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Apple/NeXT Binary Property List (BPLIST) parser.
Also includes a .createXML() function which produces an XML representation of the object.
Note that it will discard unknown objects, nulls and fill values, but should work for most files.
- CFBinaryPList.c
- ForFoundationOnly.h (for structure formats)
- XML <-> BPList converter
Author: Robert Xiao
Created: 2008-09-21
from lib.hachoir_parser import HachoirParser
from lib.hachoir_core.field import (RootSeekableFieldSet, FieldSet, Enum,
Bits, GenericInteger, Float32, Float64, UInt8, UInt64, Bytes, NullBytes, RawBytes, String)
from lib.hachoir_core.endian import BIG_ENDIAN
from lib.hachoir_core.text_handler import displayHandler
from lib.hachoir_core.tools import humanDatetime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
class BPListTrailer(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield NullBytes(self, "unused", 6)
yield UInt8(self, "offsetIntSize", "Size (in bytes) of offsets in the offset table")
yield UInt8(self, "objectRefSize", "Size (in bytes) of object numbers in object references")
yield UInt64(self, "numObjects", "Number of objects in this file")
yield UInt64(self, "topObject", "Top-level object reference")
yield UInt64(self, "offsetTableOffset", "File offset to the offset table")
def createDescription(self):
return "Binary PList trailer"
class BPListOffsetTable(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
size = self["../trailer/offsetIntSize"].value*8
for i in range(self["../trailer/numObjects"].value):
yield Bits(self, "offset[]", size)
class BPListSize(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield Bits(self, "size", 4)
if self['size'].value == 0xF:
yield BPListObject(self, "fullsize")
def createValue(self):
if 'fullsize' in self:
return self['fullsize'].value
return self['size'].value
class BPListObjectRef(GenericInteger):
def __init__(self, parent, name, description=None):
size = parent['/trailer/objectRefSize'].value*8
GenericInteger.__init__(self, parent, name, False, size, description)
def getRef(self):
return self.parent['/object[' + str(self.value) + ']']
def createDisplay(self):
return self.getRef().display
def createXML(self, prefix=''):
return self.getRef().createXML(prefix)
class BPListArray(FieldSet):
def __init__(self, parent, name, size, description=None):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, description=description)
self.numels = size
def createFields(self):
for i in range(self.numels):
yield BPListObjectRef(self, "ref[]")
def createValue(self):
return self.array('ref')
def createDisplay(self):
return '[' + ', '.join([x.display for x in self.value]) + ']'
def createXML(self,prefix=''):
return prefix + '<array>\n' + ''.join([x.createXML(prefix + '\t' ) + '\n' for x in self.value]) + prefix + '</array>'
class BPListDict(FieldSet):
def __init__(self, parent, name, size, description=None):
FieldSet.__init__(self, parent, name, description=description)
self.numels = size
def createFields(self):
for i in range(self.numels):
yield BPListObjectRef(self, "keyref[]")
for i in range(self.numels):
yield BPListObjectRef(self, "valref[]")
def createValue(self):
return zip(self.array('keyref'),self.array('valref'))
def createDisplay(self):
return '{' + ', '.join(['%s: %s'%(k.display,v.display) for k,v in self.value]) + '}'
def createXML(self, prefix=''):
return prefix + '<dict>\n' + ''.join(['%s\t<key>%s</key>\n%s\n'%(prefix,k.getRef().value.encode('utf-8'),v.createXML(prefix + '\t')) for k,v in self.value]) + prefix + '</dict>'
class BPListObject(FieldSet):
def createFields(self):
yield Enum(Bits(self, "marker_type", 4),
{0: "Simple",
1: "Int",
2: "Real",
3: "Date",
4: "Data",
5: "ASCII String",
6: "UTF-16-BE String",
8: "UID",
10: "Array",
13: "Dict",})
markertype = self['marker_type'].value
if markertype == 0:
# Simple (Null)
yield Enum(Bits(self, "value", 4),
{0: "Null",
8: "False",
9: "True",
15: "Fill Byte",})
if self['value'].display == "False":
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<false/>"
elif self['value'].display == "True":
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<true/>"
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + ""
elif markertype == 1:
# Int
yield Bits(self, "size", 4, "log2 of number of bytes")
# 8-bit (size=0), 16-bit (size=1) and 32-bit (size=2) numbers are unsigned
# 64-bit (size=3) numbers are signed
yield GenericInteger(self, "value", (size>=3), (2**size)*8)
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<integer>%s</integer>"%self['value'].value
elif markertype == 2:
# Real
yield Bits(self, "size", 4, "log2 of number of bytes")
if self['size'].value == 2: # 2**2 = 4 byte float
yield Float32(self, "value")
elif self['size'].value == 3: # 2**3 = 8 byte float
yield Float64(self, "value")
# FIXME: What is the format of the real?
yield Bits(self, "value", (2**self['size'].value)*8)
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<real>%s</real>"%self['value'].value
elif markertype == 3:
# Date
yield Bits(self, "extra", 4, "Extra value, should be 3")
cvt_time=lambda v:datetime(2001,1,1) + timedelta(seconds=v)
yield displayHandler(Float64(self, "value"),lambda x:humanDatetime(cvt_time(x)))
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<date>%s</date>"%(cvt_time(self['value'].value).isoformat())
elif markertype == 4:
# Data
yield BPListSize(self, "size")
if self['size'].value:
yield Bytes(self, "value", self['size'].value)
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<data>\n%s\n%s</data>"%(self['value'].value.encode('base64').strip(),prefix)
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + '<data></data>'
elif markertype == 5:
# ASCII String
yield BPListSize(self, "size")
if self['size'].value:
yield String(self, "value", self['size'].value, charset="ASCII")
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<string>%s</string>"%(self['value'].value.encode('iso-8859-1'))
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + '<string></string>'
elif markertype == 6:
# UTF-16-BE String
yield BPListSize(self, "size")
if self['size'].value:
yield String(self, "value", self['size'].value*2, charset="UTF-16-BE")
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "<string>%s</string>"%(self['value'].value.encode('utf-8'))
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + '<string></string>'
elif markertype == 8:
yield Bits(self, "size", 4, "Number of bytes minus 1")
yield GenericInteger(self, "value", False, (self['size'].value + 1)*8)
self.xml=lambda prefix:prefix + "" # no equivalent?
elif markertype == 10:
# Array
yield BPListSize(self, "size")
size = self['size'].value
if size:
yield BPListArray(self, "value", size)
self.xml=lambda prefix:self['value'].createXML(prefix)
elif markertype == 13:
# Dict
yield BPListSize(self, "size")
yield BPListDict(self, "value", self['size'].value)
self.xml=lambda prefix:self['value'].createXML(prefix)
yield Bits(self, "value", 4)
self.xml=lambda prefix:''
def createValue(self):
if 'value' in self:
return self['value'].value
elif self['marker_type'].value in [4,5,6]:
return u''
return None
def createDisplay(self):
if 'value' in self:
return unicode(self['value'].display)
elif self['marker_type'].value in [4,5,6]:
return u''
return None
def createXML(self, prefix=''):
if 'value' in self:
return self.xml(prefix)
except AttributeError:
return ''
return ''
def getFieldType(self):
return '%s<%s>'%(FieldSet.getFieldType(self), self['marker_type'].display)
class BPList(HachoirParser, RootSeekableFieldSet):
endian = BIG_ENDIAN
MAGIC = "bplist00"
"id": "bplist",
"category": "misc",
"file_ext": ("plist",),
"magic": ((MAGIC, 0),),
"min_size": 8 + 32, # bplist00 + 32-byte trailer
"description": "Apple/NeXT Binary Property List",
def __init__(self, stream, **args):
RootSeekableFieldSet.__init__(self, None, "root", stream, None, stream.askSize(self))
HachoirParser.__init__(self, stream, **args)
def validate(self):
if self.stream.readBytes(0, len(self.MAGIC)) != self.MAGIC:
return "Invalid magic"
return True
def createFields(self):
yield Bytes(self, "magic", 8, "File magic (bplist00)")
if self.size:
self.seekByte(self.size//8-32, True)
while True:
yield BPListTrailer(self, "trailer")
yield BPListOffsetTable(self, "offset_table")
for i in self.array("offset_table/offset"):
if self.current_size > i.value*8:
elif self.current_size < i.value*8:
# try to detect files with gaps or unparsed content
yield RawBytes(self, "padding[]", i.value-self.current_size//8)
yield BPListObject(self, "object[]")
def createXML(self, prefix=''):
return '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
''' + self['/object[' + str(self['/trailer/topObject'].value) + ']'].createXML(prefix) + '''