART_legend",
0x1016: "CHART_serieslist",
0x1017: "CHART_bar",
0x1018: "CHART_line",
0x1019: "CHART_pie",
0x101a: "CHART_area",
0x101b: "CHART_scatter",
0x101c: "CHART_chartline",
0x101d: "CHART_axis",
0x101e: "CHART_tick",
0x101f: "CHART_valuerange",
0x1020: "CHART_catserrange",
0x1021: "CHART_axislineformat",
0x1022: "CHART_chartformatlink",
0x1024: "CHART_defaulttext",
0x1025: "CHART_text",
0x1026: "CHART_fontx",
0x1027: "CHART_objectlink",
0x1032: "CHART_frame",
0x1033: "CHART_begin",
0x1034: "CHART_end",
0x1035: "CHART_plotarea",
0x103a: "CHART_3d",
0x103c: "CHART_picf",
0x103d: "CHART_dropbar",
0x103e: "CHART_radar",
0x103f: "CHART_surf",
0x1040: "CHART_radararea",
0x1041: "CHART_axisparent",
0x1043: "CHART_legendxn",
0x1044: "CHART_shtprops",
0x1045: "CHART_sertocrt",
0x1046: "CHART_axesused",
0x1048: "CHART_sbaseref",
0x104a: "CHART_serparent",
0x104b: "CHART_serauxtrend",
0x104e: "CHART_ifmt",
0x104f: "CHART_pos",
0x1050: "CHART_alruns",
0x1051: "CHART_ai",
0x105b: "CHART_serauxerrbar",
0x105c: "CHART_clrtclient", # Undocumented
0x105d: "CHART_serfmt",
0x105f: "CHART_3dbarshape", # Undocumented
0x1060: "CHART_fbi",
0x1061: "CHART_boppop",
0x1062: "CHART_axcext",
0x1063: "CHART_dat",
0x1064: "CHART_plotgrowth",
0x1065: "CHART_siindex",
0x1066: "CHART_gelframe",
0x1067: "CHART_boppopcustom", }
class BIFF(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield Enum(UInt16(self, "type"), ExcelWorkbook.BIFF_TYPES)
yield UInt16(self, "length")
if self["length"].value:
yield RawBytes(self, "data", self["length"].value)
def createDescription(self):
return "Excel BIFF; type %s" % self["type"].display
def createFields(self):
pos = 0
while pos // 8 < self.datasize:
newobj = ExcelWorkbook.BIFF(self, "BIFF[]")
yield newobj
pos += newobj.size
class ThumbsCatalog(OLE2FragmentParser):
class ThumbsEntry(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield UInt32(self, "size")
yield UInt32(self, "index")
yield Bits(self, "flags", 8)
yield RawBytes(self, "unknown[]", 5)
yield UInt16(self, "unknown[]")
yield CString(self, "name", charset="UTF-16-LE")
if self.current_size // 8 != self['size'].value:
yield RawBytes(self, "padding", self['size'].value - self.current_size // 8)
def createDescription(self):
return "Thumbnail entry for %s" % self["name"].display
def createFields(self):
yield UInt16(self, "unknown[]")
yield UInt16(self, "unknown[]")
yield UInt32(self, "count")
yield UInt32(self, "unknown[]")
yield UInt32(self, "unknown[]")
for i in range(self['count'].value):
yield ThumbsCatalog.ThumbsEntry(self, "entry[]")
"Root Entry": ("root", RootEntry),
"\5DocumentSummaryInformation": ("doc_summary", DocSummary),
"\5SummaryInformation": ("summary", Summary),
"\1CompObj": ("compobj", CompObj),
"Pictures": ("pictures", Pictures),
"PowerPoint Document": ("powerpointdoc", PowerPointDocument),
"Current User": ("current_user", CurrentUser),
"Workbook": ("workbook", ExcelWorkbook),
"Catalog": ("catalog", ThumbsCatalog),
"WordDocument": ("word_doc", WordDocumentParser),
"0Table": ("table0", WordTableParser),
"1Table": ("table1", WordTableParser),