2023-01-12 01:04:47 +00:00
#import sickgear
#import datetime
#import urllib
#from sickgear . common import Quality , SNATCHED_ANY , DOWNLOADED , ARCHIVED , FAILED
#from sickgear . helpers import anon_url
#from sickgear . show_name_helpers import abbr_showname
<% def sg_var(varname, default=False): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %> #slurp #
<% def sg_str(varname, default=''): return getattr(sickgear, varname, default) %> #slurp #
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var sbRoot = ' $ sbRoot ', anonURL = ' $ sg_str ('ANON_REDIRECT')', themeSpinner = ' #echo ( ' ' , ' -dark ' ) [ ' dark ' == $ sg_str ( ' THEME_NAME ' , ' dark ' ) ] # ',
top_image_html = '<img src=" $ sbRoot /images/top.gif" width="31" height="11" alt="Jump to top" />', topmenu = ' $ topmenu ';
\$.SickGear = {Root: ' ${ sbRoot } ', PID: ' ${ sbPID } ', anonURL: ' $ sg_str ('ANON_REDIRECT')'};
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#set $ tab = 4
#set global $ body_attr = ' '
#set global $ body_attr + = ' id= " %s " ' % $ page_body_attr
#end try
2023-03-06 19:24:50 +00:00
#if not any ( x in $ body_attr for x in [ ' back-art ' , ' pro ' , ' ii ' ] )
2023-01-12 01:04:47 +00:00
#set $ parts = $ body_attr . split ( ' class= " ' )
#set $ body_attr = ( ' class= " %s ' . join ( $ parts ) , $ parts [ 0 ] + ' class= " %s " ' ) [ 1 == len ( $ parts ) ] % { 0 : ' ' , 1 : ' pro ' , 2 : ' pro ii ' } . get ( getattr ( $ sickgear , ' DISPLAY_SHOW_VIEWMODE ' , 0 ) )
#end if
#set $ classes = ' ' . join ( ( [ ] , [ ' shows-not-found ' ] ) [ any ( [ $ getVar ( ' log_num_not_found_shows_all ' , 0 ) ] ) ] \
+ ([], [( $ getVar ('log_num_not_found_shows', 0) * 'n')[0:4]])[any([ $ getVar ('log_num_not_found_shows', 0)])])
#if any ( $ classes )
#set $ body_attr = $ body_attr . rstrip ( ' " ' ) + ( ' class= " %s " ' , ' %s " ' ) [ ' class= ' in $ body_attr ] % $ classes
#end if
<body $ body_attr >
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#set date = $ datetime . datetime . today ( ) . timetuple ( )
#set logo = ( ' ' , ' -xmas ' ) [ ( 12 < = $ date . tm_mon ) or ( 3 > $ date . tm_yday ) or ( 3 == $ date . tm_yday and 5 > $ date . tm_hour ) ]
<a href=" $ sbRoot /home/" class="navbar-brand" tabindex="-1" title="SickGear"><img alt="SickGear" src=" $ sbRoot /images/sickgear ${ logo } .png" style="height: 50px;" class="img-responsive pull-left" /></a>
#set $ hover_dropdown = ' data-hover= " dropdown " data-hover-delay= " 400 " data-delay= " 500 " '
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li id="NAVhome" class="dropdown">
<a href=" $ sbRoot /home/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $ hover_dropdown tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # ">Shows <b class="caret"></b></a>
#set $ showlist_home , $ episode_home , $ history_home = 3 * [ ' (<i class= " sgicon-home tight " ></i>) ' ]
#if ' shows ' == $ sickgear . DEFAULT_HOME
#set $ episode_home , $ history_home = 2 * [ ' ' ]
#elif ' episodes ' == $ sickgear . DEFAULT_HOME
#set $ showlist_home , $ history_home = 2 * [ ' ' ]
#set $ showlist_home , $ episode_home = 2 * [ ' ' ]
#end if
<ul class="dropdown-menu" style="min-width:204px">
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /view-shows/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-list" style="font-size:12px"></i>Show List $ showlist_home </a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /daily-schedule/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-cal"></i>Daily Schedule $ episode_home </a></li>
#set $ layout = $ sg_var ( ' HISTORY_LAYOUT ' , ' compact ' ) or ' compact '
#if $ layout in ( ' compact ' , ' detailed ' )
#set $ default_layout = ' downloaded '
#elif ' watched ' in $ layout
#set $ default_layout = ' watched '
#set $ default_layout = ' failures '
#end if
<a href=" $ sbRoot /history/" class="history" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-mediafile"></i>History $ history_home (<i class="sgicon- $ default_layout "></i>)</a>
## switch tab order around using pop() due to float right
#set $ tab_list = [ $ tab , $ tab + 1 ]
#set $ tab + = 2
#if ' failures ' != $ default_layout
<a href=" $ sbRoot /history/?layout=connect_failures" class="history-sub" title="Stats" tabindex=" $ tab_list . pop ()"><i class="sgicon-failures"></i></a>
#end if
#if ' watched ' != $ default_layout
<a href=" $ sbRoot /history/?layout=compact_watched" class="history-sub" title="Watched" tabindex=" $ tab_list . pop ()"><i class="sgicon-watched"></i></a>
#end if
#if ' downloaded ' != $ default_layout
<a href=" $ sbRoot /history/?layout=compact" class="history-sub" title="Activity" tabindex=" $ tab_list . pop ()"><i class="sgicon-downloaded"></i></a>
#end if
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="menu-item-noicon"><span class="add-tab1 opacity60">Add show...</span><span class="add-tab2 opacity60 default-off">Added last...</span><span class="add-tab3 opacity60 default-off">History new...</span><a id="add-view" data-view="add-tab1" href=" #" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # ">[<span class="add-tab1">1</span><span class="add-tab2 default-off">2</span><span class="add-tab3 default-off">3</span><span class="paginate">/3</span>]</a></li>
<li><ul class="nav add-tab1">
<li><a id="add-show-name" data-href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/find/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i>
<input class="form-control form-control-inline input-sm" type="text" placeholder="Search" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # ">
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">find show at TV info source</div></a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/trakt-default/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-trakt"></i>Trakt Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">trends, tailored suggestions...</div></a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/imdb-default/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-imdb"></i>IMDb Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">popular decades, watchlists...</div></a></li>
#set $ mc_modes = dict ( mc_90days = ' last 90 days ' , mc_year = ' by year ' , mc_discussed = ' most discussed ' , mc_shared = ' most shared ' )
#set $ mc_mode = $ mc_modes . get ( $ sg_var ( ' MC_MRU ' ) , ' new seasons ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/mc-default/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-metac"></i>Metacritic Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60"> $ mc_mode ...</div></a></li>
#set $ tvc_modes = dict ( tvc_newshows = ' new shows ' , tvc_returning = ' returning ' , tvc_latest = ' latest ' )
#set $ tvc_mode = $ tvc_modes . get ( $ sg_var ( ' TVC_MRU ' ) , ' new shows ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/tvc-default/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-tvc"></i>TV Calendar Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60"> $ tvc_mode ...</div></a></li>
#set $ tvm_modes = dict ( tvm_premieres = ' new shows ' , tvm_returning = ' returning ' )
#set $ tvm_mode = $ tvm_modes . get ( $ sg_var ( ' TVM_MRU ' ) , ' new shows ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/tvm-default/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-tvmaze"></i>TVmaze Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60"> $ tvm_mode ...</div></a></li>
#set $ ne_modes = dict ( ne_newpop = ' new popular ' , ne_newtop = ' new top rated ' , ne_upcoming = ' upcoming ' , ne_trending = ' trending ' )
#set $ ne_mode = $ ne_modes . get ( $ sg_var ( ' NE_MRU ' ) , ' new popular ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/ne-default/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-ne"></i>Next Episode Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60"> $ ne_mode ...</div></a></li>
#if $ sg_var ( ' USE_ANIDB ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/anime-default/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><div class="img-anime-16 square-16"></div>Anime Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">browse anime to add</div></a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/anime/" class="opacity60" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><div class="img-anime-16 square-16"></div>Anime Cards
<div class="menu-item-desc">to use, first enable AniDB here</div></a></li>
#end if
<ul class="nav add-tab2 default-off">
#set $ added_last = ( $ sg_var ( ' showList ' , [ ] ) or [ ] ) [ - $ addtab_limit : ] [ : : - 1 ]
#if not $ added_last :
<li><span style="padding-left:20px">This will list added shows</span></li>
#for item in $ added_last
#if $ hasattr ( $ item , ' tvid_prodid ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/view-show?tvid_prodid= $ item . tvid_prodid " tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i><span class="truncate"> $ abbr_showname (getattr( $ item , 'unique_name', $ item . name ))</span></a></li>
#end if
#end for
#end if
<ul class="nav add-tab3 default-off">
#set $ history_count = 0
#if $ history_compact :
#for item in $ history_compact
#if ' tvid_prodid ' in $ item
#set $ action = $ item [ ' actions ' ] [ 0 ]
2023-02-13 21:00:11 +00:00
#set $ curStatus , $ curQuality = $ Quality . split_composite_status ( int ( $ action [ ' action ' ] ) )
2023-01-12 01:04:47 +00:00
#set $ status = None
#if $ curStatus in $ SNATCHED_ANY + [ $ FAILED ]
#set $ status = ' snatched '
#elif $ curStatus in [ $ DOWNLOADED , $ ARCHIVED ]
#set $ status = ' good '
#end if
#if None is not $ status
#set $ history_count + = 1
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/view-show?tvid_prodid= $ item ['tvid_prodid']" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><span class=" $ status "><i class="sgicon-addshow"></i></span><span class="truncate"> $ item ['show_name']</span></a></li>
#end if
#end if
#end for
#end if
#if not $ history_compact or not $ history_count :
<li><span style="padding-left:20px">This will list latest history</span></li>
#end if
<li id="NAVmanage" class="dropdown">
<a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $ hover_dropdown tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # ">Manage <b class="caret"></b><span class="snf bar"><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/process-media/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-postprocess"></i>Process Media</a></li>
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<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-bulk-change"></i>Bulk Change</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/backlog-overview/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-backlog"></i>Backlog Overview</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/search-tasks/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-search"></i>Search Tasks</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/show-tasks/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><span class="snf item"><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i><i class="sgicon-showqueue"></i></span>Show Tasks</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/episode-overview/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-episodestatus"></i>Episode Overview</a></li>
#if hasattr ( $ sickgear , ' USE_EMBY ' ) and $ sg_var ( ' USE_EMBY ' ) and $ sg_str ( ' EMBY_HOST ' ) != ' ' and $ sg_str ( ' EMBY_APIKEY ' ) != ' '
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/update-mb/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-emby"></i>Update Emby</a></li>
#end if
#if hasattr ( $ sickgear , ' USE_KODI ' ) and $ sg_var ( ' USE_KODI ' ) and $ sg_str ( ' KODI_HOST ' ) != ' '
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/update-kodi/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-kodi"></i>Update Kodi</a></li>
#end if
#if hasattr ( $ sickgear , ' USE_PLEX ' ) and $ sg_var ( ' USE_PLEX ' ) and $ sg_str ( ' PLEX_SERVER_HOST ' ) != ' '
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/update-plex/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-plex"></i>Update PLEX</a></li>
#end if
## #if hasattr($sickgear, 'USE_XBMC') and $sg_var('USE_XBMC') and $sg_str('XBMC_HOST') != ''
## <li><a href="$sbRoot/home/update-xbmc/" tabindex="$tab#set $tab += 1#"><i class="sgicon-xbmc"></i>Update XBMC</a></li>
## #end if
#if hasattr ( $ sickgear , ' USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS ' ) and $ sg_var ( ' USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/failed-downloads/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-failed"></i>Failed Downloads</a></li>
#end if
#if hasattr ( $ sickgear , ' USE_SUBTITLES ' ) and $ sg_var ( ' USE_SUBTITLES ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/subtitle-missed/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-subtitles"></i>Subtitles Missed</a></li>
#end if
<li id="NAVconfig" class="dropdown">
<a href=" $ sbRoot /config/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $ hover_dropdown tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><img src=" $ sbRoot /images/menu/system18.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">Config <b class="caret"></b></span></a>
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<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-info"></i>About</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="menu-item-noicon opacity60">Settings...</li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/general/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-config"></i>General</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/providers/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-book"></i>Media Providers</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/search/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-search"></i>Search</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/subtitles/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-subtitles"></i>Subtitles</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/media-process/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-postprocess"></i>Media Process</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/notifications/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-notification"></i>Notifications</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /config/anime/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-anime"></i>Anime</a></li>
<li id="NAVtools" class="dropdown">
#set num_errors = $ getVar ( ' $log_num_errors ' , None )
#set $ err_class = ( ' ' , ' errors ' + ( len ( ' %s ' % $ num_errors ) * ' n ' ) [ 0 : 4 ] ) [ any ( [ $ num_errors ] ) ]
<a href=" $ sbRoot /manage/" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" $ hover_dropdown tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><img src=" $ sbRoot /images/menu/system18-2.png" class="navbaricon hidden-xs" /><b class="caret hidden-xs"></b><span class="visible-xs">System <b class="caret"></b></span><span class="logger bar $ err_class "><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
#if not $ sg_var ( ' EXT_UPDATES ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/check-update" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-updatecheck"></i>Check for Updates</a></li>
#end if
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/view-changes" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-changes"></i>View Changes</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
#if $ err_class
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /errors/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><span class="logger item $ err_class "><i class="sgicon-warning"><em class="pulse"></em></i></span></i>View Errors</a></li>
#end if
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /events/view-log/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-log"></i>View Log File</a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /add-shows/import/" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-import"></i>Import
<div class="menu-item-desc opacity60">existing shows</div></a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
#if $ sg_str ( ' WEB_USERNAME ' ) or $ sg_str ( ' WEB_PASSWORD ' )
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /logout" class="confirm logout" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-logout"></i>Logout</a></li>
#end if
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/restart/?pid= $ sbPID " class="confirm restart" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-restart"></i>Restart</a></li>
<li><a href=" $ sbRoot /home/shutdown/?pid= $ sbPID " class="confirm shutdown" tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "><i class="sgicon-shutdown"></i>Shutdown</a></li>
</div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
</div><!-- /.container-fluid -->
#if $ varExists ( ' submenu ' )
<div id="SubMenu">
#set $ first = True
#for $ menuItem in $ submenu
#if ' requires ' not in $ menuItem or $ menuItem . requires ( )
#if type ( $ menuItem . path ) == dict
#if $ first then ' ' else ' </span><span> ' # <b> $ menuItem . title </b>
#set $ first = False
#set $ inner_first = True
#for $ cur_link in $ menuItem . path
#if $ inner_first then ' ' else ' · '
<a class="inner" href=" $ sbRoot / $ menuItem . path [ $ cur_link ]"> $ cur_link </a>
#set $ inner_first = False
#end for
<a href=" $ sbRoot / $ menuItem . path " #if ' confirm ' in $ menuItem then ' class= " confirm " ' else ' ' # tabindex=" $ tab #set $ tab + = 1 # "> $ menuItem . title </a>
#set $ first = False
#end if
#end if
#end for
</div><!-- /SubMenu -->
#end if
#set $ py_ver = sys . version_info [ : 3 ]
#if $ py_ver in [ ( 3 , 9 , 3 ) , ( 3 , 8 , 1 ) , ( 3 , 7 , 6 ) ] :
<div class="alert alert-danger topbar-notification upgrade-py" role="alert">
#if ( 3 , 9 , 3 ) == $ py_ver :
<p>Your installed Python 3.9.3 has been <a href="<%= anon_url('https://bugs.python.org/issue43710') %>" onclick="window.open(this.href);return !1;">recalled</a> due to breakage with C extensions<br>
Please replace with Python <b>3.9.4</b>: <a href="<%= anon_url('https://www.python.org/downloads/') %>" onclick="window.open(this.href);return !1;">download here</a>
#elif ( 3 , 8 , 1 ) == $ py_ver :
<p>Your installed Python 3.8.1 has a <a href="<%= anon_url('https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/ea316fd21527dec53e704a5b04833ac462ce3863') %>" onclick="window.open(this.href);return !1;">critical issue</a> affecting the parsing of URLs<br>
Please replace with Python <b>3.8.2</b>, <b>3.8.0</b>, or older: <a href="<%= anon_url('https://www.python.org/downloads/') %>" onclick="window.open(this.href);return !1;">download here</a>
#else if ( 3 , 7 , 6 ) == $ py_ver :
<p>Your installed Python 3.7.6 has a <a href="<%= anon_url('https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/505b6015a1579fc50d9697e4a285ecc64976397a') %>" onclick="window.open(this.href);return !1;">critical issue</a> affecting the parsing of URLs<br>
Please replace with Python <b>3.7.7</b>, <b>3.7.5</b>, or older: <a href="<%= anon_url('https://www.python.org/downloads/') %>" onclick="window.open(this.href);return !1;">download here</a>
#end if
#end if
#if $ tvinfo_switch_running
<div class="alert alert-danger topbar-notification" role="alert">
<span>Switching the TV info source of shows.<br>Expect links and elements to temporarily not work</span>
#end if
#if $ sg_str ( ' NEWEST_VERSION_STRING ' )
<div class="alert alert-success topbar-notification" role="alert">
<span> $ sg_str ('NEWEST_VERSION_STRING')</span>
#end if
#if $ sg_str ( ' MODULE_UPDATE_STRING ' )
<div class="alert alert-success topbar-notification" role="alert">
<span> $ sg_str ('MODULE_UPDATE_STRING')</span>
#end if
#if $ sickgear . MEMCACHE . get ( ' DEPRECATE_SB_RUNNER ' )
<div style="background-color: #a 00 ; margin - top : 35 px ; padding : 5 px 5 px 1 px 5 px " >
<p>Since Jan 2019, installations like this one have displayed a
message on every startup to run `<em><span style="color: #fff " >sickgear.py</em></span>` instead of `SickBeard.py`.<br>
But some runners (e.g. Linux service files) hide the message.</p>
<p>Nov 2022:
To remove this red box, and to prevent a future startup failure when the outdated `<span style="color: #fff " >SickBeard.py</span>` is removed,
<br>please change whatever starts SickGear to run `<em><span style="color: #fff " >sickgear.py</em></span>`.</p>
#end if
#set $ items = [ ]
#set void = $ items . append ( $ topmenu )
#except ( NameError , NotFound )
#end try
#set void = $ items . append ( $ layout )
#except ( NameError , NotFound )
#end try
#set $ page_class = ( ' ' , ' class= " %s " ' % ' _ ' . join ( $ items ) . lower ( ) . replace ( ' ' , ' - ' ) . replace ( ' _ ' , ' - ' ) ) [ 0 < len ( $ items ) ]
<div id="contentWrapper">
<div id="content" $ page_class >