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from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from httplib import HTTPSConnection
from urllib import urlencode
__version__ = "0.1"
API_SERVER = 'nma.usk.bz'
ADD_PATH = '/publicapi/notify'
def uniq_preserve(seq): # Dave Kirby
# Order preserving
seen = set()
return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
def uniq(seq):
# Not order preserving
return {}.fromkeys(seq).keys()
class PyNMA(object):
"""PyNMA(apikey=[], developerkey=None)
takes 2 optional arguments:
- (opt) apykey: might me a string containing 1 key or an array of keys
- (opt) developerkey: where you can store your developer key
def __init__(self, apikey=[], developerkey=None):
self._developerkey = None
if apikey:
if type(apikey) == str:
apikey = [apikey]
self._apikey = uniq(apikey)
def addkey(self, key):
"Add a key (register ?)"
if type(key) == str:
if not key in self._apikey:
elif type(key) == list:
for k in key:
if not k in self._apikey:
def delkey(self, key):
"Removes a key (unregister ?)"
if type(key) == str:
if key in self._apikey:
elif type(key) == list:
for k in key:
if key in self._apikey:
def developerkey(self, developerkey):
"Sets the developer key (and check it has the good length)"
if type(developerkey) == str and len(developerkey) == 48:
self._developerkey = developerkey
def push(self, application="", event="", description="", url="", priority=0, batch_mode=False):
"""Pushes a message on the registered API keys.
takes 5 arguments:
- (req) application: application name [256]
- (req) event: event name [1000]
- (req) description: description [10000]
- (opt) url: url [512]
- (opt) priority: from -2 (lowest) to 2 (highest) (def:0)
- (opt) batch_mode: call API 5 by 5 (def:False)
Warning: using batch_mode will return error only if all API keys are bad
cf: http://nma.usk.bz/api.php
datas = {
'application': application[:256].encode('utf8'),
'event': event[:1024].encode('utf8'),
'description': description[:10000].encode('utf8'),
'priority': priority
if url:
datas['url'] = url[:512]
if self._developerkey:
datas['developerkey'] = self._developerkey
results = {}
if not batch_mode:
for key in self._apikey:
datas['apikey'] = key
res = self.callapi('POST', ADD_PATH, datas)
results[key] = res
for i in range(0, len(self._apikey), 5):
datas['apikey'] = ",".join(self._apikey[i:i+5])
res = self.callapi('POST', ADD_PATH, datas)
results[datas['apikey']] = res
return results
def callapi(self, method, path, args):
headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT }
if method == "POST":
headers['Content-type'] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
http_handler = HTTPSConnection(API_SERVER)
http_handler.request(method, path, urlencode(args), headers)
resp = http_handler.getresponse()
res = self._parse_reponse(resp.read())
except Exception, e:
res = {'type': "pynmaerror",
'code': 600,
'message': str(e)
return res
def _parse_reponse(self, response):
root = parseString(response).firstChild
for elem in root.childNodes:
if elem.nodeType == elem.TEXT_NODE: continue
if elem.tagName == 'success':
res = dict(elem.attributes.items())
res['message'] = ""
res['type'] = elem.tagName
return res
if elem.tagName == 'error':
res = dict(elem.attributes.items())
res['message'] = elem.firstChild.nodeValue
res['type'] = elem.tagName
return res