
439 lines
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#import sickgear
#import datetime
Add menu Shows/"TMDB Cards". Add top rated, popular, trending today, trending this week, to TMDB cards. Change Shows/Add show... Trakt and IMDb card descriptions to be dynamic. Add network data to trakt cards. Add fallback for show cast when no suitable items are found in tvdb_api. Change refactor for trakt lib update. Change sanitise api response dates for cards (an invalid trakt date caused a UI glitch). Fix issue where trakt can return no tvdb id causing a card to not display. Change view-show TVDb genre links to use anon link setting. Change remove displayShow.tmpl code for '|' sep as it is a fixed list string at data source. Change add TVINFO_FANSITE placeholder icon. Change refactor api sg.`CMD_SickGearShowsBrowseTrakt`. --- Refactor date handling to make it's usage consistent from indexerapi Split when_past out to to started_past and return_past for UI. Fix trakt returning dates. Change bring properly into use, the proper new season returning date. Change remove PY2 unused import statements. --- Fix issue with Trakt cards where an incorrect cache image obscures the default card placeholder image. Simplify airtime for cards. Remove nonsense TMDB api overview text. Rearrange cards order on top menu. --- Remove unused vars and simplify regex use cases. Fix tv cards issue with Trakt and Tvmaze where show_info does not carry a first episode_info. Instantiate with TVInfoEpisode() instead of None, so that expected properties exist without a need for Nonetype tests. Change simplify `overview` and `airtime` use after lib output type is made trustable. Change cards view to not allow items with no seriesname.
2023-03-09 02:13:52 +00:00
#import re
#import urllib
#from sickgear.common import Quality, SNATCHED_ANY, DOWNLOADED, ARCHIVED, FAILED
#from sickgear.helpers import anon_url
#from sickgear.show_name_helpers import abbr_showname
<% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %>#slurp#
<% def sg_str(varname, default=''): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %>#slurp#
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## Required Core Stylesheet
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#if $getVar('inc_top_glide', None)
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#end if
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var sbRoot = '$sbRoot', anonURL = '$sg_str('ANON_REDIRECT')', themeSpinner = '#echo ('', '-dark')['dark' == $sg_str('THEME_NAME', 'dark')]#',
top_image_html = '<img src="$sbRoot/images/top.gif" width="31" height="11" alt="Jump to top" />', topmenu = '$topmenu';
\$.SickGear = {Root: '${sbRoot}', PID: '${sbPID}', anonURL: '$sg_str('ANON_REDIRECT')'};
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#set $tab = 4
#set global $body_attr = ''
#set global $body_attr += ' id="%s"' % $page_body_attr
#end try
#if not any(x in $body_attr for x in ['back-art', 'pro', 'ii'])
#set $parts = $body_attr.split('class="')
#set $body_attr = ('class="%s '.join($parts), $parts[0] + ' class="%s"')[1 == len($parts)] % {0: '', 1: 'pro', 2: 'pro ii'}.get(getattr($sickgear, 'DISPLAY_SHOW_VIEWMODE', 0))
#end if
#set $classes = ' '.join(([], ['shows-not-found'])[any([$getVar('log_num_not_found_shows_all', 0)])] \
+ ([], [($getVar('log_num_not_found_shows', 0) * 'n')[0:4]])[any([$getVar('log_num_not_found_shows', 0)])])
#if any($classes)
#set $body_attr = $body_attr.rstrip('"') + (' class="%s"', ' %s"')['class=' in $body_attr] % $classes
#end if
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#set date = $
#set logo = ('', '-xmas')[(12 <= $date.tm_mon) or (3 > $date.tm_yday) or (3 == $date.tm_yday and 5 > $date.tm_hour)]
<a href="$sbRoot/home/" class="navbar-brand" tabindex="-1" title="SickGear"><img alt="SickGear" src="$sbRoot/images/sickgear${logo}.png" style="height: 50px;" class="img-responsive pull-left" /></a>
#set $hover_dropdown='data-hover="dropdown" data-hover-delay="400" data-delay="500"'
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
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<li id="NAVhome" class="dropdown">
<a href="$sbRoot/home/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">Shows <b class="caret"></b></a>
#set $showlist_home, $episode_home, $history_home = 3 * ['(<i class="sgicon-home tight"></i>)']
#if 'shows' == $sickgear.DEFAULT_HOME
#set $episode_home, $history_home = 2 * ['']
#elif 'episodes' == $sickgear.DEFAULT_HOME
#set $showlist_home, $history_home = 2 * ['']
#set $showlist_home, $episode_home = 2 * ['']
#end if
<ul class="dropdown-menu" style="min-width:204px">
<li><a href="$sbRoot/view-shows/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-list" style="font-size:12px"></i>Show List $showlist_home</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/daily-schedule/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-cal"></i>Daily Schedule $episode_home</a></li>
#set $layout = $sg_var('HISTORY_LAYOUT', 'compact') or 'compact'
#if $layout in ('compact', 'detailed')
#set $default_layout = 'downloaded'
#elif 'watched' in $layout
#set $default_layout = 'watched'
#set $default_layout = 'failures'
#end if
<a href="$sbRoot/history/" class="history" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-mediafile"></i>History $history_home (<i class="sgicon-$default_layout"></i>)</a>
## switch tab order around using pop() due to float right
#set $tab_list = [$tab, $tab + 1]
#set $tab += 2
#if 'failures' != $default_layout
<a href="$sbRoot/history/?layout=connect_failures" class="history-sub" title="Stats" tabindex="$tab_list.pop()"><i class="sgicon-failures"></i></a>
#end if
#if 'watched' != $default_layout
<a href="$sbRoot/history/?layout=compact_watched" class="history-sub" title="Watched" tabindex="$tab_list.pop()"><i class="sgicon-watched"></i></a>
#end if
#if 'downloaded' != $default_layout
<a href="$sbRoot/history/?layout=compact" class="history-sub" title="Activity" tabindex="$tab_list.pop()"><i class="sgicon-downloaded"></i></a>
#end if
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="menu-item-noicon"><span class="add-tab1 opacity60">Add show...</span><span class="add-tab2 opacity60 default-off">Added last...</span><span class="add-tab3 opacity60 default-off">History new...</span><a id="add-view" data-view="add-tab1" href="#" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">[<span class="add-tab1">1</span><span class="add-tab2 default-off">2</span><span class="add-tab3 default-off">3</span><span class="paginate">/3</span>]</a></li>
<li><ul class="nav add-tab1">
<li><a id="add-show-name" data-href="$sbRoot/add-shows/find/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i>
<input class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" type="text" placeholder="Search" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">find show at TV info source</div></a></li>
Fix py2 deprecation cleanups added exclusively by TvdbV4 code. Refactor `timestamp_near` to `SGDatetime.timestamp_near` --- Simplify enforce_type + clean_data to clean_str. Change simplified all but one enforce_type use case. --- Add tvdb, trakt slug tvinfo search test cases Change direct tvdb slug search support via new api endpoint Fix origin_countries in tvdb_api_v4. --- Add new TV_Maze id to show obj ids in tvdb_api_v4. Fix a bug parsing social ids for tvshows in tvdb_api_v4. Change add language support to search API and tvdb_api_v4. Change add `updated_at` to artwork on tvdb_api_v4. Change add `finale` type to episodes. Change add method `get_top_rated` to tvdb_api_v4. optional params... - year=... argument to get only top rated of given year, if not it's all time Change returns result for shows until same day last year. Add youtube, reddit, fansite, tiktok, linkedin, wikidata to Add tiktok to indexer_config. Add fansite to tvdb_api_v4. Aadd fansite to TVInfoSocialIDs. Add source type parsing and add linkein to tvdb_api_v4. Add linkedin. Add tiktok parser to tvdb_api_v4. Change v4 to TVInfoIDs, TVInfoSocialIDs. Change add new id data. Add contentrating. Change fill in new fields to get_person results. ---- Change implement discover endpoint in tvdb_api_v4. Change filter '0000' year for firstaired field in tvdb_api_v4. Change use the default_season_type from api for website fallback. Change remove unneeded _auth_time. Add backup fetch for episode data. Change add multiple space remove to clean_data. Change move _get_tvdb_id to central function. Change fix minor warnings, code tidy + DRY. Change remove the show-edit option `Use DVD titles and numbers` until ready with multi TVInfo source. Add try_date and use to attempt conversion of unspecified date format types birthdate, deathdate, aired. Change tweaks, remove one warn, order imports. Change tidy up of other warnings, mismatched types, typos, a strange arg issue with deepcopy, and PEP8. Bug fix, bad key in get_item for TVInfoSocialIDs. Fix ambiguities of `show` used in sg versus external uses. Fix add data sanitisation of image field. Change make set_episode code more readable. Change fix final two warnings in api v4. Fix an API can return falsy as firstaired which crashes adding a show via load_from_tv_info() (The Andrew Marr Show@tvdbv4). Add cast, crew type mappings Only take Main Actors, Hosts, Interviewers, Presenters Change increase viewagble history menu items from 13 to 15.
2021-09-05 19:10:58 +00:00
#set $tvdb_modes = dict(tvdb_upcoming='upcoming', tvdb_toprated='top rated')
#set $tvdb_mode = $tvdb_modes.get($sg_var('TVDB_MRU'), 'upcoming')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/tvdb-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i>TVDb Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$tvdb_mode...</div></a></li>
Add menu Shows/"TMDB Cards". Add top rated, popular, trending today, trending this week, to TMDB cards. Change Shows/Add show... Trakt and IMDb card descriptions to be dynamic. Add network data to trakt cards. Add fallback for show cast when no suitable items are found in tvdb_api. Change refactor for trakt lib update. Change sanitise api response dates for cards (an invalid trakt date caused a UI glitch). Fix issue where trakt can return no tvdb id causing a card to not display. Change view-show TVDb genre links to use anon link setting. Change remove displayShow.tmpl code for '|' sep as it is a fixed list string at data source. Change add TVINFO_FANSITE placeholder icon. Change refactor api sg.`CMD_SickGearShowsBrowseTrakt`. --- Refactor date handling to make it's usage consistent from indexerapi Split when_past out to to started_past and return_past for UI. Fix trakt returning dates. Change bring properly into use, the proper new season returning date. Change remove PY2 unused import statements. --- Fix issue with Trakt cards where an incorrect cache image obscures the default card placeholder image. Simplify airtime for cards. Remove nonsense TMDB api overview text. Rearrange cards order on top menu. --- Remove unused vars and simplify regex use cases. Fix tv cards issue with Trakt and Tvmaze where show_info does not carry a first episode_info. Instantiate with TVInfoEpisode() instead of None, so that expected properties exist without a need for Nonetype tests. Change simplify `overview` and `airtime` use after lib output type is made trustable. Change cards view to not allow items with no seriesname.
2023-03-09 02:13:52 +00:00
#set $tvm_modes = dict(tvm_premieres='new shows', tvm_returning='returning')
#set $tvm_mode = $tvm_modes.get($sg_var('TVM_MRU'), 'new shows')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/tvm-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-tvmaze"></i>TVmaze Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$tvm_mode...</div></a></li>
#set $tmdb_modes = dict(tmdb_upcoming='upcoming', tmdb_popular='popular', tmdb_toprated='top rated', tmdb_trending_today='trending today', tmdb_trending_week='trending this week')
#set $tmdb_mode = $tmdb_modes.get($sg_var('TMDB_MRU'), 'upcoming')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/tmdb-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i>TMDB Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$tmdb_mode...</div></a></li>
#set $trakt_modes = dict(trakt_anticipated='anticipated', trakt_returning='returning', trakt_newshows='premieres', trakt_popular='popular', trakt_trending='trending',
trakt_watched='most watched this month', trakt_watched_period_year='most watched this year',
trakt_played='most played this month', trakt_played_period_year='most played this year',
trakt_collected='most collected this month', trakt_collected_period_year='most collected this year',
trakt_recommended='recommended', trakt_watchlist='watchlist')
2023-08-07 13:11:38 +00:00
#set $trakt_mode = $trakt_modes.get(re.sub(r'[\?=]', '_', $sg_var('TRAKT_MRU')), 'trends, tailored suggestions')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/trakt-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-trakt"></i>Trakt Cards
Add menu Shows/"TMDB Cards". Add top rated, popular, trending today, trending this week, to TMDB cards. Change Shows/Add show... Trakt and IMDb card descriptions to be dynamic. Add network data to trakt cards. Add fallback for show cast when no suitable items are found in tvdb_api. Change refactor for trakt lib update. Change sanitise api response dates for cards (an invalid trakt date caused a UI glitch). Fix issue where trakt can return no tvdb id causing a card to not display. Change view-show TVDb genre links to use anon link setting. Change remove displayShow.tmpl code for '|' sep as it is a fixed list string at data source. Change add TVINFO_FANSITE placeholder icon. Change refactor api sg.`CMD_SickGearShowsBrowseTrakt`. --- Refactor date handling to make it's usage consistent from indexerapi Split when_past out to to started_past and return_past for UI. Fix trakt returning dates. Change bring properly into use, the proper new season returning date. Change remove PY2 unused import statements. --- Fix issue with Trakt cards where an incorrect cache image obscures the default card placeholder image. Simplify airtime for cards. Remove nonsense TMDB api overview text. Rearrange cards order on top menu. --- Remove unused vars and simplify regex use cases. Fix tv cards issue with Trakt and Tvmaze where show_info does not carry a first episode_info. Instantiate with TVInfoEpisode() instead of None, so that expected properties exist without a need for Nonetype tests. Change simplify `overview` and `airtime` use after lib output type is made trustable. Change cards view to not allow items with no seriesname.
2023-03-09 02:13:52 +00:00
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$trakt_mode...</div></a></li>
#set $imdb_func = $sg_str('IMDB_MRU').split('-')
#set $imdb_mru, $params = ($imdb_func[0], '') if 2 > len($imdb_func) else $imdb_func
#set $period = ('', ' %s' % $params.replace(',', ' to '))['popular' == $imdb_mru]
#set $imdb_modes = dict(popular='popular', watchlist='watchlist')
#set $imdb_mode = $imdb_modes.get($imdb_mru, 'popular decades, watchlists...')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/imdb-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-imdb"></i>IMDb Cards
Add menu Shows/"TMDB Cards". Add top rated, popular, trending today, trending this week, to TMDB cards. Change Shows/Add show... Trakt and IMDb card descriptions to be dynamic. Add network data to trakt cards. Add fallback for show cast when no suitable items are found in tvdb_api. Change refactor for trakt lib update. Change sanitise api response dates for cards (an invalid trakt date caused a UI glitch). Fix issue where trakt can return no tvdb id causing a card to not display. Change view-show TVDb genre links to use anon link setting. Change remove displayShow.tmpl code for '|' sep as it is a fixed list string at data source. Change add TVINFO_FANSITE placeholder icon. Change refactor api sg.`CMD_SickGearShowsBrowseTrakt`. --- Refactor date handling to make it's usage consistent from indexerapi Split when_past out to to started_past and return_past for UI. Fix trakt returning dates. Change bring properly into use, the proper new season returning date. Change remove PY2 unused import statements. --- Fix issue with Trakt cards where an incorrect cache image obscures the default card placeholder image. Simplify airtime for cards. Remove nonsense TMDB api overview text. Rearrange cards order on top menu. --- Remove unused vars and simplify regex use cases. Fix tv cards issue with Trakt and Tvmaze where show_info does not carry a first episode_info. Instantiate with TVInfoEpisode() instead of None, so that expected properties exist without a need for Nonetype tests. Change simplify `overview` and `airtime` use after lib output type is made trustable. Change cards view to not allow items with no seriesname.
2023-03-09 02:13:52 +00:00
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$imdb_mode$period...</div></a></li>
#set $mc_modes = dict(mc_90days='last 90 days', mc_year='by year', mc_discussed='most discussed', mc_shared='most shared')
#set $mc_mode = $mc_modes.get($sg_var('MC_MRU'), 'new seasons')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/mc-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-metac"></i>Metacritic Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$mc_mode...</div></a></li>
#set $tvc_modes = dict(tvc_newshows='new shows', tvc_returning='returning', tvc_latest='latest')
#set $tvc_mode = $tvc_modes.get($sg_var('TVC_MRU'), 'new shows')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/tvc-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-tvc"></i>TV Calendar Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$tvc_mode...</div></a></li>
2024-03-03 22:29:22 +00:00
#set $ne_modes = dict(ne_newpop='new popular', ne_newtop='new top rated', ne_upcoming='upcoming S01', ne_upcoming2='upcoming s02', ne_trending='trending')
#set $ne_mode = $ne_modes.get($sg_var('NE_MRU'), 'new popular')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/ne-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-ne"></i>Next Episode Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">$ne_mode...</div></a></li>
#if $sg_var('USE_ANIDB')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/anime-default/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><div class="img-anime-16 square-16"></div>Anime Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">browse anime to add</div></a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/anime/" class="opacity60" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><div class="img-anime-16 square-16"></div>Anime Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc">to use, first enable AniDB here</div></a></li>
#end if
<ul class="nav add-tab2 default-off">
#set $added_last = ($sg_var('showList', []) or [])[-$addtab_limit:][::-1]
#if not $added_last:
<li><span style="padding-left:20px">This will list added shows</span></li>
#for item in $added_last
#if $hasattr($item, 'tvid_prodid')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/view-show?tvid_prodid=$item.tvid_prodid" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i><span class="truncate">$abbr_showname(getattr($item, 'unique_name',$</span></a></li>
#end if
#end for
#end if
<ul class="nav add-tab3 default-off">
#set $history_count = 0
#if $history_compact:
#for item in $history_compact
#if 'tvid_prodid' in $item
#set $action = $item['actions'][0]
#set $curStatus, $curQuality = $Quality.split_composite_status(int($action['action']))
#set $status = None
#if $curStatus in $SNATCHED_ANY + [$FAILED]
#set $status = 'snatched'
#elif $curStatus in [$DOWNLOADED, $ARCHIVED]
#set $status = 'good'
#end if
#if None is not $status
#set $history_count += 1
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/view-show?tvid_prodid=$item['tvid_prodid']" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><span class="$status"><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i></span><span class="truncate">$item['show_name']</span></a></li>
#end if
#end if
#end for
#end if
#if not $history_compact or not $history_count:
<li><span style="padding-left:20px">This will list latest history</span></li>
#end if
<li id="NAVmanage" class="dropdown">
<a href="$sbRoot/manage/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">Manage <b class="caret"></b><span class="snf bar"><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/process-media/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-postprocess"></i>Process Media</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-bulk-change"></i>Bulk Change</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/backlog-overview/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-backlog"></i>Backlog Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/search-tasks/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-search"></i>Search Tasks</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/show-tasks/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><span class="snf item"><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i><i class="sgicon-showqueue"></i></span>Show Tasks</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/episode-overview/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-episodestatus"></i>Episode Overview</a></li>
#if hasattr($sickgear, 'USE_EMBY') and $sg_var('USE_EMBY') and $sg_str('EMBY_HOST') != '' and $sg_str('EMBY_APIKEY') != ''
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update-mb/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-emby"></i>Update Emby</a></li>
#end if
#if hasattr($sickgear, 'USE_KODI') and $sg_var('USE_KODI') and $sg_str('KODI_HOST') != ''
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update-kodi/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-kodi"></i>Update Kodi</a></li>
#end if
#if hasattr($sickgear, 'USE_PLEX') and $sg_var('USE_PLEX') and $sg_str('PLEX_SERVER_HOST') != ''
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update-plex/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-plex"></i>Update PLEX</a></li>
#end if
## #if hasattr($sickgear, 'USE_XBMC') and $sg_var('USE_XBMC') and $sg_str('XBMC_HOST') != ''
## <li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update-xbmc/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-xbmc"></i>Update XBMC</a></li>
## #end if
#if hasattr($sickgear, 'USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS') and $sg_var('USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/failed-downloads/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-failed"></i>Failed Downloads</a></li>
#end if
#if hasattr($sickgear, 'USE_SUBTITLES') and $sg_var('USE_SUBTITLES')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/manage/subtitle-missed/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-subtitles"></i>Subtitles Missed</a></li>
#end if
<li id="NAVconfig" class="dropdown">
<a href="$sbRoot/config/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><img src="$sbRoot/images/menu/system18.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">Config <b class="caret"></b></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-info"></i>About</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="menu-item-noicon opacity60">Settings...</li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/general/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-config"></i>General</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/providers/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-book"></i>Media Providers</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/search/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-search"></i>Search</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/subtitles/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-subtitles"></i>Subtitles</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/media-process/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-postprocess"></i>Media Process</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/notifications/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-notification"></i>Notifications</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/config/anime/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-anime"></i>Anime</a></li>
<li id="NAVtools" class="dropdown">
#set num_errors = $getVar('$log_num_errors', None)
#set $err_class = ('', ' errors ' + (len('%s' % $num_errors ) * 'n')[0:4])[any([$num_errors])]
<a href="$sbRoot/manage/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $hover_dropdown tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><img src="$sbRoot/images/menu/system18-2.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">System <b class="caret"></b></span><span class="logger bar$err_class"><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
#if not $sg_var('EXT_UPDATES')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/check-update" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-updatecheck"></i>Check for Updates</a></li>
#end if
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/view-changes" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-changes"></i>View Changes</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
#if $err_class
<li><a href="$sbRoot/errors/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><span class="logger item$err_class"><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i></span></i>View Errors</a></li>
#end if
<li><a href="$sbRoot/events/view-log/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-log"></i>View Log File</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/add-shows/import/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-import"></i>Import
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">existing shows</div></a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
#if $sg_str('WEB_USERNAME') or $sg_str('WEB_PASSWORD')
<li><a href="$sbRoot/logout" class="confirm logout" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-logout"></i>Logout</a></li>
#end if
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/restart/?pid=$sbPID" class="confirm restart" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-restart"></i>Restart</a></li>
<li><a href="$sbRoot/home/shutdown/?pid=$sbPID" class="confirm shutdown" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-shutdown"></i>Shutdown</a></li>
</div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
</div><!-- /.container-fluid -->
#if $varExists('submenu')
<div id="SubMenu">
#set $first = True
#for $menuItem in $submenu
#if 'requires' not in $menuItem or $menuItem.requires()
#if type($menuItem.path) == dict
#if $first then '' else '</span><span>'#<b>$menuItem.title</b>
#set $first = False
#set $inner_first = True
#for $cur_link in $menuItem.path
#if $inner_first then '' else '&middot; '
<a class="inner" href="$sbRoot/$menuItem.path[$cur_link]">$cur_link</a>
#set $inner_first = False
#end for
<a href="$sbRoot/$menuItem.path"#if 'confirm' in $menuItem then ' class="confirm"' else ''# tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#">$menuItem.title</a>
#set $first = False
#end if
#end if
#end for
</div><!-- /SubMenu -->
#end if
#set $py_ver = sys.version_info[:3]
#if $py_ver in [(3, 9, 3), (3, 8, 1), (3, 7, 6)]:
<div class="alert alert-danger topbar-notification upgrade-py" role="alert">
#if (3, 9, 3) == $py_ver:
<p>Your installed Python 3.9.3 has been <a href="<%= anon_url('') %>" onclick=";return !1;">recalled</a> due to breakage with C extensions<br>
Please replace with Python <b>3.9.4</b>: <a href="<%= anon_url('') %>" onclick=";return !1;">download here</a>
#elif (3, 8, 1) == $py_ver:
<p>Your installed Python 3.8.1 has a <a href="<%= anon_url('') %>" onclick=";return !1;">critical issue</a> affecting the parsing of URLs<br>
Please replace with Python <b>3.8.2</b>, <b>3.8.0</b>, or older: <a href="<%= anon_url('') %>" onclick=";return !1;">download here</a>
#else if (3, 7, 6) == $py_ver:
<p>Your installed Python 3.7.6 has a <a href="<%= anon_url('') %>" onclick=";return !1;">critical issue</a> affecting the parsing of URLs<br>
Please replace with Python <b>3.7.7</b>, <b>3.7.5</b>, or older: <a href="<%= anon_url('') %>" onclick=";return !1;">download here</a>
#end if
#end if
#if $tvinfo_switch_running
<div class="alert alert-danger topbar-notification" role="alert">
<span>Switching the TV info source of shows.<br>Expect links and elements to temporarily not work</span>
#end if
<div class="alert alert-success topbar-notification" role="alert">
#end if
<div class="alert alert-success topbar-notification" role="alert">
#end if
<div style="background-color:#a00; margin-top:35px; padding:5px 5px 1px 5px">
<p>Since Jan 2019, installations like this one have displayed a
message on every startup to run `<em><span style="color:#fff"></em></span>` instead of ``.<br>
But some runners (e.g. Linux service files) hide the message.</p>
<p>Nov 2022:
To remove this red box, and to prevent a future startup failure when the outdated `<span style="color:#fff"></span>` is removed,
<br>please change whatever starts SickGear to run `<em><span style="color:#fff"></em></span>`.</p>
#end if
<div style="background-color:#a00; margin-top:35px; padding:5px 5px 1px 5px">
<p>Mar 2020: The `<em><span style="color:#fff">nzbToMedia</em></span>` script began using the <em><span style="color:#fff">secure</em></span> API to process media</p>
<p>Mar 2023: To remove this red box, please follow this <a target="_blank" href=""><span style="color:#fff">guidance</span></a></p>
#end if
#set $items = []
#set void = $items.append($topmenu)
#except (NameError, NotFound)
#end try
#set void = $items.append($layout)
#except (NameError, NotFound)
#end try
#set $page_class = ('', ' class="%s"' % '_'.join($items).lower().replace(' ', '-').replace('_', '-'))[0 < len($items)]
<div id="contentWrapper">
<div id="content"$page_class>